THE CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION OF TOE STATES THEY "MUST BE PRESERVED." . ; . i - . .. .- XVI. f XX RALEIGH, NORTH CAROtlNA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1849 ' " Number 786. titi,'V.ft ri-il wiiniii-"ii -...J-, .--T1- 1f f t irn'-Ufi ill Mi imiian - . . . fffE NORTH CAROLINA STANDARD WILLIAM W. HOLDEN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Vorth CiRotiiTA Stahbaut) is published week ifhree Dollars per annum, payable in adrance. In .f l ..,,rc will the paper be sent, unless the money for l'"1' . 1,r.H niimMnT tb ordlr. SnbmTi1wT. nA l- 3ITI" 1 7 wi,0 may wish to send money to the Editor, can vf it all times, by Mail and at his risk. Receipts for ms will be promptly transmitted, i .!t-cvTs.noteTceediniyfonrtBTi liripn will Vw IpTE"1 , i onc time for one dollar, and twenty-five cents for .sequent insertion ; those of greater length in pro 1 t'.-L.-,rt Drlra and Judicial Advprtiupmpnlo will jp Tf TOU mt'iiij-uTv uta uigtict moil nuuB x' ' TKonnble deduction will be made to those who Stiie bv the year. tetters to the Editor must come free of postage. ' THE YOUTH OF TALLEYRAND ftf. de Talleyrand was born in Paris in 1754. , ' PToA it was the general custom in noble 1 At fami- iccr. . i .u : 1 1 : . . i j TieJ er Place ," ll,c w"1"1" vuun tiiv;it-, seiuuui incr leisure to cast away a thought on the poor lit j being to whom she had given birth, and who, con ned to the care of a hired nurse, who lived perhaps 3 i - . ... n infv n wama r... . soitfarpd with Uharies-iaunce, eldest son ot the ant de Talleyrand. Exiled from his father's house rhehour of his birth, he was carried to a distant Jiatfe by a nurse whose trade it was to bring up ilJren 'well or ill, as n nappeneay according to the r-nce's own expression. This nurse was hand le! v pnid, and regularly gave excellent accounts thp" child. Her darling little Chariot was the ride of the country, with his rosy chr-eks and stur- J' limbs, tie was well ted, well dressed ; what re cocIJ a baby want V What more indeed 1 thought his lady mother ; that whenever she had time to think about the matter '!: but this was not often; for court duties and art pleasures absorbed her every faculty, and oc ;pied every moment. rime rolled on. Another son was born to the jjiitde Talleyrand ; and, like his elder brother, he afinto the world strong and healthy, cast in the iarles-Maurice, being sent to the village where ,e latter was growing up ignorant and neglected, ithoiit the fe:.r of God or man before his eyes. Till nival ot the little Archabauld, he had never seen m a V .a . f face of a relative, uis momer, occupied wan 'ensure, his father with ambition, thought not oi him. his singular that while the latter died young, witli vu havitiw obtained the renown he sought, and the ".ri.u r ended a Ions life in comparative poverty, it was reserved for their neglected child to make Eu j.Dpe rinr with his fame, and to amass an enormous When Charles-Maurice had entered his eighth ! vrar, it happened that his father's youngest brother, die captain of a ship-of-war, and a Knight of Malta, returned from a distant expedition. After greeting je elder members of his family, he inquired for his ;:t:e nrpfiews, and felt both shocked and surprised their parents indifference towards them. It w-as ie depth of winter, t!ie ground was covered with, s-iw. the roads were difficult and dangerous, but the ' uumi-hearted sailor braved all obstacles, and set out joa horseback to visit his little relatives. It was late in the afternoon when he approached the villagp, and ac bethought him of inquiring the way to the house Nurse Rigant. Looking round, he saw on the :illa pale, thin child, with long fair hair flowing on j :;j shoulders ; he was busy setting a bird-trap on nesnow. The captain called him ; and as the little j i:low approached the kind sailor saw with pain that vwas larne, and lent for support on a small crutch, j Hailo ! my boy ; can you tell me where Dame Sijint lives V ' Ccrtaialy, said the child smiling. 'I will show - a the way on one condition.' j Come, then, make haste, my lad; 111 pay you , sndsoinely for your guidance.' I Nonsense,' replied the child reddening: mycon iition is, that you will let me ride on your horse to tree's door; I don't want your money.' Mount, then, my boy,' said the captain, reaching Wnhis hand, and watching with surprise the agili jviiih which the child, cripple as he was, managed climb on the tall saddle. Holding his little guide carefully before him, the sptain reached the house of Dame Rigant. He told ie child to hold his horse for a moment, and entered -edocr : nurse came to meet him. hat passed be- ween thr-m t Probablv nothing very amicable; for ic younn- listener outside could distinguish a sound t weeping; feminine lamentations overDorne Dy ond masculine reprimands. Suddenly the sailor rushed out. Beized the shivering boy, raised him ind held h'ua closely embraced with one arm, while with the other be made good use of his whip in keep- ng ofTXurse Rijant, who wanted to regain posses sion of her 'darlinrr Chariot.' It was the work of a moment to mount his horse, and with the child be- ore-him, to retrace his steps, without permitting the perfidious nurse even to say adieu to her charge. As they rode on, little Charles-Maurice learned that his raptor was his uncle, an honest sailor, who, in a '.nnsport of indignation against the woman to whose negligence his nephew owed a lifelong lameness, ouid not have hira a moment longer beneatn ner roof. In his anxiety about the heir of his house, he totally forgot his brother's youngest son, who accord ingly remained with the nurse. From the first town where he stopped, he wrote to to brother to announce what he had done; and on arriving in Paris, he learned that the Count de Tal- wyrand was with the army in Flanders, and that the countess was in attendance on the queen at Verseil 8. However, she had provided a person to take are of her son, and place him in the college of Louis-le-Giand. The captain had intended to take him on board his vessel the St. Joseph and bring him up the naval profession: but his lameness rendering fris impracticable, the kind sailor took leave