OCR Interpretation

The Fargo forum and daily republican. [volume] (Fargo, N.D.) 1894-1957, January 13, 1912, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of North Dakota

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042224/1912-01-13/ed-1/seq-7/

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,A mgem
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We have just received from
New York, Cleveland and Chi
cago, express shipments of
the latest In dresses for im
mediate and early spring
wear. They are beautiful
styles made up of splendid all
wool materials, in plain tail
ored and trimmed effects. The
prices you will And very
reasonable for such distinc
tive garments. Come and in
spect the assortment at $10,
$12.50, $15.00
$18.00, $20.00
(See Window Display.)
Judge and Mrs. "N. C. Young and
daughter, Miss Laura, expect to leave
this afternoon for the east and south.
Judge Young goes to St. Louis on
business and Mrs. Young and Miss
Laura will go on through Ohio, visit
ing several point en route to Philadel
phia. Later they will make a trip
through the south, where Judge Young
will probably join the party at Biloxi,
Miss. Mrs. Young's mother, Mrs.
Clark, is expected to join her in Ohio
on the way to Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Morgan of Se
attle, Wash., were the guests over
Wednesday and Thursday of Dr. and
Mrs. D. D. Sullivan and family of
North Broadway. Mr. and Mrs. Mor
gan are en route to New York and
eastern points.
Miss Ruth Haalas of Hawisy, Minn.,
was the guest over Wednesday of Miss
Aileen Sullivan of North Broadway.
Atty. and Mrs. L. C. Johnson of
Sixth avenue south have received word
of the arrival of a fine grandson at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. T. P. tfartln
of Streeter, N. D.
Mrs. O. A. Burton of Valley City
returned home this morning after a
short visit with Mrs. C. F. Alfred of
i Ninth avenue south.
The second of the series of dancing
v parties will be given by the Red Men
degree team, Dacotah tribe No. 1 on
Monday, evening Jan. 15, in Pirie's
hall. The first of the series was one
pf the best attended affairs of the sea
son and all are looking forward to the
I event of Monday with much pleasure.
Cliff's popular orchestra will furnish
the music and supper will be served.
Twenty-two ladies and gentleman
gathered last evening at the home of
I Mr! and Mrs. B. M. Schwarz in re
sponse to invitations to a farewell
function in honor of Miss Celia Eben
1 hahn, who expects to leave Monday
•'$ evening for San Deigo, Cal. A delight
i ful informal evening was spent and
i| the guests presented Miss Ebenhahn
with a handsome watch chain. Mrs.
G. A. Carpenter and daughter, Miss
I Minnie, and Miss Ebenhahn plan to
I go in the same party and if Miss Car
I penter»s health permits, expeo* Hfc
leave Monday.
A __§_
$ The Ladies' Aid society of St. Mark's
English Lutheran church met this
week at the parsonage and held their
annual business meeting. A large
number of the ladies were present and
Rev. Mr. Ulrich presided. Officers
were elected as follow and the CQt#
4 mittees will be appointed later:
-t President—Mrs. W. S. Ulrich.
's Vice President—Mrs, J. M. Johnson.
•f1 Financial Secretary—Mrs. C. J5v
1 erett.
Assistant Financial Sserifttary—ijrs«
& John Cooper.
Recording Secretary—Mrs. Gertrude
Assistant Recording Secretary—Mrs.
Harry Arneaon.
Friends of Mrs. Eawiest J* Cope
land will be glad to learn that after
several months spent at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Farrage at Warwick,
N. p., in recuperating from a serious
illness of last October, she is much im
proved and is again at, her home on
Fourth street north.
George Dewis returnedto Interna*
tionai Falls last evening where he is
e»«*ged in business after spending
S^L& ftftdo
C** m*'
ard State Poultry Show, Ian. 15-20
A good floefc of chickens rightly handled will greatly assist N cancelling
A.Jgpur Hving expenses. Come and learn how this is done, and inci
dentally, while making A. L. Moody's your headquarters
the new spring goods, and inspect the bargains
Ciftt offered by our January clearance sale.
New Dresses New Silks, Etc*
Monday morning we will
place on sale over 1600 pieces
new spring goods—New Silks,
Dress Goods and a fine line of
Wash Goods. The 1912 styles
are very pretty. Just look
them over.
