Newspaper Page Text
P* PAGE^gg I bi cc ol f8 U« tc to ci ix •m if Uf ai A "i ft IM hi Pi ii lM Oi «1 «1 «S ft tl Pi ai ti 01 I) tl Bi 'b« al GENUINE in fe et C( ni- s] 1 Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been n-de under his per sonal supervision since its infancy* w-' Allow no one to deceive you in this. .Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-cis-gocd" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. Then the men who hail from states Liniments Will Never Cure. If you are afflicted with Rheuma tism, why waste tima witli liniments, Ietjfifls and other local applications nCrU What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine'nor other narcotic substance. Its is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea allaying FevcrisEness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.. CASTORIA Bears the Signature of In Use For Over BO Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY. N CW YQ 1 'TV, WAR DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCES TENTATIVE PLANS FOR HOME JOURNEY OF YANK SOLDIERS BY A. E. EG Lb HO F. N. E. A. Washington Bureau. 1128-1134 Munsay Bid :., "Washington, L. C. Here, in rou^li outline, is how the war department is planning to bring the American soldiers home: The American expeditionary force will lie divided into two armies, that wliich is to remain temporarily abroad and that which is to come home. The army which is to return will then be broken up into segments. Each segment or unit will be organized on the basis of the location of the home of the individual soldier. For instance, the New England di vision, the 2(ith, will remain a unit, as all its men are from Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampsliile, etc. But the Rainbow division, which contains national guard troops from a score ofstates, will be broken up into units, each of which includes men from a sin gle state or from neighboring states. The the United States will be divi ded into ten or more districts. Each district will be few by one or more seaports, from Maine to Texas. Port land will feed one New England dis trict, Boston another. New York will feed its own district, which will prob ably include states as far west as the upi»er Great Lakes, Philadelphia, per haps Baltimore, the Hampton Roads ports. Charlestown. Tampa, Galves ton and other ports each will be assign ed to a district. +u I V. *•'. -ft Briftlf V* ALWAYS in the New York district will le sent to New York, the men from thp Gel veston district will be sent to Galves ton, and ^so on. There will be no great influx of thousands of men at any one port, although New York will receive more than others. Commanding officers of divisions in France will be instructed to detach men from the "first demobilization dis trict," for instance, and entrain them for a specified French port, where ade quate shipping will be waiting. I France, as in this country, no one port will be used. The vessels will then proceed direct to the port for which the men aboard are destined, disem bark their passengers ^nd return for another load. The location of the camps and can tonments in this country will have something to do with the selection of the districts. This program has not yet been offi cially approved, and war department officials will not discuss it. It is con sidered likely, however, that the plan has been completed down to the last detail, and that even the demobliza tion districts have already been de fined. Another Theory Shattered. Fat people don't railly laugh louder than thin ones. It just shakes 'em up more. You Can't Rub It Away Rheumatism is in the Blood tisrn until you cleanse your blood of the germs that cause the disease. S. S. S. kas never had an equal as a blood purifier and scores of sufferers, say that it has cleansed their blood of that never did cure Rheumatism, arid, Rheumatism, and removed