Newspaper Page Text
4" j/^iv SB ^"r" t!i XlW-' V i W CVRTAIS Matinee mi Evening The fttisical Comedy REUBEN in NEW YORK New Songs yi patchy Music -i t* At, and 21 X- s#P. fi-y ^3- A Vn Clever Comedians I E S 7 5 5 0 a n 2 V MATINEE PRICES: Children.... 25c Adults 50c CURTAIN 8:30 SHARP Saturday, Nov. 28. One Qrand Concert by the Theodore Thomas SIXTY MUSICIANS. SOLOISTS: MISS JENNY OSBORN....Soprano MR. LEOPOLD KRAMER.. .Violin MR. BRUNO STE1NDEL —. 'Cello Scats now on sale at Broadway Pharmacy. No person will be allowed to pur chase more than eight seats for each concert. Tickets mttst be paid for when ordered. Mail orders should be addressed to Alson Brubaker, manager Fargo operahouse, and must contain post office or express order to cover price of tickcts. If purchasers wish tickets forwarded by mail they must include in their remittance the cost of registering. When this is not done the tickets will be held until callcd for. I' II SCALE OF PRICES: Parquette and Lower Box Seats ..$2.50 Parquette Circle 2.00 Balcony and Upper Box Seat* 1.50 Gallery (not reserved) 1.00 CARRIAGE REGULATIONS. i.^.Owriages will approach the tke^tre from the west. After the concert Waiting carriages (which will form facing the east on Second Avenue North) will, when called, approach the theatre from the west and leave via Broadway. K*a** maflniN. 0. DRS. RINDLAUB Vf SPECIALISTS. HY% BAR, NOSE AMD THROAT FARGO, N. D. PROFESSIONAL CARDS fy. ATTORNEYS. ARTHUR R,, ATTORNEY AT LAW, offices in MagUi Building, Broadway and Front Street, Fargo. Practices In courts. Practices Jn all courts. fOLE. ARNETT ft JtBBSB, W W- Littton had an egg famine*. ail Burner, h. b., attorney at law, ,s Offices In Edwards Building, Broadway. ATTORNEYS ,t$' FarfO, N. D, KWBON, J, ®., ATTORNEY AT I.«aW—Office* 4 and 8 Morton Building,, Broadway. A. T., LAWYER, ROOMB 19 TO 22, HUntlugton nock, Broadway. ^MILLER. HKKR^ F.t ATTORN®! 8t ARCHITECTS, R. F., ARCHITECT.- PLANS. andfiuperintendmroo—Bqoms 20 JESaWardu Building. s at lALtiRANT, W. O.. ABOH1TBQT ^r«rli Plana, estimate and 3 tlte Oflkte: No. 64 Broadway, II N. D. Telephone No. 58hC \|A. J. O'BHEA. ARCHITECT AND 8U IntemlenV pructleat: jplans, speetflea and estimates furuisned for aH kt&4l bulWiags. Offices N. P. Blocks BroW1 IBBBJ^-M, ARCK|*P®gTirPL, First Aveiu?e North, Fargo, S. 6, lANCOtyfe BROS,, AKCH1TKOT8, C. N, C&LLiMDBS. 9B.A.Ct P«t6lCWSil AND tttftei 3 IIMIM ft nLVlf-eS^ SiS Baaidenoa. s Ccc'oj9i.poxugt^» Bloolr, 118 Broad van Far N. D. Plana and estimate! for all kinafc buildings. pnrsici4tfs,. 1Arrow wj I *ai*«oi ?.* bw ot hnilN* ILB, PHtfi #art«0M. Oitei deLendrtelft BW of Frontjpad Seventh mfests., boars: y to SXft. m., 8 to and 7 p. m. Fargo,- N. D. )ERTM%XSU .AND LICENf* Supplies. IT "4 rear of Moody^ ffer State Read .The Foram. w ft FARG0 NORTH DAKOTA KERNELS St. Tho.mas b?s a strong: c^rlim club. .. & Flksher is to get a bladcsqsith from Hope.i"\ j-v ,-ir rj'i? Theri Js An epidemic of mumps west of Westlioj^e. Debates have started:id.many: of the 'smaller towns. .r.:v.a-'- Dr. Hillis. 0f frerthol^ has rtfftioVed to Anamoose! Osnabrock had, a great opening for its operahouse. ^-H -tJe^tr t&teh trtiulance for the hospital. Litton hunters met with colder able success fft^r deer. Dtinseith peonle Will hold a meeting to boom the railroad. The Congregational Church ai Mc Henry was dedicated. J. J. Gokey killed five deer in the Painted Woods country. The Ashley Republican rejoices over the arrival of a new press. i. Some one promised a turkey Edi tor Clabaugh of Fairmount. Work on the Harvey creamery was stopped by the cold weather. The former courthouse at Napoleon will now be used for a coal shed. The switchboard for the telephone exchange at Portland has arrived. The Pioneer issued a supplement on the burning of the hotel at Hope* The Drake News is endeavoring to work up some creamery enthusiasm. A farm near McHenry, Foster Coun ty, was recently sold at $ao per acre. Editor Clough of Abercrombie is now said to be