Newspaper Page Text
i i :v-vr w. i-\ i', ,V i 4,. -i- s-h- *r r: K North Dakota. ,?•/ 1- The ..V- 50c 75c rrr* •«v »V Vt Ar*MA Linen Head quarters of Union Damask, $1.25 .Vt J- JTJh j*1 65c $1.75 Pure Linen Damask,* inches wide 1 I 1 W,' I aV- 72 All Linen Damask, wide ... ."••• ..... $1.50 Pure Linen Damask, v 84 5** Napkins or this sale.only, one special lot A QQ of Napkins, worth $3.50, Our $1.50 Napkin, for...... 22x22, tie at $1.65, this sale at goodv^l- Pattern Cloths 83c8 full bleachecl, all linen, worth $2.50, for. 8x10 full bleached, all line9» All worth $3.50, for .*........4,^^ £,ki||| 8x12 full bleached,'All linen,"'- QQ worth $3.50, for. 4...... WEATHER REPORT. U. S. DEPART,OF AGRICULTURE, 1 WEATHER BUREAU. Moorhead, Minn., Dec. 28, 1903. "/Pressure, 9 a. m., 28.92, noon, 28.90. Tern,., 7 a. m.. 16 noon, 24! Cloudy weather prevails -over Mani toba, Minnesota and the Great Lakes. Glcar over the Rocky Mountain slope, western North Dakota and lower Mis sissippi Valley. The temperature is iMgher" over the Red River and upper Missouri Valley and lower elsewhere. Light snow has fallen over Montana, North"1 Dakota and Lake Superior reg ion. It Is snowing this morning at Winnije£, St. Paul and Houghton. The pressUjre is lowest Over eastern Manitoba, s Obesrver Grasse. Chcfego Forecast—Generalfy fair to night and Tuesday colder tonight. CITY LbCALS. Cock paints signs, 'phone 9251 D. 4 F. gloves are best made. Students will find rates by the week at Gable's Restaurant veiar low. Among the numerous MMiteations ipr the position ,r?f" lege to i^dieh Matteson Was 'M' S 522-524 Front Street, Fargo, N. 0. GREATEST REDUCTIONS EVER MADE IN FAROO, Half Bleached Table Linen Union Damask, 62 inches OIIj*- wide .... ..v. IV £ilQ 65c Pure Linen Daniask, 62 ,,' inches wide $*** inches CQ'm wide ......... ...... QSJG $1 Ail |-ineh Daniask, 72 wide ....... inches OOa at 9 O'clock, Monday, December are Bona Fide Values, and not one piece of goods 1$ riARKED UP from the original selling pfice in order to show a ORE AT REDUCTION. These' goods are good, clean merchandise, some of it just arrived in the nick of time for this IMHEN5E SALE. Investigation will prove the veracity of our statement. To make it of SPECIAL INTEREST to come early, we will give you every morning, from 9 to 10 o'clock only, that GREAT BIG HUCK TOWEL that you have bqen looking for—50c value, size 25x44—all pure, heavy Linen Huck. Not over one dozen to a customer, for, each 53c 00 V 72 inches QQa wide I..:. yQy Full Bleached Table Linen 35c Union .Damask, 5$ inchesj- wide -. .'1 .. .,t •»•...'.•. •.. 27c 57c 63c 98c 1.29 1.49 2.09 149 '•yji Pure Linfen Damask,'^ inches wide. $ i Pqre' Linen, 72 inched 7 1 wide,... ..........« •. y $1.25 Pure Linen,'72 inches r, y\ 721 inches wide i, $$$)• "i .*'V *i* tr'' $1.75 Pure liinen Damask, 72^, -Jf. inches wide........... -'.v» $2.50 Pure Linen .Damask,l inches wide ...'......... .«. 198 ........ 4lOw 10x12 full bleachecl, gold ,*W flfl quality, worth IO.OO, for.,... ibx 14 full bleached, gold medal :Q J|Q quality, worth 12.00, for. %Ja40 10x14 full bleached, gold meda^ II AQ qualify, worth 15.00, for.... ..l.rj||aiJO 10x12 full bleached, hemstitched all around, with napkins to match, regular III fi.fl price 25.00 per set, this sale at are Our 65c quality at ......... V'i^-. 1# i1 rt'i i#ii.i'irt .'rj 1..1 45x36 January 4 for the winter termand night school with a large attendance. Have Knight Printing Co. print it! Gentlemen wear D. & P,. glovos. All Christmas pipes left over will be sold at 25 per cent off. Owl Cigar Store. A 6-room house for rent, three blocks from the Waldorf. F. F. Lincoln, room 18, Magill Block. 