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PAGE 6 NEURALGIC PAINS Give W a to Soothing Hamlin's Wizard Oil' Hamlin's Wizanl Oil is a sate ml effective irt-iiMiK-nt tor lic i(l ichi.- i:i'l Kvi'ihc-.i in where'the |ai1 i, it acts as a tonic ti the tortured iier\ii !inf almost \*ur:ai)ly brings quick relief. Its .'tutiscptic .qualities can always lit: iVlied upon to prevent in fection, or oilier seri-.-tis results,IRrolil Sprains, bruises, cuts burns, bites and stings. .Just as gooif, too. for sore feet, stiff iic-cl:, frost bites, cuKl sores and canker sores. Get it from druggists for JO cents. If not 5.atis!ied return the bottle and get your money back. 1 IJver constipated or have sick headache-? I.i.'t iry Wizard Liver Whips, plea.-ant little pink pills, 30 cciils. Oua: ani-jcd. BERTHA bURTHA KJ?UPP 'BOML'etf Germany's bit Monday, NOV. 25! ,*:n„ ,, that Ciay-p Whetl .1 'Mother gives me a candy Cascan-t u'lun arid p!ay." I' am won't The TO MOTHERS! Each tun cent box of Cascarc-ts, candy cathartic, contains full directions for dose for children aged'one year old and up wards. Nothing else ''works" the nasty bile, sour fermentations snJ constipation poison from the tender little Rowels so gently, yet so thoroughly. Even cfoss, feverish, bilious children gladly take Cascarets without being coaxed. Ca-.«'.t t? t.i ue jn -t KIce I'.Y BIDDY HVi:. 'i'liansgiving dinner'/ Oh,'yes Hilt, turkey dinner? Oh, ho! If not turkey, "WHAT shall serve? 'There is a noble array of turkey rivt|ls. First come all tin EVACUATION DAY lOUlt6Gn the terms of the armistice. Preconceived incidence, Nov. 35 is iTATrnw n.iv (laj-s Hltei the ainiistice was signed Ifac( all German troops must be out of'France and" Belgium, according to i-»y plan of President .Wilson UATION DAY. On Nov. 25, 1783, the British army sailed out of New York harbor after the Revolutionary war had been ended by the treaty of Paris. Give Candy Cascarets to a Bilious, Constipated Child or by also a great day in American historv—EVAC- v.andy. gripe the little bowels, m.",- rn-vcr injure, but above ali, they ne\'er disappoint Ihe wurii--^ -i --»iw Red Line Legal Blanks The Capital Line of Red Line Legal Blanks are standard forms and are univer sally used throughout North Dakota. They are prepared by competent legal talent and are absolutely right.. Tribune is forced to advance the prices on this line of blanks, but before do ing so wants to give everybody a chance to stock up oil them/ and until December 1st will continue in force the old rates on these blanks. 1 Bring or send in your orders,at once. THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE CO. Bismarck, N. Hi Cascarets nev-gr HIGH PRICES GOBBLE GOBBLER LrlioulJ goose, duck or squabs. Try re- cover and roast twenty minutes to the hour. Trim oil' any waste part neatly cipes, and the departed lurljoy will be pound. "When roasted tender, drain off and skewer the root niid tip ends to "unwept. uiihonorod and unsung." the fat anil save. Then brush the fowl gether. Have ready in the roaster a CHICKEN PIE—Cut up a plump, with butter, sprinkle with salt and I layer of sliced onion, carrot, celery, tender young chicken in pieces for pepper, Hour lightly and brown. Serve tomato and minced parsley. Put ill the serving and put to boil in cold water. hot* with giblet gravy and cranberry foiled tongue and cover with another When boiling, add 1 large onion. sauce. (layer of vegetables and add a cupful cupful sliced carrot. 