-. i W.i :.. t-.i- TEN word }JX^ ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS Rates for Classified Advertis One-half cent a word per ||fisertion after first insertion 25 Cents for first insertion of any ad up to 25 words—then one cent a word. i-.: DOGS, COGS. DOQS. ^•JJBDIOBKED—Bull Terriers and Great Danes, always on hand, dogs at stud, all other non sporting breeds for sale. Dogs boarded by week or month. Fargo Kennels, 1482 Second Avenue South, Fargo, N, D., phone 613. POSITIONS WAHTED ^./HIMNEY SWEEP^-^Phone^^SMT^jQ^ Regan. ,1 Vi/ANTED—Position bjr good stenographer, v F* Address Stenographer, care Foram. 1KMNTED—Position by competent lady sten ographer three years' experience. Ad dtess J., care Forum. "tX7 ANTED—By man, or by man and woman, position on a farm for the winter, or Stinger man will take full charge or otherwise or will take work at other business. Box 137, New Salem, N. D. V» kV UA4 lliwuuu prlLv to now open for engagement. Editor of well-quot od North Dakota weekly for past year. Willbuy take half interest ptart new paper, or woik on contract. Address G. Vf. DuFrane. Kulm, N. D. POSITIONS TO FILL. ANTED—Good, industrious boy. Apply at Forum. SLANTED—Waitress and chambermaid at Webster Hotel. -»\A7 ANTED—Girl for housework $5 per week. i 8-F., care Forum. w ANTED—A young lady to learn manicuring. Mrs. Swart de Lendrecios. COMPETENT lady compositor wa wages. Press, Dickinson, N. D. wanted— Good /*IRL WANTED—For general housework,fam ily of three. 219 Ninth Street North. GIRL WANTED for general housework small family good wages. 409 Eighth Street South. f*IBL WANTED for house work two in fam V* ily. Inquire of Mrs. M. R. O'Neill, 806 North Broadway. XlTANTED—First class woman cook for the Hotel Antlers, Grand Forks. Apply at Hotel, or at Prescott Hotel, Fargo. XI7 AN TED—Competent girl for genera work, small family steam neat eneral house- ...uu, aeat perma­ nent place good wages. Mrs. B. JB. Beed, Amema, N. D. MALE HELP WANTED. j|BE YOU WILLING TO HUSTLE^rTgood salary and expeusos? If so, address, with references, Columbia Publishing House, Minne apolis. OPLENDID OPPORTUNITY to learn barber trade. Write for free catalogue. Moler Barber College, Minneapolis, Minn., MacGregor A Anderson, Proprietors. guises advanced. National, Caxton building, lucago. rPHE] Minnesota Barber Institute is the only place that tcaches the trade thoroughly from the beginning satisfaction guaranteed particulars free. Minnesota Barber Institute, 1(JB Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis. FEMALE HELP WANTED. ESTABLISHED HOUSE, AGENTS WAITED. rf^ENTLEMAN of good address call on H. P. Shears at Elliott HousO, between the hours of 6 30 and 8 p. m. X17ANTED—Ladies or gentlemen with a fair education to travel for a firm of $250,000.00 article. Bustlers can make Box 248, Fargo, N. D. iff treatment. taoney. Lock VOTICE. XAMBSS1. tional Bank building, over WilsePs drag store DB1W8M4TH. T^KSBSMAKINGh-Mrs Mstntmhas opened WASnOTQBUT tX/ANTXD-To buy^a stoo^-hand ljgh|spriiig wagon for ooshorse. O. W.Kqrr,]Vtetap. WHAT OTHERS SAY. Johnson sorry Patron"* issue ca/i't feel quite like a real citi zen of a city unless he owns some real estate. Civic pride must have a foundation on land-ownership, or it is not very deep "Get inter ested" in our real estate advertisement# ONE WEEK TY CENTS first Rates for Classified Advertis ing: One-half cent a word per insertion after first insertion 25 cents for first insertion of any ad up to 25 words—then one cent a w o FOB KENT. "|?OB BENT—Famished room. 201 Fourth A Street North. )B RCNT—Furnished room and' bath, with board. V., Forum. F°§ -. BENT—Furnished rooms, modern. 1101 Third Avenue South. pfOR BENT—Nicely furnished room. Inquire at 32 Tenth Street North *TMVO FURNISHED ROOMS, heated for rent, reasonable. 710 Front Street pOR RENT—Six-room cottage, modern, on Tenth Street North. E.A.Perry. LOB BENT—Furnished rooms, in i single. 