Newspaper Page Text
•4V-- IfliSi^Sli .... mmmm festssslsA '^^Sp pftiS ,$£„........ ^il!: ".'•,i'tz-im :•:$*•: 'AL,.. vMs&d••.?•• a- s mmmm 11 A O Wednesday, Nov. 18 Aix^nu^ W PRiq^l Entire lower Boor...«i... Entire Bajcony *llo Gallery. J.W.HInilH M. B. .Hay, Fargo. N. O. s fc C'| .A*DL •Jr. •!& ARCHITECTS. iRRANT, W. C., ARCHITECT AftD superintendent. Plans, estimates and de tails. Otflcf: No. 04 Broadway, Fargo, **•--'ty. D. Telephone No. 53-4. i..J. O'SHEA, ARCHITECT AND BUPBfc •i feiteiideut, practical plans, specifications f''*nd estimates furnished for all kinds Of i j^uildlugs. Offices N. P. Block, Broadway. "LBfEBlO, M. E., ARCHITECT-PLANS *nd Hpoclticatlons furnished for all ciasue*-, 4,. Of hulldlng. Telephone 7.r5, office at U8 I'lrst Avenue North, Fargo, N. D. MANCOCIC BROS., ARCHITECTS, OF jbce over Douglas Block, 113 Broadway, Facgo. D. Plans and estimates for all lands or tidings. =43= PHYSICIAN DB. WIAB.-DR. SORENESS-PHYSICIANS and Surgeons. QJiioe over Wilser's Drag Store. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 5 anc to 8 p. m. UAKROVV & WEIBLB, PHYSICIANS AND Surgeons. Office QeLendrecle Block, cor ,.®er of Front and Seventh Streets. Officii fours: i) to 12 a. m., 8 to ff and to p. m. Fargo, N. I). 1 mm i- sa wwimt'itiaii flOUS CURTAIN 8«30 SHARP. WEST Bid *M MINfcTREt1 JUBILEE Management SANFORD B. RICABV* PRESENTING AS A GRAND FINALB The Operatic Travesty, 'The Wizard of Boz' Qrand Street Parade and^Bend Concert at 11:48 A. 11.00 .75 .50 DRS. RINDLAUB SPECIALISTS. ••,,.•• B$f, BAk, NOSE AMD THROAT VT-' PARGO, N. D. J4*Lmb*ct* Block. oppottM IV. P. Dwol PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNEYS. ARTHUR B., ATTORNHY AT LAW, offices in Ma gill Building, Broadway ana Front Street, Fargo. Practice! In ail court a. TURNER, H. R., ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offices in Edwards Building, Broadway, Practices Jn all courts. BiRNKTT & REESE, ATTORNEYS AT Law-offices: 4 and 8 Morton Building, JS road way. COLE, A. T., LAWYER, ROOMS 19 TO 22, „fiuntlngton Block, Broadway. MILLER, HENRY F.. ATTORNBY ANU Counselor at Law. Oyer Fargo National Bank, Fargo, N. D. (tOBIXSON, J. E., ATTORNEY AT LAW. fllii Front Street, Fargo. 1'ractioea In all -Courts. Tax cases a specialty. JCOTT, W, A., ATTORNEY AT LAW, ,™vmce second floor Morton B16ck, Broad- f... DB. C. N. CALLANDER. DB. A. C. MORRIS. PHY&ICIXI^ AND BUBGEOHS. Office Hours: Office Hoars: d11 to 12 a. m. 9 to 11 a. m. 3 o I o 5 a 4^ w58ifoii»^ .• 1U.MIifoSW w st-- 'U45 Residents v, 1048 B»idn—. UNDERTAKERS. ASTD LICENSED EMBALMER—FUNBSAlU supplies. J. F. Rice, 8 Sooth Broadway, upplles. jfear of goody's store. i iuiti «mainc inBRCHA v.? '-/'I I ¥Tf\p Leeds had double. weddtai Ward County 18 growing some fine hogs. -.s? Devils LiHie an* of paving. The bazaar fat (he hftspiHil at t^evlls Lake was a big itiictess. The Maddftck $Unciard appears to have a printer on its staff. More lignite. thirties in tjfie Mihot country are chart^irt^ Hands. The telephone line frqtji t-nton to Ha2leton has been completed. Langdon hifch school had 9 football team this fall for thfe first time. .. ,t Devils Lake streets were placed in fine condition before the freeze up. Nftw Rockfftrd is ft^d 'to Have, one of tiffe finest orfchestras ih the state. The bankers QI the. feighth Judicial district will meet at Minot Dec. 10. Deer hunters seems to Ha\fe been less successful this wintier than form erly^ jr^e coons «he,r billed, |t Muftato-r not the Kind Ifijit iare lynched—down iOUth. A new sjitvey of ttfit tbwnsitfe of Wales, Cavaliiir County, has been made. Wahpeton ^ind Valley City are both reported to b)e about to establish daily papers, *V- v 1 i•• Knox had an exciting runaway in which a farmer was tossed- rather roughly. A deserter troitt1 tlii regular artny was turned ovtt to the military post at Bismarck. Wolves are reported by The Inde pendent to be numerous around Michi gan City. The state historical society is anxi* ous to, secure all kinds of relics of the early days. Langdon's rteW hotel has been Open ed but the foritiil opehitife will occur Thanksgiving. ITie