I WEATHER FORECAST —Pair and cooler tonight with frost. Tuesday fair. ESTABLISHED 18^3 GRAIN PRICES HALT GAIN III N. W. BUSINESS Tends to Minimize Advant­ ages of the Big Crop, Says Reserve Head EMPLOYMENT NORMAL Heavy Marketing of Cattle Reported, with Conse quent Price Decline Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 2.—The drop in grain prices in August had a tendency to minimize the advan­ tage of the big crop throughout the Ninth Federal Reserve dis­ trict, according to the monthly re­ port of John H. Rich, chairman of the Federal Reserve bank here, made public today. Marketing- of rye, cattle and sheep was abnormally heavy, Mr. Rich declares, and with the excep­ tion of calves which were sustain­ ed by the substantial movements of feeders back to the farms, all live­ stock prices declined.. The crop moving demand for money has not been heavy and in­ terest rates have declined sub­ stantially. Investment funds are in much better supply. Lumber, copper and iron ore pro­ duction as well as building and most manufacturing ter :n volume has been bet­ both as compare with the preceding month and a year ago. Employment Normal Employment has been normal and accumulated stocks of mer­ chandise and materials have not changed greatly, except for some declines in lumber. However* Mr. Rich points out, they general improvement both in volume of business and financial conditions has not helped profits sufficiently to reduce business fail urie to a normal level. It will re qure several months, he adds, to determine whether the apparent gain in the momentum of business in this district will continue in the the face of a coal movement up the lakes equal to but 6 per cent pf a'year ago and i£ the present price level is mantained for the grains. "Prices at central markets in this district for a majority of the pmducts of the farm, declined in August from the Jyly figure, due rather to the weight of supplies than to the decline iji demand," Mr. Rich says in his letter. "The me­ dium price of wheat broke 39 cents between these two months, show­ ing the effect of weak European support, as well as heavier re­ ceipts. Rye was in extraordinary favor with European buyers and declined less than 6 cents. Flax declined 5 cents, barley 7 cents and oats more than 3 cents. The median price of corn remained practically unchanged. Cattle Marketed "Heavy marketing of cattle and sljeep broke th6 median price of butcher steers $2.15 and lambs 25 cents. Although there was a de­ cline from July receipts of hogs, the abnormally heavy receipts forc­ ed prices to continue the decline which started in May, the slump this month amounting to $1.25. "Wholesale produce prices at Minneapolis showed increase in the important quotations, except in vegetables. Eggs showed a sharp increase from 19 cents per dozen to 26 cents. There were smaller increases in butter, veal and hens. The price of the best flour remain­ ed unchanged. "The credit situation in this dis­ trict has given little indication of crop mowing demand," the letter continues. "All Federal Reserve Banks during the month of August showed a small increase in bills discounted and purchased and in Federal Reserve notes outstanding and a small decline in reserves. In­ vestment funds apparently were in greater supply during August than during July and time deposits also increased slightly. "Grain stocks in terminal ele vatoi-s, totaling ,1 million bushels, increased slightly during the month of August, but were one third lower than a year ago. Stocks of oats were slightly larger at the end of August than at the end of July, but down one fourth from the figure a year ago. Stocks of rye were almost eight times as large at the end of August as at the end of July. but barley stocks were down three fifths from last year. Wheat stocks totaling less than 2 million bushels were down one fifth from a month ago and one-half from a year ago. Flax stocks approached the vanishing point dui-ing August." S. D. LABOR LEADERS MEET. Sioux Falls, S. D., Oct. 2.—Repre­ sentatives of labor organizations are gathering here today from all parts of the state for the third an­ nual convention of the South Dakota Federation of Labor. Over 200 delegates are expected by tonight. Tho session): will last two days with addresses by Alice Loraine Daly, Nonpartisan League candidate for governor of South Dakota, anf Warren E. Beck, vice president of the Federation, the featured events of to­ day's program. Officers will be elect­ ed and a convention city for next year chosen at tomorrow^ meetings. Coal Operators Seek to Frame New Wage Scale (By the Associated Press) Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 2.