a deacon in the church. George Ashelman, formerly of -Far go, is teaching music at Devils Lake. J. Lily of St. Johns was arrested on the charge of violating the prohibition law. The L6eds flour mills are a great success under the present manage ment. The Brinsmade Blade heard a man was killed at a dance at Cranberry Lake. There were fourteen men employed in the fiax fibrf mill .which was burned at Finley. There is a rush of grain frot? the west side of the Missouri to Washburn and Wilton. At Devils Lake all electrit wires are operated through the alleys instead of the streets. Tlie cfty of Wahpeton has purchased a tract of land in the bend of the river for a city park. Re\v and Mrs. Scott, formerly of Pembina County, have gone to |apan as missionaries. The Lawton Leadedwondfers i^some of the bootleg, doesn't -(Violate the fture f&od I^av.'1- The vaults of the Cass County court house were evidently constructed on the proper basis. The. Flasher Hustler rather belied its narne^by the its *!$lay in springing the age ofjAnn quet^y The'.two fires, Fessend«n in one night i^aused some the people to do considerable speculating. The Leader denies that Lawton was built in 3 slough—and says it's on a hilt—where its light shines for all. There seems to be an armistice be tween the editors of The St. Thomas Times and The Hamilton Independent. A Galesburg correspondent of The Hillsbo'ro Banner tells of a baby being choked to death with a nursing bottle. The Towper streets are said to be about the darkest ever and The News and Stockman'wants the city to light up. The Washburn Miner claims a v AMD Over Fargo National AT LAW, 12 Front Street, Fargo Practices In all Courts.- Tax cases a specialty. 'OTT, W. A., ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office second floor Morton Block, Broad way, Fargp. N. D. ffBPit ThtoShleW petir tion was circulated to the merchants asking them to withdraw their ads from the paper. The fidgeley Mail mentions K. }V\ S. Blackwcil' of LaMoure for the district judgship~if Judge Glaspell is to run for the supreme bench. The Devils Lake News notes, an ad vance in The Grand Fork? Herald which recently referred to SjdiatOr Hknsbrough as: a—sateSman. The- action of the McHenry County Miss Weber, tlie sistpr of Mrs. Doer Jnit, ljptK of. whom "were drowned at rEly, '^^^auv.^K^gr^. waa tor have 'soon aiarrred a man at Good jricli. r:'-y y '.«.• y' A notice. ^wis s^oyied Under tm-door The ^Jiner threitehing, %o burn:.,the j$wit if the editor d(dn'X. ^eaye? towri-»-and, he wasn't "skewed' cdmmissioners in disposing of an. old .., ... j^dg^rient,- busted bank ajt «e whom a_diud takes by the hand, Nlinot-^was uphqla by the court. .'!V®S close to God, and ,odo ^Qg^rs—nave b*«ra suit fofe sortte men ^fco cause4 t^.. ti^ptbn. wlriit the ^lait)tiff» t^rm a-hial iciipiis eh*r&. .The KensiM jouriwl scribs £d|$ojr L'idi maae some( rt&ks apoiit the raid Sn the nli iOmce at Ipffisil ,e*s Attorney, Clyde:of. l^Lel^tosh e Ashley wiwder case. s .County Hec^i^ fy&A pp'miotfs a|Mit E. he MTfw-J & *'.' P' ?\.?-A 41 uttfff Apy one of the 5 Wetstfaclli man ties ar Ao und to give satisfactioo. But the Yusea mantle is best of a If, for it burns brightest and 'laste longest 35c. AliDeaioci "Relny" Wants to Establish a Record for the Kernels Mia. y When Editor Reinecke of Th6 Grand Forks Plaindealer married his friends hoped he would be good, but he erupt ed as follows in a recent issue: It is commonly supposed that every newspaper has a fighting editor,! but this is a mistake.