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•A? iT £1M :cc ol ft rn tc ci ix ix Ul at A ft IX iu pi In ol ci cs fc in Ik- ffl 8l Pi tl P( ai ft ni ol ni tt si 'b« al PAGE? BOARD BEGINS DELIBERATIONS Appropriation Requirements for Ensuing Two Years to lie Doped Out MAY RUN OVER $6,000,000 The state budgel board began its bi ennial sessions in the office of Gover nor i'ra/.ier today. At the morning ses slon Anthony Walton, rhuin-i.-ui of lliej appropriations committee ol ilii' house of the lotli assembly, was present. Ing an elective office which entities him For the biennlum of Kllo-lSlT, the budget Board had requests i'jr $5..'m1, 169 and recommended «}•/•.•••-printious "f $4.48(5.765. For the i-'i-ii:: uii» now drawing to a clo^e the bud^.-t I '.'id was asked for |6,2«F0.43)'. :.:id it r- m. mended $5,411,7-1(5.' Thwc tions were trimmed soim-.vPat by ihej legislature. It is anii ipaii the first time in the statt ommendations for the years will exceed The budget board was created by an net of the session of 7ttir». its deliber ations are expected to save the legis lature time and to furnish it with ac curate information as to the state's D. D. D., tlie irreatest ofgkiQ reroedlca, will remove those skin afflictions thftt have made your life burden. That In tolerable itching, burning and discom fort will disappear under the mafic of tills remedy. Hundreds testify it has "4 cured cases pronounced incurable. AVa •'U guarantee the llrst bottle to bring you relief. Try D. D.<p></p>D. 0. T-yv*. O. 8.1c, 60c nnd Sl.oo.<p></p>D. JOB. BRESLOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RUMMAGE SALE —TWO DAYS .J& COLEMAN'S INDIGESTION. CAS, UPSET STOMACH HURRY! JUST EAT ONE TABLET OF TAPE'S DIAi'EPSIN FOR INSTANT JtKLIEF. No waiting! When meals don't lit and you belch gas, acids and undi gested food. When you feel indiges tion pains, lumps of distress in stom ach, heartburn or'headache. Here is instant relief. •lust as soon i~ Senator A. S. Gibbons, chairman of the ]u|,e's 1 Iu|'»epsin all the dyspepsia, in- senate appropriations cornniKtee, w«s «jjjro.stioii and stomach distress ends, expected to arrive at noon. Other mem- These pleasant, harmless tablets of bers of the budget board are Governor Pajto's Dia pepsin always muke sick, Frazier, president State Auditor Ko- upset stomachs feel line at once and sitzky. secretary, and Attorney General thcv of that body two years ap/ now hold-, ,as, J)(1 sit on the commission, iwo years vou eal a tablet of dy dis cost so little at drug stores. William Langer. It is a rather notable fact that a complete change has been .,r^r made in the peironel of the budget j,,^ ""78.000. leaving net re board, not one man who wik a member (lUrc0 of ,s(i] ,:ir ago the board was competed of t.ov- m(N)000 ernor L. B. Auditor Carl O. J'^Z Jorgen.son. Attorney General Iienry .J. I.inde. Scnu'ur I*. 'J'. Kletsehtunr, chair mar, chairman of tlie senate appropri: tions couimittee. and Tr cll Twich ell. chairman of the ln»ie appropria tions committee. Of ti.- :d guard typi fied in these men there ..mains on the board bat one man—Senator A. S. Gib bons. All other members of the appro priations fixing committee are Nonpar tisans, swept into office by the league landslide two years ago and reinstated for two years more, except as to Rep. Walton, by the vote at the recent gen eral election. Revenues for u.lirs WPr( (.Xpectel )|IBll let.t,„Ils to I s-el I a neons col- *2,077.170 and taxes Y.-i.KS OCCDPY GERMAN POSTS Find Everything Nicely Pre pared for Their Occupation of Landres Willi tlie American Army of Occupa tion, Nov. If).