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W*ft 5 !4 jM- I *H I SOME OF.... •V-ihK ki' Ji E .«*•• I: A'. iU 1 '*k if ittiiliiKriiifi ii 4p 5$ s 5* LESSON IN CATTLE SEIZURE. Deputy Valentine Gives a Brother Officer Some Valuable Hps. *'*v v :rf J' Such in substance was the nature of a document placed in the hands of Deputy United States Marshal Quist yesterday. The cattle in question were smuggled into this country front Canada and seized by the custom house officials at Elk wood. The deputy left on his mission of conquest this morning. He was admonished by Chief Deputy Valen tin^ to bear carefully in mind the ad vice of the lamented Josh Billings: "Always take the bull by the tail." "There are philosophers of greater pretensions than Josh," said Mr. Valen tine in conclusion, "who advise that the bovine beast be taken by the horns, but that is a theory that has' never been successfully worked out in practice, and you will find the Billings advice to be IIiq safest and surest way of making a permanent seizure. Turn.' the bull, in the direction that yOu wish to freje^e to his fly beater,, and vou^wijj execute your orders with* a down hill pull." "But how about the brindle cow?" anxiously asked the deputy. "I have looked through all the author ities on cow culturev at hand," replied 4 l6old v "V'-K Nottinghams 6 pairs, pretty design, worth $2.75 per pair. Our special price, $2.00 Just 6 pairs Nottingham Curtains, handsome designs, good Value at $£»75* Our Sale Price, per pair*~ $3.00 Special 12 and 14 Broadway •, •tSft) Only 3 pairs left of Nottingham, Batten burgh designs, worth $4 per pair. While they last-$3.40 Choice of 6 pairs of extra qual ity Nottingham Curtains. Reg$3.25 ular price $3.85. Our speccial price, per pair See Window Display of the very Latest Designs In Oriental v 1 "You are hereby eomq»ode4 to seize ftrie bull arid tone yefldwbrindle cow, now held by the custom officers at Elk Wood, and advertise and sell the sajtne as prescribed by law." BOSOMING by all druggists at A U N K n o i n o a e s w i the pain and horror of Z i i e o u of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her a shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robs A confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother's Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents "morning sickness," and other dis comforts of this period. $1.00 per bottle. Book 'containing valuable information free. ItbaJMfieM Be»dat0f€o»*Haaia,e». .. Cut Flowers ".Wedding and Fttotral Flowers t-i* **)p. f'fi ,'•*' "fjT**' TRADING AT THIS STORE IS A LESSON PRACTICAL ECONOMY "A Dollar Saved Is a Dollar Earned." If you think so and want to save dollars, read this ad carefully and follow it up with a,visit to this truly great store ..Bargains in Lace Curtains Mr. Valentine. "I have consulted all of the butchers in the city, have talked to the boy who picks up nickels in the summer time driving the milkers to pasture, and have studied the cowboy romances of. the prairies, and I have found but one piece of advice in, all of this research." "And, pray, what is that?" asked the deputy.? ^t^S' THE GREATEST VALUES OF THE ENTIRE SEASON v:y:'.: These Curtains are Ifi Arabiansi, Irish Point, Nottingham, Bat ten burgs, Renaissance, Ruffled and Muslin. yi/e mention but a few of our special values below: CURTAINS Abo an elegant assortment of Madras, Orientals, Tapestry ana v "It is simply this: Approach the heifer always on ther ight side. Touch her gently on the upper portion of the hip', dop te stool down gently on the ground in close proximity to the off hind leg. Take your seat complacently and with much docility nad composure, and with malice aforethought and premedi tated, place your right hand on the left fore teat and your left on the right hind teat, and as you compress them in your hands with a tender, loving grasp, in soothing, assuring tones, repeat the words: 'So, boss..' "The cow is yOur's then she's safe within your embrace. Hang on and the court's orders will be duly eja?1 cuted." $13.50 ROUND TRIP: St Faul, or Minneapolis to Chicago, via the Chicago Great Western Rail way. Tickets on sale Nov. 29 to Dec. 1 inclusive, good to return until Dec. 7 on account of. the International Live further particulars apply to J. P. Elmer. 3. P. A., C. G. W. Ry., Chicago, 111. Stock Exposition -'at Chicago. For SHOTWELL & QRAVBR I h£'-i p., Roiti, Caraation»» Violitsjtc 6 Mthl amotion piU to eutafcowa xdcls Moikrau pftccs utk Fmk ritodc N. 4 'Ail L) -..-a. •«V Ruge ,», e Arabian Curtains, A pairs of Extra Fine Arabian Curtains, regular price $5.25 a pair. Our special price, per pair UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING, APPLIQUED EFFECTS. 