Newspaper Page Text
f?» AdvertlMmentu in etdam^ FOR RENT—HOU8E8. FORWENT—A nice 7-room house, 922 Ninth Bt^^ /'*nd''-ti« I COPIES OF WEEKLY ••f'l WANTED. 'f^^'\*^' -'*. sale,* Mrs. J. P. Wallace. ^PHone FOR MNT^-^Sniall hous^o^P -twth Btreet 'Address::'*. K:'"'p^:«ire Trib une, or eiWuire '405 "Fourth JBtreet FOR RE^^eyen-rooiBL house on .Second stxeet.s^qtilre.-.222 Second ,-,streetyv.,.-:' :-4tmi.* $x\,ti-':•'$ .*•': qufre !oJt ilwi Mciiean^iB^street. CIGARS CIGARS—At $15 per thousand. 'First class sellers. Buy at factory. Some agents on commission, William F. Brlenmeyer. 423 Third street*^ BLACK DIAMOND COAL. BLACK DIAMOND COAL—From the famous Satterlund mine—can now be had In Bismarck by 'phoning John Larson at the Dakota Lumber com pany offices. The best coal on the market s^^te« vritso* heat. Try It. *^°:.rhv*l'-^- A-r*-'- COAL—I am selling:• the famous White ,Ajf&^Qo&i\-Tp^ your or der* and get prompt delivery. A. FJ iurquett, agent Phone 64. Of fice, 828 Fourth street *7 BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD—In modern .? house. Very reasonable rates. Mrs. ii »..... *&M[mm^m] VM0ZKJ^±J^^ one gentleman. State" tenris}tvAddress, B, -Tribune. •••'.• TRIBUNE '':'!C^fi»':W'OiB': Blsmarc^ Weekly Tribune for thi^fbllowing dates are .wanted' ,'! •:•'', '-:'.. Feb. 21, 190?----3 cobles. March 13, 1»08 -^copies. March 27, ISOS—-2 copies.. 'J April 1«, l*08t-|'"^S*jf^' -•i April 3, 1908—¥ 'cepies. Twehty-nv«j^Buts jCJtiflS will be paid for these copies by ii -,...'.':'. 4'4:* *^V •'•:*'»:•9 COMPLETE YOUR FILES If your are keeping a file the Tribune during the session of the legrfslWtire, it might be SJ0 well to look oyer the papeni* and see' if any of the numbers ,'fi.i.0e missing: Jt sb,::by\givlng!:no- _^ :|'tice 'aV'ohcei It'.niay^be ^sible •J¥need: nijiw later Mwill &'/•*&% l&&iiStitifc' Or' it^may'^be .ywi''^ need copies for other purposes 4 ,•.. than your filel. Thet» axe only ».• a few teit Ot6r at onoei Dj^-'iJba^iPfe^ /4tt."' •^^oiiJBlis^ Adrerti««inen1w'ni»der tl»i«4i*»(l will bs IwerUtf for ONB tttNT A WOBD Ar»t iBMrtioo (6JE-HALF CBNT A WORD aach odnaWBttTeibserttonjif paMiii^^^ S:"^v & FOR BALI—Ml«oellsneou». GASOLENE ENGINE FOR SALE— Si*horse^p©]fler gasoline engine, Fairbanks ft Morse make, in good condition, Economical and relia ble. Reason for selling we now use '.' central,plant electric power*t| *Ap jly to the Tribune office. SHAFTING AND PULLEYS FOR SALE—In changing our plant to electric power, we have stored a large quantity of shafting of dif ferent sizes and all sizes of pulleys and hangers, all as good as new, Will be sold at a bargain. Address Tribune, Bismarck. FOR SALE—Some very desirable city lots suitable for building •pur poses have Borne very cheap lots for sale if taien at once.!rjGeo. M. Register... '^('. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Penwns with talent for drawing for class In Cartooning and newspaper Illustration. Com plete course In 4 weeks.., For .par ticulars, etc., address, Stewart, care Tribune, Bismarck, N.D. FOR SALE—Land FOUND FOUND—Persian, l|mb nu«.l Owner may have hy (calling* at Webb Bros, and proving ownership of property. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHtANOB—A customer, whoee business requires him to live at Bis. marck, wants to, exchange bis $760 equity in a home in Douglas Ter race, Fargo, for a good lot Bis marck or for an equal, equity In a home there. J. B. Fplsom, Fargo. -Qrace. ^iocwnWintii your life in some .w^-ryo« -ii#-i»6t: |^^I^f||^^::a-stoje]! ^he:peop^ who never.yisijll ^^ioth^al^tiion«::way oifetholotheri v!»wle^Bii!%-|§ |-«fla^fi:-'aieoii^ in iiey 0me to:tnj| th|%85pi^|^:' 'ttfeslfcntK^xiii i!y*hent:it.come« ^j|^"ftiii^Vs^^ lsillite«|n*hen -M^ theligbtolpubHciity.nottdbemncl ADVBBOT8ING shoTtcomi •, •,•* '.l •:.- Dunraven Place. ,,:.l-'. A new and modern bearding house, where the ^comforts of home will be feund, street. 