Newspaper Page Text
COMING m&. fv-V_1 Ifk'.*:.- tf fj-sij f",. $0:':•. «£"fc2V\' ft e^NAV Ihcfc' 1 i. x: K'pM -a?' Wedncjday, Dcc 16. Annual meeting New England SocfvtT, Cbmimr* cUl Cub parfon. Thursday, Dec. 7. r-v Friday Grain Growers coi.venttpn N. 1. Poultry Show. 'H'v-r. vt Adjourned meeting of city council. Firjo Musical Ciub at Baptist Chuiib* Friday, Dec. 18. Annual meeting Shfloh Lodge A. F. ard A. M. Shiloh Lodge A. F. and A. M.ladies' reception. '''Monday, Dec. 21. jCoagrtgatloml Qub banquet, fA TucicUy» Die* 22* ^Sscred concert at St. Mary'» Cathedral." 'i^r Saturday, Dec. 26. ,, Sons of Norway eatcrtainment acd banquet. Monday, Dec. 28, stone Cbapter,R. A. decltai oi oflptMnli Thursday, Jan. 7. Anhul meeting of Musical Club. s 4 Tuesday, Jan 19. Grain Growers' convention N. D. t-oultrv Show 4 .%, Wednesday, Grain Growers' convention. N. l. Poultry Show. ''v tkowday, j«i. Grain Otoitm' conVMttea..*^5'' N. l, Poultry Shtw. Kote—All meetings are evening* tlnleM ofliorwlBC specified. These announcements will be kept standing, and we shall l»e glad t» hare notices sent In by persona in Interest. ICITY LOCALS, Have Knight Printing Co. print John Berg sharpens The key to the Elite Bath at Fout & Porterfield'a. Discount of baking, visit the testing it For Christmas photos^—go to Erick* sortV .'•••. Blank books—Hkre Knight Printing Co, make them. skates, Keepey Block, near ice rink. •., whtllbarficr shop is lost—always open. Gunther's candies—nothing nicer— 1 33 1-3 on all trimmed hats until Xmas, Margaret Rahilly. The true and final test of flour is rooms of "Dwight Flour" mills. %7 the McClane's art window attracts many admiring glances and numerous re marks. V' For Sale—-Stock oil fufnitttre atit£ tfti- dertaking, doing a good business. No competition MuSt sell at once. K. S. Thordarsoti, Edinburg, K. D. Sanltirlum and Hospital New, comfortable and sanitary. A' home for patients while under their doctor's care. Baths of every description. Electric robe bath for rheumatism. MRS. C. J. Mo CORD, Matron, iioi Front St.,Moorhead ffie business we are doing since our sacrifice began will prove to you where t«..get vpiir bafgata Jn eeni\ furnislv in£s. .Henry ET Hance Co.,, sacrifice sale. Dayton, O., Mrs. Ml^ry Sompson— "Everything disagreed with me and baby until I used Rocky Mountain Tea. Now baby sleeps and grows like a weed." 35 cents. Fout & Porterfield. Exquisitely carved ivories, rirfi speci mens of wonderful perfection of Japan ese art also bronzes, cloisonne^, por celians and silverware, all appropriate for Christmas gifts, a,t $r to $sx Sund berg & Co. There was another large attendance at(the rehearsal for the chorus which to vsing in Elijah, last night, and in terest in the work was quite manifest. Director Penniman announced that it would le the last rehearsal, until after the holidays, and that work would re sume Tuesday night, Jan. 5. John C. Zintheo received a tejegram Tuesday aftertioon from Engineer Rich ard Biggs of the N. P., stating that Mrs. Biggs had died that morning at the home 6f her parents in Berkeley, Cal. The sad news .was not altogether a sur prise to the lady's friends in Fargo, in asmuch as she has been aiding for the past five years. The lady was born in Fjirgo, she being the daughter of L- M. Nelson, one of the early settlers of Fargo who movfea to Berkeley, Cal., about fif teen years ago. Her maiden name was Minnie Nelsori and she has a host of friends who have known her since early childhood. Miss. Biggs is survived by Breaiway '•ir V & 4 $ her husband and two daughters, the eld est .of whom is 15 years of age. 'Pfibne 760 for Hadeland's groceries. Cook, iigns—opp. Masonic Temple. Drink Erttel's freshly roasted coffee. It's a good habit. Loose leaf ledger sheets. We make them. Knight Printins Co. Have ybur bike stored and insured at Johnson's Cycle Supply Jrlouse. 'Phone No. 15 it you want a cab night or day. Jeff Young It Co. Try ground oyster shells and grist, egg food for chickens, at Stanford's. The Owl cigar store has a nice as sortment jof cigars and pipes in Christ mas packages. We still vhave some of that $ij,co^ meal and cheap wheat for chickens—ten bushel lots 50c. W. A. Knerr. Builders' Supplies for big and little Contracts: wall-plaster) lime, cement, etc. N. D. Tile Works, Front Street We will save you big money on all winter clothing and gent's furnishing goods. Henry E. Hance's sacrifice sale. FARM LOANS Ptyable On or Before. At Lowest Rates. H. f. L0U8H, Far|i Natl Baok Mart The last chance to secure .completed photos before Christmas. Delay no longer, come at on^i ^Erickson'S ground floor studio. John Richards, son of Mr. a^id