Newspaper Page Text
1 it M*!SC53 4 41 'V«v. v.: life? w 5.-,'-6'3k -i Wil'^ :v 'IS w#C VrW •-'i 5/w-v.« s siu'.fy. :k^:£?w "Jrvf«- •vl: "iff*. iT •V ^7 *V- 'W y± i V ,• ,, ft.' TEN WORDS word ant $ OME WEEK inser tion FIFTY CENTS Rates for Classified Advertis ing: One-half cent a word per insertion after first insertion 25 cents for first insertion of any ad tip to 25 words—then one cent a word. •ae 00(28, DOGS. DOG* v S pKDIGHKKD—Ball Terriers and Great Danes, always on hand, dogs at stud, all other non sporting breeds for sale. Dogs boarded by week or month. Karoo Kennels, 1432 Second Avenue South, Fargo. N, D„ phone 613. FOSITIOHS WANTED TI/ANTRD—A set of h^oks to keep evenings. Address XIt, care JForum. VI7ASHERWOMAN wants work by the day. Mrs. Milstien, rear Boston Hotel, CLERICAL WORK desired by ybnng lady ex jerienced. Address 113, care Forum. LADY, good penman, desires clerical and stenosrraDhic work. Address, Al, care stenographic work Forum. A N experienced girl for general lionsework or cookiup desires position in city. Corner Bixth Aveuue North and First Street. POSITIONS TO FILL. 117ANTED— Printer with six months' experi cnce. State salary. Reporter, Ha Is tad, Minn. COMPETENT girl wanted for general hpnse- v-' -3 work irnst he good cook: family of two high wages. 207 Tenth Street North. FOR SALE. QTANDING oflice desk, oak, 110. National Cash Register, good Condition, value $125, will sell for $60. W. H. Stewart. /"^OOD, clean Buffalo Coat, trimmed with un plucked otter (rood as new, For sale cheap for cash. Address Ferris & Grady, Fargo. TjOTEL in town, of 250, aize 40x48 feet, 15 beS 11 rooms, two stories', two lots business will run $200 to $230 per month. Only hotel in town. Terms to ruit purchaser. O. P. Wiig, Perley, Minn. "pOR SALE—House and corner lot, 801 North Third Street lot 100x140 feet on proposed electric car line ornsmontal fencing, boule vards, trees: room for two more houses. House has eight rooms conveniently plauned. two porches, front and back stairs, eight closets, pantry, large siore room, summer kitchen and fuel house good brick foundation, cistern, city water on lawn, electric lights. All in good condition. Low price for immediate sale. AGENTS WANTED. A GENTS WANTED—To sell the Hydro-Car bon Lighting system. Call at 512 First Avenue North r,.#0fi 1 LOST. OST—Lemon and white pointer dog. Finder •L'will be rewarded by notifying Geo.1 Pirie, Fargo, N, D. MISCELLANEOUS. •DUSINES8 EDUCATION^FREE Do you want Co earn something! Do yon want to got a business education free? A few hours' work each week after school will get it for you The publishers of The North Dakotaa will give a six inojjth's conrse in the best business col lege in Fa rg«, free to the youug gentleman or lady who will bring in the largest number of subscribers to our monthly magazine before the ttrst of March, 1901. Call on or write to the North Dakota Publishing Co., Room 2 Tyler Block, or the company's office over Wilser's Drug Store, on Front Street, Fargo. Don't wait, but hustle. MISDIRECTED MAIL. Parte Office H«Ui for Instruction a Batch of ChrtotoMu Letters and Packages. '.y The clear-up after the Christmas'flwh found the local postoffice with quite*a number of misdirected letters and pack ages dispose The fol o w s There is a 'letter "addressed to• Miss Lizzie M„ Morrison, Park Avenue, Bal timore. Md." This letter was returned from the Baltimore office, owing to the fact that the lady addressed could not be found.. It bears thd.^eturn mark, Fargo, "North Dakota, Third Avenue North." '"Miss Mary Armstrong, i West 72 XS+® 4^®+®+ liiis 'ii ^J'l Metropolitan .Skating Rink. NORTH BROADWAY Open every afternoon and evening ••4^,!^^. —, :'*/.v:.• .