1, cupful tine chop-j TEN*DERT^L)IN Tl'RKEY -I'u.v two] of the water in which tongue boiled. est guns were named: pod celery and 1 tablespoonful of salt, line, large pork tenderloins, wipe clean Cook two hours until tender. Remove for her. She inherited the great Kruppj l'.oil until meat, is tender and remove and split: them lengthwise through the I the cover, take up the vegetables and gun works which made her family chicken from liquid, letting the liquor middle and till with raisin ^nd bread brown the meat. Serve hot with the licli. the kaiser ambitious anil brought boil ten minutes more. Cool chickcu dressing. Season to tsate. Sew or \ogeta4ilos and sliced lemon and pars on the world war. Now she is a pris-j and remove from bones. Put the meat skewer them together, put in a roasting ley garniture. oner of the new German regime along] in a deep baking dish. Skim the boil-j pan and ('over with bacon strips. Make JtAlUilT ROAST—Prepare two wilh her family. ing Jiqjior _aij|l thicken with 1 table- ktlyoo-i^artcrs over it a cupful of hnilin Dj-edge with flour, cover co-! S5 r?inr".rSr T"Z pound P.asie often with the mice To ........ make the Yorkshire pudding, heal three E. N. ITurley. chairman of the U. S. Shipping Poard. told men, in an interview today that *the shipping board will bring back our soldiers faster than the War Department can handle them In this country. While all other government depart ments are preparing to slow down-their JACK DEMPSEV Rv his knockout of E'attling Levin sky in three rounds at Philadfiiphia, •Tack "'Denipsey. the classy heavy weight from the Pacific coast, hast dene much to reieeni his recent de feat at the hands of Willie Meehan in San Francisco, a fight engineered T* l»y pugilistic polk:.-.-- Like many another fighter, Deinp sey went into what he thought wan a I soft chance to pick up soma change in a short contest. RU't. He met the surprise of his life. With indifferent- training, he went against a man who was in the best: ... „. of shaps. through his summers werk as boxing instructor at the navy yard round. in San Francisco. I D^mpsey is one of the greatest The loss of the decision was the re-! fighters since Stanley aKtechel, and A three-^sund knockout provtffl the difference. Syce the beginning of the year, Deiipsey has eliminated, with the ex ception of Meehan, all the heavies of prcjmifcence between him and the heavyweight champion, .Tessv Willard. has knocked out Homer Smith, rouo^^Jitjt^tyon, on\ round BISMARCK DAILY TRIBUNE spoonful of cornstarch. Pour the eggs with a pinch of salt and add' a liquor over I he chicken and cover with pint of milk and 2-3 cupfuls of Hour. good pie crust. Bake brown. Stir to a smooth batter, pour into KOAST GOOSE—Clean, singe and greased- jian and hake until done, russ a fat goose same as turkey is Serve wuh the beef and gravy, cut prepared. Stuff with bread, sage and in squares, as a garnish. onions and put in a roaster. Pour overt P.WAISED P.EEF TONGUE—Clean fowls, chickens, the fowl 1 cupful of boiling water, and boil a fresh beef tongue for one of a hour and baste dressed rabbits by wiping tbom off with frequency. Serve with browned pota- a clean, wet towel. Stuff the rabbits toes and apple sauce. with a forcenient ^f crumbs, fat pork, ENGLISH ROAST REEF WITH mincedx onion and salt and pepper. |YORKSHIRE PUDDING I'u.v a Sew them up with fine thread and lay ,, ,, ... prime roust of lieef anil wipe the sur-|iirthe roaster on top'of thin sliced fat with a clojli dipped ill vim-gar. Jim-U. ('over with more pork slices and ihe meat in a roaster ami pour pour over then cujifui of meat sfock water. or hot water. Roast, for ail* hour, re move the pork, hruslt" wilh butter anil dredge with flour to brown. Serve with a garnish or parsley and tomato sauce. HURLEY SAYS HE'LL HAUL EM HOME FASTER THAN CAMPS CAN TAKE CARE OF 'EM OVER HERE A. E. GELl")IIOF. N. E. A. Washington I'ureau. II2M1H4 Munsey ISldg., Washington, 1 C. I clloi ts, the shipping board will increase its ^hij(building program to Iniild sl/ips ships, and more ships, so our boys can come hojne at the earliest possible mo ment, "We now have 1(11 cargo vessels :tiirl (57 traius^orf-s," Hyrley said, ''in-ailalile.' immediately for the transportation of troops. If jiec esssary. WE COULD BRING ALL THE