Mrs. Robert Richards, residing near Moor head, died at the family residence yes* terday afternoon. The funeral arrange ments have not been made. The Ladies' Aid Society of St. Mark's English Lutheran Church will meet on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. M. Johnson, 23 Tenth Street South. Offerings for the Orphans' Home may be brought., to this meeting. WE HAVE. MOVED into Room 5 N. P. Block (!o-merly occupied by Dr. Sherman), where wo will be pleased to explain the plan of the *U. S. Installment Realty Co. to those interested in securing their own home. DeWitt Nelson Land Co.,' Qeneral Agent*. Watches for Christmas^—one of the world's largest and finest collections, all fully guaranteed. Mdhy nenv and beautiful designs |pjrjChxi^tma&. gifts, Sundberg & Co. •..• y-•. Mary—Sponge the' pimples with warrri water. You need a blood tonic, would advise you to take Rocky Mountain Tea. It drives away all eruption^. 3$ o£t)t$. Font & Porterfield. During the holiday season don't bother with baking bread. It takes time and lots 6f hard work. You can buy Vienna bread, home made, from your .tftocer .ev^ry, day ©r 'phone 647. Saves *ift*'a*d»tittHkte iH tMctfo^d sjres money. Fruit cakes made to ordfer, 25 to 40 cents a pound. Vienna Bakery. As a (oken of esteem and appreciation for the work she has done and the interest taken in its affairs as president of the Ladies' Aid Sopiety of the Rob erts' Street M. E. Church, Mrs. Theo. Jackson. Tuesday afternoon, was made the recipient of a piece of silverware, by the members of the band !of $S4*S5 fer Month FOB ONE HUNDRED MONTHS Without interest, bnjrs n home in good condition, in desirable location. Honey te loan on iinproyed city property. Fargo Building I M«|f||| 3w Association U*UB" tary The Broadway Bowling Alleys have recently been renovated and put in first class condition. One Jtarge hall, well lighted and ventilated has been set apart for private, parties and clubs. This hall contains three new. alleys and is equipped, with new oins^ and ''balls. large ropmy platform is provided in the front eriS where comfortable chairs and setees are. stationed for guest at play. No sport is more healthful and exciting. The game is always a source of pleas ure and a more novel or convenient way of entertaining thirty or forty guests For Christinas Electric Fixtures, Reading Lampe andjhades make the most acdpfefipni* •nts. Call «n4 0e*itKlii$ otr n«w desifiu. i:..- S- L0t jit figure with you pn all of electrical work. Houee Wiritfg tad Ti liifrting a O00A Work, Low prices, Prom^ Attention, /gpecialiy,^^A. Tr could not be devised. Manager McKim is making low rates for parties. Two gold fishes and globe with chain attached—$1. Shotwell & Graver. Monson has just the kind of a satchel or suit case to remember your friend with. Ladies! Have your party gowns and gloves cleaned at Pantorium, IQ? Broadway. 'Phone 658. Wernicke elastic Dook cases make ihe finest presents finished in golden oak, weather oak, antique oak, mahog any, etc. N. D. Book & Stationery Co. The new fire alarm system has been completed on the southside and in a few days the work of wiring on the north side will be completed. It is thought the system will be "cut in" about the first of the. year. I n e a a e u o u n e y o u n i o billiarcjists, P. M. Rudd made a high run of 14, last night, the highest made in the events so far. He was playing with J. Walker. The winners were: Mfcssrs. Robbins. Andrews, McCannell, Rudd and Gaskill. In the senior tour nament which opens tonight, Major Darling and Dr: Sherman will occupy the table. •f'-X'-: f., Rome A and Greece bwjed tbejr men's manliness and strength and their fair and handsome women to their public and private baths and Fargo has at the Marvin Earl Cox Beauty Parlors' as splendidly equipped baths as can be found in any city. Here all kinds of baths can be obtained with expert at tendants, at reasonable price§. Separate apartments for,, each sex. \"V, takes the place of Pirie's. church workers with whom she has been asso ciated for some time. The ladies were assembled at the home of Mrs. C. J. Buttles. A 1 WALKS, Piano Tuner, Grsnd Forks* N. D. Principal Route: Orand ForkB to Qrsat Falls, Mont. Great Falls to Helena, Hel ena to Fargo. N D., Fargo to Grand Forks. Address to Grand Forks, N. D. All mail will be forwarded. The Fargo branch of the, switch man's union held a meeting at the old G. A. R. quarters last night, and fol lowing the installation of officers, who were elected at the former meeting, re freshments ivere served and a social session was enjoyed for an hour or two. Among those present were a number of friends of the members. The affairs of this union are in splendid shape and the new term begins with the most encouraging prospects and there is no question but, that the new officers with George Darmody at the head, will give a good account of their steward ship.