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WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 31, 1912. NOTEDEDUCATOR TELLS GOOD OF MATHEMATICS MANY PEOPLE DO NOT UNDER- STAND WHAT IS MEANT BY MENTAL DISCIPLINE Report iMued by the United States Bueau of Education Dealing with Question "What good does mathematics do your pupils." was in substance the question put to the teachers of this subject in the private high schools of the United States by a commission who»3 report hts just been printed for free distribution by the United -States bureau of education. To this question the mathematics teachers of the country responded to the last member: "They get mental discipline." "And what do you mean by men tal discipline?" asked the commission, -which comments upon the' answers re* ceived as follows: "Mental discipline is, in most cases, described in vague, general term, loosely applied, represen*ing all sorts ot mental and even moral qualities which are believed to result from a discipline of the mind. Nearly all have a firm conviction that general abilities are gained through exercise of the mind upon a particular subject, especially mathematics. "A composite of the replies shows that mental discipline is considered to be that which produces an improve' ment in intuition, Judgment, memory, Imagination, intelligence, reason, pow ers, reasoning powers or an improvet HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED—Good bright boy about 16 years old. Cowan's Drug Store. POSITIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—Work of any kind, by good man. Address 10th street, number 10. George Partola. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED—Capable girl to cook for twelve people. Write or phone In. dian school, Bismarck, N. D. WANTED—To be out of work Is really expensive. To advertise for a job is economy for it stops the big ex pense, that of being unemployed. Try the wants. FOR RENT—HOUSES. FOR RENT—Small house, close in, and in good condiion. George M. Register HOUSE for rent in desirable location. J. L. Bell. FOR" RENT—Five-room furnished house. Inquire 123 Mandan Ave. Phone 440J. FOR RENA—House, one block from business section, on Fourth street. B. C. Mark WANTED TO RENT Housem. WANTED—Modern cottage of~5 or 6 rooms also a modern house, well located, of about 9 rooms. If you have such houses for sale see me. George M. Register. FOR RENT—FLATS. FOR RENT—Five-room modern, warm flat. Phone 524R. ROOMS WANTED. WANTED—Gentleman wants room and board not to exceed $5.00 per week. Private family preferred. Address J. care Tribune. WANTED—SITUATION. WANTED—Any kind of work. Day or week. Phone 307L. FOR SALE—MOUSES. FOR SALE—Seven room house with four lots, block 13, McKensle's ad dition. $2,700, easy terms. Apply M. J. MeKenxle. FOR SALE—New modern house, well located, at a bargain. Apply for par ticulars, House, care Tribune. Scoop The CVB Reporter The Daily JVetos Comedian ment in ability or power of mental concentration, initiative, sustained ef I forts, analysis, generalization or an improvement in ability to think rapid ly, clearly, independently, logically to recognizethe essential elements in, I a problem, to note resmblanccs and relationships, to grasp and apply I principles, to understand cause and effect. I "One of the most generally approv ed results of mental discipline is the ability to express thoughts clearly, concisely, and accurately. In a few cases metal discipline 's described! as the formation of habits habits of mental concentration, of industry, of accuracy in thought and expression. "Following are a few examples of more definite analyses of the authors' conceptions of mental discipline: '"Mental discipline is that process of mind which (1) recognizes there is a problem. (2). Wills that the problem 'be solved. (3). Perseverers until the desired goal is obtained." "Results of mental discipline are— Ability to observe well, to make corrects records, written or in mem ory, of things observed, to sift data or evidence, to draw correct inferen ces, to state these inferences in clear languages/ "In only a few cases in the influ ence of modern views of formal dis cipline apparent. "About half of the teachers con sider mathematics superior for men tal discipline to all other subjects. A considerable number consider it superio" for certain kinds of discip line, usually for improvements ini logical reasoning or in accuracy. A few qualify their approval, saying that mathematics 1B superior to some subjects or for some minds. About 10 per cent of the teachers do not regard it as superior to other subjects ROOM8 FOR RENT. MODERN room for rent at Perry's. