Newspaper Page Text
SAYS MYSTERY OF CYCLOPS WILL BE CLEARED WITHIN HEX! 24 HOUR Wife -«rf Commander of Missing Collier Gives Mysterious Interview NAVY HAS HEWS OF SHIP Commander of German Bitrh, But Has 25 Years' Clear Record (Br Associated Freeal Norfolk. Va., April IS.—Mr«. Selma W, W«rl*y. wife of U«ut Com^ •l&nder George Wichman Worley commander of the missing nava col Her Cyclops, came to a local news paper office last night and declared that the mystery surrounding th# disappearance of the ahip and lta 113 passenger* or crew will be clear •I up within the next 24 hours. tary. i« In one statement Mrs. Worley quoted as savin* that the "yc!op$ was safe a South American portt a»d an official announcement regard tec the vessel would be made sho^t ly Mrs. "Worler la known to have visited families here who bar® rela ttvee on the ship and told them no£ te worry any longer as the mystery •eon would be cleaned. Navy Has Na Ward. "Wkahtngton. April 18.—The B®** department announced last night thaf •©thtnjs had been received to confirm Mrs. Worley's statement about tha Cj'dopa being safe In a South Am-» •rk an port. The department reiter •ties the statement that nothing ha bten heard from or of the Cyclop* ttr.rm it left Bar had ©es. I'*:!igent search by naval and raer Dhant ships has failed to locate the collier. and with the pasaing of the HKty-fourth dav since the vessel sail ad from Barbadoes for an Atlantio port, belief is growing at the navy* department: that in some way she h&j» teaen destroyed or captured by the Memy. How this happened no one knows, but officials regard it as almost im passible that anv accident could hava caused the sea to swallow up the big? •a*se! and the 293 passengers ont beard without leaving a trace, andl acme think sooner or later an enemy announcement will clear up the mys Of German Birth. SSublication of a dispatch from San faancisco quoting Mrs A. M. Anger Mann, a sister of L»ieut. Commander1 Jk W. Worley, commanding oflleer of? the Cyciope, as saying tneir lamny1 aame was Wichtmann. and that her brother was born in Germany andi earne to America when a child, led to aa examination ©X the commander® ••cord. Jt shows that Worley entered thei •atvice of the nary K years ago andi At that time gave San Francisco asi bis birthplace. He attained the rank Of master of the naval auxiliary andi* for years commanded colliers andi •apply ships. When the auxiliary was merged with the naval volun INfers after ther Unitedh States went to wax. Worley was in command of the Cyclops and he retained that assign jnent with the rack o£ lieutenant Commander. !Mrs Worley, who lives in Norfolk, fb... explained thara today that her bBsb\nd's name was changed legally* ad Port Orchard. Wash., when he wasi & young man and before entering th« Bdval service. She confirmed tha statement that he was born in Ger Bftny but declared he always was an anemy to that oountrr. His foster? father, she said was named Worle„ and he went into count to legal! y adopt the name of George Wichmao, worley. Navy officers attach no Import lAe* to Worley's change of name or news that he was born in Ger Many and scout any suggestion that hie Teutonic origin might be signifl cant in connection with the dlsap pCarance of his ship. They point toi the officer s clear record of a Quarter Of a centurv and declare that if hist should be impugned for such m. reason, a great manv In the navy mist be under suspicion. Officially the navy has not given this Cyclops up for lost. The search ia being continued but even those cdeials who ware optimistic a fov dftys ago now'are losing hope. LOWER LIGNITE RATES. Northern Paotfio Is Arranging Can ferenoe with Other Reads. Bismarck, N. D., April 18/ Northern "Pacific rail day through M. Baird advises the railway oommis aien* of North and South Dakota that it is arranging for a conference with other roads relative to the establish ®*nt of lower through rates for North Dakota lignite to South Da fcota. and Minnesota point*. South Dakota's rail board has worked out a schedule of rates which has been gttbmJtted to the railways affected* A number of quaations entar into ths^ proposition. ROLETTE HAS HONOR ROLI* Bismarck, K. T., April 18. —Jame«* A.. Brown, chairman of the North Da fedta board of control, is doing a little bOtstJng again in behalf of his home oounty, Rolette, whose official roll of honor. Just received by Mr. Brown, •hows 12® men and one woman in tha military service of Uncle, Sam. The fomlnlne member of the h'^nor roll is Sb actual service near the firing line la FVance, having enlisted early in the wmr aa a telephone operator. OLD SpnXER QRAD. N. Bowman. D, April 18.