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IN QUART la. AND FOR THE WilLlW u-e ULCER! it has been Used, based entirety on its own merits, which its superior efficacy has alone sustained. The un fortunate victim of hereditary disease, with swollen gln!s. con tracted sinews, and bones half and vigor. The scrofulous patient, and his attendants, has been made whole. Hundreds of persons, who bad groaned hopelessly for years under cutaneous and glandular disorders, chronic rheumatism. and many other complaints springing from a derangement of the secn'ivc organs and the circulation, have been raised as it were from the rack of disease, nnl now, with regenerated constitutions, gladly testify to the efficucy of this inestimable preparation. The testimony of those who hare been cured by its use, with their residences, has been published from time to time ; and were it desirable, a mass of the most overwhelming testimony could be brought forward, proving most con clusively its inestimable value. The afflicted, and those who have not used this medicine, are invited to make a trial of its virtues, and appropriate to themselves the benefits which it alone can bestow. CANCEROUS ULCER CURED, OF 6EVEN YEARS' STANDING. This cure was effected in July. 184 4 5 there have been no symptoms of a return, and her health still continues good, July, 1848. Ifca Vert, Jy 84. 1844. Messrs. Sakbs s Gentlemen I consider it but an act of justice to yon to state the following facts in reference to the great benefit I have received in the cure of an ob stinate Cukceroi-s Ulckb on mv breast. I was attended eighteen months by a regular and skilful physician, assisted by the advice and counsel of one of our most able and experienced surgeons, without the least benefit whatever. All the various methods of treating caace were resorted to ; for fire weeks in succession mv breast was burned with caustic three times a-dny, and for six it was daily syringed with a weak solution of nitric acid, and the cavity or internal nicer was so large that it held over an ounce of the solution. The doctor probed the ulcer and examined the bone, and said the disease was advancing rapidly to the lungs, and if I did not get speedy relief by medicine or an operation, the result would be fatal. I was advised to have the breast laid open and the bones examined ; but finding no relief from what had been done, and feeling X w as rapidly getting worse, I almost despaired of recovery, and considered my case nearly hopeless. Seeing various testimonials and certificates of cure by the use of Sands' Sarsapa billa, in cases similar to my own. I concluded to try a few bottles, several of which were used, but, from the long deep-seated character of my disease, produced no very decided change. Considering this as the only probable cure for my case, I persevered until the disease was entirely cured. It is now over eleven, months since the cure was completed ; there is not the slightest appearance Of a return. therefore pro Si noself well, and the cure entirely effected jr Samds' Saksapakilla, a rods no other nnficiw oujr kind during the time 1 was using it, nor hare I taken any since. Please excuse this long-deferred acknowledgment, which I think it my duty to make. Your valuable Sarsaparilla cured me, with the blessing of Divine Providence, when nothing else could ; and I feel myself under lasting obligations to you. 1 can say many things I cannot write, and I do most respectfully invite ladies afflicted as I have been, to call upon me, and I will satisfy them fully of the truth as stated above, and many other things in reference to the case. NANCY J. MILLER 818 Sullivan-street. m vm LIVER COMPLAINT. The following is an extract from a letter received from Rev. William Galnsha : Berkshire, Ft., Oct. 88, 1845. Messrs. Sakds : I have been afflicted with a severe pain in my side, occasioned by a diseased liver, for the last twenty years ; suffering at times what language can not convey ; but since taking your Sarsaparilla 1 have been greatly relieved, so much so that I nave been able to attend to my business, and preach occasionally, for the hut fifteen months. I wholly discarded all other medicine, and thoroughly tried the Sarsaparilla, which I can recommend in truth and sincerity to all those who are in any way afflicted with any species of scrofulous complaints. There have been some remarkable cures effected by its use in this vicinity. Mrs. I. Shaw, by the use of six bottles, was restored to better health than she nad before enjoyed for ten years ; and Mrs. W. Stevens, who had been severely afflicted with Erysipelas, was entirely cured by the use of a few bottles. Yours truly, VM. GALL' SUA. CURE OF A SCROFULOUS AFFECTION OF THE EYES. Sands : Gentlemen My tulous humor on her lace, almost total blindness in one of !i two physicians to attend her. who it all proved useless, and finally one of them remarked to me that he had. known of some striking cures effected by Sands' Sarsaparilla, and advised me to try it. 1 ob tained one bottle, which she commenced using, and before it was all used up it had effected an entire cure. It is now over four years since she was cured, and there has been no reappearance of the disease, and we are satisfied that it is a perfect cure. It gives me great pleasure to add that I can recommend it to every sufferer from any similar complaint. Respectfully yours, GEORGE ROBINSON. PREPARED AND SOLO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY A. B. & D. SANDS, Druggists axd Chemists, 100 FuLTOlf-ST., CORNER OF WlLLI AM, NSW YoBK. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canada. Price $1 per Bottle ; six Bottles for 05. m Pnraale wholesale anrl retail bv WILLIAMS. caries and Druggists, Raleigh, North Carolina. January 9, 1649. GOLD WATCHES & JEWELRY. 5 NEW arrival of a large and fashionable assort jfTa, merit of the above just at hand and for sale cheap t&lsBer than ever at PALMER RAMSA YS Jew elry Store. The most extensive stock of all articles in their line that has been offered for sale here for years. Come and see, if you do not buy. 4 Dozen gold and silver Watches, of all kinds, Gold fob, vest and guard Chains, Keys and Seals, Finger-rings, Ear-rings, Breast-pins, Studs, and collar Buttons, Gold Lockets, Bracelets, 'Clasps, gold silver and spring steel Spectacles, Gold and silver Pencils and Pens and waist Buckles, Silver Combs and Tortoise shell Spectacles, A very extensive assortment of Silver and Plated Spoons, Cups, Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Salt Spoons, &c. A large stock of Cntlery, Razors, Knives, Razor-straps, and Diamond Paste for Razors, Brushes, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, dec. Butter and Fruit Knives, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gold and Silver Mounted Walking Canes, Silver Plated Castors, Candle Sticks, Waiters, Baskets, Gerandoles, A large assortment of Perfumery, Colognes, Soaps, Boxes for Toilets, Fancy articles, and Christmas pres ents, and a variety of other articles. All kinds of Watches and Jewellery repaired in su perior style. Old Gold and Silver received in exchange. PALMER & RAMSAY. Raleigh, Nov. 1849. 785-tf. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS! TASTY A3STO BXATJTTX3PTJX. ! JU8T at hand from New York and Philadelphia, em bracing every variety of style and fashion for the FALL and WINTER Trade of 1849, say, Rich embroidered, and Satin Striped Detains, Plain and Satin Striped Merinoes and Cashmeres, Cashmere, Chameleon, and Tartan plaids, Plaid Orleans Cloth, and high colored Detains, for Children.") Rich Chameleon Mohair Lustres, Drab, and Mode color'd Alpaccas, Mode color'd Paramatta, and Mouselins, Superior Bl'k, Plaid, and changeable Alpaccas, Beautiful Brocaded Cameleon Lustres, (of every hue.) C I J-J A " V . 1 - - opieuaia American ana onasn rants, Jenny Lind Calicoes, and London Chintz, (of new designs.) Fine Plaid and Embroidered Ginghams, Super Groa de Rhine, and changeable Silks, Swiss and Jaconet Muslins, Bishop Lawn, Irish Linen, Long Lawn, and Thread Hkfs, Beautiful China Pearl, and Leghorn Bojthits, Rich Bonnet, Cap, Neck and Belt Ribands, , Silk Fringes and Velvet Trimmings, (of every shade.) Thread Laces, Edgings, and Muslin Trimmings, Bobbin Edgings, Silk and Worsted Braids, Bleached and Unbleached Cotton Shiritngs, Red and White Flannels, Woollen Shirts and Drawers, Plaid and Ombre shaded Linseys, Embroidered Cassimere, and Rich Cashmere and Woollen Shawls, Fnra Cloths and CASsixxaxs, Overcoating and Kentucky Jeans, Silk and Gingham Umbrellas. . . - - T. A. MITCHELL. Raleigh, Oct. 16. 1849. 780 GEO. WORTH AIW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oxford, r 'ILL attend to all claims entrusted to him in k. Counties of Granville, Warren, Franklin. nd Person. January 2, 1850. 792 6m. John M. Sheppaxd, Jr. COMMISSION MERCHANT, RICHMOND, Va. Om Promt Bhockoe Warehouse, OFFERS his services to sell Tobacco, Wheat, Flour, ad Cera; and respectfully solicits consignments. Pieanewv, January 1st, 1850. 792-6m. Raleigh Ran Road fXlHE Subscriber is now ready to take up the Bonds of I toe Wilmington and Kaleigh Rail Road, due January 849 and I860. CHARLES L. HINTON, Public Treasurer. January 18, 1850. 794 3t. BOTTLES ,,J CURE OF nsfT LIVER co. -CONSU' ' - 'fr ef This Medicine has acquired a very ex tended and established reputation wherever carious, has been restored to health covered with ulcers, I on Ui so me to himself Soul h Kingston, R. I., October 11, 1R47. little daughter, when one year old, was attacked which soon alter extended into her eves, causing them, and disfiguring her whole face. 1 emploved exhausted their utmost skill to give her relief, but HAYWOOD dc Co. Also, at P. F. TESCUD'S Apothe- 791 3m. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. THE following persons have been elected Directors and Officers of this Company for the present year : DIRECTORS. Dr. Josiah O. Watson, Jos. G. B. Roulhac, Richard mith, John Primrose, Henry D. Turner, S. W. Whit ing, T. H. Selby, of Raleigh ; Geo. McNeill, Fayette ville, Joshua G. Wright, Wilmington, Jas. E. Hoyt, Washington, James Sloan, G rcensbo rough , Wm. Bad ham, Edenton, Joshua Boner, Salem, Joseph Pool, Elizabeth City, Michael Brown, Salisbury, Alexander Mitchell, Newborn, W. N. H. Smith, Murfreesborough, H. B. Williams, Charlotte, John B. Barrett, Milton, and A- T. Sammy, Asheville. AH Directors are authorized to receive applications. OFFICERS. Josiah O. Watson, President, J. G. B. Roulhac, Vice President, Richard Smith, Treasurer, J. C. Partridge, Secretary, John H. Bryan, Attorney, J. Hersman, General Agent. S. W. Whiting, i Richard Smith, Executive Committee. John Primrose, ) This Company is now in successful operation, and is prepared to effect insurance against fire on all kinds of property, (Steam Mills and Turpentine Distilleries ex cepted.) All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post paid. J. C. PARTRIDGE, 8ec'y. Raleigh, January 2, 1850. 