of his poor deserted little nephew, and sat out for Toulon. A few months afterwards bis vessel was shipwreck ed, and l Qnd nil hia mp.w nr?Viffd . T-Iad Charles- " been a fine stout boy, his history would have terminated here; but Providence reserved the poor ""ae child for an illustrious destiny. college, the boy distinguished himself by his k'tntsand application, carrying off the first prizes, prising rapidly towards the upper classes. Yet "ls life was but a sad one ; few indulgences, and no tions passed at home, fell to his lot. His moth er rarely visited him, and when she did, she came ;companied by a celebrated surgeon who examined ?Iarae W. hndared it tiorhtlv. drairsred it. cauter- the nerve, and put the child to such torture, that 1)6 beaded nothing so much as a summons to the fttlpr to meet his mother. tears passed on: his father died, and Charles- of that branch of his family. His brother Ar- -uiuauid had left the abode ot Nurse itigant witn r fortune than himself; for he had escaped ac nts; and his limbs were straight and well-formed. u the day that Charles-Maurice bad successfully Pleted his studies at the college of Louis-le-Grand, P'le stern-looking man, wearing a cassock, aura "toned him from amongst bis comrades, and com bed him to follow him to the clerical seminary j.1- Sulpice. The sentencw was without appeal. learned from the superior that his family had de .fle? to deptive him of his birthright, and transfer it uis younger brother. y . And wherefore V asked the youth. because he is not a cripple,' was the cruel reply. i he words entered like iron into the victim's soul ; tint. K. nis TeT nature, and made tne youtn i-rince de Talleyrand afterwards ai ippeared. In proud and bitter silence he donned the offered cas sock ; and none may know what passed within, for never, even to his most intimate friends, did he allude to the subject. Now in his youth, as afterwards in mature age, his resolution was taken and acted on immediately... He expressed neither grief nor a desire for the reversal of the decree, he knew this would be vain; but, in appearance at least, submitted patiently to the strict rules of the house. Notwithstanding his lameness, he possessed considerable strength and ac tivity of body ; but among his companions his usual weapon was his tongue. . . Young and old dreaded his caustic,' biting sentences, while the influence and power which his master-mind asserted and maintain ed were quite' marvellous. At the seminary he be came as distinguished as at the college. There still survive a few old clergymen who can recall the elo quent orations of the young student at the weekly exhibitions at St. Sulpice. Some of these composi tions have been preserved; they are chiefly remarka ble for the artful manner in which the passions of the auditory are enlisted against the adverse side, and their sense of the ludicrous excited at its expense. At the age of seventeen, M. de Talleyrand quitted the seminary, in order to complete his theological studies at the Sorbonne. The few days which inter vened were passed by him at the family residence. Up to that period he had never spent a night beneath the parental roof. Well might Ros3eau fulminate his burning reproofs against the high-born mothers of that time, whom he designates ' merciless stepmoth ers.' M. de Talleyrand was so fortunate as to have for his preceptor an excellent man, not many years older than himself. A strong and lasting affection subsisted hetween them. His dear father Langlois,' received from him a liberal pension till the end of his days; and up to the year 1828, the period of the gocd old abbe's death, his antiquated figure, attired in the costume of the preceding century, might have been constantly seen in the prince's splendid reception rooms, his huge snuff-box and colored pocket-handkerchief figuring next rich uniforms and brilliant orders. When he spoke, his former pupil listened with respectful deference. Indeed it is not too much to assert, that whatever good was mingled with the character of the astute diplomatist, might fairly be traced to-the early instruction of the Abbe Langlois. The young Abbe de Talleyrand's first appearance in that gay society of Paris was at the hotel of Ma dame de Brignole, who was in the habit of receiving the very elite of the fashionable world, together with the liuns of the day. Theyonng man seated himself in a remote corner, so as to observe the passing scene without taking part in it. Soon a modest retiring- lnnl-inff mnn ri m a and nlafd himaplf np:ir him This was Philidor, the celebrated chess-player, who, being a frequent visitor at the house, was able and season to raise, to the nogs' Dnsties w men are soia swer notuing, out mat servile naoit or procuring willino-to point out the different distinguished guests i back to her in brushes. everything from abroad ; from what maintains our to his "uninitiated neighbor. D'Alembert, Diderot, I I'et one calculate the amount of money realized by frailest physical to our highest mental wants : That and other great men were "there, and Philidor was South within the last twenty years, for her cotton indifference to our own interests which prompts U3 complacently commenting on them, for the young i crop alone. Where is it? Can onc look around and : to buy every article we use from foreign manufac abbe's edification, when.thpir quiet corner was sud-1 see the results of it in the advancement of these Mates, , turers, paying all the profits out of the raw material denly invaded by two young hussar officers, a captain and lieutenant in a regiment especially favored by the unhappy queen Marie-Antoinette, and also noted for the free and impertinent manners of the young men who composed it. The two officers were laugh ing heartily at some exquisite jest between them selves. flnmp in t- tli. corner.' said one. and I'll finish the story ; the end of it must be nrivate ear.' The corner is taken.' replied the other : I see Philidor there talking to some young raven just fledged, and flown from the seminary.' 