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**& six How the Debt Was Collected. In the home of a certain influential family they arose one morning to find that no breakfast had been 'prepared, even the kitchen fire bad not been lighted. Upon investigation the cook was discovered peacefully reclining, in bed. "Are yon lit?* inquired the mistress. "Not at all. I feel quite well," was the surprising response, but still no persuasion would induce her to arise. After a time the doctor was sent for. He puttoher his usual questions, but the girl insisted that she felt perfectly welL "If, as you say, you are not .111," said the man of pills and potions, 'then tell me* in confidence why you 'won't get up and-go to work." ."• "WeH," said the girl resolutely, "these people owe me $25. and I wont stir until they pay it^S "Dp yon think you'll get it quicker by staying in bedT^makedtlje doctor. "I most certainly do," she ^replied, with agleam of the a§e that expressed determination to fight ft out on thai line if it took aU vrer and stay there. That*s the only fjway you'll get TJiey ow^yfnr^.' —NationalMagazine. -K^i-:.:-'r$\ ••'. Sneezing. The custom of saying "God bless you" after sneezing must be at least as old as the fifteenth century, as a reference to it appears in the first edi tion of Caxton's "Golden Legend." After describing a certain malady which broke out among the early Christians, the result apparently of their Intemperate habits, Caxton pro ceeds, "In this manere somtyme they deyed, so that when any persone was herd snesyng anone that were by said to hym, God helpe yon, or Cryste ^helpe, and yet enduretb the custome." A curious superstition with regard to sneezing still lingers in the villages of Devonshire. It-has found expression in the following couplet: en Sunday morning: fasting,: Totfll enjoy your own true love to ever lasting In the highlands of Scotland it Istisement believed that,a newborn child is under the thrall of the fairies until it A~ Spool of Thread. "But for Napdleon," said the spool. 'J Uk» tile Arc de Trletnphe,, would ^^mmm^^^^:^^*-«^^^' to ^mMB^:i^^a^:iht^A:wMtaaa»,i»^ of silk and ^m^^^.^irs^^^ .*?,•'. MISS FLORA WILSON. Miss Wilson, daughter of the secretary of agriculture, has recently re turned from Paris. She spent five years there under jean de Reszke, studying for grand opera, end expects to «o on the stage professional .. v." Marriage In Japan A Japanese husband is allowed only one wife, but to marry is sometimes a much more serious matter than with -us. Either the husband must be form ally adopted into the family of thesquaws wife or the wife into the family of the husband, the couple being absorbed Into one family and subject to its discipline. A a rule, this custom weighs more heavily on the bride than on the husband, for she must not only obey her husband, but every member of his family of' an older generation than himself hence a young .woman often longs for old age, so that she may wield authority over the younger generations. To bring about a mar riage in Japan an intermediary is ap pointed, whose duty it is to introduce the parties and to look to every ar -rangement of the wedding. re mains through life the guide, philos opher and friend of the, married cou ple, who refer all matters, all misun derstandings, to his counsel. Pear son's. Napoleon's tpqleo to rtto theUngllsh thread trade destroyed the world'* Stock, which lay at Hamburg. In crisis the Psesley s-jfinieri turned *iier _'_!'