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The Fargo Forum And Dtity Republican. THE FORUM PRINTING CO. Entered it pMto(le« as Mcona elui matter OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OF FARGO VOLUME XXXV, NO. 31t. Yb« Parget Forum ana nepubllcan Ik feafclUkcd erery evening except Snnd&y la The Forunr Building, corner of First ave aoa and fifth street north, Fargo, N. D. B»l»«( rtptloa—Tbf Fargo Ifornm and dally Republican, by carrier, 15c per w»«k, or •0« per month, la advance $6 per year. Tbe Fargo Foroin and Weekly Kj^nbU'-au, $1 per year. Tbe Kargo Fomia ai.rt Sat urday Republican, per year. Single copies 5c. Subscriber* will find tbe data to which they bave paid, priuj«d opposite their name* on th« addreaa *11 pa Addreaa all coajuiualcatioua to Tka forum Printing Co., Fargo, N. O. TUESDAY, OCT. 8, 1912. 4MBS -Hew Tork and Chicago Representa tives Payne & Young. New ¥ork Of Hce: 1204 Fifth Avenue Building. Chicago Office: 748 Marquetta Building. WHY TAKE A CHANCE? There is more money in Fargo today than at any period since the first •hack was erected on the site of the .present city. There la more money in North Dakota today than at any time Jfpice the buffalo and the Indian roam 4gd the wide prairies of this stato. s There is more wide-spread prosper w In North Dakota and the rest of •ifie nation—than since the earliest ^collection of any living man. Labor is more generally employed tijap at any former period in American ]|l?»fcory. Best of all it Is today receiv the highest wage since man first it San to delve. X?VVith these conditions in the city, in state, in the nation—why disturb ^eOi'.' Why make a change? Can the JO latest dreamer hope to improve tj^as Will the most enthusiastic Supporter of Wilson insist his freo trade views can improve the condition the farmer and the laboring man? -$pll the reddest-faced, lustiest-lung shouter for Roosevelt insist that the from Oyster Bay will do better Taft has done—after remember *gl!lhc conditions for seven years Vhiie Roosevelt was president? "^CWith these things true—and fresh lit their minds—will the voters on Kov. 5 decide that Taft has made good —or will they speculate with a man, a dreamer—or give a turbulent dls turbance-provoker another chance to let the country on its ears and create ppi^st and distrust? s^.'Thf Korum believe* the two great jar tors in America today—the farmers -^id- the laboring men—are fairly well Satisfied with the existing conditions -"-ind are unlikPly to disturb them. LYNCHINGS. Some editorial writers are bitter in 3fcelr denunciation of the lynching of a negro rapist by the prisoners In the Wyoming penitentiary. The Forum is inclined to condemn the lynchers. V-N In the first place the negro—twice XWivicted before of criminal assaults white women—this time picked out Tt 70-year-old widow as the victim of ijis lust. That, in itself, should be ^sufficient excuse for his sudden taking aw. r^JEJJut if lynchings are to occur—why tof harve them in the penitentiaries They are a disgrace to American civ ilisation—and are better behind the *tfK5sed doors and prison walls than out $n the open. If men are to be lynched jit is better that men inured to crime '4hould be the participants than for business men and youth to engage in ^hat increasingly popular pastime. jfTaken altogether, If the negro rapist to have been lynched—it seems perfectly fitting that the criminals In Ihe pen at Rawlins should do the job s-in preference to outsiders. Incidentally, the act was a rather Hkommendable thing on the part of the prisoners. It Indicates that the con victed men were not entirely lost to lanhood—that they still retained a »tern sense of justice—and believed f~jie 'nly the summary taking of the brute's iffe could expiate the terrible crime had committed. Lynchings are evidences of outlawry Sl'hey are to be deplored. But most people will readily admit that if there last be lynchings—that it is perfect |y fitting that rapists should be the in the noose. CASS COUNTY TICKET. fhe Forum recently called attention |o the Inactivity of the county republi cans. So far nothing appears to have %een done. Not a candidate on the picket has a card in any of the papers jjfnthe county. Under the ruling of the Attorney general they are prohibited 5*rom making contributions to a fund Sior the county central committee ijind, if the ruling Is right, the candi dates must make a personal and indi vidual fight. jg It is just four weeks till election. 