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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
i I FRIDAY APRIL 26 DESIGNATED AS LIBERTY MY rwr A#ww?iatsd Fma Washington. April 18. Friday, April 2«. will be Ubertv day throughout America and a proclama tion Issued last night by President "Wilson raUlnar on citisenii of every community to hold Liberty Ivan rallfe* and "llherallv pledge anew their financial support to sustain the nation's cause". Patriotic demnnefrations similar to tho5s on the opening day of the oam paurn will he held on April 2fi and tha day devoted to giving the race 'Id' WEVE COT THE my Fumshws AMD 1 •GENTL SMEN:— Whenever you need anything to furnish your body, /pom heels to head, come to us for it. Our furnishings fere "snappy our hats are nifty our bright neckties topke a rainbow look dull, When you see our hats and furnishings, our prices will make you buy when you wear them you will step high with the delighted, proud, feeling that only a well dressed man knows. ALLIED & TUMr,Ar£ When ihey make thern better we will get them for you. Buy Libarty Bonds and help WIN THE WAR Group 1— V mr m & m14 April 20th Orer 600 In this lot Cotton Voiles. Cotton Poplin and Tla aues in plains, stripes, colors. Saturday Special Silk Camisoles $1 Regular values to $2.00 three billion dollar wa & new impctua for tfc toward the credit soai Snal week. Now, with the loan cam pa iff* •.Imoat half over $l.Oaa.TS4.tO0 sub* Scriptlona have been reported to tlw treaau ry. or $136 811.850 representing yesterday's business PROHIBITIONISTS MEET. (By Associated Prtn) Minneapolis, April 19,—The Win aesota prn-hfbiUoniet party met special convention here today determine whether or not the or jjranlsatlon shall agitate with the rta tioruii j*artv, recently org&nired at Chicago. Pe)«#ratea from all parta of the state were hara to attend the one-1 meeting. Plana for the stMewide campaign for prohibition at the election next fall alao were dtaenssed. fbr oulek reaaita Forum want sda. v um 4W Ttevo Group $— $2.95 Beautiful Crape 4s China, Georg ette. Voile Tub 8Uk la plain col am aad stripes, also "Paul Jones" iwtddias sad "Joan of Are" smocks. SATURDAY SEE WINDOWS We Will Hold SEE WINDOWS SPECIAL PRICES FOR ONE DAY ONLY This great introductory sale will enable you to supply your Spring and Summer needs at un usual savings. Oyer 2,000 beautiful new Blouses in all the latest styles and Summery shades. FIVE BIG GROUPS of increaaing the for Peter U Schmiek. Kilendale Abram Boosen, Vinot John Schneck. Kllen— lale. 1» W, TSramsn. "Watf.iro, Henrv Harshman. Foley. Henr\ W SchreS l«*y, ParRo Kdale Herbur*. Wil liston Elmer Renteon, Fomiaji. ReinTiart Jacobson. lAkota: Oliver Mathisen, Matford, Herbert Keep* agle, an Indian, Fi Ya e* Henry Pearson. LaMour*. George W l^eh man, Dunn Oenter Wiliiam John on, Rllenda N. John Trowt»ndge. Fore man Charles Smith, W'ashbura. 