Many lines must go at once
to make room for spring stock
in our receiving room and in
transit. Cost of goods lost
sight «t in Uni urgent dis
the holidays In this city with hts fam
Addressed _to. "The Big Table" at
Pirie's cafe a post&i card was received
this morning, and it bore the majestic
autograph of Charles Brewer, manag
ing editor of The Forum. It read:
"On the banks of the Arkansas river,
Jan. 6, 1912, having a good time down
in the swamps, trip both pleasant and
successful so far. Don't care if I never
get back. Will soon go back on the
Mississippi and proceed ffcrther south.
Best wishes everybody^'
The Eastern Star Social society will
meet Monday afternoon in the par
lors of the temple for a social time.
All members of the order are cordially
The Island Park circle, auxiliary to
the Associated charities, met yester
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. J.
E. Johnson on Eighth avenue south
and enjryed a very profitable after
noon of sewing and chat. It was de
cided to hold a Charity euchre on Fri
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. W. M. Ball, 623 Eighth
street south. All ladies are invited to
attend and enjoy a pleasant afternoon.
Handsome prizes will be given.
Those Paradoxical English.
Minneapolis Journal: Characteristic
was the attitude of the English
throughout the Moroccan crisis. They
were silent, united, determined, brac
ed for whatever shock might come
Characteristically English is their con
tention today, when, the crisis past,
the victory won, they are rending Sir
Edward Grey limb from limb, de
nouncing the only liberal ministry
since Palmerston's time that has met
continental aggression with firmness,
damning the French alliance, cursing
the understanding with Russia, waxing
sentimental orver Germany.
It is this sort of English paradox
that deceives astute continental states
men. They are certain fatally di
vided. They put that conviction to the
men. They are certain English will is
weak, English councils fatally di
test, when io! English resolution crys
tallizes, determination is steel, and, as
during the Boer war or as last August
Many young people have had some
business training but either did not
finish a thorough course or have be
come "rusty." Dakota Business Col
lege is conducting special classes for
the "brushing up" of such pupils. A
few months spent here will prepare
such people for excellent business po
•"•Wp 'jOi1"1 f» .jf .xniULg,
Attend Grain Growers Convention, Tan. 17-18
Clearance Sale of Sorosis Shoes
th top, tan-
Patent leather, cloth top. t«n
button boot. Reg.
price $5. Special
price, per pair....
Tan calf and black gun metal
High Cut Laos Boots. Regu
lar price $5.00.
Special price,
per pair, ........
Vlcl kid, patent leather tip,
llkce or blucher, high or low
heel. Reg. $8.50.
Special price,
per pair
News for the Fair Sex—-Society,
Fashions, Fads and the Home
lo you place
your Fire Insurance
Don't insure in small, weak, un
known companies, when for the
same price you can insure in old
reliable companies. You wsni
the best. We furnish it.
Gate City insurance Agency
L. G. FARMER, Manager.
Improvement Bldg., Fargo, N. D.
'PHONE 354,
Winter Suits
Unquestionably the finest line
of Women's Winter Suits In
the state at from 25 to 60
Fvr, Csnt Discount
20% Discount
On entire stock of blankets
Children's Coats
At Less Than Half
Nssrly All Departments Sift
Contributing to this Sals.
Dull caJf and dull kid, button
or lace. Regular price $3.50
and $4.00 pair.
Special pricey
per pair
Children's patent leather, dull
and vici kid Lace Shoes.
Worth from $1.75
to $2.50. Now,
per pair
leather, dull
•ace Shoes.
Make this store your head
quarters during
i'l IM1'
and October, England stands ready to
give blow for blow.
Sir Edward Grey has just won a
great diplomatic struggle, in which he
was magnificently supported by Eng
lish, Welsh, Irish, Scotch, by Lloyd
George, unionists, by laborites. But
his present reward is to be assailed as
a weakling by some and as a brute by
Cultivate German friendship, cast
the French, refuse to traltic with the
Muscovites! Hurrah for mush! Down
with blood and iron! Let Germany
catch up in- the naval race. Rely on
the brotherhood of man. believe that
the meek will inherit the earth.
It's the regular English comedy.
And the schemers who have recently
suffered rebuff will pluck up spirit and
entertain again the delusion that Eng
land is "dead easy."
Fortunately for England Sir Edward
Grey will remain foreign minister
Both Asquith and Lloyd-George are
strong men. And if the unionists were
to come into power, Lansdowne would
succeed Grey, and law and the Cham
berlainites, as well as the Cecils, would
support a firm foreign policy.
The English can be trusted to make
themselves ridiculous in peace, but
they will be granite in a real crisis.
Union W«ek of Prayer Cemss te at*
After Most Sueoesstal
Gatherings Each Night.