—Bitumin­ ous operators arid officials of the United Mine Workers of America gathered here for a joint conference today to arrange for future wage scales in accordance with an agree­ ment signed here August 15 which ultimately brought to an end the soft coal strike. Approximately 100 operators from the bituminous fields were prevent. The miners' representation includes their policy committee, numbering 128. In addition to opening negotiations for a wage scale to 'supplement that which expires March 31, 1923, the conference is expected to* take up the question of collective bargaining. The union is still carrying approx­ imately 50,000 strikers in the bitum­ inous field in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, it was learned today. Those in Pennsylvania v/ere largely non­ union when the last strike started, while those in West Virginia were union men whom the operators sought to de-unionize. 4 ARRESTED AFTER THEFTS IN JAMESTOWN Series of Hold-ups Result in Detention of Four Men By Police (By the Associated Press) Jamestown, N. D., Oct. 2.—Four men, including a negro who gave his name as Clarence Btfler and Robert McNight, a local strikjng shopman are being held here in connection with a series of hold­ ups in the Northern Pacific yards Saturday night The arrests were made on the information of the negro who reported to the police that he had been held up and rob­ bed by the other three men. It developed under the investiga­ tion of the police that the four had held up and beaten and robbed sev­ eral men irf the yards and that later-..they had disagreed, over the dfyrlsiod the spoils.1 In the dis­ agreement, the negro was relieved of all his shape. The men will be arraigned in justice court this afternoon. A search of the McKnight borne Sun­ day disclosed several bottles of moon«hine and parts of a still. POISON FOUND imSTURE Investigation Is Being Con­ ducted by States Attorney New England, N. D., Sept 29.— State' Attorney J. K. Murray and Sherriff Gus Buchler of Mptt called here yesterday to conduct an exami-l nation in atttempt to determine who was guilty of placing a quantity ofi poisoned bran in the, pasture of C. M. Nielson. 1 Tuesday morning, Mr. Nielson,! who operates a milk route in New. England, found a1 registered Short horn bull, which he valued at $400 and four of his best milk cows, dead, I and five more of his cattle very sick. I He called a veterinarian from Dick- I inson, who found poisoned bran in the stomachs of the animals. In some high grass, near a water hole in the center of Mr. Nielsen's pasture, was found a half bushel of poisoned mash, such as had been used a year ago in the Hettinger county campaign against grasshop pers. The poisoned bait was evi dently placed there recently as the grass was still green beneath "the pile of bran which had been treated! with arsenic. A search warrent was issued yes-' terday to make a search of the pre mises of Harry Bohlman, who lives on' an adjoining farm and operates! a competitive milk route in New England. A small amount of poison was found on Bohlman'a farm. 4 METHODS OF SELLING SPUDS Fargo, N. D„ Oct. 2.—Farmers who wish to market their potatoes this fall have their choice of four differ­ ent methods, according to Dr. A. H. Benton of the Department of Mar­ keting and Rural Finance at the North Dakota Agricultural Agricul­ tural college. "The farmer may sell for cash at the local shipping point," declared Mr Benton "he may sell on contract, the price being based on date of shipment on contract with the price based on the date of arrival at the buyer's market or on consignment." NUT QUARTET GETS INVITATION Mandan's Xut Quartette has been asked to sing for the broad casting station maintained by the Univer­ sity of Minnesota, on the evening of Thursday, October 7th. The in­ vitation especially specified that the songs should be about the dairy cow. FOREST FIRE FIGHTERS STILL WAGEBATTLE Situation Continues to be Crit­ ical and Hinges on Change In Wind PROTECT SETTLEMENTS Rcach Such Magnitude That Rangers Devote Energies To Populated Areas Duluth, Minn., Oct. .—Dawn to­ day again disclosed the forest fire fighters in northern Minnesota des­ perately waging their battle with the flames in their effort to hoid them in check. While the fires are said to be not out of control at any point where they are burning, the situation continues critical and a change in the direction of the wind accompanied by an increase in velo­ city might cause a holacust. Efforts rfre being made to steer the combined Ellsmere and White face fires into the territory burn­ ed over by the old Markham fire, which it is believed would give the foresters an advantage. Fires have reached such a mag­ nitude, the forestry service an­ nounced that little can be done ex­ cept to guide them around settle­ ments and where possible onto areas already burned over. Deputy sheriffs and representa­ tives from the county engineers of­ fice have taken charge o. roads in the fire zone and at intervals are guiding automobiles through the dense smoke. POPULAR YOUNG BISMARCK MAN PASSES AWAY Sherman Knauss Succumbs to Illness Which He Fought For Several Months Sherman Knauss, well known young man of the city, passed away in a local hospital Sunday evening after an illness which'extended