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jl r& TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. I Taft Is el°cted president by a large majority. He carries New. York state •yj*y.- 100 000 to. 150,00(V? Chairman Hitchcock claimed, last night that Taft would have325 votes lit the Sf^lectorlal college Se carries in ad wjffitlon to NeW York, the solid New England and eastern states and av gfc-eat share Of the westand middle an**. Chairman Hitchcock ofthe., national committee,. ~e The New Yo*k WorM the New gpfoik Times and other, Democratic ,,w4ad independent newspapers conced ed Taft's election early in the even ing. Hafst's paper, the America*}, f^%laimed Taft's election at nine o'clock New York film OMoao Nearly 200,000 MaioHly—He Carries New York City by 5,00a—Ohio, Indiana, II linols, Nebraska, Kentucky, Maryland and All Doubf ful States Fall Into Une—Hagbes Harries His State by 54,00fl~DeBeen Wins Dot iB flll#eis--6#»eriior Johnson Beeieeted in Minnesota: 1 Telegram of congratulations tfew nee,sent to Taft early in the evening |. by Sherman, the vice presidential nomine^ Governor Hughes and oth jj er prominent Republicans. Tele grams were also sent congratulating ALABAMA & Popular vote, 1904—Rooweveltf^Mr 4^72Parker—79,857. 4k $ Electorial vote, 1904—Parker 11. ARKAN8A8 .. .. Popular vote, 1904—Roosevelt 46, 860 Parker, 64,434* .Electorial vote, 1904, Parkr9. &1& CALIFORNIA Popufaf vote, 1904—Roo#^4lt/ 205, 226 Parker, 89,294. Electorial vote—Roosevelt 10. A & J3 cqNNECTl^0-* *v: popular vote, 1904—Roosevelt 111, 089 Parker 72,909. Electorial vote—Roo^eveK 7. New Htven—^Taft will carry Con necticut by over 20,000 oti the' face of the flrst returns. Tilldy, Repulse Tlican for governor, will carry the .state by. over •lO.OOO. based on^Hafe freturas. 4 New HaveW -Conns*—'Taft'f irfural lty will exceed 2$,0$0 in'3oimaptJ^ui Lilly (Rep.) for governor, will have "over 18,000 majority over Robinson '(Demo.). Republicans carry their complete state ticket and probably ihold th,eir usual majority in the legislature.- All are Republican con gressmen.' Thirty-one 'towns and wards btft'of 290 in New Haven give Taft 3/518 and Bryan 1,986. Hartford—3$ .towns giv^ Xaft 22,486, ©jyan 18,164. DELAWARE Popular vote^ 1904—Roosevelt 23, 712 Parker 19,847, Electorial votH—Roosevelt 3. FLORIDA Popular vote, 1904-—Roosevelt .8, i814 Parker 27^44. Electorial vote—Parker Ik Jacksonville, JMa»^Nov» i«r*r The election in Florida reported its ns ual Democratic majority of from i.8,- QEORQIA popular vote, 1904—-Roosevelt 24, 203 Parker 83^472. Eiitttorial vote—Parker 13. Savannah—Bryan has carried Geor gia, but returns "thusf£v indi cate a larger Taft and^ Watafto" vote than generally1 expested. SaTannab, Nov. 8.—Bryan hal has -•••••.• ..'•His.,*.'. ,v carried 3eorglai Indiwte-* 3 1, lx* 11 but returns thus far "t Ttfiaftr" 1 ft .• ... •. 1. Vi 'f4Jil'w .• €BBBm in the evening.' •&*' Hughes is elected in Nerw York,* his majority being placed at25,0p0, Bryan and Chanler ran far below cot-' pectatlons^ in Greater. New oYrkf: which was expected to furnish 110 000 majority for the Democratic tick et. •. The Republicans have carried the congressional elections andwill have a majority, in the next honse^-|sfe Ctovisnaor Johnson is re-elected in Minnesota. He carries Ramsey and Hennepin counties and will proba bly have 25,000 majority in the stated ^against a majority Of 72,000 two years ago. The national Republican ticket will carry Minnesota by 80,000. Speaker Cannon is plbout SV *y««. :*$&(<]]!