1203 Second Avenue South. suite or I?OR BENT—Furnished rooms, including par lor. Inquire 618 Fifth Street North. "FOR RENT—One seven-room house with small barn. Apply 732 First Street North. VWO FURNISHED ROOM8—All modern con- A veniences. 1024 8ecorid Avenue North. COR BENT—Desk room in well equipped of flees. Apply F. F. Lincoln, Magill Bldg. pURNISHED ROOMS FOB BENT-Lighted, heated and bath, 314 Eighth Street South. pOR RENT—Comfortable room, suitable for two with board. 817 Second Avenue North. pOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, at 412 Fourth Street North. pOR BENT—Four-room cottage, handy to Ag ricultural College Address Lock Box 436- T?OB BENT—Three furnished or unfurnished rooms, singly' or en suite. Fulton Mbrket pOR BENT—Furnished or unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. 524 Broad way. F°I RENT Offico rooms, heated Fargo Storage & Transfer Co. building, 3-5 Broad- way U BONT SUITE of rooms in Cantieny Block on Broadway, for rent. W. J. Lane, Smith Block. pOR RENT—Furnished six-room cottage, with large woodshed. Call or address 318 Ninth Street North. pOR RENT—Two-room flat in Lewis & Brag don Block, No. 110 Broadway. Enquire 600 N. P. Avenue. pUBNISHED room, at low rent, for ladies only board can be had next door. Apply ot o09 Eighth Street North. COR BENT Three pleasant, conveniently furnished rooms for light housekeeping private entrance. 701 Thirteenth Street South. COB BENT—Two office rooms, warehouse, basement all steam heated office could be used for light housekeeping also fnrnished rooms to rent. W. A. Kneer. pOB RENT—Store room and basement in opera house annex. Chtar and candy priv Jlfro °f opera house goes with store. Call at Walker Bros. Sl Hardy. FOB SALE. pOR SALE—Two horses two sets of double harness one lumber wagon. 11 Eighth Street South, *1500 highest financial standing, willjpay capable woman, fair sal ary and advance expenses to travel with Christ mas novelties. Address Manager, Boom 305 In Mlfance Exchange Building, Minneapolis. six-hole Ohio Steel Bauge. in t'«MW good order. 8. B. Clary, 915 Fifth Avenue South. pOR SALE—Good mare, run-about, rubber- inn buggy, and harness. Call, or address 109 Sixth Avenue North. BOB SALE—Or rent, until spring, a six-room ... °°ttare, partly furnished. Address Box 840 postoffioe, or 711 N. P, Avenue. pOR SALE-Cash register, used only four months National make, No. 78 will be sold at a snap. George H. Compton, Fargo. 'pRESH shipments of imported canaries are now here: Boilers, Warblers, Goldfinch, Lennets, P*raquet« eTery bird a gem. Misj G. Haynes. 2325 Washington Avenue North, Minne apolis, Minn. BUSINES8 CHANGE. 15 00 foe the ap about zi IBERAL-BEWABD will be paid foi prehension of one John Krohn, yeara old, Weighing about 110 pounds. When laat seen was wearing dark suit of rough texture and straight, broad brimmed, black hat, wai ac companied by a 15-year oW boy. whom he en ticed away frow his home at Gardner,Saturday night. Boy wore jack suit of dart material, his name is Harrjr Colby. Any information as to their whereabouts, will be appreciated. No tify J. A. Colby, Gardner, N. D, A ®AY—8elllng two necessary novelties. Swiple 10c. Get in line and make money. Dept. M„ Loc* Box 852, Fargo, N. D. BOARD AKD BOOM OFFKBIS. "ROARD and room at raasonabla rates. 421 Sixth Av«nue North. B°4BP 4".® BOOM8—Can be had at Mrs. F. A. Paige's, $21 Tenth Street Booth. LOST. T.08T—A pair ot gold bowed spectacles. Be ward for return to Forum Office. OST—An opal ring, at ifataon's Bestaurant. goodly noon. A tuitabLa reward will be paid by returning to The Forum offioe. OBT—Lady's puss blade, with stoal beads r* *iljwtopjoontaln^ some ohanfe, two keys and N. P. socprass order reeetotTjnnder please laave at ForanioAeaaadraeal^ reward. PFB INCH, ONE TIM!, $0.25 PER INCH, ONE WEEK, 51,00 PES INCH, ONE MONTH, t3.50 fi'Py H. AMERLAND, 820 N.P.Ave. .' 1 9 ft Per acie buys a fine quarter section, all under cultivation, only five miles from the city limits of Fargo. £Q ftO ^0r acro buys 226 acres of fine prairie land, within four miles of Dnfrost, in Manitoba, on the oast fide of the Red River on easy terms. 