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PAGE 6 i?/ ^'iiiKiiiui Him ii !f" jk- •'8 a 4 ZJV.T mSimm UNITED NAVIES OF THE WORLD TO POLICE SEAS TO MAINTAIN UNIVERSAL AND LASTING PEACE BY yvilliaji SHiopnioai). N. K. A. -Washington Bureau, 1 us-l i::-t Mimsal Bldsr., Washington, ]). (.'. The plans for establishing a league of luitions (i I'liforco jii'iicc arc becom ing iisloiiislilnj-'ly roiurreti1. j'lie lirst. iirolileiji in this I'onijt'ftlon, that of buiMiiiK np an international power, that wil force offending nations tmek into the peace family, appears simple. Its solution, in the niimls of 'some of the leading slatesinon of the world, it this: Let every nation, those existing today and those which \\^ll lie created in ilu* readjustnient. of the map, pin tlieir navies into one great 'International police force. In this police force every nation, including even land-liound Switz erland, shall have ships. No nation shall keep any of licr fighting ships at- home tlie.v shall al ways lie with the international fleets. The international licet shall lie un der ilie control of a supreme admiral,^rhecu who shall lie elected liy a hoard con sisting of representatives 'from every nation, each nation to have cijual rep resentation. regardless of its size. There may lie estalrtished three great world police stations. ue. at the Sue/ canal, might he known as the central station. A second, at the Panama Canal. might lie called the western, and a third, on some islaiid\otV ihc China coast, might In- called the eastern. WHAT ABOUT Y3UR liCOME? The elements composing the body are constantly wearing out and must be renewed daily, else the outgo of strength exceeds the income. SCOTTS EMULSION will help the tired business-man or Woman keep pace with the wear and tear of life. Scott's nourishes the body, Llood and nerves, and helps maintain an even balance of strength and energy. Safe-guard your in come cf strength uiith Scott 'a. Scott & liOu-uc, T'/.oomi'.eM, N. on Airless TIRES 30x3 AND 30x3 See A. J. (Grander Box 25} Bismarck N. D. Phone 263 End Your Puncture Troubles iiiiii inn 11 iii iii in 11 iii mi urn WTien you see a man toiling like a beaver to ex tend the sale of printing presses far and wide, take your hat off to that man. In a literal sense you will not, of course—for the reason that to date, Americans have not been in the habit of dipping their derbies'to any man— and if our spazolics hold out, and we buy enough Liberty Bonds, we're,never going to have to. But if you're one who has read even in brief out lines, the story of the race—YOU needn't be re minded that you OWE these men something! Away would go our schools, our railroads, our telegraph and telephone systems—all the big headlines of our present-day civilization, and soon enough, say three generations, we would- be nar rowed doyn to a "walking-distance", knowledge of things, and headed straight for sandals, skins, clubs and brawn, as in the pre-Adamic ages. Printing is the SUN of the huriian intellectual universe—the newspaper is the giant reflector which collects and diffuses information to every quarter of the habitable globe—AND THE AD TRANSMUTES IT INTO COIN-OF-THE JREALM! How long will the ad survive So long as one man needs another—just so long W.ill there be advertising—because the value of ad vertising has at last become understood. ^-AD DEPT—BISMARCK TRIBUNE. FilNlllllllllfHIinillllllllllillltillltllllUIIIIIIIUIflHiillflilllfUUIIIIIIIIINIIIHIIIIIIHIII^ iik-nA. The internatipnali fleets' might he stationed nt. these posts, and at sub stations, scattered' about.' the seven seas. 1 There can he only one erinie that a nation can commit. All other offenses rtgainst .the world's peace will grow out of mat crime. The one crime will be: PERMITTING ANY GROUP OP CITIZENS TO FORM A GOV ERNMENT THAT WILL CON TROL THE PEOPLE, WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE PEG PLR As soon as It becomes perceptible, in any country, that this condition is arising—and resultant evils, such as seeking the territory of other nations or trying to force economic advantages from other nations, will