Newspaper Page Text
WEATHER FORECAST. ^U"tly cloudy tonight and Sundfjf_ warmer tonight. Moderate to Crews southerly winds ESTABLISHED IN It is learned that the general staflf^, since the beginning of the Toro inci dent. has had the matter of mobiliza tion under consideration and that war plans have been completed and campaign commanders appointed. If there is a declaration of war. it is declared, Argentine will send two divisions to Europe and will not be content with a passive attitude. The men and equipment are ready for almost immediate embarkation if the necessity arises, and the allies in that event would bo asked to tarnish artillery. HOUSE PASSES TRADING ACT (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept 25.—The con ference report on the trading with the enemy bill, adopted by the sen ate yesterday, was adopted today by the house without a roll call. It now goes to the President for his signa ture. NO PEACE Ispf- E ARGENTINE VOTE ON BREAK WITH GERMANY FORCED BY THE MAJORITY Will Ballot Tonight on the Proposed Rupture Of Diplomatic Relations' (By Associated Press.) Buenos Aires, Sept. 25.—The con servatives, who control the chamber of deputies, have agreed to vote to night on a rupture with Germany From all indications they will have a majority of 30 votes, virtually forcing the government to cease relations with Germany. The government desires to post pone the formation of its policy un til it receives from Ambassador Naon, at Washington, translations of the 415 telegrams received or sent by the Swedish legation here. The government is considering the imposition of a rigid censorship of *11 messages in the republic to pre vent misuse of the cables such as that practiced by Count Von Lux burg, the dismissed German minis Mr. Strikers hav© cut telegraph lines |o Valparaiso, Chile, paralyzing di rect cable service to the United States. The authorities have been advised officially that strike agitators in the city of Santa Fe have been con ferring with the German consul there, and that the serious strike among all classes of workmen during the last month in that city was fomented and supported by Ger- Orctor I«vy Mobilization. Buenos Aires, Sept. 25.—Mobil isation of the Argentine navy has boon ordered at a rendezvous 37 kilo meters from Buenos Aires. There is also unusual military activity in the, republic. Although this is ostensibly due to the general strike, a high off! cial said yesterday that the general staff has its eyes open to "other necessities." ffhe question of a rupture with Gefmanv is stiff being widely dis cussed by members of the Argentine congress and the public generally, notwithstanding Germany's recent note. Many of the deputies say that they no longer have confidence in Berlin, because if the government disapproved of Von Luxburg's dis patches it should have taken action against the minister and not waited until after Secretary Lansing's revelations to express its disap proval. The cabinet and deputies do not yet consider the question closed, and there is widespread disapproval by the newspapers and deputies of the personal guarantee sent by Dr. Luis Molinea, the Argentine minister at Berlin, that Germany would keep its promise. DETRIMENTAL RUSSIA ACCEPTED TO Associated Press Fetrograd, Sept. 25.—Addressing th© soldiers' and workmen's dele gates today General Verkovsky, minister of war, said Russia yester day received formal assurances from France and Great Britain that they would not conclude a separate ~eace to the detriment of Russia. The assurances sent by France j.nd Great Britain were in response to reports which had been current in Russia thar efforts were under way to conclude peace at the e*»ea#o of that country. 30 Ghent Folk Put to Death For Espionage (By Associated Press.) Amsterdam, Sept. 25.— Advices have been received from the frontier by the Telegraapl^ to the effect that about thirty residents of Ghent, Belgium, have been put to death in the last three weeks on charges of "i OUST LA FOLLEVTE, 18 CHICAGO DEMAND. Chicago. Sept. 25. The executive committee of the Chi cago branch of the National Security league appointed a sub committee today to draft resolu tions calling upon congress to oust Senator La Follette. The draft was made and will be submitted to the wholo commit tee later in the day. 2~ St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 25.