419 *7 Per acre for 880 acres of fine prai- ri® land, within 45 miles of the city of Winnipeg terms cash. This is a bargain. EYCMANGF Improved Iowa farms for good »Awniini«h we $22 ll imjproved North Dakota or Minnesota land in Bed River Valley. .50 Per acie for a fine half seotion farm in Cass County, within two miles of station fair house, good lar barn, good granary and well. Terms only $2,Guv cash, balance small annual payments or half crop plan, with 0 per cent. FOR S1LE OR EXCHANOE for Fargo city ". .. property—Three fine, well-se of land lected half sections in western Manitoba 1 Oft choice residence lots on south side each 50x140 at from *125.C0 to $350.00 each. All within one to four block of new elec tric car fine. H. a. OTIS, Fargo National Bank Building. GENUINE SNAPST OT on Thirteenth Street South, 150x464 feet, for $450. fiQA Acres improved, threo miles from Re gina. Assmiboia, at $15.00 adjoining land held at $20 00 to $25.00. This land raise* 83 bushels of oats per acre in 1901. •pOUR sections near railroad, south of Regina, at low price and easy terms. There is prot ably no better wheat land on the American Continent. 'MINE SECTIONS of choioe North Dakota P«r acre. This tract within nine miles «f mam line N. P. By. Easy tulg^/-'v SOPHY LAND COMPANY, Smith Block, Fargo, N. D. W. it LANE, Smith Block, Fargo, N. D, 585 320 320 reward of |Q(U)0 con- trains out on time. Consequently have to give He passenger bn«mcss their first attention and lUuch aft ttay would prefer the catU the second the so in 4Irat? WI Cottage of five rooms, shed, piazza trees lot 90x150, $1,200 easy terms. New house of seven rooms, brick found ation, full basement, back plastered maple and fir floors, lights, $2,750 cash $1,000 balance on monthly payments. "2/LA House of eight rooms, large sheds, barn house has full basement, hot air furnace, lights, water and sewer, hard wood n°ors, trees, etc. good location on 8outhside, $4,000. fkflQ House of eight rooms back plastered. brick foundatiob, piazza, trees, small barn, $1,000—cash $650, balance on mortgage. House of eight rooms, pantry, piazza fine trees, fence, corner lot 100x100 hardwood floor in kitchen, dining room and hall, small fruits, small barn built in 1901. Price $2,100. and trees. Price $3,000. WIS w- D- AAA hodqson, ^.r" Rrst Nsftkmal Ba«k.^ ':iv fiQMt Bed Biver Valley land in vvy Manitoba fair buildings in high state of cultivation 20 miles south of Wiuiipeg $16 per acre. Acres 11-2miles from eity of Dauphin, Man. $11 per acre. Acres 3 miles east of Hunter, N. D. fair buildings all plowed $38 per acre. 4ftQ Acres 4 miles from Mapleton, N. D. 7^ good buildings all plowed cheapest farm in county $30. A Boom house, new cistern, sewer eonnec 7 tlona, hardwood floors one block from pav ing, 2 blocks from oourt house $2,100. 8 Boom house, corner lot, 65x140 barn, water, paving $2^50. jT Boom house, Fourth Avenue $1,000. 8 Boom new house full basement sewer con nections oorner lot $2,760 $1^00 cash bal ance monthly payments. .v.- SKATING RINK. Tom Reynolds has secured a lease on the grounds on which the carnival was held and will erect an ice rink at once. Bowers' Bros, have the contract and will attempt to have the rink ready for use by Thankgiving. The enclosure will be surrounded by a ten foot fence and have a skating surface 129x140. There will be a band stand in the center and boxes apd dressitigrooms on either side of the entrance. The rink will be strictly up to date and F. J. Robinpon, the Winner of the champion event* at Verona Lake and Montreal will be here as an in structor. Two arc lights with a big string of incandescents will be used Manager Reynolds has had farmer ex perieiKx with seating rJg&fnd thor ortn^rfy understands the b$#ni«9S. WHAT HE BOOTLEGGED. Idinot Optic: Sheriff Mip^rf of County arrived In the i£$f| )ast from Rugby: tof the |p^$se of taking away with feiln who for a day or twoi^Mw been .