Newspaper Page Text
TUESDAY. APRIL 30.1929 AL CAPONE IS LINKED WITO MACHINE GUNS IJSED FOR MASSACRE Inquest Into Death of Sevan > Gangsters on St. Valen tine’s Day Proceeds Chicago, April 30.—<#>—Evidence linking "Scsrfsce Al” Capone’s narm» isdth the purchase of "i<whlnft guns from a Chicago firm was introduced today at the inquest into the deaths of the seven gangsters massacred in a North Clailc street garage last St. Valentine's day. Similar evidence dis closed the same firm had sold seven machine guns to a Minneapolis “firm" lehich apparently does not exist. James J. Reynolds, secretary of the firm which sold the arms, as a wit ness at the reopening of the inquest, told of selling two machine guns to the Hawthorne Kennel club of Cicero, a dog race track, which was said to have been operated by Al Capone, gang chieftain, at the time the guns ffrere purchased. Reynolds said the guns were de livered to Lieut. Nicholas Mongreg of the Cicero police who said he was requested to receive them by a "Mr. O’Hare” of the kennel club. Reynolds also recounted the. sale fend shipment of seven other machine guns to the “Gopher State Mines” or Minneapolis, a firm which does not exist. Chicigo authorities were in formed. By tracing bullets and machine guns. Coroner 11. N. Bundcscn hopes to deduct the identity of the assassins IWho lined up the seven gangsters and Shot them down. Coroner Bundcsen ordered another Witness, Louis Scaramuzza, locked in jail to “refresh his memory." Scara muzza, a gunsmith, although ad mitting he aided a “stranger” in the purchase of a machine gun from an other dealer, was unable to remem ber when the incident occurred or other particulars. Lloyd George’s Bitter Enemy Dies Suddenly London, April 30.—OP)—Lord Younger, bitter enemy of David Lloyd George, liberal leader and former premier, collapsed at the Prince of Wales theater last night and died almost immediately of heart disease. He was 77 years old. JOHN D. JR. HONORED New York, April 30.— (/P)— John D. Rockefeller, Jr., is to receive a gold medal tonight from the National In stitute of Social Sciences in recogni tion of his “distinguished social serv ice in exemplifying and promoting high standards of business ethics and for widespread and fruitful gener bsity.” STANDINGS OF THE ICLUBSj AMERICAN ASSOCIATION W L Pet. Kansas City 9 2 .818 Minneapolis 7 5 .533 Indianapolis 7 5 .583 St.' Paul 7 0 .538 Columbus 6 G .500 Toledo 5 6 .455 Louisville 4 3 .333 Milwaukee 2 9 .182 Results Monday Minneapolis 12; Louisville 4. St. Paul 4; Indianapolis 3. (10 in hings). Kansas City 9: Teledo 7. Columbus 8; Milwaukee 3. Games Today Minneapolis at Louisville. Kansas City at Toledo. Sc. Paul at Indianapolis. Milwaukee at Columbus. NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Fct. Boston 6 2 .750 Chicago 7 4 .G3G St. Louis 7 5 .583 New York 4 3 .571 Philadelphia 4 5 .444 Pittsburgh 4 G .400 Cincinnati 4 7 .364 Brooklyn 3 7 .300 Results Monday Chicago 4; Cincinnati 3. St. Louis 7; Pittsburgh 3. No other games scheduled. Games Today New York at Brooklyn. Chicago at Cincinnati. Boston at Philadelphia. Pittsburgh at St. Louis. AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet. Philadelphia 7 3 .700 St. Louis 9 . 4 .692 New York 5 4 .556 Chicago 5 6 .455 Detroit ... ,n» 6 8 .429 Cleveland 5 7 .417 Boston 3 5 . 375 Washington 3 6 .333 Remits Monday Philadelphia 10; New York 1. St. Louis 3; Detroit 2. Chicago 13; Cleveland 4. Only games scheduled. ■■ I / Games Teday Philadelphia at Boston. Cleveland at Chicago. St. Louis at Detroit. Washington at New York. THREE EYE LEAGUE Bloomington 2; Danville 0. Quincy 3; Terre Haute 2. Springfield 11; Evansville 10. Decatur 9; Peoria 4. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Newark 4; Toronto 3. Montreal 18; Jersey City 0. Reading 11; Buffalo 4. Baltimore 10; Rochester 9. LOST—Bunch of keys. Re {turn to Tribune for liberal Reward. 