793 THE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, K.AI.EIGEC, sr. e. THE above Company has been in operation since the 1st of April last, under the direction of the following Officers, viz : Dr. Chas. E. Johnson, President, Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President, James F. Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H. Jones, Treasurer, Perrin Busbee, Attorney, Dr. Charles E. Johnson, afegj Board Dr. Wm. H. McKee, f Cmsultaton, Dr. R. B. Haywood, ) J. Hersman, Gcn'l. Agent. This Company has received a charter giving advanta ges to the insured over any other Company, The 6th Section gives the Husband the privilege to insure his own life for the sole use of his Wife and Children, free from any claims of the representatives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life mem bers participate in the whole of the profits, which are de clared annually. Besides, the applicant for life, when the annual premium is over $30, may pay one half in a Note. All claims for insurance against the Company will be paid within ninety days after proof of the death of the party is furnished. Slaves are insured for one or for five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure this class of property against the uncertainty of life. Slave insurance presents a new and interesting feature in the history of North Caroliaa, which will prove very important to the Southern States. The last four month's operation of this Company show every large amount of business more than the Directors expected to do the first year having already issued more than 200 Policies. AGENTS FOR THE COMPANY. J. Hersman, George T. Cooke, W. Whitaker, George E. B. Singeltary, R. P. Waring, Travelling Agents for North Carolina, dec and 8. J. Young, Agent for South Carolina. All Communications on business of the Company should be addressed to JAMES F. JORDAN, Secretary. August 29, 1849. 773 White Wine fer Cooking. A FIRST rate article. Also Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, XJa. Nutmegs, Alspice, Black and Cayenne Pepper, Race and Ground Ginger, Mustard, Sweet Oil, Extracts enaon, Uose, Yenella, and Orange, Cooper's Gelatin, and many other articles suitable for Christmas times, in store and for sale by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD, & CO. Dec 19, 1849. 7go State of North Ceroilaa-Wase Comnty. Court of Plena and Quarter Session", Nor. Term, 1849. Willis Well, Sr. vs. Willis Wall, Jr., Joseph Wall, ats. Petition for a Division of Land- rriHIS case coming on to be h leanfe grid it appearing lourVihnt Jesse Wail, .1 In (ko aatiaaaction of the CoW Barwell Wall, Elnanetn wan, wiuiam irsa'aw Wall, Sarah Wall, Willie Wall, Nancy Wall, Willw Wall. Mike "Wall. Wo. Wall, Jr., and Fanny Wall, a .a ws aa mwvii-" , Uf .11 DattaMilfi defendants, are non residents of this State: It is tbere- fore ordered by the Court that advertisement oe maw the North Carolina Standard, a newspaper published in the City of Raleigh, for six weeks successively, notifying the said Defendants, who are non-residents, to be and appear at the next term of our Court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions, to be held for the County of Wake, at the Court Mouse in the City of Raleigh, on the 3d Monday of February next, then and there to answer or demur to th said nctition. otherwise judgment pro eonfesso will be granted against them, and the prayer of the petition granted. Witness, James T. Marriott, Clerk of our said Court, at Office the 3d Monday of November, A. JJ. JAMES T. MARRIOTT, Clerk. January 1st, 1860. Adv. ) 792-6 State of North Carolina Franklin County. Thomas K. Thomas, Administrator of John Barnes, against Levin Barnes, and others Petition for the sale of Land and Lots. TTT annearinr to the satisfaction of the Court that Levin J Barnes, Addison Barnes, and Mancy Barnes, three of ... a o a a . the defendants in this case, are non-residents oi tnis awn s It ia therefere ordered bv the Court that publication be made for six successive Weeks in the North Carolina Standard, a paper published in the City of Raleigh, no tifvinor thim tn nnneur at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Franklin aforesaid, at the CourfHouse in the Town of Louisburg on the second Monday in March next, then and there to nlead. answer or demur to the petition in this case, or the same will be taken pro eonfesso as to them, and heard ex narte. Witness. Younrr Patterson, Clerk of our said Court, at office, in the town of Louisburg, the second Monday of December, A. D. 1849, and the 74th year of our Inde pendence. Y. PATTERSON, C. C. C. Jan. 93, 1850. (Pr. Adv. $5,02 ) 794 6w. State of North Carolina Northampton Couuty Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Dec. Term, 1849 Benjamin Miles, Adm'r. t. William J. Edwards, el als Petition to sell Land. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that James R. Edwards, one of the defendants in this case is not a resident of the State of North Carolina, it is therefore ordered by the Court that advertisement be made in the North Carolina Standard for the term of six weeks noti fying the said James R. Edwards to appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be beld for the rv.intv of Northamntnn. at the Court House, in the town of Jackson, on the first Monday in March next ihen and there to plead, answer or demur to the petition tn this case, or the same will be taken pro eonfesso as to him, and set for hearing ex parte. Witness John B. Odom, Clerk of our said Court, in the town of Jackson, on the first Monday of December, A. D. 1849, and in the 74th year of our independence. JOHN B. ODOM, Clerk. (Price of Adv. $5 62$.) 792 6w. State of North Carolina Washington County. Court of Equity Fall Term, 1849. Alfred Winchcll, Plaintiff, against Samuel Kissam and Joseph Kissam, Defendants. XT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the J defendant, Joseph Kissam is not an inhabitant of this State, but resides beyond the jurisdiction ot tnis Court It is therefore, on motion of the Plaintiff1 s counsel, or dered, that publication be made for six successive weeks in the Standard, a newspaper printed and published at the seat of Government of tbis State, for the said Joseph Kissam to appear at the Court to be held for the said County, at the Court House in Plymouth, on the second Monday of March next, and plead answer or demur to tho plantiff's bill, or the same will be taken as confessed by him and heard exparte. Witness, Thomas B. Nicholls, Clerk and Master of said Court, at Office in Plymouth, the second Monday in September, 1849. THOS. B. NICHOLLS, C. eY M. E. Plymouth, Dec 19, 1849. (adv. $5 62$.) 790-6t State of North Carolina Wayne Couuty. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Wm. B. Edmund son vs. William Wiard Original attachment levied on Stock of Goods in Goldsborough, ecc IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant is a non-resident of this State, it is ordered that publication be made for six successive weeks in the Raleigh Standard, notifying him that unless he appear before the justices of said Court at the Court House in Waynesborough, on the third Monday in February next, then and there to replevy and plead, the said property will be condemned to satisfy plaintiff's debt Witness, J no. A. Green, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the 3rd Monday hi November, A. D. 1849. JNO. A. GREEN, Clerk. Jan. 7, 1849. (Pr. of Adv. 5 52 J) 792 6w. Slate of North Carolina, Nash County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Nov. Term, 1849. Ansel J. Fen-ell, vs. Pleasarft L. Ferrell, John M. Ferrell, Margly Ann Ferrell, William B. Ferrell, and William Crocket Ferrell, heirs at Law of William Ferrell, dee'd. Petition for Partition. THIS Petition coming on to be heard, and it appear ing to the satisfaction of the Court that Pleasant L. Ferrell is a non-resident of this State, it is therefore or dered by the Court, that advertisement be made in the North Carolina Standard for six weeks successively, no tifying the said Pleasant L. Ferrell, to be and nppear at the next term of our Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Nash, at the Court House in Nashville, on the second Monday of February next, then and there to answer or demur to the said Petition, otherwise judgment pro eonfesso will be granted against him, and the Petition heard ex parte as to him. Witness, Jno. W. Bryant, Clerk of our said Court at office the second Monday in November, A. D. 1849. JNO. W. BRYANT, C. C. C. Dec 26th, 1849. (Pr. Adv. $5 62$.) 790 6 1 State of North Carolina, Franklin County. Martha D. Winston and Frances G. Winston, against Jesse Winston, jr. Administrator of Jesse Winston, Sr., and others Petition for distributive shares, and for sale of Slaves. IN this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Isaac Winston, Drayton Winston, Bartlett Y. Chipman and Mary Chipman his wife, William Winston, Willis Winston and James E. Whitfield, defendants in this case, reside beyond the limits of this State, it is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made for six successive weeks in the North Carolina Standard, a paper published in the City of Raleigh, notifying them tn appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, to be held for the said county of Franklin at the Court House, in the town of Louisburg, on the second Monday in March next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the petition in this case, or the same will be taken pro eonfesso as to them and heard exparte. Witness, Young Patterson, Clerk of said Court, at office, in the town of Louisburg, the second Monday of December, A. D 1849, and of our Independence the 74th year. Y. PATTERSON, C. C. C. Jan. 23, 1850. (Pr. of adv. $5,62$.) 794 6 w. NOTICE. the first Monday in March next, I will sell for 0Ne. cash at the Court House door in Fayetteville, the following tracts of land, or so much thereof as will pay the taxes due thereon for the year 1848 and cost of ad vertising, viz : Acres. By whom located. Where situated. 1,000 Beni. F. Atkins, joins Mrs. G. Hall and others, 600. do Between the little Rivers, 200 do Rockfish, 400 do Walker's Creek, 1,000 do Great do 640 do Barbecue, 2,500 do Stuart's Creek, 1,200 do Upper L. River, 1,000 do McDufiy Land, 100 'do Black River, 289 do Upper L. River, 110 do do 500 do do 1,200 do Gall Berry, 300 do Black River, 30 do Rollin's Land, ALEXANDER JOHNSON, SJkerif. By Jamks A. JoHirsoir, D. S. January 10th, 1850. (Adv. $5 00.) 