Newspaper Page Text
i !«"t i* -'7'v'V••*.' DEATH ENDS A BAD SPREE Alone in a Gloomy Prison Cell Hector Logan Passes Away Under Pe culiar Circumstances. His Skull May Have Been Fractured by a Blow on the Head With a Heavy Shovel. Hector Logan, a young ^at) about 25 years of age, who was arrested last flight about 7 o'clock on a pjain drunk Charge, died in the female department at the city jail about 6:30 this morning. The cause of death i« a mystery, which may be revealed at the coroner's in quest tomorrow morning. The remains were taken to the morgue of the Luger Furniture and Undertaking Co., where the inquest will be held and where the body will be prepared for burial. Prisoners confined in the same corri dor with Logan last night stated this morning that during the night he groaned several times and that his breathing was heavy. At 6 o'clock this morning Of ficers Korsmo and Dahlgrcn entered the prison to serve breakfast and were in formed by the inmates of Logan's condi tion. They entered the corridor and found the young follow in an unconscious condition, lying on a blanket in the cor ner. They removed him to the female ward and summoned a physician, but be fore the doctor arrived Logan breathed his last. The physician is undecided re garded the cause of death. He found the dead man's eye badly bruised and the stomach overloaded with water. Blood was flowing from the nose. It is more than likely that Logan's death was caused from concussion of the braini Logan has been employed in the coun ty as a farm laborer for the past five or six years and during the past season worked for Henry Bray. He came to town about a week ago and has been on a bad spree. Last night lie went to the home of Mrs. Maring 011 Fourth Street North, just off of Fourth Avenue, where he boards when in the city, and while in a drunken frenzy commenced to beat Mrs. Maring on the head with his fists. Mrs. Maring's screams attracted the at tention of neighbors, and Peter Reitz, who lives at 417 Fourth Avenue, went £0 the house and found Logan in the act *f beating his landlady. Mr. Reitz inter fered and in a scuffle which followed Reitz, it is said, struck Logan in the left eye with his fist and beat him over the head with a coal shovel. Logan put tip a hard fight and pulled a razor to defend himself. While Mr. Reitz and Logan were tussling in the house Desk Sergeant Wood of the police department appeared in the neighborhood and was informed of the incident. He entered Mrs. Maring's house and placed Logan under arrest and with the aid of Officer Tictgens succeeded in landing him in the city jail. When searched at the po lice station a gold watch, 10 cents in money and a razor was found in Logan's SUNSHINE! And the ladies arfe appearing on the street. The boys have skaken tfle $}? 'Hi mud from their feet, And now buy for their ladies* Ever hart's "Bkter Sweets.** Queen's Favorite^ and Bitter Sweets Chocolates- ...ALL DEALERS... C, A. Everhart & Co. FARM LOANS. We want a few more farm loans. Our 3-'" izijt .4' vii- 4-' '4 $ SSm. rat^s are as low ,as the timejwjermit. Appli cations cindfcCftles are passed 'upon here, ind the funds are ready as soon as the title is in shape. Call and see us.' THE NORTHERN TRUST CO MagM Ittok, Fargo. .- y. pockets. He was taken to the jail and confined in one of the main corridors with the other prisoners. When Peter Reitz, who is employed as foreman at Doyle's livery stable, heard of the sad climax to Logan's spree, he immediately visited the police station ami told the officers the part he played in the incident of last night at the home of Mrs. Maring. He admitted that he struck the dead man, but did not think the blow of sufficient force to fracture the skull. TJie officers and physicians, however, think that this is what caused the death of the unfortunate young man. Under direction of Acting Chief of Po lice Gowland Reitz was taken into cus tody and confined in the city jail, pend ing a thorough investigation of the case and the result of the coroner's inquest. Coroner Savage has been notified and will be here on tonight's train. The re mains will be in charge of the sheriff's department, until the