ROYS P.ACIC IN THREE MONTHS. Certainly we ran JACK DEMPSEY SHOULD AGAIN MEET MEEHAN, SAY RING FANS EEHAN THE ONLY SHADOW ______ OA/DEMf*5EYS PATkt Eill I'.rennan, six rounds, and Kred Fulton, one round. Carl Morris" sec- oni hrew UP the spongethe fifth I many of the old timers of the ring The lesson was taken home by have commented- on the similarity -1)6 Dcmpsev, and he trailed steadily for his fight with Levinsky, another 'box irig instructor from an army camn iiear New York, and whose condition was equal to Meehan's. twppn the two. Like Ketchel, Dempsey has the fighting spirit which does not ac knowledge defeat. Though not very -clever, he has great speed aMp a demon punch. He should again meet Meehan and prove by a decisive defeat that Ihe recision gained by Meehan/ was the' result of poor matchmaking and worse judgment in training. Willard then' would find it hard to rive an excuse for not defenring his title^ w»v4 "t" I biiiifr tlii'in faster tlitin they can lx taken ciire of.hero. "Kju*h of those cargo vessels can h-.'tusport from 1.000 to 2.000 men and Automobile Acces sories of AH Kinds FILTERED I lie nnnsjiorts will eijrry from ::.(K)( carpenter mi the divisions of its rail I to 10.000. mill between I'ortal and linrvo.v. On "The s.liippinjr board will immodiiifo'.tlx.- ni :lit of gypteiuher 10, the pbiii! l.v stop 4he employment of workmen *-»'V ""'I several other carpentors got: overtime, and Sundays because the im-1 ear-tit run from la.-rto:i mediate pressure has been j-elievcd any more, at least not fyr the present and wo do nee«l liips. therefore we plan to take mechanics from the muni tions plants, and put them into the •shipyards. _» "The bringing back of the soldiers is not our chief problem. That is to feed,the population of-hungry Europe. Austria, Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria jaust be fed, as well as our allies. We I pnuit have more ships to do it. Now I |hat. the war is over, our efforts will be redoubled." It Western Sales Co. —r— fl •f Distribxfton of MAXWEI.L AND OLDSMOBILB .... AUTOMOBILES I PORTAGE TIRES GltEEN DRAGON SPARK PLUGS Itut wo can use 2 0,000 more cxperi- miles. asid when midway between the enccd mechanics. We don't need truns SUPREME COURT FROM BURKE COUNTY. John Wingen, plaintiff and appel lant, vs. Minneapolis, St. Paul & St. w«' CATARRH of the BLADDER relieved iif 24 HOURS Each Cap- ffule bears the (MIDY) name -W 'care ofcounlerfel ts Bismarck GASOLINE Free Air and Water BATTERY SERVICE STATION A^W. LUCAS CO. UNDERTAKING PARLORS 1 Day and Night Phone i)0 W. W. Bashan. Licensed Embalmer in Charge HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING AND INQ Mall Orders Filled. 114 Broadway. Phone 84f r, Va Battery Repairing Exide Service Station. RADIATOR REPAIRING In All Its Branches. BLACKSTONE TIRES We give a persona] guarantee of 4,000 miles and make our own adjustments. MOBILOILS AND GREASES At a dig Saving in Freight. On all of these lines we quote regular' factory wholesale to dealers. CQRWIN MOTOR COi Bismarck, N. D. N DR. A. SCHUTT ,Y- DENTISTRV. Also specializing in Extraction. Rooms 4 and 5, Haggart Block, Corner. Third and Broadway Sts. Telephone-250 Bismarck, N*. D. Co., defiMKliint' iinil re- Af rie Rv s|iondent. Syllabus: In this case plaintilT was employed by defendant as ail ortifti-ny to Portal, a ilistance of cijxht or i.iiic l»bi(-«'s they ran against a iiand car ag wrongfully on the track and defend ant was seriously injured. Held, that there is no proof of wrong or neglect to sustain a verdict if dam ages. Appeal from the district i-a'irt.of Iiurke county. K. Kr I.ejghto!i, Plaintitlf appeals. Affirmed. Opinion of the court by l{»bii:son, J. Grace. .1. dissents. E. It. Sinkler and E. J. Eidc, Ml not, attorneys for appellant. John E. Greene, Minot, and John L. H. Bright, Minneapolis, Minn., of counsel) attorneys for respondent. I