'harles 1'rban. ("Jrafton: Oi« VIken. Jrand Forks. Adolph K Rose. Oral nn, Floyd Hirst OraJton. Fell* Morgenstern, Mandan. John A l^nd icren. Grand Forks. Ravriard I^aaier. noperstown: Jarafs Kralgsr. Steele: Nic.h Max-hres, revii« l^ake Ole Harclay. Oooperstownn Otto Schmidt. FNirsro Sophns Nickolson, Bottineau, Irr- B, t"*ono. Watford. ohn L. Srhavier, Ashley: Edward Poykko, Napoleon, and Lawrence M. Stumpf Mundan. WOMEN ALIENS TO REQItTBVt (By Aasoclated Presa Washington. April IS,—Preaident Wilton today signed the bill extend ing provisions of the espionage act to women and requiring registrations of women enemy alien* Newspaper Advertising Pov&er Recognized by Manufacturer As Essential to Real Success demand preduci ia teenrtad to by the of \*eo.:r. aoles in TO ost. effectively the launching of its sec paper campaign. spaaed Thursday ta The F\--uni Or. the same day the carr.paiga was opened in eevera] hundreo:bec the leading newspaper adTeruatac medium* of the ntted Starae For two and a haJf years N'aalin w4ds have been the subject of great oA.n.p*igm of aauonal magazine publicity Ijoft fall a at«-weeks' Intensive newspaper adwrMwIitg owmpalm was conducted airou't&neou#'? :n T? citiaa In the •d-*r"»«mer ,j of th:# aenras. people were to where they oould get ahoee with Veolin soiss and where th*y could res their old ahoas resold! rUh Keolin solee Thua all the greet fort* of the na tional campaign was given to a def- THIRTY-THREE DRAFT MEN TO BE MM ^Jeutenant-CololwJ Tt ISTiooJi. division surgeon at Camp Dodge, has announced the names of S3 North Dakota men, incJuding one from Far po, who have been training at camp and who have been reoon. mended for discharge frost witliary service because of physical dis ability. The men, although Trot permanent discharged will be siren "certi ficate* of physical deficiency*' and win be required to report to their oca! board when the cause* for which they have been discharged no longer exist. The list of men fol lows April. 80th Group 5— $4.95 da China, Voile, Orssadlas, Ba tiste, Vol la, Ila* garte and striped Tub Silks. A hun a 4 different styles ta blgh and low aack, many beautiful beaded aad embroidered. FARO0 MANKATO LACROSSE WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S OUTFITTERS S6.35 George tfca. Crepe Meteor^ Organ dies, Lingerie, Crepe da Chinas. Pussy Willows aad a u 1 settes. beautifully trim med with bead a aad band mf* brold«rad. t.-rua desnund a»£ i*la fMr th» retailer aed re|sa r«»s« wj— mbm eted reesjfts were *. -aaaesB^eista Careful ami vHa,jsc r-t i* tx« p-o*-se that «asr the e-j.H-e demana Mr Jisws w»*ea sr. si*.%s» cities an» adx tlwu graate-r Usan J«efAra The cajrr.naar" scsc.-vssA.* thax u is tr V -*y*«ted on a nsssdfc fca-rer st.'aJe T^e ber «f caue# •. ?•. wt.-cJ- i-be lag w-il appear has -'r to 5» wlt «?t a» max.-* ai! menta as be#w*. a»d wrth Jfe5Mc* ii- histra: i\ns ard SHOT |ow»rfti'. *aC~ tag aiTiimeat* The rrt*.?ern a»fl reeaimwa wfcjwe name* were -tste^. Ja»t f» .