-GRAND Band Concerts Sunday and Tuesday fevenings. Also New Year's Afternoon and Evening. j'-" i Children 15c Adults 2fc Season Tickets for Sale—!54fe Children's Season Tickets .r 1 1 '"f I jlil) Admission afternoon and evei-'-vi ing when hand is not la att ance, 15c. »-:A Telqihone loaj. SKATES FO rtT mm "D UILDINGS with modern elevators still have stair ways—and some people prefer climbing the stairs. And so not everyone is a want advertiser—but iiiost everybody is. y TEN WORDS ONE WEEK FIFTY CENTS word after first inser tion" Rates for Classified Advertise ing: One-half cent a word pet insertion after first insertion 25 cents for first insertion of any ad up to 25 words—then one cent a word FOB KBIT. URNISHED MS- 505 Sixth Avenue North. CfOKHSNT—Furnished room and bath, with board. V., Forum. LARQE BARN for rent, just off Broadway Apply Chesley Lumber (Jo. DURNISHED ROOM—Reasonable 1101 Third Avenue South. 'Plioue 1060 L. COR RENT—Furnished room with bath ltf Eighth Street North, near postoffice. •pWO FURNISHED ROOMS-A11 modern con veniences. 1024 Second Avenue North. COR RENT—Desk room in well equipped of. fices. Apply F. F. Lincoln, Magill tildg. 1} URNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-Lighted. heated and bath, 314 Eighth Street South. T?OR REST—Eight-room house, centrally lo cated. Inquire 23 Eighth Street North. T^URNISHRD ROOM—AtJow rent, for lady or gentleman. App y at 508 Eighth Street Nor RIVE-ROOM HOUSE. w VUu, all conveniences one 1203 Second block west of High School. Avenue Sooth. pOR RENT—Large room on third floor Davis Block. Inquire of F. A. Ball, at Ball, Wat son St Maclay's office. pOR RENT—Store room and basement in opera house annex. Ciuar and candy priv ilege of opera house goes with store. Call at Walker Bros. A Hardv. "pOR RENT—STORES—The present quarters of the Hall-Robertson Hardware Co.. con sisting of four stores seventy feet deep with dry basement all heated. Possession given in Jan uary. Enquire on the premises. WANTED TO RENT. %X/ANTED TO RENT Furnished room with modern conveniences, by reputable young man. Address, stating price, E. J., care Forum. DRESSMAKING. pOR UP-TO-DATE DRESSMAKING see"Mrs. J.C. Mclntyre Work done at moderate prices. 1101 Third Avenue South. 'Phone 10G0-L. BOARD AND ROOM OFFERED. pOR RENT—Furnished room: with or without board. 914 Fifth Avenue South. DOARD AND ROOM&-C!an be had at JJ \X7ANTED— District managers for the "Loyal Americans" Fraternity. Our plau is math ematically correctr Age 3 years 3 inontbs, mem bership 21,1«3. Assets *52 014 80. Numbers of assemblies, 521. Excellent contract for 1904. Membership in Fargo. N, D., 31S. Address W. J. Higgins. supreme corporal, Vargo. N. D. OHice over Nickell's drug store. Street. Dakota, care of Mrs. Mathew son, is the address on a letter held by the Fargo offic/e. It was mailed at Newark, N. J., but gives no town or city and does not designate which one of the Dakotas. Another letter, mailed at Boisseville, Man., is addressed to "Miss Bea Holl brook, Hammer. N. D." The letter was sent to the office at Homer, N. D., there being no such postoffice as Hamrrter, in the state, and now it has been returned to the Fargo office. The "History and Government of South Dakota," a neatly volume,' with an advertising comb enclosed within its pages, bearing the advertisement' of a Mitchell, S. D., firm, was found without wrapper on the mailing table. A pocketbook "from George KM mail ed in Canada to "Mr. Harry Williams, care of Stone House, North Dakota," is held for a more detailed address. A prayer book with a letter inside dated at Perham, Minn., and signed "Mary," is addressed to "Miss Carrie Shrabka." There is no town or state given in the address, simply the name. Parties interested in these packages and letters should notify the Fargo office at once, otherwise they will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, D. C. MAIL CHANGER A postoffice has been established 4$ Stordahl, Williams County, jj. D., with mail special from Ray, sixteen miles south. The following star service schedules have been changed in North Dakota: Hylarid to Crocus—Leave Hyland Tuesday, ^Thursday and Saturday, 9:45 •a. m. arrive Crocus by 11 a. m. Leave Crocus, uesday, Thursday and Satur