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V?- I tftrary Bldg. Library Entrance .v- jfc'j»in lit i.n RUSTAD. CASED WHISKIES, RYES. 11 •"j-fe Wr RAY VIOLET V .i s •. •f '.n t' '"$ Catarrh, #sthma, %i Bronchitis Qt. XXX Rye... .. .$1.50 $ .46 Worth its weight in gold. XX Rye.... 1..75 .60 Old Rye..... a.00 .75 One trial and you will never be without it. Old Polk 2.75 r00 40 This excellent blend is worth $3.75 on time. Dragon 3.00 tlw •t: Excellent goods and it is fit to sell over any bat*. Overholt 3.50 KIJ «-h Write for sample and y*U. will be sure to like it.: Lewis '66. ...... 4.00 i.& A big seller and a good value for the money. Old Forester 4.50. t.fS .$0 Nine years old. •... Sam Clay 5.60 I.75 ,90 As smooth as silk. Bourbons.#^^-^ Gal Qt Pt. Silas Wlftte.... .$1.50^ $.50 $ .25 A fine Bourbon Argyle i.f& 7^%"' Take advantage dfcv,^ .-"V i.'jr'': this offer. Oscar Pepper... 2.00 L-75 Superior to most whiskies sold for $ 3 0 0 Worth more monfljf,: Roebuck .* 3.00. .00 .36 A fine drink. It A fine Bourbon, ex e n s i v e y u s e Meltona 4.Op ',fe Nine years old. Private Stock... 5.00 1.50 -75 Ten ye^rs old. CANADIAN RYES of all and Consumption, W e a k u n 4 Rheum^lem, ©•©•(j*®*®* ®4®4®4®4®4®4®# ®4®4^4 Medical and Electrical Institute The Largest and Most Modern Equipped Institute in the Northwest for treatment of ALL CHRONIC DISEASES lTR •m. STATIC Vv'1^ "''A Bottle of Brandy in neat package will be given FREE with every Thanksgiving or der for liquor. No matter how much or little your order, men tion this paper, and A.J. Rustad, Moor head, Minn., Will send a Bottle of Brandy FREE with the order. -, .V wi i Send for WiBit 5^u%ant1ft*om the following list. Order now and you will enjoy Thanksgiv ing Day: '.. •V" i BRANDIES, Gal Qt. Pt. Blackberry .....$1.50 $ .60 Santa Clara 2.0^ .60 Old Sunshine... 3.50 $ -30 •30 -SO .65 .60 -50 .40 X»oo California. 4.00 X.3& Cognac 3.SO J-H Apple Brandy. .. 3.0a v*.oo" Peach Brandy.,. 2.50 ,75 7 Rums., i 1 j| GaH ft? New England Rum Jamaica Rum... 3.00 .jgu. .40 »4© Gins.. i"-' Gal Qt. Pt. .40 .30 i Old Tom Gin...$2.50 $ .75 $ Holland Gin.... 3.0Q 1.00 Wine*. Old Bernardino Port $2.o% Pt v.60 San Pedr'o Port, x.o^.- »3S And twenty other varieties. Temps# Ginger Ale..... kinds.1 •©•@•0 s#® •©•©•©•(S)#®#®#® J^rinks. te INOORPOHATCO. .,.$325 White Rock Mineral Water..'.. 3.25 Silerian «'£&* Vj^..3.25 Cream Soda. *^25 e o n S o a V s Lemon Sour................. 3.75 $1.25 for cases returned. EYE, EAR, NOSE EATM EN TS I GALVANIC V ELECTRICITY. FARADIC 1 Our Physicians are Specialists in their respective lines and our treatments are up to date and blend with nature's demands which produce speedy ....And permanent cures, v'' ft i^rit iiai n coutf LumbdgOf 'tfsPa Ecxma^^:^. Canoer, Special Nervous Diseases of Men* .- 3 And all Diseases and Operations of EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. Our Home Treatment lor OBESITY, "OR SUPERFLUOUS FAT," is absolutely harmless and wwiilt^, W.rifc, Foi: our twl^et ot» TmtOMnt.. niDCAT unuc TDEATyCMT QVQTCII ,. For those who cannot leave their occupations, or who we at too great a distance, is Perfect in Detail. 