—No less an authority than the chief executive of the country—President Wilson was vitally interested in the address of Senator R. M. La Follette deliver ed Thursday night b*for«» the Non partisan league convention in the auditorium. t'nknown to local secret service men, the President sent a personal representative to the meeting to hear the speech of the man who aroused a strong feeling of antipathy by his remarks here. The messenger of the President, whose name is not disclosed, left lm mediately after the meeting to make confidential report to his chief. District Attorney Waits. It was learned from other sources that the office of the United States district attorney here knew of the visit of President Wilson's represen tative. The office, in view of this fact, it is said, has not taken action Eleven Billion Credit Bill Is Signed by Wilson (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 25. The $11,000,000,000 war credits bill authorizing the second Liberty bond issue, details of which will be an nounced today by Secretary McAdoo, was signed late yesterday by Pres. Wilson. ABOLISH LONG TIME CREDITS Washington, Sept. 25.—The Fed eral Reserve board has taken preliminary steps to abolisj^ long time credits in this country during the war, to keep the financial re/-, sources of the oouqjxy in a more liquid condition. Governor Harding, of Iowa, has asked each, of the 12 federal reserve banks to encourage in every way possible the substitution of 90 days, for six month's notes. Hereafter the federal reserve banks will not re-discount commercial pa per that has more than 90 days t2 run except in the case of agricul-. tural paper. MTANSlSWUND TO GRAND (By Associated Press!) Concord, N. D., Sept. 25.—The de fense in the case of Gaston B. Means, charged with the murder of Mrs. Maude A. King, consented this after noon to have Means bound over to the grand jury $5,000 FINEIMPOSED ON DULUTH BROKER Alleged Briber Must Pay JJenslty or 8pend Thj-ee Years in Jail. Brainesd, Minn., Sept. 25. After denying defendant's motion for a new trial on the ground of newly discovered evidence, Judge W. S. Mc Clenahan yesterday imposed a fine of $5,000 on George A. Elder, Duluth bond broker, charged with attempted bribery of Patrick Fogerty, treasurer of Koochiching county. The case was bought to Crow Wing county for trial on a charge of venue writ. In default of payment of the fine, the court gave the alternative o» three years in the Koochiching coun ty Jail until it is paid, but not to exceed three years. A stay of thirty days was granted In order that the defendant may make a transcript of the evidence. Buenos Aires, Sept. 25.—The chamber of deputies! will force the government to take such step. Citizen voted late today in favor of an Argentine rupture of I sympathy is against Germany, and ultimate up diplomatic relations with Germany. This action likely of Argentine against Germany seems likely. WilsonRepresentativeHeard La Follette Tirade in St. Paul Private Agent, Unknown to Secret Service, Reports the Nonpartisan League Meeting Hoover Declares TowiHey Stands Convicted of "Reck less Lie" Unless He Retr acts—Patriotic orthwest Citizens Continue To Protest—McLean .promises Complaint Against Solon in the La Follette ease and may await action by President Wilson. Protests Flood Capitol. Many protests against utterances of Senator La Follette and appeals for drastic measures to prevent further meetings of that character in Minnesota poured in on Governor Burnquist and the State Public Safe ty commission. Attorneys for the commission are studying stenogra phlc reports of Senator La Follette's speech and are expected to report whether the statements are in viola tion of the Minnesota law against sedition. Col. Bfc. A. Wilkinson of Stillwater, director of the safety commission in Washington county, made a vigorous protest against the failure to sup press the meeting at which Senator La Follette spoke. He intimated that iha failure might well r^&uit in (he resignation of the commission mem bers if no action is taken. Disgrace to Self and Stata, G. E. Ingalls of Druluth sent a brief letter declaring that in his opinion Senator La Follette is a disgrace to himself and to the state he repre sents. D. A. Mudge, treasurer of the Patriotic league of St. Paul, wrote an exhaustive discussion of the clos ing Nonpartisan session and ar raigned Senator La Follette 'for his "violent and bitter attacks on the domestic' politics of the government". Mk M. Kerr of Kh»tr# urged Gov-1 ernor Burnquist to leave nothing un (Continued on Pag*j 6.) ANADA Arrangements had been completed between the food administrations of Canada and the United States it was said. The Canadian government re cently placed an embargo on wheat with the provisions that such ship ments could be made if permission was granted by Canadian food trolers. 