6 pairs of Arabian Curtains, neat designs, cheap at $3.75. Our spe cial offer, per pair, $3.25 6 pairs Arabian Curtains, rich ef fects. worth $4.50 a pair. Our special price, per pair, $3. 6 pairs Arabian Curtains, heavy Applique design, good value at $5.00 a pair. While they last, choice, per pair, at $4.25 $4.50 "PfM: SILK CURTAINS il-,' Fargo, North Dak and Couch :.thte Xi an cfrdeal which all women approach with indescribable fear, for Covers^ WHAT OTHERS SAY. C. E. Wilson: At my residence, 7 o'clock this morning, the thermometer registered four degrees below zerol1 F. L. Gage, Master Workman: The regular" meeting of Fargo Lodge, No. 5, A. O. U. W., occurs' this evening Installation of officers and business pf more or less importance should call for a good attendance. Miss Marie Rosenthal (by letter): I used to be Mrs. Marie Joseph, but am no longer the wife of A. Joseph. Any of my friends desiring to call upon me or write me can find me keeping house for my father, Mr. Rosenthal, at No. 587 Olive Street, St. Paul, Minn. Colonel Crockett: A nephew of Mrs. Crockett arrived yesterday from Ann Arbor University quite unexpectedly. He bad been called by 'phone to Lang don, N. D., to attend. the hearing of Barry, whose trial is'on for murder. Young Furnham was connected with a bank where Barry came shortly^ after murder. w-. —-'-I M THE CHAMPIONSHIP S Wahpeton Gazette: Two football games which, decided the championship of North and South Dakota were played during the past week and the results were favorable to North. Dakota, Tbe^ South Dakota University, which is by aTV*ST.vy»fi- li Sfif! Kffifftf'foMr !AWiSnJ? TfdVEStfErfy Wf/' far the best team that state, played piaoa in your body when you est ion with the University of North Dakota proper food. Tour body ia a workshop and the agricultural college and was de- and in it are xollHona and millions of feated both times, the scores bein& 6-0 workers—tiaaue builders. In the atontach and 22-0. The agricultural college alone there are more than Are million of again claims the championship of the these workers, whose busideaa it la to de two states. I viae the means to build the body. If the o o y o u eat is of a poor quality those SENATOR DEITRICH INDICTED. Nebraska Senator la Accused el Traffkklns in Postofllce Job*. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 17.—Tlie United States grand jury last night returned true bills against United States Sena tor Charles H. Dietrich and Postmast er Jacob Fisher, of Hastings, Neb., charging them with bribery and con spiracy. Senator Dietrich is charged with accepting a bribe of $2,500 frpm Fisher in consideration of which Fish er was recommended for ^Ostmasteir at Hastings. ..-.SIX YEAR TERMS, Washington. No '. 17.—Representa tive Gaines (Tenn.) introduced a reso lution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States as fol lows: "The president of the United States shall hold his office during one term of six years person, hav ing once been president, either by elec tion or succession, shall be again elig ible. V- ILLINOIS ODD FELLOWS. Springfield, 111., Nov. 17.—This Odd Fellows' week in Springfield and nearly 2,000 members of the order are gathered from all parts of the state to celebrate the occasion. Meetings will be held by all three branches of the or der, the £rand lodge meeting in the state capitol this afternoon and even injg, and the grand encampment con vening at the same place tomorroW. The order of Rebekah will also hold its annual meeting and all three bodies will choose officers for the coming year. Chicago, Peoria, Rockford, Freeport, Jacksonville and other cities of the state are represented among the many visitors. BOSTON TERRIER SHOW ftoston, Mass., Nov. 17.—-That" 'di minutive and sporty specimen of the canine race, the Boston terrier, reach ed its apotheosis today in Horticul tural Hall, where a bench show for his especial exhibition was opened under the auspices of the Boston Terrier Club. It is the biggest collection of the famous little animal ever brought together, and the competition promises to be exceedingly keen. The cham pions Roxie, Bonnie, Lord Derby and Chauncy are competing for the special prizes and a number of other prize winning dogs are benched. Society is taking a lively interest in the affair and the exhibition promises to be a huge success from every point of view. PECULIAR ACCIDENT. Williston, N. D., Nov. 17—The steam pipe on train No. 3, broke "yesterday setting the car on fire, and one of the gas tanks, "holding gas" for the lighting of. he baggage car, exploded., Freight Brakeman Charles Gates and Express Messenger Selvig were bjown fcpm the car. The car was being pump fcd! Ujp to the water tank to put out the fire when the explosion occurred. The shock was felt for three miles. The injured are: Messenger Selvig, fafe..and hands cut .and badly bruised Brakeman Gates,,badly injured Brake man H. M. Smith, legs bruised Brake man H. Lewis, shaken up Conductor Campbell, bruised. All the inju^eil ^ill recover. CONGRESS OF RELTGlOttS/ Rockford, 111., Nov. 17.