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•If '••.MA v£ I -ft Has Warrant for His Arrest for Using Obscene Language to Lady Opera tor at Telephone Central A warrant wits Issued yesterday for the arrest of Thomas H. Poole on a charge of using obscene language through the phone to the operator at central, the complaint toeing ^rworti to by Manager Schuraan of the North Dakota: Independent i%*} dayVafternoon '-'j It is .4iarted 6 Fancy Imported Sardines The biggest bargain in the year. 20o, 25c and 35c grades, ••*& Tour choice for 1 6 Head Lettuce 16c Fresh Celery .2£or26d Ort^e Fruit A 5 tStrlctly 'T resli 'Egg^ 2 dozens for 66c singledozen 36c TeliphoneOrdersseit C. 0. P. 1&0.' ^^•'".•'"Sc.-:'-.' Thu I '7. *":••.' \-m&- pany. The wj**^i^i»^^lijcedi in- ^the operators who have been the vi tbe hands of Sheriff MftSlHis Thur»- ,:f^iitl night Poole called up numher of private houses and tried to engage ladles and others In convereatldn -who did hot ©are to talk to him*. So per/ Soo Hitti BilMIn We Sell hor Cash Only Our Motto-Quality "That Remind* Be" Have you tried Home Brand Coffee? It's the best. Per pound 4 0 Beautiful 14 qt. gray rinsing pan, Jv.''.--- .'•''-'•' '"•'.'' I Mfenameled on heary steel. Every I ^^iece-4s^iw»nteed,i a ,cus- [m^ni&m- ^hiiA tlifiv last:.". t'Stomeri' mm SS*S-»'-••.'• '.-' is Hi slstent was he in thin endeavor that finally central was requested by sub scribers td switch Poole Into ttie chief of police's phohiBvJpifliis Was done with the ^ultZthat -k,*verytorid dia logue followed. The night operator at the exchange says that then Poole abused her, outragiously and In the foulest and most obscene language, beoafts&she had connected him. with the chief. :•'••. During the,tirade the operator call ed up the chief, who thus beard the talk .of Poole, and will also be a wit nessvat the preliminary, which will probably be held today. It seems that in the application to the states attorney and to the attor ney general's offlfse, -Manager Scbu man finally succeeded in getting ac tion, and Assistant Attorney General Zuger took charge of the matter to the extent of issuing the necessary papers. i- The telephone people and. especially ms un J&pt^ Monday f0rtunate Incident are indignant and—interesting develop ments will probably follow. The charitable view to take of the matter Is that Poole has -completely lost his head and—Judgment, as a MACHINERY HEN MIS8OURI SLOPE IMPLEMENT DEALERS HOLD THEIR ANNUAL -MEETING HERE ON THE 25TH INSTANT. The annual meeting of the Mis souri Slope Implement Dealers as sociation will he held at the Cohimer ciai club in this city, on February 25. There will be three sessions: at 10:30 a. m., 2:30 and 8 p. m. At 6 p. m. the association will have its annual banquet at Roman's cafe, to which the Implement dealers -who are members of the legislature, are Invited.. '. y'V not .ZOO li 5 »ix quart preserylngr jtettle beautifu•l• grajr mottling on heav•y iteel I is Wh n*.iv a5c S 'six quart lipped sauce pan. Fine gray^o^^Oh:^e»Ty. stsoi ffPiBach utece guaranteed.1'' Special ..i.i..i..i....-.'»» *i..» ,.«,*.v.,» y..v»*2ao ^H|toe?fbtrfe':Jfapaawe tea,pot for ....'....... «....*. .i«*»»• ,.^.vj-^.we._ r^'|l^ '-^''.pMsa«4|. carsti^tnnihlers,^p^ -^^^i^^i!!i^. olBerent ^i^t/ivpiit^ot" thfct- fatoi .'^r -dpi» ,.».*'•*••• •'*.*-'?^v^^^%»j ••*^?c a polished ,nKoth hackery handle, securely This sa^^^^ •liiil^ result of the strain of the court mar- weapon, and told him he would never tlal proceedings that have been had in the oase of the adjutant general. The meeting will be an important one, as the officers for the ennsuing year 'will be elected and a great deal of matter of interest of the trade will be gone over. Every dealer in the Slope country is urged to attend the meeting regardless^ of whether he is a mtmber of the association or J—but forty-seven years is a If you haven't Inspected the line of domestic and Imported embroideries shown by Webb Bros, you are certain* ly missing an opportunity to buy them at prices seldom offered. See Kuhu ft Co. hefbre buying your lace and embroidery. USB TRIBUNE WANT COLUMNS. ^'•^$^f'v?&' mi&"-.^\- t-^:-"- Beli-ehaoed 16 inch turkey feather duster. Split wing and^tail-feath er of selected stock. Black enam eled handle Worth 60c. While thojr' last ,' one ^A^: customer^ i'a^ j^».«^*v»'»^/».v.^:-*. ^^«y:»'* »25e .- ..'-..'•..,'% .: a-ft.•-'••••••••. ••V -'•.-•.--'• jj*_ IFIN GETS A Wl GOVERNMENT PAYS HIS CL •'••!:tv 0N E DOLLAR,AFTEJ$ v'• :.:*" 47 YEARS. '-f*B- Dennis Hanlfln received a from Washington for twenty dollars and nine cents in payment of a claim he has heen trying to get from the government for •fortyJseven years. He was then a young lieutenant in charge of construction of federal breasts works at Murphysboro, Tenn. 