Four $&* gtemarcfe Sfftust. BY M. H. JEWELL. Every Morning Except Monday and Weekly. Bv M. H. JhAVELL. Publication Office: 100 FOURTH SIKKI,r. COR. BROADWAY Eatablisbed {$»&,, jgaj 01dMt io Stte Tetephone-Businesi~OtV.ce. 32 Editorial and Local, 13. Subscription Rates: Daily by carrier 50 cents .month editor, but not necessarily for publication. ADVERTISING AGENTS: La Coste & Maxwell, 140 Nassau Street, New York. North Star Daily Press Asso ciation, Germania Building, St. Paul, Mian-. for business in Minnesota, Wisconsin and South Dakota. Manuscripts offered for publication will be returned if unavailable. Communications for the Weekly Tribune should reach this office on Wednesday of each week to insure pub lication in the currert issue. Correspondents wanted in every city, town and precinct in the western part of the state. All papers are continued until an explicit order to discontinue is received, and until all arrearages are paid. Entered as second-class matter. MEMBER Of ASSOCIATED PRESS. SENATOR McCUMBER'S "PALACE" We find in tbe insurgent campaign literature that is being sent out that Senator McCumber owns no home in North Dakota, but has a "palace" in Washington. This is intended to prejudice the people of the state against the senator, and is the mean est and most despicable type of dem agogism. Of course, Senator McCum ber has a home in Washington, a modest residence, inasmuch as it is necesary for him and his family to live there a great share of the time, and it is necessary that they have a place to live. A senator is elected for six years, and if he has a family, the matter of a place to live in the national capital is a first considera tion, and he is fortunate if he is able to own a home there, for the matter of his comfort and convenience and that of his family. The state of North Dakota certainly does not be grudge its senator the matter of a suitable place to live in the city where he performs his official duties. As to the senator's interest in this state, they are substantiaFand were earned by long residence and hard work in North Dakota. As well might a charge be made against a state officer by his home people that he owns a home at the capital city. The duties of a states officer require him to live at the state capital, and it does not make him any less worthy the support and re spect of his home people if he owns a home at the capital of the state for the time of his residence there. We take it either Mr. Marshall or Mr. Gronna would gladly own a home in Washington—if it carried with it the United States senatorship for six years. WEALTH IN THE SOIL A few years ago land in the west ern part of the state went begging There were five or six million acres of land open to homestead in the Bis marck land district alone. Other land districts in the western part of the state offered abundant opportuni ties to settlers to locate on free land and prove up on it. Great tracts west of the Missouri river sold for a few dollars an acre. Some sold for as low as a dollar and a dollar and a quarter. One man who invested in a large tract of land in Morton coun ty recently admitted that he made on the tract "a million dollars more than he expected." To show the Change in conditions it is well to note that at a sale of isolated tracts at the Bismarck land office the other day one tract sold for $23.75 an acre. It was purchased by a farmer who paid for it with cash. A recent sale of an isolated tract in the Dickinson district brought $25 an acre—also purchased by a farmer. He paid down $1,000 cash for a forty acre tract. This shows that the value of western North Dakota land is com ing to be appreciated. The govern ment land is practically all gone in the Bismarck district. It is going fast in the other land districts. Far mers are anxious to add to their holdings. Improved farming methods, the steam and gasoline plow, and ^better machinery for seeding make it possible to farm much larger tracts. 'The farmers are anxious to have pas ture land, in addition to wheat land. They. want to add some cows to their holdings and sell cream and butter and beef. More land is being planted to corn and tame fodder. The free, grazing lands are gone, add will hot return. Conditions in western North Dakota are changing rapidly. No better proof of the quality of the soil aad the permanency of improve stents can be offered than the build- not building lines to be operated at a duce* lng of new lines of road. The rail- cannot be well if there 1B a trace of road officiate are pretty far-sighted. catarrh in her ayftem. Th a™ Some women think Mare is no help men-good business men. They »«»»f6r is independent. With sensible meth ods of cultivation, he has a heritage for himself and his family. Land is still selling at a comparatively low price in the western part of North Dakota. It will double in value in the next generation, as it has more than doubled an tripled in, the past Every once in a while some light is let in on the "enthusiasm" with which the insurgent candidates wmcu me IUDUIJCUL greeted in their campaign for office, Wahpeton Gazette: One of the most