FROM WARD COUNTY. Bovey-Sliute. Lumber company, plaintiff and respondent, vs. Oscar Ericksoh, et al., defendants, Northern Land and Mortgage company, appcl lant. Syllabus: Under Section 22flG. Rev. St. U. S. which provides that no lands acqninto under the homestead laws of the United States shall in nh.v event become liable to,-the satisfaction of any debt contracted prior to the "Issu ing of the patent therefor, a meehan-1 ie's Hen which arises by operation of law upon the filing of a lien statement for building materials furnished does BUSINESS TRAINING You ^an Enroll at This & MODEL Of^I' ICE PRACTICE school under guarantee of a sat isfactory position as soon as competent or your tuition re funded. Send for particulars. When you know more about this college and what it has done for hundreds of tjie most successful business men and women/ you'll attend. Write G. M. LANGUM, Pres., Bismarck, N. D. AUTOMOBILES, ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES MISSOURI VALLEY MOTOR CO. Factory iTfstribatori of CHEVROLET AUTOMOBILES Smith Form-a-Truclu Smith Tractors Kelly-Springfield and FireatoM Tirea r" Everything for the Antomobila BISMARCK MOTOR COMPANY Distributors of STUDEBAKER and CADU.LAC Automobiles UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS WEBB. BROS. Undertakers ^hnbalmers Funeral Directors "i Licensed Embalmer in Charge /Day PICOT- MRS. M.C.HUNT Phone 50" Ni^ht Phone 65 HARDWARE^—lRIPLEMEN'l'S flNE^UGGIES If yoo are thinking of buying a new carriage or wagon it will pa* you to get our prices. FRENCH & WELCH Hardware Tools' Implement* Hirneas Carriages Wagons •HOE FITTERS MAIN STREET The HURLEYS Dance and Concept Orchestra 10 IVtyin St. Phone* 13OK WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20,ul81«. not Attach to land acquired under the homestead law«. where the debt was contracted and the materials furnished before th« patent was issued. 'From judgnieiit of the district court of Ward county, Leigliton. J. Defendant. Northern Land & Mort gage Co.. appeals. Reversed. Opinion of the court by ('hristjjm '•son, .T. iioliinson, J. and P.j'itce, Ch. .T. dissent HnnMiett-& Johnston of Harvey, at torneys for appellant. McGee & Goss, .Minot, attorneys for respondent. Strength for Miners W1*ile deVotedfco the patriotic task of pQuring out endless streams of fuel, a miner ought never neglect the important duty. of keeping up strength. abundant in strengtB-supportin elements* keeps the body weL nourished'and helps resist th« demands of v/eakness, Every miner could use Scott's Emulsion with benefit ta every aveMue of hchkh. SCOTT'S HELPS KEEP KP STREHCTH ScoU-i.- Ccw.w, Jui6on»t!c1(lt J. 1J-UA PHOTp DEVELOPING rMfESHML fwaiKtG fill ArMTRM PHOIMMMIS BISMARCK •HORTh DAKOTA- Bring or mail in your films for Expert Developing .FINNEY'S DRUG STORE Bismarck, N. D. CLEANING and DYING BARBIE'S DRY CLEANING AND DYE WORKS Phone 394—409' Front St. We call for and deliver. Mail orders'proihptly filled. S I S ,« (£0|X and up Expert Dry Cleaning KLEIN TAILOIl AN I) CLE AN Ell SMOKER'S FACTORY PRICE Pei 1000 Per 100 10e Billy's Big Sellers ....... Commercial Clubg. kittle Billy's .... North Dak. Star.. OUT" Herd-'.. me Indtisti'y .. N. P. Sp,ecial ... Per $80.00 '80.00 J8.00 S.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.60 3.10 4.00 4.00 2.00, 40.00 40.0'0 40/10 36.00 31.00 2.0tf 1.80 1:55 E SHIP CIGARS BY PARCEL POST (Address) WILLIAM F. ERLENMEYER, Cigar Factory, 423 3rd St., Bismarck, N. D. Phone 243. DAIRY-^MILK—CREAM PURE PASTEUR IZED MILK Our Milk Station Open Daily 8 A. 6 P. M., Saturday night to 9 O'clock. Sundays From 9 to 1 M. Only. BISMARCK DAIRY CO. 210 Broadway Phone 348 ELECTRICAL THE—- ELECTRIC SHOP It SKSELf everything Electrical Wiring Fixtures and Snppliei Delco Farm Light Plants Willard Service Battery Station PiAhm 179 lot Broadway 17 w. LAWYER Tribune Block., Bismarck,^. D. Phcm^52.