—First division headquar ters at Landres today was awaiting or ders to move forward. The troops on ahead were spendinj: the day along the line readied late Monday. The Ameri cans in Landres are enjoying ail the comforts of a modem and newly ihat, for equipped German bath house. It is hi. lorv rue- building of two stories of concrete •'Muring two I avails and Is steam heated throughout. Near the bath house is a huge brick bakery recently completed. Soon aftef the American forces entered Landres yesterday the ovens in the German bakery were turning out hreiul for the newcomer-' The Germans had left needs and resources, finch department some I'.ve flour behind, and the Atneri of the state government is required to eans mi.' .1 this with wheat flour at furnish the board In advance with an disposal for the, turning out of estimate of its requirements, and the' fresh loaves. appropriation for the hiennium in each' department Is based on such estimates. The last budget board'estimated that! the state's tolivl assets Julv 1. lilKJ, Jf.ere $11,8.'!0,with liabilities ag- Famous Wash Heals Skin FLOODWAYS UP ST LAWRENCE CAUSE DAMAGE Ouebee, Nov. lft.—The lloodways that Hsvipt up the St'. Lawrence river last Snif-'iit: caused damnw of about .f 1.0(1(1, 0(1(1. and wrought havoc on towns along the river, it was learned totjay. Many houses were carried away. An unidentified schooner was driven ashore, a total wreck and two vessels were reported inva precarious position. tuilleITskating. I Kidler Skating at Armory Thursday night. Skating Monday (anci each week. rfUllllllllllttlllllllllllllllllllirflllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllV Thursday of Nov. 21-22 We are closing out our E entire stock of Clothing, S Overcoats and Men's Fur iii.shintfs. 5 Prices way lie low cost. (Joins* Out of Business ^tlllllllilIllMIIHIIittit!! illlllltll|||f||||||!||||||||||||||lllllllllllllllllllll||||||tll|||,= 3 ivice. station REAL ESTATE LOANS A SPECIALTY TS offer loans on real estate at lowest cur rent rate with good accommodation. Long or short term. No red tapy—money on application. If yon are planning io expand your business, increase your acreage, improve your dairy herds, or raise more livestock, ^alk the matter over with us—we are ready to co-operate and give you every assistance in our power. CAPITAL SECURITY BANK Bismarck, N. D.' !i CTADI? 5 Secern Hand A Opposite Hotel MeKenzie, Bismarck S Losses on all Fronts During War Included 37,636 Com missioned Officers London. Nov. 10.—The total of British losses in killed on jill fronts during the war was Cn8.6f5Ti, James Ian Macl'herson, parlia mentary secretary of the war of fice, announced in the house of commons-today. Of these 37,G.'{G were officers and 020,829 were men. Paris, Nov. 19.—Two hundred per sons were killed in an explosion at Wahri, two miles southeast of Cologne, Germany, according to reports received here. NAVAL WORK IS CANCELLED Washington, Nov. 10.—Naval eon tracts amounting to *1,."59.000 have been cancelled since hostilities ceased, Keaf Admiral Earle, chief of the naval ordnance bureau told the house navaj committee today when the commit^' began framing the 1010 appropriations bill. FOOD LAWS TO REMAIN UNTIL JUNE 30, 1919 Fargo, N. I.,' Nov. 1ft.—"That the work of the food administration was not ended with the signing of the ar mistice hut would l»e greater than ever." was the statement today of George II. Ctdl'lu, representing tlie United States .food administration. He also declared the impression pre vailing in some quarters that the "lid is off" avid that there will be no further need l'or conservation is erroneous. Food rules and regulations will be strl!^y rinforced, he said. Dr. I.add, state food administrator, stated he expected the food administra tion organizat ion would be kept intact in North Dakota until June ."O at least. AVE AT HE II KEl'ORT. For twenty-four hours ending at noon November 1ft: Temperature at 7 a. m. 17 Temperature at noon .30 Highest yesterday -11 I.owest yesterday 22 Lowest last night 17 Frecipitation none Highest wind velocity 12, NW FORECAST. For North Dakota: Generally fair tonight and Wednesday colder Wed nesday and north and extreme east portion tonight. 