1 On Sale at Last—Lehigh Lignite Briquettes for furnace, fireplace, range or laundry stove. The Wachter Transfer 00* phone 62. Names Pop Gunn’s Cat ‘Ooglesnops* Suomitting the name “Ooglesnops” Mrs. E. A. Wcisser, above, of Pittsburgh, Pop comic strip by Wood Cowan. Mrs. Weisscr also has christened her doll, “Ooglesnops.” THAMERT TO HEAD LA DURE COUNCIL La Moure. N. D.. April 30.—J. E. Thamert and Clark Ernst were elected president and vice president, respec tively, of the La Moure city council at a recent meeting. The council then acted on city of fice appointments made by Mayor J. C. Dills. C. J. Robidcau was renamed city auditor; W. D. Lynch, city attorney, was continued in the post to which he was named at the previous meet ing to succeed Judge W. H. Hutchin son, and Oliver Johnson was reap pointed chief of police. Dr. F. E. Salvage succeeds Dr. G. B. Ribble as city health officer. Three new members cf the council. H. E. Cottam, A. A. Carroll and Dr. C. F. Young, each was given a com mittee chairmanship. The following committee appoint ments were approved: Health—Dr. C. F. Young, chairman; Cottam and Ernst. Finance—Thamert, chairman; Bow man and Ernst. Streets, sidewalks, alleys and lights —F. L. Bowman, chairman; Carroll and Young. Fire, water and sewer—A. A. Car roll chairman; Young ancl Thamert. Purchasing Thamert, chairman; Cottam and Ernst. Public buildings Cottam, chair man; Young and Carroll. Police—Thamert, chairman; Cottam and Ernst. La Moure Boy Named Managing Editor of Luther’s Newspaper La Moure, N. D.. April 30. —Arnold R. Nolstad, son of Rev. and Mrs. Carl J. Nolstad, La Moure, recently was named managing editor of “College Chips,” student weekly publication of Luther College. Decorah, la. Arnold served as business manager of the Luther College Pioneer this year. This publication will be ready for distribution this week. The college news bureau predicts that Nolstad will be one of the most active men on the Luther college campus next year. Princess Patt Coffee. A spe cial blend of several fine cof fees, each roasted to the degree that brings out its best flavor. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT—lmmediate possession, six room modern bungalow with garage, also five room modern du plex with garage. May 15th. Both in Al condition. Phone 751 or 151. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms in modern home. Close in. Call at 515 Second street. -FOR RENT—Furnished sleeping rcom in private home, suitable for one or two girls. Pour blocks west of postoffice. Phone 203. \ ■ LOST—Brown wallet at or near Dome. Pinder please return to Tribune and keep money. FOR RENT— Apartment. Two rooms, kitchenette and bath. Adults only. 618 Third street. IIIUX WAITED Bids are requested for laying ce ment curbing on boulevard in front '4 Roosevelt school (approximately 300 feet) and on the west side Itich* nolt school (approximately 450 feet) according to specifications of city on* Rlneer. For further particulars see 11. O. Kaxvik. superintendent of high school. Bids to be opened at regular meeting of board at high school, 8 p. !ti. # May 14. Privilege reserved to rc- Ject any or all bids. By order Board of Education, Richard Pen warden. Clerk. 4/30; S/5-S-11-13 BIDS WANTED ‘ Bids are requested for furnishing water heater equipment and installing and also 15 feet of breeching at Wachter school, also for-certain hot* water connections and increased radi ation in Richholt school. For specifi cations see H. O. Saxvlk, superin tendent of high school. Bids to be opened at regular meeting of board at high school at 8 p. m. May 14. Privi lege reserved to reject any or all bids. By order Board n* Education, Rich ard Penwardcn, (Turk. 4/50;5/4-8-11-13 Flogged Lawyer Still Maintains His Silence St. Petersburg. Fla.. April 30.