The union week of prayeer, in the
Fargo churches came to an end last
night after most successful gatherings
in th© various churches where the
meetings were held. All the ministers
who united in the effort were well
pleased with the result
The meeting last night was held at
the Broadway Methodist church and
President Creegan of Fargo college was
the speaker. He held the closest at
tention of his listeners and his ad
dress was one of the best he has de
livered since has been in the city.
The union services were a sort of
preliminary skirmish for the Billy
Sunday campaign and it is thought
much interest was aroused in all the
church-going public in regard to the
great baseball evangelist.
Hie Coeds' Beet Mot*.
Dr. Miner Lee Bates, the president
ot Hiram college, was talking at a
tea in Hiram, O., about coeducation.
"They may limit It as they will,"
•aid Dr. Bates, "but there's one co
educational institution that is already
larger than all other institutions com
bined, and that maintains year after
year a steady growth. I refer to aar
Many people do not continue in
school long enough to secure positions
in the best class of offices. Dakota
Business College has review classes
for such pupils—no matter what sys
tem—and can quickly get them ready
for fine positions. There is a very
strong dejnand for both bookkeepers
and stenographers now—end It WiU he
better in the spring.
There are about 150 islands in the
group. A century or so ago their
population may have been 30,000: at
present it is less than 2,000. Russian
missionaries have been among the na
tives, and they are nominal adherents
of the Greek church. They subsist
chiefly by hunting and fishing. It is
difficult for ships to approach the
beaches because of the treacherous
reefs off shore. There are no trees.
New York City, Jan. 13.—Miss Sibyl
Marston, the Leland Stanford uni
versity girl who disputed the fencing
championship of the world with Bar
oness De Meyer, takes a rap at Amer
ican women for their lack of grit and
nerve in entering the realm of various
athletic sports.
To a reporter *be said just before
Philadelphia Ledger: A steamship
which has just arrived at Seward,
Alaska, reports that Bogoslof, an active
volcano in the chain of the Aleutian
islands, is sending out vast clouds of
smoke, which are doubtless indicative
of further necessary changes in the
chart of the singular archipelago off
the Alaskan coast- When Bogoslof
has been violently active in the past,
the ocean round about has been a
seething ferment, and presently new
islands have appeared. Thus Fire
island was created in 1883, Perry
island in 1905. McCullough peak in
1906. The latter obliterated about half
of Perry island in the violence of its
own emergence, only to disappear be
neath the waves in the covwyse of the
following year. In March. while
Bogoslof emitted fire, ashes tind sand,
another island became visible. Alas
kans have called the Aleutians "the
Jack in the box group," for "now you
see them and now you don't."
are the fox and
the reindeer, and the hardy mariners
take seal and otter as well as fish.
These islands seem to be the re
mains of a bridge between the Alaska
peninsula and Asia. As they form a
disintegrated chain, the southward
boundary of Bering sea, all the way to
Kamchatka, it is widely beyond the
bounds of probability that some day
they will be utilized, as the keys of
Florida are being used, for stepping
stones by the railway builders to Kev
West. If there are distances too great
to be spanned and depths that cannot
be plumbed, car ferries may be op
erated. But in any event it will be
necessary to give Bogoslof a wide
berth, as well as the islands which that
formidable little fire mountain alter
nately produces and destroys..
Forum Want Ads Get Quick Results.
Forum Want Ads Get Quick Results.
ft' •.#«»'.'ewe--*#
Milwaukee. Wis., Jan. 13.—For the
first time in the history of bowling in
America, a team composed entirely of
brothers will compete in a national
fingerball tournament. This rather
unique distinction belongs to the Ro
gahn brothers of this city, who have
entered the five men event In the A.
B- C. tourney, which will be held in
Chicago, starting March 9.
The five brothers, Ernst, Charles,
William, Albert and Ted are all stars
il: 1*1
the bout:
"I'm a bit disgusted with American
women- It is such a poor showing
of American grit and nerve that only
one of us should challenge the
baroness, who appears to have lots
of persons on her side. There seems
to be a great belief in her powers. Oh,
my goodness, how I'd just like to show
'em though!"
There are at least twenty-fme men
living who have held championships
of the ring, and five of them still wear
the crests of title. The heavyweight
class has the greatest number of
former champions, six, and the light
weight class has five men who have
had their hand raised by a referee as
the winner in a fight for a crown.