all traca of tho Jiaea-e frora Do not toy to rub the pain away, Get a bottle of 3. S. S. at your «LTh°vi Slr'7!r Pcce£' *y th® S the pain, and go after that. Remove the cause, and there can be r.o pain. You will never be rid of Rheuma- Red line Legal Blanks The Capital Line of Red Line Legal Blanks are standard forms and are univer sally used throughout North Dakota. They are prepared by competent legal talent and are absolutely right. The Tribune is forced to advance the prices on this line of blanks, but before, do ing so wants to give everybody a chandfe to stock up on them, and until December 1st will continue in force the old rates on these blanks. OK$&id their system. drug store, and get on the right sensible plan of finding the cause of treatment to-day. If you want spe cial medical advice, you can obtain it free by addressing Medical Director, 23 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. in orders&t ohce. THE MSMASGK TRIBUNE GO*»: |Bi3niarc II :jSk I -^i. 0 GREAT FUTURE FOR AMERICA IS PREPICTED I Richard Spillane, Financial Ex pert, Optimistic as to Times to Come. NATION READY FOR PEACE Vastly Better Prepared for Com ing Emergencies Than it Was for War. BY .RICHARD SPILLANE, Editor of "Commerce and Finance Noted Authority on Finance and Economics. (Sopyri«ht, 1918, by the Newspaper Enterprise Association.) ]C1CHAT?I RICHARD Sl'ILLASE, editor of "Commerce and Finaiicc," the Xac York iccekhi, has been en payed to write tv:o or three ur liclc8 a week for the The Tribur.. and asxoeiatcd members of the ycirspaper Enterprise Association. Spillane has never gamblcd_a cent in Wall street, and he writes from the standpoint of the ordinary man—not the business potentate yet hi# words are read eagerly by the most prominent and powerful flnanci4 r's.L ll'c arc sure you will be ffrcatly interested by what he has to say about AMERICA'S PROBLVMH OF PEACE. Watch for hits neit article. Most of the things about which we worry never happen. In 1914 when the war began many men of high in telligence precdicted world bankruptcy if the conflict lasted six months, world destruction if it lasted a year. It has lasted neurly four and a half years and neither of the dread fore casts has been verified. Those who are worrying now about after-the-war conditions, fearing trou ble in weaving back into industry the millions of men we have in the army and navy, losing sleep over fear of wages being reduced, imagining all sorts of disturbances, are as certain to be confounded in their fears as were those who saw world disaster in the world war. America is vastly better prep piirtd for peace than it was for war. The transition from a war basis to a peace basis will bring unsettlement in vurious line of in dustry, but readjustment will be must easier, in rich more rapid than generally expected. There will be plenty of work for ev eryone to do. There is no reason to fear what we term "hard times", as a result of the war. Surely there is no danger of such a condition within the next fitT years if the American petf ple are prudent and resourceful. They have not been prudent always, but they never lacke*! resourcefulness^ in the last few years, they have shown a pru dence greater than they were sup posed'to possess. EXPANSION, NOT CONTRACTION OF BUSINESS. OUR PROBLEM. America's present.