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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
'V t'! WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20, 1918. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser HE FORGOT HE WAS IN FRONT OF A BAKERY SQUIRREL FOOD By Ahem "BOTTLED GOODS," AS IT WERE THE TRIBUNE'S CLASSIFIED COLUMN HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—Girl. 3rd street. Classified Advertising Hates. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED—Activo. young mwr, for po sition in our mailing room. Good chance for a hustler to work up. Call at Tribune office. WANTED—Messenger boy or girl. Good wages. Apply Western Union. 11 15 tf WANTED—Carrier boy. Must be Terms Strictly. Cash—No Copy Without Remittance Attached! W be I First insertion, 35 cents additional insertions without change of copy, 15 cents. Advertisements containing more than 25 words will be charged at the rate of two cents a word for each additional word. Sturdy and* a hustler. Apply Trib une. 11 5 tf WANTED—Man tfi work in bridge crew, and wife to do cooking." Apply Tribune C50. 11.15 Ct CIVIL. SERVICE-EXAMINATIONS— Bismarck, Dec. 7. 12,000 clerks needed. Salary $1200. Experience unnecessary. Men and women de siring government pos^ions write for free particulars, R. E. Terry, dormer Civil Service Examiner), 122 Columbian Building, Washing ton. ll-ll-9t at Donnraven. 212 18 1 wk WANTED—Girl for general house work. Family of two. Phone 8Y. 11 18 tf WANTED—WAITRESS AND CHAM bermaid at Banner house. 104 Main street. Phone 231. 11-19 2t WANTED AT ONCE—GIRLr FOR general house work. Good wages. Mrs. F. Br Toney. 206 W. Thayer st. 11-19 2w WANTED~GIRE FOR GENERAL housework. Phone 746 or call 613 Third street. Mrs. C. W. ftJcGray. 11-19 lw WAN^ED-^GlrJ or.bdy to learn to feed press in the job printing department at The'Tribune office. E&sy to learn. Pay while learnings Call at office and ak for Mr.' Ryan Tel. 32. LADY^CLfeRK wants position Fou? years' experience and can give the ibest of reference. Write No. €53 Tribune 11 16 1 wk WANTED^irl at home bakery, also woman 'baker. Apply Home Bakery 214 Sth street. Phone 428. 11 16 6t WANTED—Girl for general" bouse- M'ofrk. Phone S94. DON'T ask to see my FORl until about Saturday. Then it will look outside as it feels inside. "R. SWOW VA FOR SALE OK RENT— HOUSES AND FLATS EOR RENT—5-room modern house, house, east part of town, $25.00 In quire 30S 9t.h street. Phone R83 W. Frank Everts. 11 18 3t FOR SALE—House for sale on your own terms. Call 712 llth street or phone 861R. 11 14 Ct NEW BUNGALOW FOR SA.I7E— I will sell a new all modern six-room bungalow including new majestic range, laundry stove and fuel suffi cient for the winter for $3,300.00. I want about one-third c*ash and the balance may be on monthly pay ments. Esdward Erickson. 917- 6th street. 11 13 Gt FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM HOUSE] half a block below the High school, large barn or garage, 606 *8th dt. has. L. Hanson Pumpitig Station. Phone 126-R. FOR RENT—Modern seVen room house and garage. Well located. Ready for occupancy Nov. 20. Mrs. W. A. Hughes, 616 7th street. 11 iG tf FOR RENT—Six room house, well lo at a re as on a re Register, Bismarck, N. D. __ TfcV 31 15 tf WANTED—Girl for general house work. Highest wages. CIO Seventh street. Mrs. P. C. Remington. 10 26 tf ROOMS FOR RENT FOR BENT UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Light and heat furnished. Cal| 622 Third street or phone 132R. 11-19 3t FOR HENT—Large modern front room. $15 per month. Inquire at .511 6tli street -"11 15 tf FOR RBKT—In desirable location, furnished room. Also room with kitchenette for light housekeeping. 411 5th street or Phone 21$. 11 14 1 wk trBSBBassssasCaBerBsssBsssssss^ AUTOMOBILES. KOTORCYLIS Please' MOW YERvTot SUM SUUCKff-NAWWTA IT THl?, SEE HttV AlOMG M' GET HIS HftNNV- 11 15 mo H. Myers. "r 11 20 1 FOR SALE--|©5D cash busy a 5-pas senger Reo Four in first class con dition. Owner leaving' town must sell. Qall Saturday or Sunday. Phone K. or 349 R. 11 18 fit FOR S.