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PAGE 4 &" P, THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE filtered at the Postoflflce, Bismarck, N. I)., as Second Class Matter. GEORGE D. MANN Editor G. LOGAN PAYNE COMPANY, Special Foreign Representative JfEW YORK. Fifth Ave. Bldg. CHICAGO, Marquette BIdg. BOSTON, 3 Winter St. DETROIT, Kresege Bldg. MINNEAPOLIS, 810 Lumber Exchange. MEMBER OF~ASSOCIATED PRESS The Asoclated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Dally by carrier per year $7.20 Daily by mail per year (In Bismarck) 7.20 Daily by mail per year (In State outside of Bismarck) 5X0 Dally by mail outside of North Dakota C.00 thb-state's-oldest NEWSPAPER. (Established 1873) RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE. The retributive features of the Allied victory and the peace terms imposed stand out in bold re lief as the first flush of success and joy passes away. Versailles, the scene of Germany's triumph in 1871, is now the scene of her humiliation. Forty seven years ago a dark chapter was writtep in French history within those historic halls. To day the disgrace has been wiped out and a ter rible but just retribution dealt the Hun invader. Germany today stands in the same terrible iso lation as did France in the closing hours of the Franco-Prussian war, a conflict which solidified Germany under the militaristic regime of the now' discredited Hohenzollerns. Versailles, the meeting, place of the Supreme War Council,,has figured in historic events. At this little town the treaty of peace between Great Britain and the United States was signed in 1783. The Allies were able to overwhelm Germany be cause of a victory won by unity. It was the Su preme War Council that brought about that unity and placed Foch in command of all forces. A splendid example of what North Dakota may expect under the political ownership, control and operatfon of public utilities is found in the recent change on the capitol street railway, the only util- now is ity in which North Dakota has had an opportunity, to lose money to date. A man who had run the capitol street car for fifteen years and who in all that time had not subjected the state to a single damage suit was removed, simply because he had not voted the Nonpartisan ticket, and a man who had no other qualifications, so far as we can learn, has been given the job because he did vote the Nonpartisan ticket. One of the initial results DISTRICT BOARD WILL SOON COMPLETE LABORS The district exemption board, hav ing passed upon all miaclf silthva ing passed upon all claims filed with this lpody, adjourned last evening un til next Monday. The board will then meet with the view of remaining in session until all of its business is dis posed of, which will mean that all of the claims of men who have been placed in class have 'been will 'be epectcd to continue their work until all registrants from 19 to 36 inclusive have been classified for selective service. ilfj, "X* SSSUZ INFANT MARQUETTE INFLUENZA VICTIM Oliver Warren Marquett, 21-jnonths old son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E iMarquett of Bismarck, succum'oeil at a local hospital to pneumonia which developed from Spanish influenza. The baiby had been sick for three weeks. Funeral services were held at We'o-b Bros.' undertaking rooms, Ir. W. J. Hutchesou officiating, and interment was made at St. Mary's cemetery. Many beautiful floral to kens of esteem foh the bereaved fam ily covered the little bier. SHADOW OF NICHOLAS TRAILING THE KAISER. N. E. A. Special to The Tribune. The Hague The homage that the populace of Berlin were won't to pav the kaiser is gone forever. He is now ill received when he dases to walk through the public streets, and peo ple frequently say, on sighting him: "There comes the shade of Nicholas." HEAVY SHOCK REPORTED. Rome, Xov. 11.—Heavier shock ac companied by property damage and lossof liie occurred Sunday in the provinces of Florence and Forli. The villages of Sant Sofia. Bagnod iromagna, and Mordano. particularly suffered. At Santa Sofia a church (collapsed, eight being killed. COUGHING SPELLS BREAK YOUR REST fat a stop to them with old reliable Dr. King's New Discovery I That rafcr, hoarse throat must be toothed. That phlegm-loaded chest must be loosened. That cough moat be checked so you can sleep. Dr. King's New Discovery has been relieving colds, and coughs for half century without the least disagreeable after-effects. Year druggist has it because it ia well-known and in big demand. 