212 Third il •*t^.v8. iJi^rtj !i' BIHDINS OF BILLS. For the convenience of the mem bers the a are busy Just now In having the senate and* hodsie bills bound in convenient fdrm for handling. Flies given to the pages one day can be bound and returned for the sesBlon ef the nex1 'i&«jt'. rflitt" In the Moose Coiintry. -I see yon are wearing a bearsUn." (•marked the an»Wlir hunter. I tt dangerous to wear such a thug UB .:UB*r •^•'fe".'*'X-.'•! -T«s,- responded the guide, V^ut •hare is the eensolatlon.H A what jg,ti»a|r^,. .,0 ,:. -While I have on this hssrslrf 1 ^snTbe takes for a dear.- iCs^y«fei •.•fllBfi ,^r7: dMK 'several..ways, te tavelgie a fellow tato |«ttiag *«m up at'a •well restaurant" \t l, 'f^' A". aif. FOR SALE—HOUSES. FOR SALE—On easy payments but .little more than rent, a small house and lot within three blocks of the business center on the beet street in Bismarck JuBt the place for a man to be near his wors. Address P. O. Box 437. FOR SALE—A modern house on a 50-foot corner lot. ... Call on J. Perry. :—V ,., FOR SALE—House, barn, coalsbed and two lots. John Bospflug, 22$ Eleventh areet. FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT—Rooms, corner Seventh and Front streets. Phone 572. FOR RENT—Pleasant roams with board, at reasonable rates, at the Roanoke. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room for one or two gentlemen. 415 3rdSeptember street. Phone 4tfr. FOR RENT—Strictly modern turn ished room. Suitable for two perr sons.'Closed in. Call* upon J. E Perry, lit Fourth street or phone LOST. LOST—A small bunch of keys on a fed ribbon. Finder please leave at Tribune. LOST—On Third street a package wrapped in a bed blanket contain ing two pillows, two laundry bags and a box containing a silk'dress. Notify F. E. Lee, 1014 ^Fourth street. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTIONI pdrsuant to a resolution passed by the city councir of the city of Bis marck, North Dakota, on January 4th, 1909, I hereby give notice that there ie called a special election in said city on Wednesday, February 24th, 1909, for the purpose of voting upon the question as to whether or not the said city of Bismarck, North Dakota,, shall adopt the Commission System.of City Government as set forth and provided for in chapter 45 of the laws of 1907. .) The following is the form of ballo ,to be us«d .# v. For City Charter under Commission System of Government. 'p "Against City Charter under Com mission System of Government." The city council of said city of Bis marck. North Dakota, has named the following locations as the polling place? .for -lie respMttXf «$¥% said #y|SH|Ife.|i|.|| First Ward—High School,building. Second Ward--Northroom,V facing Fourth street, in Grand Pacific.hotel building. Third Ward—Residence OWKIJA. Edbergs, 801' Seventh street -.r Fourth Ward—Robldou's paipt shop, southwest corner Sixth and Front street.' ••••••...• :jfifth7::.W«ui6VHClty .hall Main street, over Frehch_ ft ,W«lch,s. S*?' .^. Sixth Ward—Jones* paint shop, east side of Seventh street, north of Broadway.-" .'•:.' ,^ The polls will' be open from 8 o'clock a. m. until 5}o'clock -.pi'jn^ M}'l:"^^^ F.R. SMYTH, ii Dated at Bismarck, North Dakota, on.jFebroaryils^, 1909: 'f. (First publication Jan. ,89W^P 'Bs^T• of Louis •Nobles'. .«»• In the matter of the ei Sell,• deceased. 6^^%-^...'• I! dersignwd, Julius P. Sell, eteimtor of the last will of Lpul^ SelT, late ot *he city of Bten^cs?,"' m'tlni9"^wm ^UTlefg^. and sUte of North^Dakota, d'eceased,. to the creditors of, id all persons jhavihg chains asttinst, siid "t-». LIVE STOCK. Cl&s&go, 111., Feb. 18.—-Cattle-*- Re-22nd cepits 7.&00 market.l&c .to 25ft low-? ery'iliteers $5.