* jw^te^ in-m-nsss^* froea :e cmwpesgTk T^-nae sym names appwa- sr. oe®r*«r3Hvr I with thla frp^ng** a4*ve-t i L.NWti proTt In fw. greater ATTRACTIVE BR SERVICE IS OF t-ut Group 2— $1.95 Voilea. Tab SUta. Crape de Chines and China Silk*, stnpee. colors, aad piain pink and. white Paul Jones Mid- Saturday Special three big lota, made apac laSy far the Fred W. Kross $1 $1.25 fBE FARGO FORFU 1RIBAY EVEXIKQ. APRIL BOB. atsd uminata hostile object vea. ta hlinf*. the ee emy to Cluminata roag1* axtd pee s:b'*e hoe tile pv-*sitJorvs to Mtnd oj» poeinr eearrh'.-.g^ta fac. iTate the and nj: of aviators at night and f.v anti-a:rrraXt work and anc»t tana* ing defense. WARREN' FARMER DIES FARGO HOSPITA IN A. B. Jahnson. T2. well kaai u fkraser reaaduiir ITarrea 1 mmr office «"ass county, died in a Fa-fr^ hospiial at 11 o'clock Thursday right from paralvaia. He had been patient at the hospital two daya. Has Widow surr-^et Funerai ar:angementa have not •been made T*endtnr the arrival of Mrs Johnsor. who is expected :n Farjr? thss The "ema''?* a*e the M^ore tv«r'0'« Buy Liberty Bonds and help WES THE WAR $1.50 Wor« Be sera to gat two Saturday, win aot last & ^1 $ 0 $ 0 Tteay 4 riOYOWVESOrSTOCX mm&bmm T«r*. m~ TWrf*juri*." Ifatsaisw,. --^xvreayw rs*» Wi* r- Tr-frwie is -'N ast»,N5* wtsiaa ."if k ifAHiiT AMI OPE* nc J5afr. nWSs ?^f w-ar r-a* scs«r%r«?a young men for the Search Ugh men: of the 5*t. fr.pwe**_ »pw the mmm at ing formed accardiag ta ward nach-' rwwi: *r*J# 9*a*?^ «e fi-Bf 1 ing Fargo I ov*s£ t.--r.-« sjsm ?u' -sal Eiecmoiaiaa gaa awgtaa ape*%twa.' w-j^. -.r .2 :'v* 2a?®ee :.•») ma*-h:r.Mtta, motor :rack dartverK u. x^-s-* St"a» V brtu fcs*rsith*.. horaeahoers ar,- me- The =&ea»£a%. s.vJt h*a? chaniiTs Netw^eer. If arsd Si. *te^ haa" »*T i wir i-e~ mad* a sucs'vws in c:\ :. !:fe and w pajrtrrr?aaa «a«d IMMI affecsjr* ca.n mee: the re^j ::re«jenta a.ra i» eligible. Pay ranjree frw. tSi $M EZarly orenwai wvka t», uaa of month promiaed The for both operanon*. to d»oover and Ireep touch with the w»ni' during: the night to see^ te 43-e?r*r Sasceutl .i .t Tt* »raT|da» far teed TKZe ct til a isc»2ih *5. a man t^ hi* ard ci_cr aaarchlSstita in arar offen*^ lad defers ve! *f **^5 briber »c a^ster I? a xtwe S*vr w- f* a?d tj a •s* atiii* ec^xc mm Armtsifwnts A «Srroat srar a^y sa* wlwisa a«c tte«T! f*rTer* res *5* treat F^-an.f w-j: be at the iac-» :.• a-c Sa-.^rAa-* Is a FV^x Nay c*-ec 'A :Jse 1 ss V nr-ni* FMraw. iyr»oa the -.rer^Sw" .zh a tSsar It.ha* f» .: far eritxsi £5*6 ai}& .-A., 5SaM w 'tree *.» jwrr Is#1?* t^siv Jt nf ^-rrsaf *daa.Via,.-» *V *w««ra*SKse w#at eJCrasr- :r .tfce* Jtrws Jaw. rifaC, ntsse *.x -.-«e T$ dramas :ha: ke*-- \-«b ecr. eds* o.a tinua' .•* 4*e«ra»sw rar.?K *.vwa she' e»d-j«. arA while hf?* w: rum mvwS -ac :e twir ayasspathr fo-r he.-v^c Fra^rv are sever s^re W whjkz tike t. ..ia,r.j att. IXrae Mu«s «m t^e baSraaca the He*:el ,A3j*s»c*.sa with vv« Lerta. and acvc«cpar.