.. at last made «*to« tnreeA^Cot .a threidtoti world's chief thread her mflltary Th*t Mr. Krauee to ^rfcry uitfrfatfJT* He aflkad what tiiy dowry fioounted More Exciting Than the Play. A countryman on one of his rare vis its to London, after completing his business, visited the local theater and patronized that part of the house known as 'the gods," obtaining a seat in the front row.' He had provided himself with refreshipents before en tering in the form of a bag of cakes and a bottle of mineral water. As the performance progressed he consumed these, and, becoming ab sorbed in a thrilling passage, was ab sently toying with the empty bottle on the ledge in front of him when he ac cidentally allowed it to fall over1. Horror stricken, he instantly looked down and was just In time to see the bottle drop heavily On to the bald head of a man below, who, not noticing, whence the attack came, jumped to the conclusion that fats neighbor was the aggressor. He seized the bottle, and hit the other man smartly across the head with it Our friend above had now seen, enough and hastily but quickly quitted, the place, observing-when be reached the. exit .two. angry, struggling men ion^ft^iBm^**1!? ,f*e Indian, Experimented. A missionary in charge of a small church on the Indian reservation at Onondaga held evening services for his people at which subjects upon which he lectured were not strictly religious. One evening when the little building was well filled witb brayes and ^heir be described the solar system and told them that the earth revolved about the sun, and also turned over once In every twenty-four hours. Early the next morning the priest was awakenedby a knock He opened the door to find a big Indtan wrapped in a blanket standing on the porch. "Why, Obagar he excbUnied. *fls anything the inatterr ... "Missionary lied," grunted the In dian. "I lied? What do you mean?" "Missionary' say world turn over ev/ ery night Injun go home, set up stick, put apple on stick. If world torn over, apple fall oft*. This morning apple on •tick. Missionary lied,' Huhl" And with this parting grunt he strode down the path, unheeding the pnest Lawyers oh Strike.. In 1789 John Scott, earl of don mell, who was lord chief justice of Ireland, made some insulting remarks from the bench to Mr. Hacket, a mem ber of the bar, who was conducting an argument before him. A general meeting of the bar was called, a se-more vere condemnation of his lordship's conduct voted with only one .dis sentient and an unprecedented resolu tion passed that until his lordship pub licly apologized no barrister would ei ther take a brief, appear In the king'* bench or sign any pleadings for theought court This strike experiment was actually made. The judges sat, but no counsel appeared, no cause was prepared, the attorneys all vanished, and their lordships had the court all to themselves, There was no alterna tive, and next day' Lord Clonmell pub ilsbedajvery ample apology by adver in the newspapers and made it appear as if written on the erenlmg of the offense and therefore^ -volm* tary.«--London Law Times., ,,. 0 Bismarck and' Muele. *:S. Bismarck's utterances regarding mu ale are complied In a book by Keudeu, "Furst und Furstm Btomarck, Bruv nerungen BUS den Jahren, l&OJgTZ" KendeO'once saw we man of blood mi Iron shed tears during a perfornv aace of Beethoven's Sonata Anpass^ MStt. Hto mvoclte eois^osers were and 8chobert Tbi'oaly he d1« not like tbetr works was the 1*iztf&na,.v?jri*^ BIBMAKCK 32 They Had YVilf|^|§ I was sitting one mo^lnjria a auiet corner at Monte torlowbin^wo elder ly uieu sat down beside mei^iqine was evidently a Scotchman,?