I OFFICERS MAY WEAR 'EM BUT PRIVATES NOT Khaki Will Be Common at Public Functions in America for Years to Come RULES GOVERN COSTUMES BY A. E. GELDHOF. N. E. A. Washington Bureau. 112&-1'i34 insey Bldg. •Washington, D. C., Xov. 20.—AVhen the soldiers some home from the front the first thing they will want to know will be: "May be continue to wear our uni­ forms?" The thing dearest to a soldier's heart, next to his home and mother, is his uniform. Even selective ser­ vice men who felt repugnance to don­ ning the khaki when they were draft­ ed have come to feel a great affection for it. The boys will hate to go back to civilian clothing. So I have made an investigation at the war department to lenrn whether or not our returned soldiers will he •W Mi I Bavrientos and Lazaro in Traviafca's" Great Love Duet For their first concerted Columbia number these famous Metropolitan stars have chosen "ParigiOCara/'thethrillingclimaxofVerdi's most dramatic opera. An exquisite record of great and beautiful music-noblv sung. W m/m ¥&•//•/, permitted to wear their uniforms af te they return to civilian life. Of course, the law prescribes the wearing of army or navy uniforms by civilians, and attaches a $300 fine and six months' imprisonment to the of­ fense. But hero Js good news for the officers and enlisted men: Officers. After his honorable discharge from the army, navy or marine corps, a, commissioned officer may wear the' uniform of the highest trade he has held ON OCCASIONS OF CERE­ MONY. This means that at pifblie recep­ tions, dinners, balls, mass meetings, and other similar functions, any of­ ficer above tho grade of ensign or sec­ ond lieutenant may wear the uniform of his rank. Thero no time limit in the law, so that if ho likes he may wear the uni­ form to a meeting of World War vet­ erans 50 years from' now. He can not, however, wear his uniform to bus iness or for pleasure. Enlisted Men. The law as applied to enlisted men iof any branch of the service is iTOt so considerate, ^t permits enlisted men to wear tho uniform for three months after the date of discharge after that they cannot wear it without risk of arrest and imprisonment. The law specifies that the enlisted man may wear his uniform "from the place of his discharge to his home, within three months after the date of his discharge." Thi3 would indicate that if tho sol I rlier stays in the town of his dis charge for thijoe months, he may wear I tho uniform all that time, but that tfRAFONOL A S E O S ON EASY TERMS?! COWAN'S DRUG STORE?! New December Numbers of A49354—$2.50 ft m\%, '"V" Song of the Chimes" and Slumberboat" by Barbara Maurel A most appealing personality, a voice of in intitable natural beauty, long study under such masters as Jean de R'eszke and Chevalier all these Maurel has brought to the singing of two much-loved lullabies. And the result is—well, liear theVn! A 262ft—$,1.00 The list of December Records comprises 5 operatic selections, 20 popular hits, 12 dance pieces, 4 Christmas specials, 6 vocal favorites and 7 novelties and instrumental gems. Mmv Cttamhia Records on aaim rtt 10th and 20th of mvery month Bear General Pershing's dramatic record "A Message from France"—made by Pershing himself. COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, Neir York DON'T LET A COLD KEEP YOU AT HOME Dr. King's New Discovery almost never fails to' bring quick relief Small doses once in awhile and that throat-tearing, lung-splitting cough soon quiets down. Another dose ana a hot bath before jumping into bed, a good sleep, and back to normal in the morning. Dr. ICing's New Discovery 13 well known. For fifty years it's been relieving coughs, colds and bronchial attacks. For fifty years it has been cold by druggists' everywhere. A reliable remedy that you yoursc!f or any member of your family can to ks safely, 60c and $J .20. Train Those Stubborn Bowels Help nature take its course, not with a violent, habit-forming purga­ tive, but with gentle but certain and natural-laxative, Dr. King's New Life Pills. Tonic in action, it stimulates the l::x bowels. Sold by druggists. 