794 XXTANTED from one to two million of Bncks to be Tff made ia moulds M inches long, i inches wide, and 3 inches thick, two thirds to be hard and well burn ed, and not exceeding one third, good Salmonto be in spected by the Commissioners or each person as they may appoint, i ue onm vm wo iwwm u and all openings to be excluded. Separate proposals will be received: 1. For the Brick by the 1000 te be taken at the kiln. t. For the same by the 1000 to be delivered at the building. 3. For laying the same by the loou. 4. For the same by the 1000, laid in the wall. Scaffolding and all materials (except Lime) to be sup plied by the contractors. Proposals will also be received for excavating and lay ing the foundation. of the Asylum in good mason work, a .a 1 11 -'- A. . IL.m!1aJ by tne percn an materials except iime u ue iuiuuwcu bv the contractors. " . . .... ...j. There is said -to be good clay on ue iana seieciea ior the Asylum ; if so, the contractor will be at liberty to use it. Wood can be had conveniently and at moderate lances. Bonds with approved security will be required ot toe contractors. Ten per cent on tne amount ot the con tract, will be paid in advance ; the remainder as the work progresses. Sealed proposals to be addressed to the suDscriDer at Raleigh, before the 15th February next. By order of the Commissioners. GEORGE W. MORDECAI, 8ec'y. Raleigh, December 18, 1849. 790 td. FRESH ARRIVAL. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS T AM now opening my usual assortment of Goods for I the Season, comprising in part, Cloths, Casstmeres, Vestings, Plain and Printed Cashmeres, Plain French Marino, Black Alpacca, Black French Bombazine, Black Cashmeres, Ladies Kid and Silk Gloves, hinen Cambric Handkerchiefs. lOO Pieces Calico of all Shades. English Ruly Prints, Gala Plaids for Children, Cotton and Silk Hose and half Hose, Bonnet Cap and Tapistry Ribbons, Bobbins, Tapes, Worsted Braids, Velvet Trim mines, Combs, Brushes, Soap, Cologn Water, &c 100 pieees Bleached and Brown Shirtings, Brown and Bleached Jeans, Osnaburgs, Marlboro Stripes, and Apron Checks, Linseys Kentucky Jeans, Diaper Irish Linen 5-4.12-4 Bleached Shirting, White and Red Flannels, and Patent Welch Flannels. 500 pair Shoes, of Heavy and Kip Brogans, for Men and Boys, Womens Leather Bootees and Shoes, Ladies Misses and Chudrcns Shoes and Bootees, a general sortment. Kerseys and Blankets, Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery Groceries of all Kinds, Ground AUum and Blown Salt, Sperm Candles, Cotton Bagging and Bale Rope, Twine Green and Black, Cotton and Silk Umbrellas, Moleskin Fur and Wool Hats, Boys and Mens Caps, Nails and Brads. For Sale by J. BROWN. No. 9, Fayetteville St. Raleigh, October 15. ' 780 GOOD BARGAINS FOR CASH, IN SHOES, SALT, LEATHER, & IRON. THE Subscriber has just seceived a general assortment of FAMJL Y GROCERIES, togeth er with his usual supply of superior Shoes, suitable for the country trade apart of which is very cheap. These AHUES were procured by the Government for the sol diers in Mexico, and not being required were sold out at auction and bought by the subscriber. They were bought at such rates as to enable me to sell the very best bargains in tbem. AH my Goods were bought with cash, there fore I can and will sell good bargains for cash or short time to punctual customers. Rags, Feathers, Beeswax Raw Hides, dec. taken in barter. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received from the citizens of Raleigh, and particularly from the people of the County of Wake and the surrounding country generally. I hope, by strict attention and fair dealing in business, to merit a continuance of the same. Call on Old Market Street, North side, 4th door from B. B Smith's corner. JORDAN WOMBLE. Raleigh, Oct. 1849. 778 FALL AND WINTER GOODS. JUST at hand an elegant Stock of XADI3B8' UHJBSS GBG8 as follows . Chameleon Poult de Soie, " Satin du chene, Printed and Plain Cashmeres great variety, do do Mouslin de Laines, French Merinos, Chamclion Lustres, do Silks, Brocade, do Queen's Grey, do Foulard Silks, Alpaca Lustres, Embroidered Robes, Capes, Collars, Gloves, Mits Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Velvet Trimmings, Also Swiss, Mull, Book and Jaconet Muslins, Muslin Trimmings, dec dec HEARTT & LITCHFORD. Raleigh, Sept 18, 1846. 777 Manufacturing Establishment. JOSEPH iE,TEKYG For a number of years Foreman of the Raleish and Gaston Rail Road Shop, RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of Raleigh and the surrounding country, that he is now prepared to manufacture Locks, of all descriptions. Guns and Pistols, Edge- Tools, Jmll- Wotk, mass castings. Carnage Springs, and in short anything in Machine and Blacksmith Work. He is also prepared to execute Bell-Hanging at the shortest notice. Also, has on hand an extensive assort ment of Locks of all kinds, nrices from 10 cents to $20. Edge Tools, Axes, Drawing Knives, Hatchets, Ham mers, Files, kc. All orders faithfully executed at the lowest prices. and new work entrusted to his care will be warranted. Repairing in his line performed with neatness and des patch. Also a general assortment of Guns and Pistols. His Establishment wilt De found at tne Kaleigh Kail Road Depot. Raleigh, March 28, 1849. 