• .c&jrarJ •by^nu^ority of mgm Popular vote, 1904—Roosevelt 134, 687 Parker 100,106. Electorial v&te -Roosevelt Si Denver*-Twelve precincts in Den ver give Taft i,SS5 Bryan 1,170.. S Denver—Returns are slow and give SffTaft small plurality both parties are claiming state. re«lectedkt 7,000. a£' Indications point to a victory for Taft in Kentucky. rnsw? vote was what wag generally pected. IDAHO Popular vote, 1904—frobsfeveft. 47, 783 Parker 18,486. Electorial vote-—'Roosevelt Soii$e coiiqiig' it&iNOl Popular ^vote, 1904!-^oo«evelt 632^ 645 Parker 327,606.' Electorial vote Roosevelt ZT% Chicago—43ft '«Htes', gredmrta 1,260 in Bryan 54,027. Chicago—445 out of 1,260 precmcts In Chicagq give Taft 6^449, Bryari Chicago—-164 out «f? 1.2S0 precincts give Deneen .18,644, Stevenson 20,154. Sixteen districts in Winneba^) Co., 111., .give -Taft a plurality of 16,145. Danville, 111.^ gives Taft a majority of 5,000., 60 dlstrkta^ in K-Ch^^^^give Taft a majority of 3,500.- ChicagO-r-375 out of 1280 precincts in Chicago give Taft 51,708 Bryw 41,532 112 out of 1260 preeincts ln Chicago, give Deneen U,867 :,Steven son, 14,359. v? Chicago—50 election jprtcihctB out of 387 in Brooklyn 0ye Taft' 6854, yr: 4 *&?£* •. Iffe* BISMARCK. NORTH DAKOTA, WEDNESDAY MORNING.NOVEMfcE ,®S"vv* Z? y~ VflMilAJfe HOWARD TAFT. Bryan.^6,98% Hisgen 897. Chicago—410 out of 1260 precincts In €hJcago give Taft 56,977( Bryan 45.933. 139 out of 1260 precincts in Chicago give Deeneen 14,050, Stev enson 16,316. Chicago—410 out of 1260 precincts in Chicago give Taft 66,977 Bryan 45,933. 130 out of 1260' precincts in Chicago give Denedh' 14,051, Steven son, 16i31& Chicago—225 out of 1,260 prtcincte in Chicago give Deneen 26,321, Steven son 29,137. Presidential—962 out l,^j$ precincts iir Chicago give Taft 8^696, Bryan 71,004. 'V': Fifty precincts out'of 2,611 in Illinois outside of Cook pounty give Tkft 7^9^, Bryan 4,546. ..t:-- i" Chicago—655 out of 1,?®0 precinrts in Chicago give Taft 94,519^. Bry^n ^4,673. Chicago—City press Assariation says returns from 225_ precincts indicate that Stevenson, Democrat candidate for gov ernor,' has carried Chicago by a plural ity of 9»,K». ...... j./iriS'. illinois—J. G. Cannon is re-electedfi to congress. Chitago-r-Retun^ up to date show the election .of 64 democrats tf congress and 78 republicans.. Republicans gain distinct ifi ePnn^lv^ia heretofore head by dempcrate: rfl'- Cook county points only cnange—128 out of 1,260 precincts, in Chicago give Wayman, Republican states attorney, 14,357, |Eerh, Democrat 13,389. Chicago—With only ^91 preiancts to hear from out of Chicagos. 1,260 Tait has 159$55, Bryan 108,58^ SFhis would seem Vindicate thaV-iC«# |^,|»rry this city by very close vote of 208,689 which %his cjt^ gave JJ^mlt. foqr years ago. 'Chicago—In five hundred and eighty^ five prscincts out of 1^60 in Cfaicago give Taft 83,360, Bryan 66,581. ehieago.-s-RTS out of 1280 iwaelncts in Chicago, gives Deneen 72,552 Ste venson 79,511. i. 172 out of 2611 precincts in IlUoo|9 pnteide of «doolr County gMm Tttj% 27,010 BryUL i7^5$. .V .. ...... .. '.. OK?*** TOSA^^I Chicago.—Wiht returns from one sixth of the total vote in the city of Chieago as a basis^ it is estimat ed that Taft will carry the city by .a plurality of 50,000. Chicago—508 out 1,260 precincts in Chicago give Wayman ^66,366, Kern 54, 161. i:' ..V'"1*.'jl "V.i iSC^^ttt ^bf 26ll^riBeincts in .11^ "nifts ouitslde of Cook county give Taft 21,185 Bryan 13,069. 100 of 2611 precincts in Illinois out side of Cook county give Deneen 13,176 Stevenson 9437. 14 precincts out of 2,611, outaide Cook county give Deneen 16,888 Stev enson 13,840. Cook county points only Chicago out of 1,260 precincts Chicago, Wayman, 41,686 .Kern 25,032., 219 out :df- 2^1 -precincts in Illinois outside of took county givev Taft 38, 890 .and Bryan" ^,489. 