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THE WEATHER Increasing cloudiness with probably light snow tonight or Tuesday, rising temperature. FORUM ESTABLISHED NOV. 17, 1891.. Though a few of the booths are still undecorated, they are all suf ficiently in shape to give a conclusive idea of what they are going to be and the general appearance will Indeed be most pleasing, which is most cred For the first time in the history of North Dakota and probably the north west a Presbyterian and Methodist church have joined hands and signed articles of agreement. At Casselton yesterday this remark able and unique consolidation took place when the congregations of two of the pioneer churches in the state voted to merge their influences and business interests in the uplift of man kind. The "rock-ribbed" Presbyter ians and "shouting" Methodists of Casselton agreed to the proposition without a dissenting vote on either side, it is said. Ever Held in N. D. Is or the Pub! &n Exhibit That Will 0^ Eyes of Those Who Have Not Become Familiar Vi Possibilites Along This Line o Besides Corn Show There t^ill Be Many Other Displays Which Will Prove &< tsting to Agriculturalists The Red River Valley Exhibi 7hich Won Sweepstake Prize at St. Paul Land Show Will Be Displayed Here* 1 CORN SHOW IS FREE. The corn show ifc in the J. I. Case building, 101. N. P. aVefrue. it is in charge of Prof. O. W. Randlett o the A. p. There will be no charge for admission and the public is tendered a cordial invitation to take it in. Everything is rapidly being made ready for the greatest corn show ever held in North Dakota, which will open tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock in the J. I. Case building on N. P. avenue. Today the finishing touches are being put on the booths of the exhibitors, which are proclaimed by far the most attractive that have been presented at this annual display. By tomorrow morning everything will be in time for the formal opening, when the great crowds of visitors will begin to throng the Case building until the end of the week. li Methodists and Presbyterians at Casselton First Example of Kind in State of North Dakota 4 This consolidation of these churches is the first concrete example of the work of the North Dakota survey com mittee, which was named in Grand Forks last spring to carry on the work of co-operation among the churches of the Btate and which is at the present time extending its efforts to all por tions of the state with apparent suc cess. By the consolidation of the Presby terian and Methodist churches at Cas selton, Rev. H. P. Cooper, quondam pastor of the Methodist church, will hereafter occupy the Presbyterian pul pit, but will continue his residence in the Methodist parsonage. The initial sermon of the consoli dated houses of worship was preached yesterday by Dr. E. P. Robertson, president of Wesley college. Grand Forks, also temporary chairman of the survey committee. Dr. Robertson is in Fargo today, coming here to at tend a meeting of the survey commit tee at the Y. M. C. A. on Wednesday. In Bpeaklng of this unique unification of churches, Dr. Robertson said: "The idea met with almost instant favor in Casselton. The members of the survey committee are enthusiastic over future prospectB and believe much good work will be done in the state in this entirely new and im portant work. In practically all por tions of the state the idea is being given much thought and attention. We look for this year to bring about important results in the work. The meeting of the committee here will be for the purpose of laying out addi tional work, to be taken up Imme diately. SCHUMANN-HEN GET DIVI £4 •3' dfciHm*, V.*- J., Jati. l«.