3t looks to The Forum like the candl *&ates shQuld be doing something. The democrats have a ticket in the field pt is understood the candidates are ffiustling. 3Sj The republicans have ft strong ticket, JlThere are capable men nominated for aevery office—-and they should be elect ed—but if they want the votes election HiJay, they should make a campaign Either personal or otherwise—and let the peopie know they are on the map. fefeEAD AND 6UTTER, '•J ft is news to guests of the bfg hot is 0.nA restaurants that they have nev• een charged for their bread and bvs er. The "staff of life" and its tat verlay have been a free gift from 1 iiid-hearted landlords—just as the it *jpne breathes in the mountains and he seaside—and tbe water he drink re free gifts of the Almighty. Q'hink of the millions of loaves and the milieus of pounds oi er which the landlords bought and paid for out of their own pockets—and fed, with their blessings, to hungry mortals—and not a penny in recom pense. Really it is pathctlc. One feels like weeping. The wonder is that these landlords are not in the poor house. However, in the east, they have now roused to the consciousness of their great sacrifice—and decided that they would charge the insignificant sum of Itt cents for bread and butter. But this is ridiculous. The great army of diners should see to It that the dear landlords should not be allowed to In flict themselves with such penury— now that the diners themselves know the truth. The landlords should be compelled to take enough at least to partially cover thoir loss—and }1 for a thin slice of bread and a golden sjat of butter or oleomargarine should ittot be too much. DIRECT LEGISLATION. In a recent editorial The New York Evening Post said. In part: Imperfect as may be the representa tiveness of our legislative systems, they do respond Infallibly, though doubtless with some unnecessary de lay, to the clearly and deliberately adopted desires of the community. And if legislation by direct vote of the people would expedite the process, It would, on the other hand, jnake possi ble conditions which cannot be viewed by sober-minded people without seri ous solicitude. There are proposals of a wholly different nature from any those which we have been mentioning, and upon which it is of the utmost consequence that, before adopting them, the fact shall be thoroughly es tablished that they have the unmistak able aproval of a deliberate, well-con sidered, and permanent public senti ment. When this is the case, they are sure, with more or less delay—delay essential to the genuine estabJismment of this fact—to be adopted under our present machinery. It may respond slowly, but it responds surely, to any demand truly bottomed on a sincere and solid public sentiment, truly rep resentative of the settled desire of the community. But it does not permit the sweeping away of old institutions, or the establishment of fundamental and lrreversibe innovations by a mere count of noses at a single popular election. Tt compels these things to show their credentials. If they have the staying power that is necessary to overcome the natural resistance with which they are met a first, a second, and perhaps a third and fourth time, they will be adopted if they have not, they fail because they have failed to prove their title in a manner befitting the gravity of the Issues involved. Avoid Sedative Cough Medicines. If you want. to contribute directly to the occurrence of capillary bron chitis and pneumonia use cough medi cines that contain codlne, morphine,her oin and other sedatives ivhen you have a cousrh or cold. An expectorant, like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is what is needed. That cleans out the culture beds or breeding places for germ dis eases. That is why pneumonia never results from a cold when Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is used. It has a world wide reputation for its cures. It contains no morphine or other se dative. For sale by all dealers, HARDY ALFALFA IMPORTED Considerable Interest Has Deen arous ed through the