'M A coim&rfp 4|a(pio^i treatiioent mdd Mdtiee will fje ^Lyen each and every ca^. Personal direetio# w 0ur ap^ciol|rtfe mak^B thi* iysMm exact. r'&ti confidentiauy. W Hta t»-4ay. fer our Free Blanks and receive our advice. All communic^* i o n s n u a i i 8 e v V W Ore. Tbtapun & Mtd-and Eltel. Insf., Library Bditding, fT, PAUL, MINN. Illuw, 11 OLD. ' 1 liniimm iMJiiiim The in tl Trial Orders Solicited*. We put up a splendid whiskey in pints and half pints bottles hand somely labeled if required packed in sawdust We charge for 5-gallon kegs, 75c io-gallon kegs, $1 $1.50 for half bar rels. io cents per gallon for jugs. No charge for boxing. Same allowed for return of kegs. ... .30 .20 Per Case. Cider, Orange, Peach and Apple Champagne at 25 cents per gallon in five gallon keg or barrel lots. We will pay freight on return of empties in quantities of 5 cases or 2 barrels or more. Credit for emp ties will not be allowed until the same have arrived. Always enclose railway shipping receipt in letter of advice. Agents for one of the largest distilling houses on earth. and K Jp'C: Blood Diseases, 3erofulav commoqlioiitlons are treated courteously and o 1? ,^^fri^,:i»tee^i48fefcc^r'"sATPe^iT"'v^raSfefe t&l* We guarantee to please yfttr, :and solicit a trial order. We sell all our goods direct, without agents, AND STRICTLY FOR CASH in ad vance, thus saving you Trom 30 to 50 per cent. It will pay yo^fo read the contents carefully. K-, ST. PA0L MINNESOTA THROAT fA -MM ri- fe'. HOT AIR INTERNAL BATHS ADVANCED Q8TEOPATHY V *-»-p •f'k -v' .. ls-v Kidneyf t:yl 8tomaCh Bladder^N/,^-. w-.. ,, ,p Nervous Prostration, Locomotor-Ataxia, •. Female Diseases, v- THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LE8S0N VII, FOURTH QUARTER, INTER NATIONAL SERIES, NOV. 15. i o the lieaaon, Pa. xxfll. Memory Verses, 1-0—Golden Tent. Pa. xxlti, 1—Commentary Prepared fey Rev. D. II. Stearns. I Copyright, 1008, by American Presa Association.} The title of this lesson, "David's trust In God," tells only in part the subject matter of this most familiar portion of Scripture. It certainly does tell of David's trust, but it tells first of Him of whom the Twenty-second and Twenty-fourth Psalms tf 11 so fully, Him who was forsaken because of our sins, who was made sin for us, whom all the kindreds of the nations shall yet worship, the King of Glory, the Lord of Hosts (xxii, 1, 27 xxiv, 7-10), for it is true that in these psalms, and perhaps in every psalm, the spirit by David spake of Christ (II Sam. xxiii, 2 Acts 11, 80, 81). Christianus in his "Christ of the Psalms" says: "The spirit through Da vid spake of the mystery of the incar nation of the Son of God, of His suffer ings, His death, His resurrection, His ascension into heaven, His intermedi ate work-from the time of His resur rection until His return in power and great,y glory to set up the kingdom which shall never be destroyed (Dan. 11, 44). He foresaw and foretold the redemption of the world from the bondage of corruption at the glorious manifestation of the sons of God" (Bom. viii, 19, 21). On this psalm which is our lesson to day .'he says, "We here recognize Jesus as the Lamb in relation to His Father as His Shepherd, to who3e care and pro tection He ever committed Himself." e*delighted In every word of God, upon it as the sheep on the pas of the tender herb, refusing the traditions of men as 6heep turn away from coarse, rank grass. As sheep ap proach not a cataract, but love the qui et stream, so He delighted in the peace able inflowings of God's spirit He ful filled all righteousness and glorified His Father's name. The Father was ever His support and comfort In life and death, and In the hour of His temp tation, both in the wilderness and in Gethsemane, the angels ministered unto Him as unto Elijah. A table Is for* supply and communion. The Holy Spirit ever filled Him, and that without measure. He was anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power. All the days of His sojourn upon earth He lived In the consciousness of His Fa ther's goodness and mercy, saying, "The Father sent Me, and I live by the Fa ther I do always those things that please Him" (John vl, 57 viii, 29). Even when on earth He dwelt in heaven and spoke of Himself as "the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John iii, 13). Having seen something of the refer ence of the psalm to Christ, the believ er can the better apply it to himself, (for by faith in Him we become identi fied with Him In His sufferings and His glory. "He shall feed His flock like a shepherd," and He says, "Ye, my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men. And I am your God" (Isa. xl, 11 Ezek. xxxlv, 14fc. Slfc, He is the Good Shep herd who gaVe His life for the sheep the Great Shepherd, risen from the dead and in everlasting covenant with the Father concerning the sheep, and the chief Shepherd who will reward the faithful at His appearing (John x, 11 Heb. xiii, 20, 21 I Pet v, 4). On the authority of Rom. viii, 32, and Phil, lv, 19, the redeemed of the Lord can never lack anything that they really need, but He is too wise to give us all we want or ask for because we often ask unwisely (Jas. lv, 8). Rest and peace He gives to all who are His if they will let Him. "I will give you rest," "My peace I give unto you," are His own words (Matt, xl, 28 30 John xiv, 27), and even though out wardly tribulation may be our portion, yet in Him we can always have peace (John xvi, 38). When sheep lie downsj in green pastures they have evidently eaten enough they are satisfied, for jHe filleth and satisfleth as when He fed the 5,000 and the 4,000 (Ps. evil, 9 xxxvi, 8). j^While His sheep can never perish (John r, 28, 29), they may wander^ •way from His kind care and need to be sought out and restored (Ezek xxxlv, 12), so David prayed "Restore unto, me the joy of Thy salvation" (Ps. 11, 12). There can be no fellowship with Him except in the way of right eousness, that which is right in His sight but in such ways He delights to lead His willing ones. *He Is ever with us all the days, night and day, caring for us every moment the'Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, comforting us that we may comfort others, and while our whole sojourn on earth in the mortal body may truly be said to be in the valley of the shadow of death, all the journey is made light by His presence, and if ieath Itself should touch us and take us out of the mortal body He would not fall us, and we should find it but a step into His Immediate presence, absent, from the body, present with the Xord. (Gen. xxvili, 15 Matt xxviil, 20 Isa. xxvtl, 8 II Cor. 1, 3 v, 8). Wttlle the psalm refers primarily Him. shall startle the kUd klngi than xymnffiR w, DR. DOWNING, President Downing Mcdlcal Association and German Medical and Surgical Institute and Eye and Ear Infirmary, Chicago, III. ESTABLISHED 1880. 40,000 CASES COKKDl $100,000 Capital Oldest, largest, most succoasful nnd re liable medical institution of its kind in tlie Northwest for the treatment of Chronic. Nervous and Private Diseases of Men and Women, Deformities, Surgical Operations and Diseaes of the Eyes and Ears. No money taken from the incurable cases. If your case is incurable, you will be frank ly told the truth, and advised not to waste your money. An honest opinion given to every case. Thousands cured after being given up to die. 'j'/j Ray examinations when required,. CURES WHEN OTHERS FAIfc, Diseases of the Eyes and Ears—BlinmilPfl* prevented, Oross-E.ves straightened. Deaf ness, Running Ears, etc. Diseases of Lungs, Catarrh, Inslpient Consumption. Diseases of Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Blood and Skin Diseases. Heart Diseases, Palpitation, Dizziness, Short Breath, Heart Pains, etc. Tumors, Can cers, Unnatural Growths. Diseases of Women, Diseases of Men. Deformintles, Lack of Development, Surgical Operations If necessary. YOUNG, MIDDLE AGED AND OLD MEN Men suffering from Nervous