'They'll give up their place. I know Philidor's temper: he'll submit, and the abbe will follow hisi example.' So saying, they approached the two oc-T cnpiers ot the corner, and witn tne cooiesi imper tinence began to annoy them by their words and ges tures. Philidor, whose pacific and timid character was well known, immediately prepared to retreat. He cast an imploring glance to the abbe, complained of the heat of the room, and finally rose and glided away. The Chevalier de BoufHers one of the offi cers took instant possession of the vacant chair, and turning towards the young abbe, stared at hira with an insolent expression. The lieutenant took up his position at the other side, and looked at Talleyrand in a manner no less offensive. Not the slightest no tice, however, did the young man take of either, un til the officer, tired of his sang-froid, inquired if he did not find the heat oppressive 1T and added the ad ... - f i j i. i i I chamber. Talleyrand with the utmost politeness, irn writer is scarcely ever named-no Southern com ..u JS"j.i.-i"!if,i.i- aiHoratkinnaa-. hnt position ever reviewed, no Southern book ever no- u". ...n M M hn un,s wer so very . r." . 7 " ,j c .i a i The ansry blood hf was a youth just with his native accent You look you von have not been at school, and are not aware that you have yet many things to learn : amongst the rest' A thousand pardons !' interrupted the abbe, stand ing up, looking full at his adversary, and imitating to perfection the Norman accent. " I assure you I have been at school ; I learned all my letters, and I know that A B (abbe) is not C D (ceder. yield): and more rrn ith 9 nonl nf bparfv lano-hter. The Chevalier de BoufHers himself applauded; but the discomfited Norman, having no reply ready, took himself off as fast as possible. Madame du Deffand happened to be in the room, she heard the repartee, and expressed a wish to have its author introduced to her. This was done by De BoufHers himself. The illustrious lady who was blind, invited the young abbe to be seated next her. She passed her venerable hand over his face, in order to examine his features, which she could not see, and then said, " Go, young man ; na ture has endowed yoa with her richest gifts. She has placed it in your power fully to redeem the wrongs of fortune." The Abbe de Talleyrand soon became known in the highest literary and political circles; his suhse quentcareer belongs to the eventful history of the period. It is rather singular that he attached his name to the first popular journal that ever appeared in France. La Feuille Villagoeise,' conducted by the Abbe Cerutti, exercised much influence on the first events in the Revolution of 1789. In juxtaposition with articles from the fiery pen of Mirabeaa, or bear ing the impress of Cerutti's bitterly-ironical genius, the historian of to-day studies still with interest es says exhibiting the calm steady reasoning of Talley rand. For example, those on the Reform in Na tional Education," On the abuses of Power,' On the Unity of Weights and Measures,' &c. Sieyes and Mirabeau professed a high esteem for the talents of the young Talleyrand. Mirabeau frequently de clared that he considered him the only man capable of succeeding him in the direction of the 'moderate party of the time. . Talleyrand died at Paris, in the eighty-fourth year of his age, on the 17th of May, 1838. By his will he has strictly prohibited his heirs from publishing his memoirs which he wrote himself, and which are, it is said, deposited in England until thirty years shall have expired from the day of his death. Many a State mystery and many a grand secret in di- filomacy will no doubt be revealed to the curious pub ic of 1868.' Till then, we must content ourselves with a few rambling records of that mover of the wires of the political puppet-show Charles Maurice Prince de Talleyrand. Col. Josiah Quincy, Jr., made a speech in the whig state convention at Worcester, in which he said, "Whigs of Massachusetts, you owe a great deal to General Taylor." .That's a fact? they owe him a vote of thanks for his services . in the Mexican war. They have heretofore refused it, but as they now, like shrewd Yankees, have got their pay in advance in the shape of offices, their is no reason why they shouldn't square off that little account. Post. mounted in the officer's cheeK ;j"" s , , j , ' , . : "J v... V . . ., . ---- - come from Normandy, and spoke wnoie 1 cost 01 h -u;r.u UJ v..c.c v "VV" " J 1 I a XT Cnrl.nvn nn tarn PI a A in NuVIPUTQ nr Mi m - ? ni-nc n an t Onrl thA rj mo fF iimnn rrfnf t Iq thprp Tint in all its Diiritv I r- i, ... v...- ft- nj, .. . - - - ng, my a ear aooe, ne saiu , pernaps , 11 a wr(u01.n ,on -i ri ti,n frM nf iio nM on rr? Wo over, that your E f (epee, sword) win not mate me O T (oier. so away).' By this time a number of the . , & ,1 .ZI 1 : J1MI v(a .all. psts naa coneciea. anu receiveu uncyiauu -anr SOUTHERN LITERATURE. We would not do anything like justice to the pur poses of this article, if we failed fo allude to the ab sence of literary encouragement in all the Southern States. We are verv sure that, in writing what we shall, we are influenced by no unworthy prejudices its. Now it cannot be said that this arises altogeth- in favor of the South, and by no jealousies towards er from the superior merit of the Northern Rlaga- the North. It is true, we are identified, altogether j zines, for with some exceptions they are the veriest with the former, and if we look to her, with anything j trash ever submitted to the press. Chiefest of the of partiality, the partiality springs' from these asso-J exceptions, made to this remark, is Runt's Mer- ciations. We look upon the North as part of our :fchants Magazine, than which a better work is not own country. Her moral and intellectual progress published in the world : full of valuable statistical are American in the history of the nation, and in her, matter, always to be relied on ; never abusive of the fame we share largely. We, would not, therefore, South, its editor and conductor a gentleman of great write a line which would make her the object of eith- industry and of still greater integrity. Littell's Liv- er contempt or reproach. But at the same time, it isi ing Age, of which a very Iargenumber is received due to truth to say, that we cannot behold the strides at the South, sometimes contains