- !li: Most editors, however, affi good runners. '^y,^ Those who "What can db for y'6u?" smiled thef kernels ocer the rims of his glasses, "A-a—I—A-a me won't you? cooled-off caller. "I thought you wanted to do busi ness with the fighting editor!" growl ed the kernel in a violent basso pro fundo, and the fellow never stopped until he reached the sidewalk. The kernel snickered, and sat down in his easy chair to write some more North Dakota Kernels. REFLECTIONS OF A SPINSTER. •^Everybody's, Magazine for December: To remain a woman's ideal, a"man must -die a bachelor. Lovie tha| )ttced^. is center-, fcit. v "VW'i 'v-' Renuncia^^ ii^gjvi^8^,W wlfat we a n a v e y Friends by confidences. "C i The wbrfij*s Verdift -i#xi^Slsier to over rule than that of one's own conscience. When jealousy sleeps, love is digging 'hfcr grave. Frstaw happiness" magnified into Ecstasy is vpain. On Your |^r bjfing the prescription, to us. may wiit for it or have lis deliver it-^-af you please. In either ev«nt* you fa Ufa Nov. oa the Box mm 4/M/uiuiu in vv\\\\\\V§ TOe Weltbach ,oyale Fargo Plumbing A Heating Co. 112 Broadway. Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating, Gas and Electric Fix tures, Electric Wiring FIGHTING EDITOR SLANDERED cannot fight bt1 run arc good enough prevaricators to Wriggle out of most dilemmas. But it isn't a bad idea to have such an editor handy at times. This brings us to the story proper.. A few days ago a man entered'the office of The Fargo Forum and asked for the editor. The caller was so mad that he was anxious to split nickels and brimstone. He didn't like some thing that had appeared in the paper, and he wanted to lick t,H# md» who wrote the article. i He ti^as told to see the Managing editor. y/" The managing editor's name is Char ley Brewer—Kernel Brewer for short owner of bull pups and a g0o^ dis position. The kernel weighs near to 250 pounds. He is healthy. It wouldn't be healthy for any person to have the kernel sit down on them even when the kernel is gently disposed. ..The caller asked for the managing editor when he had reached the editor ial sanctum. The kernel responded. He stood up at the same time. He is large when he stands up. .y The irate caller looke3 at tt}ei top most hair on the kernel's head, passed the inspection on down the entire body to the feet—the kernels feet are not small. yyyi- ViT"- u"dAerr Have a smoke with said ,the v«ry-much- may defend bri us td^lve prom pit ifld careftil attentibn. If yoif ^kus ti dfelfver the prescripr '•tiom- il will 'reach you at the earliest mbrhent possible. Tr1^1n01H"I'M) I ijW'1 'ANIH DAILY, bepothcak, TnrnsTUY wTTOryft, KOTHMBEB M, 1m AT THE PLAY HOUSE. 26.—Reuben I Nov. in New York. 28.—Theodore trav Thomas 'Wiank^viijg ^patrons of the Fargo operahouse will be entertained by a new farce-comedy entitled "Reuben in.New York." IT is'' along typical farce-comedy lines—that is, it is built expressly for dispelling the blues. The plot is pfob ably lost in New York, but what dots a plot count for in farce-comedy, anyway? It is the comediai^, or rather comedians, and the pretty girls who count, and it is said there are many.of both in "Reuben in New York." Frank McNish and Jos eph Harrington are a lively pair and alone should furnish enough fun for any audience. ^Mr. F. A'. Stock. 2!f'\ 'Saturday night tlie famous" Thomas Orchestra will be heard in concert at the Fargo operahouse. The seat sale is still on for this great event. The musical critic of the Pioneer Press, St. Paul, Minn., says of the or chestra's playing there on Thursday, Nov. 20: The possibilities in an orchestral con cert are legion. Frederick A. Stock, who is conducting this tour, is an able musician, and in perfect accord with his human instrument, controls it at will. His sympathetic understanding of the composer's meaning and his ability to draw forth an answering realization from the players under his hand, shows him aji a^ist ir^.the truest sense of the word. The soloists were without' exception worthy of commendation. Miss Jenny Osbom has a strong, pure soprano voice under perfect control, and an altogether charming manner of simple unaffeCted ness, which, were she any less of a .musician would secure for her a warm recognition from the audience. Her Tendering of the Gounod Aria on the (first half of the programme and re ceived with enthusiasm. Bruno Stein del played the somewhat elaborate Hadyn concerto for the cello with great .skill, but the most