*a^the other, I gathered, was from Yorkfhlre. The fprmer remarked, '-"I, haVe^Just man aged it." This, I dlscoy^e^Tmeant a win of 20 francs. Their dj^U^ routine was to-appear at the sain* roulette ta ble at an early hour and rpiay the low est stake of 5 francs on evejn chances— that is, on black, or red otfp& the odd or even numbers. They would lose and win and win and Jose^%but they remained calm and self contained and persevered until they hH|^each 20 francs to the good. I, onsfpred them aaily. Some morning* tfceyjseooped In the amount in twenty minutes, and at other times it was a tough struggle until luncheon time before^bjey man aged It. I never saw thehVmll once, and I learned that1 they had' pursued the same plan for four ninths. One thing was clear—nothing eould tempt them to go beyond the modest stake, and they had the will toi^tp when they won the stipulatedi$igtaunt. It was really one of the best'Illustrations of will .power I have eveif/^ieen, for few, indeed, who enter the^jpqrtals of the casino, are able to reslst^ com pelling atmosphere of tbe#,tables to play on if losing and to plunge if win ning.—Chambers' Journal Family Jars. «,-'|fe Schoolmaster (to.his wife^kly dear, I wish you would speak* morecareful ly. You say that Henry Jdhes came to this town from'San*dexlandi'i^ Wife—Yes. -\••$&• Schoolmaster—Well now^fewouldn't it be better to say that hee*me from Sunderland to this town?' vt Wife—I don't see any difference in the two expressions. Schoolmaster—But there Jpia differ ence, a rhetorical difference. You don't hear me make use of such awk ward expression^. By the^pty, I have a letter from' your father in my pocket. Wife—But my father is «i(oif in your •pocket. You mean you haveMn your pocket a lettervfrom my father. 1 Schoolmaster —There 'you^go- with your little quibbles. You Jake a de light In harassing me. ^b^i are al-dhism' ways taking up a thread, and repre senting it as a rope. j|F Wife—Representing Jt/.tb^be rope, you mean. Schoolmaster For be quiet. Never saw sac] some woman In my Scraps. 'Hie Business Ability. In the AdlrondackS lives a ii a too •iazy to work, but' evidently great business ability. One.wtoter^ejien he was sitting around snioking iito family came so near starvation that aome" of his neighbors, who could ill Afford to help hirn^* took up a collectloti'and bought for the suffering famUy^-1 bar rel of flour, a barrel of pork'find a load of wood. They were noi'comdd erate enough to cut the •wood^:butv(the business man knew how to inanajge. He hired some of the neighbor* who had not contributed to his donation to cut the wood and paid them with half the -pork and half the flour.-rLftjpin CtfiXu. 7: Admirably Equipped. Cardinal Mexzofantl, the. Italian linguist, who died at of seventy-live, knew and could than fifty languages. He eould entertain his English friendsv with specimens of the Yorkshire dlaMetand his French or German visitor| with the patois, of their' resreotive coun tries. ''Dear mer' exclalnaediLord Byron, to whom this was tol^ to have been the the tower of Babel!" ."" /V Breakfast Months. A traveler stopped at a Greenland, where the uightstf) months long, and as be asked a question of the clerk. "What time do you have bi "From half past March to a to May.*1—Harper's Weekly v- :,'"'•'•TP'-^'V.'' vibe: self *«o not speaktothe heart" Concerev ing the sonata just referred to he re ssarked: -Thistolike tlw stagltlg sad sobbing a wliole human life, If I A A: Bene. ^Wbat sort of an after dmaeyrtea WwBll^giiis? 4 "One of the kind who stm\W*5 laying they dldtirf expect eaflsd on and then proceed to ihiat they can't be called "Last night we parted f. "No, but be-U W the hind a tree acrsss the son '^rme ''?*••'. ::'|ii sake, quarrel London ,. Pretty Sl^w^y Horace L. Moore waSUesL_ nel of the' noted Nineteenth Kansas cavalry. He could lead mentor a long er period without rest on a1 single ra tion of cheerful good humor-than any other officer. Though not-given to jokes, he was the reputed'autbor of as many astonishers as tie^igreat Lin com. ... .: -. nt colo- One time, on th^ niarch, he^ seat^ari orderly with a message to an tfB#r at some distance. Before the man was out of hearing Moore shouted: "Bey, orderly! Come back here!" He came galloping back, sitting limp ly In the saddle. ".