people of rCavalier County are finding the Barry murder trial an ex pensive luxury. At Flaxton an independent grain buyer has beguft suit against the Soo for refusing cars. Westhope has been on the map about a month, but the people insist 011 incorporation. V 'J The strange actions k woman^ on the streets at Minot made a. lot .of .the bachelors blush. A Minot man had more music re cently than hfe really wanted when a piano fell on him. Missionaries are preaching at fes senden but the heart of Mark Hunt still reamins—bad. Editor Smith of Detflls Lake was called to Elkton, S. D., by the serious illness, of his. father. Editor Small of *|1|% '£f{frifev'i&ke Inter-Ocean has pUVbhased new home for his paper. v The Eddy County Provost WHf' The Carrington Independent seeht to be first cousins at least. A site has been selected at Windsor for a new Catholic Church which is to be erected in the spring. Sibley of The Grandin Chronicle in sists pn having the benefit of the doubt —about whether he has any brain. A big husky hobo, who was begging at Minot, was persuaded by the chief of police and his club—to move on. The Hillsboro people paid fitting tri bute to the memory of Mayor Plum mer, so long identified with the city. The contract has been let for the hotel at Alfred, a new town ori the N. P. extension froth Edgeley to Dawson James Morrison, jr., formerly of Fargo, is representing a show com pany in the smaller towns of the state. The people of Neyv Rockford are re quested to htake the first payments on tjie subscriptions for the Phillips Acad ett?y. Joe Fahnlender -of The Minot Re porter—wants Fred Falley of The WahpetOB $loM t6: explanat ioti-^ some. •. ,.•-#' The. eni'eifte. coffltale between The Wi^peUh Times and Thf Lutaferwood »roadaxe is ortcfe more ripjJea up the back! A M*dd«elti'fi«ii Utu receiv*^ a 4ii l^tltiMnt of bttriftl cMk«ti aurM the pfto b^'tHat ftettion tin no* die iMpuiiily. Roa Mtw cently Jamestov^. The Endetl^n football *eai over to Sheldon and played Mike la Bere's "Undisputed Chart)j£tf6fts a standstill. Lowde»of"Tlte rally Rejoices Wt to^ose An4erson 4s«^ter JS. MRS. R. A. ANDERSON, 225 Washing ion St., Jacksonville, Fla. ffOOO forftii If original of abotM hittr proving fMt/MfflN «a» ItOt b* productd. No other medicine for women haa received such widespread and xmquali fled endorsement. No other taedicin# has aueh a record of curfea of. female troubles. Refuse to buy any Substitute SCHOOL TRUSTEE'S MEETING. A«U(fltlulCMurf8cMBNrtlWHB change Ideas on Dec. 4. 1 The second annual meeting df ihe presidents and clerkis of the respectito boards of trustees in the different school districts of Cass County wijl be held at Fargo on Friday, Dec. 4. ,An effort is being made to secure, the dis trict court room for this meeting. Ai the last session of the legislature thb law authorizing these meetings wajk amended so that clerks of boards werfe eligible to seats in- the sessions. TJhe committee liaving the matter in ch^rgfc is looking for a big attendance and' 1 very profitable meeting. The object of the convention isr a general' dis6tis"sion of educatiotu 1 matters and for an exchange of ideas. A programme of exercises has been ar ranged, which includes speeches by State Superintendent Stockwell of North Dakota, and Mr. Olsort, state superintendent of public' instruction of Minnesota. George Hancock, the architect, is down for an address on modern school houses and will illUgj trate his talk With a riunfrtjer of plani, showing school building^ of one, tWo, three and four rooms, and the im provements made during the past few years from a sanitary standpoint. SEVERTTEST. ...forgo, N. D., Oct. 16, 1 Safe Co., Buffalo, N. Y.-~Gentlemen: My Cary safe pissed through the big $3,000,000 fire of June 7, 1893 and brought out all of its books, papers, etc., in a perfect state of preservatioiv My safe stood in the hottest placje in the two stOry brick building, twenty five feet vyide by 100 feet long and as the safe was in the coals and^aebris for four days before I got it out, I con sider it a most severe test. The best recommendation I. can give for tht Cary safe is t.hat I hive today placed iny order with their alg^rit Mr. for another safe. I have now boug three Cary safes. Yours very truly, v S. Sipiftyson. (THE FARGO FORUM -AND DAILY- ^PUBLIC TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17, am zrm- Mlpi HMWUfttf. PARTY Director Ztoianiinn AMMHMH tie Prti* graouaib Ibr tomnerclal Cfitfe hrti. Tke ie«tfe!