excellent papers, she is making towards civilization and wealth, with- but the majority of its selections are injudicious and out indulging most rational regret, that, in everything ' in bad taste ; consisting of foolish love tales, the which can make a nation prosperous, or a people J Ether controversy, and other matter for which the emiment, the South is so far in the distance. j majority of its readers care nothintr. Of the oreat Were a person of intelligence to visit this country i mass of others, which, in cart-loa'ds issue tcT.the and be capable, atone view, .of regarding the his- South, full of gaudy plates of the very worst artistic tory of the United States, for the last twenty years, execution, sickening love stories, and rhyme ad a very "singular state of things would be" presented. nausea n, we have the supreraest contempt.' We He would see a few small States, with a stinted soil, j would not, however, in this category, include Skin- exposed to great bitterness of climate, supporting a j ner's Plough, Loom, and Anvil, a most useful work, very dense population, engaged in extraordinary ac-! well conducted, pregnant with valuable information, tivity the land smiling with the fruits of agriculture i and extremely beneficial to the South; and some every stream turning some tremendous machinery: others, which will be readily suggested to our read- manufactures flourishing to a wonderful degree er'a minds. the people full of commercial and literary engage-J We do not know the relative subscription of the ments, all busy in sending out the products of their ; North and South, with regard to these works, char- labor and ingenuity all engaged in receiving gold ; acterized, we think justly" as "trashy and valueless, and silver in exchange. The same glance, which en-' But we strongly incline to the belief that the larger abled him to behold these things, would show that ! support they receive is from the South, and that but the stream of manufactured articles was to, and that ' for the subscription of our own people, they could of gold and silver from the South. Turning to the ' not exist. South he would behold a land, rich in fertility, bles3- J It becomes, then, a question of very grave consid- ed with a genial climate, poor in population, annual-! eration with us, whether it is not our duty to coun- ly producing a staple of great value in the markets of! teract this stage of things. It tho Southerners are the whole world; a generous, ardent people, ot no-j truly so deficient in literary ability, as our condition ble intellect, without manufactures, without printing ; in this respect indicates, it is time we were engaged presses, without history, without half a dozen known ' in rectifying our ignorance. It is to be presumed literary men. He would see that country capable that the superiority of our Northern friends is the of producing everything necessary in life, produc-; result of encouragement and exercise. The fund, in"-, except cotton, nothing; no manufactures, no : which supports this prosperity is derived from us. inrernal improvements, her numberless streams turn- : It is a fund which justly belongs to our own people. inr not a solitary wheel, her iron and oal beds un-v It is drawn from them, and ought to be spent amono- worked, and her large cities without a permanent them. Is there anything in our climate, or manners', 1 population. A stream of her Northern brethren, en-j or education, that forbids success in letters? Is gaaed in daily drawing from her the wealth, which there anything in our pursuits, which denies merit should be spent among her own people, hourly drain- its reward, or stands in the way of encouragement ing her of her raw material, to be manufactured in to genius? What is there in our country which pro- ' foreign cities, and be returned to her again, at enor- hibits the exercise of talents, or the enterprise of mous profits, from the cotton which she toils a whole , OT 111 llle conuilion UI me jieujuc r n n atiru in iiic . improvement of our lands, in rail ways, or in the ! ;Rnc nr inicirlnnUt TlnM it nnnrar in ! the increased wealth of families? In neither. These ' States owe an immense public debt. Their people' are poor, their fields impoverished, their habitations nmmnroved. no rail wavs are built, but still on. on. ! the stream of their wealth goes to enrich the Northern . . I r . f i neoDle. who have carried for us, manufactured for us, I ..rM:An nnntad hnnL'e Trkr na In mien rn iyq with t 5 teachers, painters, and every article of use, from era-! dies to coffins, candles, butter, flour, meat, bread and fuel. . It was our object, in setting out, to draw particu lar attention to the condition of ihe South in respect ' to literature and book-making. The Southern people r Tu;,;ti!iw wgrmnMs . -U , lh encunti) n in li H Mil nna L Ttioir Vniratiristir! nrft warmnpas I nkness ot disposition, carelcssnessof of money, and fervent enthusiasm. As a matter of; vance of us, and so it must be, until a course, directly j Power? contrary to the true meaning ar.J spirit ot the course, their literature partakes of these qualities. It 1 the opposite to that which has ever distinguished the Constitution. This declaration was made as late as is full of imagination, but vigorous and brilliant, i Southern people, be boldly struck out and resolutely ! the 20lh. of January, 1819, and vas made by therep Thev write from pride and ambition, never from rner- followed. Let our book-sellers and printing estab- ! resentatives of at least five-sixths of the Whigs of ccnary motives. We are not acquainted with a sin-; lishments beg-n the work by publishing books of '. he Ste Here then is a positive denial of any such ffle instance of writers in the South, who have writ- Muerit, written by Southern authors, and let Southern ! dtoct"n.e 7bn)en to sufPorie ihe tondttutton of ien for the Magazines and Reviews, receiving a cent people purchase no other. Let such works of an ' the L'nle? .Sfale?' fee therefore, that tuch was fo? their contributions. 