—(/Pi- Authorities investigating the kid napping and flogging ol James F. Bickers, 54, attorney, hero Sunday night, today still were without def inite information as to the identity of his abductors, as ho maintained his silence :.t a hospital. Bicker's abductors warned him to leave town, which he said lie would do, and he planned to leave as soon as he is able, provided the authorities fail to have him detained. The attorney was believed to have been the victim of attackers because of his recent activities in investigat ing lawlessness in the county. The city commission has voted a reward of 8500 for the arrest anci conviction of the five men, and the county com mission was expected to take a sim ilar action today. LA DURE COUNTY HAS LUTHERFEST La Moure. N. D., April 30. —The an nual Lutherfest of the Missouri Elope this year will be held at the Soldiers Memorial park near Grand Rapids, La Moure county, Sunday, June 9. Announcement to thi effect was made at La Moure Tuesday by Rev. L. Krengcl, pastor for three congre gations in the Marion area of the Evangelical Lutheran church, Mis souri synod. Three previous Lulherfrsts of the denomination have been held in the memorial park, and have been at tended by large crowds and marked by inspirational singing and stirring addresses by prominent ministers or officers of the church. Arrangements are being made for a strong program and to secure the presence of able speakers, including probably some from outside the state. It is expected that there will be a large attendance from La Moure, Edgeley, Kulm, Marion, Adrian, Mo nango, Ellendale, Oakes, Lisbon, Etirum, and other surrounding points. DESERVES DEGREE Tuckerton, N. J., April 30.—Vera Rider recently performed a successful operation on her husband, Paul, 35. She removed a needle from his skißl that had been imbedded there since childhood. For the past two years Rider had complained of dull pains in his head. His wife, examining his head, found the needle protruding far enough so that she was able to grip it with her fingers and draw it out. It was two inches long. DENY ROUTE SHORTENING St. Paul, April 20.—(>P) —Reports from Spokane that the Northern Pa cific railway plans to shorten its trackage between here and Seattle nearly 400 miles were denied in St. Paul tonight by Charles Donnelly, president. j CHAPELI I I PRIVACY I A chapel in which you can hold a serv- ( ice entirely to your I liking is at your dis opsal. Your wishes H| as to privacy will be H absolutely respected. H We give considerats ■ iorvice. We Understood ■) Webb Bros. 1 KiMrallHicrton %$£ Night Phone Mll MT |B Phonr M . H •> THE BISM CLEAN-UP WEEK SET TO OPEN ON MONDAY Lions Will Have Charge of General Operations, Aided by Boy Scouts Clean-up week will begin next Monday. This period was chosen by the city commission. Monday evening, and Mayor A. P. Lenhart will issue the necessary proclamation between now and then. As last year, the Lions club will have charge of the general cleaning the city is to receive. The Lions will call on the Boy Scouts to give a hand and camp-going prizes will be dis tributed to the troop or scout scoring the highest number of points in effi ciency. Captain H. A. Brocopp. DT. W. S. Koller, the state bacteriologist, and A. L. Bavone, state sanitary engineer, arc a Lions committee which has the matter in charge and they will call a meeting of the scouts to plan opera tions. Last year the work was done so thoroughly that the city scored first place in the state by national award. It is proposed to retain this distinc tion this year. four shottoFeath IN MINE FIGHT Wounded Survivor Refuses to Tell Details of Tragedy in Kentucky Hills Painsville, Ky., Apr. 30.