silly things that have appeared in the campaign literature sent out by the progressive republican com mittee is the statement that Senator McCumber.does not own a home in North Dakota, but does own a "man sion" in Washington. Mr. McCumber owned a home in this city until sev eral years after he was elected sen ator. He still owns several lots in the city and nearly all the property he has is in North Dakota. He does own a modest home in Washington, which, owing to the high rents there, he was forced to buy in order to live within his income. The Thos. Mar shall organs attempt to make it ap pear that Senator McCumber's inter ests are with the "eastern million aires," but those who knew him know that his interests are still in North Dakota as they always have been. Go See Busch for Shoes GERMS INJER SYSTEM EVERY WOMAN SHOULD READ THIS AVDICE AND THE GEN EROUS OFFER THAT GOES WITH IT The number of diseases peculiar to women is such that we believe this space would hardly contain a mere mention of their names, and it is a fact that most of these diseases are of a catarrhal nature. A woman t|lein W to be a loss. They know what this country sure of this that we offer to supply has produced and what it will pro-! medicine absolutely free of all cost in every instance were it fails to All of which proves that North Da- ten years Peopld must eat and food quently in discharges from mucous -nm fha products must come largely from tbe soil: The land will be better culti vated. More attention will be paid to diversification. Moisture may be no greater but better use will be made of it. Everything points to an era of continuing prosperity for North Dakota. posft^lyT declare this iBtaken idea. We are so give satisfaction, or does not sub- a a kota land is a good property. The derstanding, no woman should hesi •aian who has a North Dakota farm tate tor believee ourput honestyclaimpur- our claims. With this un- of pose hesitat to our to a test. ,.. There is only one way to overcome catarrh. That way is through the blood. You may use all the snuffs, douches or like remedies for years without getting more than tempor ary relief at best. Catarrh in gen eral is a diseased condition of the system that shows locally most fre- I membranes. Local treatment should treatment for 8 is in a the-,a generalb diseasedl condition if a complete cure is to be reached. That internal treatment should be scien tifically devised and faithfully ad ministered. Rexall Mucu-Tone is scientifically prepared from the prescription of an eminent physician who for thirty years made catarrh his specialty. This remedy is admirably adapted to the treatment of the catarrhal ail ments of women. It purifies and en- a re riches the blood, tends to stop mu- 8 a a I removing im- soothes, he 8 8 Insurgent newspapers regularly tell" heals and strengthens the mucous us of the "demonstration" that is made by the people in honor of these heroes in their triumphal tour of the state. But once in a while some bru tal editor tells the whole truth, even as the Devils Lake Journal does in tbe following: "Judge W. S. Lauder, one of the smartest men in North Dakota, visit ed Devils Lake yesterday. He was advertised to speak here last night at the court house. He was advertised well, too. For several days the ad vertisement of the meeting had been running in the Journal. It had also been advertised in the Inter-Ocean. Lithographs with the judge's hand some face beaming like an early sun rise were much in evidence around town—in store windows, nailed to telephone poles and on livery stables. The hour for the speaking approached, but the populace did not—approach. The minutes sped on and the Judge's heart grew heavy. How it happened may never be known, but ten people straggled in, curiosity bent. And then Jim Shea, the United States marshal, walked in. That was the straw which broke the camel's back, as the saying goes. The judge could conceal his emotion no longer. He had known old Jim Shea down in Richland. He knew that Jim knew him, also. Perhaps that was the reason. But no matter. The judge languidly arose and made bis speech. It was not very long, and it did not take long to tell it. He said that he had come to Devils Lake to make a speech in which he desired to dis cuss the issues of the campaign from the standpoint of an insurgent or progressive republican, but inasmuch as there were but few—too few—in attendance of the meeting, it would be an imposition upon the taxpayers to make them pay for the electric light meter which was doing business in the basement. Therefore the meet ing was then and there adjourned sine die. Before the gavel fell on the last act of the sombre assem blage, the judge intimated that if EIGHT—Daily Gribbins May 27 ever the people of Devils Lake be came awakened to the importance of sending a real pretty bunch of re formed gangsters to Washington, such as himself, Gronna, Helgeson and Marshall, he would return. But until then—not any more Devils Lake frosts for him. tissues, and brings about a feeling of health and strength. We want you to try Rexall Mucu Tone on our guarantee. If you