bring such a condition to light—It will be the duty of the international police department' to keep the merchant ships of that nation off the high seas and to prevent her 'commerce with the rest of the world, until the offending condition has eemedied. Land frontiers will also lie closed by adjoining nations and the ofl'eml imr nation isolated, will practically be placed under arrest in its own home. until it comes back into the peace fam ily. if two nations attempt to go to war. their navies will he placed ulider ar rest and. if necessary, marines of the world's police force will lie landed to restore order. The- two olVending na t.ions will ftiul themselves in arms I against all the resi of the world, in I stead of wirh each other, and cut off co nmereially from the rest of the world, will lie forced to terms. The international board will then (kettle their dispute by ahitration. I There will be a president of Uie ,board, elected by the board itself. a...i(Prediction if the country to which In* belongs bry I conies an offender of the world's peace during his term, lie will automatically I I be supplanted by a ranking vice [ires-1 idellt. likely to upset the world's jieace. I That When any action is taken bv and country that tlreatens to upset' peace. I the iiresumiition will be that this act!'11 is that of a irrouii of men who have, in some way or BI'V W. S. S. j, Happy, men make good fighters. OIVIO to the United War Work Cam paign. NEURALGIC PA! ... ... Give W&y to Sool.,'njf Wizard Oil Ever constipated or have sicV headachc? lust try Wi/ard Live' Whips, plca«cnt little pink pills, ot1 cent-- ii inn hi Where Would We Be Without Printing? All-worth-while human history prior to printing, may be summed up in a few pages. It's along way down, from savagery tox the present, but destroy the printing presses and typfe cases, and the slope backward would be steep and dangerous. mini mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ V.' £.1- ,V V*. 4S' & '.it a. 7777 The chief presumption, in establish' iiiir the league, will be that every country is ruled by a government se lected by the people, which rules with tile consent of the governed. No ai tiou which the mass of people may I congress »f nations, in Washing take in any one country is considered '0'1, reootlstnn-t the is 0sf other, perfidiously gained control of the people. In such case the people will be helped to throw I oft" the •rovernmenr and may perhaps be provoked to do so by lieinir cut off from the rest of the world. I II is alonjr these l^nes that the plan for the league to enforce jieace is form I in^ itself. Some such arrangement is likely to lie in existence before the world is maimy years older. IUiJ llainlin's Wizard b:i i. a s.itc a et'itvi.'.e ut-aiiuciit be .d-n l.t- fti neuralgia. Rubbed in where the p.t is, it acts a-, a ionic to the turttm nerves and almost invariably brui^r liuiclc relief Its liealiii T. antiseptic qualities eat always be relied o:i to prevent in fection, or: other seriviiia to ult. fron sprain-, I jr ii cats, burns, lute and .stings, .lust as good, too, fo. sore feet, MifV neck, frost h.'t«.s, crib sores and canlier ,sore (let it from drti'j.,^its for .50 ccnts If not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. prediction made in iiigh- '"ircles. Ir wi (,t 1,0 :1 "I*"'* confer v" SM1SP* Ausfria-Hunjrary and (iermany as constitnted when they started the war won't be in it. There is good reason to believe President ^Vilson wants this congress held in Washington. AI'STRIA Ml'ST ADMIT He has already told Aus#ia-IIun gary that she's "out"—that she must be dismembered before there is any talk of-peace. She must deal with the Ozocho-Slovaks as an allied nation. This means that Austria must ad mit, befiM-e there is even any talk of peace, that S111 NO L't.NCKIt KN ISTS. The same is true of Cennany.v If the German people force the kaiser out of office, they will, practically, have become members of the allies, because they, will haye accomplished the very job that the allies have been trying to perform. One talks peace War Editor of the Newspaper Enter prise Association. m. CONGRESS OF NATIONS IN WASHINGTON IS TO RECONSTRUCT THE WORLD N. K. A. Washington liureau, Munsay Dili-. Washington. 