Importation by the U. S. department of agriculture of some new, hardy varieties of alfalfa. Little, however is generally known concern ing the characteristics of tbese new al falfas or the real purposes of their introduction. In the search for hardy forms of, common alfalfa (Medlcago natlvay adapted to severe conditions of drought and cold, the potential value of closely allied HpecifR became apparent. A yel low-flowered species (Medicago falca ta) found widely distributed through out Eurasia, forms of which thrive on the cold, dry steppes of Russia and Himilar regions, seemed to be the most promising. For this reason persistent efforts were made to import many valuable forms of this species. Medicago falcata, erroneously called "Siberian alfalfa," and for which there is no satisfactory common name, is characterized In general by its droop ing habit, narrow leaves, and tine stems but it is so variable that some plants may be readily mistaken for common alfalfa when not In flower. Very few of the forms possess true tap roots like the common alfalfa, but they have a branching root system by which new plants are produced. The flowers are yellow and the seed pods falcate or sickle shaped, hence its botanical name. The department of agriculture has met with many difficulties in procur ing seed in quantity, as it is not handled commercially and In no place is it produced in abundu^ice. In spite of the scarcity of seed very thorough tests have been conducted both under cultivation and on unbroken sod at the department's testing stations and in cooperative experiments at state sta tions. The results of these tests of the available forms of Medicago falcata in dicate rather definitely that their chief value is for crossing with common al falfa to produce hardy and drought resistant hybrid strB.lns. At present the new alfalfas do not appear to be sufficiently productive to make them generally profitable under cultivation. Many of the forms are unquestionably very hardy and drought resiBtant and have already shown their value aa stock for crossing with varieties com monly known. One of the hardiest, if not the hard iest of our commercial strains, the Grimm alfalfa, probably originated through natural hybridization of Medi cago falcata and common alfalfa. Grimm alfalfa is coming Into very wide use in the narthwestern states. The new alfalfas have not yet been tested on the open range as fully as under cultivation. Although the results to date indicate their inability to main tain themselves except under very favorable conditions, the tests are nev ertheless being continued with the hope of ultimate success In improving the range. The experts of the department do not believe that this yellow-flowered alfalfa in its unselected state is a crop for the farmer to test, even though seed were available. Three main con siderations show that it Is not likely to prove valuable under cultivation: (1) Most of itB forms are not sufficient ly erect to be easily harvested for hay (2) it does not recover quickly after cutting and can not be expected to give more than one cutting during the season (3) it's seed habits are usually poor, the seed being scantily produced and shattering badly at maturity. The department of agriculture is pushing the work of selection by hy bridization of the best forms of this species as rapidly as possible, In the hope that valuable drought-resistant and cold-resistant strains may ultimat ely bfc established in general use. The agricultural department has just issued a little pamphlet on the fatten ing of calves. However, it omits men tion of the first and most important step—taking away their cigarettes. gi». To Be Healthy yours but you really must give your stomach a chance. If it is weak, just take HOSIETTER'S flOMAQl BITTERS before meals, It always mt$--SMN€Iir S- IHVIGOR* fS~8tB0!lS a North Dakota Kernels Loma has an inventor. Steele hag an inventor. McGlusky wants a creamery, Kenmare had a market day. Fargo footballers got a good start. The threshers had a nice run, any way. A Taft elob was organized at Dick inson. is a lignite coal shortage fin There Ml not. tough dance hall* are being Some closed. The theatre at Man dan la being im proved. There was a fire in a barber shop at Forbes, The new public library