—Leaders of various denominations are gathered in Rockford to take part in a congress of religions, modeled after the great con gress of religions held in Chicago during the World's Fair. The opening takes place tonight in the First Con gregational Church, with the Rev. Dr. H. W. Thomas, president of the World's Congress of Religions, pre siding. Leading features of the even ing's programme are .to be addresses by Professor Matthews of the Univer sity of Chicago on "The Present Out look in Bible Criticism," and by Rev. ^Joseph Stolz, Rabbi of Isaiah Temple, ^Chicago, on "The Religious Message of Israel to the Twentieth Ceiitury." The sessions of the congress are to -continue until Saturday. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c..: SA.W TWO GOOD GAMES: 1 five million tollers—these fire millions of •PT TI.„ little nllcroscopie pepsin makers—strike, Ben Lemke says The Carido Demo- nn crat: "I went down to see that famotrs builders in other parts of the body also Minnesota-Michigan football game, and «trtks threap sympathy..^ »ey.: f*y strtkf flOr bat n abort time,'bei'it it was worth all the time and. inonify enough,to thr^r a lot of the spent and more. I have been congratu- intrlAte t^htoery in tha| WoatfMfiU lating myself ever since on seeing tfie workshop tit yours out finest and most exciting football garte j18^ manaer of tro«hle^ J^/ that has ever taken place in the welt. It was worth $50 to see it, and if 1, could sci It again, and didn't have the.! money, I'd go and mortgage the farss. The article that was handed out On Northrup field w^s pure, unadulter« ated football, made for champions! purposes ip the two states and tun out" to win. There was consideral slugging Heston and Schact, those t] football, wonders, fairly made, earth tremble in their line-smai rushes. On the way back I saw contest between the Fargo Agricul College and the Minnesota se team, at Fargo, and that was also v good. The North Dakota boys fighter than the Minnesota!^ bv .ft twenty pounds to the man, but e their A GREAT LABOR STRIKE.' Xillions of Workers Out One of the greatest labor strikes you can poaslblr Imagine is that which takes mimona and millions of"other tissue Is to supply that vast vhloh'build it with ani for-this tto* •SiZr»*n tn.m andeadbstfiflplU-,. **N i t,-- SOCIAL EVENT OF NEXT WEEK Rescue Hook and Ladder Co. WIS Writ# a Bright Pace la It* SMW History. The chief social event of next week will be the twentieth anntfal ball to be given by the members of the Rescue Hook and Lader Co on Thanksgiving evening. At a largely attended and en thusiastic meeting of the members of the company last night arrangements were perfectedand committees appoint ed looking towards making this, the twentieth annual ball, the great clirasx of their many successful social under takings and one of the brightest page£ in the history of the organization. While the programme of entertainr ment has not been entirely completed it is known that there will be maiiy nelv and novel features introduced of a character calculated to entertain and delight both young .and old, and the pleasure loving should bear in mind the date and make no other arrange ments for Thanksgiving night. The brave boys who go to make up the membership of this company have given valuable service, for which they have been" poorly paid, and there is not a property owner or business man who is' not directly obligated, and who should feel it his personal duty to see that this ball is a triumphant success, both from a social and financial stand point. A committee will visit you dur ing the next few days, and they will expect you to make a liberal demon stration of your appreciation. The gay and light hearted, who will be the ac tual participants in the pleasures, of Oiis function, can look forward, j[he "time of their lives." 0#HAT IS CATARRH ":V _____ HYOMEI CURES THIS COMMON AND DISAGREEABLE DISEASE! jllyomef curis Catarrh by *tMT iiitfple method of breathing it into the air pas sages and lungs. It kills the germs of catarrhal poison, heals and soothes the irritated mucous membrane, enters the blood with the oxygen and kills the germs present there, effectually driving this disease from the system. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1.00 and comprises an inhaler, a bottle of Hyomei and a dropper. The inhaler will last a lifetime and ad ditional bottles of Hyomei can be ob tained for 50c. If you have any of the following symptoms, catarrhal germs are at work somewhere in the mucous membrane of the nose throat, bronchial tubes or tissues, of the lungs. offensive breath dryuess of the noqe pain acrots the eyes pain in back of the head pais in front of the head tendency to take oold burning pain in the throat hawking to blear the throat pain in the chest a cough stitch in side losiog of f}esh vaiiaole uppottto low spirited at times raising of hnskiness tf vote* discharge from nose stoppage of the nose at night aching of the body droppings in throat mouth open while sleepini frothy mu- cons expectorating yellow matter difficulty in breathing froqueutsneeiin*:" ck of the tickling palate formation of crusts in the nose dryness of the throat in the morning losa of strength spasms of coughing cough short am hack ing cough worse nights and mornings loss in vital force a feeling of tightness across the upper .. iWMfco**h*«hwv Hyomei will destroy activity of all catarrhal germs in,the respiratory or gans and in a few weeks the cure will be complete. This is a strong statement, bttt the Waldorf Pharmacy emphasizes a k rs it by agreeing to refund your money if Hy omei dots not cure. SALE OF LAND Notice is hereby given, that under authority of an order of sale granted by the Hon. A. G. Hanson, judge of the County Court of the Couhty of Cass, in the state of .North Dakota, dated the 6th day of November A. D., 1903, the execu tor of the last will of Richard Car nine, late of the city of Fargo, in the county of Cass and state of North Da kota, deceased, will sell at private sale to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to confirmation by the judge of said cotmty court, the following described lands, to-wit: All of the southwest quarter (sw144) of section numbered thirty-four (34) $ in township numbered one hundred forty one (141)' north, of range numbered forty-nine (49) west of the fifth prin cipal meridian, and all of the northeast quartet (ne of section nmpbefed four (4) in township numbered one hundred forty (140) north, of range numbered forty-nine (49) west of the fifth principal meridian. The sale will be made on or after the 30th day of November, A, D., 1903. All bids must be in writing, and may be left at my residence No. 119, Twelfth Street North, Fargo, North Dakota, or filed with the judge of said county court or delivered to the undersigned person ally. James C. Carnine, Executor of the Last Will of Richard Carnine, Deceased. Dated November 18th, A. Dy iypj. Augustus Roberts, V Attorney for Executory, 60 Broadway, Fargo, N. D. (P. Daily Nov. i8th, 2$th, '03.) ore faiui mm' 1 j&i o I inrMiYti-^-*-'-S*-.„ v YOU CAN REACH vcl All of your correspondents by telephone. Do not wait to write or telegraph. A NorthwestefnV Telephone^ Exchange Company. 4 'x 1. The Factory Is the Place to Buy FURS At a great saving. Inspection will prove profitable to intending pur-J chasers. SnjJerb Assortrtiefrt^of 'mXtUR NECKWEAR In Sable, Mink, Black Marten, Alaska Bear, Fox, Chinchilla, Er raiae^nd Siberia* Squirrels- MUfFS to match of the finest quality and workmanship. FUR COATS df th6 finest grades of Alaska Seal, Natural or Dyed Otter and Persian Lamb, combining in the highest degree style, fit and finish to *give them a distinctive individuality entirely their own. ~yf Denis Bros FURRIERS, Ne. 108 Broadway, Fargo WASEM ™.^iN0 At Wagem & Qaard's Furniture PARGO, Store 1^10. osk. in*. w A**. The Pianos we sell have made a reputation for themselves, and have gained a place at the Pinnacle of Piano Popularity by their own merits, sweetness of tone, easy and responsive action, beauty of design shown in the cases. Durability, in fact, by e/erything that goes tpward making piano perfec tion. The musical value of a piano depends largely on its tone. Our pianos are noted for long sustained, or singing qualities, produced by a homeo genous arrangement of the entire instrument, and the care given to the smallest details of construction. No other pianos approach their beauty, grandeur ana volume. You wiH only need to hear them to appre ciate their merits. If you want to get the best for your money, don't buy until you figure here. You can name your own terms. Call and see A." 5^ v, M' 1 ,K, li" J-,1***-V'.f'J ift ,W i I v. & -4fe4» ,1- vh 1 /f •J, V,' f! W: tV rf rf '1if1*. '1 7* I s