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with or without board. 218 Second St. Phone 459. FOR RENT—Front room in new, modern house suitable for lady or gentleman. Mandan avenue, 300 block. Phone 218. FOR RENT—Modem rooms and board at Dunraven Place. 211 Third street. Phone 122. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room in modern ihouse, with board. Rea sonable prices. 416 Thayer St., Phone 145. FOR RENT—Furnished room, mod ern convenienc Phon« 474. FOR RENT—Modern furnished room 307 4th Street Mrs. J. Brady. FUR I6HED ROOMS—All modern five minutes walk business cen ter. ?17 8th St Phone 432J. FOR RENT—Cozy room in modern house. Phone 206N. FOR RENT—Nice furnished front room, modern house, at $2.50 week, 209 Second St FOR RENT—Furnished rooms In modern bouse, 46 Main St. Phone 440L. FOR RENT—Large furnished front room on ground floor, 307 Seventh street. TOR RENT—Front bed room with' ail modern conveniences. Apply Mrs. P, McHugh, 412 Seventh street FOR RENT—Nice large room in mod ern bouse. 522 Eighth street. Phone 467R. ROOM and good table board at the Woodmaneee. 411 Fifth street. LOST AND .FOUND. L08T—When you lose something even if it is hope—you can find It again by using the want ads. LOST—Black and white shepherd pup, mixed breed and worthless except for child's pet. Call 14 West Ros _ser or Phone 39SL. LOST—About January 1 in Bismarck, valuable pin, cresent shape set with pearls and diamonds. Very liberal reward for return to Mrs. W. T. An derson, Washburn, N. D. W A FOR, I 1 and one says in answer to the ques tion, 'Decidedly no.' "The nature of the superiority is usually stated in terms of the desir able qualities of mind which are said to be produced more readily through] mathematics than through other sub jects. One says it 'requires thought.' I The superior quality of mathematics most frequently referred to are ita denniteness and the absolute trust worthiness of its principles. The simplicity of its data and the ease of checking results make this the best medium for training the student in logical reasoning. On the other hand, it is said to call for greater mental efforts, and therefore to result in greater mental power." In discussing the mathematics teachers' ideas of the benefits gained by high school pupils from a study of their subjects, the commlsion says: "Of the 136 replies, all recognize mental discipline as one of the aims of mathematics teaching, and all but three work for the development of an accurate conception of space and form. Nearly all approve of prepara tion for more advanced work in math ematics, preparation for studying other subjects, the teaching of math ematical truths for their own sake, and the cultivation of an appreciation of the importance of mathematical knowledge in modern life Only eleven schools are able to 'gnore prepara tion either for examination or for re quir ments imposed by outside au thorities. "The preparation for vocations is the aim least generally recognized. Ninety per cent of the boys' schools recognize this aim, but only a little more than half of the girls' schools regard it. "A rather marked difference exists! in point of view of the teachers in 8EWING WANTED. WANTED—Dressmaking at reason able price at 118 First St. Phone 332L. WANTED—Dressmaking at $2.00 a day. Also children's sewing. Phone 459. WANTED—Dressmaking, 312 4th St Phone 375K DRE8SMAKING and all kinds of sewing. Call at 623 Second street or Phone 152L. Mrs. Jones. DRESSMAKING of all kinds. Mrs R. A. Sheldon, 405 Four*»i street. Phone 504L. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE CHEAP. 262 acres of fine bottom land near Ward's place, part timber, part mea dow. A bargain, if taken at once. E. S. Neal. over Bismarck Bank. FOR RENT—Or for sale cheap, two pianos, one almost new at Knowles & Haney's. IF looking for a home on easy terms See Perry. BEFORE purchasing or renting a mod. em home "See Perry." FOR SALE—About 50 hogs, large and small or will trade for cattle. R. D. Coonen. FOR SALE—Carload of registered Peroheron and Belgian stallions and mares. Mare in foal. Address O' I Connor Brothers, Grand Forks, North Dakota. FARM TO EXCHANGE for good horses or good dwelling in Bis marck. Quarter section, good soil, all capable of cultivation, 65 acres now under cultivation. Land is 15 miles north of Turtle Lake and 9 miles south of Ruso. N. D. Paul J. Wedge, Ruso, N. D. FOR SALE OR TRADE—For town property at a bargain S. W. 1-4 Sec. 6-143-78, Burleigh county. P. O. Box 1059, New England, N. D. TO TRADE-]FOTTT^W^bnThaif section in Burleigh county adjoining Bismarck. Address L. E. W., care Tribune. FOR land, improved or