60c $!.20l Trj1 tiiit for Constipation Keep the bowels on schedule time 3*? with Dr. Khtfs New. Life Pills, the Intent ftttd from poisonous wastes* the compiextion deer, each of several churches ill the city. Miss Cuspury intends to make every meeting (once a week) a lesson iii vocal culture, and finally to have a chorus of which Bismarck rnuv be Today's Weather Paris- 1 the stomach •west, the "-wrtie unasqted, the breath entaintec Mild yet yfwtire. JBc, hours ending at For twenty-four noon, Nov. 13. Temperature at noon Temperature at noon Highest yesterday ., Lowest yesterday 33 Lowest, last night 25 Precipitation None Highest wind velocity 12NW Forecast. For North Dakota: Fair tonight and Thursday warmer tonight east and central portions colder Thurs day afternoon or night. Fargo Williston St. Paul Winnipeg Helena ....... Chicago ...... Swift Current FRENCH of this practical demonstration of Socialism was a crash on Fourth street which fortunately cost no lives but which will coSt the* state some of the tax-payers' hard-earned cash. Bismarck has cause to rejoice in the victory in Tuesday's election of Carson and Fort Yates, both of which had county seat fights on' their hands. As a result of the voters' wise choice, two coun ties—Grant and Sioux—are retained in North Dakota. The transfer of these counties' capitals to Milwaukee line points vould, to all intents arid purposes, have annexed these shires to South Da kota. Ed. S. Allen writes a letter to the Bismarck clergy protesting against the "vicious" attacks which The Tribune has made upon him, and de claring that he will enforce the liqu6r laws and prosecute gamblers, piggers and others of their ilk. Now we're wondering what kind of a letter Mr. Allen wrote his own constituents. The weather bureau declares that big gun dis charges, battle explosions and concussions do not affect the weather. The weather, however, is af fecting the .prosecution of the war—not unfavor ably to the allies, either, according to the head lines! Florida negroes have organized to, sell 10,000, 000 Thrift Stamps to their race. The man who put the can in Ameri-can also included Afri-can and was determined to tie a can to the kaiser! Captain Rizzo and those with him who sank the Austrian dreadnaught "St. Stephen," have been awarded $250,000 pyize money. A sort of after the-war "sinking fund," so to speak. The flu's over, election is over, the war's over, and today Bismarck is putting the United "War Drive over. "Oh boy, ain't it a grand and glorious feeling?" It is now evident that all the allied peoples ex cept a disgruntled section of his own country ac cept Wilson's 14 points. the which Lowest Temperatures, 18 2 26 16 38 28 Kansas City 44 ORRIS W, ROBERTS, Meteorologist. DECORATE YANK. -(By N. E. A.)—Whitney Warren Jr., 20-ycar-oi son of the feel bad all cfver. American architect, has been award-1 ed the French Medaille "Militare and the Croiz de Guerre. He is an observ er with the French artillery, having enlisted two years ago. The decor ations are for gallantry under fire, during which he was severely wound-1 ed. Warren has the rank of aspirant —a non-commissioned officer in the French army. FIRST AID CLASS NOT TO 'MEET UNTIL 'NOVEMBER 21. poor digestion, they are attackii The first aid, class under Dr. F. B. real caqgf of the ailment—d Strauss will not meet tomorrow even- and disordered bowels. ing as scheduled. The session having been. postponed for one week, to No vember 21. Know What You Want. "The hardest customer^ I have," salesman in a city store declared cently, "are the people who are wait* ing for someone to tell them what they want." -This class of people is larger than we might expect, and not only do they make trouble for others bat they are restless and discontented. Do not wait for someone to tell you what, yon want. Find out for yourself. The first Step toward getting what yon want'ls jtp Jopnr.tthaUtJs. time for us to remember the cry the Divine Sarah brought from France! "Forget them not, for they know very well what they do!" Mastery of retreat We concede to the Hun but look at the practice he's had. "Tanks awfully" doesn't mean the same to the Huns that it means in the sltimsr COMMUNITY CHORUS TO BE ORGANIZED IN BISMARCK Plans have been laid for a large com-1 proud and which will niunity chorus under Miss Bergliot Caspary Conservatory of Music. The list of ap-1 its support. the direction of when called upon, to sing on any pro of the Bismarck 'gram for uuy promises to be very interesting and of a' vocal teacher who has had splen instructive. The chorus is not to be did sucess in our city should Interest stand ready, worthy cause that asks city should Interest all those that enjoy music, though From Underwood. 