'When Dennis turned over to the quarter master the equlppment in his charge he was one bayonet short The quartermaster told him unless he made it good it would stop his, set tlement with the government per haps for months. Denny asked what the weapon was worth and being told it was charged at one dollar, die oaid the amount but was. hostile at what he thought was an injustice. He made the officer give him a re ceipt describing in minute detail the quit until Umole Sam made it good. At least a dozen different claim agencies have undertaken to get It for him, but were turned down, one after another. Years ago, when Den ny was in Washington a friend, who thought he had eome influence, accom panied him to see the claims de partment to see what could be done about it. Learning there that there were six hundred thousand claims which would have to be disposed of with any speolaletomfwypetaoisaldw hefbre he oould be accommodated with any 'special consideration, he concluded to wait. It has been twelve years since he last heard from hi* claim and that to, the effect that it had been again' turned down. He had it taken up again, and yesterday received a draft in payment of his claim of one dollar, with $19.09 Interest. He also received at the same time however, notice that the other claims which he filed at the same time, for travel pay from Murphysboro to the headquarters and from that point to the place where he enlisted, had been turned down. Hannifin says that he Is not done with the government yet good while to wait. Let A. W. Lucas Co. frame your pictures they knew how. Swell mouldings. Mats for mounting in: ar color. Prices reasonable. Carnations—60c a dozen, Saturday, Jorgenson's Candy Shop. USB TRIBUNE WANT COLUMNS. !::T ,i Saturday, .yv Ten inch wood handled monkey wrench, tool steel, strongly rireted. Flat* steel finish and opens to 1% inches. Saturday, only, while they last at 2 5 A BAD EGA IE KNEEStiAW SENDS MAN TJ%EN FOR PIGGING WHO HAS A UNIQUE CRIMINAL RECORD. lite-' v^^fe^ Tphe convict Charles Currle, who sa Iterisn the penitentiary Tuesday, has quite an interesting history from a draflp^jtn^nologist's point of view. ^ii^t Grafton, Judge W. J. Kneeshaw sentenced Charles Currle of Minto, to serve his fourth term in the peniten* tiary at Bismarck. This .time Currie received a sentence qf one year and five months on a charge of selling liq uor Illegally. He had served sentences •for burglary, grand larceny and liquor selling- He was released less than: a year ago after serving- a sentence of five years. One rather odd feature of his ease is the fact that he has. always returned to Minto immediately after his sentence expired. Some years ago there were sever res In Minto and Currie was sus-er, B. R. Slnkler, who was attorney at that time, hired a ve to investigate matters. He failed to secure sucient evidence to convict Currie of Incendiarism, but secured evidence that he was guilty of burglary and his conviction was secured. In Cunie'g ^possession was found an infernal machine, which could be used in lncediarism. It con sisted of a box packed with exiselsior In it was a candle. It was so arranged 4jbat when the candle burned a certain distance there would be a fire. After Currie was sent to prison there were no more fires. AtTY GEN'L MILLER DENYS FORUM STORY THAT HE HAS VIOLATED ANY 8TATE LAW IN REGARD TO INSUR- ANCE MATTER. I The attention of Attorney General Miller having been called to an arti cle in the Fargo Forum under Bis marck date, alleging that he, Miller, had violated a state law, Inasmuch as his business firm had sold insurance to the penitentiary trustees for the pen building?, said that he did notScotia. have any time to repl- as he was on his way home, beyond saying that he is not a member of any purchasing board of the state and therefore not The line of suit fabrics shown by Webb Bros, is certainly complete enough to please the most exacting buyer. Qi|r GKEAT 25 GE^TS SALE opens Thursday, Feb. i8thv and lasts one week, closing Wednesday night, Feb. 24th. carry- ,3^|a^I||i}H|)ay you tp read every ifemcl%el}^then visit daily and see what we can do with a small stock in the way of bar Dont miss the Daily Specials. Remember the date—begins feh^rsdaW ifeb, 1 $, ajid closes ^^^esxjay, Feb, 24th. at 10:30 A. M. DAILY SPECIALS will be put on sale as follows: Monday Diamoh^ jewel berry bowl, 8% incites ^tameter. Brilliantly cryl talized, rich genuine cut design. Worth much more. While they last at .•',. 25c Six quart Berlin Tsettle, beautiful gray mottled on heavy steel base strong riveted ears heavy wire bail tin cover. Just think only. .25c 6 quart Berlin sauce pot, beautiful gray matting on heavy steel base, string nekced, side handle tin cover, det in on this at —25c Three quart, white lined enameled Berlin kettle, triple coated on heavy steel base outsidemottling in bltte and white. They go at 25c Two-foot nickel pUtedcirpenter's square, heavy steel, full nickel plat o4 on both sides Only it few for ..?