^problem: is not one of preparing for contraction in business, but very great expansion in business. No natiou ever had such op portunity as this one has today. Let us take a look at America. TT statf %Vn Milk- than 100,000,000 people all, practical-. ly considered, speaking one language, all animated by the same ideals and purposes, all within reach of the liter ature put out by our great national publications, all easy to supply through our transportation systems of railroad, trolly, and automobile. Nowhere in the world is there so big a market for the manufacturer and supplier to reach so quickly and so easily. Q,ur domestic market has been so big and our growth has been so rapid that heretofore we have given attention to the' foreign market only in periods of local depression. So soon as those passed we'have neglected the foreign market and been satisfied with our do mestic trade. Ndfc, whether we want to or not, we must supply the world. Nowhere on earth is there so much raw mater ial so easily obtained as here. Our wealth in iron ore, in copper and other metallic depositB is colossal. No oth ef nation has so much arable land.' No other nation has such manufac turing-facilities. No other nation has such financial strength. Our national wealth is greater than that of any other three nations combined,, TVHat foreign trade vte nave engaged heretofore we hare conducted un der handicaps. Our goods have been carried, in vessels owned and operated by other nationalities.' Our foreign commerce has been Unanced through banks of other countries. Our agents have been men of other dimes. OUft DAYS OF TRIBUTE TO FOREIGN TRADE GONE. Now, for the first time in history, we sffe becoming possessed of a mer cantile marine of a size commensur able with opt world position. We are beginning, only beginning, to get oflr own banking establishments ib forelgt) lands. In such forelgn ffMKT we develop hereafter we will not have to pay tribute to others tat carry ottf »,»:• n':tiXi'M«K)iW*iM BISMARCK DAILY TRIBUNE Easy to Make This Pine Cough Remedy Thousand* of famlllea mrar by It# pnupirMRi, and wci about 93. Inexpensive. ou know that pine is used in nearly prescriptions and remedies for coughs. The reason is that pine contains several peculiar elements that have a remark able effect in soothing and healing tho membranes of the throat and chest. Pin®'!»• fatuous for thiB purpose. Pine cough syrups are combinations of pine and syrupi The- "syrup" part is usually plain granulated sugar syrup. To make the best pine cough remedy that money cMi bUy, put 2Vjt ounces of Pinex in a pint bottle, and till up with honie-mndfe sugar sviup. Or you can use. clarified molasses, houey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either Way, you make a full pint—more than you "can buy ready-made for three times th^ money. It is pure, good and very pleasant—children take it eagerlv, Yon can feel this take hold of a £ough or cold in a way that means business The cough mav be'drv. hoarse and tight, or may be persretentlv tyose from the formation of phlegm. "The cause is the same—inflamed membra hps—and this Pines and Syrup combination will stop it—usually in 24 hours or less. Splen did, too, for bronchial asthma* hoarse ness, or.any ordinary throat ailment. Pinex is A' highly concentrated com pound oP genuine Korwav pirn- rxtraet, and is famous the world over for its prompt effect upon coughs. Beware of substitutes. Ask your drug gist for "2Vi ounces of Pinex" with directions, and don't accept- anything else. Guaranteed to give absolute-safe isfaction or money promptly refunded. The Pinex Co«, Ft. Wayne, Ind. goods, for marketing our products or for furnishing financial accommoda tions for our holiness. .Heretofore 'the foreigner has been doubtful about the American. He has considered him as upstart, wonderfully successful person but bumptions and not to be trusted.. He had not TJeen eager to trade with the American, for the Ameri can has been unwilling to con form to the foreigner's business forms or caprices. He lias cdn sidered the American arrogant and to a large degree money mad. The war has changed the for eigner's view. He has seen America pour out' Us wealth of men and money on the altar of human liberty. He has seen the people he thought were dollar idolat ors ready to sacrifice everything for the ideal of world democracy. He has come suddenly to think of Americans as the greatest people of the world. America has