-a''/- •THE FABGO FORUM &ND DAILY REPUBLICAN, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 1«, 1903- RAILROAD NOTES. PRESIDENT ELLIOTT IN FAROO. New Head of the Northern Pacific Visited Fargo Saturday Afternooa. resident Howard Elliott of the Northern Pacific arrived in Fargo, on his first inspection of the Northern Pacific lines Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock. He was accompanied by a large party of officials who will travel with liim to the Pacific coast. He will be absent from headquarters for three weeks at least. Mr. Elliott and his party will visit the important Northern Pacific cities between St. Division superintendents and other officials will be picked up at the differ ent headquarters all the way to the coast, carrying them over their re spective divisions and giving them the opportunity of meeting the new presi dent. In line with this arrangement Master Mechanic Curry joined the par ty at Staples and Superintendent Burt of Jamestown met the party here and rode to Mandan. In Fargo President Elliott madt a tour of the several company's buildings and expressed himself very favorably with things as he found tnem. With Agent Johnson he went over the freight shed and noted the recent im provements. One division official said that Mr. Elliott adheres to a rule of his, in whatever position he has held, that'hf likes to know the men with whom he has to do personally. Before starting from St. Paul he went up to the en gine and asked to be introduced to the engineer and fireman and in a moment made the men feel perfectly at home with him. All along the line wherever stops were made, he made it a point to see foremen and others in authority and with everyone he maintained a dignity and affability which was ad mired. To quote one man he met in Fargo, "there's a president who does not put on the least bit of airs, and he seems to know something about the kind of work everybody has to do." The special train occupied by the party left for the west about 6 o'clock. En gineer Ridley was at the throttle of the engine between here and Mandan. HEATED REFRIGERATORS. The Northern Pacific is to put on a special service of heated refrigerator cars for the benefit of shippers of per ishable goods, between the Twin Cities and western points. Grand Forks and Winnipeg will be served in one day and three days respectively. Fargo in one, Helena in five days and so on to Ta coma. handling way freight of a perish able nature. PEOPLE OP NOTE. T. P. Riley and C. H. Babcock are Grand Forkers at the Walodrf. Mrs. A. L. Peart of Embden is the Kuest of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Hill. Hon. B. S. Russell and Mrs. E. G. Russell of Jamestown are at the Wal dorf. r/"'. E. P. Weils of Minneapolis is' the guest of Attorney J. #S. Watson for the day. v William Owen arid J. W. McConnell, the actors, were Sunday arrivals at the Waldorf. F. D. Moody left for the northern part of the state on a business trip this morning. Hon. B. E. Sundberg of Kennedy, Minn., spent Sunday with his brother, E. P. Sundberg, in this city. Mrs. E. C. Eddy and daughter, Miss Carrie, will returned tonight from a visit with friends in Miiyieapolis. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Copeland of Milwaukee, Wis., have located in Far go and have taken up residence at 903 Fifth Avenue South. Mr. Copeland comes to Fargo as special loan agent for the Red River Valley, representing the Northwestern Mutual Life Insur ance Co. of Milwaukee. He has open ed offices over Herbst's. Manager Jones of the Deering divis ion of the I. H. Co., accompanied by his wife, left this morning for Chicago. They have practically wished goodbye^ to rargo as Mr. Jones will only re turn here for a day or two, when the transfer of the division is made to Mr. Weston, the new general agent in Far go for the I. H. Co. V .MOURNING STAMP. ft* It. is announced that the postoff.ee department may soon issue mourning stamps for use with blackedged sation ery, for which there is a constant de mand, the assertion being truly made that there is no harmony appropriate* ness in an envelope with a black band, and a bright blue, green or red stamp in the corner. A charge of 3 cents win be made for the new stamp. FATHERS TO VISIT THEM. Jamestown Capital: O. Holcomb and James McConley of Edgeley, were ||k tile city today, en route to Dick 1, where it is said their son '. siipgiss!