751 NEW WATCH & JEWELRY STORE. W. H. THOMPSON WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Raleigh and its vicinity, that he has opened a choice stock of in a part of the Store occupied by Mrs, Thompson as a Millinery establishment, where he offers for sale Gold and Silver watches, warranted correct time keepers ; the latest styles of Fashionable Jewelry, such as Guard, Vest and Fob Chains; Cameo, stone and mourning Broaches ; Plain, Chased and Stone Rings ; Gold Pens and Pencils ; Gold and Silver Thimbles; Studs, Collar and Sleeve Buttons, Ear Rings, Gold and Silver Spectacles, dec, Fancy Goods and Fine Cutlery , all of which will be sold cheap. Watches, Clocks and Jewel ry repaired in superior style. Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange. Sept. 21, 1849. 777 6m. LIVERY STABLES. THE Subscriber, having purchased all the stock, dec of the late Firm of Nixon and Cooke, takes occas ion to inform his friends and the public generally that he will continue to carry on the business, in all its branch es, at the same stand ; and that no efforts nor expense will be spared on his part to accommodate the travelling community. Conveyances, with good horses and care ful drivers, will be furnished at all times and at short no tice ; and in fact, every convenience for travelling, in the way of horses, carriages, buggies. dec will be supplied on the best terms by the undersigned. The subscriber also expects to keep constantly on hand, good Horses for sale ; and persons wishing to put out weir norses oy me week, Or month, or year, will have them welt attended to, at moderate prices. His Stables are on Wilmington Street, just to the East of raarxet square inanKtul lor the. very liberal encouragement which has been extended to the late Firm, the undersigned pledges himself to merit, by his exertions, a continu ance ot public patronage end favor. m , . t GEO. T. COOKB Kaleigh, Dec 1st, 1849. 787 tf Just Received. A Large lot of Lathe's Dress Goods, which will be sold lower than any ever offered in this market JOHN CREECH. 789 Raleigh, Oct. 17, 1849. Female Classical Xntsitute. xl AXxrJBC, nr. e. Rsv. B. T. Biakk, Principal. f - J Mr. Wiiham C. Dotjb, A. M. Mrs. Lcct M. PxTxnsillA. Assistants. Mt. Kiii W. Pstsbsuia, Prof, of Music Mis Mabtha E. Dona, Principal of Prep. Dep. ' The first Session for 1850, will begin on Monday the 7th January. TKBKS. Board and Tuition for Session of 6 months, Music ea A Piano, or the Guitar, Drawing and Painting in Water Colors, Painting in Oil Colors, $70 SO 10 15 10 15 French, Tuition in Preparatory School, Thirty Young Ladies can be accommodated with board . - in the Institute. The design of the Institute is to furnish to a limited number of Students the means of a thorough course of instruction in the Classics. Being a private enterprise and havine notbine to sustain it but its own merits, care has been taken to secure the assistance of Professors and Teachers who are of acknowledged abilities and long experience in their several departments. or further particulars aouresa tne rnncipai. Raleigh, Nov. 86th, 1849. 787 Sedgwick Female School, RALEIGH, N. C. THE exercises of this institution, of which the late Rev. J. J. Finch was Principal, will continue as here tofore, under the direction and supervision of Mrs. Finch, together with such assistants as circumstances may require. . Terms per Session (payable in advance.; Board and English Tuition, $60,00 Music on Piano or Guitar, 20,00 Use of Instruments, 3,00 Drawing and Painting, 10,00 Ancient or Modern Languages 10,00 On the above charges a reasonable deduction will be made to those who, individually, enter more than two pupils. January 28th, 1850. 7n M. FEMALE BOARDING SCHOOL. THE Seventh session of my School will open on Thursday, the 10th January next, under the care of competent Teachers. Charges as heretofore, viz : For Board and Tuition, per session of five months, in all the English branches, including Ornamental Needle work, Lights, Washing, dec, - - - $37 50 Fer French, - - - - 6 00 For Music on Piano, - - - - 12 50 Music on Guitar will also be taught at - - 10 00 This School, situated 12 miles South of Oxford, on the Raleigh Rail Road, is a preparatory School to Greensbo rnugh Female College; and Parents wishing to give their Children a good and thorough education, or prepare them for College, cannot do so at any other School on better terms than is here offered. No deduction made for ab sence after entering School, except in case of sickness. EDW'D. SPEED. Address Brookville, Granville County, N. C. December 30, 1849. 792 4w. CARTHAGE INSTITUTE. THE Trustees of this Institution have secured the services of the Rev. A. C. McNeill, A. M., (whose high qualifications as a Teacher are well known,) as Principal of the Male and Female Departments. The Spring Session will commence on Monday the 14th of January, 1850. For health, cheapness, and efficient instruction, the Trustees can confidently recommend this School to the public The rates of Tuition vary in each department from $8 to $12 and $15 per Session of five months, accord ing to the advancement of the pupil ; with extra charges n the female branch. Music on Piano $16, Wax Flow ers and Fruits $10, Drawing and Painting $5, Greek, Latin, and French, $5 each, dec Board, including lights, fuel and washing, can be had in the village at $7 per menth, and at from $5 to $6 in the neighborhood. SAM'L. J. PERSON, Ch'n. Board of Trustees. Jan. 12, 1850. 