beautiful number of the evening was undoubtedly the Handel Largo with the violin obligato played by Leopold Kramer. The Largo in it self sings of a great peace and the ivibrating sweetness of the solo violin exquisite and soulful touch of Mr. Kramer, made wonderful music. Of course the tone and general high grade of the instrument used has much to do with ^he effect produced by an orchestra as the talent and cultivation of the nlayers themselves, and just here is where the Thomas Orchestra, by a combination of both, succeeds in attain ing such a high degree of standard ex .cellence. The unusual beauty of tone of the violins and 'cellos alone gives an in describably richness to the effect, and a wonderful bass drum, whose muffled murmurs like great chords sounding from deptns unknown, could be heard through" all the other instruments, added greatly to the volume and fullness of sound. ...The foregoing is pnly a part, of the .fpticism which AS- eulogistic, tlisough- -trrr $13.50 ROIJND TRI^ v^ Sf F'si.l, or Minneapolis to Chicago, via the Chicago Great Westerft Rail way. Tickets 011 sale Nov. LOOKING FOR ARMORY. Jamestown Alert: After" Jan. 1 the militia company expects to be without an armory fdr a time at least. The .present armory room in the Watson Block is desired for other purposes and it, is also understood that the hall will nojt be rented fpr nublic dances and basket ball games. The militia com pany is looking .for an armory and in the future may be obliged to build one of some kind- The state law which provides, a loan for a long term of years is no,t a desirable law for the com panies in that they get no title to the building after it is paid for. Am ar mory building that will accommodate the public for dances and large as semblies. would be ,a good paying in vestment in the opinion of (thenmilitia company members and they hope to get something of the kind in the near tlture. NjQtlCE TO CONTRACTOkS. Bids Will be received up to 8 o'clock p. nv ®ec, 7, 1903, Nature ai GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. Your druggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure you in she to fourteen days. 50c. PRINTER'S MENTAL TROUBLE. Bismarck Tribune: The board of insanity commissioners this afternoon made an inquiry into the sanity of Charles E. Murrell, a resident of the city for a number of years, who has been employed as a rinter, and at the conclusion of their examination con cluded to send him to the state hospi tal for treatment. It is hoped that his ailment is only temporary, and that with such treatment as he will get at the hospital he will be restored to health and mental equilibrium. 't(. 29 to Dec. 1 inclusive, gpod to return until Dec. 7 On account of..the. international Live further particulars apply to J. P. Elmer, 3. P. A., G. W. Ry., Chicago, 111. Stock Exposition at Chicago. For 1 y :V JMsm for the re-laying of in that portion of the city North Dakota, where old are now in use. Each to furnish two bids, one for of water mains during the the other for the re i water mains in the cificatidns will be furnished lo/i. 'live city reserves the ect any or all bids. Schneller, Ctjty Audits WfW S Mother*9 Frimd, by its penetrating- and soothing properties, allays nauaea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, ana so prepares the system for the ordeal that she passes through the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have testified and said, "it is worth its weight in gold" fx.oo per bottle a£ druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. BKA0FI&.0 ft&OUTOfi CO., Atlanta, 6a. HP FOUND HIS FAMILY. Oerman. Pound His Fvally on Board a Train After Long Eastern Search Jamestown Alert: One of the inter esting incidents that occasionally hap pen on the train occurred today on No. 3. On the train in the forward end of the smoker was an apparently well-to do German. It developed that the man had been to New York City to return with his wife and several children who had started