are not satisfied, simply tell us and we will hand back your money. Rexall Mucu-Tone comes in two sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Bismarck only at our store,—The Rexall Store The Lenhart Drug Co. BAPTISTS CELEBRATE COMPLETIONOFCHURCH PLEASING PROGRAM IS RENDER ED AND CHURCH PEOPLE ARE ENTHUSIASTIC. Members of the Congregation Are Planning for Reception of the State Convention in September. The Baptists of the city were hap py last night, and were amiable hosts and hostesses at a public entertain ment of their friends, when they cele brated the completion of the base ment of the church, which makes a splendid addition to the comforts and conveniences of the building. The new basement, or' rather the completed basement, is commodious and pleasant, nicely furnished, and its completion is a matter of satisfac tion to the members of the church, Rev. Newcomb and all of the active workers who began the work just a little over three months ago. There are nicely appointed recep tion rooms, cloak rooms, toilet rooms, and a large assembly hall, in which social occasions may be held. There is also a kitchen v/ith all accessories, either on hand or soon to be install ed and the members of the church have every reason to congratulate themselves upon the finishing of their work. In commemoration and celebration of the completion of the basement and its dedication to church uses, a pleas ing program was given at the church last night, prior to the reception and dedication of the basement. The au dience present completely filled the church auditorium. G. W. Bowden, who has been ac tive in the work for the completion of tbe basement of the church, and who is an active worker for the in terests of the institution, presided, and he spoke of the gratification of the members at the completion of their work. He also presented those who contributed to the evening's pro gram. Prayer was offered by W. E. Par sons, another active member of the church. A violin solo was effectively rendered by Miss Ellen Acheson, with Mrs. Petrie at the organ. Jas. W. Foley read several verses, and a very interesting presentation of the mys teries of wireless telegraphy was giv en by Mr. James Doran, with appara tus illustrating the marvels of the wireless, which proved a very inter taining exhibition and lecture. After the completion of the pro gram, ice cream and cake were serv ed to the guests in the new assembly room in the basement. The guests were presented at the door and receiv ed by Rev. Newcomb, Mrs. Smith and Mr. Schutt. The Brotherhood and the churcb set out originally to raise $1,500 to complete the basement and furnish the rooms, and they have met with splendid encouragement, all of the sum having been raised but about $200. When this is paid, it will leave the church clear and nothing but a mortgage on the parsonage, which Is not so large but it can be cleared off without difficulty. The business men of the city have responded liberally to the requests of the soliciting com mittee and the church people have come forward nobly to the work in hand. The membership of the church is now the largest it has been in its, history and the enthusiasm in all de-l partments sbows the result of the general optimism and advance. The Baptist state convention will meet in the city in September, and the church will have tbe honor of re ceiving delegates- from the Baptist church of the entire state. R. B. Griffith of Grand Forks, is the state president of this convention, and the state meeting is looked forward to with great interest. Go See Busch for Shoes BISMARCK DAILY TRIBUNE HIS CURED IN IIWEEK Cracked Open, Bled, Burned and Ached for Over a Year—Could Not Sleep nor Even Dross Himself —Doctors Failed to Help Him. MAN OF 70 OWES SKIN COMFORT TO CUTICURA "I am a man seventy years old. My hands were very sore and cracked open on the insides for over a year with large sores. They would crack open and bleed, itch, burn and ache so that I could not sleep and could do but little work. They were so bad that I could not dress myself in the morning. They would bleed and the blood dropped on the floor. I called on two doctors, but they did me no good. I could get nothing to do me any good till I got the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. About a year ago my daughter got a cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuti cura Ointment and in one week from the time I began to use them my hands were all healed up and they have not been a mite sore since. I would not be with out the Cuticura Remedies. "They also cured a bad sore on the hand of one of my neighbor's children, and they think very highly of the Cuti cura Remedies. John W. Hasty, Bo. Ef fingham, N. H„ Mar. 5 and Apr. 11. '00." For Baby's Skin The purest,, sweetest and most eco nomical method of preserving, purifying and beautifying baby's delicate skin, scalp and hair is the constant use of Cuticura Soap, assisted, when necessary, by gentle applications of Cuticura Oint ment. For rashes, itchings, inflamma tions and chaflngs of infants, children and adults, as well as for shaving, sham pooing, sanative, antiseptic cleansing and an purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery Cuticura Soap and Ointment are unrivaled. Cutieur* Soap (25e.). Cutieur* ©to*"*"* «?