25c. whenever he goes home he must adapt civilian ,garb. The purpose was to give him time to obtain an outfit (ft civilian clothing.- Uut the war department, it is 'believ­ ed, will bo inclined to wink the eye a', literal violations of the rule so long as the soldier is not caught wear­ ing his uniform after his three months e:.pire. So that when your boy comes home he may feel perfectly fyfe in wearing the khaki for the admiration of his family and friends until three months from the date of his discharge. %What the Law Says. Tinder Section 125 of an act of con­ gress approved June 3, 1'916, it is un­ lawful for any person not an officer or enlisted man of the United States army, navy or marine corps to wear the duly prescribed uniform, PRO­ VIDED, that tho foregoing shall not I WiuAili tracciari Sings Alia Vita" From'Ballo in Maschera" This sparkling aria might have been written specially for Stracciari—so completely does it lie in the richest range of his glorious baritone. And Stracciari, needless to say, has made the most of his opportunity. A 77085—$1*00 The Lure of Music The author puts the understanding of good music within the reach of all, dispensing with technical terms and bringing the human side of the art home to the reader. Ou sale at all Columbia ^eaiers. tffSMARCK DAILY TKIIiUMU be construed to prevent persons who in time of war have served honorably as officers of the United States army, navy or marine corp3 and have beeJij hoi^orably discharged, from wearing tho uniform- OX OCCASION OK CKREMONY, nor to prevent an enlist eel man who haos been honorably dis-: charged from wearing his uniform from the place of discharge to hi,s home, within THREE MONTHS after the date of discharge. I SPLENDID WORK OF. DIVER Feat cf Underwater Repairing on Wrecked Steemer Is Given High Praise by Shipping Men. One of the. most rcmarknble fonts In the history of American labor, accord Ins: to Cnpt. Louis Turner, represent in? marine underwriters, was the sub marine repairing of a steamer sal I vr.ged off the California coast by a diver named Theodore Wicks. The success of this man In his perilous work made It possible to raise the ves­ sel for farther important service in the government's war program, where ship­ ping Is so urgently needed. There were folly 100 patches, of tem­ porary nature to be put on the shatter* ed sides of the vessel while it was bumping about on the rocks, making It by nil odds the biggest Job of the kind ever attempted on the Pacific codst The biggest patch was ten feet wide and 16 feet long. Three layers of inch plank, with canvas between, were used in putchlng. This kept the water out while the ship was being pumped. Large numbers of shipping men vis­ ited the dry dock where the ship went alter Dlr®r AVick's exploits, and were astonished that it had been possible to aalvnge the vessel at all. The diver's work Is viewed all along the coa^rt as an inspiration to labor in its great task of winning the war. New Light on Term uO. K.w President Wilson has his own way of doing' things, and he also has a very good reason for doing them his own way. Not, only does that «pply to matters of world-wide importance but to trivial things as well. In signing unofficial documents—on official documents he formally writes "Approved"—the president of the Unit­ ed Stntfs precedes his signature with the word "OkeJl." One of his secretaries, suddenly realizing the significance of the word, asked the president why he did not write "O. K." "Because that's wrong," said Wil­ son. "Wrong?"- echowi the secretary. "Isn't It derived from Andrew Jack­ son's *Orl Krecht.5'" "No," said Wilson. 