Newspaper Page Text
•CjiiS^ McCall Patterns Agents for the McCall Patterns th? best patterns made— %ifeasyto understand. v J-2.50 Oriental Pijlows, at ..»v,.0.75 fri.oo Silkoline Covered Pillows. 0.49 $0.79 Pillows, covered, at 0.39 #HAT 8- 15 Cents. ilcCall Magazine, only.,,.,..... 5© STILL TOO MANY Dress Goods, very suitable for school wear, fine mixtures and plaids, per vard ilored all-wool Serges and Cashmeres, per yard French Voiles, in all the leading shades, \er yard Zibelines in green, blue and red, per yard 50 inch Brilliantine, different colors, uc-r yard....... 25c 39c 59c 59c 75c One lot $1.65 Jamestown Suitings, in many differ ent colors, 52-inch wide, our regular AO** sale price $1.65, Monday and Tuesday. vOC 36-Inch Black Tflfffeta, wear guaranteed, regular $2.00 values, 4k JB A at, per yard l*HrF 3o-Inch $1.50 Black Taffeta, a very dice, lustrous- Silk, at, per yard 21-Inch 75c Black Taffeta, splendid value, at per yard Pillow Specials! See These Prices: $ 1 aoo Gibson Pillows, all fin islied, filled with down pillows.$«#.S© $12.50 Gibson Pillows, at...... 3.50 f5.oo Leather Pillows, at .. 1. 2.75 $4-95 Gibson Pillows, at w..^*?^-2.50 $2.95 Gibson Pillows, at....... 1.50 $3 50 Gibson Pillows, at V.Vi.. 1.50 #4-95 Gibson Pillows,-at •...•*^8.25 $2.00 Gibson Pillows, at JD.75 $2.50 Gibson Pillows, at 0.95 Redfern "Z" Straight-Front !Js particularly design ed for splendidly pro o i o n e o s forms with excellent wai£t lines, curving hips, generons sizes without corpulency. It brings ont beauti ful curves, suppress ing form defects. A handsome corset of Fine French Batiste, e u i s i e y a o e with rich lace Jarran telles attached. White... $7.00 Depaitment op Aoriodltubb. KATHEB BUEFAD, :/v Moorhead, Minn., Nov.' 14 1903 Prassnre at 9. a. m., 29.23 noou. 29.23 Temperature. 1 a. m.. li" noon. 22*. rk:».mv 1 i. ®RAS8E, ObwrTtr. ^Sunday. r*ca#t: rair Buy D. & P. gloves. Boys' Satin Calf Shoes, at .. probably LOCALS 'H paints signs, "phone 905. Aids digestion-- Washington Ir^taf Pfif between meals. The Loyal Americans will give #4ali ind banquet at Pirie's Hall Tuesday pruning. 1 he organization has a repu ition oi always giving its" friends a oyal time and Tuesday night's dhter pininent will be no Exception. Your choice. Beaver hatv^gj, at Jaterfs, ifS- Broadway. T- We are' n nt 1 sclHi at $2.00, Monday ahd Tuesday, per yard I 1.19 39c Boys' Satin CaUSho^ Q&C Model 383 Is fciade of ait "excellent quality of English Ba tiste With the new Hab- it* Hip and low bust, and comes in sizes from t8 1030, at only J, RUSTPROOF THE WEATHER MAY BR Men's Satin Calf Shoes, at $1.79 and Ladies' sweaters and Norfolk jack ets, at Moy & Kennedy's. Plant Chinese sacred lilies now— shipment just reed. Shotwell & Graver. IT Get Pocahontas Smokelss Coal at Interior Lumber po.'s. A 6-room house for rent, three blocks from the Waldorf. F. F. LmcOln, room 18, Magill Block. registered Shropshire Ram weight Writiit, Approaching the necessity of correct style and finish for the p're$eilt n^bdes of I dress, we have made a thorough investigation of all the latest styles in the leading makes and their effects on gowns. We are consequently in. a posi tion to absolutely guarantee our models to be THE CORRECT DE itftA money. K. M. Hagen, 420 Front Street, The Exclusive Shoe Store Frank W. Bryant, an experienced Iandoffice clerk at North Platte, Neb., las been notified of his transfer to tfye Farwo office to Ml the vacancv caused MI3 y i, ', )'*".•.