—WM!am 4aptp, husband of Mme. Schumann lieinck, the singer, was not at home ttosy and no verification or denial of tl» report that the latter was about tot sue for a divorce was forthcoming at,the country estate, where the couple have made their home for*the last six years. Mme. Schumann-Heinck, who wai in St. Louis, was quoted last nlgfct as saying she had separated froin her husband and soon would sue for divorce. She was further quoted us Joying at that time that it was a question of choosing between him and her *ighl children by a former mar- Y- IC itable to Professor Randlett and his corps of able assistants. The North Dakota Corn Growers association will have the first booth at the left of the entrance of the building into the exhibition room. Here an exhibit of all the standard va rieties of corn will be found. This will include the Oohlen Dent, Northwest ern Dent, Minnesota 13 and Early Flint. Next will be found the display of the North Dakota State Horticultural as sociation, where there will be apples and tempting North Dakota grown fruits of all kinds. This is still in the process of decoration. The exhibit of the education college of the A. C. is already partly intact. Continued on Page Six. IS Violet Btiehier Discovered In New York Gty HAS BEEN WORKING THESE DECLARES THAT NO MAN HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH HER LEAVING HOME—SHE SIMPLY WANTED TO SEE THE WORLPr* FOLK8 SURPRISED. New York, N. Y., Jan. 15.—Violet Buehler. the missing Chicago heiress, was arrested at the corner of First avenue and Seventieth street this morning and taken to the police sta tion. She has been working in the neighborhood, the police say, taking care of a sick woman. Miss Buehler admitted her identity and told the police she came to New York about a month ago with the idea of seeing the world. She declared no man had anything to do with her leaving home. She said when her money began to get low she decided to get a position and answered a newspaper advertise ment for nurse. She was employed by Mrs. Anna Brett, on East Seven tieth street. For more than three weeks, Miss Buehler, who is said to be an heiress to an estate of several thousands dol lars, have been acting as nurse for the mother, Mrs. Brett, as well as doing light domestic work. The Brett family were astonished when they found who was th$r serv ant. The first news that the girl had been found came from Chicago, and a detective was sent to locate the girl. Manila. Jan. 16.—Under the direc tion of Gen. J. Franklin Bell, comman der of the Philippines division, troops are being dispatched on the transport Logan for China. The first battalion of the Fifteenth United States infan try, numbering 500 men, constitute Mm* troops ohoson. tor action i# China loo&i tatar«*U in the n»w republic HEAOS PRUDENTIAL ©CE3T jaCtPEN The election of Forrest F. Dry den, only son of the late Sen. J. F. Dryden, as president of the Prudential Life Insurance Co., at its meeting in Newark on Jan. 8, placed in the foreground of finance and insurance, a comparatively young man and a man of unusual strength and ability. Mr. Dryden was born at Bedford, O., in 1864, and entered the service of the Prudential at the age of 18. s IJPJ A Well Known Minneapolis Lumberman Passed Away PROMINENT IN NORTHWEST DEATH CAME AT PASADENA, CAU —CAUSE OF DEATH THOUGHT THOUGHT TO HAVE BEEN UREMIC P0I80NING—FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS NOT MADE. MfpneapoMf, Jan. lS.r^hotnas H. Shevlin, the' millionaire lumberman and for many years prominent in the northwest, died today at Pasadena, Cal., according to information received at the offices of the Shevlln-Carpenter Co., of which he was the head, here today. While the cause of death is not definitely stated, it is supposed to have been uremic poisoning. With him at the time were his daughter, Mrs. G. C. Beckwith, and her husband. Shevlin was born Jan. 3, 1852, at Albany, N. Y., and removed to Chicago in 1897, later going into the lumber business for T. W. Harvey of Muske gon, Mich. He removed to Minneapolis in 1886 and engaged in the lumber business, and in 1892 the present firm of Shevlin-Carpenter Lumber Co. was formed. In addition Shevlin was a stockholder in numerous smaller firms in the United States and Canada. Since Shevlin's illness began, about a year ago, his son, Thomas L.. Shevlin, has taken his father's place as the head of the company. Shevlin took an active Interest in politics and for a number of years preceding the last national conven tion was Minnesota member of the republican national committee. He was greatly interested in the state uni versity, giving a building to the school and recently granting five scholar ships at $10,000 each. Besides Mrs. Beckwith and his son, Thomas L.., another daughter, Mrs. D. B. Tenney, survives him, Mrs. Shevlin having died in 19^0. All reside in Minneapolis. Funeral services have not been de cided on definitely, but probably will be held Friday. OFF FOR CHINA -f+.i -S $ »-0 if the occasion arises. Since Dr. Sun Yat Sen, president of the new Chinese republic, has taken command, with at least 700 armed men against the Manchus in Pekin, the situation has become so grave that the world powers are tak ing active measures to protect their AND DAILY REPUBLICAN Y LAW 0. K. I Washington, Jan. 15.