26' Krist Kjelstrup the Underwood 46 banker, is in the city today. 4 7 1 Hazelton Visitor. J. Lee Smith of Hazelton is spend ing a few days as a guest of Mr. and ^s. R. H. Thistlethwaitc of Avenue 13 and First street. Visiting Sister. Mrs. Robert h. Wolverton, whose husband is in France as a captain in the medical officers' corps, is in Bis marck visiting her sister, who is ou Sta" °f on° BISMARCK DAILY TRIBUNE they may never have trained their v-oice, as well as to those whose voices .ire \i ready benefited by vocal culture. The chorus is open to everyone who makes early arrangements with Miss Caspary either by telephone or in per son. K. of P. Meeting. I St. Elmo lodge Knights of Pythias I will hold a regular meeting at Castle hall this evening. of the city Little Tot Bet*.sr. R. C. Colburn, publisher of the Em mons County Republican, and Mrs. •Colburn were called to the city from Hazelton today by the serious condi tion of their little daughter Mildred, who recently was operated here for appendicitis. The young lady seemed much improved this afternoon. Worry is the mother of sick, nerv ous and troubled mentality, it upsets the stomach, bowels and kidneys, You. Hollister's Rocky STOMACH UPSET? Get at the Real Cause—Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are performing their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. If you have a bad taste in your mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor, lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or energy, troubled with u»" yon should take Olive Ti stitute for calomeL Dr. Edward** OHve TtiMsts est a purely vegetable compound nixed with eiiveoQ. *ou win know them by, their olive color. They de the work without •firing p»BM IW yht. Take one o0Me?4t*beil&ne forqufck •*, LET LOOSE THE BAND (By Edmund Vance Cooke.) The White Flag is hoisted! the kaiser's a quitter! He swallows the pill which is bilious and bitter! The last of the breed of autocracy's litter Is whipped, and his snarl is reduced to a twitter! Blow the bugle! sound the cymbal! Dick, be quick and„Nick, be nimble! Tell it to the tattling timbal! ftoll it! Atta-boy! Blow the brass until it nickles! Troll the trombone-till it trickles! .. Kiss the cornet till it tickles! Spank the drim for joy! The pii.yrhich he digged crumbles faster and faster And the hell of his hopelessness deeper and vaster: So be it forever? wheri my mad master Shall covet the world through another's disaster! The boast and the bombast which burbled and bumbled Is still as the tomb, for the kaiser has crumbled. The last gun is fired and the last Hun is humbled And Potsdam the damned, the attainted and tumbled! Blow the bugls'! sound the cymbal! Dick, be quick and Nick, be nimble! Tell it to the tattling timbal! Roll it! Atta-boy! Now the Prussian weeps and wallows Triumph comes and Freedom follows Squeeze thb fife until it holloas! Spank the drum for joy! Mountain Tea soothes and freshens the stomach, bowels and kidneys. Reg ulates, cleanses, purifies, tfea or Tab lets, 35c. Jos. Breslow. WINTER SPORTS FOR TANKS LETT ABROAD N. E. A. Special to The Tribune. Paris The HUN war against women was carried on even during the Ger mans seized all the sewing machines in Belgian 'cities, especially those of Amedican manufacture. This theft Striie evere Food will win the \V«ir E5 Boni Wiste it. what N5£.X er VS SOM6THIMC IN YouR \ll COCOA •WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE—PAPA?" cjeprived thousands of seamstresses of a means of livelihood. DULUTH CLOSE. Flax 379 1-2 B. Flax 379. Fl^x 394 B. 161 B. Rye 160. Duluth cash oats, track b9 3-8 ar rive 69 3-8. Rye track 161. E'arley, track 85 to 97. Flax track 397 arrive 396. MX rreiffND, I NOTCce ^01/ARS NOT USING. TbuR. ACLOfc/AN/CS OF SOGLAR WOUCD VOU (JST Mfe HAVS IT |£6R ON MY FR.U17* By Conde Y00TC 60IH TO AWARMfcR CUMAY* THAH THIS! SERIOUS ISSUE OF HOUR IS BOLSHEVISM London* Nov. 13.—The most seri ous question of the hour in the opinion of some newspapers here is how far Europe is infected with Bolshevism. Some German newspapers and friends in allied countries continue to warn Europe not to push Germany too far lest she be driven to ahahcry. Some consider this merely a shrewd Ger man play for leniency. The general British-view seems to be summarized in the question of whether the cost of the rehabilitation of Europe should be borne by the vic tims of devastation or its authors, and in the declaration that German soldiers qhould be relieved of all arms, making serious revolution impossible. Total ...» 