Newspaper Page Text
•jr&v-vv V* i'i #1 New EmbroM erles and Lace Beading for Corset Covers* ~Dress "1 '•m Goods and Silk Offers I$-inch Black Taffeta, always sold at S9C, 9Q. Special at.v,,......... .wwO 22-inch Taffeta alurays sold .79C 36-inch ^laelt taffeta, always sold Lot 1—Consisting of Venetians, Hen riettas and Plaid Dress Goods, a bro ken Ibt, wohh $t and $f.2S. CAn Choice at vUw Lot 2—Odd lot of Dress Goods, •worth $1^25 and $1.75.' 7C* Choice at I vU Lot 3—Odd lotpfDressGoojds, worth $1.25 to $1.75. ^. Choice 4t $100 Ladies' Fine Underw'r AT 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. Special Monday, we will offer one lot (broken sizes) of Ladies Fine "Stuttgarter" Underwear, made of the finest quality wool, at 20 Per Cent Discount. Hosiery '^dftdirciine Cashmere-Hose, gbod 35c quality at 25c Children's Ribbed. Worsted sizes 6 to 9, at Women's Flannelette Gowns Wdmen's fine Outing Flannel Gowns, yoke collar and cuffs, trimmed with braid, good dollar value, yoke and cuffs trimmed very with ChambraS atto.^ regular $1.25 value, at lloorhMd, Minn.. .fgrossare 98 THE WEATHER WAY BE A S. DarABtiaufT or AORIOCLTOTUM WBATHR BUEHAO. Nor. 17,1903. at 9. *. m., 29.29: noou, 29.35, JTomp«ratare. 7 a. m.. 3": uoon. 10*. TJenorally clear weather prevails (his morn* ins, west of the lakes. The temperature ia de* fllinedljr lower over all sections, the greatest change being from ?2 to 38 Wonderful Opportunities Await You )fe h®ve determined to make November the biggest month in our his fc:r t#|y- K you are looking for values you will find them here. *-sSome Stunning Coats Our assortment of Coats embraces more new and exclusive modes than has ever been seen in this or any other establishment in the city. the largest assortment and variety of ideas, as well as greatest values, in the history of this store. A Special purchase of upwards of 100 handsome Coats, bought at about 5Qc on the dollar, will be placed on sale at the following low prices: $6.75, $7.50, $10, $12.50 and $15. New Military Coats in fine Kersey and Zibeline Cloth,at $15, £9(1 ftH $20, $25 and $JU.UU We offer special Monday about 150 Children's Long Coats at $5. $6, $7.50, £&.. ..,,.,,,.,.$15.00 Many styles \and ^effects in all shades. The Suits come in Hose, 25c CO#* at .UUO Women's heavy Flannelette Gpwjis, flrettfly plain Cheviots morning's Limited four hours late. degrees lower over Colorado, the Missouri and Mississippi Valleys aud eastward to the lakes 18 degrees below at Calgary is the lowest reported. There have been »n»w flurries over the west and rain or snow is general over the Ohio Valley, lake re gion and New England Coa»** *.*_ t. It was snowing 4 ba and Milwaukee and raining at Knoxville, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, New York and Boston. The barometer pressure is abnormalljrhigh in ttte northwest 31.00 being reported at Havre. •HL H. W. GRASdE. Observer. JChicago forecast: Generally fair tonight and Wednesday colder tonight. CtTY LOCALS. .Buy D. & P. gloves. Cook paints signs, 'phone^ J.Aida dl(«atka-«WaaUagtoa Irving |gar between aieele. Plant Chinese sacred lilies now— Aipment just reed. Shotweil & Graver. ^Qpt Pocihoatm Smokelaa Coal Kttfrtor Loader Co.*». The $29 Monitor steel range sold by *?$|e Fargo Hardware Co. is complete, ajrtistfc and $rt jcheap at the ?*fce. %e it. V The Loyal Americans at thetr "meet* :g|gg last night admitted a number oi new members and the question of the organization of ana orchestra was con siaered. This evening a dance with re freshments will be given under the *wspices of the lodge at PirieV Hall. 8 WHAT eiUMt:* trains ontana storms $3800 and Broad cloths, Fancy Mixtures, English Worsteds, in the short, Jaunty English box coat, new short blouse, skirted blouse, and the fitted or box coat styles. Street and dress suits are fully represented new trimmings in braids, ornaments and stitching,. Women's $20.00 sjttits for :...Y: Womsprts Suits, for ...,. .v. Wome»'s$3s«©fiSuits for ......A..?., Womep-s $6$.oo. Suits ior $13 50 $1850 $4500 •vD. & P. gloves are. best made. •j Gentlemen wear D. & P. gloves. Have Knight Printing Co. print it! CKERTAIL Cigar pleases every one. A 10-cent smoke for 5c. Erdel's Selected Java coffee, completes the Thanksgiving dinner-—'phone 718. Dr. C. L» Rose has removed his dental offices from over the Herbst store to the third floor of the Edwards Building. gO^SALBJJRJJENT. Seven-room brick house, No. 335 Eighth Avenue South. Has mod ern improvements, Possession giv en at once. Married Monday evening at the manse of the Presbyterian Church, by Rev. Edgar W. Day, Miss Louisa H. Laithe to John P. Matthiensori. The groom is a welt known barber in the city. The young couple will go to housekeeping in a home prepared, by the groom near First Avenue and Ninth Street North. TRANSFER LINE Bspecially MUipped for the rapid A traok|»r of allafleeta. 0B0R08 WBPQWOdO, Prop. wtth W. P. Merits 8tof«. IM Itriit. OMc«'PtK»«M7. tlotiMlKM. Through the courtesy of Congressman B. F. Spalding the Masonic Club rooms are receiving daily The Congressional Record. The many members who daily visit the club appreciate the thought fulness of Mr. Spalding in placing such a valuable paper for their perusal daily. The file( is being kept c$iqplete by the •steward \ri v Av 5bjbtef Walrus* Saffron Fur Sale For Monday we have some very special Fur bargains. Long Squirrel Boas,, ermine trimmed, regular $25 values.i Special Single Skin Fox ifoas, in sable and Isabella, Very ^handsome ones, at German Lynx Cluster Scarfs, with 6 large tails, at ..... $1750 sable and $9 50 'fs, with 6 $2 50 for fine curly Astrachan Coats, lined with Skin ner's best satin. 9AE OA for the finest Near sea I ^rw.UU Coats with black marten storm collar, full length revers and cuffs. Combination Nearseal Blouse Coats with Hudson Bay Beaver, Marten and Squirref collar, revers and cuffs. Prices range from $50.00 $7500 Fine blue skin Krimmer Coats at $37.50 Sable and Isabella Fox Boav Marten Cluster Scarfs, Beav* er, Marten Long Boas, Beat" Boas, Squirrel Pelerines, also the Wide Cape Pelerines in the finest Sable and Isa* bella Fox, with Muffs tor match. Negligees Skceptional Values in NegffgiisSj Dressing Sacques, Eiderdown Robes, Outing Flannel, plannellette a$d French Flannel. PRICED $1.25 and Up2l Women's Street Hats At reduced prices for this sale. Our Mail Order Department is complete In every detail. report edabout at retail in Chicago dozen. it' 4ft cents per Insure with Robbirts. N. Y. Lifp. A 6-room house for rent, three blocks from the Waldorf. F. F. Lincoln, room 18, Magill Block. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Rob erts Street M. E. Church will meet Thursday afternoon of this week at Mrs. Jackson's on Tenth Avenue North The Ladies are requested to bear this in mind. la cold weather consider three Items —Overcoat, Heavy Coat and Trousers. A. KJellman, Tailor, Broadway. The federal court attaches are busy making preparations for the opening of the Grand Forks team which will be convened op Dec. 1, The lists of jurors both grand and petit, have been selected and summonses have been served. A great many arrests have been made late ly and the criminal docket promises to be uhusually large. W* want barley* l^ther feed or malt ing grades. Send samples and get oar offer. MAQILL&CO., Fargo, N. D. A patty was given at the home of Mr, and Mrs. T. S. McKenzie, 1313 Second Avenue South, Monday evening in honor of Miiss Marion March, who will leave with her mother, Mrs. March, for Los Angeles, Cal., Thursday for the winter. There were about fifteen little girls present and the evening was pass ed very pleasantly. fJbe must" Fboae 718. N.P. Ave. is tonsi^^rable ti the streffet fontractor Serial back to the curb, and When possi ble keep the sidewalk open for traffic. In underwear and hosiery we've an elegant assortment to choose fron. Hoy & Kennedy, haberdashers, 69 Broadway. si Beautifully Done. "How can you laundry that linen so beautifully?" asked a lady who saw samples of our cleansea table linen—"Why, the Troy Steam Laundry does it like that always." 