—The con stitutionality of th# employers' li ability law, passed by congress in '08, was today upheld by the su preme court of the United States, in all cases before it. The court alee decided that state courts may enforce that act when local laws are appropriated. This was the second and finally suocessful attempt of congress to change the old common law rule that the employe of a common carrier could not procure damages from the carrier for injuries re ceived in his employment, when the injuries resulted from the negligence of a fellow servant. The first law enacted in 1906 was declared unconstitutional in 1908 because it embraced within its terms the regulation of intrastate as well as interstate commerce. The opinion was announced by I Justice Vandevanter. 0 Ho Friction Over Proposa! to Buy Telegraph Lines Washington, D. C., Jan. li—Post master General Hitchcock, who last night gave out a statement saying he would recommend to congress the gov ernment ownership and operation of alj.telpgraph Hnes. wi^^rtiftitftofed 1Q the White House hy Taft shortly after 11 o'clock today. After Postmaster General Hitchcock had been in conference with Taft over an hour tod-iv.. an authorative state ment was made at the White House that there had been no friction be tween the president and Hitchcock, ever the latter's proposed recommen dation that government acquire and operate all telegraph lines as an ad* junct to the postal system. OF AT GRAND FORKS IS UNDER AR1EST Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 15.—Arthur J. Kavanaugh, proprietor of two mo tion picture theatres here and the Orand at Grand Forks waj arraigned today, charged with stealing $8,000 worth of diamonds from the establish ment of White & McNaught, Dec. 22. Kavanaugh's arrest followed an un successful attempt of the police (to re cover the diamonds. A man giving the name of W. W. Wells, already has been arrested for the crime. Kavanaugh pleaded not guilty and the trial was set for Feb. 18. ill PARE IS HOE He Bringe Encouraging Reports From 'Bedside of Colonel Morton. Col. Morton Paige returned Satur day to Fargo from the bedside of Col. C. A. Morton in Chicago. He re ports Colonel Morton as considerably improved in health and apparently on the direct road to recovery. Colonel Page will not return to Chicago. FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 15, 1912. REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHED SEPT. 5, 1878. or RAIN FOLLOWED Aberdeen, S. D., Jan. 15.—W&rfl comes from Mobrldge that the mer cury there took a sudden rise after Friday's extremely cold temperature of over 40 below, climbing upward 80 degrees in twenty-four hours. A Chi nook wind was the cause. Accom panying the wind was a downpour of i rain, a half inch falling. The rain prevailed all the way from Lemmon eastward to Mobrldge. It is believed the rain will aid the Milwaukee ma terially in resuming operations on the branch lines west of Mobrldge, as much of the snow that had accumu lated was melted. This Is His Declaration in An nual Report Fresno. Cal., Jan. 16.