1 V A handsome picture suitably framed makes an appropriate Christmas present —McClane's Art Store. Mrs. Charles 'Welton of the Webster Hotel is entertaining about thirty of her friends at euchre this afternoon. Miss Flora Lewis, who has been quite sick with a threatened-attack of pneumonia, has entirely recovered and resumed her duties in the,.office of the aounty superintendent of' public .in struction this morning. Ifettry. vagi morr v Bedspreads Fiilf sYzc, fringed, our price 1.50* sale price .. ...... ........... Full sized, hertimed,our price 1.50, sale price ...................... Full size, Marseilles fringed, ©ur price 2.00, sale price Full size, hemmed, our price sale price All Spreads from 5 hemstitched huck towels at, each..... ..... Our regular 35c 35c :d fringed, White and red border, each at. We'also hfive a line of fancy bowels for bu reau covers, etc., and will sell them at a a discount of 10 PER CENT* if1 15 inDh Crash Toweling, all hnen^v worth 10c this sale at, per yard. .• O4C One, lot -of Wash Cloths to sell at, each...* ...«••...,.....2v Sheets and Pillow Cases Pillow Cases, worth ib£': at, e^ic h.... .... a......... 45x36 Pillow Cases, worth per doz.................... *».. 45x36 Pillow Caises, worth i8^ each ji'-v 54x36 worth Pillow (Cases, worth 203^ at, each....»•. •.... ... y." 45x36 Pillow Cases, hemstitched^ 1 8 at, ecicn..,. i«.,......ii^' 81X90 Sheets, hemmed, at and•.'••. 81x90 1(10 moDUt plea#^%uilty to £e in city court thi^ sent down to do eight? 70 THE FARGO FOBUM ANB ^AII^ REPUBLICAN,? MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER S% 1903$* Quality Tells. v-V Price Sells. 29, FOUND HERE, THESE Turkey Red Daniask Our^c qualify "J 35c quality. at.. »t, ...... j|f' Our 19c 29c fr 1.29 1.59 1.69 2.00, 2.50 of 10 Per Cent. to jr.50 at a' Towels Our regular $1.50 pcv doz. values.' Per doz..... ....,. .... .... .. .. .Our regular Si.80.jper doz. values. Per doz... ................... Our regular 30c scount 150 25c 27c 9c 2.00, at 1.39 15c 16c 16c f8c 79c 65c, ...•..• »v»'.... Sheet^ vhemstitche(|,? at, each .. .... ::.. hearing was postpone^^^tf^l^.^'clpcll' this evening. Buy D. & P. gloves. Aids digestion—Washington Irving Cigar between meals. i Swear off using other coffefc .but Erdel's—'Phone 718. There will be a watch meeting at the Front Street mission Thursday night! W. H. Stewart & Co.'s harness shop is now doing business at the newi loca? tion, corner of Broadwayv and Ijl. •Avenue. George Alfred Simmons 3nd Mis^ Violet Stinson, both of Moorhead, were married in this city Saturday night. Rev. Edgar W. Day of the Presbyter ian Church officiating. The ceremony was performed at the parsonage in th.6 presence of a few of the friends of tlrij high contracting parties. Money to loan on Valley lands fturgo City property at a low. ratf interest. No comnisal^ii vba! Caiaod seeus. Real eitate tot Locktaart Company, Eaward* The C. E. Society of tile Presbyter ian Church will be "at home*' to their friend* and acquaintances at the qhurch Friday evening Jan. i, 1904. There rendered a "Bear 8«n«ly ii'.»'«tiai «m i'i'Hiim«.wwn •J? mittaiice fee will be charged and a cor dial invitation is extended to all. Bank clearing transactions in Fargo today amounted to $114,193* Loose leaf ledger sheets We make them. Knight Printing Co. For Rent—Office rooms in Morris Block apply to Dr. Wheeler. Have your bike stored and insured at Johnson's Cycle Supply House. Use Tweeden's new bowling alleys and pool tables. N. P. Avenue. Best creamery butter, 26 cents for cash, or 30 cents where charged. Good dairy butter for cooking, 20 cents cash. Z. I. Burton. All kinds of cake.4 at all pricfes, made Up or made to ord^r and delivered for the holidays, can be had at Norciale's bakery. Place your orders early. Freeman's Studio is well equipped for doing your Christmas work—No dissapoint ment if you come in season. All work guarauteed satisfactory. Miss Daisy Poole of Minneapolis has arrived in the city to assume the duties of stenographer and bookkeep er in the office Of the Singer Sewing Machine Co. The Saturday "Story Hour" for children at the public library will be resumed next Saturday afternoon ^at the usual time with. Miss Gordon in charge. W H. Stewart &.