Paddy Ryan is now a policeman,
a credit to the forces of the law John
L. Sullivan, who beat Ryan, has re
tired wealthy from the stage Jim
Corbett, the cleverest of all the big
men, is an actor Robert Fitzsimmons
has a farm at Dunnelen, N. J., hut he
has made his earnings from an act
in vaudeville. Jim Jeffries is rich and
spends most of his time in hunting
and fishing. Jack Johnson, the pres
ent champion, calls Chicago his home,
and was born in the United States.
In the middleweight class there are
three men alive who have held the
title. Fltz has been mentioned, O'Brien
is in Philadelphia, while Billy Papke
has announced his retirement from
the ring.
The welterweight class has three
former champions living. Harry Lewis
is regarded as the best of the present
lot. He never won the title, but it
has just drifted to him, as did the
featherweight robes to Abe Attell
Joe Walcott Is in Boston. Honey
Mellody has a drug store and still
fights. Joe Thomas is trying to fight
his way back to the top of the ladder.
The lightweight class has five men
who are alive and have won the title.
Jack McAuliffe Is an actor. "Kid"
Lavigne has a cafe in Detroit, and
Frank Erne has a school for boxers
in Paris. Battling Nelson is touring
the country and taking every match
he can get.
Ad Wolgast, the champion, has just
left a hospital, after recovering from
an operation, and he will not on
a glove for six months.
A citizen of Ohio wants a divorce
because his spouse smokes cigars. If
she goes through his pockets at night,
and confiscates his best ropes, we sym
pathize with him.
Top row, left to right: Ernst, Charles and William Rogahn. .Bottom row,
U£t to right: Albert, Ted and Captain August Rogahn.
e tne'
at the pin game. August, captain of
the team, is also a star bowler, and
while he will not roll in the team
event, he will double up with one of
his brothers in the doubles. Milwau
kee tenpin followers confidently ex
pect the team to finish well up In the
prize money, and the brothers are so
confident of their skill that they are
willing to bowl apy brothers team in
America for a side bet Of any propor
1 A
75^)00 CAR8 FOR 1f1f.
"1 wish everybody in
States who appreciates a great indus
trial success could take a trip through
the Port Motor Co.'s gigantic plant
in Detroit," said C. F. Reynolds, Ford
branch manager here.
"We talk about this and that con
cern as being a phenomenal business
success, but I think those who know
the real inside history of the Ford
Motor Co., will agree with me, that
it represents the one greatest success
in industrial history.
"For rapid advancement, consider
ing the difficulties it had to overcome,
I believe there has never been any
thing to compare with the success
scored by Henry Ford and James
Couzens and their able lieutenants in
"Just think of it! Nine years ago
Mr. Ford was using a little one room
shop, which looked more like a hut
than a shop, to build his first original
stock model. He had four men to
help him in the mechanical end with
Mr. Couzens to look after financial
"Today to look at the wonderful
factory in Detroit with its forty-five
acres of floor space, 4,500 workmen,
and one of the largest machine shops
in the world, with cars being built
there, even now in the winter time,
at the rate of 150 a day, it simply
makes me marvel at the wonderful
growth the Ford business has had.
"It was the success of the one
model idea. Henry Ford started out
In the automobile business deter
mined to do one thing and that was
to build a motor car for all the peo
ple and at a price the people could
pay. The battle was outlined and
the fight begun. Messrs. Ford and
Couzens never let up. They clung to
their pet idea with the tenacity of
bull dogs, and the manner In which
they have won out am sure sets a
new standard for business success.
"Think of them putting out 75,000
cars in the present season! Mind
you, that means three times as many
Ford Model T's as the combined out
put of all the factories in England,
five times more than the combined
output of the German factories and
fifteen times as many as the combined
output of the factories of Italy.
"Concentrating every thought and
energy of the entire Ford organiza
tion upon just one model, the Model
Tr effected such economics in manu
facture, that they were able steadily
to reduce the price of Ford cars to
the sensational figure they stand at
"With prophetic vision, Mr. Ford
saw years ago In his mind the one
car that the people needed. He saw
at that time a demand for a car that
would be low in price and cheap to
maintain. He hewed closely to the
line and let nothing interfere with
the making and perfecting of that
"Of course, the demand was there.
That is a matter of history now:
How the people in all parts of the
world have bought Ford Model
cars, is well known. Mr. Ford re
garded the car as a necessity He
was trying to create a necessity. The
wonderful sale of the car indicates
that the people looked upon it as a
necessity. Think of the Germans
buying 375 of them during the auto
mobile show at Berlin not long ago!
Think of the Chinese and Indians and
all of the peoples of Europe buying
Ford cars all the time!