1 1 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIBS! at Bismarck, in the Stater0' ber, 1, 1918. Loans and discounts Warrants, stocks, tax certificates, claims, etc. Ranking house, furniture and fixture^' U. S. Treasury certificates of indebt ness War Savings Stamps Liberty 'bonds Current expenses, taxes paid, over un* divided profits 'Fourth Liberty loan account Due from other banks (Checks and other cash items Cash Capital stock paid in Individual deposits subject to che Time certificates of deposit Savings deposits Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding...... Due to other banks Total E. V. Lahr, Directors. N 1 Total Total WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13,'1918 LIABILITIES, 57.908.06 44,031.98 786.48 1,052.22. 420.98 60,953.35 STATE OF NORTH DAKKOTA, County of Burleigh-^®S. I, E. V. Lahr. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before 0 this 13th day of November 1918. (Seal) JOHN F. JACKSON, Correct Attest: Notary Ptfbllc. !F. A. Lahr, My commission exjires Mar. IS, 1922. NO. 859 REPORT. OF THE CONDITION OF. THE FARMERS STATE BANK at Baldwin in the state of North Dakota at the cloae of business, Novem ber 1, 1918. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. Warrants, stocks, tax certificates,! claims, etc .k Banking house, furniture and fixtures War Savings Stamps Current expenses, taxes paid, over un divided profits .' Due from other banks 15,4-16.64 Cash 910.83 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .... Surplus fund Individual deposits subject to check.. $ 52,431.61 Time certificates of deposit 44,376.13! Savings deposits /... 583.26 Cashier's checks outstanding 1,617.93, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, County of Burtelgh^sll ^v^ G. Renfrew, ca*h!er of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. a _jv a I H- O. RENFROW. Casiier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of November 1918. fSEAL) •M flPorrect Attest: t: JU Lahr, ns Christitafoft Wzjacfor*. to Bismarck Dr.Mellenthin SPECIALIST For His Seventh Year in North Dakota DOES NOT USE SURGERY Will be at M'KENZIE HOTEt, Wednesday and Thursday. Nov. 20-21. Office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Two Days Only EXTEND PROBE. Washington, Nov. 13.—The senate judiciary sub-committee named to in vestigate political activities of grow ers and' purchase of the, Washington Times by Arthur Brisbane 'through money furnished by brewing interests decided tp day ,to extend the scope into a general inve^tigation of the ac tivities. of the breweries. The hear ing will begin Tuesday. FARMERS ATTENTION! We pay cash for corn or will trade you oats or barley at a right price. It will pay you to look into this. Come and see us. The Missouri valley Seed Co, JT 7 2 wks orth the cios4 of business Ndvem- RE SOURCES. 44,509.82 4.540.72 5,943.93 $133,166.38 215,153.07 IjJfSO,000.00 .165,153.07 $215,153.07 Fa V. LAHR, -7 Cashier. $ 92,960.19 54.28 1 I No Charge for Examination Dr. Mellenthin Is a regular gradu ate in Medicine and Surgery and is licensed by the state of North Da kota. He visits professionally the more important towns.and cities and. offers to all who call on this trip consultation and examination free, except the expense of treatment" when desired. According to his method of treat ment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis,, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit many wonder ful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed-wetting, catarrh, weak. lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail ments. If you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better, do not fall to call, as improper measures rather than disease are very often the cause of your long-standing trouble. Remember above date, that exam ination on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Address: S36 Boston Block, Minne apolis. Minn.—Advertisement. Norway and Sweden. express con cern over the spread of the red flag movement. Conditions in Switzerland also cause uneasiness. «JI 348.53 14,768.14 I 5,000.00 l,056.3o 4,050.00 1,574.17 95.00 54,994.47 1 226.50 4,300.00 421.00, 1,219.89 16,326.97 $115,508.83 15,000,000 1,500.00 r'vfc $116,508.83 MARIS} MAXWBU* Notary Pur lie,, ia far Bur leigh cdunty, rnrtti MlmllT My mmlssioa expires .*• ...