(M) to |7.00 |8i|'| to 15,50 heifers $3.25 to $6.00 bulls 34fr to $5.25 cahres $3B0 to |8.50 *tOCkere and feeders 13.25 to 15.50. sBIogs—Receipt* 'is,000^^market 10c to 15c lower. Choice heavy shipping $6.40 to $6.45 butchers $6.25 t§$6.40 lignt mixed $6.20 to $j[.30 choice light $6.36 to $6.40 packing $6.25 to $6.40 plgMlS^o to $6.15 bulk of sale»~$6.25 I-Sheep—Receipts 15,000 market 10c 'lowiri"' Sheep $4.25 to $5.75 lambs $6.25 to $7.60 yearlings $5.00 to $6.85. *''S^ Paul, Minn., Febv 18.—Cattle Receipts 500 10c to 15c lower steers unchanged. Cows and heifers $2.25 to 85*00 calves $2.25 to $6.00 stock era and feeders $2.50 to $4.75. H««s—Receipts 3,000 10c lower range $5.50 to $6.20 bulk of sales 16.90 to $5.95. Sh^ep—Receipts 1,800 10c to i5c low^r, $4.25 to $6.50 lambs $6.00 to SjtJ.''. ,.. GRAINS. Chicago, 111., Feb. 18.—Close wheat, M*y.11.13% to 8L14 July $1.00% 95%c to 95%c December «6%e. I'iU&i Corn—February 63d May 66%«s to 66%c July 65%c September 65%c «5%e. Oats—May 55%c to 55%c Juh 49%c September 46c. lllnneapolis, Minn., Feb. 18.—Close wheat, May $1.10%c July $1.11 %,* $1.119s. Cash, No. 1 hard $1.13% to $1.13% No. 1 northern, $1.12% to $1.12% No. 2 northern $1.10% No. 3 northern $1.06% to $1.08%. .£, Duluth, Minn., Feb. 18—Close wheat «No%yi hard, on track, $1.07%. On track, No. 1 northern $1.11% No. 2 northern $109%. To arrive, No. 1 'northern $1.11% No. 2 northern 1109% May 81.11% July $1.11%. Durum—On track. No. 1 96%c No. 2 94%c May 96c July 96c. Flax—To arrive, $166%, On track, 8Lte% May $166% Jtaly $1.63% September $1.34% October $1.38.1 Pffcs—To arrive, 51%c. On track, 5i%c^ '-., %-i MONEY. New poundw-o.*rCH|33.T uf W Nevf York, Feb. 18.—Money on call ea?iej^£tj*'-'2% per cent ruling rate, 2% per-cent closing, bid, 2 per cent offered at 2Y* per cent. Time 'loans steady 60 days, 2% to 2% per*dent 90 davs 2% to 3 per cent 6 months 3 to 3% per cent. :'Jt:-- Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Notice is hereby given, that that certain1 mortgage executed and ^deliv ered by Herman Erickson, mortgagor, to The Peterson Mabhlne Company, dated on the 22nd day of November, ^907, andjaied for record in the office [of the register of deeds of thie county [of Burleigh on the 25th day of No vember, 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m., and recorded in Book 30 of mortgages on page 17,: and assigned by said mort gagee bj^lan instrument in writing, to Mrs. Annie Walker, dated on the 14th day of January, 1908, and filed for record in. the office jrf the register of deeds of said county on the 27th day of January, 1909, and recorded in Book "41" of assignment of mort gages, on page "257", will be fore closed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter de scribed, at the front door of the court house in.the city of Bismarck, in the county of Burleigh and state of North Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., on the 12th day of March, 1909, tb satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of sale: The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are those certain premises situated In the county of Burleighjand state of North Dakota, described as follows, to-wlt: The southwest quarter (SW%) of section number two (2), in township number on^ hundred and forty-one, (141) northi-of range number seven ty-seveft'^ i^7)i^ west of the fifth prin cipal meridian. Therei^jfUl bet due uj|pn sal* mortp gage on tile day of sale the sum of two thooasnd ninety-eight and 39-100 dellars (t8-|»8.890. MRS. ANNIE WALKER,, V£$.Assignee of. i«iftgi*ee. .' rTURNBR^WRlGlftT .* LE^Ififc: 5gT Attorneys for. Assignee, W North Dakota. Notice of Wejrteafle For«losur« ••^'S^e^ii^^^tl^ -^^.that certain mortgage deliv ered by John u^0^^^i^i^ nbertgagors,, to The Company, mortgaged, dated'on th» day of Novembe| i9^7,JJWttd fi?ed for record In the ofdee^Df the regis ter i|pf deeds of th^icounty of °Bur: leign and state of North"^Dakota on the 3rd iay of Deeemb|r, 4907. and recorded in Book 30 of mortgagees at page 21, and assigned by said mort gagee by an instrument in Writing to Mrs. Anna Walker, dated on .the 1L4th day of January, 1908, and /filed for record in said office'of the register of deeds on the 27th day of, January, 1909, and recorded in Book',!