at Beach pleases. A Hannah man has'seventeen acres of clover. Many farmers report they saved flne seed corn. Some of the bootleggers were walk ing saloons. Public service work on tbe farm Is being urged. The boys corn are successful. clubs over the state The merchants of some counties are after peddlers. A Hamilton man was slain in Mex ico by outlaws. The Crosby branch of the IT. is to be extended. Some great stories of duck shooting are drifting in. Greek railway laborers at Peters burg were Tobbed. Senator McCumber is campainging in the east for Taft. A Jimtown man broke -a leg while trying to roller skate. The squatters were buay OB •th# Berthold reservation. The potato warehouse Hlllaboro is ready for business. There is to be a band for. the laidles of the V. C. normal. The Better Farming movement creasing in popularity. is in Lignite seeks a rehearing 'tt* -'the Burke county seat fight. Some tough transients raised a~Ut of ruction at Gwinner. ,A Father Purcell, formerly of Williston, recently died in Quebec. Ole Olson fs appearing in the thea tres in the smaller towns. Som© women would like. to place hobble skirts on the men. pre pert y MAny papers are urgill# owners to fill their coal bins. There is to be an independent or lame duck ticket at Bismarck. s*S*S The scrap over the office of sftarifl in Richland county is a lively one. The cheerful idiots are having a great time with the straw votes. Already the boosting for ffcrly Christmaa shopping has begun, The Mandan papers helped to boost the industrial show in Bismarck. There was a cake walk at the In dustrial exposition at Bismarck. A well dressed, demented stranger was picked up at or near Mandan. The democrats claim they will great ly increase their majority in congress. jx$x§ Minnesota's jag farm proposition is being closely watched in North Dakota. There wer© a great many Deyils !Lakers at the Indian fair at Fort TOt ten. There are all kinds of "fall open ings" by the merchants of North Da kota. G. A. Lytle of Antler was arrested on a charge of violating the prohibi tion law. Threshing, hunting and runaway ac cidents are crippling up a lot of North. Dakotans. The bull moose meeting at Hillsboro was a frost. Only twenty-flve people turned out. Wm. Krause, a transient, who wreck ed a church in Sargent county, Waa declared insane. The state university footballers Wefe dissatisfied with their coach and cured a new one. Rev. Mr. Teichman, who recently died in Fargo, was formerly at Cava lier and Bismarck. Some North Dakotans are planning to make a moose hunting trip to northern Minnesota. Many farmers are the most earnelt and enthusiastic boosters of the bet ter roads movement. The long wet spell is reported not tb have caused much damage to crops west of the Missouri. Senator McCumber is expected to make a number of speeches in North Dakota after Oct. 15. Some judges held the vags till the bad weather was over so they wouldn't get out of the country. The article on bootleggers and tin horn gamblers from The Hannah Moon had a wide circulation. A transient became insane at WilliS ton. He had a hallucination the re publicans would kill hira. There has been considerable talk at Mandan about the democratic nomina tion for the state senatorship. The Forman News-Independent com ments on the strength of Hanna and the weakness of his opponents. The mails- have been loaded with mail order catalogues. What are the merchants doing to offset them? 8 §x§' S. W. Leidigh, formerly foreman Of The Sheldon Progress, is the new ed itor and owner of The Leonard Jonr nal,.' Prank Shanley, formerly of Cando nd more recently of Fargo, will re- t.irn to Cando to live. He is a candi i.Lte for state auditor on the democrat i ticket—and will lose his vote by the i- ove. The Progressive Observer of Grand Porks says The Forum referred to Former Congresman Hansbrough." What's wrong with that? He was formerly a congressman—from North i akota. Is Editor 'Rishoff so unfamil iar with-. North Dakota's^history-that was unaware of that? THE TAEGO FOETJM 'AND DAILY EEPOTLTOAW, TTTESIIAY ETENltij OfcfOBtR 8, lfe'j. S~ "Did you oome from CubaV she asked. CERTAINLY EN8S RAPE'S DIAPEPSIN" CURES HEARTBURN, GAS, SOURNESS AND INDIG$&Tt?N INpfiyS MIN UTES. Sour, gassy, upset stomach, indiges tion, heartburn, dyspepsia when the food you eat ferments into gases and stubborn lumps your head aches and you feel sick and miserable, that's when you realize the magic in Pape's Diapepsln. It makes such misery van ish in five minutes. If your stomach is in a continuous revolt—if you can't get it regulated, please, for your sake, try Dia pepsin. It's so needless to have a bad stomach —make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a little Diapepsin. There will not be any distress—eat without fear. It's because Pape's Dia pepsin "really does" regulate weak, out-of-order stomachs that gives it it's millions of sales annually. Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. It is the quickest, surest stomach relief and cure known. It acts almost like magic —It is a scientific, harmless and pleas ant preparation which truly belongs in everv home. Press Comment Bteel Ozone: Somebody remarks that this is the funniest political campaign year ever seen in this section. And that is about so. Practically no local nor state politics are talked as is usual ly tUc case. National matters are dis cussed quite freely, and with interest, chiefly on account of the third party, third term feature. But nobody seems to think there is anything very Berious to result from the election of either one of the candidates. Certainly there is no feelingr of uneasiness as to business being affected. Perhaps more people are coming to realize that, this haunt ing fear of ruin from a national elec XlTlfr-j, 1- Xlr-U Daddy'sBedtime Jissie, die ACK and Evelyil wanted to hear about Jeesie'e latest prank. Jessie was a young friend of theirs whose thoughtlessness some times made trouble for herself and amusement for other people. "One of Jessie's failings is a love for stories," said daddy. "Jessie la never happier than when she can get some one to read or tell her a story. "A new family moved into the neighborhood. Jessie took quite a fancy to the pleasant faced lady who worked so much In her garden, and when she passed one day she stopped to peer through the railings of the fence. "The lady saw her and asked her to come in. 'I'll pretend I'm a real grownup lady going herself as she opened the gate. "Jessie answered very politely when spoken to and nibbled at the piece of cake which the lady brought from the house, though at home Jessie gen e^ally was not so careful to keep the crumbs in her lap and eat very, very itfowly. "After she had finished the cake Jeesie looked around, and then her littlr tongue began to run on. "Oh, isnt this awful weather?' she cried. 'Why, no,* the lady replied. 'This seems ,tt me to b$ very pleasant weather.' 'Oh, my, ifs so cold!' the little girl exclaimed. *Now\ in Cuba, where used to live, It's ever so much warmer all the year.' 'Oh, did you come from Cuba?' the lady asked. 'Oh, yes'm!' said Jessie. 'I was born In Cuba, and I always lived there till my mamma came to stay with grandma. 'It's a good place to live, Cuba is,' Jessie went-OH. *They have touch lovely flowers and big trees and pretty birds.' "Jessie told the nice lady a great many more things about Cuba Just as •he had heard her auntie tell them after she came home from her Cuban trip. "Several weeks afterward the church had a fair, and one evening Jessie was taken to It It happened that the new neighbor sat down by Jessie's aunts and began to talk. 'Ah, there's the little girl 'from CubeK the neighbor said as Jessie came up. s "And theh It kll came'out Jesste had never been in Cuba, an& she had only been playing one of her make believe plays with the neighbor lady. But the neighbor lady doesn't understand make believe plays, and I'm afraid she thinks Jessie Is a little fibber, for she never asks her Into her garden any more nor offers her pieces of cake." Make Believe Girl a-rlsitin',' Jessie had said to tion going against the administration in power is the merest gammon. There never was any real foundation for the feeling that a change of administration would bankrupt the nation or ruin business, but the manipulators in Wall street and other financial centers, and the partisan press all conspired to try to work the voters into a frenzy of fear, and often they have been made fools of in this way. But the indepen dent spirit of political thought has been