794 3w. OXFORD MALE ACADEMY. E. H. HICKS, A. M. Principal. THE Exercises of this Institution will be resumed on the 14th January, 1850. The course of instruction is such as to prepare boys for admission into the Univer sity of this 8tate. Distinctions are awarded at each semi annual examination, and reports upon the scholarship and deportment of each student are sent to the parents or guardians, twice each session. The Principal is prepared to accommodate ten or twelve boarders. His residence is near the Academy, and half a mile from Oxford. Terms per session of Five Months : Board, including Washing, Fuel, dec - $ 45 00 00 50 00 00 Elementary English Studies, 10 12 15 5 Advanced English Studies, Classics, - -French, - -Oxford, Granville County, N. C. December 28, 1849. 792 Warrcnton Female Seminary. THE Exercises of this Institution closed for the pres ent year with a Public Examination, held on the 30th and 31st ultimo, and will be resumed on Tuesday, the 15th of January. The Principal is assisted in the various duties of the School by the most able Teachers. Terms as follows, per session of five months : Board, $50,00 I Music $20,00 English Tuition, 12,50 Use of Instrument, 3,00 French, 10,00 j Drawing de Painting 10,00 Useful and ornamental needle work free of charge No extra charges will be made. Circulars containing more minute information can be obtained on application to the Principal. DANIEL TURNER. Warrenton, N. C. Nov. 12, 1849. 785 tf. TEACHER WASTED. THE Trustees of the Rutherford Female Academy wish to engage a competent Gentleman (he must be a married man) to take charge of the School. A teacher of good qualifications would meet with liberal support. The tuition money will constitute the compensation of the teacher; the School has atone time yielded to the Prin cipal one thousand dollars, after paying his Assistant. Applications must be made on or before the 15th Feb ruary, 1850, aa on that day the Trustees wiH proceed to make a selection. Applications will also be received at the same time for a Music Teacher. Address J. McENTTRE, M. D. Chairman Board of Trustees. Rutherford ton, January 16, I860. 794 2t. NEW CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE late firm of Mcllwaine- de Brownley having been dissolved, Mr. W. Brownley retiring from- business, we have this day entered into partnership, and will con tinue the Grocery and Commission, business in the same manner as heretofore, under the firm and style of Mcllwaine, Brownley dk Co. We hope by constant and faithful attention to the interest of our friends, to merit e continuance of that patronage, so long and so liberally extended to our pre decessors. Our Stock of Groceries will be large and commanding, embracing a general assortment of Goods in our line, (intoxicating Liquors excepted.) We shall give strict attention to the sale of Produce on Commission, and will be at all times prepared to make liberal" advances, when desirable. A. G. McILWAINE, WM. 8V BROWNLEY, R. D. McILWAINE, R. A. MARTIN, . JOSEPH B. DUNrt. Petersburg, January 30, 1850. 795 3t THE Subscriber Classical School was opened on the lstmetant. TKBMS P1H aaasKOX. For Board, - Tuition, - Tuition (English,) - JNO. B, Raleigh Jan, 3, 1850. $50 00 15 00 10 00 BOBBITT. 793 3t. AB. STITH de Co., invite the attention of Coun- try Merchants to a consignment of Prints, Satti- nets, Hosiery, Tweedes Cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans. which they are authorized to sell to a punctual Merchant at 6 months credit and at prices lower than they can i j- r W DC puiuiucu iur. Raleigh Nov. 26, 1849, 786 E. L. HARDING'S CLOTHING ESTABLSHMFV Under the Telegraph Office. ' NOW opening a large and complete assortment 0f H4JE CleOTMUTG, consisting in part of black, blue, and brown Frock ana Dress Coats, black, blue, and drab Over-coats, Half T gas, Cloaks, Vests, Pants, Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, fW penuers, nan-nose, rocmei nanuaercnieis, Cravats- ' fact every thing usually kept in a clothing store r'n for cash. E. L. HARDING Raleigh, Nov. I, 1749. 784; NOTICE. THE Undersigned offers at private sale three tract, of Land in Rockingham County, North Carolina" One fifteen miles from Danville, Va., on the road to sj lem. It contains 920 acres, of which about 200 are cleared, and has upon it an excellent framed dwdij,, house, and large and good outhouses, stables, blacksmith shop, ice-house, dec Also, a great number of fruit tree, of different kinds. The water is good. This place i. . good stand for a Store, Physician, and blacksmith shoo The other two tracts are two mites from the above, Wolf Island Creek. Both of them have been cultivated as plantations, and possess the usual improvements and conveniences of such places. There are 634 acres in 0D( and 200 in the other, a good portion of both of which is excellent bottom land. Terms cash or credit of one, two, and three years or longer. For further particulars apply to the undersign, ed, living on the first above-mentioned place. If by eJ ter, direct to RawUngsburg, Rockingham County, Kortb Carolina. ARY ANN WILLIAMSON, Executrix of R. P. Williamson, deceased December 31st, 1849. 792 6t pd. ' Sales of Negroes Sec. by Executors of John McLeod. ON Friday the 1 1th instant, and on the day follow. ing, (if necessary,) will be sold on a credit of six months, at Bona Vista, the late residence of Col. John McLeed, a large number of Fat Hogs, Stock Hogs, Cat. tie, Mules, Horses, (some of them blooded and very val uable) Farming utensils, dec. dec Also, on Tuesday of Johnston County Court, FeW ary 26th, 1850, will be sold at the Court House, in Smithfield, on a credit of 12 months, a Turpentine i)i. tillery, and two young negro women, one having four children, the other having two, and three valuable me. chanics, viz; a House Carpenter, a Leather dresser, (who is also a harness and shoe-maker) and an excellent Sjiir. its Turpentine barrel-maker. HATH AM W1L.L.IAM8, 1 H. W. HUSTED, January 7th, 1850. 