^^ Paul and Portland. The party traveled in a special train made up of President Elliott's private car, the Yellowstone, and the business cars of the other officials. The person nel of the party included Vice Presi dent Jule M. Hannaford, General Man ager Thomas Cooper, Acting Chief Engineer Pearson, Controller H. A. Gray, Assistant General Superintend ent Gilbert, Superintendent Richards, Tax Commissioner Fernald Land Com missioner W. H. Phipps, and other of ficials. A CRAZY MAN FOUND EATING AN EGG, SHELL AND ALL. Rational people thought it was awful, as the shell had no food value, and was, of coursc, indigestible and injurious. It is just as crazy for rational people to swallow a lot of cod liver oil, to get the medicinal curatives from it, as it was for the crazy man to eat the egg, shell and all. Modern science has proved that the oil, or greasy part of cod liver oil has no value whatever, and only upsets the stomach and retards recovery. It is the medicinal elements which are en veloped in the cod liver oil, of which there are about fifty, that represent all the tonic and curative power of the famous old remedy. A preparation containing all the medicinal curative elements of cod liver oil. actually taken from fresh cods' liv ers, but entirely free from oil or grease, must, therefore, be the very best tonic *constructor»possible. Such is Vinol. It positively does contain every one of the fifty odd medicinal curative ele ments of cod liver oil, fresh and sweet, just as the egg shell contains the nutri tious food, and we throw away the use less, indigestible oil, just as you throw away the egg shell. Knowing its wonderful medicinal and curative power, we guarantee to restore health and strength to the fol lowing or refund their money without question: Run down, debilitated^ tired, over worked people old people, weak wo men, nursing mothers, puny, ailing children, convalescents, or to people suffering with hard colds, hacking coughs, incipient consumption and bronchitis. Vinol never fails to make rich, red blood and give strength to the weak and health to the sick. Try it on our guarantee. If it doesn't do you any good it won't cost you a cent. Fout & Porter field, druggists. FOR SALE One registered, two-year old Shropshire Ram weight 225 lbs. W. H. Wright, Fargo. N. D. ::. SEVERE TEST. Fargo, N. D.,, Nov. 10, 1903—Cary Safe Co, Buffalo, New York.—Gentle men: While located at Whittemore, la., I purchased a Cary safe, and when the entire town was destroyed by fire in 1898 my safe brought out all its books and papers in perfect condition. My safe stood in the second story of a heavy frame building eighty feet long by twenty-five feet wide and fell inta the cellar, a distance of about twenty-five feet and laid in the coals and debris for four days before I could get it out, so I consider this test a most severe one, and leaves no doubt as to the fire proof qualities of your safes. My safe opened on the combination the first trial after being taken out of the ruins. One merchant had a much larg er safe of another make, and his books and papers were destroyed. Notwith standing the terrible heat my safe was subjected to, I still have it in my office, over the Fargo National Bank. To in tending purchasers I can highly recom ment the Cary safes. Truly yours, T. H. McEnroe, Attorney at Law. MARKETS* Edwards, Wood & Co. reports: Wheat opened very strong this morning and has shown a good firm tone all day, al' though the closing prices show a loss of of a cent for the day. The weather is generally favorable for movement both in the