growing and you cannot fool the people as easily as was once the case. Lakota Observer: President Taft is setting a dignified example in this cam paign by refraining from personalities and villification. The president is standing in this campaign absolutely on his record and the accomplishments of his administration. If the people feel that a change of sdministration is desirable, the president will retire with a clear conscience if the people feel otherwise and wish to continue the present splendid conditions now exist ing In the country, he will be again triumphantly elected. FIRING THE COOK—IN THE STONE AGE AND TODAY Baltimore Sun: Taft never tried to musszle the press. He never organized an Anan?as club. Me never compared himself to Lin coln. He never advocated the recall ot judges. He never tried to dictate terms to the Vatican. He never had a Wall street tainted money backer. He never told Great Britain how to jgovern Egypt. He never humiliated an admiral af ter a brilliant victory He never aroused the enthusiasm of the Harvester trust. He never questioned the authority of the Supreme court. He never said: "If they want vthe sword they shall have It-**. He never was accused of appropriat ing to himself ideas launched by Bryan. He never marched up to a national convention and then marched down again. He never thought that association with himself would turn a corrupt po litical "boss" into a party "leader." He never tried to fool all the people some of the time, nor some of the people all the time, nor all the peopl all the time. Minot Democrat: The Democrat ad mires a smooth politician and while we may hand out. an occassional roast we can't help that feeling of admiration for the fellow who knows the game and who realizes that the majority of the voters like to be fooled—and fools them. We refer to our old friend, Pat Norton, who Is a candidate for con- !r v esf/VvfA^sElZ AMIAJI OAS, & k in',I III X*? mi *7Wtr Head of ~tUB (T. Up and Down? Go To Your Doctor Ayer's SarsapariJla is a tonic. It does not stimulate. It does not make you feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next. There is not* a drop of alcohol in it. You have the steady, even gain that comes from a strong tonic. Ask your doctor all about this. Trust him fully, and always do as he says... iv? gress. Pat don't like a hair in The Democrat's head, but he always comes in and visits. He asks nbout and the babies with as much solicitude as a great uncle—and then, he talks about everything but politics. There the wily Irishman knows we are "next to him and he woxildn't for the world bring up an unpleasant subject. smooth alright, alright, but we doubt if he can make the voters of this district swallow him for congress this year. Ijlebon Press: Well may Hansom county be proud of its resources, a fair sample of which were shown at the Corn Festival last week. Such ex hibits are of vast value to us in more ways than one. They give the In habitants of the county an idea of our possibilities, they are an incentive to every person to do his best after seeing what can be done, and. last but not least, they give our county publicity— and favorable publicity. They show to people outside of our county and outside of our state just how large a part we play In the agricultural in dustry of the northwest. Other papers in the state have commented on our festival and the good news has been spread from one extreme of the state to the other and has found its way into other states. Especially did the Fargo papers aid UP No matter how miserable you are with catarrh or a cold in the head, nose stopped up, throat sore, eyes running, dull pain In the head, dry cough, fever, foul breath, Ely's Cream BaJm will give you instant relief. It gets right at the root of the trouble, cleanses, heals and strengthens the raw sore membranes, stops the nasty discharge so that you are not con stantly blowing tho nose and spitting. In a few minutes after applied you can just feel it doing its work of clearing the head, the pain and soreness are relieved, the breathing becomes natur al and the stuffed up feeling is gone. This cleansing, healing, antiseptic Balm contains no mercury, cocaine or other harmful drugs. It is easy to apply, pleasant to use, and never fails-to give relief, even in the worst cases. Never neglect a cold, and don't suf fer the miseries of catarrh nor disgust your friends with your hawking spit ting and foul breath. Get a 50 cent bottle of Ely's Creaija Balm from your druggist, and start the treatment at oncfe. You will find that it will be, the best investment you ever made. Agents, Fout & Porterfield. AM KirriSCT MAT «. UU. 