'Phone 236. Arthar Bassett. N. P. Ave* Every real estate deal contributes its mite toward building up the city. Our classified ads v we can take your picture or that of the baby fust as well as when the day Is bright. We need the sun develop the picture 's all.and you'll And we'afterwards,thatfortoyou re always ready at EHokson't trtwMl Fleer Stadia, Phone 664-L. N. P. follow money Winter Clothing Constipation, headache, backache, feel mean, no appetite, all run down. Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well and keep you well. Money back, fails. 35 cents. Fout & Porter fi^ld. A quorum of the members of city council failed to show up last night and Mlayor Sweet adjourned the meeting to Tju rsday night at 8 o'clock. There is rauch important business to be trans aped and the mayor requests that all timbers be present on Thursday night. TEA ROOM —and— Woman '& Exchange Boom 24 North r«al? "qtV-itiakers." See page 7. Sheriff TWiiKeTl and deputies will move into their new quarters in the courthouse annex on lliursday or Fri day of this week. IN CLOUDY WEATHER Dakota's Head quarters for Uaens Avenue. Friends of the Misses Mamie and Katie Winter will be gratified to hear that the most encouraging news comes from Phoenix, Ariz., where they are so journing for their health. -One plain drunk was up befdTe Judge Gearey in city court this morning. He entered a plea of guilty, was assessed a fine of $5, but had no money and was en below to do four days in the ci|y prison. deLendrecie Blk Hours 1 to 6 p. JBU Judge Hanson, in county court,"is sued marriage licenses this morning to the following parties: Gotthiff J. Schatzke of Chaffee and Miss Tillie Bleeze of Enderlin August E. Som merfeld of Arthur and Miss Etta R. Sell of. Amelia. Prof. Samuel McCune Lindsay, who went out as commissioner of education to Porto Rico in February pf last year, has been given, indefinite leave of ab sence. His return is coincident with the visit of the Moseley educational com mission from England and it is expected he will give much attention to the in vestigations of that body. We want to sell you LUMBER to get Money to buy more Lumber to sell you. Tlit Vallty LuntlNr Company Office and Yards No. 122 N. P, Ave. Telephone 243. You remember the young lady whose feet were cold and after placing the in candescent light globe under the covers at her feet went to sleep and was awakened to find the bed on fire. If that young lady had used one of our hot water bags she would have had a good sleep, undisturbed. Nickells' Open All Night Drug Store, Front Street. Money to loan on valley lands or Fargo City property at a low rate of interest. No commission charged. Call and aee us. Rpal estate for sale. The Lockhart Company, Edwards. When President Roosevelt said that a public officer's reputation should be "clean as a hound's tooth" he was giv en a good deal of credit for inventing an expressive phrase. Someone has just dug up the fact that Senator Ed munds used precisely the same words ten or a dozen years ago in describing a Vermont applicant for office. taTEifbthStS. Schmidt v Bul^m^l material of tH£ drive is bfoibwl up frpund *23.90 IS THE RATE, Front St Paul and Minneapolis to Salt Lake City and Ogden. Utah Po Idaho and Denver, Colorado Pueblo, Grand Junction and" ,CoL via Chicago Great Tickets on sale daily inclusive. Saper* 9tt*IC4 Plnel Mrast Patterns Clotiift and Napkins. 2x2 yards, for thi% sa,e 2x2% yards, for |has sale ......... 2X3J4 yards, for this sale yards, with napkins, the set this sale at. 23^x4 yar45, .wi|h napkins, for this $18 50 sale the sefjp '1 at 2^2x3!^ yards, hemstitched, with nap kins to match, also hemstitched, reg ular price is $24.50. 9 Odd Pattern Cloths. ...j$3 90 .....$5 00 ..$800 $1350 2x2^ yard, Special at 2x3 yards, Special at .4 2x3^ yardS^ .:v Special at 2^x3^ yards, Special at ..... 