** gift of^Rirj^ tandie^^, always acceptable and ways have in good taste. We a al delicious asosrtment, al ways fresh. But around Christmas time our stock is of necessity much larger and more varied. We are tak ing orders now for delivery on Christ mas day, any hour you say. If you want to ship it out of town we will wrap it and attend to the shipping. Leave your order in plenty of time. Remember nothing, in the way of candy Freeman's Studio^a is well equipped for doing yout Christmas work—No dissapoint ment if you come in season. All work guar a n e e satisfactory. "Notice—A certain grocery house in this town has been reported as selling many of the trust-made brands of goods at prices lower than those listed and dictated by the sales departments of the trusts. The house has been cutting the prices in such a way as to hurt the business of the trusts and selling goods at prices which allow no profit. It has been warned that this will not be toler ated. and we hereby publicly notify it that unless it desists at once from such price cutting we will publish its name in this paper. J. C. B., bqslness agent." The dancing,party tendered by Judge and Mrs. C. F. Amidomand Wm. Bal lou at Pirie's Hall Tuesday evening was a very beautiful affaic and attend by a large number of Fargo society people. The hall was artistically and profusely decorated in green and a row of palms in the balcony excluded the orchestra from sight. The hostess and hosts stood at the north end of the hall" and welcomed the guests' as they entered. At 11,o'clock the doors to the dining room were thrown open and the guests repaired there or danced as the music continued. Many new and beautiful gowns were worn by the la dies. The function was one of the swellest of the season. Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Amidon and Mr: B&llou will entertain again with a musical programme and cards O E N House of 11 rooms bath, 2 toilets, hot air furnaoe, K electric lights. Fine corner Slots. Possession Sec. 1. Will lease for one or two yMrs. 65.00 par month. W. J. Lane, Smith Block* Rev. Andrew Christy Brown was called home Monday from the north west part of the state by the death of his mother. It is only four or five Veeks since the senior Mrs. Brown, accompanied by her daughter and some friends, left Dr. Brown's-home in Far go and went to Tucson, Ark., where she intended spending the winter and making her home with her youngest son. who is superintendent of an Indian tjrbining school in Tucson. Dr. Brown rlieft for Kansas City Tuesday night to ybeet his brother and bring the body of his mother home. The funeral will oc cur in the Presbyterian Church at Ar villa Saturday afternoon, Dec. 19, 'f at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Brown's home was in Arvilla for years, where her husband was the organizfr ami for years before his death, in the pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Rev. J. A. K Brown was a pioneer in the early d^s ofjl^akota Territory, .... j^full dress muffler will make him a nice present. at^Moy Kenne dy's.- '.'V Gents? Have your clothes: cleaned and pressed at Pantorium, 107 Broad way. 'Phone 658. You will find an elegant line of pipes at 'Nickell's Open All Night Drug Store, 25c to a fine meerschaum at $10. Hfcw shipment of Klipper Klub and Bariiey & Berry skates which make nice^ Christmas presents. Fargo Hardware Co. G&uhty Superintendent df PtiMii'ln^ strilctfon, Mrs. Mattie Davis, has turn ed ^ver tp City Treasurer Mitchell $ioif7-76. this being the .am.ognt ,due the. city from the state arid counfy tui tion appropriation. The Singer Sewing Machine Co. is making special inducements on its ma chines to the gentlemen of Fargo and vicinity that they may make Christmas presents to their wives that, are suit able and will be appreciated. Mts. Youmans announces the open ing tf the new term at the dancingacad emy for Tuesday evening. Jan. 5, at Stone's Music Hall. Membership for this class is now being enrolled and tiie term promises to start w.itljL. a large attendance. •, I |{OR RENT--Large modem house, just 5 Hpfin^shed, new lieatiDK plant, warm honsa„ Lease and possession given Dec. 1, Apply at oace. 0. Ftaatoa, WaMarf. H, L. Wilsbn who was in the real estate business iff" Fargo for a short timje and sdveral months ago went to Omaha, writes thact he is now located at ^Council Bluffs, la., and is in charge of :the