'Irataw AurivUtc Vruw No. 112, P. J.O. AjrtsrOo.^ trtwrwl-V Uiw n' 1 4 ,, f** i -i -irtoiet A TONIC LAXATIVE P*»ra»tta, JM! Up-to-Date Family Medicine Should Be In Every Home V' •£&.,. f/ffi, V 4 l-'$. -v 5- A ••,}' v s•*'**'• ispK V n VV Ik- Nearly everybody is obliged more or less to take a laxative. There are of course a few exceptions. A great many people also need occasionally to take a tonic. Probably few households exist that do not make use of tonics and laxatives. The remedy Peruna is a laxative tonic. It not only operates as a gen tle laxative, but also as a tonic. The benefit derived from such a remedy is a great deal more in the prevention of disease than in the cure. After a person has really become sick, either with an acute or chronic ail ment, the rule should be to employ a physician, or some one who can give the ca^e his personal attention. But long before this happens the person will complain of this or that symp tom, which is not severe enough to interfere with his regular activities. If at tills place before the disease lias really gained a foothold in the system, a person was to take a dose or two in this valuable publi city by sending representatives to our city to portray every detail and they certainly did themselves proud and did morn to boost, our community than it is possible to estimate as both of these papers have a wide circulation and both agreed on the fact, that our Corn Festival was a marvel and our pro ducts unexcelled in any part of the country. Nothing does a town or community more good than wholesale advertise ment and ability to live up to the ad vertisement. We have the ability so let's do all in our power to advertise our community. Lawyers Knew. TopeKa Capital: Wichita lawyers NiSE SiiiPFEI) UP WITH GATAKRU COMMON 8ENSE TREATMENT FOR COLDS AND CATARRH. GIVES INSTANT RELIEF. kimmt, P. iso. 1 .............. t.4i p. P. JMo. 6 4U0 p. P. Mo. 7 a. P. No. it ..12 s4 tu xo. b\ m. .. 8:8b p. m. .. lo p. m. .. «. 1iuu p. xa. 8. W... N. No. !i 12:io N. No. 112 1U 6U a. No. 120 7 a& P. No. 2 P. No. P. No. P. No. 04 P. No. Dtf P. No. 8 P. No. 10 N. No. 2 N. No. 14 N. No. 10 N. No. 131, M. N 6 30 N. No. 12 6fe M. & Su Paul No. 406 .. lag IdL & tot. Paul Mixed. .... 7 uu P- No. 113, C, B. ••......10:06 a. m. P. No. 6 P. No. P. No. Ill, N. No. 1 N. No. N. No. 1H N. No. 195, 'a of a good tonic laxative the gr«a§, majority of cases' of When once the value of Peruna aH household remedy is understood n$ lv»me would be withou/t it, Cuthax*** tics, pills and powders would be di» rarder. ionger are yet talking about the way Wallace B. Baker, who: was found guilty last week in th6 district coUrt of selling mortgaged property showed his ig norance of married life. The prose cutinK attorney was trying to show that Baker wasn't married. He ask£l Baker the following questions: "Did you ever send your wife any dresses?" "Yes. I sent her four dresses.' "What kind of dresses did you her?" "I sent her one gOod dress three common dresses.'' "How much did you pay for tne good dress, Mr. Baker?" "Oh, I guess about $4.50." ARtaiTKOTfc HANCOCK isHOfck. AKCU1THCT8. OjS ncoa lougia* building, ill Broafe way, Fargo. ACCOUNTANT. WALTER I'HOMSJON—UIXPWRT AO* count&nt Phono 8»y. 1341 iPourth avenue South. Furgo, N. JX DR. J. Jfi. p. P. JNo. 93 a. f, No. Pembina train p. P. No. 8 a. N. Now I N. No. 18 N. No. N. No. 182, M. N N. No. 11 M. & tit. Paul No. 408 id. at. Paul Mixed .. £. No. 120 Train* Arriving froi P. No. 8 P. No. a P. No. 4 P. No. 114, C. &. ...... P. Wo. ti p. in. n. N. No. 1U ............. 10 ud U. N. No. l»ti, Aneut train .. a:iu y. Trains UIIbk Uut a iiiock, a. m, a. m. 7 «6 a. to. lUUj p. a. m. m. Train* Uulutf West. P. No, 1 o *0 P. No. 7 P. No. 8 ....... 