'educational class be introduced into the Southern not the faith of the W lug party, eight months ago. Now, in the face of these facts, what is our condi-ijscools and Colleges, until an essentially Southern f J ; -how has lf P,Uen ,to ,bc ? , .IIas anv convention .;nn 1 With ih PTPont nn nf Simms. who has hum : vv -- -"r'w-"'-- i ; lished largely at the North, the North recognizes' scarcely one literary man. i.ooK over tinswoia s honli. or anv other similar compilation. . . I n .nmni 4ttAn IXI NAtllh. i.i yj uuuui- ticed. In not one of the Southern States is there a nublishinir house, nor does a INorlhern house ever take a Southern publication under any circumstances, iUtni a vwi a i a a t .nninprnnr m nnnk iiiikjkh inn r nan nv n i i n rintr ps nr iiif i n lph rv i iiirn nrri . ik 1 rf . 1 1 . n MM km. . tnv NAiithfirn Tr o Yi nrptur Tn cua. .nn tn .s-hnm nnclarif v mav haroTTor Innlr Tno ' lain IMOrinciH lllaafclllto ailU iiviuirin st.&vta j v. it y U4IUUr;iO i'luuuj v iiij iuvu iiiva wo whatever. A person would be greatly astonished to j buted the advent of a new era of letters in the South count the number of Northern publications, both i ern States ; when, standing like the magnificent Leo, Magazines and papers, taken at the South, and the i amidst the ruins of a country he may establish her amount paid for them, and compare those items with ' literature, raise her degraded genius, cause her sci the number and amount of Southern publications ta-' ence to flourish, and build monuments, which shall ken at the North. We risk nothing in asserting the . 1J I r I : nnn V.n..annJ tnnnn ' nrnnOTIlOn WUUIU UC lUUIIU as IS uiig luuuoauu huuny ; This cannot be on account of any great superiority of Northern over Southern writers, or arise trom any extraordinary capacity for mechanical execution. But suppose the immense amount ot money thus . 1 . ,, . i . i ; ,u 5" tuuiaEciunn w. .. ... mi - OC . .. 1 J Kn tn i m nvnwn tn i iirnn- I printers, ine eueci wuuiu uo iwimiw.c a derful extent our literature, and draw forth the talent which, from want of encouragement now sleeps. It would induce our booksellers and printers to under take the publication of books at home: and the mill ions, which now travel, would quicken every depart ment of the arts. Let us consider tus matter, more immediately, in reference to the publications which nave issued trom j e(J one 0f the most eloquent and impressive sermons the South. The first attempt was the Southern Re- j we ever heard. The principle inculcated in his dis view, which lingered a few years. That work was ( courSe was, that true religion was the very highest ... . y begun and sustained Dy toe purses anu iuwi etis m men of the very highest character in the South. Its object was to develctpe Southern mind, not to make money. Its pages were nuea wun nrucies oi great merit, from the pens of Dr. Thomas Cooper, Stephen Elliott, Wm. Harper, Hugh S. Legare, and others, not less eminent in talent, if less known. Every thing, which their industry and research could do, to make it a magazine of elegant and learned literature, was done. . It represented Southern Letters, and if obnoxious to censure, it was in its rather too faithful representation ot Southern politics. But the South would not uphold it; and the North bitterly criticised it. The labor of contributing, as well as of support ing the . printer, fell upon its originators ; who dis gusted at last with the want of interest in the Southern people, and with the injustice of the North, abandon ed it. The South, from that time, remained without a similar publication until Mr. Whitaker began the Southern Review. The Southern Quarterly, a revi val of the Southern Review, goes on ; but in rather a languid state of health, if we judge from the fact that neither Southern nor Northern papers ever name it. The Southern Literary Messenger, published in Virginia, once under the able control of Mr. Minor, an elegant scholar and accomplished editor, contin ues, under very excellent management, to exist. But of that may be said what we have just applied to the Southern Quarterly, there are few South of the Tntnmn who are noor enouffh to reverence it, and Morth nf "t. The same thinz may be said of the energetic effort of Mr. De Bow to establish the Commercial Review ; and some other pamphlet pub lications, in Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama, and South Carolina. The Southern Quarterly and Southern Literary Messenger are occasionally , seen on the shelves of every literary gentlemen, but, among the oreat mass of readers, very rarely. - .i n.;ntot. in thft Tartre and nrosper- jjunnir l" FaB' -e - - - i - -i . . fl.nMahifiiv nlaaa ritv of Monteomery, a very nounsmng piace, full of taste, and I of a most intellectual and refined " ... . population, but a single copy of the Review, as we learned, was taken. But how is it' with Northern publications 1 The country is full of them ; and scarcely a single paper, of any towh or village in ! the Smith Anaa JToo; i.i: .k:. those who would advance and sustain ill We an- jiuuuucu uy uuiscivus, tu iiiaiiuiavtuici, iui;iui, ujp- owner, not one cent of which is spent amongst us, in.t nf rPnrlinT tn miirnrtnrPQ nnrsplvA. hear much of free trade. If this is the freedom of;,iem are. not Whigs. Iherefore the cone u sum. trade, we want none of it. The most perfect free- ! Now, before the position, set forth in the conclusion, dom of trade is the laying of such a tarift upon our- can be held, it is absolutely necessary, that it should selves as will Drohibit all commerce with other na- ! be,proved, that the W hig party hold it as a cardinal . ... i m i ia Hons, until we learn 10 ueveiope ana live upon our own resources. We do not intend, in what we have said, to censure the North. They have taken advantage of our want ; of industry and enterprise and substituted their own 1 for it. The consequence is that they have not only become rich, out of our wealth, but at our expense kept in exercise those gifts which nature gives in com- montoboth North and South, but which only the North U n,tinmi nrooith in oil thl oinn;Dc o!, v,-fo Koo nooH oiiocqT.. ! ! until n m nl nn n oMno ' n nrl nalinnal nrrxilth in all tha olniranniie rtnA iMimfnrto life, in science and morals too. thev are far in ad- nub-'Mitomtiirn. and thft nocess tv of sustain no- it. are tho- - - i j e ; roughly impressed on the public mind. Look at the j station occupied in Scotland uy winiam anu ltoDert I I lin rhnlA I Ani e I o t nn n h nrrliml tho : Alio nui jcuioiaviuii ui aii" ictivi, .iiv. ii i rpi rt ,uj- i.:.l.;. t 'nrl.n.I t v. n ir ;toir u, nt f. ,t r0i0 i what the enterprise of these men has done. More of knowledge, of liberty, and of morals, have been taught by the cheap pamphlets of those industrious men, trust there is; and that to his exertions may be attri- justly be regarded as the Antico Moderno of a rising T 1 '.,. ,. Alalia. wiui (Wtwrt liuf (Cf t Bishop Polk. This eminent divine and highly esteemed gentleman, came down as far as Donald s- Trilln nn tho Aittnorat On SJiinrl.iv tho naaepna-orfi. -j r- " am0n? ? -Were STe W-ve Lor thirty ladies were lnvnea 10 aiieim reiiti'ous service, uy uis;ioij - . . . . a . . . 