over a period of many months. Death was due to a complications arising from I heart and kidney trouble. Herman :was 27 yean did having been born in Garher, la., April 3, 1895. Not long after this his par­ ents moved to Syracuse, N. Y., where Sherman entered the public schools. In 1902, he came *ith hijs parents to Bismarck, comvieUng his school courses here as a graduate of the Bismarck high yhool. During the summer months Sher­ man worked in the, office of the Bis­ marck Tribune, learning the trade. He was an earnest worker and be Mme an experienced printer and val ued employe of .The Tribune Sherman became intensely inter­ ested in his musical work, and dur­ ing his illnes he »ften spoke of his aspirations arid his desire to continue his studies on his recovery. He re­ tained his cheerfulness and confi­ dence all during this time. In his boyhood he was united with the Presbyterian church. He was devot­ ed to his aged mother who, with his brothers, Reo and Plato, -are surviv­ ing members of his family here. Funeral services will be held Wed­ nesday afternoon at 2 p. m. at tlu Evangelical church. Uurial will be ir cemetery. Th« body can ®e viewed by the frit iius ox tne deceased at the family residence Wednesday morning from from 10 a. m. until 2 p. m. ADMIRAL CLARK DIES AT LONG BEACH Long Beach Cal.. Oct. 2.—Simple funeral services will be held here tomorrow for Rear Admiral Charles Edgar Clark, retired com­ mander of the Battleship Oregon durine the Spanish-American war who died yesterday at the residency of his daughter, Mrs. Charles F. Huges, wife of Rear Admiral Huerhes commander of the seventh battle division of the Pacific fleet. Admiral Clark was 79 years of age and had been in excellent health until about ten days ago when an attack of heart trouble sent him to his bed. Patagonia produced 1,500,000 bar­ rels of oil last year. THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE BRITISH AND TURKS PLAN ARMISTICE LAWYERS GOT ALL DIVORCE SETTLEMENT r" Mildred Harris, Wife of Char­ lie Chaplin^s Bankrupt She'Says GOT ONLY "MERE" $6,500 Former Husband Bars Her Pictures When His Are Be­ ing Shown on Bill Los Angeles, Oct. 2.—Mildred Harris, motion picture actress, now on a vaudeville tour, declared she received only $6,000 from her former husband, Charles Spencer Chaplin, screen comedian, after the lawyers had been paid, and shells about to go into bankruptcy, Re­ cording to a letter received from her here which the Los Angeles TIMES, printed today.. Miss Harris' financial condition was brought about by two long ill­ nesses and by being out of work for many months, said the letter. "I have been hounded for months by my creditors and have been pay­ ing most of my salary out to them weekly," the letter, dated St. Patil, read. "I cannot satisfy all my creditors, and they are suing me. Mother and I have been nearly crazy for weeks. "Besides this, an ex-producer of mine is suing me for a large amount that he has no right to do, as he is the one who two years ago sent me east to buy clothes for three pictures, and then cancelled my contract on account of my di vorce. Mr. Chaplin would not stand for me on the same program with him. "I believe I told you of losing our house and furniture through my illness last year. Mother and I had put everything we had into it. We lived nearly a year on the money Charley gave me which was about $6,500 after the lawyers were paid." "So my only way out is bank­ ruptcy. I have fought it over,a year, but there is nothing I do. I shall do what i» right those that are. deserving wnen can. I am not trying to cheat anyone." BOY DEAD AS RESULT OF CLASS RUSH Milton, Wis., Oct. 2.—Roland Sayre, Milton College sophomore, died yesterday of injuries received in the annual freshman-sophomore class rush, September 22. Sayre suffered .a broken rib in a campus battle September 21, but kept his injury secret. In the rush the following day the fractured bone He ruptured a kidney and complications became a member of the printers' ensued. In' 1920, seeking broader ex-1 Sayre was president of the fresh- perience, he went to Fargo, worked for a time on the Forum as a lino­ type operator and the following year went to Billings, Mont., in the em­ ployment of the Billings Gazettu There he met J. E. Clavadetcher, a native of Switzerland and former member of the Minneapolis Sym­ phony orchestra, under whose tutor­ ship he became qv/e proficient as a cellist. Last June he returned to Bismarck for a visit, and as he was in failing health he was advised to rest. When his condition did not im. prove he was taken to the Bismarck hospital where he remained for about two months, but the best medical aid failed to restore his health. man class last \year, a football and basketball player, and brother of this years captain of the football team. KILLDEER SHIPS MUCH STOCK Killdeer, N. D., Oct. 2. —There has been shipped from Killdeer] 200 cars of beef chttle. Averaging 22 to the car totals 4,400 head. In case of loss thrqugh fault of the railroad company It will pay $75 a head. Taking this as a fair valu­ ation for each of the 4,400 he^id shipped out thus far, the total money consideration would be $330,000.00. Blind Man Elected To High State Post Atlanta, la. Oct. 2.