^ t.- a r,-a.i'Si3*L There s-he secs-ne# h» awaa.'-a.^i-ra K,u in sfcif fesaa a —1 t.c -Y^f. r .t»f 1-*ris i»- hi*tees *w v «s »t eSer:r?caiiT ,\e:r\\iei tiMTjec.%- :c het» laanched a^a^^t th* AUac-ir aeet ms New Tar* fcartw awmitsag the re~» view haffwr* the Prvscdeat the aexsi day. Lea-ri^ar Ijerts. rVr-e tele- ', ph5« the* i ta F*.rjr. a*..* vr*der .*•.« .-—Je»rs. 4 len a a rax. w the tr» 4 ?r»-\Ni» wihe-* :be t&rpeda la heiag bBrrsedSj prepared. The *aat taid *a tha tMrd eat is aade at "The Elsie s Rya"* at tB Prtaceas t^dar aa»d Swr»y. GERMAN ATTACKS RE PULSED ON BiTIRE FlfflSt tOoaroaed fraan paga U aaery ground fc^r cvr.*ieac« PirardT and P^irdera." Tha reapoTsdee:» lat ved Renter's ajrer here. j.-:e» FYer .-h cvre:~*. as 1A 'The warw of thits hattla. tke etber^ was et»se.stmllr the Bsrh a d# o»»r.:.av# pi* Mew aad .-\--.r.:e- ^»w eadea* r:rur 4fh* f»f r^rahers »a?ervT sokT-li to find the weiat p*.vr*.# :s The esaeaay's r»cr and ea^-h endea or-.a* re tain e«Sc»en: reserve* tws the Male when :he decisive »case-a: aras rhed After ttar years wa are aow «a5y hir, slcbt tkua decisire paint of The Cieirir.arn hav# tt" :a FYarce oni.fiitc and fnf*!*. The hat"e w U rwted ar.d the sex" abac-* ir.v.5^ he exrec:ed aa eooa a^ the Sood pcii—rj: is thr-^urh Ba.".ei.l up u ward# Ha*eh^v checied, The h*'".je raa.v v^.x-un.* a or re hut the er.-.erte wtll c«at:rtue until the ecer-.v res^r^ee are exhaust ed and hie r.-r=er ,-a! raperr.Tttr wwa down to the va^..aKia* point. Tbaa oar turn will c.- rr.e. anth tlw bstp ef American d:*w^^-.a" RURAL DISTRICTSEXPECT- ED TO COaattaaed ftvn paga «ss) pasiTi^ ar. tfce Si1?J tI he BUY THAT BOND TODAY: The ISIS TOOAY AND SATURDAY VIRGINIA PEARSON "A DAUGHTEE* OF FRANCE" The rreatee affair of If it. K'ac •A SEA SERPENTS DESIRE" Benefit of Busin* from VfW V!*-evmawt •rar'itwt ®«jre tj*aa :waa. Pawar la Jtifti'lairfL Jfer. a*a»ie ?u5-ISs a f^VOR .i p\»w*r J- sc-."»rfc wasi 'Mwa^ Saailar =rws Are CUB awEi-»«l w tise c««5* .ieai«%yaarter» ftt?aa ^rees 'lasts c&airm^e «v»r the v i ^HL-rry- wt».arfr certatasiy a^Lj? ta« w«- jrrf" £Oi3vaac)as •f ww»» scqperv .aw*?-® tSp' st-*^e ^ver th« "rwufh pfiaees oarssvwa atd *rawt33»» i tod «#v»ra! 'SyiJSg it ,v®rv -^ei r^r rnvvr1 ^r»s'Stuadr'.Hia.' •rw*r oettaty. wwtof af t^xea ve tha :r.'«?w» wih did mm, reaiiy sa-*4 «*S5: ex- from. 'i»*?raca.T-i tSfee hood **1"? aad for a.r. er r*- aarr :!te: -*».*.• r? hay heed* frotc. tShe sa:ti Mr. Htsghaa. KIH K ON fiil im -^aaBj^a^ra aadf amJeee (ft the ®rt!y a i oat tta w-^arassaa th* cnuaty somauzimm, tat «f tha pswpla i» gao era., a^d Parted "t s a&t a. 'i* .oritwc ^at .• I *Tfeeee fnmtirvtm 3ta*« tom excei 'mac w.»rs. aaaay invag to the re Tt..K»«K fares c£ ihe ,»?«.?»• ajid jvctrt-tg r.* the ma. ^tat aftw iati«-re ^cttsry re*-J°e0» Sad free® -»iamei. tie N«sd aaue. there was -sc w^te-rer ta cettiisg" -ha fu.'