1 Polk, in the Ladies cabin. The Iarg-e number of in telligent and distinguished gentlemen from the differ ent States, who were returning from the Convention on the Autocrat, secured the Bishop a large and bril liantaudience. The beautiful service of the Episcopal Church was read by the Bishop, the whole congre gation joining in the responses. A hymn was sung with excellent effect; after. which the Bishop deliver- enjoyment; that there is nothing gloomy, harsh, or j ra0rose, in any of the feelings it inspires, or the rules it teaches. He contended, with great force of argu ment and felicity of expression, that there was no ra tional pleasure which was not heightened by religion. The eloquence of the learned divine was rendered more impressive by the peculiar circumstances under which it was delivered. The scene was no less in teresting than novel. The steamer ploughing her way over the bosom of the great Father of Waters the majestic stream pursuing its course in sullen, mighty majesty the primeval forests that covered its banks, casting their shadows over its surface the audience assembled n the cabin, composed of persons from every part of our vast Union, and mostly stran gers to: one another, hearkening to the deep, solemn, earnest tones of the man of God all made a scene which must linger in our memories as one . full of solemnity and deep interest. . , -A". 0. Delta. . Presbyterian Synod is Kentucky. This body lately held its sessions at Danville, where some six ty or seventy ministers and elders were in attendance.' The Rev. R. J. Breckinridge, of Lexington, was Moderator, and the Rev. E. P. Humphrey temporary clerk. 7 A number of topics interesting to the religious, community were discussed among others the qaes-i tion of the propriety of instrumental music in church service, and the question of a recommendation to congregations to insure the lives of their ministers and to ministers to insure their own lives for. the ben efit of their families. Both questions were laid on the table. It was urged by several speakers that life insurance is immoral. ' ' ' Another subject of discussion was the reading of sermons. The recommendation of the General As sembly of the church was sustained against the prac A- '"-" i. , . . : j -x- u : . i tice, as a .eas euwuin muue w ..jwwui tempotaneous delivery. From the Hornet's 'Nest. WHIG SENTIMENT IN NORTH CAROLINA. ' - Elmn Grove, Oct. 12, 1849. I Oureldest hope, di virus Julua, e' very ,ate' oh! may he ru,e Swift. Mr Editor : We live in strange times -m an a&e 'n which we are not allowed to entertain an opin- ion however honest it m2y be, which does not suit tlie 1fste of some persons, without having out politi- 031 integrity brought into question. Whigs men who have been zealous advocates of the principles ?f the Whig party, ever since they have held opin- ons about any thing who have worked (if they have not planned) whilst the would-be dictators were asleePf or calculating what benefits would enure to them, by their labor men who have loved truth for truth's sake are denounced, ex-communicated from tne Pa'e theiT political church, because they deny the constitutionality of the Wilmot Proviso! Verily, naa not judgment fled to brutish beasts.' Have not som. 0I" those whom we would reckon as friends lst their reason V Why,-sir, a correspondent" of yur paper, who, in the exercise of his rights, saw ProPer to express the opinion that the infamobs insult offered to the South, commonly called the Wilmot Proyiso was not authorized by the articles of our National Union that (oh horrible ! oh horrible ! mo9t horrible John C. Calhoun was a Southern man rue in his feelings and opinions and to adopt as a signature, what I conceive to be emblematical of what he t is straightly denounced, drummed out ?" camP and when his faultless but offending name is mentioned, it is accompanied with the pregnant parenthetical phrase God save the mark !' What! can lt Df lhat there are no Whigs no true Whigs in.tJie South, who differ from the Register and the Times'! If so, we may as a party, lay down our a18 We may give up, and broken down, dispiri- tea ana" nerveless, submit at once (to what will as- suredly come,) to the shameful dishonor of seeing that sceptre, which we have heretofore held in tri- umph, wrenched by unlineal hands, no sons of our s succeeding.' But, sir, we are not to be so unchurched in so sum- marJ a way, nor by such questionable authority, Our judges must show their commissions. Ourac- cusers must prove the charge, that we are untrue. A simple declaration will not answer the proof must come, or the charge is foul calumny. Shall we have it? Alas ! it is out of the power of our friend G.a,e!L' (for Personal frlena I do regard him,) and of M,r' "aboleau, even though they should devote their talents exclusively to the object, to sustain any such allegation. The charge is untrue, and hence, can- ihe argument (a it can be called such) which these gentlemen, and all others who endorse their conduct use, for the purpose of proving that those, who deny the constitutionality of the Proviso are not Whigs, is indeed a remarkable one. It is the argu i ment of a dictator. It is the bull, from the political j Vatican at Raleigh. It is this. The constitntionali : ty of the Wilmot Proviso, and hatred to John C. iaiUOUn, are V nig OOCirineS. X U0S6 WHO deny rvv , " ."""w";r , nm r t nr flith that I .nnrrrocQ haQ nnnor this I .nncti. in the newly acquired Territories of the United States. t, u wuii biic; iJVfTci its uicviib tut? j i aiavij J.s th,18 a doctrine of the Whig party in North Caro- . " "a" " n Ittk nvl IT KaC KAAn i- A AW A A A I 1 A fr A Aflt OIllt AO AT ' ,'u.","7,l,', UM " f .wv. a , T . 