Equitable--'Life Assurance Co. agency at that point. Nothing so beautified the heme As a pretty picture well framed. We can furnish frames for your pictures. We caff furnish pictures for-your frames. we can furnish both. Take your choice. The price is small. Fargo Dqfcorating Co., 612-14 The Continental Hose Co. is making* elaborate preparations for its twenty foOrth annual masquerade ball, which will be given early in January. The arrangements committee. appointed sbrae time ago, held an important Meeting last night and took the pre liminary steps toward the arrangement of an attractive programme, which has characterized these events in the past. Fred Knuth, the Oakport. Minn., farmer, who was arrested in this city Monday evening, charged' with appro priating money found to his own use. will not be prosecuted. The money and check have been returned to the owner, John Danielson. and he refuses to make a complaint against Knuth. It seems that before coming to Fargo Knuth undertook to get the check cashed in Moorhead, but was turned down..' #VVV Storekeeper H. H. Hayes at the N. P. shops in this city, had accepted a po sition on the Santa Fe road, at. Gal veston, and was to have left last even ing via the Northern Pacific for Port land, where he was to go to Galveston via the Union Pacific. Just prior to the arrival of the North Coast Limited, he received a message stating that his only brother. John Hayes, had been killed in,.a railway accident at the old home in Virginia, and he cancelled his engagement with the Santa Fe and took the evening train for home. His mother is 72 years of age and is shock ed over the death of her son. Mr. Hayes' many Fargo friends will ex? tend their sympathy in his trouble, BACK TO THE ASYLUM. Grand Forks Herald: The board of insanity held a meeting Sunday and considered the case of Mrs. Alma An derson, a resident of Grand Forks. She was very violent and it was decided to send her to the asylum at James town for treatment. Mrs. Anderson was ift the asylum at Fergus Falls four years ago. She soon recovered her reason, however, and was released. About a week ago it was noticed that her mind appeared to be affected and since that time she has been evidenc ing symptoms of insanity. The last at tack followed an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Anderson is left with three small children to care for. He is an em ploye of the Great Northern. TO COLORADO AND CALIFORNIA Via the Cricago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Double train, service is now offered .from Chicago to Colorado and to California via the Chicago-, Milwau kee & St. Paul-Union Pacific line. Through standard and tourest sleepers are operated between Chicago and San Francisco: and through standard sleepers and reclining chair cars be tween Chicagb and Denver. The new service to. Colorado includes a trail) that is on the road only one night, leaving Chicago 9:45 a. m., reach ing Denver early the next afternoon. Descriptive folders and booklets from any ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway or F. A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. 'll K $ *e* 'v r"V V" it i-. K* :i i iV ri'W.ti ,n THAT* Deci Secohd Avenue North. The gentleman who saw'Finzen light in operation in. Dr. Charest's office de scribes as wonderful' the effect the violet rays of light have upon certain ge£ms and upon certain nerves. .When the light is applied to the nerves of the stomach the rays affect the entire body and dyspeptic cases are being cured easily by this method. The Northern Pacific Refrigerator Car Cq„ offers its slaughter house at MedOfa, N. D., rent free, to any responsible party who will start.any industry therein. It alse offers, rent free, a large store budding, with cooling room, cellar and living rooms, to any responsible party wlfo will open a general store therein. Apply to the company at Medora, N. D. 21.—What Dec. Dec. Always THE AT THE PLAYHOUSE. Happened-to Jones. 22-26.—Imson & Edgar's Ideals. 37.