'We need the wheat right now and Canada has a surplus on hand," said Mr. Carey, "500 cars will bo on the way this week and more will be obtainable if necessary." The Canadian shipments will save many of the Minneapolis mills which have been facing a shutdown be cause farmers of the northwest have been slow in sending in their wheat, grainmen said today. ALLEGE OXMAN LETTERS DICTATED BY FJCKERT Defense In Perjury Case Makes Ef forts to Throw Responsibility On Prosecutor. (By Associated Press.) Flranclsco, Sept. 25.—Tho de fense in the case of Frank C. Oxman on trial here for attempted suborna tion of perjury, will make efforts to show that the letters written by Qx rnan to F. E. Rigall in which the prosecution alleged he attempted to induce the latter to give false testi mony in the trial which resulted n the conviction of Thomas J. Mooney on a murder charge growing out of bomb explosion here laat summer, were dictated by District Attorney Charles M. Fickert. This was brought out yesterday in the opening statement of Samuel M. Shortridge, chief of the counsel for the defense, who said Oxman will take the stand today in his own be half. District Attorney Fickert and his assistant, Edward Cunha, will »e among the defense witnesses, Attor ney Shortridge said. It was announced that tho defense will conclude within fotrf or live day£ KR8SING WIFE 8QUGHT. G. it. Peterson of Brainard Asks Police to Assist in SearoH. (by associated *'ress Brainerd, Minn., Sept. 25.—Two women, one married and the mother of a daughter, not 3 years old, em ployed at the Northern Pacific rail road shops have disappeared. They are Mrs. G. N. Peterson and Miss Hazel Shepard, her chum. Peterson has made a wide search for his wife and he has asked tha» police to aid him. When last seen, Mrs. Peterson wore a blue serge suit, tarn o'shanter of blue velvet, pink silk waist and new paterft. leather shoes. She has dark brown eyes and ha if. She is 24 years old, weighs 120 pounds and is five feet,, t*Ur THE FARGO SHIPS GRAIN TO MILLS (By Associated Press.) Minneapolis, Sept. 25.—To relievo the shortage of wheat for the Minne apolis mills, Canada is going to sencL 00 cars of wheat to Minneapolis thij week, according to an announcement today by Frank L. Carey, govern ment buyer in Minneapolis. AND DAILY REPUBLICAN NATIONALS OF GERMANY BAN PEACE THEORY Adopt Resolutions Con demning Proposal by the Reichstag Majority 1 (By Associated Press.) Berlin, Sept. 25.—The Bavarian government has made an individual reply to the peace proposals of Pope Benedict, according to a special message from Munich. "It is taken ior granted that the German imperial government is fully conver sant with the contents of the reply made by King Ludwig," it is said. The procedure which has resulted in the seiftiing of two repliej to the Pope from Germany is explained on the ground that as the German papal delegate is accredited to Bavaria the Pope's note was delivered to King Ludwig whose reply Is said to have reached the Pope. It Is stated that the two notes concur in material aspects but that it is understood the Bavarian answer goes into details on certain ponts. London, Sept. 3S.—-A #spatch from Copenhagen says the main, comiftjt toe of the National Li&feral party' Ct Germany has adopted a resolution opposing the reichstag peace resolu tion's disarmament, establishment of a parliamentary government in Ger many and the restoration of Belgium and advocating annexations of con quered territory. TTie socialist news paper Vorwaertz, of Berlin, charac terises the resolution as a challenge to the reichstag majority. Harden Wants Armistice. Berlin, Sept. 25.—In response to a request for his opinion of the Ger man reply to the Pope's peace note, Maximilian Harden, editor of Die Zukunft, in a statement to The Asso ciated Press yesterday prefaced his remarks with the reminder that every nation and every government is more or jess tradition-bound, none probably with tighter cords than Germany. This tradition, he said, heavily impedes any effort to break through the terrifying charged circlfe with which the war's afflictions en compass them. "The German reply", said Hen Harden, "is the first visible attempt to escape from this charged circle, whose final obliteration la a pre liminary condition to an enduring peace". Herr Harden proceeded to declare that the note reflects the honest and sincere will of the majority of the people as unequivocally expressed in the reichstag resolution, adding: New Spirit Seen. "So far as lies in our power, we want to stop the war and prevent the possibility of new wars by the cultivation of a new spirit, which will so completely impregnate in ternational intercourse with ethical feeling, that never again shall hu manity behold the when force will strangle right". Denying that the German people ever seriously