'O. K' is ofk-n erroneously usted tor 'Okeh,' which in tho Choctaw language means, 'It is so.'" Wheat Nat a Necessary Food. Wheat is not necessary. We are accustomed to regard wheat as a more or less indispenspble article Atf diet It isn't. It is an article of luxury, and absolutely nothing else. Wheat pos­ sesses over oats, corn and rice abso­ lutely no nutritional quality for man or beast. It has no more protein, and no better protein. It has no more fat. and no better fat. It has no mineral salt better or in larger amounts. It has no more fuel or better fuel. It is just one. of the cereals, and there isn't the slightest evidence that it is the best one, because so far as compara* five tests are concerned In animals, It isn't the best one j_it. is very far from the best one.—A. E. Taylor, M.D., U. S. Food Administrators Germany From the Olouda. •"EdcHe" Itickenbacker is quoted as saying: "Germany looks rather peacefnl from above and there seems to be little disturbing them back always from the lines. That is where an airman's point of view is defective. The Ger­ man hills and fields look as soft as ours. Probably they are,, which is not very soft Any field covered with grass always looks soft and yon think it would make a fine landing plaee. When you get down lower and are forced to land on any old field that happens to be gnder you, some tlm» when you're enpanne you learn differ­ ently.'' Fill the body with warm, slowing vitality, make the nerves strong, in­ crease circulation, restore natural vigor, feel like one "born agafn. Hol lister's Rocky Monntain Tea—na­ ture's gift of wondrous herbs, pure, harmless, so scientifically blended, results guaranteed on money back, Jos. Breslow. The Only Way. The only "way to regenerate th« world is to do the duty that lies near­ est us-^Kingsley. For FOR RENT—(Modern 8-room house, 818 Avenue B. Phone' 64 M. 11 20 I wk HOUSEHOLD GOODS for sale cheap it taken at once. 522 lath street. PhOne 494X. IK VOL MAX AXD STRONjG, VIGOROUS MANHOOD! Catarrh in some form, either neglected or improperly treated, is un dermining tlie health and sapping the strength ana vigor of ninety-seven I per cent of the people. An inflammation and congestion cf the muccus membranes, whether in the noSe and throat, the stomach, bowels, kidneys, blad­ der qr any other part of the body is Catarrh. Unless checked by tho right treatment, the condition grows worse asd chronic, perhaps in­ curable, disorders-result. Physical fitness, strength, vifor can be possessed only through health "perfection. Catarrh ©I Every Description Take tyitcni. I always |H beaattl from !t fbr CoUU and Grip aad it snakes yovicel lUtstanrierwa. iLF.SUTTIilS.R.F.D.No.3,Bo«St. Now Strong Enotrgh to Do Her Work btiMlfM»*laltav«f Jubilllfc Writ* for Diw HntaaaV Hidtb It FREE. A»umeii drmmdflu Tfcs Par—a ts. Ohin nilMbfIhahnnlr mw A*Y«rBahrl riara Fn— TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY DESIRAE7LB new apartment, modern except heat, close in. and (18 per month. O. Helstrom. Phone 114. 11 20 1 wk FOR RENT—Modern rooms, TOS Main -street. A. P. Anderson. 211201 admiralty announces. I wk 11 21 3t WANT TO CLOSE OUT your stock of goods at auction or put on av special sale, now is the time to see us. Zimmerman Bros. Midway Mdse Sains Co.. 1948 Uni­ versity Ave., S- Paul, Minn. 11 20 I mo. W1FI2 wants positions, lady prefers •bookkeeping and tna-ti any ordinary work. Call aL.22l ?»rd st: 11 20 tit! CHICAGO LIVESTOCK." Hogs 29,000 ljostly l:jc to loo higher. Eutchers $17.65 to 18.Ofl iight $1J.10 to 17.75 packing 1G.D3' to 17.CO throwouts $15.25 to 10.50 Cottle, lS.OOO calves steady beef cattle $15.50 to 19.25 co'mnion, med­ ium $9.' 5 to 15.59 .butcher stock $C.40' to $11.90 canners, cutters $5.35 to $i.40 stoclcsrs feeders $10.00 to 17.25 inferior,Common and medium $7.00 to S'lO/O: \*cal calves $17.25 to 17.75 western ranKe $14.50 to 17.75. .— LOSS 93,000 TONS. London, Via oMntreal^NTov. 2D.—Al I li.id and neutral shipping losses in Oc tober totaled 93,000 tons, the B'ritish FOR- 'RHEUMATISM Delano's Rheumatic Conqueror. 