*'' •, Moore dropped his voice and, assum ing a half confidential manner, Inquir ed, "Orderly, In'the course of your Uf have you ever seen a snail •, •:,-••. 'Tes, sir," waath astonished reply. "You met him, then," replied "for you'd, never, overtake onelf^ sas City JothmaL Hel Water. V. .'/- "Typographical errors," said la"wrH er,. "are continually cropping up., I called for a magazine editor the other day to take him out to luncbeop. A he was getting gratefully into his. coat ia man entered. "'Dp you read your magazine?' the man asked.' •'".' 'H'lvi 'I do,',replied the editor "Have you read the new number, the one that came out yesterday?" V'ihave.* •••'".'• •••'," 'Have you read my poem, *.*To Ga-. brlelle,'* on page 117T ^•N^M).*' 44 *No! Well,, in Jhat poem wrote" the line, "I love you better than I love"' C- '..•..-.'.'-V.' '•"A neat llne^neat and well.turned,' said the editor soothingly. 'And one *f the professional hunior ists of your composing room set it up to cead, "I love you better than I love my wife.'"'. ."•How-i-ef%-'-' ... 'Than my wife—precisely that" A'd ray wife knows nothing of composing room comedy, and she thinks the line was printed exactly as I wrote it' China's Four Religions*' .• -.' China has four state established re ligions, and in each the emperor exer cises sacerdotal functions. Twice a year the emperor as "son of heaven" worships before the tablet of Shang TJ or supreme heaven' In accordance with the ancient Imperial monotheism. T'wice a year he burns Incense before the tablets of bisr ancestors in accord ance with Confucianism. Twice a year he sacrifices to the gods of Tao^l ism, and twice a year to the image of Buddha. .The ancient and primitive religion of China Is monotheistic, but"? this direct worship was, regarded as too sublime for the people, so that it became reserved'for.the emperor alone as the "son of heaven" and as priest of the nation. The people on their part worshiped'their'ancestors, and It was this ancestral religion which Con fucius identified himself with and re formed. The old superstitions, rejected by Confucius were absorbed by Tao ism, which is polytheistic and. the re ligion of the populace. Then Bud came' into China about 65 A. D. and, like the other three religions* be came state suDported and. atate- en dowed. '. ?.". Squeezed the Squeezers. It is said that when Mr. Yerkes be gan to make money some of the banks from which he had borrowed thought to '•squeeze" him by' demanding in stant repayment or a large considera tion for further time. He was invited to «call on ope of these "bankers" and there met the others. Their demand was made, and their victim seemed at their mercy. They did not, however, know the resourcefulness Mr.' Yerkes, who retaliated by remarking: "Well, I owe a lot to all the banks here, and I'll just publish a statement tomorrow' in the papera, grrlng the full |f| amounts and stating' my inability to pay. This will make such*' a rrin on the banks that they wllL^sopn be as broke as I should, and therefore I shall not be the only sufferer.* The "squeezers'* recognized the truth of this and so withdrew their demand. Mr. Yerkes, however, refused to with draw his threat unless they lent him another $50,000, They did so. Making an Acquaintance. In illustration of the ,ways of the east side of London the following true story Is told: A certain club for work ing girls In the east end of London had recently elected a new member, and one day the secretary happened to look out of the: window and was sur. prised to see the new member rush up to a strange lad in the street, fluflcb him violently oh the head and then run away.' The secretary remonstrated with her"sharply, to which the new member made reply: "I'm very sorry. I won't do it no more if if agin the rules, but perhaps you won't mind tell ing me, then, how am I ever to get engaged?" '\f Knew Their Ways. Walter,'' aged .seven, is a- wise son who knows not only hhr own lather, but bis mother as well "Now, Walter," said the teacher, "if your father can do apiece of work in one hour and your mother could also do it in one hour, how long would it take both of them to do it?" •. & & & & New York Times. ^HKP'k* A "Three hours,*' answered Waiter "counting the time they would waste in arguing about bow it should b« done."