intended to apply open or covert forces to the people or gov ernment of Belgium, he said: "The words that were so construed were intended only to serve the pur pose of war tactics, or said necessity. Most eagerly do we desire to co operate with the work of converting the misery and disgrace of this war into the turning point for a new epoch in which the sun will rise for the soul of mankind. That Is the spirit and import of the German answer. The German empire will now be told that its answer is Hot sincerely meant and that it is, in addition, a plain indication of the beginning of exhaustion. If in this most tragic hour of all human experience we are I unable to rise above the unclean vapors of such machinations, then Continued on Page Two. Kanaaa Ity, Sept. 25.—"If I were U minute member of tfce United State* aeaate I would fee •bnaird to sit in that bod) until I foimd ittome of rfr-prlrins |cn*l«r 1,m K«llr»te of bin »r«t ia tUttt Wr IsU-b he MOW dl*— graces by hi* presence there," Cyl. Tbe»d®rc Hoo«eve)t declared In n talk yesterday at luorkeM aven for Maj. Gea. Lc«aard Weed and himself mm part of tfce die western patriotic eelebrattsa thin «lty, **1/ we takf beed of iif neaee ttrraiirr t.rrmany prepare*, we ill abovi thar HI are mot pre pared yet to no out la to the world niihout a yuHrdlttB." the -oloael dded. "Amfrlf* must make good the word* of Wllaea, v, 187& FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1917. VOLUME XXXIX, NO. 265. Til iTS^TNV ira REPLIES ill ULiViiitrti T0 CR[I1C1SH BY WILBUR CLAIMS GOVERNOR LOYAL Attorney General, In Let ter To The Forum, Takes Up Patriotism Issue CLAIMS POLITICS BACK OF ATTACK Insfet^ State Officials Have Patriotically Supported The Government William Langer, attorney general of North Dakota, whose charges against "attorneys who in the past have prostituted their honor are go ing about under the cloak of patriot ism and deliberately seeking to mis lead the public about this man (Gov ernor Frazier)", and that "it is those men arid that press, under the guise of patriotism and the pretence of be ing the only simon-pure patriots whom you carefully need to watcn", the charge being made in the couis of an address at LaMoure, N. D, to men of the draft army, makes reply, in a letter to The Forum, to the challenge ma£e by Harry Curran Wilbur, executive secretary of the North Dakota Red Cross, to become specific, and abandon generalities. It was in his LaMoure address tho Mr. Langer made an attack upon newspapers which had the temerity to publish the resolutions recently adopted by the United Commercial Travelers of Minot, which were con demned hv the Nonpartisan meetiner in Fargo, and which have since beeii endorsed by three organizations of railroad men—the B. of R. T., the B. of L. E., and the O. R. C., of Grand Forks. Mr. Langer comes forward with a statement mentioning the names of Atty. Tracy R. Bangs, Grand Forks, who. at a recent mass meeting of the Red Cross in Jamestown, took to task certain officials of North Dakota who he charged had failed to give the nation their patriotic support In conclusion, Mr. Langer devotes himself to a discussion of "bloodyt unpatriotic profits of concerns like these that I appear to have incurred the displeasure of the kept press and the kept politicians of this state", and he takes up the cry of the demagogues, which had full sway in the now thoroughly discredited Non partisanNconference of last week at St. Paul. Mr. Langer's letter follows: Bismarck, N. D., Sept. 22, 1911^ The Editor of The Fargo Forum, Fargo. N. D. Dear Sir: My attention haa been called to a statement published in the issue of The Fargo Forum, Fri day evening, Sept 21, 1917, in which you report one Harry Curran Wil bur, executive secretary of the North Dakota Red Cross society, as chal lenging me to name the attorney or attorneys whom in a speech at La Moure, I charged with making a great cry of patriotism for political profits. This man is also reported to have placed 1,000 in the First National bank of Fargo but if he has done so have had no official notification of it and even if I had had I frankly confess than I have in the past not been representing "Big Business" and I therefore am rather hard up for money. However, without the forfeiture of his $1,000 I am perfectly willing and delighted to name to the people of this state and to Mr. Wilbur one man of the legal profession who I am convinced has been going up and down the state making a display of patriotism as a cloak tor political purposes. I name Tracy R. Bangs of Grand Forks, who has been lecturing under the auspices of the state Red Cross society of which Judge N. C. Toung of Fargo is state