. a2wc*sec*. I «?f the dtssriets. .* ?C tha '"trJsg s«n»ahrw AwarSaset F*re«*a jast m^ght oat a to tal U£ ^segf rAr®is -r3eiegs h? ji«C oer* aaee. w»o -*?u«ed to hu Ci5 the first -sr '*1* »ol'x- -i :i .. :#r ha sow! U fa' a..-rts5eets In a t:a». Othar st ^adrvr B.-.e C»r3m if^*eetj^«ted. "T*a v*wtar:*:taa asfisit jrc** entr-aip 43 sisjujtica hata« a~-. taa- A" ^«tie cards ar« thorvii^rh. y a.~-i everr h^soe tc esftair Itj as rc-t a .•«Sw-»rt cf sa? ~ais-"uc. the ateff »it a case cf T«-|i.n« 3L.*r *,-1 i-~ he r*ctiasir LIBERTY TODAY AMD TOMORROW 4 by tfce The Ussfe of Fate" Herbert Kawlizunn ta a #mraa that is swift. lfcag aad roasArt'e. Am WEEKLY a~i CHRISTIE COVEDY Casaiag MORGAN S HAIDERS THETfUS COMING BACK vnth Macy Braad New Flatarea THE— KIDDIES TWO DAYS ONLY Thi r* Fri Apr. 25-26 Matinee each day 4 P. M. Kids 25c Nights .. Stone's Hall WILMOT GOODWIN, Baritona And fLOEOUE ATTSTUr, Tiolinist LEU CROmCAN,. PrnnM First Crcle—April 19,1918 Seeond Cyt ie—April 20,1918 at Adults SOc .. *=30 8:15 P. Woroea's Club. T. W. C. A. «er~| has duty li aay maa reports. after scribe. 4s* chAHT" -u-t I-JfkKBaPi,. »aa «^a Leeewrd Mr. aaya that tt haa fttaa Ham parcictpaia a ane to us and the peo- a A he »W»- w ta« xg 4 *wn **hv* .IJUSW la tTfeairsBuia ?e*fn Jt* eastiy lti\e je»u ?t»u- uws pie- aad ?t will take some time to hnrtiir it t-j wwrk T^r p-erfection. The crtnaxnre* ta Srm us stand that purchase bemy announced late I aay 31*2. arfco csa hat wUl not stab-' afternoon. a a a- m** #-Jh#» +4 4* i*a* *a mi On© lot Men^s Shoes— the i h-s 'ht* a*^l »rder vo I na u 5* .*•- —«, sy up quality, bang-up reputation make this hat so well liked that it gains thousands of friends every season. New styles are ready in the Shoe Specials S? 3g One lot Ladies' Shoes*— S198 ^fitless to be followed up i» gmn% "iit off* cam^aiga is o**r, that lie i«ff aasalcgued aad put in a class wh easily st will simply be a mistake in I aiiofrnent. The allotment sya «n One lot Men*s Shoes— Ttn Can Always Do Bettor a* The SO One lot Ladies* Shoes— 5' $3 'enneu -t ,r\ __2! iwej bang-up styled, bang- Lanpher Hat «rf JOS£\YILI:» GIMA.W0KMIRR i i i a a i i i i i i i i a i a i i i i i i a a i i i a i i i a a i a a i i i a a a a The GARRICK TODAY AND TOMORROW WE 8. HART SMW li BLUE BLAZES RAWDEN li pJtenty of sction in this story, which is latd ia tlM and ice-bound Canadian Northwest. THE KITCHEN LADY" Ws do*t o^re how you feel. *ou wtll have to laugh when eee this two-reel Mack Sennett comedy. The STRAND TOOAY AND SATURDAY Norma Talmadge "The Missing Links" Also a two-reel Fox Comedy "Tom and Jerry" MONDAY JXTNE ELVIDGE and MONTAGU LOVE BROKEN TIESM And ?h«. first episode of •'THE HOUSE OF TATS" Featuring Pearl White A s he belongs.'' C. Bums of tha AJax Rubbar company, subscribed SI.000 in bonda for his oorr.pany throogh the C»aa count* executive committee. tha thla 1* P^te 1 a-a«*Hi^#-a^Hr* -s n -.*• IMC I V