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1 I 'I THURSDAY, JULY 1,1915. E 1C»EAM Today Is a Day of Many Specials You will note that the bargain items are all numbered by sign cards. At these prices we re serve the right to limit the quantities. No adver tised item sen out on approval. Spring and Summer's Newest Styles in Suit and Coat Specials at Half Price Crepe and Nainsook Night Gowns, neatly trimmed with lace or embroidery. A special assort- AQ liient of extra values. Thursday only, at each "DANA PEERLESS" ICE CREAM FREEZERS This, with the White Mountain is the highest quality freezer made. VERYBODY'S looking for these great weekly sales now, and when they look they find the big gest bargains imaginable, too. We have gone through our several departments again and have selected many bargains for today's selling, and we are sure you will agree to this fact when you read them over. $35.00 Suits made from Rom per, Chuddah, Silk Poplins, Broadcloths and other new ma terials. $35.00 Suit values at. .$17.50 27.50 Suit values at 13.75 25.00 Suit values at .. 12.50 29.Q0 Suit values at .... 10.00 16.00 Suit values at 7.50 $3000 Coat values at .. $15.00 27.50 Coat values at ... 13.75 25.00 Coat values at ... 12.50 20.00 Coat values at ... 10.00 10.00 Coat values at ... 5.00 WOMEN'S NIGHT GOWNS With a proper mixture of ice and salt will freeze in three minutes. Material is of the best quality throughout Size 4 quarts. Regular price $4.50, Special $3.39 CUT STAR BLOWN JUGS Regular price of this item is $1.25 Choice of two styles, optic,and plain three eight point cut sars will rays. Clear crystal glass. Special Trice 69c BELIEVED BUTLER MURDERED FAMILY Examination of Skeletons Indi cate Five Climes Were Com mitted at Once. BODIES HADBEEN STRIPPED OF CLOTHING. No One in Neighborhood Can Throw Light on Gruesome Tragedy. Niagara, June 29—Five murders at one time, when he 'Wiped out an en tire family, and one at a*'1ater date, when lie 'slew a male adult, are crimes laid at the door of Eugene Butler, the recluse farmer of Nia gara, whose death in the asylum for the insane at Jamestown four yeard ago effectively draws a curtain be fore one of the most mysterious cases ever brought to light in the north west. 'Examination of -lx skeletons found under the Butler home near Shawnee, this county, shows that fire of the murders were committed at one time, when a man, a woman and three children were slain. At some later date one man waS killed. Bodies of the five members of the family were buried in a single hole, while that of the other victim •was buried about ten feet from them. The horrible record of crime was unearthed by a workman engaged in excavating for a basement under the former Butler home. He first unearth ed the 'body of the lone victim, which had been concealed under about three feet'of dirt, under th« middle of th« Butler home. The foody had been N WASH FABRIC SALE SPECIALS 27 INCH PRINTED LAWNS •I Batistes and Lace Cloths in neat printings of small floral designs, per yard 27 INCH PRINTED FLAXON iiiul Lace Cloths in neat stripe and Horal print ings in all colors, per yard 27 INCH EMBROIDERED CREPES Woven Tissues and Woven Flaxons in stripe and lloral designs, per yard 38 INCH VOILES, CREPES, LACE CLOTHS in printed, stripe, and floral designs in all colors. The season's most popular fabrics at, per yard Gingham Specials 27 INCH STANDARD 15c QUALITY Dress Ginghams in stripes, cheeks and plaids, per yard 32 INCH ZEPHYR GINGHAMS Fast wash colors in finely woven fabrics for dresses and children's wear, per yard Curtain Scrims 36 INCH PRINTED BORDER CURTAIN SCRIMS, regular 15c values at per yard FLINT BLOWN STAR CUT TUMBLERS Either Bell or Straight Shape Genuine lead blown flint Tumblers, three cut stars. Do not confusc this item with the star cut Tumblers which sell at about 10c. There is a difference. Reg ular price $1.50. Special 98c Per Dozen COLONIAL TUMBLERS This style is undoubtedly the most popular table Tum bler. Special 29c Per Dozen dropped to its place of concealment through a hole -cut in the floor. Buried From Outside T' a* five bodies were buried in a home that was dug. from the outside of the house, under the foundation. Tke hole into which these bodies were dumped, was sloping iii nature, and while time may have rotted 'the (bones there are indications that, in order to hide his crrime, Butler was compelled to break the legs of'at least two of his victims. The foundation vwall where the bod ies ha dbeen buried, was disturbed after it3 construction, which was about 20 years ago. That fact limits the period within which the murders occurred. In order to bury the vic tims, the three bottom stones of the foundation wall were loosened. In re-filling (the hole, black dirt was thrown in, and the manner in which the burial place was dug, indicated by the marked lines of distinction between the iblack dirt used lis a covering and the red clay-subsoil. BZ8MAR9K 1AILY TRIBUNE Our piece goods department also beacons to the economical buyer today. The following list will show you that this statement is a fact. BIG BARGAINS At This Week's THURSDAY SALE 10c 15c 25c 25c 10c 19c 10c BARGAINS FROM THE BASEMENT-HOT WEATHER SPECIALS A. W. Lucas Company Clothing Removed There is absolutely no trace of clothing of any kind. The dirt about the skeletons was carefully examined for trace of (buttons, shoes, etc., but nothing- was found, indicating that the bodies had been buried nude— their clothes probably destroyed