leader, and of which Mr. Wilbur is executive secretary, with using the eiaak of patriotism and the Red Cross to attack the pres ent state administration. In a speech at Jamestown, under the auspices of the Red Cross so ciety, as reported in the issue of The Fargo Forum of Sept. 4, Mr. Bangs affirmed in the course of his speech that It was up to all persons to be right In this war." and his statement that "certain state officers will have to get in line with the rest of us" brought forth enthusiastic applause. In a report of this same speech in The Jamestown Alert of Sept. 4, Mr. Bangs made a bitter attack on state officials in the following Ian guage: "The state has been adversely advertised because of those in au thority who have raised their voices defense of the Peace Council and the pacifists, and have not raised their voices in behalf of such great works at the Red Cross society." Continued on Page Eight. LaFollette Disgrace toSenate, (Wy Associated Press.) raey". Kor thla reason we akowld dcrlare war against Austria and Terkejr." the t'oiM'Iuslon of Vf talk. Colonel Ko»»e* elt %\a» presented with a gold iuil( with the remind-* OP that (hf pea Is mightier |bta tfce sword. After praising Major General Wood, Colonel Roosevelt said: "\ow that I have spoleen to ros Of Americans who stand for aad are representatives of Amertea, I wish for a minute to speak to rOS of an Ameriran who represents the vt orst of merlcitn .'hara^ter lotlrs—.Senator I.a F'«Uettf. Sen ator l,a f- oUeste Is ar this in«meat loyally and eBlelently serving oae country—i.rrwiiiy. He Is a'tloff to sueh fashion mm to make htat RED CROSS Campaigners Anxious To Reach All Persons Able to Aid the Society PRESENT TOTAL $43,714 A The goal of the campaign as set by the district chairmen and work ers was I&.000 a month and $60,000 a year. Reports Small Todsy. With one exception, the reports were comparatively small today. Seven of 2« districts reported 75 pledges for $72.16 a month, and *2 service pledges. District No. 23, A. M. Cornwall, chairman, was /'rh today, reporting 35 pledges for $25.91 a month, and 22 service pledges? Workers Scanning Directory District chairmcn and workers are todr.y scanning the city directory, and checking their lists of pledges in an effffort to discover if anyone in their respective districts was miss ed. The "missed ones™ will be visit-d, and be gtven a chance to subscribe. Fierce Storm Hits Jamaica With Big Loss (By Associated Press.) Washington, Sept. 25.—Ja msica suffered heavy property damage in a hurricane which) swept the island last Sunday, and is now sweeping across the Gulf of Mexico. Dispatches from the Americsn consul at Port Antonio, received todsy, ssid the hurricsne was the most terrific since that o i&B bimae Trainmen and 0. R. C. Endorse U. C. T. Stand For Untarnished Loyalty Grand Forks, N. D., Sept. 25.—At a joint mooting of the Brotherhood of Railway trainmen and Order of Railway con ductors here Sunday, resolutions were adopted endorsing the stand of the Minot U. C. T. council in calling upon Senator A. J. Gronna to resign and demanding of Governor Lynn J. Frazier that he stand squarely behind the government in the ^rosccution of the war. Senator R. M. La Follett* also was scored in resolutions. The resolutions adopted by the two bodies, in part, follow: "At a joint meeting of the Order of Railway Conductors, division 178, and Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen No. 463, held at Grand Forks, Sept. 23, 1917, the following resolution was nnanimously adopted: "That we, in joint session, heartily endorse the resolution of Minot Council, U. C. T. No. 277 of Sept. 15, 1917, upholding our government and censuring Senators Gronna, La Follette and others of their ilk and that these two local orders, O. R. C. and B.*R. T., jointly assembled, are unalterably opposed to the utterances and actions of the Nonpartisan league, and that we stand first, last and all the time with oar United States govern ment". COAL IS STILL $16,300 AWAY WILL PLAN TO HIT SLACKERS YEAR Monthly Pledges Aggre gate $3,642 As Result of Work By R. C. Agents Details for the proposed drive on the "slackers" and the Indifferent, and tor the increase of pjedges in Fargo's monthly budget campaign for the American Red Cross will not be formulated until the return from Chicago of J. P. Hardy, chairman of Fargo branch, who is attending the annual meeting of National Associa tion of Commercial Club executives, it was authoritatively stated to day. Mr. Hardy, who is also secretary of the Fargo Commercial club. i?' expected to return Thursday. Nearly all of the 25 districts, into which the city had been divided, had been covered today, and as a result the campaign is virtually at a stand still. Twenty-seven hundred eighty seven pledges for $3,642.91 a month, or $*3,714.92 a year, and 784 service pledges had been reported at noon today. 