£o. has bought out Hunt & Whisnand's harness business at the corner of Broadway and N. P. Avenue where the company will be found hereafter. NOTICE—J. W. Searing, P. O. Box 330, Fargo, N. D., will duplicate all offers of'bargains in subscriptions to periodicals. All enquiries promptly answered*^ •. '^V^v John Gregor Olson is presenting his friends with a handsome calendar, showing the Brudefaerd in Norway—a beautiful scene which should make the Highland gold mines more popular than ever. The National Asosciation of Beauty Seekers will never acknowledge that any beauty ills are incurable as long as they have Rocky Mountain Tea. Sensible women. 35 c?nts. Fout & Porterfield. ilri district courtrthis morning a new triaUwas granted in the case of Sonne syn vs. Akin, tried at the last April term, when a verdict for something like $I2,oco was returned for the plaintiff. T)je suit involves a stock of goods and a large quantity of land. SWEAR OFF fd be 6000 Next Year, and go to I VALLEY LUMIER COMPANY YARD buy 800D Lumber, Lath, Shingles 5 and all kinds of $«d BUILOINfl MATERIAL at Reed Prices. (Iffice No. 122 N. P.Ave. 'Phone 243. £l)arlie V. Kennedy of Moy & Ken nedy has disposed of his interests in thifc firm and returned to Minneapolis. Hj£ Will probably go on the road again alter the first of the year. Mr. Moy will continue the business at the old sltfnd. Company will give its annual ball New Year's eve at the armory. The company will endeavor as usual to show everybody a good time and hopes to make this one or the best parties of the season. The committee will call on the business men. Don't turn them down help a good company along. Otto Luther gave a delightful dinner party to fourteen of his young lady and gentlemen friends at his pleasant home on Third Avenue South at 6 o'clock last evening. The table was attrac tively spread, the room and table dec oratioos being of pink and white car nations. Beauty i Parlors 106 Broadway ^Manicuring, Shampooing^ V 1 "Dyeing, Bleaching, 1, Massage FACIAL MASSAGE 1 V Electric and Plain bath at home is alright, but it is incomplete,. After the bath a good ri$lirtg should follow to get the blood toicirc&ating freely. This has a most beneficial effect upon both health and complexion and for this nothing can take the place of a Turkish bath. Wo man should take a Turkish bath at leasj twice a month and there is no placie f»o refined and comfortable for this as the Marvin, Earl Cox Beauty Parlors. OATS i j"i We* want pats in any quantity ^and will pay tof prices. :tw MAQILL ft CO.* FargO. N. D. .V.: Jhe winter storm king began to frown artjd gave signs of acting ugly shortly after dinner today and frisky zephers w$th a tinge of the frigid began to dance in the Streets in great shape with an iment of snow. During the the temperature l£H •everal and there was ev«Jf a cold night in MOti. A wt •«,. ^ut^ie e4«w 4-ii! v *_ ners and ha£tcn-'- to their destination as rapidly1 as possible., Resolve to iuse no other than Erdel's coffee for the coming year. Call .at Monson's and get your trunk before you go away for the winter. Wanted—Sewing tiy the day. Apply at 313 Ninth 'Street Sonth. A. Steven son. Harfy O'Neil is spending the holiday seasoii with his daughter, Mrs. D. F. Galvin, East Winnifred Street, St. Paul. In addition to the regular business at the meeting of the Maccabees tonight, there will be several candidates for in itiation Secretary Phelps of the Commercial Club ijs in receipt of a letter from par ties who are enquiring about a site, of not less than ten acres, for a factory for the manufacture of plows, drills, hay rakes, etc., in Fargo. The matter will ctfme up before the trustees at the regular meeting, Jan. 5. On New Years evening there will be a watch-night service in the Swedish Baptist. Church from 9 to 12 o'clock next Thursday evening Coffee and free entertainment is to