160 out of 1,611 predncts in Illinois outside of Cook county give Deneen 19,229, Stevenson. 15,128. Chicago City Press Association: "Returns from 400 city predncts indi cate Stevenson plurality in Chicago will not exceed 15,000." Chicago—435 out of 1,260 precbacts in Chicago give Ijeneen 53,351, Steven son ... ...... 1O0 out of 2611 precincts in Illinois outside «rf—€eok eounty. give Taft 15,000f .Bryan. 9,200. Slr^' Hughes is IsSSl -f INDIANA Popular vote, 1904-^-Rooe^yeK 63^' •«9| Parker 274,946. Eleetorlal wte^-Roo«ev«lt 15. Indianapolis^-Eaeven precinSS %t §24 in state of India^ fp^ president gave, Taft 2,047, Bryan 2,0&!>. Same prednct%,i}904 Roosevelt fel84, Park er' i,m iiv state ior Bryan Indlaaapolis—SSV^p precincts otrt of S^!245 give Watson 1,15?, MaWthaU 1, m* :pi«» li mm&i Taft Carries Greater New York-Hughes Has 76,000 New Tork, N. Ifov. 4, 2 a. m-— Election returns re-electecl nVv^ -toS RICE FIVE CENT* ii OVERWHELMING 'vJv 'vj" Relyfnl'aH 2 O'clock Morning Show Still Grea^. er Republican Victory- from, throughout the United States received up to aa early hoor this morning show the following results: Taft elected president with 298 votes, securing thirteen donUM states. Practically no change is in dicated in the complexion of the national house of representatives, jt!, The United States senate will re tain the present Republican major ity- 1 fn New Yorit state by about 76,000 majority. Indiana has gone for Taft by from 15,000 to 18,000 plurality. Bryan apparently has carried Ne braska. Republicans still control'She state. Ohio returns are delayed owing to the immense size of the ballot, bat Taft has carried the state by a ma jority ranging fom 50,000 to 75,000. aft carried New York City by about Tft carried New York CSty by about 11,000 plurality, this being the first tine the city has given its vote to a Republican vice presidential candidate since 1896, when McKin ley had a small plurality. Taft received a greater plurality In New Yo*"k- state than did Presi dent Roosevelt four yearsago the indications pointing to 190,000 for Taft, as against 175,000 for Roose velt. Hisgen, the Independence party candidate for president, gets 28,000 votes in Greater New York. Indications are for Democratic gov ernors in several of the middle west states that-have given their presi dential votes to Taft. Taft has exceeded the RouwiniH plurality in New Jersey^ Massachu setts as well as in New York. ?1 Mr. Aft practically carried naiy so-called doubtful state accept Colo rado. Bryan has carried Nevada and Montana in addition to the solid south, which includes Missouri. Re turns from Cok»rado and Maryland are too meager to form definite con clusions as to thir ultimate align ment. to Hare Won Iowa-State Gives Taft 50,000 Des Moines, la., Nov. 3.—Retards from the state outside of Des Moines Indicate tlrat Taft lias carried liwa by 30,000 to 50,000. The entire Republi can state ticket has beeu elected. The indications are tbat Cummins has de feated Lacey tor th4 United States senatorship. FOR MARSHAMA Oakes—5# scattered precincts give,./ MarshaU 2i51, Johj&^B 818. Botti neau county gives Marshall 250 ma jority. Fargo gives 200 to 200 for Marshall. :r "1 TAFT AND DAVIDSON WIN. Jdwaukee, Wla., Nov. 3.—Returns indtoate this state is safe for Taltfe^ and that Davidson (Republican) for "governor, is mining about even ir!£h Taft. HU6H&S HAS 20,000 New York, N. Y^ Nov. 3.—New Tot* World returns indfc^teHu^jhea Elected byjAout JaMjr l^urality. Taft prob t«k *r tfrk ,,. cst uwrt v- 'y "4 3 .-afr -„t. 1