^1 and Cuticura Resolvent (fiOc.). (or In tbp form pi Chocolate Coated Pills, 25c. pervial olI80Ji areiKid throughout the world. Potter Drug Chem. Corp. Sole Props.. 135 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. •I-32-page Cuticura Book, mailed free, glylac de. •crlptlonaBd treatment ot a hundred skin affections. Amusements GRAND 0 The Grand played to a largrej and well-pleased audience again last night. There will be a special chil dren's matinee this afternoon at 3:30, and it is expected that there will be a large crowd of the youngsters out to see Ned and Marjie Tyrell, the youthful performers who are making such a great nTt and to laugh at that very funny man, Homer Denis. Tonight will be the last chance fu see the present show, and a large" crowd is expected. BAKER'S HALL There will be a public dancing party at Baker's hall Saturday even ing. Everyone invited. Music by Sellen's orchestra.—Advt. A. W. Lucas Co., are offering some thing entirely unusual in bargains for Saturday. Read their ad. A. W. LUCAS CO. HAMAR FARMER DROWNS. Tolna, N. D., May 27.—Chris. Han son of Hamar. was drowned last Fri* day in Moon lake, four miles south oi that village. He and Sam Holm were Ashing from a sailboat when t!" heavy wind capsized it. They were unable to swim out and clung to the boat in the icy water. For two hours Hanson was able to keep up while they waited for help, but then he was attacked by cramps and sank into the water. His companion tried to hold him up but the struggle against cold and waves was too much. Holm was aole to hold out for two hours longer but was almost ready to give up when help reached him. SAW THE BRIGHT SIDE. He Made the Most of an Unpleasant Situation. A group of men were discussing human nature and the difficulty of looking always on the bright and glit tering side of things when the dingy, dark brown side is uppermost and seems destined to remain uppermost. "It's a groat thing to cultivate a disposition to make the most of things In this life," remarked a man who used to drive trotting horses for a living. "The most striking illustration I ever had of that was in a big horse race at a county fair down the state about ten years ago. The man driving along side of ni« let his horse swerve on the back stretch, aud my sulky was upset. That caused a general ruixup, and a colored driver right behind me got un loaded and Ins sulky broken to pieces. Well. I lay there for a minute, and then, as I didn't seetu to be much hurt, I started to jet up. "'Hey, boss, don* yo' go gittin' up!' yelled the colored driver at me excit edly. 'Why?' 1 asked him, some puzzled. 'Cause,' he answered, 'yo' all lay right wha' yo' Is, and In' a minute they'll sen' roun' hyah. and haul us back pas' the gran' stan' in a caib hiage.' "Sure Enough, they did, and when* we drove up that home stretch ln the open hack they sent for us that col ored man was tbe happiest person I ever saw. Now. that's what I call making the most of things!"—Cleve land Plain Dealer. GEO. W. WILSON Geo. W. Wilson, who has entered the race for (he governorship of North Dakota, is meeting with splendid encouragement in his campaign. He is a republican, hat has not been entangled with either of the factions. His record in the past is one of honesty and square dealing and is an assurance that if he is elected he will conduct the office for the common good of all the people of the state.— Schafer Record. For State Superintendent of Public Instruction My name will appear on the primary elec tion ballot as a candidate for the republican nomination for the office of State Superin tendent of Public Instruction. Political Announcements E. J. TAYLOR. For Secretary of State I am a republican candidate for Secre tary of State. If elected I shall move with my family to Bismarck, and endeavor to perform well the duties of the office. W. M. HOUSE. For State Treasurer Grafton, May 12, 1910. I am a candidate on the Republican ticket for the office of State Treasurer at the pri mary election to be held June 29th, 1910, and respectfully solicit the endorsement of my candidacy for this office by the repub licans of the state. Resoecfully, GUNDER OLSON. For Member of Legislative Assembly I hereby announce myself a repub lican candidate for member of the! legislative assembly from Burleigh county, and will appreciate the sup-1 port of the electors of the county fori held June 29, 1910. E. A. WILLIAMS. For State Auditor. I heieby announce myself a republican \ndidate for reelection AS state auditor of orth Dakota. I shall continue to reside at Bismarck and five the affairs of the office my personal at tention, as I have during the present admin istration. D. K. BRIGHT BILL For Attorney General. I herewith announce myself a ca.ididate the republican ticket for reelection to the office of Attorney General of the State of N'orth Dakota. If re-elected the present policy of the office will he continued. ANDREW MILLER. For Judge of Supreme Court. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate .or nomination for judge of the supreme court )f the state of N'orth Dakota, at the coming primarv election in Tune. Minot, N. D., March 1, 1910. E. B. GOSS. For State Auditor. I am a candidate on the republican ticket for the office of state auditor at the primary election to be held June 29th, 1910, and re spectfully ask the support of my candidacy by the republicans of the state. Respectfully, JOHN FLITTIE. Williston. N. D., May IS, 1910. For Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor At the persistent request of those who arc interested in the welfare and develop ment of North Dakota, I have consented to become a candidate for Commissioner of Ag riculture and Labor. If elected I shall strive to increase the population of the state, labor to present its many opportunities to the people of other states, and will con tinue to -ive mv undivided attention to the duties of the office. \V. C. GILBREATH. HON. W. E. PURCELL United States Senator from North Dakota, and a Candidate on the Democratic Ticket to Succeed Himself. COOLEY. For Judge of Supreme Court. I hereby announce my candidacy for nom ination for the office ot judge of the su preme court at the Tune primaries. CHARLES M. COOLEY. For Judge of Supreme Court. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for judge of the supreme court. P. H. ROURKE. DISTRICT. For Congress. I announce myself a candidate for tbe re publican nomination for congress before the primaries in June. I will give out my plat form later. I am a resident of the western part of the state, and believe that all parts of the state should be represented. If elected S will do everything in my power to represent cue state creditably and fairly in congress. T. R. MOCKLER. For Commissioner of Insurance. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination as commissioner of insurance on the republican ticket, and respectfully solicit the support of the voters at the primaries in June. Mott, Hettinger county, N. D., May 11, 1910. GEORGE H. STONE. For Representative. I hereby annouce myself as a candidate for member of the house of representatives from the Twenty-seventh legislative district, subject to the decision of the republican electors. If elected, I shall endeavor to represent my constituency. H. P. KNAPPEN. COUNTY. Announcement. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for reelection to the office of county treas urer, subject to the decision of tbe repub .ican voters at the primary election to be held in June. If elected. 1 will, as a servant of the people, attend to the duties of my office faithfully, impartially and to the best inter »ts of the taxpayers of Burleigh county. Respectfully yours, CARL R. KOSITZKY. For County Commissioner. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate an the republican ticket for the office of county commissioner in the Third district, •ubjec. to the republican voters at the general primary election to be held in June. I am a resident of Canfteld, a farmer and i!s- a taxpayer. If elected to the office, I *i.l. to the best of my ability, look after tbe iptercsts of the county, faithfully, impartial ly in compliance with the laws of our L. H. ONG. Canfield. N. D., February 11, 1910. For County Auditor. I hereby announce myself a candidate on the republican ticket for election to tbe of •ii.e of County Auditor. If elected I will, to the best of my ability, erve the people, by an honest and just ad ninistration. and to the best interests of tbe "^payers of Burleigh county. Respectfully yours. X. E. FLAHERTY. For Sheriff. I herewith announce myself a candidate on he republican ticket for election to the office sheriff of Burleigh county, subject to the lecision rendered at the primary election to 'le held in June. JOHN .». FRENCH. For County Judge. 1 hereby announce my candidacy on the re •uhHi-an ticket for the office of county' judge of Burleigh county, N. D., subject to the ap •ri-val oi the republican voters at the general "rimary election to be held in June, 1910. ?, Saturday, May 28, 1010. I have been a resident of Hie couaty for thirty years and know tbe needs of the coun ty, and I faithfully promise that if elected I will fulfill the duties of the office impartially and will transact tbe duties of the office in manner to benefit the public at large aa ..ell as tbe tax payers of the county. WILBERT FIELD. County Auditor. 1 anndunce myself a candidate for the office of County Auditor on the republican ticket. If elected I shall administer my official duties faithfully and to the best interests of 'he taxpayers of Burleigh county. J. P. BARTEL. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate on the republican ticket, subject to the voters it tbe primary election, for commissioner in (he Second district. I have been a farmer in Sibley township for nine years, and if fleeted I will serve the people of Burleigh county to the best of my ability. CHAS. G. PORTER. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of sheriff of Burleigh county, on tbe republican ticket, subject to the de cision of the voters at the primary election to be held in June. FRANK BARNES. For County Judge. I am a candidate for the republican nom ination as county judge at tbe primary elec tion. I respectfully solicit the support of republican voters. M. T. McKENZIE. For County Judge. I hereby announce myself a candidate fo: county judge, subject to tbe republican vot ers at the June primaries. HOWARD A. THOMAS. County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate on the republican ticket for nomination for -the office of county commissioner for the Sec ond commissioner district of Burleigh coun ty, subject to tbe decision of the voters at the primary election to be held next June. LYNN W. SPERRY. For Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate on the republican ticket for nomination for the office of county commissioner for the Third commissioner district of Burleigh county, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary election to be held next June. CHAS. J. PETERSON. .. (Better known as Coal Mine Peterson.) r?" For Clerk of Court. I hereby announce myself as a candidate, on the republican ticket, for the office of Clerk of Court, at the primary election to be held June 29. CHAS. FISHER. For County Superintendent of Schools I hereby announce my candidacy for elec tion to the office of county superintendent of schools, subject to the decision of the republican voters a the primaries on June 29, 1910. If nominated and elected, I shall continue to devote my entire time and best efforts to the educational work in the county. C. L. VIGNESS. Far County Auditor. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election for the office of County Audi tor, on the republican ticket. I. W. HEALY. For County Judge. I hereby announce myself a candidate on the republican ticket for election to the of fice of County Jud"e of Burleigh county, subject to the primary election to be held in June. If elected I will conscientiously discbarge the duties of the office. Respectfully submitted to the derision of the people. G. J. KEEN/N, Bismarck, N. D. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for coroner on the republican ticket, subject to the decision of the voters at the June pri maries. If elected I will serve as I have in the past. E. G. FIELD. For County Commissioner. I announce myself a candidate on the re* publican ticket for nomination for County Commissioner in the First district. This is not at the request of any faction of the party, but of my own free will and accord. If nominated and elected, I will be in "osi tion to, and will give all a square deal. L. E. HEATON, McKenzie. N. D. Announcement. Bismarck, N. D., March 24, 1910. I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of Clerk of Court of Burleigh county en the Republican ticket at the pri mary election to be held June 29, 191Q. I have lived in Bismarck thirty years and have never held a public office of any kind. THOMAS P. O'CONNOR. County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate on the republican ticket for nomination for the office of county commissioner for the First commissioner district of Burleigh county, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary election to be held next June. J. H. ALLENSWORTH. Brittln. N. D. For Cononer I wish to announce to the Republican vot ers of the county that I am a candidate for the Republican nomination as Coroner. I have been a resident of the county for thirty years and will, if I am elected, per form the duties of the office in a manner that will be satisfactory to all concerned. I will appreciate vour support. CHAS. E. WHITE. For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Register of Deeds on the republican ticket at the primary election to be held in June. 1910. JOHN F. FORT. For County Treasurer. I am a candidate for the republican nom ination as county treasurer at the primaries. I respectfully solicit the support of the re publican voters. H. L. READE. A Romantic Career. The romantic career of a very re markable man. John Gully, who sec onded Cribb in his battle with Moli neaux. is thus summed up in the "Dictionary of National Biography:" "Prizefighter, horse racer, legislator and colliery proprietor." Gully fought his first fight just before Trafalgar. He fought his last and retired from the prize ring in a blaze of triumph seven years before Waterloo. Gully rose to be a rich man and a member of parliament. He won the Derby three times and was the owner of a large and prosperous colliery. He died ln 1863. the father of twenty-four cluV dren. Couldn't Frighten Him. An Indian maharajah once received Lord Clive, the famous soldier. In his palace court Presently In sprang tiro whopping big Bengal tigers, as big'As ever grew. They rolled and sprawfel rand romped all over the court, growl ed, spit and struck at each other. All the time the rajah slyly and snaklly stole glances at Clive to see If it would scare him green white. After a Utile the, tigers were driven out Clive' smoked his cheroot all the while. ''"'. .•••.'r'-,.?.':v•••.v.svi•.-.,'.-•«