%l cMnrnittees ih diairfe oi (he arrangements ifbr the inaugural par-" ty, designed to signalize the formal opening of the Commercial Club "rooms, which have been made distinctively at tractive, by a wealth of beautiful and at the *ame time thoroughly practical and comfortable furniture and appoint ments which naturally would go to make spacious sifite of rooms inviting and Cosy for business men to meet and discuss problems and the general welR being of the city, v^ere busily engaged today supervising the arrangements of the roonis for the party tomorrow night. The draperies fpr. the windows, in thf large glub Toppi have been hung also the first irtstallrii'ent of a niiniber 6F suitv able pictures which have by PnWrffik:—Hiere kre but few wives and mothers who have not at times endured .ttionies and su£h ^ain aa only vfomeh Imow. I wish nch. knew the l^rdla ^Skham's V«reP&fel!om jAjdtta. lt is a rettiaAfibW lixedifeine, diTfateat in aetiou frott any I ever know and thoroughly relia^la, "I have seeii many casea whert women doctored for years without per manent benefit, who were curea in leaa thaxi three months iafter taking yoilr Vegetable Compound while Other* who jvrere chronic and incurabliB came out .cured, happy, and in petfedi health after a thorough treattaejlt With thla ilifedicine. I have never used it myself without gaining great benefit. A few doses restores my strength and appe tite, and tones up the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true, hence I fully^endorse it." Flower sXLe. Bringatie pen If idmi .rijeht With tdr aiH Mr .v On the farm, latehr owned by D. A. McLaren, will be -offered for- sale on Jue^day, Wov...^4,, a}L:^tock and ma enni 24,. a|L mety, also blacksinttn and carpen ter's tooJs, liQUSefiold. goods, fete \-f0n ifeiitf The ejiriiert. nuMMat been promised several railroad passenger agents showing beautiful scenei-y brt their re. spective lines. 1'he house committee of, the club ,has decided to make one or tvvo minor changes in .the arrangements of the rooms which, it has been suggested will better subserve the comfort of the guests. The North Dakota Sti|te Band which will supply music for the party which is to take the fdrhi of a military promenade concert and bbll, will be stationed in the small patlor, between the east and west rooms. The concert and dance programme, ar ranged by the committee and Director Zimmerman, will be as follows: a. —Grand March—New Colonial.... b. R. B. Hall Waltz—Symphia Holzman Novellet—Manana (Chilian Dance).. —Dancing— Missud Twd Step—Dixie Girl (rtw).Lampe Overture—Poet and Peasiht Suppe —Dancihg— Waltz—Hearts Courageous...... Blatike —Dancing—. Serenade—An Afternoon Tea...Keiser Two S^epr-jNorth Dakota State Band •....i*....... .. J. H. Zimmerman Selfecflbft-^FfiVist .,:i v* .'! Gounod Two Step—Battery Park Thayer —Dancing— Si INTERMISSION". Circle Two Step—Commonweath... R. B: Hall —Dancing— Selection—Prince of Pilsen.. .Luders Two Step—Hiawatha. "..Nell Moret —Dancing— Novellet—Anona (new) ..Vivian Gray Waltz—Lazarre Blanke —Dancing—. Serettata Mexicona—Leila.-.Chambers Two Step—American Patrol (by re quest) .We -Dancing Waltz—Wnen KnighthocMl [eacham Was in ... Gustin —Dancing- Two Step—King Cotton —Dancing Good Night—Star Spangled Binner.. ...» Sousa Fargo Commercial Cjlub The dancing numbers will be an n o u n e y u e a s v :^v^O,VENOM, IN ^E No poisoning purgatives enter into Dr. King's New .Life Pills. Easy, but prompt, they cure or no pay. Only 05c. Fout & Porterfield. WEATHER AFFECTS CIGARS. The majority of smokers seem to be unaware of the extraordinary recep tiveness of Cigars to the weather. Dur ing wet weather it is almost impossi ble to keep cigars dry, and they do not burn evenly or well and the