—O. A. Tveit moe, secretary-treasurer of the state building council, declared his innooence of complicity In the national dyna mite conspiracy, in his annual report read before the eleventh annual con vention of the council here today. Tveitmo$ with Antone Johaneson, or ganizer of the state building trades, and J- E. Munsey, secretary of the Salt Lake City local of the In ternational Association of Bridge & Structural Iron Workers, were indicted by the federal grand jury at Los An geles, Dec. 30, for alleged conspiracy to transport dynamite unlawfully. "There will be no plea of guilty," Tveltmoe said In his report, "because the accused are not guilty, and they refuse to serve as Htepping stones either for District Attorney Freder icks who has an eye on the governor's chair, or for Oscar Lawler's judgeship, or for Mr. Heart's presidency." The McNamara case was reviewed at length, a large portion of the com ment "ieing confined to tfn article on the Los Angeles situation by Charles Edward Russell, in which It was de clared the "McNamaras thought they were fighting a battle of their class," while not defending the McNamara case, and characterized the proceeding as a "blow aimed at union labor." "Union men and women," the re port continues, "believe murder the most horrible of all crimes, and that the taking of human life, whether committed by individuals, society, the state or nation, in an ordinary brawl or in industrial struggle, or so-call ed civilized war, is murder. "If labor should invoke as a law 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' the world would have a deluge of human blood, without the saving ark or Mount Arrarat, but with num berless Caesar column# to mark the final landings." FORCED TO QUIT Buenos Ayres, Jan. 15.—Paraguayan revolutionaries captured President Li berato Rojas and forced him to resign, according to a telegram received here today from Asuncion, the Paraguayan capltol. The garrison In* the city re mained neutral. B.F. EMERY IS SIT OF Minneapolis, Minn., Jan, 14.—To The Forum: For personal reasons I feel that I cannot be a candi date for mayor at our spring elec tlon. Very truiy yours. H. F. Emery ast Have re to Fan iThere are* mariy-Fafgoans who Have *oofr^%hich coulJ be rented for a good price during the Tri-State Convert tjon this week£ The indications are now that this city be taxed to the limit to care for the great crowds that aire coming. It is up to Fargo to make good in the way pf accommodations, and the undersigned makes a special, appeal to all citizens who have rooms to rent to telephone 809, or call or write to the Commercial Club, giving pricey |ow many rooms, where located and telephone number^ fV&rtN^ Secretary. U WW9 KJ I FARGO COMMERCIAL CLUB. TUESDAY, JAN 16. Morning Session* M: 00—Invocation. Address of WcJt nme-~J. J*. Hardy, president of commercial club. Response Superintendent Selvig, Crookston, Minn. 10:30—How To Secure Good Roads In North Dakota, T. R. Atkinson, state engineer, Bismarck, N. D. 11:00—Dry Farming, W. R. Porter, superintendent demonstration farms. 11:30—Co-operation, Hugh J. Hughes, editor, Farm, Stock and Home, Min neapolis, Minn. Afternoon 8ession. 1:30—Elements of Success in Agricul ture, Prof. Thos. Shaw, St. Anthony, Park, Minn. 2:00—Road Improvement in Agricul tural Districts, Prof. John T. Ste wart, professor agricultural engi neering, University of Minnesota. 2:30—Corn Culture, Prof. J. H. Shep perd, dean agricultural department. North Dakota Agricultural college. 8:00—Alfalfa Seed Production for RECLAMATION OF THE HIT LANDS New Orleans, Jan. li^—Th# second annual meeting of the National Drain age congress will be held In New Or leans April 10-13. The congress was organized Dec. 5, 1911, at Chicago, and its first meeting was held in that city Dec. 6-9. The purpose of the congress Is to do for the wet lands of the coun try what the National Irrigation con gress has done for the dry lands of the west by Irrigation. In this work LAST Big Event of the Week Gatherings Beside the Grain Growers and Their Allied Conventions and Shows There Will Be Big Democratic Rally, Big Sunday School Convention and Educational Meeting This Weet ftomises to Be Not Only Biggest Week In Fargo's History But a Week That Will Set a Record That May Not Be Surpassed In Years to Come CONVENTIONS FOR FARGO THI8 WEEK. Tri-State Grain Growers' convention, Jan. lf-lt. Farm Husbandry association, Jan. 18. Live Stock association, Jan. 18. Horticultural association, Jan. 18. Farm Managers' association. Jan. IS, Women's day, Jan. 18. North Dakota State Poultry association, Jan. 19. Northwestern democratic meeting and love feast, Jan..17*11. Fargo District Sunday School convention, Jan. 18-18. Ndrth Dakota Temporary Educational commission* Jan. 18. CHlfiF SPEAKERS OF THE WEEK. Wednesday. Pres. John H, Worst, LLD., N. D» A, C.