•£ ••£.&•• ytifi'""- 'ji and sorted out One piece $2.00 Blue Zibeline, a very dainty color, 52-inch wide, regular sale price $2.00, 4| A Monday and Tuesday, per yard I BTPmF One piece $2.00 Black Zibeline, a good heavy quality, 52-inch wide, regular sale 4| £5Q price $2.00, Monday and Tuesday, yd. I aO«F Two pieces ot mixed colored Zibelines, 52-inch wide, regular price $1.50, Monday and 4 O Tuesday, per yard a ,, "*,u ovr. wvw wui a uig iui tur iTionuay ana Tuesday. You will find both Black and Colors, and not an undesirable thing in either Lot. Styles M°^cri8:h^ *I!!d qua,ities superb. If you have already supplied your winter wants YOU WILL BUY MORE at sight, and congratulate yourself on the opportunity. One lot $i.qo Canvas Suitings, in black and colors, ^2-inch wide, regular sale price $1.50, 4| A Monday and Tuesday, per yard I Klonday IbOO Two pieces of fancy brown and blue mixed Zibe line, 52-inch wide, regular sale price Our Bright Basement 50 dozen plain white German china cups and saucers, regular g" i e 2 5 s e i a i e e a I O 50 dozen tlown blue cups and saucers, regular price 25c, special |E« price,each 1......... IOO Large size salad ^owls, regular price 65c, special Price 1.. A grand display of new lamps, all prices from $25.00 down to We have still some of thpse elegant Oriental Rugs at prices that will inter est everybody. Call and see them. Prices from JCfc $75.00 down to SPEGI^lI* Boys' Box Calt Shoes, at 1 1.39 JR A 29o 1.48 OaU w IN SHOES.. 1.50 .-rtiy»e.-f Hisses' Boz Calf, Bnttoft «H xO a e S o e s a i Misses' Kangaroo, Calf and Don- QHn gola Kid, at................ ..... Children's Lace and itatton 8hoee,dt 49c and. 98c SIGNS FOR THE NEEDS OF THE PRESENT SEASON. We handle nothing but the standard well-tested makes, and have the exclusive sale in Fargo for the BEST AND MOST POPULAR MAKES on the market. We guarantee every corset we cell and stand ready to redeem any garment not perfect in every detail. rAiso made of, Batiste and having the Empire Dip Hip with front and fide hosfe supporters. Comes in sizes wfto Mt ill w^xite ^ly, temporarily filling the position in the local office, will retire tonight. i ID. & P. gloves are best made. Wheels stored for the winter and. cleaned few ratfes. John Berg, Keener Block. THERE WH4. BVI&EIfTLY BE SOME BISAPFtyilKftJl CAJV|lfiAlB» For political office*, feat disappoint ment la an unknown quantity among the tboaaantfs mi pstrani of4hi Dixon Laundry Co. Spcclal fanrily Bat krb»|bt to your door. R&my.BUek Iceflt before ),m D. Deputy U. S. Marshal Gil Haggert returned last night from Cando, where yesterday he arrested Ole Olsor^ Charles Wilson and A. L. Hungate 00 charees of selling liquor without a gov i^neitt license. The prisoners w Commissioner jMtfrdo and^oand over to be Jth Mr'- V- "V GENTS' FURNISHINGS and BOYS'CLOTHING 39cp 1.60 69o Men's Underwear, good values, Fancy Neckties at 25c, 39c, 50c an4a\ ®P tO »V»rv« Golf Qloves, fine colorings, 25c, 50c and v Bot*9 Clothing at'Cottr^ We give 25 per cent discount on every Boys' Stilt. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, SO we have gone through our stock big lot for Monday and Two pieces of fancy brown and blue mixed Chev iots, 52-inch wide, regular sale price JB Si.9°. Monday and Tuesday, per yard V One piece of knotted Canvas Cloth, in brown only, •»2-inch wide, regular sale price $1.85, Of? Monday and Tuesday, per yard. llUu One piece of imported extra good Black Zibeline, anne finish, regular sale price $2.75, ft A IS and Tuesday, per yard..... m* O .' I- r- I Two pieces of teal fancy backed Suitings, 50-inch wide, regular sale price, from $1.25 to 4 JQ S1.50, Monday and Tuesday, per yard. 13F 21"lnchj$l*25 Black Peau de Sole* nice, heavy quality, at, per 00q 21-Inch Black Peau de Sole, extra heavy,-nice lustrous, regular iM A A sale price $1.50, this sale, per yar}..i .. 