day, 11:30 a. m. arrive Hyland by 12:45 p- ni. Y ,^0 KICK COMma & Jamestown Alert: Andrew Fdst»eifg iforked on the Jim River bank bUiW)ittj| Per Inch# One Time .. Per Inch, One Week. Per IncH, One Month HAVE YOU LAND TO SELL? Cend us $2.00 and we will send yon the names of 1,000 r»«l estate inen in Minneapolis and St. Punl, Minn. Write Western Surety and Adjustment Com pany, Suite 4iS*J-7-Jt, Audrua buildiug, Miuneapolis, Minn. H. AMERLAND 520 N. P. Ave. £OC Per acie buys a ftne quarter section, all under cultivation, only live miles from the cily limits of Fargo. ttO *9 Per acre for 880 acres of fine prai rie land within 45 miles of the city of Winnipeg: terms cash. This is a bargain. 120 choice residence lots on south side each 50x140 at from S125.0 to $350.00 each. All within one to four block of new elec tric car |ine. 922.50 40 0R Mrs: F. A. Paige's, 821 Tenth Street South. MALE HELP WANTED. ATOLER BARBER COLLEGERS "tbeT only school of its kind in the entire northwest, teaching the barber trale. Call und investi gate, or write for free catalogue. Moler Barber College, 221 Second Aveuue South, Minneapolis, Minn. MacOregor A Anderson, Proprietors. Established 1893. CI OftA CAY Per acre for a fine half section farm in Cass Couuty, within two miles of station fair house, good large bam, good granary and well. Terms only $2,000 cash, balance small annual payments or half crop plan, with rt per cent. -Vacant Fargo City Property. *7A' Choice Residence Lots on South Side, v within one to four blocks of paving, sewer, water and new proposed street car liue at following prices— 5 Lois $125.00 each 5 Lota $150.00 each 12 Lots .... $200.00each 26 Lots $250 00 each Choice Building Lots in Huntington's Addition—$60.00 each —within five blocks of street car line. 2 25xl50-Foot Lots on Sixth Street South, on paving, and within 100 feet of car line Price $200 00 each. 5 Choice Besidence Lots, 50x150, on the North Side, within three blocks of Broad way, at $100 00 eftch, and one lot at $500.00. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. QAA Acre tract of wild or unimproved land uvv 5 miles northeast of Sandoun in Ran som County, on the Soo Road will exchange for a stock of general merchandise, groceries or hardware. FOR SALE 1 ftflY 25 EXCHANGE for Fargo city wii wihb property—Three fine, well-se lected half sections of land in western Manitoba. EYCHANfi£ Improved Iowa farms for good well improved North Dakota or Minnesota land in Red River Valley. WM. HALL BEST AGENCY, Telephone 188. 610 Front St. 4m 1AA Six-ro'Mii house, brick foundation piyJW woodshed and small barn, south front, one block from Broadway. 4l1 tnn Six-room house, brick foundation, «pifJvv pantry, cellar, closets. Lot 55x140 to alley, lawn, trees, shrubbery, stone sidewalk, one biock from Broadway. A $3 modern seven-room house in Island Park. C"! CAA A nine-room house on Fifth Ave nue South. Modern, except hoat. CAA A new eight-room houso on North 1 Broadway—oast front. SNAPS THAT MUST QO. V\T i-26-lH7-6S—3V4 miles from good market 200 acres under cultivation, smnll house and barn, plenty good water soil, rich bluck loam, clay subsoil. Price per acre $12.50. Cf| good farmers wanted for choice home steals in northwestern part of Noith Dakota. Call or write at once. •/. TRAVERSE LAND COMPANY, *4 Dept. C. i. "'."f HENRY KROGH, 720 Front Street. 4k1?£k TO (inn Choice homestead loca? VI ZD iu 30UU tions-if taken at ouce. 1 For 5-room cottage with lots. Sec- I i*W ond Avenue South. A SNAP Cozy outage barn shade trees good location, only $1,050 at once. If takeu E. D. ANGELL, 518 N. P. Ave. 244i ^cr®8 iu Norwegian and German settle ment, four miles from station, in Minne sota 40 acres heavy timber, oak ana maple 80 acres meadow, balance small timber fine stock farm, $13.50 per acre. til CAA Bnys tf-room house and barn on lot •p i )3W 35x150 foot, on Kigbth Street South. See me for other bargains. Lake. He sold a car of fat stock this fall and has 65 head left