7, PEOPLE OF NOTE. j. W. Perkins of Washihgtd^Dt C., is a guest at the Waldorf. A. E. Richardson of Cooperstown is a guest at the Hotel Prescott. EL T. Spafford of Thompson was an afternoon arrival at the Waldorf. T. O. B.urgum, a prominent farmer of Arthur, was a visitor in the city today. H. J. Watt of the Percival-Watt Co., Minneapolis, was calling on his Fargo friends today. W. F. Gokey of Park River and well known in Fargo, was calling on his friends here Monday night. O. A. Hong of the hardware firm of O. A. Hong & Co., at Buxton was among the buyers in the city. Mrs. Walter F. Cushing of Bismarck is the guest of Mrs. T. R. Atkinson, Third Avenue and Ninth Street South. Richard Piper, the Leonard mer chant and farmer, was a visitor in the city this morning and transacted busi ness at the courthouse Conrad E. Moe of Cooperstown reached the city this morning and will remain here a number of days tran sacting business. Mr. Moe bought an isolated tract of forty acres, adjoining his farm, at the landoffice today, and he will nqw cultivate 2,000 acres, one of the largest farms in this section of the country. He reports the farmers y Imeqvatled ^facatiM to any "age?& or totf. ewaltcad TbeFoima. TWO DAYS ONLY Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. IS and 19 High Grade O an Low fjUMt, N. B. Linen Sale Com= mences Monday, Nov. 16, at 9 a. m. Jk A fine Table Cloth and line Napkins are as essential for a Thanksgiving Dinner as the proverbial Turkey. The newness of our designs, and the superior qualities, combined with reason able prices, make our lines the most sought for everywhere. Our prices are always the lowest, the qualities always the best. Our stock is acknowledged to be the most complete in North Dakota. It consists of the choicest Irish, Qerman and Scotch Linens, both Bleached and Unbleached. Buy your Linens here and save money. The following are only a few of our Thanks giving specials! Bleached Table Linen. 72-in., napkins to match, regular $1.75 values, CQ at I .v® 72-in., with napkins to match, regu lar $1.00 values, at 68-in. at .. e#^V#-' regular 85c value, 73c Unbleached Table Linen 72-inch, regularly $1.00, at 72-inch, regularly 75c, at 62-inch, regularly 60c, at 12-inch, fringed, reduced to All-Linen Napkins—Special Salel Breakfast Size, full bleached, heavy quality, this sale, per 0 IB dozen, only I i"rO in fine condition in his locality, and everything booming around Coopers town. Mrs. E. C. Eddy and daughter, Miss Carrie, returned from a visit with friends and relatives in Minneapolis last night. At the Waldorf were G. B. Barnes, Valley City John Smith, Cooperstown R. Paton, Carrington Rev. C. H. Phil lips, James, and J. H. Rose, of '7^"' HORSES STOLEN. EHendale Leader: When Fred Meh ring went to his barn this morning to care for his team, he found the horses gone. It is supposed they were stolen. The barn gives evidence the team was taken in teh early morning. The horses were bays, a gelding and a mare and about 9 or 10 years old, large and heavy, in good condition. Thanksgiving =AT FARGO, WALDORr HOTELS THE EXTENSIVE Exhibit of Original Albrecht Furs O U will be given an opportunity of examining these Luxurious Furs, which represent the PICK of the World's Fur Markets in PELTRIES, and the latest styles from the fashion capitals of Europe and America. It ii not safe tp buy "fufs," a commodity of which your personal knowledge is limited, from other than a reputable for house, ^^url^r half a century of fair dealing has nude the name of "AUMtBCHT" synonymou* with "Correct Purs" throughout the land. Our representative, Mr. W. F. Clarke, wtlf t$e frie&Mti'Vo show you this incomparable line of FUR GARMENTS and NECK WEAR and take your order for future delivery* Our goods and values are worth your consideration. ALBRECHT 20 Ea*t Seventh Carving Sets and Silverware are not toy knives, but as fine a line of serviceable carvers and beautiful silver as you will find anywtifere. It is nbt too early' 1^* look them over. PARQO. N.O. 1 89c 66c 48c Pancy Doylies. 5-inch, fringed, reduced to, CCA per doz .will# 7-inch, fringed, reduced to, per doz 9-inch, fringed, reduced to, 90c $120 Cfl per doz I .wU Also a splendid variety at $3.50 and $400 .v"