flavor be comes strong and often disagreeable. It pays to know that Golden Grain Belt Beer never changes—it's always delicious and invigorating. A great many ladies can drink Golden Grain Belt Beer who do'not like other beers, and any doctor will tell you it's a splen did tonic. Use it regularly to get the most benefit. Order of your nearest dealer or be supplied by Max Kalbren e o o e a MONEY TO LOAN. r|^ wfc Joan money on first moHfa£es. Inquire of us for rates. No commis sionf^charged. Morton &, Co. jTrORGERSoFdEA^. A telegram to Mrs. E. J. Torgerson last night conveyed the intelligence that her husband had died at the home of his sister who lives at Fosston. Several years ago, Mr. Torgerson was attack ed with locomotor ataxio artd he gradu ally lost his eyesight. After a long per iod of suffering fie moved, last sum mfer, to the hwme of his. iisWr. For son«,ti|ne %i^and 'ectuine^ stand near, the comer pf the her •»g veqj.nilaph V«VM vs AMUSEMENTS. Nov. 18.—West's Minstrels. Nov. 21.—Florodora. Nov. 24.—Lulu Glaser.^^ Nov. 28—Thomas' Orchestra. '. West's Mirtstreis will be at the'^argo operahouse. tomorrow evening with a host of. comedians and singers. The new feature of this performance is the introduction of the very funny operatic burlesque entitled "The Wi2ard of Bosz." "Florodora" with its bevv of beautiful girls, its fine costumes and scenery, and above all its tuneful music, will be at the Fargo opernhotise on Saturday even ing. A11 entirely different cast of prin cipals lends fresh interest to the forth coming presentations here of thie de ightful musical comedy. Of course there will be the famous sextette of beauties. Charming Isadore Rush is the Lady Holyrood this season and her song Tamarack Tamarack .. h&*kHMd vry Cut Lignite Coal e log same the t\vO* ed to each other. ukuSliAL LEGAL^OJfJT. .Sop^lMui McWi: A funoy wrinkle W furred in Forimah yesterday—^ 1 )u^y beihjj eth^ielfed ihd Sbe$, aetinf in ^ie «iiadty of The em irfc#Os mmrrm Do Not LOOK At THIS But If You Do, CONSIDER If It Costs You Dollar To Heat Your House, why not save Twnty Fivi of il? Yoii citk do so by t^sli I Doyle Air Burner Co' Stoves and Furnaces] How can they do it cause they burn all com busj ible properties in the u if by forminjg Ga« and burning it, there is No Smoke, N Soot. The base of the stov being perforated, all of tin cold air is taken from tin floor, causing the air of th room to constantly change] FOR SALE BY W. PRESCOTT Fargd, WOOD! LIGNITE! WOOD! My prices for fuel on cars at Fargo are aa toHdws: V SeaMoid nUDie...... 'SeaeeiMM C^rcK :.v.. I 7.M per cofjl IIS per coffc I.9S per cord per co«a •.Upercori Seasoned Jack Pine, Dry Cut These prices wlH apply to points west of Fargu, with proper allowance made for difference In freight from shipping points, Prompt sblpaent and lull measure guar anteed. T£e business tf car lot buyers soacited. Address GIBBS: Sociology, Economics, Politics, Science and Nature, Art, ,1 Architecture, Music, etc. A few lines of description is given V eaiclvbook listed. .* lit WlH Aid Your Christmas Selections Uiat will be nlaUed Pree of Coat to aoy person itqueA A Postal does the bushiass, A. aOSKHU, MOP. e$ knowletJiere aswaUa^clruigs to- ^rojktly fill ti*esciPiipti^^ IB ik i and RetaU tilf" WWW1! u Keeoey Block, Fargo, N. D. Gas Stoves Cost Only One Cent Per Mom "Tact" is sung with much tact, dresses superbly—which is good to feminihe patrons. The other leadi members of the company arc Graham, Philip Ryley, Greta Risle# Donald Brine, Harriett Merritt, Jfci Phillips, Lillian Spencer and Thos. 1* Kiernan. ^0 I ne» leadimj Cash Buyer^ Dressed Turkeys Write For Pried!, tl -d otir A N. D| 441 per cord Ml per cord Ml per cold 4JSperconl iJMpercairii White Oak Slabs ftne Stota Oil par ton Grand Latest Books December isl and regularly every thirty days thereafter, we will issue a Complete list of the books published the previous month. It will contain the new works of Fiction, Biography, History, General Literature, New Editions of Standard Litfcr ature, Poetry, Travel and Description. Religion and Theology, VorKf, N. Dak. v 4 :v iM' &