1 .owest GERMAN SOLDIERS!, COUNCIL ASKS RETURN OF FORMER CHIEF FEAR COUNTER REVOLUTION (Continued From Pag© One.)^ way to England, according to advice3 received fn Copenhagen from Kiel, and transmitted by the Exchange Telegraph Co. RESUME ATTACKS Archangel, Nov. 13.—Bolsheviki forces have resumed their attacks against the American and-British possessions at Tulgas, on the Dvina river* They have been repulsed, with, severe losses. On the morning of November 11th after a heavy bombardment from their gunboats and barges in the river, the Bolsheviki in fantry stormed the Allied barbed wire entanglements and suc ceeded temporarily in reaching the gun emplacements of the Canadian artilJry. A DRUG ON MARKET Paris, Nov. 20.—The iron /crosses whi^h, the former*. German emperor so lavishly bestowed during the war now are being sold in Germany for five pfennigs, or about one American a telegram from Amsterdam'says. v. t- IVVV 1 I BRITISH DEAD Tern Fargo 31 Williston 24 St. Paul 34 Winnipeg 30 Helena 28, Chicago 86 Swift Current IS ORRIS Wv ROBERTS, Meteorologist. ONEOF GERMAN TRIUMVIRATE I^nd&berg, $3bcrt and Scheldemnnn ttier socialist triumvirate which is at present in control in Ger- make many. KVEO WITH m$FUM0 BISMARCK DAILY TRIBUNE 1 YVOteSE cer*t apiece, THAN GAS •-£. Kidney disease" is no respecter of persons. It attacks young and old alike. In most cases, the victim is warned of the approaching danger. [Nature lights back. Headache, indi gestion, insqmniq, lame back,'lum bago, sciatica, rheumatism, pain in the loins and lower abdomen, difficulty in urinating, sill are-indications of trouble with tlie kidtifeys. When such symptoms appear., you I will almost eeftalnly lind quick relief hu GOLD,MEDAL Haarlem Oil. Cap- Rules. 200 KILLED IN EXPLOSION AT COLOGNE NIGHT RATES This famous old remedy hM stood the test for two hundred years in help ing mankind to tight off disease. It is imported direct from the home labora tories in H)Handi and hairt at almost every 4rng store. Your money promptly refunded if ft does, not re lieve you. Be. sure to. get the genuine GOLD MEDAL Brand. In sealed pack ages, three |izes. Washington, Nov. 1ft.—Reduction in telegraphic rates on night messages, which would cut tlie minimum toll from $1 to 50 cents between Atlantic and Pacitic cdast states was ordered today by Postmaster General Burleson, effec tive January 1, next.* 18,000 YAJfKS FIRST HOME TO BE AIR FORCES Washington, Nov. 1ft.—Reports, /rom London that 18.000 American soldiers in London would be the first expedi tionary forces to be shipped home brought out the fact that these are chiefly :iIr forces. There are no ar tillery, cavalry or, infantry units in England, except a few replacement divisions. 250,000 TONS OF FOOD STUFF FOR AUSTRIANS New York. Nov. I!).—Preparations to fhip at an early tyite 250.000 tons of food,stuffs from the United States for the relief of the civilian population of Australia are under way. GREAT SHIPBUILDING PROGRAM PLANNED BY THE BRITISH EMPIRE N. E. A. Special to The Tribune. London.—The National' News says that n. great shipbuilding program, in volving studendous sums, has been drawn up by a number of-north of England capitalists: "It i-s not understood^ says the National News, 'tliat arrangements have been made, for overcoming the two greatest problems of "the moment: labor and'materials- -j "Among ,those interested i«i this vast undertaking' are several men who have had: no^ connection with shipbuilding In the Hast. ^They haVe simply placed'their wealth at the dls* J4ARXEY 2H JN- DEVON ,2 CtUC.-JT, PEAOO^V —a man was foolish totuy plug cf the Gravely dors when he •OtoltJ'gct r. posal of the country, in order '16 se cure F'ritain's maritime supreftiaey." CI IIOAGO LI VE STOCK, (.'liicago, Nov. lft.—Hogs 73,0(K): 10c to 15c lower butchers $17.50 to !f17.S5 light .$17.00 to $17.