arrival of the coro ner. A number of prisoners, who were confined in the jail last night, were held by Judge Gearey this morning in order that they may. give testimony before the coroner's jury. MRS. MARING'S STORY. She Gives in Detail What Occurred at Her Home Last Night. Mrs. Maring was visited by The Fo rum this morning. She states that she has known Logan for the past five or six years and that when in the city he roomed at her house, which is located in the rear of 412 Fourth Street North. "Logan has been working at Har wood during the past season," said Mrs. Maring this morning. "He came to the city about a week ago and has been drinking ever since. On Wednes day evening he went out to Argusville to collect $50 from John Brase, which he said was coming to him. H# re turned Thursday night about 12 o'clock and occupied his room here. He start ed for Moorhead yesterday morning and while I was absent from home he re turned to my house yesterday after noon. He was intoxicated when I re turned from down tow i and shortly after my arrival he commenced tc curse my little boy. I remonstrated but it did no good and at last I ordered him to leave the house. We had some words. He approached the back door and I made an effort to shove him out It was then that he struck me on tht head. I called for help and sent mj little boy for the neighbors. Mr. Reitz answered the summons. I told him where Logan was standing in the door way. leading from the kitchen to th wood shed. I don't know exactly wha passed between him and Mr. Reitz, but saw Mr. Reitz strike him over the head with a shovel. Logan fell to the ground face downward and was appar ently unconscious. I did not see Mr Reitz strike him with his fist. ShortK after this young Wood appeared. He had some trouble in getting Logan or his feet and threatened to strike hfrfr with his club, but I interfered and Ut was at last taken from the house. Tm officer did not strike him while in rh) house and that is all I Vnow about tljt case.'' HECTOR LOGAN'S CAREER. Was a Minneapolis Boy and Has .! Mother and Sister Residing in that City. Hector Logan, the dead man, is a native of Minneapolis. He came tr Fargo about five years ago, and thf greater portion of the time since has been employed as a farm laborer He was addicted to the drink habit and when intoxicated was ugly am quarrelsome. About ten years ago hi: mother and father separated. Hi mother and a sister at present reside ii Minneapolis and his father is workinp somewhere in Minnesota, but the towi is not known. He has a sister in Mon tana and a brother who resides in thi: city, and who was until recently em ployed as a teamster by the Bower Bros. He viewed the remains .at th morgue this morning and pronouncet the body that of his brother. The fam ily has been notified and the funeral ar rangements will not be made until th mother and other relatives have beer heard from. The dead man's trunk was found at the Great "Northern sta tion in this city and letters from hb mother, found in the trunk revealec her address. Deceased was a man about 25 yean of age, below the average in height ant wore a smooth face. K*s features ar thin and show traces of heavy dissipa tion. When taken to the police sta tion last night he was in a very groggj condition, which at the time wa: thought to be front the effects of liquor but later developments prove this con elusion to have been erroneous. Mr. Reitz was visited by his wife MRS. CLEAVES WAS THERl Wahpeton Globe: Mrs. Cleaves mother of the blackguard who wa horse-whipped on the strtet a few day* ago, was in Wahpeton Monday, look ing up the matter. Mrs. Cleaves is 0 the opinion that her darling son woul not nor could not say naughty thingt of the fair sex. Mrs. Cleaves' confl dence in her son is not shared by imaili) who know him pretty wel!. $ EMERGENCY COMMISSION. Wahpeton Globe: The Wells Coup ty News insists on a literal instructicw of scriptures, so to speak, and that the "emergency commission" has power tc appropriate money* Sucl* a construe tion of the statute has never been a^ cepted by the commission, and it is iK)t likely that any commission ever will c$b it. The constitution £ays that the lejj islature only shall have power to ag pr6priate mon^i ••«v •'. -a. e..y^ ,ji^ffi^.