and 16 head of hc.rses, v. it It me necessary lar.n ma chinery. He.says he has no kick coming on iVortjh -Dakota. :i 1 n- BUXTON. Buxton, N. D., Dec. 26,—To The Fo rum: Albert and Oliver Odegard spent Christmas with their parents. Burke Thompson and Vyendell Abra hamson spent the week with relatives in Grand Forks. John Hjortland of I^ritnore. Spent a fev days at home. Eddie Nestoss of the Agricultural Col lege, and Ragnyald Nestoss of the uni versity law school/ are spending their Christmas vacation home. Fraqk Faber of Hillsboro spent Christmas with the Longfellow family —or was it with one of the family? Miss Marie and Rose Collins spent a number of da$s with Miss Chloe Lang of Hillsbdro, tjlis week. Hfitn^r, Hip who has been in south ern fiftnmesota t&r 80jS!e time returned to his twfa morning. Hon® wjpnt to Ada, ley wil will a number Mrs. Geo. renson, who is e w- iKt,^.i..$0.25, 1.0b 3 50 "•(fe.' ,.$m.m W. D. HODGSON, Rear First National Bank, Fargifc. CITY LOTS. A(\ Foot lot. sewer and water, within vv'*11 "v 75 feet of paving close to school Sou th s ide—$375. CAY 1 ")A Seventh Avsnue South, between Eleventh and Thirteenth St.—$300 CAY 1 A.(\ Foot lot. First Avenue North fine building spit—$:»(). CAY A A Foot lot, sewer and water, iu good locality, near school—$275. CAY 1 A A ^orner, Fourth Avenue Viouth, close to High School— il,000. CAY 1 A.A Corner, Eighth Street South 1TU paving, sewer, water, trees—$850. 7CY 1 CA Feet Business property Sec- 1JU ond Aveuue North, opposite operahouse—$3,350 one of the hest snaps in the city. A£i Foet—Business property, Fifth 1 WUA 1 tV street North a snap-$2,500. 25X140 Fee^— Broadway, east front Feet— Busiuees lot—with half wall right: Firsj^Avenue North—$1,800. FOR RENT. U'v:..? gAR^—Nffear Great Northern Depot. JJOIJSB—Six rooms, waim central location "•M W. J. LANE, |nith Block, Fargo, /LAI Best corner lot in the city for an apart ment house. Oil A Good lot on Front Street, 25x140 feet, for »125 cash if sold at once. 282 Corner $150. lot, 105x148, on southside. CO? Good lot on Sixth Avenue North, 50x150, large trees, south front, water and sew er, $400. Tusiness lots on Broadway. N. P. Avenue and First Avenue North. COR -good lots on First Avenue North, south front, 50x140 each $125 each. 591 Lot on Tenth Street North, 100x150 feet, east front, $50. 566 Lot on Ninth Street North, 50x110, east front, for only $225. A QO Corner lot 011 TP7 |250, 352 Third Street North, 50x140, Lot 125x160 on Tenth Avenue South, $375. H.G.OTIS, Fargo National Bank Building, v OENUINE SNAPsT^'^^r ^rros improved, three miles from Ro gina. Assiuiboia, nt $15.00 adjoining land held at$20U0 to $25.00. This land raised 83 bushels of oats per acre iu 1901. T^OUK sections near railroad, south of Regina, at low price and easy terms. There is prot ably no better wheat laud on the American Continent. MINE SECTIONS of choice North Dakota land, $3.00 per acre. This tract within nine miles of main line N. P. Ry. Eusy terms. SOPHY LAND COMPANY, -'.V Smith Block, Fargo, NL|«. '1 Z\-. FREE HOMES, -Am ,^.r V i D. H. BENSON, Of Roseau, Roseau Co., Minn., TS prepared to locate 100 or more set tiers on good government lands— timber lands and funning lauds—where lands will be worth iu a very short time £nds ,000 per quarter section also deeded for sale, ranging from $1 to $12 per acre, where the black loam soil is 12 inches deep, with clay sub-soil. Plenty of timber and water. ATTEMPTED JAIL DELIVERY. WeiU County Sheriff Oot On*o a Deal In Tine to Prevent Prisoner's Escape. Fessenden -Free Press: Sheriff St. Jaeque has just unearthed a well defined plan to break jail by the Weddle brothers held for burglary at Harvey Bill Taylor for incest and James O'Mal ley also for burglary. He learned from mail sent the prisoners, and other sources, that attempts would be made to smuggle into their cells by divers ways saws and other articles. One suggestion was to put a saw in a plug of tobacco. The delivery was to have been