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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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■TUESDAY,/MAY 17,1927 Social and Personal me by he an Mrs. D. T. Owens Entertains With Dinner at Wildwood mA. D. T. Owens entertained Sat uruay evening at a t> o clock dinner i nt Wildwood. Employes of the state library commission and the state his torical society were guests. Bird stody was enjoyed in the grove. j - a four course dinner the; Quests assembled around a camp fire and enjoyed an hour of nature study. Mrs. Owens was assisted by the Misses Lucile and Helen Dahl. j Picnic at Wildwood on Monday Evening Hbnors Ruth Cairney In compliment to Miss Ruth Cairr ney of Lisbon formerly of Bismarck, a group of friends entertained last evening with a picnic at Wildwood. There were eight couples in the party. Vfiss Evelyn Engdahl of Lisbon was ilso an out-of-town guest. Dancing followed a picnic supper and an informal evening was enjoyed. Miss Cairney and Miss Engdahl are en route from Lisbon to Spokane. They are muking the trip by car and will remain in Bismarck for several days. ! TO ATTEND P. T. A. COUNCIL Mrs. Emma Golden, state Parent- Teacher Association organiser and director and third vice president of ..the state organisation, wilt attend the .national council to be held in Oak land. Calif., May 21 to 28. Oth/.* North Dakotans who. will attend are Miss Minnie J. Nielson of Valley City, former state superintendent of pub lie instruction; Mrs. Jane Gavere, Grand Porks; Mrs. V. E. Stent son and Miss Elsie Cook, state president, both of Minot; Mrs. H. M. Chaffee of Amenia; and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snyder of Fargo. , PICNIC MONDAY Members of the Girl Reserves and the Hi-Y‘ boys enjoyed a picnic Mon day evening at Ward’s grove. There were about 60 in the party, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. M. MacLeod, Gordon D. Brown and mother, Mrs. Mary Brown, and the Misses. Irene and Winifred Robertson acting as chaperons. A picnic supper was followed by an in formal evening about the campfire. VISITS JN BISMARCK Mrs. A. L. Peart of Fargo is vis iting in the city with her husband, a>» employe of the state regulatory department. She is also attending the state convention of the Woman’s Benefit Association and is a guest at the D. E. Shipley home while in the city. She will return home Wednes day. ENTERTAIN CENTER BAND The A. W. Lucas store entertained the members of the Center band and other Center visitors at luncheon Saturday In the Lions room of the Grand Pacific hotel. After the lunch con the band leave a concert at the store and in the evening played * t the formal opening of the Lucas base ment annex. i to return" home Mrs. J. N. Wright will leave Thursday for her home in Wooster, Ohio, after an extended visit in-Bis marck at the home of her son, Rev. Paul S. Wright. ■ VISIT IN BISMARCK Mrs. H. P. Purfeerst of New Salem is visitigg in the city, the guest of her son and daughter-in-laW, Mr. and Mrs. W. |. Purfeerst, GUEST RETURNS HOME ' Mrs. Robert Sisco of Kintyre, who has been'a guest at the A. H. Irvine home fur the past few days, has re turned to her home. DAUGHTER BORN Rev. ( and Mrs. Jacob Hirning of Golden Vulluy ere the parents of a daughter born Saturday at the St. Alexius hospital. PATIENT AT-HOSPITAL Mrs. Art Renville of Dawsoi/is a ‘ patient ut the St. Alexius hospital; wliftre she underwent an operation. RETURN TO UNDERWOOD Mr. and .Mira. Charles Town® have returned to'their home in Underwood after a short visit in the city. ’HERE FROM MOFFIT . Jtia. E<t£, JCruse and Mrs. A. E. Erto&son iof Meffit spent Monday with fijieiUi* in tha city. , . ENTERS HOSPITAL IMrs. Loren* Loeb of Raleigh has entered the St. Alexius hospital for treatment. _____ I HERE FROM HAZELTON Miss Carrie Rrtadfc of Haseltpn is I visiting . friends In Bismarck for t I few days. • - I TO DEVILS LAKE I Fenton Murphy hus gone to Devils ■Uke on a brief business trip. i, HERE ON BUSINESS E H. A. Venpe of Hnxelton was in, the pity yesterday on business, 1 HERE ON business f Ed. Wahl of Donhoff was in the H I Showers* tattlght and I Wednesday. Colder tonight v i . +j, v - . . v GOOD SPRING SHIRTS FROM i itUmATTAN 1 ' " ir he 50 in I V « Churchill Home Scene of Pretty Party on Monday Mr. end Mrs. Neil O. Churchill en tertained last evening at their home in the Hughes apartments at a pret tily planned bridge dinner. Roses and sweet peus adorned the tables. Three tables of bridge were in play during the evening,, honors go ing to Mrs. Theodore Greenfield and Dr. L. W. Larson. Farewell Party Given Monday For Mrs. H. Lidberg The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pa triarchs Militant, I. O. O. F.. enter tained Inst evening with a farewell party nt the home of the president, >,r -. J. A. Flow, for Mrs. Herman Lidberg. Whist was played during the evening, honors going to Mrs. Lidberg and Mrs. Ed. McAdams of Mnndun. Mrs. F. L. Burdick of Man dan won the cosy corner prise. A luncheon was served ut the con clusion of the games and the honor guest was presented with a gift from the Auxiliary. Out-of-town A. W. LUCAS CO. Bismarck’s Busy Shopping Center i • •./ A Style Show ss sp°bn e ” PrmAsli ’ •JftkRESSES The gracious femininity and dean-cut tailoring of these Wash Frocks will charm and ; delight you. • #• > # •*, See Window Display. Also the Living Models. A. W. LUCAS CO. T'; k V ' ■ . * , ' Where You Expect More For Your Money—And Get It it- "♦ .