—Georgia ha.: elected a bling man to its public service commission. This adds another to the list of physically han­ dicapped, citizens who have been ele­ vated to high politically positions by the voters ,of this state. Walter McDonald, blind, won the commission election. He has long been one of Augusta's most brilliant lawyers. Paul Nonehoo, blind since birth, has been coroner of Georgia county for years. Inspired by McDonald's success, Donehoo has announced his intention of running for attorney general. In addition to these men, William D. Upshaw was reelected congress­ man this fall, despite the fact that he has been forced to use crutches for years. MOVE TO RUSO Wilton, N. D., Oct. 2.—R. It. Bus hard, who served as assistant cash­ ier of The McLean County State bank for four years up until the consolidation of that institution and The First National bank last June, was in Wilton making pre­ parations to move his family to Ruso. Mr. Bushard is cashier of the First State bank of Ruso. The 17-year locust lays from 100 to 500 eggs and immediately dies. BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1922 (Leased Wire of Associated Press) vV SUTHERLAND TAKES OATH OFOFFICE All Justices Present but Pit­ ney at Opening of Octo­ ber Term Washington, Oct. 2.—Chief Justice Taft and all associate justices of the Supreme Court with the exception of Justice Pitney, were here' today for the opening at noon of the regular October term of court. Justice Pit­ ney was detained in a'sanitarium at Morristown, N. J., his home, where his condition is reported to be seri­ ous. Included in the program of formal­ ities for the opening day was the administration by the chief justice of the judicial oath to former Senator Geo. Sutherland of Utah, appointed to fill the Vacancy on the bench caused by the resignation during the re­ cess of Justice J. H. Clarke. In taking the oath the new mem­ ber, with the court bar. and audience standing, swears tb faithfully and im­ partially discharge and perform all the duties incumbcnt upon him, hay­ ing before entering the court room in his robes, taken the official or "iron clad" oath to "support and de­ fend the constitution of the United States'against all enemies." Adhering to custom thq court was to close its session in tirtie to per­ mit a formal call by the court at the White House to pay its respects to the President, the program of bus­ iness for the opening seiision includ­ ed the delivery of no opinions or en­ tries of orders, b^lng confined only to the usual acceptance of motions for admissions of attorneys to prac­ tice. Hearing of cases will begin in the court on Tudsday, but there will be no opinion or oders from the court until the following Monday. SHIPLEY WILL BE CANDIDATE IN STARK CO. Dickinson, N. D., Oct. 2.—With election less than six weeks away Stark county candidates are pre­ paring to make a vigorous cam­ paign for the offices which thty seek during the next few weeks. D. E. Shipley, member of the leg­ islature from Stark cocnty for the past two years and independent floor leader in the house during the last session, this week an­ nounced that he would again be a candidate in the November elec­ tion. Petitions are now being cir­ culated for the purpose of placing Mr. Shipley's name on the ballot. With the sending out of his an­ nouncement reports have come back to Dickinson to the effect that if Mr. Shipley is elected that Stark county will get the speakership of the house in the coming session. Mr. Shipley, who now is purchas­ ing agent for the Bank of North Dakota, is planning to make an ac­ tive campaign. Other candidates for the legislature from this dis­ trict whose names will appear on the ballot are C. H. Starke, Pius Kopp and Herman Rabe. SMITH NAMED FOR GOVERNOR Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. 2.—Former governor Alfred E. Smith of New York City, and Mayor George R. Lunn, of Schenectady, w*rc unani­ mously nominated last week by the Democratic state convention for gov­ ernor and lieutenant governor, re­ spectively. The withdrawal the name of William R. Hearsv as a candidate during the afternoon smoothed out the only issue that threatened to pre­ cipitate a conflict in the convention, and the slate prepared by the state leaders went through without a hitch at the closing session of the con­ vention. Dr. Royal S. Copeland, of New York, was nominatedd for United Staets senator. May Nurse Wounded on Turkish Front Some of a large group of British war nurses leaving Southampton on the troopship Braemer Castle bound tar Mesopotamia. If trouble with the Turks grows, it is probable this ship will be diverted to that trouble zone. FORMER KING CONSTANTS TO MAKE PALERMO, ITALY, HIS FUTURE HOME DENIED REQUEST TO RETURN LATER (By the Associated Press) Athens, Oct. 2.