«-'. 25c ^'j^rltetieal kteclubn set.: |^r '.#»einl articles—Wave edge bread knife, tempered butcher loiife, 2jttong kitchen fork and handy paring knife. ,8et' •otniipi©te'&».it»r .:.,.*:,^i'i^j&i^" *?&$&,**'•,..... 25© affected by the provisions of the law,' of America. The stars of the com as the (correspondent should know by pany are presented in the accompany givihg a thought to the law he quotes, ing cuts, and all who hear them will Mr. $fg^a£t«ald the Forum would- have surely he pleased and get their mon an opportunity to present the matter correctly. PERSONAL •. George Boelter, the flour, feed and coal dealer of Drlscoll, was doing business in the city Thursday. Ex-Governor Frank White of Valley City, was an arrival Thursday noon and visited the legislature while In session. J. S. Knauss to back from Velva, where he was looking after business matters in connection with his de ceased brother-in-law's estate. C. J. Baugert, Sheldon, is one of the recent arrivals in the city. H. A. Davidson of Fargo, was no ticed in the lobbies Thursday. W. H. Hay of New Salem, accom panied by his wife and daughter, were in the city Thursday calling on friends. W. J. Dwyer, the Medina real es tate man, accompanied by Mrs. Dwy 1B a guest in the city. Miss May Shea of Decorah, la,, is in the city visiting her elster, Mrs. H. M. Weiser. Professor D. E. Wlllard of the ag ricultural college, was an arrival from Fargo Thursday afternoon. Superintendent S. A. Danford came in from the east Thursday noon. He Is looking after Methodist interests in this locality. Attorney Baird of Dickinson, was down as a member of the victorious Dickinson basket ball team and feels good over the victory of his team. Charles Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Graham came down from Wil ton Thursday night to attend the Patterson party. THE IMPERIAL SCOTS THERE WILL BE A CHANCE TO NIGHT FOR LOVER8 OF FINE MUSIC TO ENJOY THEM- SELVES. The Imperial Scots will be the at traction at the opera house this even ing and a rare treat is in store for those who love music, especially those who love the 'bonny airs of The company is composed of exceptionally fine talent, talent which has been praised on both sides of the Atlantic and admired by crown ed heads as weld as the loyal people eyte -worth. OENTSfBARGAIN SALE Carnations—603 a dozen, Saturday, Jorgenson's Candy Shop. USE TRIBUNE WANT COLUMNS wilKbe surprised to see what a 25c piece will buy. Tuesday Handsomely decorated it lazed -china pitcher height 6% in. embossed tops 3 shapes and 3 dec orations. This Is a regular 50c size. On sale, one to a customer, Tuesday only, at 25c STORE mmmmmmm :::K«3* t^»*M w**^ igwwlS? Orocsr ^^jiptt^' Butchsr A Fresh hwpice of National Blscott Co's Pwk. Bwdi Oraham Crackers Oatmeal Crackers'• Faust Oyster Crackers Cheese Sandwich Saratoga Flakes vv NaUsco Wafers Champagne Wafers Dum 0ur6n OltVetoil in gallons, quarters, pints and halfs Hawaiian Caused Pineapples Ripe Canned Olives Clam Bouillon Underwood Devilled Hani Tobasco Sauce Candied Pimentos Orated Permesan Cheese ,: Imported Brussels Sprouts NOT A MEMBER OF COMPANY A. There is no truth in the Bismarck ttlegram to the Fargo Forum of Tues day to the effect that T. H. Poole had been elected a member of Com pany A of this cijy. It is true he did' make such an application fey tele phone to company headquarters Mon day night It is said the condition of the ex-adjutant general at the time was such that no particular attention was paid to the application. Among the many spring goods to arrive in our oity recently is a very large assortment of silks, which is on display at Webb Bros. Take this op portunity to select your silks before the better patterns are sold. Carnations—60c a dozen, Saturday, Jorgenson's Candy Shop. ..iu- Kaally Explained. ^-—"-.*v— Ostand—Pa, why do they can tnsal "charity" basaars? Pa Because a man Is aa object af charity when he gets out, my son, See Kuhn & Co. before buying your lace and embroidery. Wednesday Fine sheet steel roasters strongly wired with ventilators, self-baster tcp and bottom so dented that juice gathers and drops upon the meat. One only to a customer, while they last at 25c Three quart enameled coffee pots. Same heavy coating as kettles. While they last at 25c Bight pounds Pearl hominy, just received, only 25c Five pounds rice popcorn, corn that will pop, for 25c Two and one-half pounds fresh roasted peanuts, just received at.25c Three pounds large, fancy Santa Clara prunes 25c Two pounds good, nice Apricots for 25c Three pounds 3 Crown loose Muscatel raisins. A special bargain \s\i::'-'iij-$:*'t": $-''i'!,'?t°:yt"'""f &'"" Imported •',"$'•"• ''Jri'- '*$$:?£•*' '*•'£'--§Trai '„.• '^•'iSliS .'•-. ''-v .'.fJfe'S'wl fi •pli' •••S'-'i^.'f '^'S'-5 ^M: 'vSVf •m •W •m