made New Years night, the pris oners believing that the night watch would not come in early that night. They had already stolen from the trays on which their food was conveyed, to them, three case knives which the sher iff found Thursday morning when over hauling their cells, and which had been picked to answer for saws. They had succeeded in sawing one bar nearly in two, and in getting a good start on an other. It was a moral certainty that the whole outfit would have escaped l°ng' ftfQ had here been no night watch, th its present condition is whol The ly iniwfeqttat^ to hold any scheming deprived of his liberty and ambtl to be free. The prisoners had food «nd stored ^i^Jbetween mattrtiilci ,iy exp$«s^*tp use until. w?i g^tge local auth(Mntl^ discovery •:u"" S COMING EVENTS. Mendar. Dec 2$. Keystone Chapter. R. A. elcctloa el officctt. Menday, Jan. 4. County eommitalonm meet. City council meats. Thursday, Jan. 7. Annul meeting of Musical Club. Monday, Jan. 11. Annual meeting of Riven ide Cemetery Ataociation Tuesday, Jan. 19, Grain Ctowm' convention cenveijif^*1 N. D. Foultrr Show. Wednesday, Jan. 2# Grain Growers' convention. N. D. Poultry Show. Thursday, Jan* 21. Grain Growers' convention.' N. D, Poultry Shew. FriJay, Jan, 22. Grain Growers convention. N. D. Poultry Show. Tuesday. Jan. 26. Courtho. se bqhds e'ectio Note—All moot lugs are evenings unless otherwise specified. These announoeuie.nts will be kept stundlng, and w shall lie glad to have uotlces aeut Iu by persons Iu Interest. CITY LOCALS. Have Knight Printing Co., print'' It. Blank books—Have Knight Printing Co., make them. yv Gunther's candies—nothtttgT tiicer-^ at Fout & Porterfield's. The Continental Hose GO will give its masque ball about Jan. 15. There are many choice articles for New Year's gifts at McClane's Art Store. FOR KENT--Large modern house, just retiuished, new heating plant, warm house. Lease and possession given Dec. 1. Apply at ouce. K. V. Fleariaf, WaMwf The true and final test of flour is baking, visit the testing rooms of the "Dwight Flour" mills. For Sale—Stock of furniture and un dertaking, doing a good business. No competition. Must sell at once. jfC. 'S. Thordarson, Edinburg, N. D. The seventh annual ball given by the Eagle Hose Co. of Moorhead will oc cur New Year's night at Fraternity Hall. The popular organization always gives its friends a royal good time at the annual balls and Friday night will be no exception. Professor Penniman and the Misses Champine and Van Houten have gone to Detroit to assist in the presentation of Bullard's Cantata, "The Holy In fant," which is to be given there under the auspices of PrbT. H. S. Pope and a. specially trained chorus. WE HAVE, MOVED into Room 5 N. P. Block (formerly orcupied by Dr. Sherman), where wn will be pleased to explain the plan of the U. S. Installment Realty Co. to those interested in securing their own home. DeWitt Nelson Land Co., Oeneral Agents. People wanting fancy fruit cakes or plain or layer cakes of any descrip tion, made up or made to order can secure fine fresh goods by 'phoning Nordale's bakery. All goods delivered. Mrs. H. J. Christianson. 703 Ninth Avenue North, will entertain the East ern Star Tuesday Club at her home to morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clpck. All Eastern Star ladies are invited to at tend. It isn't holt much cold cream a wo man puts oh her face'but how mttch Rocky Mountain Tea she takes inside that brings .out real beauty. Rxcky Mountain Tea complexion* stay. •35 cents. Fout & Porterfield. •24.25 Per Month FOB ONB HUNDRED 1IONTHS Without interest, buys a home in good condition, in desirable location. Money to loan on improved city property. Fargo Building |f einA Bee re- Association Whjpi tarjr At the close of the service at the First Presbyterian Church Sunday morning, the chairman of the board of trustees, in an informal statement as to the needs of the board to clear up the business of the year which is drawing to a