—Fargo operahouse— Wed* Ikesday evening. Pres. Howard Elliott of the Northern Pacific railroad—Fargo op erahouse. Gov. Judson Harmon of Ohio to democrats—Orpheum theatre. Sen. R. S. Pettlgrew of South Dakota—Crpheum theatre. Gov. Edwin I*. Norris of Montana—Orpheum theatre. Thursday. William J. Bryan at democratic banquet at Plrle's halL Friday. Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner of Chicago before Sunday school Nation at First Congregational church. The Grain Growers' convention will start promptly at jit o'clocfc, In the e ntire history of the association the Grain Growenf edrftrenitejl has never been behind a full minute in opening. not only are the states and communi- curred in by the attorney general's pi ties in which wet and undralned lands flee. lie co-operating, but, the Issues being The question is an interesting one, directly related, all organizations, involving the rights of a fvoman to 'commissions and civic bodies interest- 'hold office in this state, and the opin ed in conservation, control of flood ion of the state's attorney reviews waters, development of Inland water- various authorities on the subject way navigation, reducing the coBt of living and in maintaining the com- mercial supremacy of the Uni ed States, are aiding the national drain age movement in every possible way, and will take a leading part in the New Orleans convention. EDITION THIS ISSUE II PAGES v1•* 4$ North Dakota, Prof. L. R. Wftldron, supertytpndent sub-experiment sta tion, Dickinson. Evening Sesvi^ff. 7:3^—Exhibition drill by A. C. Cadet# crack squad. 8:00—Soil Physics as a Factor in Crop Rotation, Prof. J. V. Bopp, associate editor N. W. Farmstead, Minne* apolis. 8: SO—The Country Church as a Factoj in Rural Progress, Rev. J. M. Wal. ters, Fargo, N. D. 8:00—Corn Culture, Prof. P. G. Holden, superintendent Iowa Farmers' insti tutes, Ames, la. At last Fargo's busiest week of the year, not only the busiest of this yeaf but perhaps or many years to come, has dawned and everything is In com plete readiness to greet the 4,000 or more visitors who are expected to pour into the city this afternoon and even ing. By tomorrow morning the streets will be crowded with farmers, grain growers, democrats, enthusiastic Sun- Continued on Page Six. CAN KOMEN HOLD OFFICE IN N. II.? Jamestown, N. D„ Jto. 15^-Owing to Judge Memmi's recent appointment of Mrs. Correll as clerk ol the county court, the question has been raised as to the eligibility of a woman to that office. State's Attorney Kneeland has given a written opinion on the sub ject, holding that a woman la eligible to this office, wnich opinion is oon- The court of varlou8 8tatee have heI(i[ that a womun the ab8ence of con. stitutional or 8tatutory provislon pressly authorizing it, cannot hold governmental public office. States so holding, among others, are Massachu setts and New Hampshire. In Michi gan, where there is no express legal provision on the subject, a woman has been ousted from the office of state's attorney, but her right to hold the of fice of deputy clerk of court has been upheld, the former being an elective and the latter an appointive office In Missouri a woman was elected clerk of court and her right to hold office was upheld by tho supreme court of that state. In Kansas, although wo men are not voters, yet It seems that they may hold any office, provided they obtain votes enough, even thai of governor of the state. In North Dakota a woman cannot hold an elective office, except a school office, our statutes requiring that only those who have a right to vote for a, certain office are eligible to hold such office- The clerk of the county, how ever, Is not elected but appointed by the Judge of that court and In tho performance of his duties 1b subject Inj & large measure, to the supervision of the judge, the Judge being- liable tot the proper conduct of the clerk under Ms own official bond. Under these cir cumstances It Is the opinion of As sistant Attorney General Zuger and ol the Btate's attorney that it is in discretion of the judge to appotnj either a man or a woman to the jmw