(i5: packing ,$1(i.50 to .$17.50: throwouts .$15.00 to $10.25 pigs, good to choice, $1.'!.()0 to .$14Mt(l. Cat! if ,30,000, native steers lower western stears steady. Calves,strong. Beef cattle .$1"i£i0 to •$lft.75 vommon and medium $11. 5 to Jj10.50 canners and cutters, .$.".,'10,, to .$0,40 stoeKers and feeders.' to $12.75 inferior common and medium. -$7.00 to .$10.00: veal calves, .$17.00 to $17.75. CHRISJJMAS ^ey'the big "dress up" dsiys of th6 season. AI® YOU PRJgiPAREp? SEE tig plug ct oxdpay tcbccco for the ccnto rhcncy. Cut cne day hini a cjiew of Gravclj—.jiist two or three cir.^1 cqucrcs. Thesi Ike coVthc pu c, cafe.5 S^ PEYTON BRAND xi#E TAILOR (We Make a Specialty of Altering and Dry Cleaning) isfying Gjrayjely taste. It lasted co long, you can't tell him nowadays that it cocts him anything extra to chew Real Gravely. Il £3c fsriher—tkat why ym tea £:t ike toed teste of this elm cf toiccca without extra coif eact ptece packeq a poucn Pv O SHOP EARLY SHOP EAiRLY WEBB BROTHERS 'Foremost in Value* •First in-Variety" 'First in Style* 'Tis a painstaking, patience wearing task to properly put to? gether and finish a dress so that it hangs just as it should. Every drape in place— ,x ... j* Every snap fastener just where it should be— Every little detail of seams and trimmings expertly done. Wp. have such dresses here for you. more One lot of,hi forty coats at ONE HALF PRICE Our entire stock pfftailQred arid ti\immed hats ai a discount of Each and every one of our departments have some special at tractions for you. We especially call your attention to our and as Thanksgiving will soon be here.yo'u wilLno doubt liave oc casion to purchase something in this line. The principle attraction here is the price. Cows-lieifers,-$S.25 to-.$i2.75, •. She«i) 27,000 steady. NO CHANGE., Washington. Nov. It).—There has been no change in tlie Hussian and Si berian situation from a military stamlr point, SecretaryJlaker said today, and no plans have been made* either for sending additional troops or withdraw ing any of the forces 'now operating in Siberia and European Russia. WALSH RETT CRN'S. 10.-rF.rank Washington, Nov. Ift.-rFrauk P. Walsh, joint chairman .with William II. Taft on the national war labor board, today sent his resignation to President Wilson with (lie explanation that pro fessional engagements required turn at the earliest possible moment, now that hostityties have ceased. I AUTOMOBILE OWNERS 5' "YOUR" Battery in "di-y storage" with us is bdarid fd 5 be ready for business in the spring. 1 WE EXCEL IK Autohiobile Repairing (any make 5. ^arL Jlepaintin^, and Radiator Repairing. S' Our stock of Accessories is conipletej, and YOU'LL 1 LIKE OUR WARM, ItEAlLLY FIREPROOF STORAGE. \7HO & FIRST NATIONAL Bismarck,%D. The Oldesi and Largest Bank in this section of TUESDAY, NOV. 19, 1918. .. -.t -v FARMERS ATTENTION! We N(iy cash PUT "SERVE" IN SERVICE? I MOTOR SALES CO. 'or ®""n or will trade you oats or barley at a right price. It will pay you to look into this Come and see us. The Missouri Valley Seed Co. II 7-2 wits ECKMAN5 F0RC«U6HSAIittCQU|$ A' Jmndy Crtrlnluxii'! rnmvnvKl "that' aaf**. ffuanls agaiiit-c iilifnnlc luns and throat intil»i"s.. A. tonic-re»tf?itive prejiare4 witliont hhWitjtl '(r haWt-foniilny, drua «. Try Uiem today. CONSIDER MEN YOU KNOW_ .. ,it .• .r ".'l It will be well worth your while to run over ii your mind the financfal1 striding. of men you know. How many/ of them are careless in money matters and successful? Do you tiof find that those who are successful are those who systema.t* ically practice sensible economy and avoid use-, legs expenditures It will certainly bk to your advantage to open a Savings Account in this bank and make, a rule to deposit in it all money that would- otherwise be spent needlessly. 1 50centsa. boot, including wjuriajt l'or by nil Urmi-'irtst* JCclauitii IaImmIw)-, l't.ilMlutpbl» y.„ It-! Ns iN-