-LE—Overland roadster will sell cheap if taken at once. Al?o Kstey Organ-i Mr». J. F. Hannan, 520 Are F. Phone 630L 15 (}t Ct' FOR SALE—A DANDY BUNGALO style piano cheap if taken. before 11 DOINGS OF THE DUFFS V¥EUAOtfVlfc/l-L Home A S I E OFFICE. T&PAS iTRAT^ JOSlT WWAT SHE'tf OONB, "HIE OLD FOX «HE SUPPED IT W MM CQfiT Pocket FOR A UTTLE LUMCH SHS'S £*TT A BtG HEAFZT**M HER —7-1 IF swe omus JL sTARTEf /low VA COAJE IT GOSH/ 9A/SEQY HERE COWETA SAILOR ON SHORE LEttJC I'LL KID leave. Cnsli or terms. See A. 15. EmsliLvillf-r, Annex hotel, Bismarck, N. 1). 11-19 4t flTRENT- FOUR ROOMS PART *ly modern house, close in. Cull li-2 Third, street or phono 1M2R. FOR RENT—'Modern 5 low, 510 14th street. 11-1!I It room bunga Plione 263. 11 18 St FOR KliiNT—Modern room house Inquire O. W. Roberts, Phone 151 or 751. 10 11 tf (OH IlENT i/^ocatea. -Small house convenient Apply C. L. Burton. 7 2fi tf MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY OF TITE^WORLD'S WAR •by Francis A. March, with Jnlreduc tion by his brother General Peyton C. March. Highest officer in Unit ed States Army. Complete and au thentic. Official photograph. Rx tr'aonlinary opportunity' for big pro fit. Outfit free. Universal House, Philadelphia. 14 16 2t FOR~S~A~i7fi—Household goods!] MuU. We sold at once. Leaving city. Call Mr. F. J. Marcellus, 518 7th street.. 11 SO 1 wk FOR S.iLE—Sewing max hine in cxcel I lent condition. Call Mrs. Geo. W.i}l, 3 2 3 3 re on 5 5 1 I il 20 St FOR 3ALE—Furniture. Phone 457X or cair at 622 Sth street. I 11 wk WANTED—Puppy dog, must le about six weeks old, 'by liecem^er 25. Pre 1 fer Scotch collie.' Phone 594. I 11 19 tf MR" FARMER—Now Is the time to disposo of your live and dressed poultry. For best results and high est market prices ship to, the °^CE T~~" Northern Produce Co., Bismarck. N. D. Write us fodav tor prices of all' Nbul,Kfc&P VoOR COAT Birfii&MeoOB Sou KiloWpJ TUI5 .IN- I SHEWoOiO AND DON'T FORGET TO BRING HOME THE-fcHANGE -WELL,WHAT JoVou WMoW Aftounr Tt4ATi A Alice. AlEVl CCISP T&l UoLLAfc DILI. W MV BISMARCK DAILY TRIBUNE vllMlWOtelSMUSt Look wuere SOW To 1??? 4 DOWNED T^EfA GOT !C TO BEAT THAT EH TV -. u^wW( •.a0V LO SAtTW- QlDJft HEW? HOV*J we "VRftPPED A TV\0U5AMD HUKI5 «K 'CrtfMPAGME' AM* '0 vAA^UAAX^ kinds o£ poultry. Northern Pro duce Co., Bismarck, X. 1"). 10 18 2 1-2 mo hole Garland rango will trade l'or good 1«17 Ttli street or FOR SALE--Six $25.00 cash or 1,'tying hens, phone S71R. 11 Glencoe, N. D. j, Ls :,t_ WANTED—'Typewriier, aildinfc ^ra chine, safe or fire-proof cabinet, and roll top desk. What have you to offer. Write No. 654 Tribune. 1118 1 wk YOUNG ""MAN "WITH t-YEAlt OI.l boy -wants board and room with private family where child would be cared for. Write No. 055, Tribune. 11-1!) 'Jt HAY—Ftfr sale. N'inety tons of up land hay, first class. Cut in July. $10 per ton. Can feed hay on place. See or write Hugh Thrown, ... 11 14 1 wk I'OR SALE—480 acres s,tock land, 4 miles to town, 90 acres under plow an ideal stock location. Will take $10 per acre /part lilierty loan bonds. A. J. Sylvester, Mandan. N Dak. 11 6t WANTED—Kitchen range with hot water connections, also suitable Laundry stove. Phone 672 IJ. 11 18 1 wk FOR SALE OR TRADE—160.acres fine pralrio land free of incuni brance, near Garrison, McLean county. $25.00 an acre. Will ex change for modern residence prop erty in Bismarck of equal value. Address 309 Mandan Ave., Bismarck, N. D. or call 578. 11 1.8 1 wk HAVE ONE"NEW~llEFRIGERATOK show case 10 ft. long and one 10 ft. marble toi^ wraper counter to trade for a good second hand Ford in good running order. Case and eounter have never been unpacked. Crating POCKET -4WO I ,T\OHT K^OW I HAD IT- WO«lEC.s|f» AlWT *«ADE aL\ppeD*iWfr »4 "^eRE yfue«4 SHE HEtPep MECTJ vm4 rti coat SB BY ALLMAN fir n^i HElLoJbw? This 15 HELErt 5AN, I FOB^OT TO Tell Voo I Pir Tfcd Dollars W Voufc co^r PE SORE 4M& Pas the. bill-this is THE- LAST DAW 'bH VJE HAv£»4T HUrt?