4. 1 1903, and that the fruit crop off the Port Antonio district was destroyed. No mention was made off any loss of life. of this eonntry and a most at*la ter enemy of demoeraey. Ho elalma, nnd It Is the emptiest of' all claims, to stand for d-mM*-» racy. He la doing everything in bis power to enthrone nitorra)'.* under the *erman flagr throughout the »»orld by the attitude be la now taking toward the war. He la ako 11 tk« worat (te ar that democracy now kas alive. "I read a couple of days ago of Senator I,a Follette** utter*n*'«-4 before an or* an tea Hon In Nfrnir apolls, and herf*»fre* any oricau-. Isatloa that asks Senator l.» Fol lette to speak ou*fci to be made to show ooootufcl veljr why It akonld be considered a patriotic SHOULD EXEMPT FIRM WORKERS National Farmers Claim Agricultural Industry Is' Unmanned by Draft Washington, Sept. £S. -Spokesmen for the nation's organized farmers asked Prepident Wilson yesterday to order a more liberal application of the army draft law to farm labor in order that agriculture may do its part in the war. They urged that thr* government not only should exempt men who apply but should make it Us business to keep skilled farmers out of the military service and re quire them to remain at their posts as producers. The delegation that railed at the White House was headed by a com mittee of the. federal board of farm organizations and included the lenis lative fommittee of the national grange and members of the hous and senate from the great agricul tural states. The federal board's com mittee presented a memorial setting forth the farmers' situation and formally asking relief. Men Leave Farms. "Agriculture Ik the only great In dustry now undermanned as compar ed with the standards ^xiBtint? be fore the war," the memorial paid. "The shortage of farm labor Is cut ting down the productive power of American farms. Transportation companies, contractors, and indus trial plants offer for labor prices higher by far than any farmer can pay and still produce food for the consumer at reasonable rates. "If the selective service act is based upon the desire of the govern ment to put each man where he may serve his country best, then the ad ministration of the act should not limit exemption to those who apply for it. As if does now, many farm era who had been exempt refuse to apply. Many young men voluntarily enlist in the army who can serve most usefully elsewhere. We our selves know of many young farmers who have left the farm for the army, to the loss of the nation as a whole. "Because the world is short of food, the government has asked farmers, as a patriotic service, to in crease their product. In aswer to the call, the farmers have done, and will do, their best. But already a large proportion of the farms are under manned and the proce-s of depletion proceeds unchecked. America is making the same mistake that Eng land made. Instead of learning from her experience. What we seek Is a more perfect administration of the purpose of the act to protect the essential occupa tions. We ask you to see to it, that farm laborers and farm owners may be kept or placed where they may serve the nation best. "The situation demands prompt and effective action on the part of the government. There is a growing unrest and dissatisfaction on the farms, based in great part upon the well founded belief that the pur pose of the government is not car ried out. The organized farmers of America look to you to set this mat ter ri«rht." GERMAN OFFICER PREDICTED WAR Naval Captain Told Dewey of World Conflict To Be Waged By Germany Washington, 8ept» 25.—Prediction that Germany would wage a war for world conquest In about 15 years, was made to the late Admiral Dewey at Manila In 1898 by Captain Von Goetz of the German imperial navy, Senator Lewis yesterday told the senate. Quoting a report from Admiral Dewey to the navy department the Illinois senator said that Von Goetz told the American naval officer that ermany would capture Paris as the first step to subjugate England. The taking of New York and Washington was to follow in order that Germany might secure an enormous cash In demnity. The wiping out of the Monroe doctrine and the control of South America by Germany also wad predicted by the German officer, de« clfcred Senator I^ewin, who was dis cussing peace negotiations. For some reason the government had not given the report wide circu lation, Senator Lewis continued, but in the face of it now "any senator who speaks