—Peter Sletten, an nM settler of Bowman county, is dead at Camp Crook. S. D. Death occurred in the hospital at that point i Wilimajr, Mian., for burial. Socks, From Wool Sheared By Woman Bring $6 For R. C. Bismarck, N. D., April 18.—A pair Of stockings knitted by Mrs. Robert Buchanan from wool which she had sheared, carded and spun from sheep she had raised without assistance were sold at a Red Cross auction at the Buchanan consolidated school, in Emmons county. Saturday evening, The uniqu© stockings brought the sum of $. and contributed to a net total of 1192 produced by the sale, for which articles were donated by all the farmers in the community. Sec retary of State Thomas Hall and As sociate Justice Luther R. Blrdnell were the speakers of the evening. A. B. Txe and Alex Macdonald, town ship Liberty Lioan chairmen, also H* 'ffl 1 .1 y4» V* J* W v 4 VASOO, H. D. 8. ft C. Clothing Co., M. it B. Hagen & Platte er, M. $ F, Holmes & Co., M. The Globe Cloth. Store, M. ft B. Herbst Dept. Store, W. & Gk Kjrmear Shoe Store, M., B. & Oh. Hall Allen Shoe Co., M. W. & B. 14. M. Btendnckson, M, & W. H. 0 Cheinessf M. & B, W. & Q. Home Shoe Store, W. B. Qt. Alex Stern & Co., M. Is B. K. Hagen, M. & W, J. C. Penney, M. W. B. O. ft Ch. Ted Evanson, M. BISMARCK, N. D. is 8. E. Bergeson, 7 Shoes are judged largely by the way they And shoe wear, analyzed, means •. What you have to pay for shoes, by the year, depends almost altogether aa how long So when you buy shoes this Spring—for yourself or for others in your family—it will pay to give separate and thoughtful attention to the soles. —'It will pay to leam the merits of Neolin Soles— for these soles, costing no more than others, wear longer &id. so make shoes cost less. If you have not learned the economy of these soles do so now. Get them on all the shoes you buy for members of your family this Spring. And specify Neolin Soles when you send worn shoes to the repairman for re-soling. CH Son, M. Fair Store, M. & W. Richmond 4 Whitney, M. Eosen's Cloth. Shop,, M. these Stores Sell Shoes with Neolin Sole* (Letters after Shoe Retailers' Names indicate extent of stocks of Ne6li» •oled Shoes earned M-A/en V—W- •ALLEY CITY, H. D. Straus Clothing Co., M. & B. Anderson Clothing Co., M. & B. J. C. Penny, M. W. B. A. ft Ch. MAYVILLE, N. D. Orinager Merc. Co., M. W. B. ft K D. Nelson, M. W. B. ft Ch. Morey & Pederson, M. John Eng, M. W. ft G. JAMESTOWN, N. D. Beck Clothing Co., M. ft B. White Clothing Co., M. ft B. Louis Fine, M. ft B. Matchie Co., M. Koop Co., G. Oriady Co., G. CASSELTON, *. D. K G. Straus, M. Pollock & Fellows, M. I. fWiiMwtRrg iPM.06. THE FARGO FORUM THURSDAY EVENING. APRIL 18, IflfEB. II sole your soles last. Women s- B-Bom'—G-Growins mzmmmm A v, nfc wear. l'+"' i:-. 0/ it' 3 y I| I* v'*. -I "T w- wear. 1 !-J j"1, n.'-„c,« (Tear out and Preserve these Lists) Gfr6'— HILLSBORO, H. D. John E. Paulson ft Co., M, & W. EDW. Kaldor, M. W. B. ft G. DETROIT, MIHJI. The Blanding Co., M. The Buckman Co., M. ft B. The Vogue Co., W. Bjores Store, B. L. J. Norby & Co., M. W. B. ft G. Nelson Shoe Store, M. Gr. ft Oh. WAHPETON, N. D. C. Penney, M. & W. Stern Clothing Co., M. & B. H. F. Lieber, M. W. ft B. MOORHEAP, MINN. One Price Clothing Store, M. ft B. H, Bachenheimer, M. Howard Moody, W. !?r.. Mark V. 0. FARGO, H. C. Sinclair. Goodyear Shoe Repair. K. M, Hagen. Home Shoe Store. The Shoe Ee&lmr, -H, 0. Cheinesa, HILLSBORO, Walter Tighe. P. P. Miller. n You will find that you get not only longer wear— money-saving wear—but also a pleasant and satis factory kind of wear that you have not known before. For these soles were created by scientists to have all the qualities that soles should have—long wear, comfortable flexibility, waterproofness and resistance to slipping. But when you ask for Neolin Soles, look under neath for the Neolin trade mark. Dealers and repairmen in the lists below will point out this mark to you as identifying the genuine. that mark stamp it the trade symbol for a never changing quality product of The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, OKio. These Repairmen Apply NeoBi Soles H. B. VALLEY CITY, N. D. fiuck ft Swanson. YfOley City Shoe HocpitaL DETROIT, Mm. The Blanding Co. E, Ytredai M. Orbaaft A. F. Degeberg. on your memory: W. JAMESTOWN, C. S. J&botMWXL Nek Ekberg. D. CASSELTON, V. D. Cwaelton Shoe Ho«pitaL MAYVTLLS, V. DL JohnEB^ M. BISMARCK, D. L. .E Larson's Sh.o# Ship. H. BurmMi Shoe Shop, W. WAHPETON, D. M0ORHEAD, MINN. AbeRoiter. I -s I ^•it i ,i