1 . . Bv a reference to the Journals of the last General ! Assembly, it will be seen that both the Senate and ' clared, that the passage of such an Act, would be ui v.uimuuua, u cuciy laiso iuoiuiium, u..JUO ..v " " aooc"'"'c" l'-" " J tion upon their banner? If so, I have never heard of it. Then, it must be that some Whig editors i x i - it : a? i a i i, i .i . 1.1 - vuis uur ts jLoe i j eiiuc t :ui iuei v nieiMoei ves iu uc .-.iL K 1 ..ww . w . the soul ot the party, ine soui ox me party, anu to nave -me ngiu 10 say I wnai iS V i "rui.uuu' " x u,ut" ! ln e"or lf Party has not been disgusted ?S 4aS Wlth the corsc of those who assume to to tell them what they shall believe, and what they shall condemn, and in general to be their "ghostly fathers," whose commands they shall always obey. We are tired of this. Juggernaut has two often crush ed us, and we are no longer willing to submit tame ly to the petulant and contemptuous objurgations of those 'fire-eyed disputants' who surround the 'throne of the great Mokanna.' Let a 'True Whig' speak when he pleases, use any name he may like, and there are Whigs, thousands of Whigs in North Carolina, who will grasp hitn as a brother, even though he ' should fall into the compass of a political praemunire." I thrust the time has gone by, if it ever was, when the only argument necessary, to brand a man with infamy, was a charge ot disu nion. Those who disagree with the Register and ! times Times, are no more guilty of any disrupture this , j Union of ours, than they who so lustily ... . vl SI cry ' stop thiet. iney are lovers oi tne union, iov m rni . FT" ers of the Constitution, lovers of justice. They want to see the compromises of the Constitution carried out in ' spirit and in truth.' They love their coun try they love their own ' altars and fires,' far better than their party. They don't believe any man to be infallible. They have no god of their idolatry,' whose faint echoes they are. And ' above all, they cannot think it possible, that an instrument framed i by the wisest and most patriotic body of Statesmen I'-.' mm .1 1 lflll . which ever assembled on eartn, and wnicn declares upon its face, that it was ordained and established,' in order to form a more perfect Union, to establish justice, to insure domestic tranquility, to provide for the common defence and eeneral welfare, can author ize the enactment of a Law, which in the opinion of all Southern men would be inexpedient, unjust and outrageous. The head and front of our offending hath this extent : ho more' we have dared to differ from one of our Senators in Congress upon a question of constitutional power, and we are treated with con- temnt. denounced as abstractionists, fomenters of discord and plotters of disunion. Mr. Badger is an able man there arc few more so. That, however, is no reason why his opinions should be received without question by the Whig party. Why, sir, we have other men whose opinions are worth as much as his, and would pass current, years ago, at a higher value among Whigs than his ; and it has been late indeed,. since be has become so magnified as to be the embodiment the great wheel which is to put in mo tion all tiie other wheels. These are facts, Mr. Edi tor, and within the recollection of every body. Then, sir, after having been kicked as we have, for the hon est maintainance of honest views, which differ from his views, we can well exclaim in the indignant lan guage of Cassius : . " Upon what meat doth this our Cscsar feed That he is grown so great ? . ': When could they say, till now, that talked of Home That her wide walls encompassed but one man !" In the opinions of some, however, it does seem that theie is but one man in the whole estate, and when ever he 'opes his mouth, the whole Whig party is lu Oin in toe. cnurus, uiu aitvu trtumjjnc., It ia verv clear, sir. that our only offence is in dif fering from Mr. .Badger. ,It is well for us, therefore, to see from whom he have differed.. . Mr. B. is pro bably the most jntelIectualpoljician Jn the State an able lawyer, and a distinguished benatorinrlon o-ress. He calls himself a vv hig. . He was once a Federalist, if I am rightly informed, of the" Harailto nian school, and I presume his earliest political opin ions were of that character. ?His present doctrines smack strongly of Federalism, wherein be claims for. the General Government such unlimited, and such dangerous powers. North Carolina is eminently a Republican State, and has been from the Hillsboro' Convention in '89 to the present time, and it is not,; therefore, strange that men should be found' in her borders, who cannot concur in doctrines, which have ever been unpopular. Add to this the fact, that un til lately, he has never been looked up lo as the. champion of the Whig party, and we may well be excused. ' . . . Furthermore, Mr. Editor, in my humble judgment, the sooner the Whig party gets to thinking for itself the sooner it leaves off the advocacy of the doc trine, thatou injustice is either 'necessary and pro per,' or a 'needful rule and regalation,' the better fof its success. The people of this State cannot and will not, ought not, to endorse . a principle, wbieh makes the Constitution of the country a means of oppression to the weak, instead of a wall of fire' for their defence ; and these political inquisitors, who as; surae to judge of the W higisin of others, and ex-com--raunicate them from the party, will find, too late, I fear, that they have periled their all upon a winking;, vessel. Let our dictators beware. They have at tempted to tie down our judgments to the dicta of one man, and if they continue in soch a course, it is as certain as the sun rises in the morn that " The day t all come, that great avenging day Wlicn Troy's proud glories in the dust shall lay. When Priam's power, and Priam's self shall fall . And one vast ruin overwhelm them all." SCANDEUBEG. Taylor