here or elsewhere against any measure of his country, lends himself to the enemy". Characterizing the German reply to Pope Benedict's peace note as 'Prussian peace hypocrisy", and an affront both to the pope and Presi dent Wilson, Senator Lewis scored what he termed "laggards in patriot ism" and those who argue against the 10 PAGES TWO AEROPLANES DRIVE THROUGH LONDONDEFENSES ZEPPS ARE WEAK Official Announcement Say Ships A ccounted For Only Few of Dead MOST OF FLEET IS DRIVEN BACK Such Report Made By Lord French, Commander of The Home Defenses tBy Associated Press The double sir raid on England by Gsrman Zeppelins snd sirplsnes fast night resulted in the death of fifteen pMfeona and ths injury of mors than seventy. Nesrly all the casualties were esussd by the airplane division, two of the msehines of which reached London. The bombs of the sirplans fleet accounted for sll the killed, snd sll but three of ths injured, according to ths officisl reports todsy. Three women were injured by bombs from the Zeppelins which crossed the Yorkshire and Lincoln shire coast, but did not penetrste in land. On the French front in Northern France the Germans are keeping tip their activities north of Verdun. Their guns are still bombardinq Gen eral Petain's Chaume wood positions, where the German infantry attack ed yesterday, but fsilsd to drive the French from any portion of their lino. A now attack was delivered last night in the Beaumont region south esst of Chsume wood snd in this liquid fire was employed by tho crown prince's troops. Hero sgsin they fsiled to gain ground, and suf fered heavy losses. London, Sept. 25.—Tl»" fcHowtnt official report was given out by Lord French, commander of the home de fenses: "Airplane raid: The latest re ports concerning last night's air plane raid show that the group o! raiders which approached London wfre driven off by the fire of anti aircraft guns. Only one or at the most two machines penetrated the de fenses. The casualties in all the raided districts reported by the po lice up to the present are Killed, IS injured, 70. The material damage wax not great. "Airship raids: Enemy airships crossed the Yorkshire and Lincoln shire coasts between midnight and 3 a, m. There is no evidence of their having penetrated to any distance inland. They were driven off by gun-flre by various defended locali ties which they attempted to ap proach. Bombs were dropped at one coast town, three women being slightly injured. LilUe damage w«a caused." Only Those Bombs Dropped. London, Sept. 25.—Reports from a Kentish town say that about eight bombs were dropped tn last night s air raid. According to a telegram from an Essex coast town, the rtrpt intimation of the raid fame when anti-aircraft guns opened fire and the droning of the airplane motors oould be heard. The bombing over this town continued for about two hours at intervals but so far as could be learned only three bombs were droppe4 and apparently there was no great property damage. Viewed by daylight this morning the damages resulting from the visit of the German raiders to London last night appear to be surprising ly light. The number of bombs drop ped in the London district was small and the practical results were almo&t negligible. The chief damage visible this morning was broken glass. One heavy bomb brok^ glass in hotels In which were manv Americans. Cana dians and Australians. Only three persons were killed by this explosion. PAPERS TO GET (f?y Associated Press.1! Washington, Sept. 25.—The federal trade commission decided today tt would turn over to newspaper pub lishers all records and correspond ence in the agreement of last March made with news prim manufacturers by which paper prices were to have been cut. Some manufacturers declined to carry out the agreement when ths government refused to halt grand Jury proceedings against .them, charging violation of the anti-trust laws. Publishers who signed the agreement have made frequent in uiries of the commission as to what are their rights in the circumstances. The commission giving no definite nswer will turn over the records ani let the publishers themselves judge what they best can do. f} STEAMER DAMAGED. Two Workmen Killed in Explosion Which Partially Destroyed Tanker. (By Aucociated Press.) Richmond, CaJ., Sept. 26.—Two men were killed here early today in an explosion which tore out the for ward works and superstructures Of the Standard Oil tanker A. Moffett as she lay at her pier here. The explosion awoke resident of San Francisco seven miles awgv. Officials said 'he pier had been closely guarded before and since tfce Moffett s arrival and discounted any possibility of explosives having boon £Ui Qiw