close and asked for $600 for that purpose. Members of the congrega tion present immediately pledged $480 of the amount required, payable 011 de mand, and the balance, $120, is in sight. The prompt response on behalf of the people was extremely gratifying to the officers of the church, showing confi dence in their management and a de ^*9* A. nt a cabHi Co. v "VATd Wholesale and Retail Dealer In-, sire to begin the new year wKhout any financial burdens. Cook, signs—opp. Masonic Temple. For Erickson's .ghoto studio 'phone 664L. FARM LOANS Payable On or Before. At Lowest Rates. M. P. UNMN, Fary* Ran Baak Mi Drink Erdel's freshly roasted coffee. It's a good habit. John Berg sharpens skates, Keeney Block, near ice rink. Try ground oyster shells and grist, egg food for chickens, at Stanford's. The stores generally will resume th^. early closing hours this evening, closing at 6 o'clock. Builders' Supplies foe big and little contracts: wall-plaster, lime, cement, etc. N. D. Tile Works. Front Street. The Fargo Cash Market, 210 Front Street, now selling spring pigs at 6c -front quarters beef 5C—fresh caught pickerel 6c. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sim announce the engagement of their sister. Mrs. Frances T. Lockhart, to Dr. Charles Lawrence Rose. Wernicke elastic botfjk ca««m make the finest presents finished in golden oak, wtather oak. antique oak, mahotj ar.y, etc. N. D. Book & Stationery Co. Frank J. Olson of Forest City, la., and Miss Hannah E. Sfyoog of Aitkin. Minn., were united in marriage by Judge Hanson of the county court on Saturday evening. HOLIDAY LINEN Adds so much to the person and the table that it caunot be done in a hap hazard v ar The work returned from the TROY STEAM LAUNDRY will give you cause for approval. •PHONE 236. The Eagle Hose Co. of Moorhead will give its annual New Year's ball at Fraternity Hall 011 Friday evening, and a good time is looked forward to by the young society people. The Owl Club entertained a number of young university men at a dinner served at Pirie's cafe, Saturday even ing. The guests were members of fra ternities of the university of Minnesota. After the dinner an hour of so was spent in social chatting, and talking of university life. Masonic Temple Souvenir PRICE 76 OS NTS Can be had of J. O. McKen dry at Temple, or at Forum Office. President Worst of the A. C. left on the G. N. this evening for Grand Forks to attend the meetings of the State Edu cational Association and to assume his duties as chairman of the executive com mittee. If the usual rule is followed Mr. Worst will be the president of the ase sociation next year and it is expected that President Merrifield of the state university will be elected chairman of the executive committee. Coloifel Ball licked Alderman An heier in a game of billiards Saturday night, one of the senior tourney ser ies which are in progress at the Broad way. The colonel was handicapped 150 to his opponent's 82. but he made hi$ score while his opponent was rolling up 43 points. 'Colonel Ball's high rufr was 14. In the junior series C. K. Ro|j»* bine and Jnb. McCannell were thfc winners. With the seniors tonight & will be W. Y. Ogden vs. A. Headlamk WALKS* Piano Tunar, Grand Forks, M. D. Principal Route: Grand Forks to Great Palls, Moot. (Jreat Falls to Helena, Hel ena to Fargo. N J)., Fargo to Grand Porka. Address to Graud Forks, N. 1). All mail will be forwarded. The Dixon steam laundry is sending out to its customers a pretty little hol iday souvenir in the shape of a beau tifully engraved aluminum thermomc^ ter. On the top of the plate, jus^t above the registering tube, is a vie^lr of the front of the laundry, with a group picture of the full working forcvs!'\* twenty or thirty in number. The laun^""v dry's name and address is given below The "indicator" makes a pretty littlft ornament, and will be appreciated bjr the patrons of this .popular cleansing house. ',v 11 ,'t •J k ,£ If rh kZ v & •f"-' W:? jv 'f *!. $ K 0$: I