be served to all who attend. There will also be a bap tism during the' evening. All aire in* v i e Friday, W. C. Boyce of the Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York, will formally assume his new appointment as manager for North Dakota and north western Minnesota with headquarters in this city. The cashier for the depart ment, Fred Paine, arrived from Colombus, O., this morning and will assume his duties' on Friday. The other members of the office force will be Mrs. H. B. Salter and Miss Boyce and B. Shaw will be superintendent of agents. Mr. Boyce went to Grand Forks this afternoon to arrange agency matters there. PEOPLE OF NOTE. E. L. Brenizer of Arnenia is a busi ness visitor in the city. John Mclnnis and wife of Edgeley are visiting in the city. L. J. Palda, jr., of Minot, is doing a business turn in the city. V P. J. LaBelle of Crookst&H is in the city looking after business interests. A. N. Cullen of, Jamestown was an over-Sunday guest at the Webster. J. H. Scofield of Minot is visiting his brother, Sheriff Scofield, in this city. Dr. Max Bellemare of Wild Rice was a business visitor in the pity this morn ing. 1 vv Geo. K. FosterJ. Godfrey of Cas<on wei»ef registered at the Wal dorf. Miss Ruby Darling of Aberdeen, S. D., is the guest of Miss Magdaline-Car penter. H. W. Whitcomb of East Grand Forks is among the guests at the Met ropole. Mjss Elizabeth Hankley of Halstad is visiting in the city and has parlors at the Webster., j- E. F. Peterson, Enderlin J. Sv Carr, Courtenay and A. D. Weeks of Valley City w'ere arrivals at the Waldorf. Miss Emma Steele of the federal court returned this morning from a holiday visit in Fergus Falls. James D. Carpenter of the Security Mutual Life Insurance Co.. is spend ing the holidays with his family. Fay Sloan is spending the holiday season with his parents, Conductor and Mrs. Sloan. Fay look?' very soldierly in his ca^et suit. G. F. Bryant, chief clerk in the local landoffice, returned this morning from Omaha, where he spent Christmas with his family. Congressman and Mrs. Marshall left their apartments at the Waldorf this morning to go to Oakes for a visit be fore returning to Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hancock had for their Christmas guest Mrs. Hancock's father, George Laing pf St. Paul, who concluded his visit this morning. O. C. Holman, Sani Hale, C. H. Smith, C. A. Tyler, J. W. Ross, B. B. Jackson and E. C. Cooper are Grand Forks gentlemen registered at the Met ropole today. Deputy Auditor E. George Guthrie returned last night from a holiday visit in Casselton. Mrs. Guthrie and daugh ters jvvill remain in Casselton until aft er New Years. Josephyne M.' Paulson, superintend ent of schools of Wells County, Super intendent Barnes of Valley City, A. L. )Voods and Miss F. Baldwin, Bismarck, passed through the c!ty this morning on their way to the Forks to attend the 'educational meeting. Mrs. Jennie S. Tuller passed through the city today on her way to: New Jer sey and New England points where she is going to visit indefinitely with friends. For several months she has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. Andrews at Olameda, N. W. T. ANOTHER PLUCKY TEACHER.. Steele Republican: Our neighboring town of Dawson-, has-a school ma'am that's they are proud of and as an ex ample of the ^elf-reliant and energetic wothen that this country raises, we are going to tell you about her. She is a married lady and her name is Mrs, Edenfield and she lives with her hus band on&a eiaim ndnh of that town. She teaches^* school that is held in 'Matalt'*,f*$m«e and to reach this #he dfiVe$ over each morning a and hack wain eighteen nules' recent ^pld witen «he thermometer was d^ra ow zero th^riw som|^i«g 2 up* A QUESTION. If They Would Guarantee to Restore You to Health and Strength? It Menfs as though any person who is in ill health, all run down, without strength and ambition enough to