—Former King Con stantine in talking with his friends before embarking for Palermo, Italy, where he is to make hia home, made a plea that hearty support be given the new king and queen. He added: "I have had some unhappy days and do not regret this revolution." His consuming amliftion, he conclud­ ed, was to return later as a simple citizens and visit his son, the new king. This request was communi- DISAPPEARANCE OF TWO MEN FOLLOWS HALL-MILLS SLAYING New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 2. Detectives investigating the mys terous killing more than two weeks ago of, the Rev. Edward Wheeler Hall rector of the Episcopal church of St. John the Evangelist, and his choir leader, Mrs. Eleanor Rein hardt Mills, redoubled their efforts today to locate two men said to havie disappeared from New Bruns­ wick about the time of the shoot­ ing. NATION WIDE SEARCH FOR IRA WILCOX Fargo, N. D., Oct. 2.—Although in­ clined to the theory that Ira Wilcox, 38, farmer of neaf Ayr, was robbed and carried away by robbers, officials, relatives and practically every citi Ken of Ayr and Buffalo joined today in search for him. He disappeared Thu^iday. A methodical search of all buildings and sloughs in the dis­ trict was started early this morning by carloads of men working under the direct of local authorities and members of the staff of Sheriff Fred Kraemer. White Earth Farmer Gets 68 Bushels of Wheat From One Acre Fargo, N. D., Oct. t.—Ben Holfcc, a farmer and White Earth, N. D., threshed 68 bushels wheat fro-,' one acre, according to County Agent A. J. Bredvold. This was on a patch of new breaking. 16 Candidates Are Naturalized Dickenson, N. D., Oct. 2.—Sixtean out of 23 candidates, who appeared at the naturalization hearing held in Stark county district court Mon­ day passed the necessary examina­ tions and were granted full citizen­ ship. One, Michael Melchior of Richardton, was denied citizenship because he claimed exemption as an alien when called in the draft during the World war and the applications of six others were continued over. KILLS SON ACCIDENTALLY. Sioux Falls, S. D., Oct. 2.—Floyd Reynolds, Jr., 13 son of the engineei of a large department store here, was accidentally shot and killed by his father yesterday morning. The elder Reynolds ww cleaning a revolver when ib was exploded and fatally wounded the boy, who was standing near. RESTORES LOCAL SERVICE. Fargo, N. D., Oct. 2.—Local train service between Fargo and Grand Forks is being rtsumed today with tho restoration of Great Northern railways trains No. Ill and 112 which were taken off uring the shop­ men's strike, according to J. L. Ro­ han, general pr^'.scnger agent in Far­ go. Jl cated the revolution committee, which declined to sign a document empowering his private return. ATTACK GREEKS. Constantinople, Oct. 2.—A band of 800 Turkish irregulars crossed the border of Ttyrace at Sinekli, to the Northwest of Silivri (forty miles west of Constantinople), and attack­ ed Greek outposts. They were being forced to withdraw when reinforci ments arrived and the Turks were thrown back across the boundary. FOREST FIRE CLOUDS HANG Unusually Warm Weather for October Is Reported by The Weather Bureau Peculiar appearance of the sun, a haze hanging over the ctly and the unusually warm first day "of October kept the weather bureau busy today answering ques'ions. The misty atmosphere was in part an Indian summer haze smoke wafting from the forest fire regions of Minnesota formed into clouds which was responsible for the overcast appearance of the sky and the dull red of the sun in the early morning, according to O. W. Roberts, weather observer.] Particles of smoke from the forest fires form into low-lying clouds, Mr. Roberts said. Recently a sim­ ilar condition was caused by smoke from forest fires in Idaho. Sunday, October 1, was a real summer day. The thermometer touched 91 at its peak, a mark equalled only twice before In Oc­ tober in the' 48 years history of the weather bureau. The mercury went this high in 1910 and in 1920. Weather records do not indicate that the present stretch of warm weather is anything unusual, ex­ cept that the rainfall is consider­ ably below normal. Following the recent wet spell which delayed threshing for sev­ eral days, the dry weather has been pleasing to many framers which grain not threshed yet. It has made fall plowing more difficult. Estimates of the amount of grain remaining to be threshed vary somewhat. Not more than half of the grain has been threshed in the western part of the state, accord­ ing to a number of persons who have traveled extensively over the territory. Lack of threshing ma­ chine capacity and lack of farm help are among the causes, while elevators in many towns are re­ ported already jammed to the limit with grain and some are having difficulty in getting enough cars to ship grain to the Twin Cities and Duluth. JAMESTOWN TO GET NEXT MEET OF STATE S. S. (By the Associated Press) Jamestwon, N. D., Sept. 30.