1 all if 24-Inch Black de Soie, a beautiful material, regular sale price 4| O $1.75. This sale, per yard ....... InOO s GLOVES. Ladies' Kid Glores,$i.5oto AA Water Co'ors, etc., per box ....5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c up to Redtern StratfM-Frsnl model fornT the latest Pap sisiau design. Long skirt, 'medium height bust. Stnnning design, creat inga chic fig ure. Made of coutil or ba tiste the lat er a material e u i s i e o fits immer wear, into the form so readily that it seems a part of ihe figure. White 95 .\, '.' V i ), TOlnnr INTT^AtttrBKTOBMCAlf, SATTTHMY EVENING,'tfOVEMBEH IJ/1903, .''• A $2.50 values, at vOC For one more week we will sell a line of very best real Kid Gloves in dif ferent colors, two-clasp, all ways sold .from $1.50 to f2.50, 98c SCHOOL SUPPLIES. !f We carry a full Line of v' Stationery, etc. fl^x Stationery, regular price, 25c, SinRle Role tablets .i.i'Mc Good Size Double Bule ah%...... yr Scratch Tablets 4c .. PENCILS. Pencils with Erasers, best made...'.J... 1c PENS—Vertical No. 2 Pens, per dep .,. 5c Fountain Pens—25c value, at :.i... 10c a PAINTS FOR SCHOOL USE. $2.50 sms Model 185 |s a very handsome crea tion in French Batiste, beautifully trimmed ,with face, and cut over new littes to redi^ce the abdomen Mas long, extending skirt ttitn Jarratille attachment. Sizes 18 J0 30, for only wejre unable to give bail and were com mitted to the Cando jail. Fur, lined gloves and mittens, Moy & Kennedy's. Wheels stored winter and cleaned lpw rates. ^Jjp^in Berg, Keeney Block. '', v V- 'v Dr. L. Rose has removed his dentjjft offices from over the Herbst store to ttite third floor of the Edwards Building.' tltNM MtH are cheap. Go to TIm Valtoy liimltr Ctmpmy't Yante No.)SN. Ave. 'Jfhooo Hi, for YOU CAN REACH Alt of your correspondents by telephone. Do not 3valt to write or telegraph Northwedtlii'A .., ,.r Telephone Exchange TRANSFER LINK Especially equipped for the rapid transfer of all effeet*.. ,V QBORae WBDOWOOD, Prep. Office with W. p. Morris Store, Front Street. Off ice 'Phone 387. House 906. Don't truss the bargain sale in dress goods Monday and Tuesday- n&fc at de-' Lendrecie's.' Vacant lots for sale cheap, both with-, in and outside city limits. F. F. Lin coln, Magill Building. ,5- Don't forget the Farmers' Suppjy House will wait on you Saturday even ing and save you 10 to 30 per cent on guaranteed, first grade groceries. BARLEY! We want bgrley. Either feed or malt* ing grades. Send samples and get our offer. MAOILL & CO., Fargo, N. D. Daisy—There's nothing like deefj breathing and Rocky Mountain Tea to' make broad shoulders a fine figure and good health. Tea or tablet' form. 35 cents. Fout & Porterfield.» Money to loan on valley laiqls or Fargo City property at a low rate of interest. No commission charged Call hnd se£ us. Real estate for sale The Lockbart Company, Edward# Building. You remember the 'young lady whose feet were cold and after placing the in candescent- light globe under the covers at her feet went to sleep and was awakened to find the bed on fire. If that young lady had used one of our hot water bags she would have had a good sleep, undisturbed. Nickells' Cjfuen^ All Night Drug Store, Front Street. 