1. FREED STATES MAY FORM NUCLEUS OF NEW LEAGUE OF NATIONS THAT IS TO PRESER VE PEACE OF WORLD BY A. E. GELDHOF. N N. E. A. Washington Bureau. 1128-1134 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C. Twelve nations, their rieclaratlon of Independence signed on_ the same table which in 1776 bore the document which announced America's Treedom, are today organizing their govern ments in preparation for the last act that will sever the shackles that bind them to Germany and Ausria. That act will be the unconditional surrender of the Huns. In their headquarters in Washing ton, delegates from each of the na tions which announced their freedom at Independence Hall in Philadelphia are meeting to perfect their organiza tion and outline the demands they wMl present at the peace conference. These demands will be based on the following broad principles: The principle of nationality, en abling each nation to exercise the right of self-determination. The peace conference will be asked to abandon all previously fbrmed conceptions of military boundaries in the formation1 of states, and make them over on the basis of the wishes of the people. 2. All efforts which will be made by Germany and Austria toward for cible denationalization of pfeoples iwthin their present boundaries must be provided against by the peace con ference. The use of a fair and impartial election, pirotected from coercion by the power of the United States army in occupation of the territory where S he voting takes place, is recommend ed to fix, the_ boundaries of the new free nations of Europe. 4. As there are bound to he minor ities of other nationalities in each state, an internationj^ law is suggest ed to protect the rights of these miA oriies and guaranee tnem full free* ilom. Germany must be made to return to their native lands all persons who have been deported for the purpose of denationalizing nations or parts of nations. C. The peace conference will be warned against accepting statistics supplied by Gennany or Austria for the purpose of defining boundaries. Each of the new independent nations will supply its own statistics to the peace conference, and it is suggest ted that new censuses be taken whefe statistics are considered unreliable. 7. Federation, or partial federation of the new states extending from thd Ilaltic to the .-Clack Sea and from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean will prepare the toay for the organization (I a world-wide league of nations. Wise Man Patient. A physician Is not nnpry *»t the In toriiperance of a mnd prftlent, nor does he take It in to be railed, nt by a man In fevf»r. .T'ipt so should wlH^.mar\ treat nJl mankind, net a physician treats a patient, and look upon thrth only1 8S alck and extra vacant—Seneca. ,J' »... __ BISMARCK DAILY TRIBUNE THE WREQfg Of ONE "BIG BERTHA' Tlys is-a French official photograph of one of the German "Rig Berthas" along the Aisne after Mangin's artillery was-''through making a target of it. It-was blown to pieces by a direct hit. Made in Highest Circles.That Final Trial of the Beast of Berlin Will be Held in Our National Capital. :rl-.. with a beaten euetuv, but an ally. Moreover, there is a soui in Washington, that Germany so torn with dissensions bv radical parties, when the kaiser goes, that there will tie no one great lesuler with whom the allies can talk. In other words, the allies, at a peace a re represented rhe German people than I.enine and Trotzfcj- re{)r»»sciite«l the Russian jieojile at Brest-I.itovsk. 