southwest an^ northwest. The visible showed a good increase, 2,792,000, making the present total 27,947,000 compared with 38,071, 000 a year ago. Wheat on ocean pas sage increased 800,000, world's shipments decreased 500,000. Clearances wheat and flour equal 560, 000 primary receipts i,685,000 against 1,682,000. The northwest receipts show a small falling off as compared with last week as well as a year ago, but now that fall work, will be over with we look for some increase of wheat deliveries from first WM. Mi *, recently, S hands. Good demand for all grades of cash wheat, but new exports business for the day. C. E. WHEELER & CO. firaln and Stock Brokers Morton Block, Fargo __ Chicago Board of Trade Member*.. Minneapolis Chamber «f Cash .... 59J4 g®« 9Mt May 102^ MUfiriAFOLIt, NOVEMBER M. •••••»»••«•.« 77^0 May 77i4c On track-* Cash— No* No. Hard «Hic New No. 1 Northern TO'nO New No. 2 Northern New No. 3 northern H'/tc New No. 1 Northern to arrive ,M. 787»c New No. I Northern to arrlvf .... 78Hc Flax— Cash •. WH OHXOASO, NOVEMBBB 16. Wheat— D0C..i*a«u*a*« 2«V4c May.. ••«••«•••••••••a*i,767ic Pork— Jan. ..#•»» 4. *••.'.*»«•••« «*«**«. *•.*»••«»., 11.47 11.57 LOCAL mum, No. 1 northern, new 70c No. 2 northern, new 680 No. 8 northern, new 65o HTDBa AMD TUBS—LOCAL. 6.8. hides, No. 1 63£ato7o Green hides, No. 1 5Sio to 60 Green frozen, No. 1 5J40 No. 2 hides lc less than No. 1, Sheep pelts, large batcher skins 20c to 35e Badger $ .50 to 1.25 Eed Fox 2.50 to 4.50 Mink, dark 1.50to3 50 Stter, ink, pale 75 to 2.SO* dark 7.00 to 12 00 Baccoon 1.00 to 1.50 Sknnk .30 to 1.50 Wolf, prairie ... .'.ii,. .75 to 2.00 Wolf, timber »»,. 2.00 to 5.00 WildCat .50 to 1.00 Fisher....* 5.00 to 8.00 Lynx 3 00 to 10.00 Marten 3.00 to 15.00 Muskrat, fall 7c to 12c Muskrat Kits 2c to 3c Quotations on furs for utrictly prime, well handled northern goods. No. 2 ana No. 3 furs at their values. 1 Quotations forulahed br Bollaa Bonn Broadway.) Sell HIDES and FURS to BOLLES OEL ROGERS Oet full ValuM. 207 BROADWAY, Farso. CHICAGO. MINNEAPOLIS. Main Office Manhattan Bldg., ST. PAUL, Minn. GRAlV" STOCKS, Private Wires. Write for our daily market letter and prifite telegraph cipher—mailed free. Ship Your Grain to Us Prompt Betarns. Best Facilities. Liberal Advance*. Fargo Office-Pront Basement Morton Block. 'Phone 700. DULUTH. WINNIPEG. Bbfbbkkceh DATEt November 24,1903^ WM TICKET* Round-trip, first-class, LIMITS Three weeks. RATCSs Less chan the regular one-way face, v 4 P°*nt? 'n Indian and Oklahoma Tir tories. MANY Don't let this chance get by. It will not come again this winter. Visit the Southwest and mmm for xotiraolf the much-talked-of progress and development of that section. We have straightforward literature for the homeseeker and investor which we will gladly send, if you wish it. Tety us what section interests you, -r ju c. CAKfENTEI. fmmt. AtfMt '4V NINMUrOUl, MHfW% %. ••A 7 V it,-- Commerce Orflln and prorislonM bongTit nnd sold for cash or on margin. Our private wire wr Tlce with C'hlcnjfo, Duluth nnd Mlncnapolla markets furnlslios the trade the quickest and best medium for the prompt handling of business from this vicinity. We Bpecl ally solicit out-of-town buBlnesB. Tel. fit. karWrits Mr 0a«v Market Letter DULUTH NO. I HARD He LOWER. DDLDTH, NOVHMBBB 10. Dac. wheat 75^0 Mar wheat 76*e Now on track— Cash No. 1 Hard •,•«,# i**,.. Cash No. 1 Northern Cash No. 2 Northern 4...,./72Xc Cash No. 3 Northern New to arrive— Cash No. 1 hard ........v..81 Xc Casli No. 1 Northern....i.19%c Cash No. 2 Northern ... 77)ic Cash No. 8 Northern Flax- S3 ""i PROVISIONS Bought and sold for cash or on reasonable margins. Members Important Exchanges^! COMMISSION COMPANY SI0CKS AH0 ROWS MAIN AM0 mOVlWOHS We have over 150 offices. 175 State and National Banks OUR SERVICE IS THE BEST. Out of Town Business Solicited. FARGO BRANCH: Rm«m IS aad 16, Far*o National Bank Block mm-: 1 points in Kansas, Texas and New Mexico. Hi ROUTE* Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe vi