won something in this war the worth of which cannot be measured.' It has won the good will of the world. The whole world wants to trade with America. It must trade with it for a time for from no other source can it obtain so readily the raw and finished products, the foodstuffs, the financial accommodations it can get hero. Foreign trade is the life blood of international wealth and greatness. The world needs everything America can supply. The American farm, the American factory, the American mill working to" their highest capacity for the next few years cannot meet all the demands that the world will make on them. \Yc may expect unsettlemenr here or there in changing over ,o«r industrial equipment from war needs to peace needs, but nothing more for we have good days, active days, prosperous days iiliead for a fair number of yearns. FAIR PRICE IJST Effective November 18, 1918, Bis marck and Burleigh County. e» Prices named below arc for Cash and Carry Service an /extra charge of not to exceed ten per cent of the amount of the purchase may be made for delivery or charge or bothi Commodity. Price. ^'lieat" Flour, 49 lbs 32.9fi Wheat Flour, 98 lbs 5.80 Rye Flour, 24% lbs 1.50 Barley Flour, 24% lbs..., 1.30 Corn Flour, 24'/£ Jb*.... l.tiOi Rice Flour, lb. ,1.'!'* Corn Meal, 24% lbs.. 1.40 Bread, 24 ozs. .00 Bread, 24 ozs. 1-f Oat Meal, bulk, lb... .0S% Oat Meal, package, lb .33 Rice. Blue Rose 14 Ilomjny, bulk, lb........ .-r... .08 Sugar, granulated, bulk, lb 11% Beans, Navy, /lb ..15% Potatoes, Irish, bushel...... .*. 1.0O Onions, red, lb .05%. Raisins, seeded, lb i"......15 Tomatoes^ No. 2"can. .20 Tomatoes, No, 2j& can 25 Corn, ..... .20 Peas, 1*0. 2 20 Milk, evaa.tft&iveefc'di 6^s.vv. .09 evap. tmsweefd 18 ozsJ. Mi]k j.1 (]jDD(H] eakins one language. imi'-'SJ.'' 1" .18 .11 .12 .25 .13 Milk,, hot.,- pasteurized, qt..-., Cream, bot, pint....... Cream, bot, half pint— Butter creamery, not to exceed 5c above wliblesale price. Oleomargarine,- ............ .35 Eggs, 5c above wholesale prite. Cheese,' AnlW. full cream, lb 47 Lard, Pure,Loaf, bulk, lb.... .35 littrd Pure Leaf, carton, lb.... .88 Lard Substitutes,' bulk, lb.. .j... ."27% Lard Substitutes, Crisco, lb.... .34 Bacon, breakfast, sliced, lb .SO1 Bacon, slab, lb ?18 GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIE Yon don't have to rub tit In to get quick, coofoft tag Once you've tried it dpL that ctiff joint, sore ratiscle, sciatic pain, rheu matic mogi, lame back, ydull nrld trarrti, soothing, relief yon never thbught a liniment could produce. Won't stain the skiii, leaves no tttuJ, va«tfcs no. time in gpplying, .sgra to Sffa reetftft. Alar^TOfctle means ccottomy. You* otrn other druggist has it.- Get it today* Sloans 30c, 60c, 91.20. .fo .18 .41 .40 .35 .30 .32 .20 .14 .32 Ham, sliced, center cuts, lb.... Ham Hocks, lo Ham, whole, lb.... Pork Chaps, center cuts, lb.... Pork Chops, end cuts, lb Round Steak med. wt., lb Sirloin Steak, med. wt., lb Pot Roast, lb.. Boiling beef-plate-brisket, lb... Spring Chickens, lb In order to satisfy a demand for mHlr delivery a charge of not to tex ceed three cents per quart is hereby allowed, but! in no instance must .the price for dipped milk exceed 11c or pasteurized milk exceed 12c over tlie counter. Burleigh County Fafr Price Committee, ORRIS W. ROBERTS, Chairman. Hi J. DUEMELAND, J. A. McCONKEY, O. LUNDQUIST. Useful Insect*. In addition to the insects which belp maa.°by their warfare against his enemies and those that are useful to him iii medicine, there are many oth ers that serve useful purposes in a commercial way Most familiar of these are the hbney and wax obtained /rom the bee. There is a Chinese bug which secretes 'a kiild of grease on trees. This hardens into wax and is collected, melted and purified vhen it becomes white and glossy in appear ance, and when mixed with oil it can be made into candles.