1 Md IfMawt and all. kinds nf LaariMr at Lowekt Market Prices. A unique wiftdow display was first seen this morning in the! window of J. Kurtzman, where the trig shoe sale ^llbw going on. It consists of a set with dishes and covers laid .v« «^'^-1»S' J. ^Compat^y. ner with Mr. Kurtzman, and a ckvef menu card is also displayed. Insure with Robbins. N. Y. Lif4i., Gentlemen wear D. & P. gloves. Have Knight Printing Co. print lit I FZ#lCKER.TA.tI# Cigar pleases every one. A 10-cent smoke for 5c. Erdel's Selected Java coffee, completes the Thanksgiving dinner—'phone 718. Completes the Thanksgiving 1 Dinner. •Y-.-l Phone 718. N. P. Ave. A change has occurred in the cleri cal force at the Hotel Waldorf occas ioned by the resignation of Bert Peake, who leaves to assume a more lucrative position at Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Peake has been with Colonel Mathews since last February and no man could be more generally well liked behind a hotel desk than Mr. Peake. Th vacancy will be filled by William Graham, a thoroughly experienced ho tel man, until recently with the Nation al Hotel at Minneapolis. DECORATED CHINA AND ART NOVELTIES. 93-94 Bdwardi BuUdbw, Pvt», N. O. Mr. Hewitt of Owatonna, Minnj ar rived this morning and is blowing his horn for Henry E. Hance & Co. He has charge of thai band wagon which is drumming up business for the big clothing sale, that commenced this morning. This "fighting machine," as Mr. Hance calfs it, is attracting a lot of attention down town and the busi ness at the store opened up well this morning. The big ad which has been running in The Forum the past week, Mr. Hance, cre4it$ tfitii doing its share in the interest taken in the sale. ^Seven-room brick house, No. 335 Eighth Avenue South. Has mod ern imfrtoveafeAts, Possession giv en at once. The sad news has reached A. B. Tay lor of the deathe of his brother, James W. Taylor, who was formerly with the Nichols & Shepprd Co. here. Mr. Taylcfcr, who was an expert typewriter, was a clerk in the U. S. navy depart ment. He was en route to *Manila v»i iuuis iu a^ot,J|^ *Fhen death occarred, Oct. 15, from an tow Auikfdr r\f mtlMihnnfir »/\atkljtn TL of pulmonary troubles. The and hisj/ brother for advices of its ar-J fttnci«c». Mr. Taylor ivianua Fargo wbo -y_ :jr regret to hear of his demise when his»\ future was so promising. Mrs. Bresney has moved from Seventl\p Avenue South tp. Seventh Avenucjf, 'North. Geo. Dobell has come back to Fargo% for the winter and will spend his time*'/-.' making cigars—and none make betteri^fN, Don't forget the Farmers' Supply* House will wait on you Saturday evenj* ing and save you 10 to 30,per cetijt- ortf^ guaranteed, first grade groceries. pf In cold weather consider three Item —Overcoat, hfcavy Coat and Trousers A. KJeltman, Tailor, Br^dway. It certainly pays any lady to read ove the deLendrecie ad of tonight Ort a: count of their splendid bargains offere in the line of dress goods of latest!? $ty!3._,. The administrators {n tfif! estate o^jj Aruthur E. Fentori, "deceased, late ofc, Cassfclton, made his" final report in« county court this moqjjng, The report! 'was approved.