by fire, thus effectively destroying the possibility of Identification at this time. Examination of the skull of the sin gle viciitm, and probably the most recent murder victitm, indicates that the man had a crooked nose, the nas al bone being slightly bent toward the left. Each Killed in Same Manner That some sharp instrument was used in killing the members of the family, also is indicated. There is a sharp and clearly defined hole in the left side of. the skull of each. The skull of the single victim is similar ly marked. Neighbors Can't Aid. iMost remarkable is tlie fact tliati NEW NECKWEAR New style Cretonne, Organdie, and Voile sum mer Xeckwcar in all the new shapes, each UNION SUITS Women's bleach white Tnion Suits, loose or tight knee, each GAUZE VESTS Women's bleach white gauze sleeveless Vests, each HOSIERY Children's black cotton llose, linen spliced heels and toes, extra durable, light lustre, black finish. "1 Extra Special, 25c value, per pair NIGHT GOWNS Women's Nainsook and Crepe slipover Night Gowns, neatly trimmed with lace and embroidery, All sizes, special, each DRESSER SCARFS 18xi30 lace trimmed, drawnwork and Batten'berg linenc Dresser Scarfs', Special, Silk Petticoats, black and colors, as long as the lot lasts special at $1.00 3 QT. ALUMINUM BERLIN SAUCE PAN Largest size ever offered at a popular price. Fully guaranteed ware. Extra heavy gauge, nickel polish outside, natural in, aluminum cover. Special Price 69c nobody in the Butler neighborhood has any recollcction of a family dis appearing. Butler, during his lifetime, and during the years that he resided on his farm, lived by himself. He was reticent about his own family history, and had no intimate friends in the neighborhood. During the more recent years of his residence on his farm, he grow more miserly, and lived a hore hermit life. Skeletons Held at Farm. The six skeletons are toeing held at the Butler farm, having (been deposit ed in a box there. Their conditions show quite clearly the lapse of sev eral years between the murder of the family of five, and the murder of the single victim. The entire ground under the house has now been excavated, and no more fliscoveries by scorefH hood, ing of Ben made. lany ffrm was visited gg|*$itf the neighbor- f: -Viji Sunda^ih^ By tha unearth iystery. Stories We want to draw your special attention to the ready to-wear specials. In this department are many big bargains, which at this season of the year you cannot afford to overlook. Read them over carefully, and come in with a little change in your pocketbook and pick your choice. 50c 23c 8c 98c 49c Waists 100 Waists, all good styles, quality I up to $1.50, slightly soiled and muss ed from showing, special at 25 Cents Petticoats of Butler's life were repeated, but none were able to throw any light whatsoever upon the tragedies. None ever had any suspicion of such a crime record and nobody remembers of the disappearance of any person or family in the district. Removes One Theory. The theory has been ventured that the 'bodies of the members of the fam ily might be those of some relatives of Butler's who had come to visit him. If such is the case, they met death almost instantly upon their as rival, for neighbors have no recollec tion of such visitors. Family Murder Most Mysterious. The fact that the bodies of the five victims make up a family clouds the case in greater mystery. It was at first supposed that the victims wera all men, slain from time to time, iby t'utler, who imagined they were plot ting to get his money—of which he usually had considerable about the house. Butler's only companions were farm laborers, and it was thought If you've attended the previous weekly sales, you will come again, we are sure, but to those who haven't attended heretofore,we wish to state that you are missing something big, so come in this morning and make your selection. Silk Dresses Silk and Wool Dresses, the Spring's purchase, good styles for fall wear. $18.50, $20.00 and $2250 values, special $10.50 A large assortment of Percale and Gingham House Dresses, $1.25 qual ity, special 69 Cents 2 piece Middy Breakfast Dresses, just arrived, spe cial introductory price $1.00 CHILDREN'S DRESSES Little tots' finished readv-made white pique and lawa Dresses with stamped yokes for embroidering, each Art Department SPECIAL BARGAIN IN PALMOLIVE SOAP cakes Palmolive for Special 39c 15c PACKAGE OF HAIR PINS 9c Thin, celluloid, well sharpened hair pins. In color*. pins to a box. Regular price 15c- 2 Packages 15c ma 50c For this sale we have received a special ship ment of Palmolive and Violet Glycerine 10c Toilet Soaps. The qual ity of these two Soaps is too well known to need explanation. Our special consists of 3 that he might have killed the mea at various times. However, with the establishment of the fact that the major portion of the skeletons make up a family group, this theory is shattered. It is a great pleasure for the Bow man Public Library Association to make in announcement at this time of & most liberal donation of a lib rary building by the Hon. J. E. Phel an, in meir.oriam of Clara Lincoln Phejan, whose untiring efforts made a freis public library in Bowman pos sible. This building is to be provid ed by Mr. Phelan free of rent, taxes and insurance, and all that heraaks in return is that the principles of civil and religious liberty be guard ed and maintained in harmony with traditions of the gentle epirit in whose memory the affariag is and*, —bowman PiouMr.