1 IO/.KN OTHER NATIONS various Still orher nations may be repre sented. There- is strong movement for recognition- of an independent Ar menia. lladjaz. \vhieh helped the al lied cypel the Turks from Palestine, may be recognized as the nucleus of an independent ^Arabia. The small nations thit have been formed in. the. Russian breakup may send representatives. Those inlcudo Finland. I'krainia. I.ivonia, Kstlionia, I t'.'ourland. Lithuania, (ieorgia. Ihiglies tan and the cossack republU^of Kuban. The anti-German government of Po land inay 1^ rcrirt'.sented. Perhaps Denmark.'altliought not an ally, will send a representative to ask return of territories which Germany tore from her in 1$74. The Balkan federation will be rejuven ated a union between the Czecho-Slo^ vaks and the Poles and between Fin. land and Poland, another between Ru mania and Ukrainla, and still another between Russia and her neighbors, are contemplated as bases for thlfc fed eration. ,8. Complete and unlimited access to the sea must be granted' to all na tions which are without seaports. Tar iff duties must be abolished between those nations. Tor example, Czecho slovakia, which is entirely landlocked, must have free and untaxed adcess to the seaports of-the Black, Sea and the Adriatic 9. Common economic interests must ,e preserved by some sort of economic Wiion which will work for "the bene fit of .Ml European nations, large and small 'against the interests of any one nation. A new railroad and canal pol icy, making pdssible -direct inter change of products, and a national di vision of national laber niust be ef fected. The practice of loaning Eng lish, or French capital to'small na tions through' German brokers {iidst be abolished. 10. Facilities for education' must be assured tire common people Of all nations, and the children of every peo ple niust tie inspire with respect and' friendly feeling towards their neigh bors and all nations:. 11. »Finally, the abolition of Autoc racy" everywhere is imperative to the justice of the world in the new Ru rope. The fate of whole nations must no longer be decided without their consent. An appeal will be made to the peace congress by every nation which signed' the Declaration of independence at Philadelphia for representation at its conferences. .Each nation will present its own aims aiid desires. The 12 nations represented are in WHY COUGH AND win. Dr. lung's New Discovery removes the danger pf neglect Coughing "until the' parchci! fiiroat grows painful should.nbt tie permittetl. It should be -relieved before it ^ains headway, with a dose of Dr. King's New Discovery. The same with a CoW or branchial attack. MiHiops have used this well known remedy for half a ceutury regularly witfrout thought of change. 9o!d by druggists sine* 1869. An all important adjunct to1 any family medicine cabinet. '60c and $1.20. The Burd6a of7Cocstipation is lifted, comfortably but positively when you treat your bowels with. Dr. King's New Life Pill*. "TWfiVw gets I busy,1 ligestron improves, the sifcklv, 'sallbw skin is freed from bile. Get a bottle today—stirf the day right. 25c. '.ilU v.* i-m-- BISMARCK Western Sales Co. Distributors of MAXWELL AND OLDSftOBILE AUTOMOBILES PORTAGE-TIRES GREEN DRAGON SPARK PLUGS Automobile Acces sories of All Kinds FILTERED GASOLINE Free Air and Water BATTERY SERVICE STATION Day, Phone 645 Night Phone 100 W. W. Bashan. Licensed Embalmer In Charge HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING AND PICOT. ING Mall Orders Filled. MRS. M. C. HUNT *114 Broadway. Pbone 84t. DR. A. SCHUTT DENTISTRY. Telephone 250 Bismarck, N. D. Established 1907 OPTICAL SPECIALISTS. Bting us your, broken lenses, we can replace them the same day, as we gtind and fit them in our shop., A Graduate Optician in charge. F. A. KNOWLES, Jewelfer and Optician. Bismarqk. -A I ,t. JtXS. Sltivln, Italia Irredenta, the Greeks of Thrace and Asia Minor,/Albania, Ar menia, Palestine. BUY \y. s. s. FLU COMING BACK REPORT FROM THE EAST A second and mora nevero wave ol" hpanish flu Is now en route west, having' ulrotuly Mtruelc the euHtorn t\art of the stute, lUiordlng 10 advices received'today toy Dr. I\ H. rtlrtutHs from Dr. C. .1. Melluorrlu of Devils Lake, secretary of the state noard heulth, and federal director of health for North Dakota. in view of thi* fact, It Is altogether provable HisuuireU schools will not open next Monday, as planned. A conference on this «i«ostlon will ho held tomorrow by the board of edu cation, MesUth authorities vitro that Bis nmrck lieople redouhlu their precau tions, It Is especially roeomniended \X$s\ everyone supply theniselveH with jji flu musk and wear it continually I until the iliuiRer of this second epl-, domie has abated. So far as Bismarck conditions are concerned, there Is a marked improve- the orvler of their looa-j mont. and if the city cun stave off ttys tieo. ftorth to south: second attack, it will have escaped Lithuania, Poland, rkralnia. Oteoho-1 with a comparatively small mortality Slovakia. rhro-RwssS* uhe Uuthen- record when compared with other iaas of Hungary, Rumania, Jugo- $orth Halt oft* cities. YoU Can EnroU at This MODEfc OFFICE PRACTICE school under guarantee pf a sat isfactory position as soon as competent or your tuition re funded?"" Send for particulars. When you know more about this, colfege and what it has^ done for hundretlp of the most successful business men arid women, you'll attend. Write G. M. LANGUM, #res., Bismarck, N. D. AUTOMOBILES, ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES MISSOURI VALLEY MOTOR CO. Factory Distributors'of CHEVROLET AUTOMOBILES Smith Form-a-Trueks Smith Tractors Kelly-Springfield and Firestoas Tires Everything for the Automobile BISMARCK MOTOR COMPANY Distributors of STtJDEBAKER and tlAlDiLLAG AntowobDet UNDERTAKERS' ANDEMBALMERS A. W. LUCAS CO. UNDERTAKING PARLORS W1BB0. BROS, UndirtUkfrs Embalmers iFiweraJ Directors & Licensed £2mbaliner in Charge Lc Da Phone $0 Njght Phone 65 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC SHOR K. 1 Also specializing in Extraction. Rooms 4 and 5, Haggart Block, ^Corner. Third and Broadway St*. Everything EpMjjgfc^ Wiring Fiztnrei iuid Supplies Deloo Farm Li^ht Plants WUlard Service Battery Station' Phon* 171 T- 101 iroadwax SMOKER'S FACTORY PRICE Per Per Per 1000 100 .50 Billy's Big 10c Sellers $80.00 $8.00 4.00 Commercial Cluos 80.00 8.00 4.00 i-ittl« Billy's .. .. 40.00 4.00 2.00 North [Dakrstar.. 40.00 4.09 2.00 Our Hero 40.00 4.00 2.00 Home Industry .. 36.00 3.60 1.80 N. P. Special ... 31.00 3.10 SHIP CIGARS BY PARCEL POST j- (Address) WILLIAM F. ERLCNMEYER, Cigar Factory. 423 3rd St., Bismarck, N. Phone 243. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6, 1918. 1 wr/.Mr*r Rheumatism A Home Cure by One Who Had It In the spring of 1893 I was at tacked by Muscular and Inflamma tory iy»«umatism. ,1 suffered as only those who have It know, for over three yearn. I tried remedy after remedy^, and doctor after doc tor, 'jut such relifef as I received was only temporary, 'Finally, .! found a remedy that cured me coinpletey, and It haa never return ed. I have given it to a number who were terrify afflicted and even bedridden with 'Rheumatism, ami II effected cure in' -every case. I want every sufferer from any form of rheumatic trouble to try this marvelous lulling power, Don't send a cent simply {nail your hanie and address and I will send It free to try. After'you have used it and It has proven itself to be' that long-looked-for means of curing your Rheumatism, you may send the price of it, one dollar, but, understand, I do not want -your money unless you are perfectly sat isfied to send it. Isn't that fair? Why -suffer any longer- when posi- tlve relief Is thus offered you fr«e? Don't delay. Write today. Mark II. .Jackson, No. 167-BJ," Gurney Bldg. Syracuse, N. Y. Mr Jackson Is responsible. Above statement true. PHOTO DEVELOPING PMfBaOHAL fWlCHIHC ftgrAnATHJH nM B1SMARCKNORTH6AKOTA Bring or mail in your films for Expert Developing FINNEY'S DRUG STORE Bismarck. N. D. CLEANING and DYING? BARBIE'S DRlf CLEANING AND DYE WORKS Phone 394—409 Front SI. We call for and deliver. Mail orders promptly filled/ S I S and up Expert Dry Cleanings KLEIN TAILOR AND CLEANER SHOE FITTERS MAIN STREET DAIBY-7-MILK—CREAM RURE PASTEUR IZED MILK, Our Milk Station Open Daily 8 A. M. to 6-P. M., Saturday night to 9 O'clock. Sundays From 9 to 1 M. Only. BISMARCK DAIRY CO. 210 Broadway Phone 348 HARDWARE—IMPLEMENTS PINE BUGGIES If roo aje thinking of bnyiic new carriage or wagon it will pay you to get our pricw. FRENCH & WELCH Hardware Tools Impleneilta Harness Carriage^ y— Wagona E. BDRKE LAWYER Tribune Block Bismarck, N. D. Phone 752. Share iililoe /V