6:67 4 17 6:05 8:40 6:15 m. m. m, m. F. & W 2:40 An,eta txain 6 25 P. No. 96, Pembina train 3:80 o. v 'ii I That sickness woulft be prevented. Peruna is a remedy that snouia nil1' kept 'n the house. Its virtue^ as A preventive to disease is the thing I wish chiefly to emphasize. A. slight condition of constipation may lead to serious sluggishness oil the howels, biliousness, re-absorption! of poisonous material and linally sieknetes. Or apathy of the stomach in which the food 'is not relished, may gradually lead to atonic, dyspfep sia'or to the acquisition of some acute disease. For either one of these con ditions a few doses of the tonic lax alive Peruna would set matters right. This is why the remedy should al wavs be kept handy by. Irritating tonics would: be nft taken. Alcoholic drinks wouljij. have no place. With a few doses jgi Peruna a vigourous appetite Is pro* duoed and if there be any sluggish* ness of the bowels their function itf gradually restored. .Most laxatives are weakening istj their effect. A tonic laxative gtisnfli against this weakening effect. Until right living has become so thorough.-' ly established that all medicines suprefluous, Peruna will be needed. 1£ is exactly the remedy that, meets merous necessities of the hauaeiho!V Sold at all drug stores. Mr. John B. Perkins, 22 Whiting St* Plymouth, Mass., writes: "I think Pe runa is a number one medicine. I was trobuled with catarrh and bowel complaint. I tried several doctors, but could only find temporary rolief. -1 took Peruna. and am glad to say tflafc it. cured my catarrh and corrected m® bowels." Pe-ru-na, Man^a-lln and La-cui-pW manufactured by the Pe-m-na. CoirN pany, Columbus, Ohio. Sold at all' drug stores. SPRCIAL NOTICE:—Many person* inquire for The Old-Time Peruna. They want the Peruna that their Fathera and Mothers used to take. The old Peruna is now called Katarno. If youP dealer does not keep it for sale write the Katarno Company, Columbus, Ohio, and they will tell you all about it. 1 The lawyer put Mr. Baker down thefti and there as an unmarried man and poor guesser. j- ntoFEssioiuL cutis DR. A. r. JOBNSOM. IVnttSl Office 707 N«rtb Broadway UMi(M & ModislH I 70S North Broadway DRS. BALL & GRAVES DENTISTS OfflewrovM lit Mat Bank Phone DR. J. W. CAMPBEU Sptdallsl BIB, EAR, NOijtf AND THBOAT Edwards Building Faroat, N.IX J. M. Rindlaab, M. D. •Usabetb Klndiaub, M. IX Martin P. RlodUab. M, DRS. R1NDLAUB, Specialists fCYK. EAR, NOH» AND THROAT ueLendrecle Ulk., opp. n. P. Pspr Fargo, North Dakota. •ft. SIM HANSON. Osteopath Graduate nadir fetxnder ot OateeSakhff Ptoaeer LU« Balldtag ATTORN VS. ^"1 MlULlflR, j,., j*.* iUANBT AMUH Counaalor Law, over ^arvo Nav tlonai nana BiocM JTargow ROBINSON, ATTOKNJS1 A* i Law, OIN PronI AU, IUIKU. l'racuee' In aii court*. Tax cuuvm specialqjr, TUHNiiR, H. H., ATTORNS* AX UW, ^!ttic«* in l^uwaru* RuiiUma. rtrirsdi w»y. Practice in *4.1 courts. i FRANCIS -V KlRSCti, LAW Ailttt Collections, Warwick, N. D, 1 BUAtTY I'AlUUO&a I ilKLiN c«iuu±JOiJi PARJUUHflL £upuiuuou* uuif lemoveo, eiecttio scalp treatment, ma^aage and mailt* curing. lui Uroaawaj. Pfton* 7|ta liUNTisTtt. iy V i i J-, 10 lu a. in., io .. .10 8U p, ijaiJSTi*»T, oSS nee Huniiuttiou isiyck, over iiilou. liiutrance vtt troaawa, J'«uao, PUV&1C&ANS. DR. P. JtL JtfOxiXuN, Ojj j'iciii li.ULJHik it D'arKU, N. .. 6:07 .. tKob .. 6 oy ..I2 iu ,. 6 40 .. i jtu a Wot. tu t* aliU S to u. BL vjtticw oteiu JTMOU• DR. J. c. R. OUAKUJBX, a n a u u i o e i u i e 8 0 1 a LdfldinglB ±iuilam&, jfminu, N. JJ. DR. J. G. DllAON, JclUAitloPA'i'itlO Physician, aelienurecie Diifci. P. H. isAll.111 Uiook. it k i i '.h URa. VVUUAAM t.+b p. ..lViiiU p. 2 u u rn Pembina train i zu p. m. *u »:Uv ... .Ijt:i6 Q. h:i iT'u. w. bpociaiiMut, war, nw*e aad tnroaL. uait« souy to a nti lutti to to. Otticw* in totwin JbiocH. DBi DAlUtoW & Wjoiiill^i, itftTjaNfiall RECIE MUCK, UUIM MUTI IROIN I (A I a N1CHOLH AftUUf A* A ISlQlXOiM, JPU burguona, boa Pront titreac. Dli. J. U JsA VAUlii, PHYaiCiAN AMU fiiurgeon, uvU Piont idtt'eak aua tturgeon. i£aw«unM la argu, ii. jjt P1AAO i'tAliUt AMI) TkiAVVLhiVU^. PROP. WM. 714 NINTH Avenue tooutn. Maisier tuning and JfS* palMiig. pjaone imi-u UN 1URTAK^JUU FUNICS tiao 6 isouiu HruUtih way, onucw *outa of Moody's stoS% VISITING NURSE. ^9BINSON» N. AS80- K'l'Lheahtarl,,lea' 1 to 2 p. m,, No, It n, i/ifi80uth' phone 627. Keii 2041 iS Second Ave. So., pbons rn *58° a- ra. to 6 p. anytime! *®rvtc® of physicians at