hard-., ly get around, would give Fout Poj tcrfield, or an^ one, all they possess pi the world for a guaranteed cure\. ,v Such a guarantee Fout & Porterfield offer to every person in this city, with out any such sacrifice. READ THEIR OFFOt, 'We hereby guarantee tn&f our f*i- d mous cod liver oil preparation, Vinol, will restore to health all pale and ail ing women and children, build up tluj run-down, overworked and debilitated^*' give strength to tired, weak motileisf S invigorate old people, cure hanging-011 iS colds and hacking coughs, bronchitis and stomach troubles, restore strength and make rich, red blood for the con- valescent, create appetite and cure ner- W vousness and irritability. .. If there should be uny case of failure, we agree to refund the money for the Vinol taken. Is there an ailing person ... in Fargo who is not willing to accept our generous proposition?" When asked how they could do this f: by a reporter of The Forum & Rcpuh lican, Mr. Porterfield replied: "It i+" because we know so well of what Vinol is made, and have seen such wonderful results from its use, that we are wil* ling to back it with all we have." You see. Vinol contains every onfe of the active, curative principles Con tained in cod liver oil, but without a drop of grease to retard its work it is a scientific rebuildcr and strength cre ator. and will in a marvellous manner restore the sick to Iiealth and make life worth living. Fout & Porterfield, druggist. We believe Fout & Porterfield's of fer to be generous and sincere, and would advise any of our readers who need such a medicine to try Vinol on their guarantee.—Editor. WHAT OTHERS SAY. Trustee There will be no G.' A. R. post meeting tonight as the registers for heating have not been replaced. Jno. C. Zintheo: 1 received a mes sage from Train Dispatcher W. E. Berner of Jamestown stating R. 11, Beggs will reach Jamestown on Mon day evening with the remains of his wife. The funeral will occur Tuesday at p. m. A. B. laylor, E. C. All members of Auvergne Commandery are requested to, meet promptly at 7:30 p.,m. Tues day in full Knight Templar Uniform, to participate in the ceremonies of con ferring the degree of St. Paul and OW der of Malta. All those who have not received #hese degrees will require them to complete their Knight Tent* plar tH£tULbcrship., I 'i% WHAT WOULD YOU GIVE GISTS FOUT & PORTERFIELD 1 v ,Jt 4 St & & USE SMQKE.^ An exchange says: Every little while^ we read in the paper that sonitonc ha* run a rusty nail in his foot or hand or other portion of his begdy and lockjaw resulted therefrom and that the patient died. If every person was aware of a perfect remedy for such wounds and apoly it, then such reports would cease,, The remedy is simple, always on hancV can be applied by any one, what is bet ter, is infallible. It is simply to snioke*£ the wound or any wound that is bruised or inflamed with a woolen cloth. Twenty minutes in the smoke will take the pain out of te worst case of inflammation arising from such a wound. People may sneer at this remedy as much a* they please, but when they are afflicted by such wound? just let them try it. DiREcf CONNECTIONS at^'W Union depots are made at St. Paul an# Minneapolis by all trains from Pacifif coast and northwestern points with the Wisconsin Central Railway, thus af^' fording a comfortable and convenient journey to Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Chi* cago and.eastern and southern citiefc via two modern trains leaving daily, 6 For further information apply to youe^ nearest ticket agent. COR. Jan. C. Pond, G. P. A., k] Milwaukee, Wis. i NRST AV. MANUFACTURERS OF a 1 Light Harness, Pinery and Farm Harness, Robes, Bla«)lf^ ets, Bet Is and TuriCoods iia ANH MOADWAY (Loyal Kigbts Temple*) Hair Goods W« oarry th*OaMtliae of kniBU hair goodi to be obtained in the twwtnr. wi«» rnede op fVMB rqa* wrn hair.ore lartfeetMicto Mail order* nuedT from. i "y 1 J, K«|