^.!,. .*?• A'as at the city jail this morning. While deep ly regretting the incident Mr. Reitz feels confident that 110 criminal respon sibility can be attached to him. was cautioned by Mrs. Maring to looV out for a razor, which Logan wa1 known to have in his clothes, and per haps pursued the same course that an? other man would have under similai circumstances. Reitz will perhaps givt bond fos. his appearance and will released from custody this afternoon. v THE FARGO FORTJM 'AND "MlLf^PUBLICAN,FMDAY 'i«!iWft^^^ Mittens and Hosiery, 3 at*••«••.•« ».•.•••••••••• *.•. Men's and Boys' CiotHTrigT Caps and Furnishing Goods, at., Ladies' Underwear and Men's Underwear,., at not well and investigating found the iged man in a drunken stupor, with $55 •.nnvetliently stored in his vest pocket. He put the hobos' to flight and took Hewitt to the station, wiiere he will be onfined until tomorrow morning, when he will be arraigned in city court on a lain drunk charge. -j 'I -AN'.v I, DANCING ACADEMY. Sfohe's Music Opens Oct. 13. WElot HERB ST 16 AND 18 BROADWAY, 1. HERBST]• Will retire from business. Hfe Wishes to do so without needless delay. To accomplish this all goods vU be sold at discounts ranging from. IO to 33 Per Cent Off "on the excepted*' By offering triis inducement it is expected that everything will b6 sold in-a short time*w . i—^ Dress .Gppds at discounts ranging from Dress Trimmings Laces and Embroideries, all Shoes, Overshoes, Gloves, 'a.- ruesday evening class, 7:3cf. sliaifp $7.00 Saturday afternoon classes, '.V.:... $3.50 Oct. 17. rivate dancing lessons, Privirte physical culture v Saturday "InformitL" Oct. 17. (Opening party.). Cards requested at .j|poifcrJ Mrs. Youmans,' 1 K The Waldorf Ditectress. Prescriptions COULD make a whole, of extravagant claims, but, after all, the question, would come back, "Do ye make good?" When it comes to that point we are wttiteg "to stand oiir record, v-^ We toe lieve that prescriptiqn work can not be done anymore carefully or satisfactorily to doctor and patient than our work is now done. 10 to 33 Per Cent Off v ContikleringtmAiisual tow plrcro, this will mean a saving of'at least 33 per 9 -cent from clothing store prices. k ... 0 v.» •»,«,•* Ladies' Suitsy'Cloaks, -Fur Garments, Furs and ». SllHwlS #,» V? *.- WILL BE $55 TO THE 000D. Basy Rrftjr for the Hobos, He Was Rescued by the Watchful Pojlce. -s" Wben Abraham Hewitt, an old roan recovers from a drunk in the city jail and has a conference with Chief Gow land tomorrow motiiing, he will find himself $55 to the good as a result of he watchfulness of the local police. This ifternoon Officer Korsmo noticed an,old_ -.nan sleeping near the oil mill, in the lower part of the city. Around the old fellow hovered a gang of suspicious booking fellows. The officer thought all Prices are always reasonable. WILSER'S 604 Front Steect, Fargo, N, D. Going Out of Business 20 Per Cent Off 10 Per Cent Off 10 Per Cent Off 10 Per Ceiift Off 10 to 20 Per Cent Off DISCOUNT GOODS T^i "I BRIGQS BOYS ARE IN FARQO Th^y ifiki Charged With Alaklnsr an Assault With a Deadly Weapon. Jud&n ibd Georgi BrijggS, a^res|ed! at Pipe River, Minn., the first of the week charged with making an assault with a deadly weapon, were brought to the city last night by Deputy Sheriff Redmon. They were arraigned before Judge Gearey last night atid their pre liminary .hearings set for this morning at 10 o'clock. Their bond was fixed at $1,000. They could not make bail and were committed to pan. This morning they were arraigned and their hearing was postponed until Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. This step was made necessary by the absence of the Assistant State's Attorney from the city. The Briggs brothers were arrested on complaint of Jack Howard, foreman of a farm down 011 the §heyenne. They are members of a threshing crew which worked in that section during the fall. They had trouble with Howard regard ing tools and jumped upon him and beat him with a revolver. His right eye was partially gouged out.. The com plaining witness was in the city this morning and stated that the doctor does not know whether the eye can be saved or not. The Briggs boys are considered desperate characters by the officers and were brought to the city handcuffed to gCthcr*«F ryy PLOWMEN WANTED||. Men with teams get steady and long work at good wages. Inquire of ,,:. Morton «K. ^ARTLETTJ Bartlett, N. D., Oct. 8.