Debility, Weakness, Lack of Ambition and Energy. Backache, Defective Memory, Dizziness, Confusion of Ideas, Bad Dreams, Night mare, Aversion to Society, Timidity, Bash fulness, Pain in the Back, Limbs or Chest, rendering business a failure, labor a bur den, blighting the most radiant hopes and sweetest joys of life and a happy home, causing diseased brain, heart, lungs, kid neys and other organs. Every man who has any symptoms of these diseases should HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The'reception'given for the Grand Forks boys and girls last Saturday night was a great success and seemed to be much enjoyed by the guests. The friendly spirit of the two teams is pleas ing to notice, and it is hoped there will be other meetings during basket ball season. Miss Olive Lewis (oa) was a visitor at the high school Monday morning. Mrs. Harrison has organized a semi chorus for advanced work. The stud ents' voices have been tried and the more desir&ble ones chosen for this purpose. The juniors and sophomores had a party Friday night, which turned out to be a very enjoyable affair. A crowd,.of students went to the Great Northern last Sunday night to see the Grand Forks people off. The Valley City management wrote a letter recently to open up negotia tions for a basketball game in the early part of the season. Perry Embertson, the tragedian, has just submitted a new work entitled "The Mystery of Wild Cat Gulch, or Why Paddy Stole the Cheese." Superintendent Logie tested the whole school in spelling last week, and c-' to Christ Its secondary reference is prob ably'to. Israel in inlllennial days, and yet each believer may find a por tion. All the enemies of Christ shall yet see how His Father will bonor He nations, be dumb before abd all nations Him. shall see and be •bare tbe glory glad to of Israel which He will Me wtto her (Isa. Ill, 15 Ix. 1-8, 12). SventtiQW the believer has only to com tts to God, and Via Mieittieft /&aU ape In due time that a supernat- P«wer hat «u*d for him and de win till him btawbur will reach and t»U» Sea,2 Jer. mill,3).^ if"##''**}* A'rP"i a mil!! HMHWL woti 58 A U O I Z E 1 S A E No money taken from Incurable case*. If yon cannot be cured, you will be frankly toM tbe truth Formerly HD I^OIA# IVII ft! fm Now of Chicago and of New York L^l\.s Uwf 1^111^1%*! Minneapolis* The most reliable and successful Surgeon Specialist in tho treatment of certain Chronic, Nervous and Special Diseasos. By request of many Friends and Patients will visit "«£•$•!«' Wednesday, Nov. 18. at Columbia Hotel. & consult the doctor at once. No malter who has failed. A perfect restoration guaran teed In all cases undertaken. Consultation private and confidential, and may add many happy years to your life. LOOK POR THI8 TaAWWARK ON EVERY BOTTLB. MEDICINE FOR ALL MANKIND, SPECIAL NOTICB. Men or persons who have been trader treatment of unskilled physicians, "medical companies," "Institutes" and "electrical belt" frauds, who trifle with them month after month, giving stimulating, poisonous drugs, without effecting a euro, should con sult Dr. Downing at once. Most of the 4S. (*W cured cases have been treated by other doctors and self-styled institutes without benefit. $500.00 REWARD will be paid for a case of certain private dis ease, which has been neglected or improperly treated—which we undertake and cannot cure. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES are not confined to dons of vice or the low er classes. The purest and best peopte may contract these awful maladies through hand ling the clothing, drinking or eating from tho ftnme vohsH, hiindwlinkliiK* kinfiin£* using the same toilet articles or otherwise com ing In contact with persons who have the disease. Many persons have Blood Disease who do not know it. The symptoms are often hidden. An erruptlon or discoloration of the skin, pimples or blotches on any part of the body, falling of the hair or eye brows or aching of the bones may bo the only outward symptoms. The symptoms of Hlood Disease often disappear for a thne gometlmes for year» (without any treatment). Some t^t,I"nt* cause the symptoms to disappear for a time, to reappear in Its most hideous form after n period of hiding. »om'' forms of Blood Disease may be inherited. WEAK WOMEN. Thousands endure the torture of health which may be theirs. 1,v,°£ death without knowing of the l»fe and I^ (1, caV' structure of the female organization l» specially liable to disease and weakness. Every womun should know hew best to ob tain health and vitality, animation, grace, vivacity, form and beauty, sparkling eyes, glowing cheeks, clear complexion, and all conditions incident to perfect womanhood. No unpleasant examinations. No lady, either married or single, need hesitate to call, either alone or with a friend. Con sultation private and eonfldentlal. MARRIBD PERSONS or those contem plating marriage, aware of any disease, would do well to call for consultation. Remarkable cures In old cases which have been neglected and Improperly treat* ed. If your case Is Incurable, you will told the truth. Consultation free. Cases treated In afl parts of the United States. List of api' tlons free. Address DR. DOWNING, 507 Boston Block, 1033 Masonic Temple, Minneapolis Minn. Chicago, 111. out of the fifty papers corrected, only four reached the passing mark. The girls are coming out regularly for basketball practice and the outlook for this year's team is very good. Walter W. Lorshbough, '03, at the examinations recently held at Annapo lis, received the highest mark of any in the naval academy. With Rice at West Point and Lorshbough in the navy, the high school is well repre sented. Mrs. Aniidon.. visited the school Thursday morning. Superintendent Logie returned from Detroit Wednesday night, where he has been securing new teachers. Next Monday President Weld of the Moor head Normal will address the high school and the Monday following Mr. Bropscwj^ the popular baritone, will sing." iL ..ii. 1—-1 ,• BOY SHOT. Mr. Ellas Harts, widely known in Rsading, Pa., as tbe gooaefcooe prophet, says: "I j/^(V have been taking Duffy's Pare Malt Whiskey for a number of yean as my only stimulant and tonic. 1 am now 87 years old, hale, hearty, and as vigorous as a man of forty,aqd ,, ,j have every reason to believe I will live io a much riper old age if I can alwayshavea»u~ ply of puffy'j Pure Malt Whiskey, which fa 3uy only medicine. I jure? ba*a eplda indlgenkm, or any organic trouble. I know that it to your valuable whiskey that ha* keit me «o free from »eknets. 1 was troubled mt(k insomnia before i ttsed it, butnow am sleep as reatfatty as a baby. I feel no weakness from my old age, and I fetartuy recom mend Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey to auyoo# who wishes to keep strong, youngaaftviffttrous. DaJfy%Ptnr« Malt Whiskey oontaina^ibfoselbttand is the only whMayJrBO(%xii»d by the Qofarnineotas a nwdMne: this Is ailgparaiilea. CAtTTlON.r-Whaa you ask lor hin SCatt iosbIiw. wiarnfahNM awdwi, ntlnllia try u» Mllyoa MMWplsattaUoas mt tr— 4 Jamestown Alert: A telegram was received today from Pingree Stating that one of the Plinsky boys, living near Jim Lake, had been accidentally shot and was dying. There were no de tails in regard to the accident. Dr. Baldwin left to look after the case. At a late hour this afternoon he had not returned. For State News Read The Forum. A $ v A 4 & if