unimproved,' "See. Perry." BISMARCK DAILY TRIBUNE You Will Laugh Yourself to Death When You See Him 'you Can't Afford to Miss Him. He's Headed This Way girls' schools on the one hand and those in boys' schools and coeduca tional schools on the other. Among the girls' schools mental discipline is most generally regarded as a predom inant aim. In the other schools, voca tional training and preparation for advanced work in mathematics are mentioned most frequently in con nection with arithmetic and tri gonometry, and preparation for study of advanced mathematics and other subjects in connection with algebra. In geometry, mental discipline takes first place, and the development of accurate conceptions of space and) form stands second in the reports from all three types of schools." The report is ssued by the United States Bureau of Education under the title, "Mathematics in the Public and Private Secondary Schools of the United States," and aside from deal ing extensively with these institu tions, special consideration is also g'ven to mathematics as taught by correspondence schools, by night schools, and by Institutions of higher learning for the colored. The topice dealt with include present methods and organization and proposed re forms. The report was compiled by committees three and four of the International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics, with the corporation of the United States Bu reau of Education.'"' A BIT O NAVA HISTORY Origin of the Corps of Professors of Mathematics. Before the Naval academy was e» tablished uiJdsliipuien received their education entirely on board ship. Tnei? technical education was obtained ir the school of experience, helped out occasionally by the voluntary efforts of the older line officer*. Their gen eral education was at tlrst neglected, but later Instructors were apiwinted for service on ships that carried mid shipmen. These were appointed by the Mcreinry of tbe navy tor HtateO periods, much as civilian Instructor* at tbe Naval academy are appointed at the present time. ID 1842 a general order was issued providing that they should live and mess with lieutenants. They were commissioned In 1848, but specific rank was not given tbem until tbe general reorganization of ail staff corps during the civil war. Tbe late Professor H. H. Lockwood, U. S. N., ID some very interesting rem Iniscences read before tbe Naral Academy Graduates' association in 1893 relates how the corps of profes sors of mathematics came to be form ed In the early days of tbe Naval academy be was one of Its instructors. He had had service in the army, and In the development of tbe course of In struction he determined, after consul tation with tbe superintendent, to give the midshipmen a little Infantry drill. This did not suit the proud spirits of tbe young gentlemen of that day, and to show their disapproval of this and other efforts of the professor they hung him in effigy. An investigation and a court martial followed on tbe charge of insulting a superior officer. The defense put up tbe plea that tbe Instructor was not a superior officer. Such a condition is hard to understand at this time, when the status of offi cers, instructors and midshipmen at the Naval academy is.well defined, but at that time midshipmen were officers, while instructors bad no official stand ing. The plea was technically correct, and to punish the guilty midshipmen it was found necessary to substitute charges in which the anomalous posi tion of the professor in the naval serv ice could not be made to enter. Upon these the guilty midshipmen were con demned and punished. This incident led to an amendment In the naval appropriation bill of 1848 giving authority for the commissioning of twelve professors of mathematics.— Commander U. T. Holmes In Engineer ing Magazine. A Simple Get-rich-quick Scheme. Take 1.000.OG0 cats and get rich quick. This is the adviee of tbe Liberte of Paris to its renders. The prescrip tion Is quite siniMlc. A million cat* Will supply you with 12.COO.000 kittens 4.XS&X The sl.i.s are worth a little over 28 cents each, so there you have a daily gross revenue of about $10.01)1). To skin the cuts you will have to em ploy 100 men. who will charge you $2 per fifty cuts. Your not revenue will thus be nil need to Jibout $0,000 day. It should cost you nothing to feed your cats. Start a rsittery. ltats breed four times as fast as cats, so the cats can have daily diet of four rats apiece, which is ample. To feed the rats is perfectly simple. Give them the skin ned cats. One cat will be ample for four rats The scheme works out sim ply and automatically. The cats eat the rats, the rats eat the cats, and you have the skins. The Other Kind. "As you ilmi't seem to know what you'd liU»* for your liirthdny. Freddie." said his ir.other, "here's a printed list of presenir torn good little boy." Freddie i-Hid over the list Hnd then MI id: "Mother, haven't you a list for a bad little boy?" -Ladles' Home Journal. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR THE PUR CHASE OF BONDS. Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro posals will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Billing* County, North Dakota, at the office of the County Auditor at Medora, North Dakota, up to and including the hour of S o'clock P. M. of the 6th day of Febru ary. A. D. 1912, for the purchase of Fifty thousand ($50,000) Dollars of Bonds, for the purpose of procuring seed grain and feed for needy residents of said County In accordance with the pro visions of Chapter 210 of the laws of North Dakota for 1909. Such bonds to be In denomination of Five hundred Dollars each, and bearing interest not to exceed (6) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually provided, the same shall not be sold for less than their par value and, provided, further, that the said County may reject all bids and postpone the sale of said Bonds for a time not exceeding fifteen (15) days. By order of the Board of County Com missioners of Billings County, North Da kota, this 13th day of January, A. D. 1912. A. MCGREGOR, County Auditor. By J. A. BEERT, Deputy. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. For the week ending January 27, 1912. Auer, Hattle. Anderson, Mrs. Bilinskl. Joseph. Bacatto, Jul. Burtt, Mrs. Dr. Beaver Dam 'Mfg. Co. Ballington, Carrie. Clark, R. Wm. Cramer, Sena. Easton, Tony. Fields, Mrs. George. Hodel, Jos. Harding. Margaret. Johnson, Clara. Kerr, James. Langer, Mai/. McDonald, Isabelle. Myers, Anna. Miller, W. H. Nelson, Rosell... Renard, Sergt. John. Spalding, Geo. Travis, Mrs. E. E. Wilson, Myra. Watts, Mrs. L.. M. Whalen, John. Woock, Lavlna. McWellims, 'Mrs. John. This list will be held two weeks and when calling please say adver tised. AGATHA G. PATTERSON, P. M. Perfection In printing conies with long experience, complete modern equipment, and highly skilled workmen. You get this in Business Stationery at our big print shop *1 and we do tbe work in a jiffy—al ways deliver when promised. Call our man—phone 32. Tribune Printing Co. 4th and Broadway By Frank W. Hopkins of The Kjocky Mountain NeWs BUSINESS DIRECTORY +++++*+*++++++***r+++++rr++++s Hairdressing Go to the Florentk Hair Dressing Parlors Rooms 1 & 2, Tribune Bldg. Telephone No. 234 '^^^#^#####^^^»s»By^»^^0#is»s»s»#^^s»»s»s». ^»»»«*#»«*+++++*+++++++++++*»+++**. DO YOU STOP AT I THESO O HOTEL WHEN IN ASHLEY IF NOT, W NOT? F. H. HURLEY Sign Tainting and Interior Decorating Hardwood finishing a spe cialty. Color designs and estimates furnished on request. West end of Avenue Phone454J »»##»#**»»»»»»»»»»»», SaVe the Cripples When your shoes have gone lame or crippled they must be sent to the shoe hospital. Don't throw them away— that wastes money. Bring your shoee for top-notch soles and repair work. Pices low. Best quality workmanship with lifetime experience. The Original Bismarck Shoe Hospital CAUL JUHNKE ii UNDERTAKING LICENSED EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone 100 Day or Night E. G. FIELD Main aad 3d St. Bismarck HENRY BURMAN Practical boot and shoe re pairer—in rear of Kupitz grocery—my prices are ac cording to grade of work done and quality of materials used Also neatly repair or patch rubbers and overshoes. All Work Guaranteed 8am Geo. LaLone, SIGNS Paper Hanging, Painting Phone 541 Cor. Sweet and 7th Streets, Soath THE BURLEIGH COUNTY AB STRACT CO. Lega' Abstracters for Burleigh County. Under Bond of flO.OOt CITY NATIONAL BANK BLK. FRANK PEENEY. General Insurance. CITY NATIONAL BANK ELK, *»»#*#**»o»#»»»»*#*»i»»»»##^^^^g S. E. JONES, Special Agent New York Life Insurance Ce, Write for particulars eomeem lag our NEW POLICY. Room St. CITY NATIONAL BANK Bismarck, N. 0H 1 FE LUEHE Accountant Auditing Books and Installta* N»w System* BISMARCK, NO. DAK. rriff P. E. BYRNE, ondal Abstractor of Titles tar Burleigh County. Bismarck, N. O. References— Blsraarct- Bank, First National Bank, Biro: ck, N. D. *«^s»s»es»e»#«»B»s»e^##^^#^sal^B^i#igl^^^^^^l Slattery, Gunn & Co. Wholesale and Retail GROCERIES Dealers In Coal, Wood, Ice and Grain I mrd and Broadway BISMARCK, N. D. H. Oatman & Joe Hasseo POOL HALL AND SOFT DRINKS Ashley, N D. "The best off everything always on hand" Undertaking AND Embalming LIcensedEmbalmer in Charge Day Pbeoe SO Night Phone 543R or 165 WEBB BROS.