792-6tpJ. State of North Carolina Wayne County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Nov. Term, 1841. Thomas G. Wilson agent, dec. vs. William Wiard. Original attachment levied on Goods, dec rr appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant is a non-resident of this State : It is there fore ordered that publication be made for six weeks, in the Raleigh Standard, notifying him that unless he be and appear before the justices of said Court, at the Court Hduse in Waynesborough, on the 3d Monday in Febru ary next, then and there to replevy and plead to issue, the property levied on will be condemned to satisfy the Plaintiffs debt. Witness, John A. Green, Clerk of our said Court at office on the 3d Monday in November, 1849. JNO. A. GREEN, Clerk. Jan. 30, 1850. (Pr. adv. $5 62$.) 79Ar-. FOR SALE OR RENT. A DESIRABLE residence containing 3C4 acres known as the Oakley plantation ; the late residence of A. A. Jones, about 10 miles North of Raleigh, with in one mile of Huntsville Depot, and adjoining Wake Forest District. The above situation has a good Dwel ling and other needful out houses ; on it is a fine stand for a Doctor, a good summer retreat from sickness, meet excellent good water, and the iplantation in fine order It cultivate either in corn, cotton or tobacco. For terat apply to SETH JONES. Pomona, January 15, 1850. 794 3t. N. B. Those who wish to buy or rent would do well to apply soon. S. J. NOTICE. REWARD will be given for the apprehension and delivery to the Sheriff or Jailor of Johnt- $25 ton County, of a man who broke Johnston County Jail, on the night of the 9th of August, 1849, who was ar rested as Calvin Griffin, but who had passed in said Coun ty for some time by the name of Henry Griffin. He was taken on a Capias, charged with Assault and Batte ry with intent to commit a Rape. Said Griffin, I suppose, is between Twenty-five mi Thirty years of age, five feet seven or eight inches high, fair skin, and weighs about one hundred and fifty pounds. J. H. DANIEL, Sheriff. Smithfield, September 13th, 1649. 776-tf. Negroes for Sale and Hire. UNDER a decretal order of the Court of Equity for Chatham County, I shall on the 12th day of Feb ruary next, being Tuesday of the County Court, in the Town of Pittsborougb, offer for Sale several very valuable Slaves of both sexes, and at the same time hire out, for the balance of the year, several of a like description. Terms of Sale Cash. M. Q. WADDELL, C. M. E. Jan. 23, 1850. 794 St. $50 REWARD. ANAWAY from Matthew N. Strickland sometime in November 1847, -Negro Man Calvin, aged about Thirty years. He is a very black negro, and about five feet ten or eleven inches high. He has fine white teeth. He had been hired about Raleigh some two years before be ran away, otaa ooy, l Deneve, is luraing aooui ivaieigu as he has a wife at Mr. Towle's. I will give the above reward for his apprehension and delivery to me or for his confinement in Raleigh Jail. BRYAN GREEN, For M. N. STRICKLAND. August 20, 1849 772 tf. The Latest Fashions Just at Hand. Oh. BURCH has returned from the North with a every thing necessary for manufacturing the most fashionable Boots and Shoes that can be made. He has bought the beat Paris aa well as Philadelphia Calf Skins, and now feels confident that he can not only make s fashionable but as durable Boots and Shoes as any man in the United State. Call ahd examine for yourselves. November 21, 1849. 785 Te the Trade. OL. BURCH will inform the Trade that be con stantly keeps on hand a large assortment of Tools. Lasts, Boot and Shoe Trees Three!, Calf, Goat, and Lin Skigkms, and every thing to furnish a shop out and out- JNAoember 21, 1849. 785- The Americas Almanac, i t r v, ,.t . Tho Church' F OR 1850. man A hmhk for lftiVfl- The Komilv UhnfW" The North Carolina ; sad the Boston Almanac, for 18 also Every Body's and Dairy for 1850. The, above this day received, and for sale at the North arolina Book Store, by H. D. TURNER Raleigh, Dec I, 1849. 787- JOB PRINTING . rpHE Subscriber is prepared to do jobs of Printing ' Jr all kinds, including Pamphlets, Handbills, Cr Blanks, dtc at short notice and en reasonable terms He has. in his employment as good Printers as the aw in the State; and as he works en good material tf" with new type, he can confidently assure those who mj. favor him with their patronage that their jobs will w well done. W. W. HOLDEN- fttan.1ri OffiM. Tv Ifttfl. 758-tt- IS hereby given to tin next of kin, to the heirs st 1 of the Estate of LoveL Harrison dord., late of wag County, to come forward with their claims, u " said Estate, by the third Monday in February next being the time for holding the Court of Pleas and W jj ter sessions for the Comity of Wake as I am reauy pgr over to the proper dainnrnts-their distributive sns in said Estate. , MICHAEL THOMPSON, Tl on iBio 79 1 p ess mi srva ijvii , FRESH supply of Moleskin, Beaver, Marie. a pdpou nf molesKin. reaver, , A I;.,rrB'.. tfh.r .itb Men aad j.jaaa sjuornui , o rvforfl, fur ma vivu -roi- . a- : . l ltiMi WW Kaieiga, cwwy er-.