- 4 Jack Keeley, arrested near Casselto a number of weeks ago, and confined i the county jail- on the charge of givin liquor to a minor, was taken befor Judge Pollock last evening and his cas continued until the April t,erm. was allowed to go on his own recogniz ance. The arguments in the Eggert will con-j| test are still on in county court and wilfe perhaps not be concluded before Ttfon-^ day noon. Attorney Edward Engerud£ is speaking this afternoon. He will beT followed, by Attorney R. M. Pollock and* the case will then be passed up for thet consideration of the court. V Andrew Torgeson, a pioneer Of iCass' County, di,ed at his office in Barnes^ Township at 9 o'clock this morning,-1 after a brief illness with quick consump-j. tion. He had lived in the county for* the past thirty-three years and leaves a|f fairly good sized estate. The funeral?/ N V arrangements have not been made. "V The tournament for the northwestern*, championship concluded last night aty^ 1. Minneapolis In the afternoon game Champion Hatley of Duluth defeatedp4'^ C. C. Peterson of this city and in the[|^,r!.' evening Mr. Peterson defeated Frank[^^.i" Billiter of Minneapolis. Mr. Hatley^.V remains champion aad thee is a| tie for second place between Geo.i .- Spears and Mr. Billiter. Peterson lost five of the eight games played, but life maintained a good position in grand averages. v Kurtzman's shoe sale is a big su4| cess. Large numbers of peopl are tak ing advantage of the low prices on up»: to-date shoes in the middle of the sea-f son. Business is so good that the sale? wtfl continue Monday and perhaps longer to accommodate those whoL were not ready to take advantage of V the sale today, or for the few who did& THINKS HE KNOWS HIML^ Langdon Republican: The Plain dealer'tells a story of Tom Campbell being "slugged" in Grand Forks by a companion named McCormick and re lieved of $50. Campbell gives his Resi dence as Elkwood and said that Mc- ., Cormick yvas a neighbor. From the name and residence given it is fair to V presume that the Campbell mentioned is the same Tom Campbell who was ar- ••.f'*' rested at Elkwood by a U. S. marshal a few months ago for selling liquor and was sentenced bv the federal court to two months' imprisonment in the Grand Forks County jail. His sen t?nce would now have expired, but the unreasonaWe part of the transaction is *. that Tom Campbell should have $to about his person, and his statement this particular may be a little off Calling*]Her Down, Yon will haye no fear for beiat eallod by amrbo^T—not^ ejen a goo«e~ifS yonr house wired by the eaMrts. only by TheNORTHW l«Blxhtfa tVd will 'A F'rr'- 11 .i,,( Tm* *t V- '1 T*r^ The case of Folger ,vs, Hodges wil« not reach a conclusion in district cour^y *. before Tuesday noon. The old straws4!. is being threshed over and there ha^,. s nothing new been, developed. v Manager Markhus of the electric^ light plant had men at work today wir# ing the outside of the Edison plant*., building for a display of electric lightj^ ing which is to be permanent. :k 1 V 1 U v. not know of the big inducements made^'*-'.* O to buy now. Don't fail to investigate^^ this store in the Magill Block. ••y President Hunter of the Commercial' Gub states that the arrangements for. the inaugural party, next Wednesday:!'. evening, are about completed and par- •, ticipants may expect a v!ry enjoyable'Cir.' time. The whole of the two target-v. floors of the L. K. Temple have been ,??"•''" secured for the occasion so that there will be ample room for dancing and?§^ Rupert has promised the best of music. The supper which is to be provided by 4^ Pirie has been given special attention y and nothing is to be wanting. 1 n' I'J