—The next state convention of the North Dakota Sunday School Association will be held in Jamestown in 1923 according to a decision of officers of the association and representa­ tives, who met here last night. No meeting was held' in North Dakota this year because of the condition, of finances, but a large attendance is expected at a meet­ ing next June, according to C. A. Armstrong, secretary. Rev. Mr. Dickey of Dickinson and William Lane of Fargo were among the representatives pres­ ent. Sweden has an area of 170,176 square miles. LAST EDITION PRICE FIVE CENTS CONFERENCE TO DECIDE ON NEUTRAL ZONE Great Britain Recedes From Position to Avoid Outbreak Of Hostilities TURKY DEMANDS THRACE Wants to Cross Straights in Pursuit of War Against Greeks Constantinople, Oct. 2.—An im­ mediate mutual agreement to sus­ pend all movements of troops was expected here today to be the first, outcome of the Mudania armistice conference which is set to meet to­ morrow. With an armistice conference de­ finitely fixed for tomorrow at Mu­ dania, the peril of war between Great Bpitain and Turkey appear­ ed less menacing today. Great Britain's recession from the neutral zone controversy caus­ ed no little surprise and disap­ pointment here, but it was gen­ erally admitted this step was the only thing which could have stay­ ed Mustapha Kemal Pasha's hand. It is pointed to as another evidence of England's extraordinary pa­ tience-and earnest desire to avoid war. Up to the time of the issuance of Brigadier General Harington's temporizing note Saturday night, the situation looked exceedingly critical. It is now conceded his tact and tolerance, 'coupled with the timely arrival of reinforce­ ments from England, prevented the Turks from striking at Chanak. Situation Strained The situation Saturday after­ noon was so strained a break seem­ ed inevitable. The British orders were to defend CNanak at all costs as the Turks were slowly envelop­ ing the Dardanelles citadel. Saturday morning the Turkish forces were increased by 1,500 cavalrymen and everything indicat­ ed the beginning of a hostile move. New difficulties await the Brit­ ish at the armistice conference. It known that the Kemalists -will insist upen the British withdrawal from the Asiatic shores of the Dar­ danelles and the immediate eva­ cuation of Thrace by the Gre«ko. They will probably also demand the right to cross the straits to pursue the Greeks as well as guar­ antees against the use of Turkish waters by Greek warships and transports. The presence of Greek war craft at Rodosto furnished the Kemalists with a pretext for ac­ cusing (the British of ignoring ther pledges .regarding the non use of neutral waters by the Greeks. It is expected the conference may drag for several days as the Kemalists doubtless will bargain and haggle over every point. It is felt that the influence of the Italian generals will be an important fac­ tor in bringing the meeting to a successful conclusion. The British declare they will in­ sist upon occupying the Asiatic banks of the straits even at the peril of the conference. They may also contest the immediate with­ drawal of the Greeks from Thrace making this conditional upon ac­ ceptance of the allied peace pro­ posals. The inviolability of the straits will be stoutly defended. The allied policy at the Mudania conference, it was learned, this forenoon, will be decided upon at a meeting in Constantinople this af­ ternoon of the allied generals, ad­ mirals, high commissioners and military attaches in extraordinary council. The conference will discuss the occupation of Eastern Thrace of detachments of inter-allied troops during the Greek army's withdraw­ al. The expectation here is that the Greek evacuation will begin imme dately after the conference, per­ mitting the establishment of the Turkish administrative control. RUSSIA SENDS NOTE Moscow, Oct. 1.—The Soviet Russian government has sent a note to England, France and Italy protesting against the blockade of the Dardanelles and insisting upon the removal of all restrictions to the free passage of trading shops through the straits. The note says the manner in which England is "endeavoring to control foreign seas and territory," shows indifference to the interests of Russia and the other Black Sea states. The note accuses the entente of interfering with the efforts of the Russian government to re-establish normal conditions in Russia through ther enforcement of the blockade, despite certain conces­ sions already made by the Soviet. NEW KING RECOGNIZED Athens, Oct. .—The newspapers today announce that the British minister signed the visitors book at the Palace yeserday and they in­ terpret this as British recognition of the new king. TENSION RELAXES. (By the Associated Press) London, Oct. 2.—There was a re­ laxation today of tension over the Near Eastern situation. The despondency which has mark (Continued on Page Three)