■•.<*» * t 4 - y -i ■ -id *•> e. '.aO'T'Ovo* .%:tvi.V* ! I v' . , .. /•. • ' guests were Mrs. McAdams and Mrs. Burdick. NONPARTISAN CLUB TO MEET The Woman’s Nonpartisan club will entertain Thursday, evening at 8 o’clock at the Odd Fellows hall com plimentary to Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Larson, who will leave soon for Val ley City. All members und friends are Invited. A program has been planned and cards will be played. CARD PARTY The U. C. T. Ladies will entertain at a curd party tomorrow night at the home of Mrs. C. S. Fossum. The affair will <bc in compliment to Mrs. W. C. Bush, who is leaving for Fer gus Falls, Minn., June 1, to make her home. V. T. A. TO MEET Members of the Richholt Parent- Teacher Association will hold their regular meeting tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock at the school building. A program is to be presented and lunch will be served. ' RETURN HOME Mr. and .Mrs. Axel Nelson. Miss May Nelson and Misses Thelma and Almn Marie • Johnson have returned to their homes in Washburn after N a short visit in Bismarck. PARENTS OF DAUGHTER Mr. und Mrs. W. H. McVcy of 221 Third street are the parents of a. daughter born Friday evening nt the Bismarck hospital. L. T. L. TO MEET A regular meeting of the Loyal Temperance Legion will be held to Wednesday, Maylß N We are showing a clever line of these dresses in sizes 14 to 50. These garments are made of guaranteed fast colored prints, batistes and voiles; trimmed in laces, ribbons and plain colored bindings. Basement Annex Prices \ < * 88c $1.19 $1.59 $2.25 $2.69 J # Main Floor Prices $2.25 $3.39 $3.69 THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE morrow afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Baptist church. RETURN FROM MINOT Misses Sylvia and Eva Haberman, teachers in the Junior high i|ch4bl, and Misses Lueyßranter and Grace M. Hand of the Roosevelt school have returned from Minot and Donnybrook, where they spent the week-end with friends. They were accompanied home by Mias pot Barry, who has been visiting in Underwood. AT C. D. A. MEETING Mrs. Birlea Ward, grand regent of the Bismarck chapter of the Catholic Daughters of America, is' in Grand Forks attending the fifth bien nial convention of the order in North Dakota, which was held Monday and today at the Hotel Dacotah in Grand Forks. TO ATTEND CONVENTION A. C. Isaminger. Burleigh county auditor, will go to Fargo Wednesday evening to attend the annual con vention of the North Dakota County Auditors’ association, which will be bold there Thursday, Friday and Sat urday. TO ENTERTAIN THURSDAY St. Rita’s group of St. Mary’s Catholic Missionary Society will en tertain Thursday afternoon at .2:30 at St. Mary’s school auditorium. Mrs. J. P. Ileltemes and Mrs. Ray Brean will be hostesses. JUVENILE PROGRAM The A. O. U. W. meeting this eve ning will be featured by a juvenile program at 7:30. The regular meet inv will follow. TO ENTERTAIN GRADUATES The Bismarck Hospital Alumni will tntertain the graduating class j»t dinner at the Country club Friday 'evening. Reservations may be made at the hospital or by calling 1086-W. TO JAMESTOWN Miss Eunice Gerber, student nurse at the Bismarck hospital, has -gone to Jamestown where she will spend the summer. PUPILS RECITAL The Music school held a pupil’s re cital Saturday afternoon. Eighteen students in the piano department took part; LEAVES FOR HOME Mrs. Henry Fauth of Wilton, who has been a patient at the St. Alexius hospital, left yesterday for |»er home. . PICNIC OF COSMOS CI^UR The Cosmos club will hold its last meeting of the season next Monday evening in the form of a picnic. TO MINOT Dr. 11. 11. Cohenour has gone to Minot on n business trip. He ex pects to he gone about a week. RETURNS TO JAMESTOWN Ambrose Miller returned Monday to his home in Jamestown after a brief business visit in the city. UNDERGOES OPERATION Miss Kmelia Kullis of Bert has un dergone an operation at tin* St Alexius hospital. Have you , your guess in yet?—Scott’s Grocery. BUSINESS TRIP E. T. My hr** has gone to Garrison cn a business trip for the state bank examiners office. VISITINQ HERE Mrs. E. B. Littlefield of Carson is • visiting friends in Bismarck for a few days. HERE FROM WILTON Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wilde of Wilton visited friends in Bismarck Monday. Ail pattern hats half price. Style without extravagance. —Sarah Gold Shop. 312 Main. Phone 566. Matinee Every Day at 2:30 TONIGHT - TUESDAY A scrambled honeymoon that comes out light after any num ber of hilarious misadventures. FLORENCE VJDW firad) News Pictures A 1 St. John Comedy “Rtped In” VAUDEVILLE * Palace - Mandan TONIGHT 8:15 & 10:15 o’clock Bismarck time • * y// fßill mealiness that long, stow cooking gives! Baked from an old-time recipe they are HKi'v'i ' -]■* r- ' li^V:v : "f : OKh: ;* y^ , y:ieir ‘ TO LINTON F. E. McCurdy and Scott Cameron went to Linton today on business. Eucharistic Congress. Cap* itol Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday. Matinee Wednes day at 2:30. r m sate H FROM * GOITER because raised on lodized Salt Happy is the mother who brings up her children on Morton’s lodized Salt. Neveu need she worry about simple goiter—a disease that threatens 2 out of every 3 children and makes them physically and mentally backward. « ■- i~~| "■i i i WHEN IT RAINS MORTONS IODIZED SALT Q PAGE FIVE, : DR. M. E. BOLTON Osteopathic Physician 11694 Fourth St. Phono 240 M Bismarck, N. D.