^. TMATTS nqrrvM'fo GET, PUFPV ABOUT is still on. Writi' Funk. l'»ros., llebnui, N. I). 11 1!) lw FOffRENT^A goiwl piano. 1'hojTe 4-I2L. Florence M. Liitle. 11 is wk FOR SALE Good furniture for a room house. Imiuire '.'27 sire 't. 11 2t. HISTORY OF THE WOUlJ)~S"~WAR 'by Francis A. March, with introduc tion by his brother. General Peyton C. March, highest officer in 'Unite! States army. Complete and authen tic. Official Photograph. Extra ordinary oportunity for big profit. Outfit free. Universal House, Phil adelphia. IT 2i It FOR FIRST CLASS DRY CLEANING and' pressing call at the Eagle Hat Works and Tailor Shop, Phone 5S. 11 18 1 mo BANNER HOUSE Good board and room, $8.00 iter week, or two in a room, $7.00 per week. Wo have single or double rooms. S. NICHOLA, 104 Main St. Phono Bismarck, N. I). ,_,::i 11-1!) I111 HOUSES WANTED WANTED TO RENT, by" local mer chant 5 to 7 room bodern house by permanent renter. Call 562R or 862X LOST AND FOUND LOST—Crocheted bag containing about $ 10.000. Leave at Tribune of fice and receive reward. 11 18 3t STRAYED OR STOLEN—1 Clack mare, weight. 1100 lbs, 9 years old 1 dark brown mare, weight 1100 lbs. 7 years old, white spot in forehead, mane and foretops roched. Any one giving information of their whereabouts, suitable reward will be paid for same. L. C. Patterson, 11 18 1 wk POSITIONS WANTED WANTED—A POSITION AS FIRE man. See Mernie Cowell at Fourth street south, or phono K12. 11-19 lw the Palm of Your Hand 3, RAY SAWYER Miss liny C. Sawyer, whose plan of sending music to soldiers lias made her known wherever there are Yanks, Gobs or Devil I)o 's to play, sing or whistle, lias left the Ke»l Cross, and is now a private in (he marine corps. Her special work with the mobiliza tion burdhu of the murines will not in terfere with her private work of dis pensing syncopated cheer to men in the service. "Write to me for all the music you want, and the kind you want/' is her message to men in the service any where. Through arrangements with the largest publishers. Private Saw.Ver whose address is 79 Hamilton Place. New York, is able to send, free of charge, the latest and most popular music—a plan which is heartily ap proved by military and naval officials. The men in the trenches, as a result, are able to get. the best music at the same time it appears on Broadway. So far. Private Sawyer's "official" mailing list covers CiOO bands and 2.10 orches tras, besides thousands of individuals. Hold Your Future in forts enjoyed by the man who's placed his savings in a home. Panics and other unsettled business conditions disturb' stocks, bonds, almost every security, but leaves unscathed home values. Once paid for, you have! an investment in a home that is gilt-edged, that en hances in value constantly, and nets you a big return in comfort, security and peace of mind. Follow the real estate af3s in The Tribune's classified columns. These want ads are an up-to-date directory of the best bargains in residential property. ib- y* UAST MOKTTYTALOKIG TH' 1 JEUGIAM COAST YJ6 DID HBffr JOB VMHEI4 VJE SOUK 5iX HUhl SUBtAMW^S j' IX TOW •jjr. •MUSICALMOTHER Lands Responsible TO YANK FIGHTERS Financial Position -*A- L1LLIATSI OONES* From $12-a-week stenographer to head cashier of the New York branch of the National Bank of Cuba within a few years is the successful work of Miss Lillian C. Jones. She stepped into her present position when the former cashier was called into /the military service. Now Miss ''Jones handles $400,000,000 annually, while Wall street is becoming accustomed to seeing responsible positions turned over to women. ^here's little of luck and much of well-seasoned judg ment in the security and com .-«-.• 'W PAGE 7?i YOU UTTLf JC0UMDML9 zms T- »l