from the old country to meet him in America. They failed to appear at the appointed time and place and he had been searching the city for his family for some time. He said he had given them up for lost or dead as 110 tracc of them could be found. He was returning to his home in the far West with the gravest of fears in re gard to the safety of his dear ones. As the train approached Casselton a num ber of people in the forward part of the car began singing an old country song to a plaintive and touching air. The door between the two parts of the car being left open for a moment, the passengers noticed the man rush for ward in an excited manner, and soon the cause of his agitation was seen. He had recognized the voice of his wife among those of the singers, and such indeed was the case. She and the chil dren were safely on the train and had been there all night unknown to the husband who had been searching the cities of the east over for his supposed ly lost family. The reunion was an af fecting one. WIENER AJ A A A A a A A A A A A a A. A I A A A a A. a AIA a A A. WVTTVTT Ifi TW TTT wTWvT •TT TvT I Am a Specialist Five years ago the North Dakota Collection v I Agency started out with one horse and two cxt% three hundred dollars worth of collections. Wc^ v handle half a million dollars' worth of paper and^^y yi have a force of men on. the road who cover the. V*t' states of.North and South Dakota and Minnesota.^-T-^y y Our commissions last year were $21,000 they will** be considerably increased this year. Xfeis' would^jj indicate that we make collections. We do not *$£fe r. handle real estate, insurance and half a other things, but devote ottr entire time to- handl-f^^ ing col'lections. We are in positicnl to buy tiable paper and past due notes and judgments. Look up what you have and come in and see us NORTH DAKOTA COLLECTION A R00M5 to 6 My prices for li»l on cars tkjCmt and no 15 to love children, home can be completely happy without them, yet the ordeal through which the ex pectant mother must pass usually i& so full of suffering, danger and fear that she looks forward to the critical hour wi^h apprehension and dreaL Mother Friend •Mti STOW) THfe TESE. One Ptrm Say* af the Cary Safc In Ruins Fifty Hourvr GARY SAFB Co., City.-' y. 1 Gentlemen: Tlie large rotdtd«or^ improved safe sold us some time sit passed through the great fire at the till) ing of the Arcade in this city on 1 morning of the 14th, and after havi been in the ruins for over, fifty hoi was removed, and. ypon opening sar everything was found to |)c in first ell condition. Wc consider this a splendid and-il isfactory test. Very respectfully. WHiTE SEWING MACHINE S. L. Chubbuck, Maitag DIRECT CONNECTIONS AC Union depots are made at St. Paul Minneapolis by all trains from Pad coast ahd northwestern opints with Wisconsin Central Railway, thus fording a comfortable and convenlt journey to Manitowoc, Milwaukee, O cago and eastern and southern cit: via two modern trains leaving dai For further information apply to yp, nearest ticket agent i:M Jas. Pond, G. P. A.. Milwaukee, Human Hair Big assortment of switch os, mid wi^s match your owu Lair, or mado to order. Prices very r«a-, sonable. The ladies are iuvited to call or write. s Kopeimaii*. S Eighth Street Soudit! Phone 341. CHICHESTER S PILL! Original and Onlr Geantaa. A Btu)arl Remedy, v 11 for 25 rear IO9OOO 'I '^uniouiai*. Ladles, a*k Orusc for iJlflClflKHTKK'S KM.UHH RED an 1 Gold metullic Scaled wi bl#e rlbboo. Take no of hoc. BcAi Huhntitutloiiif ii'l Imitation*. Aikjo DriU'Ki"*. or wud 4 cent* stamps for Pa tli'iilnrw. Testimonial* »nd ftooltl for Ladle*, L/ return Mull. Sol4 U/i i ru«i*u. Chiekestcr Chemical Of 11*41amm Squro. I'll ILJU K 1! Hit'** i ''•'W «Y f*11 dozen hr£o- EDWARDS BUILDINQ, at Piioireis MaoMdMaNr fTJIidrcerd ^aM^rj^k Kaa:.'. Pry Cat ~1*"" .. 'y fotto#at Ml par cord Mai wtm:.- -A •. UcaltaCoal ............... ..:'f. fKll v*r 4mi mttrne* In trafsht Iim aMsMpalats.. Pn**t 11 U*m il HaMHiB pVv J* immid