—Chicago Her ald and Examiner. Tribune Want Ads Bring Results. BUSINESS TRAINING bismarck //a /t Distributors of MAXWELL AND OLDSMOBILE AUTOMOBILES PORTAGE TIRES GREEN DRAGON SPARK PLUGS Automobile Acces sories of All Kinds FILTERED GASOLENE Free Air and Water BATTERY SERVICE STATION UNDERTAKERS A A. W. LUCAS CO. UNDERTAKING PARLORS Day and Night Phone 100 W. W. Bashan. Licensed Embalmer in Charge HEMSTITCHING H£M8TlT&HINa AMI* wcot. INU Mall Orders FillOdi MRS. M. C. HUNT. 114 Broadway. -Pfcono 84». Battery Repairing Exide Service Station. RADIATOR REPAIRING In All Its Branches. BLACKSTONE TIRES We give a personal guarantee of 4,000 miles and make our o^ri adjustments. MOB1LOILS AND GREASES Ara Bie Savirtg in Freight. Ott all of these lines we quote regular factory -whdlesftlo to dealers. __ cbRWIN MOTOR CO. Bisnlar^k, N. D. DR.A.SCHUTT I »,S DENTISTRY. Also speclftlltlng in ExtribUOh. Robots 4 and 6, Itaggftrt Block, Corner TBlfd and BnifcdWay Sts. Telophon* itsmarck, N. O. ml Caldwell camtat You CaiTHEnroll at This MODEL OFFICE PRACTICE school under guarantee of a sat isfactory position as soon as competent or your tuition re funded. Send for particulars. When you know more about this college and what it has done for hundreds of the most successful business men and women, you'll attend. Write 6. M. LANGUM Prfe, Bismarck, N. D. AUTOMOBILES, ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES MISSOURI VALLEY MOTOR CO. \, Factory Distributor* of CHEVROLET AUTOMOBILES Soiith Form-a-Trncks Smith- Tractors Kelly-Springfield and Flreetees Tireo Ererythinf for tho AntoMohilo BISMARCK MOTOR (XMMPANY Distributors of STUDEBAKER anil CADILLAC Automobiles lND' EMBALMERS .. -•••'•. :5'- .Y Caldwell inittcn DR. CALDWELL'S The Perfect. Laxeti'c? Bold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cis. (S,) $1.00 A TRIAL. BOTTLE CAN BE OBTAINED, FREE CF CHARGE. DY WRITING TO 'DR. W. B. ALOW ELL, 4S9 1— WEBB. BROS. Undertaken Embalmera Funeral Directori Licensed Embalm# in Charge Day Phone 90 Night Phone 65 HARDWARE—IMPLEMENTS FINE BUGGIES If yoa are thinking of buylaf a BOW carriage or wagon it will you to gM out pricco. FRENCH A WELCH Hardware Tools IaylMnti Harncaa Carriages Wagou •HOE FITTER# MAIN STREET The HURLEYS Dance and Concert Orchestra 10 MaJn St. Phone I30K r- E S A N O W 1 9 1 8 liiyrton Dr. Caldwell's Syrup' Pepsin- is the btf&t remedy for constipation because it acts gently and does not grips an$ strain. Its freedoift from all habit-forming properties and' its posi tive effect make it the idfeal remedy for the family mediciAe-chest. 1 WASHINGTON STRgGT..-KpNTICELLO, ILLINOIS PHOTO DEVELOPING ftMHSIimM fir«SH« IbirAMArgM PHWBBBIWHg 'npJf! OBI ffH BISMARCK i7F no-" -N5«rii~D«iaTA- Bring or mail in your films for Expert Developing FINNEY'S DRUG STORE Bismarck, N. D. CLEANING and DYING 'BARBIE'S DRY CLEANING AND DYE WORKS Phone&94—-*09 Fron St. We call for and deliver. Mail orders promptly filled. IT S and up Expert Dry Cleaning KLEIN TAILOR AND CLEANER SMOKER'S FACTORY PRICE Per Per Per 1000 100 50 Billy's Big 102 Sellers .. ."v $80.00 Commercial piubs 80.00 kittle Bllly'sx.... 40.00 North Dak, Star. 40.0,0 Our llcro .• 40.00 me Industry 36-.00 N. P. Special ... 3i.0O ^8.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.60 3.10 WILLIAM 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 i.80 1.55 E SHIP CIGARS BY PARCMlllOST (AddreSs) F. ERLENMEYER, Ciflar Factory^ 423 3rd St., ftismarpk, N. D. Phone 243. DAIRY-^-MlLE^CREAM PURE PASTEUR IZED MILK Our Milk Station Open D&ily 8 A. M.'to 6 P. M., Saturday night to 9 O'clock. Sundays From 9 to I M. Only. BISMARCK DAIRY CO. 210 Broadway Phone 348—^ ELECTRICAL —-THE ELECTRIC SHOE ». m. ami Everything Eleotrieal Wiring fixtures and Snppliai Ddflo Farm light Plants WiBard Service Batter^ Station -ic- Phone 171' 101 Broadway 17 1 I'VIUiU 3 LAWYER, 1 •s 5 Tribune Block BismaWSf ^. D. Phone 752.