—To The Fo rum: One day last week Hinebauch's broncho team ran away and went into a wire fence that had been built across an old road. They were badly ctft..One of them had to be shot. Hinebauch is going to sue for damages. Setfton Carlquist arrived here from Portal one day la§t week to do some (jpilecting fttr his brother. «fohn, who is now at I^drtal doing a nice business. There is to be a basket social in the schoolhouse here next Friday evening. Miss' Nellie' Norton departed Mon day .for'the University of North Da kota, where she is going to attend schcol. One njght jast .week, aome lawless person or persons broke out three lights from the front of Geo. Fulton's store. He has offered a reward of $10 for proof of who did the work, but has not landed his man yet. They certain* ly ought not to go unpunished. Cor. B. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Axminster, Wilton and Ingrain Carpets and Mattings- Yarns, Ribbons, Stamped iLinens and Drawn Work, 3t 1 v'/iii Hardware, Tinware, Cutlery, China and Silverware, --.V at .-%••••• •...• Ladies' Men's, Misses', Boys' and' Children's Sweaters, ®t Rugs, Draperies, Lace Curtains, Oil Cloths and Linoleums, at 5 Cpmplete outfit for a confectionecj tplysodaGe6rge re arid ice cream pjirlor fUturei-^x* fountain—for sale cht$p to Pirie, Fargo. DEPARTMENT STORE THIS SALE COMMERCES MONDAY. OCTOBER 5 Discounts drt the Various Lines of Goods Are as Follows: Blankets, Comforts, Bed Spreads, Sheets and Pillow Cases, dt i Wash Goods, Sheetings, Table Linens, Towels and Toweling, at FOOTBALL GAMES TOMORROW Than WW Be a Double Header Attraction In Football Tomorrow. Considerable Interest is aroused'in the football games tomorrow afternoon. The A. C. will play the Barnesville team and the Fargo Highs will play Fergus Falls. The A. C. line-up game fdr is tpittorrow's as follows: L. E.—White. L. T.—Port#. L. G.—Schmidt. i C.—Wickes. R. G.—Oswald. R. T.—Wm. Westergaar^L R. E.—Birch. A* Q. B.—Corbett L. H.—Rose. 'w ',v *V£.. F, B.—McC&y. M R. H.—Spelltecy. After the first half, if the play goes properly, a number of players will be substituted. No player need think for a moment that he has a hold on first place since merit alone shall deter mine. V The Barne&yillf teaA is not conipps* ed of high school players alohe( but is largely made up of boiler makers work ing in the railroad shops, so the con test, seen in this light, takes, on greater proportions. The game between the twy high schools should be interesting as they seem to be evenly matched this year. Last year Fergus had the superior team. Both gamesv will be gjayed 4or the same admission—50 cents, "and it is understood the high school boys play THE —p-.——- The famous Jordon Cutlery has reached the highest limit o£ the art of manufacture of Pen Knives,. Pocket Knives, Scis sors,rSteel ^psers, File^Fin^r JJaiF Clips, (Uppers, daJhty Manicure articles, etc. tv '5 i»\ 9* V •. ••-f *, ,, 4 FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA 10 Per Cent Off 10 Per Cent Off 15 Per Cent Off 10 Per Cent Off 110 Per Cent Off 10 Per Cent Off 10 Per Cent Off ---SPECIAL-" -*T TAFFY— We have arranged a display of these goods in one of our shMv windoWs which you should not fail to see. TTPKWRITERS r$ir.Jpof R«nt and For Sale-Almost any kind yob prefer. 70 IrtMwijr, each 4 inches wide, at per box, 25c A tfeatlor all tbeliiHy. T.C. WALL ft CO tt4 MOADWAY,# Ji." T-v FAR80. at 3 oo the A. C. LIMIT 'N CUTLERY Farso, and Barnesville at /.v.- MONEY TO LOAN. On first mortgage security, improved farms. Consult with us as to rates bet fore borrowing. We charge n6 c6mmi». sion. Morton & Cojr N. D. 1. Sjfc- Taffy Box Sale, SATURDAY* A box, 10x16 in. containing 4 10-in. strips of Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry and Molasses 'i".n i-- •r'-f-iisi V i CJ I, I SPS 1 i