—Chicago News. •-•ri*-::'^-?*^?s**i' ^Aitd-MerWltahly^Ol^iffi^ii^ "Whit can I do," roared the fiery orator, "when I see my country gMng to ruin, when I see oju* oppressors' hands at oar thiroate, strangling us, and the bUck clouds of hopelessness obliterate the golden sun of pn ity? What, I aslt^what can 1 do •,:h.. ''v::vv,.'.pj*s^^ Mabel-I seldom see tli* bandsonM y«ung Rklierly. doesn't ai pear to care much for society. BXbel Oh, I don't knowl seems tojwani my soctoty **b^t six venlnsn to bike* a heap o' determination Uncle Bben, ,"to hav yob indls life an' a^heapo-braiitt Uppio^Yo l»ve a ttew s^ast jAnd Uve sslles apart^ I bad so idea any o«e eemld hsar aim •**R*ft*?^ff*P*3K**^.55*f*'SAj $ B. LITTLE. JPnsident. F. D. KBNDB1CK, Vtoi ." fi. M. WBI8BR. AwiiUntOeihler, Oener«l' -Not to be an ad. reader places your- self some what at the mercy of.the store 'keeper who overcharges., «1l I .-.- '•«,*.'OK^oBiTOw^'aSiiM^^g Flr^ST NATION ALB A I S A fi.:.b,.,:..v '••:-•-. ,tstabllshei l» ItTt Capital and Surplus $125, SAVE PART of the money you make and put it in the bank. Put just five dollars a week in yolur-lMitik'-Siltfflnl-V twenty-five *»r« this sum' and the interest on Jt will 1 snug.• fortune '^^'u-..*-"•••• •.,£-...:-' .r i-^M^M* We will pay you interest on the money you put in our bank and oompbund the interest eyery six months. •St'. ,?.i THE DAILY-TRIBUNE per year.. a TH E WEErO^ TRiiyNE,^:year.g^S^ THE p:^. Lffii|}|||fc ^CH^^^ff^^^'" ^e must incase'OUT virtually compel ustocollect up very close^if jnot in a^swd^ "In order to bring our renewals i*0todate so a^ 16 c^lmpl*^wftfty the law aiid in-orderjib gfet rjeiiewkls' paid a .y&r:$)ti^.'^&^:1 many new subscribers as possible, flie p^ishers ,hayre|^^3^:"i^ make1 'this, meir:^st'-on^^pl sabsc^^ •rya^Bnni, in 4.A»^, lw.1n... ... To al1persons sendingA me^^^lr jNrnL mail them a copy of me Trjiiine's'ine'w i^rarjj:--WaJJ^^R^f'^ ffi The new library Wall C^art insists b^the b^'ah4^^!«W3||^ plete wall'nia^ ing,a vast amount of general ^nformatloh and deteiledsta^^ to population, raUtjoadmileage, crop yields, average inches of rain' faH, nun^r of hours pf sunshii^ 1 pared with tine phj)i?:Vali^iNu^ cheese factories, area of coal fieWs, me a differeijt counties, p^ulatro^ much other valuable information. The biographies and portraits,^ .^pf every ^jj-pyen^fc^ v-|llS ^,TheircomefJ^^as|^ and new possessions, together with dates, area,' population, etc ,|| .showing complete g»wth, as to^ areavand years, of me United for the census of 1880, 1890 and 1900 -, :TJi^^H^^ ,ti^^ lh^ ."" ^'rulers of tije different nationsi of the eartlir^and the naficnja'^colprs^ and Iflags of the same, together with the history, cuts and charts^ of tJie Ismmian can^l, ajid much c^er valitaW i&f To any perso^ sendtejg th^eir .renewal with all arrearages and ^^r^stp^Ktt%|^p*^e WS^^mmmiAd^i tit isrutS send'^m« new^Idbfary^^Vv^ S g?Tb thwe already paid k^advwa w:*#flj extend:thejr sub^f the amount of one year's subscription.) C'.'/...-'uU.' i. .'A-.1-.'•lj''l'J.-,-ffi?^!**r^ TribjrineCo •••0 v?^lswwn*e|ti' Gentlemen::-^& n'''-—''*• Ettelosed 1 £.-C\^V.^':^,^^^i.-f •4 •••& 1?S5 i0.\ ,'Wi :^5H*5«^ wk' •mmm-: $ .$•% ..« ... '.••'!• '$':% /i*:. Mi §$%& '!?f*.! CLASSIFICATION of adSvffniikeB^ •your "Waait**?a8.:ei|By^ .flJd'i*^4--p^ phone numher, ji 4 -fM^M^" v^fe IJ^^lW^Si" W ions A Ci^.11 .' M$ .?*fl. MP.: i^-k^tM '-.feVSB ^•t&f&Fi