75 Cent Box (16 Doses) FREE A treatment for rheumatism has been found that hundreds of users say is a wonder, reporting case3 that seemjittle short of miraculous. Just a few treatments even in the very worst cases seem to accomplish won­ ders even after other remedies have failed entirely. It seems to neutralize the uric acid and lime salt deposits in the blood, driving all the poisonous clogging waste from the system. Sore­ ness, pain, stiffness, swelling just seem to melt away and vanish. The treatment first Introdvfced by Mr. Delano is so good that its owner wants everybody who suffers from rheumatism or who has a friend so afflicted, to get a free »oc package from him to prove just what it will do in every ease before a penny is spent. Mr. Delano says: "To prove that the Delanq treatment will posi­ tively oversomo* rheumatism, no mat-. ter how severe, stubborn or longj standing the case, and even after all other treatments have Tailed, 1 will, if y&'u have never previously used the treatment, send you a full size 75c package free it you will send your name and address. Send 10c to help pay postage and distribution expense if you wish. F. H. Delano, 1024 Wood Bldg., Syra cdse, ft. Y. I can send only one .Free Package to ap address. Do you like nice clean coal and Large Lumps? Then 'order this famous 1 Wyoming jcoal. F. H. CARPENTER LUMBER CO. Telephone 115 Bismarck, N. D. 1 1 jh For'forty-five years Peruna ha3 been recognized as the stand­ ard treatment tor Catarrh. It acts directly upon the mifcou3 liniDgs, induces a healthy action of all tliQ organs and fortifies the system' generally against disease.^ You can avoid expensive and danger­ ous experiments by taking Peruna first Makes One Peel Like a New Person 'btraet (ran latter wtIumJom,1918 WufM*bnrg,ICjr.--l have Med Peran«fo»«everal yean and cam haartiljr recommend to* Catarrh of tli« Stoaach aaa of the entire 1 The British losses amounted tn 84.000 tons. Sinking of steamships exceeding 500 tons between the United Kingdom and overseas ports excluding cross channel traffic, exceeded 7,500,000 tons in October. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Au­ gusta Little, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the un­ dersigned Florence May Little, admin­ istratrix of the estato of Augusta Lit­ tle, late of the city of Bisniarck. in the county of Burleigh, and state of. North Dakota, deceased, to the credit-! ors of and all persons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit them, witfi the necessary vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to said administratrix at 808 7th street, in tlio city of Bis- WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20y 1»18. 1 Tifip* VK^^SStv', ^ftfe marck, iu said Burleigh county, X. D. Dated Xov. 12, 1918. Florence May Little, Administratrix. 11 13 20 27 12 3. NOTICE YEOMEN. The Brotherhood of American Yeomen will give a grand ball for members and friends Friday, Xov. 22, K. of P. Hall. Members^may secure invitation cards at the following places: Webb Store I.erthart Dn\g Store Best Clo. Co. For further particulars call W. H. 'Elliott State. Mgr., 32«J R. ^Valuable for Autolsts. An Englishman has invented a tool fo prijjie cuts and small holes In automobile tires and remove ar:iclca which might onuse punctures. &1 iiiiW .fr" (4\ Special Sale on Xnras Gifta for Soldiers Tho time limit for mail­ ing Xmas gifts to the sol­ diers vin PRICES BELOW COST FOLSOM JEWELRY Main Street SPENDAQBAltTlK SAVEADOLI.AR The price ofgood, fresh eggsis going up every day. Can you afford to use them in cooking and baking, when by using S A-VAN- you can get the sameresults at a fraction of the cast? Remember—as far as the results are concerned SA-VAN- will make the same delicious dishes as eggs. It Hghtopj, leavens and holds {he mixture together ip just the sitme way as fresh eggs. Where an egg is called for in the recipe, just put in on* level teaspoonful of SA-VAN- mixed with milk or water. Then cut your shortening one-third. The results will surprise and ddi^ht yon. Order a Package Today. One 28 cenf I package will cot your egg .Vij /V France has been extended to Nov.^Oth. We have in stock a large variety of suitable gifts to choose from which we will close out before'the 30th. —AT— Mil ever $1.0«. AT YOUR GROCER'S Bismarck Grocery Co., Distributors The New Coofitac