—N. D. State Baud. Broadhurst's hilarious sufficiency "What Happened to Jones" will be at the Fargo operahouse on Monday even ing. Millard Reid appears to advan tage as "Jones" and is ably supported by Miss Lydia Millard and a company of capable players. Imson and Edgar's Ideals will be at the Fargo operohuse for five nights with Christmas and Saturday matinee com mencing next Tuesday evening. There will bea change of bill nightly. Pleas ing specialties will be given between the acts, and in every way an attractive en tertainment offered patrons of our theatr^ Prices 50, 35, 25 and 15 ftents. MISSING HEIR. Efforts are being made in Butte and vicinity to locate Arthur Maynard. for merly of Lakota, and who a few years ago was a resident of Butte. There appears to be some mystery connect ed with the etise. as Attorney Fred A. Kelly, of Lako&, who was Tfi Butte recently in'quest of Maynard, refused to state just what Maynard was want ed for. It is believed that there is an interest in an estate in North Dakota awaiting the missing man, but this could not be verified. While in Butte Maynard was employ ed in the Parrott and other smelters. Later he went to Great Falls, where he was also employed in a smelter. After leaving Great Falls all trace was lost of the man. A Butte attorney has been asked to assist in the search for the missing man, but up to date nothing has he^t^heard of his whereabouts. UlifllTE COAL Washburn Lignite Coal Co's lignite can be had in large or small quantities of the Wedge wood Dray Line, agents, 614 Front Street, 'phone 774. IN SPOKANE. Spokane, Wash., Dcc. K 13.—fo Forum: In The Forum of Dec. Hie 11, I noticed a clipping from The Jamestown Alert concerning the potatoes and onions raised by myself and son 011 our claims near Balfour. N. D.. during the past years, and also the prices at which we sold our claims. The item is not in ac cord with the facts. While waiting at Jamestown for the belated train for the west, we dropped into The Alert office and the employes of Editor Kellogg evidently misunder stood us. We expected to harvest about 250 bushels of onions as they looked very fine when half grown, but they did not stool out on the surface and so fail ed to make an onion fit for market. We only pulled about fifteen bushels. Our potato crop was better, as we dug about 340 bushels which sold read ily at 50 cents per bushel. Flax did not pay for breaking the sod, let alone the paying for the seed. Now as to our claims which we proved up on o. k., my son, Wm. I. Adams, made a loan on his 1G0 acres of $700 to pay the government for the land and to pay for the improvements. 1 also put up eighty acres in to prove up and we sold out to the first man who made an offer for this enough to pay for the improvements, and to get to our new home where my son has already procured employment as a street car conductor, and is making on excel lent record. We reached here Dec. 3 and are pleased with the mild weather, having but two or three inches of snow and no wind to drift it. With regards to old friends believe me,* J. P. Adams. THE SOUTHWEST LIMITEDl New Train Chicago-Kansas City. Tne new"fehort line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railwayiias been completed through Moline, Rock Is land, Davenport, Muscatine. Washing ton and Ottumwa^ and gives a new and direct route between Chicago and Kan sas City. The Southwest Limited, the new electric lighted train between these Suggestions 't- SV\.V, -Ir k -Ir ?-&. K fxL-'M '('i- HbvCOME mmrnM FURS! Fur Neckwear—A piece of fur is a most desirable and luxurious gift. Perhaps you have wife mother, daughter, sister, who would like nothing better. This is sure to be the case, if not al ready supplied. Real Fur Bargains—It is not the lowest prices that tell of the best fur values. A difference of a couple of dollars or so in the price of a garment is not a mat ter f6r serioas consideration. It is the quality of the skins fr6tn which they are made and the thoroughness of the furriers that made them up -that gives real value. You know our furs are right or they would not be here. Denis Bros FURRIERS, No. 108 Broadway, Fargo BLANKETS aw ROBES to keep you wart^ white driving SLIEGH BELLS to make a merry drive. Prices as low as the lowest. Wot. H. Stewart (ft Co.* 101 Broadway, Fargo. a i O e s i e THE Jortl) Dakota Conservatory.... Mandolin Guitar An Instrument GiV«fl E E to each pupil. Positively the best method adopted. Course constitutes 36 lessons. Lessons 50 cents for full hour,, Studio 18' and 19 Smith Block. Call or write for full and further information. AlpHonse Tenner* Manager. cities, makes its first trip December 6./. It is a handsomely equipped train, car-d rying standard and compartment sleep-" crs. observation-library car, dining car,^ chair car and coach. A second daily train between Chicagor, and Kansas City is also offered via the' new route. Additional information from any ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Paul railway, or F. A. Miller, general passenger agent, Chjcago. for Genuine Smtety Razors tf l^H Grade Ordinary Fin* PocKet Cutlery 'ffave O'cloeK Tea Setf.!*, Christmas Gliefin^ Divliee Serving Sets NicKel Plate* Wan SBatai of All ,v'' Boys' Tool Ch.ttf dm 0'nrsxi«xi Wholesale end Retell Hardware 67 BriftAway, :s is I n Farfo, N. D. 4