"It took a wonderful organization
to build up such a business in the
short space of time required to 'Ford
onlze' the entire world. I dare say
there are 40,000 people directly inter
ested in the designing and manufac
turing parts and accessories and sell­
the United
61 Broadway
ing of Ford automobiles throughout
the world.
"Few know of the difficulties en
countered by Messrs, Ford and Couzens
in the early days of their automobile
experience. Conservative Detroft,
which has now como to be the autO
inobile capital, didn't take kindly to
Mr. Ford's first car which was t^s
first ever seen in Detroit. Capital was
hard to get on account of the lack of
confidence in the automobile as -a
staple article of commerce.
"When the business did get on Its
feet, the Selden patent bogie min
bobbed up. The licensed crowd pat
many a hurdle in the way of the prog
ress of the Ford company. It was
a year
Grand Concert
Prof. Cosel^s
[Orpheum] Orchestra
Sunday,-' January 14fh 1
You ©an transform any .kerosene (coal oil/ iaino or !anl
into dawJing brilliancy with our wonderful fjgjkt
Bajrater. 54) candle power invisible and
Steel Mantle. Brighter than electricity, baiter iliaa g«a
or gasoline, smh! No generating—simply
llgnt like any kerosene lamp. Nothing to get out of order.
Positively will not smoke or Itieker*
7 J*
1910 auto
show that the famous Selden suit
was decided in the Ford company's
favor. That decision settled adver
sely the claims of the licensed crowd
that Mr. Ford had infringed upon the
Selden patent.
"In fact, the court said the engine
he had used In his Ford cars was a
better engine than that for which the
original Selden patent was taken out
That was the last obstacle in the
pathway of the Ford company. It
had brought out all of the fighting
qualities of Henry Ford and James
Couzens who had battled for years for
their rights.
"While the Selden case impended,
it interfered to quite an extent with
the sale of Ford cars because many
thought if the Ford engine had In
fringed, the owners might be embar
rassed when the case was ultimately
decided, but with the last of the long
serifs of obstacles out of the
Ford Motor Co., Is now going ahead
and building a third of all the motor
cars sold in the United States in 1912."
R. M. Owen 41 Co. Have Published^*
Beautiful Illustrated Psmphlet eft
Automobile Tours and Tripe.
R. M. Owen Co. have just issued
their 1912 announcement number of
The Reo Echo and it easily rankB
among the largest, brightest and the
strongest house-organs published in
the world. A. Lincoln Crayon, the
veteran motorist and automobile writ
er, tells in his clear, realistic, amusing
and intensely human way, in story and
bright halftones, a score or more in
teresting things that happened on hie
motor trip from New York to Jackson
ville In the 1911 Glldden tour. Many
other popular writers are included
among its contributors. This hand
some 48-page brochure sparkles with
wit, humor, love of nature and country,
from cover to cover. The rod, gun and
chase each come for a neat share of
attention. The farmer, business and
professional man is equally represent
ed and will find much of help and in
terest to him. A limited number of
complimentary copies will be distribut
ed at the New Tork Madison Square
Garden Auto Show, 6-20. 1912. A copy
will also be mailed free to anyone, on
request to R. M. Owen Co., 136#
Broadway, New York, so long as liie
limited supply lasts. 5*
Made Neat Esoape. I
Not so long ago a knovle^o of
Latin was essential to an orator, and
long quotations from the Roman poets
embellished every debate. James
Payn, the novelist, was once at a din
ner party where a learned clergyman
Insisted on quoting Greek. The lady
sitting next to Payn asked for a trans
lation. Payn's Greek was rusty. Ac
rordingly he assumed a blush, and
hinted to the lady that It was scarcely
fit for her ear. "Good heavens!" the
don't mean to say—"
"Please dont ask any more," mur
mured Payn, "I really eould not tell
Miss Schroeder, who took her short
hand at Aaker's Business college has
secured a position with County Attor
ney N. I. Johnson, Moorhead. Mr.
Johnson has been employing A. B. C.
students for some time and takes *n«
after the other, so they must -be all
An opportunity of «life time, work
all ear time. Esgfcarta&e* Ifafee y? mwfw—bo Tu inn
dent. Write t«A»y. A«« quick tfexriton- goioc frut. rnirtr
sateS, SMc., 4 !«r iw| Jut ssesfciRtor t*iy„
Bm&iit lisai cow m&>L tis u&pm#. Mich.
Pout& Porterf ield
.• V
w y*
flfc TW- w

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