Enthusiasm How Pumped vp. At tbe late Whig meeting in New York, it was found e- cessary to invoke the great' shade of the " slaughter' ed" Henry Clay to infuse a little life into their flag-, ging ranks. A Mr. Ulman took upon himself to throw this all-potent element into the cauldron of Taylorism, which otherwise refused to boil. . The scene is thus reported : " In the proceedings of this evening, no notice has been taken of an event which I cannot but., consider one of deep interest to the people of the United States I refer to the return of Henry Clay to the United States Senate. (Vociferous cheering, which lasted for some minutes.) " Voice ! Three cheers for Henry Clay I " Hurrah ! hurrah i hurrah 1 " Three jnore ; Hurrah ! hurrah ! hurrah ! and con siderable waving of canes and tiles. " Henry Clay is about to return to the field of hi9 former glory. (Applause.) . Let us show to the il lustrious statesman of the West that our appreciation of his character, our gratitude for his services, and our love for his person (enthusiastic applause) are as; deep, as warm, and as oinuipressnt as they ever were (applause;) and that we still hold him, as we have ever held him, enshrined in the inmost temple of our. hearts. (Applause and waving of hats.) I love to pronounce the name of Henry-Clay. (So do I ; so do I. Applause.) W'e shall see him again take his place at the head of our ranks, and I feel convinced that the Administration at Washington will rejoice to lean on his great arm. (Applause.) I trust that we shall fall back on the old, honest and old-fashioned plat form. (Applause.) There is no other situation for the Whig party," The Albany Atlas happily says thereupon, " History tells of a Tartar Khan who not content with conquering and executing a rival chief, Kiska, flayed him and took h'13 hide for a drum. This is somewhat the way in which the Taylorites, after dispatching Clay in the Philadelphia Slaughter-house, make use of his remains." Thomas H. Benton. Our readers are well ap prised of the fact that this gentleman has been " stum ping it," for some months past, throughout the length and breadth of Missouri, with the view of enlighten ing the poor benighted citizens of that State, on the subject of slavery! We have read a number of bis speeches, proclamations and letters indeed, all that came in our way, in hopes of finding some redeem ing paragraph. But, alas ! the search was made in vain. A love of truth now requires us to assert, that he is either stark mad, or a double-refined traitor. i he Legislature or Missouri instructed him, in a series of well drawn and patriotic resolutions to vote against the Wilmot Proviso, and all measures having for their object an odious,- degrading and unjust dis crimination against the slave-holdinz States. He immediately left his residence in Washington City, and so soon as he touched the soil of Missouri, he commenced a most furious and blackguard war, not only upon every member who voted for those resolu tions, but upon all those who approved and sanctioned them, whether former friends or foes. None escaped his wrath, who dared to question the orthodoxy of his opinions. They were either knaves or fools, and no mistake. Such unprovoked, unprincipled and disgust ing scurrilities soon brought into the field a host of noble spirits, who are giving him battle in gallantand glorious style. They are rakingr him fore and aft in hull, masts and rigging. Nothing can now 6ave him but the intervention of thewhigs. Without their aid he is " gone," ''smashed up" and " used up " beyond redemption. God speed the work of demo- lition ! Jyashville Union. " Glaring Facts. Under this head, that spirited and able paper, the New Haven Register, thus point edly remarks: " Never was a President so accidentally elected, and so poorly qualified for a high civil station, as Gen. Taylor. Never was so-' much duplicity used in an election, and never did an administration lose ground so fast and so early as the present. Never was a President so unlucky in his cabinet, in making appointments, in dispensing his patronage, and in the character of his leading partisans. Never was the doom ot an administration so plainly seen as the pres ent. Never did the political pot boil such material to the top as Truman Smith, Greeley and Fitz Warren." General Taylor is the first instance in the United States, where a man was elevated to the Presidency while holding a high commission in the Army. ' CoU Bliss is the first officer in the Army who has had a furlough, of indefinite duration, extended to him. in uruet to euauie mm iu wan upon me rresiaeni or tne United States. Lieut. Maury, of. the Navy, is the first officer in that service vrho was ever appointed President of a great political Convention ! The Army and Navy are now decidedly in the ascendant, and the present may truly be termed the " heroic age." . Norfolk Jrgns. Breaking Ground. Yesterday the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Company made a beginning in the reconstruction of th'13 important work of improvement. Quite a number of the citizens of Norfolk and Portsmouth- assembled to witness the interesting com mencement, and a handsome collation was served op on the occasion in the Town Hall by the citizens of Portsmouth. Several speeches were delivered at the festival, and every thing passed off in the most sat isfactory manner, and in the finest spirit. It was an nounced that the company would have the Road com pleted in the short period of six months. lb. 1 1 f ...... ;, Awful. The Clearspring Sentinel says : A young man, named Cox, who was working in a Lock on the seven mile bottom during the cold days of last week, became somewhat provoked by the cold, and presumptuously proclaimed" he wished he was with )n the gates of . hell, so that he would be out of this cold world," in five minutes afterwards a portion of the surrounding rocks and earth fell in upon hira. killing him instantly.- What an awful warning to blasphemers! . . ..... .-.,.,.'. . . " , ' .. , f " Baton Rouge, (Louisiana) the residence of Gen eral Taylor, lias given a large Democratic gain. So Old Zack's " neighbors have rebuked him for his treachery and ingratitude. li V,