^" of as signment of mortgages at pBjfe258". will 'be foreclosed by a sale-of the premises in such mortgage and here inafter described, at the front door of the court house in the city of Bis malrsk', in the^ county of Burleigb and stat« of North Dakota, at the'hour of two^'tclock p. m., on the 12th day of Mari*, 1909, to satisfy' tne amount due* upon said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mertgage and which will be sold to eatisfy the same are those certain premises situated in the county of Burleigh and state of Nortft Dakota, described an follows, to^wit: The southeast1 quarter (SE%) of section number thirty-five (35), in township number one hundred and forty-two (142), north, of range num7 berXseventy-eight (78), west of the fifth principal meridian.^ v"v'V.7, There will be dueupon said mort gage at the date of sale the sum of two thousand ninety-eight and 39-100 dollars ($2,098.39.) MRS. ANNIE WALKER, Assignee of Mortgagee. TURNER, WRIGHT & LEWIfl, Attorneys for Assignee, Fargo, North Dakota. (First publication Jan. 15.) Summons and Notice. State of North Dakota, Couhty of Burleigh. In District court, Sixth Judicial District. Albert F. Jacobs, plaintiff, vs. Ella Todd, Lewis Todd, Ruth Todd, Jose phus Todd a minor, John Todd, a minor, heirs at law and successors in interest in and to the estate of Josephus Todd, deceased, and all oth er persons unknown, claiming any estate or interest in, or lie^i or in cumbrance ^ppn IM property de scribe! In the complaint, defendants. The state of North Dakota to the above named defendants: Tou are hereby summoned to an swer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber within thirty days af ter the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the Tlay of service and in case of your failure to appear or answer judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief •demanded in th« complaint. Dated at Bismarck, North Dakota, this 21st day of September, A. D., 1908. P. C. Remington. President Walter Graham. .'••^Caahier"' R. N. STEVENS, H. R. BERNDT, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Office and Postofflce Address, Bis marck, North Dakota. Notice to the above named defend ants and to the defendants unknown The^original summons and complaint in the abeve entitled action is on file in the office of the clerk of the district court of Burleigh county, N. D., and the property to which the above entitled action relates is de scribed as follows, to-wit: The southwest quarter (SW 1-4), of section eigbt (8), in township one hundred and thirty-nine (139), north of range eighty (80), wist of the fifth (5th) Principal/ Meridan, situate, ly ing and being in the county of Bur leigh, and state of North Dakota. Dated at Bismarck, North Dakota, this 9th day of January, A. D., 1909. R. N. STEVENS. •H. R. BERNDT, "ii£U 4$iiOPn*^8 for Plaintiff. Office and Postofflce Address, Bis marck, North Dakota. Ladies Tailoring and Press Making. Mrs. J. F. McDonald has added to Ijer dressmaking emporium, a ladies' tailoring department, and is making ladies' tailor made suits and Jackets a specialty. Her address is 922 Sec ond street. Vice J. A. Graham, -.-?'•. Asa't.C«afti«r isMl Cnftil and Syrphrt, $59,006.00 OENEWAL BANKINO Mousy to Loan »m Farm Land •.. ,•-: *•,,. .:.,.Uv-. '. Isterest l»»l ee'Tftee ^eseslts and Savings Seeeeats Dray and Transfer Co, Daal«ri. HAY W O O a I E Drays furnished far all purpose* PACKAOB neuveRV BRAY 8T0U8E 6. C. WACHTER ratK sf •ISMARCK, B. OAP. ail INSURANCE Tornado ill OLD LIVE COMPANIES P. C. REMINGTON, Agent Office «t Merchant* State Beak TELEPHONE 256 SLATTERY,dlNN fiCO GROCERIES—RaitdWaalaaltans:,j Goal, Wood,teeand Grain Comer Third and Broadway ISMARCK, N. IAR. B. |g:p| y*M Z$i 'iH-?.':$-