—(/P) —'Three members of a family of six were wiped out, another man was killed and his brother was wounded in a midnight shooting affray in a woods 10 miles from here, and county offi cers today were hampered in their investigation of the affair by the ret icence or short memory of the one wounded survivor. Bodies of the victims, Lee Gibson, 52; his wife, 35; their son, Bernie, 14, and Wallace Hannah, 30, were found this morning, several hours after the wounded man, Wayne Hannah, brother of Wallace, had been brought to a hospital here with a bullet in his left lung. County officers can see no other ex planation than that the tragedy was the outgrowth of moonshining in the somewhat isolated section, in which it occurred. The wounded man told of having “started over the hill” to visit his brother. On the way, he said, lie met a crowd, and “they started telling jokes.” Within a few minutes, ac cording to Hannah's informal story, the shooting started. He refused to name any of those he met, but re marked he knew there ivcrc only two pistols in the crowd. When officers attempted to get the seriously wounded man's story into A DOZEN different things may cause a headache, but there’s just one thing you need ever do to get relief. Bayer Aspirin is an absolute antidote for such pain. Keep it at the office. Have it handy in the home. Those subject to fre quent or sudden headaches should carry Bayer Aspirin in the pocket tin. Until you have used it for head aches, colds, neuralgia, etc., you’ve no idea how Bayer Aspirin can help. It means quick, cbmplete relief to millions of men and women who use it every year. And it does not depress the heart. ©VSPIRIN Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Balicylicacid HOTtLSHERMAN tB& saths WWnIWOMJtH»MM|Wnr*» JCOLLE6E INN W M* AND THOCt OTHCO- . FAMOUS R&TAURANTS RCK TRIBUNE A ‘Reel* Romance? Well, Rather! Here's the latest and best photo of Lupc Velez and her Gary Cooper, cinema stars, who are expected to announce a wedding date soon. Lupe says she loves Gary more than ever and Gary's happy look speaks for him. the form of a deposition, lie balked, giving the same answer to all ques tions: "I don’t remember.” AGED MOTHER FREE OF GALLOWS NOOSE Chicago. April 30.—(/P) —Mrs. Cath erine Cussler, a middle aged mother, walked free today from jail and the shadow of a death sentence. One of four vomen to receive the sentence of death in Cook county’s history, she won a new trial and yes terday the state dismissed the three year-old murder charge. Mrs. Cuss ler was held in jail overnight, how ever, following service of an old war rant charging accessory to murder. This charge was also dropped to day. “Thank you, judge,” was the wom an’s only comment as she smiled and walked from the court with her 13- ycar-old son. Princess Patt Coffee. A royal drink. Bilious/ Bilimu.eonstlpwtedT TtktW.fa NATUBK’S UMBDT—tonight"# —the mild. aafo. •U-veseMbl« m Hh axative. •You'll M fine in # the morning. Promptly and / m pleasantly rids tha aystem # lU'NRHI ■ it tha bowel poiaona that MORROW saoaa headaches—26c. W a ALIUCHT Reronmended and sold I** All foil" Bismarck druggists. Wanted Jack Rabbit Skins Also Hides, Furs and Junk Metals. Prices are high and demand is good. Ship direct to the “NORTH ERN , M the pioneer in the rabbit business in the Northwest. Write for Tags and price list. “NORTHERN” HIDE & FUR CO. Box 265 Bismarck, N. D. Low Fares West! Low round*trip summer excur* sion fares to the .Pacific Northwest and intermediate points on sale daily from May 15th until Sep tember 30th. Example ot Reduced Rate* Round Trip TO from St. F»ul Seattle, Tacoma • - * * Portland **-*••*****- * uaVn Rainier National Park 65.70 Victoria and Vancouver, B. C. • • • • 65.70 Inland Empire (Spokane) 60.35 Yellowstone National Park (On Sale June l) 31.20 Montana Rockies (Butte and Helena) “ 38.08 Alaska (Skagway) «••»•••« 155.70 Final Return Limit October 31 Special Rates to Other Points—Ask About Them T. P. ALLEN, Agent Northern Pacific Ry. 43s First of the Northern Transcontinental* Bids on New Wings For A. C. Structure Are Arriving Here Bids on contracts for new wings to be added to the agricultural building and the science hall at the state agri cultural college will be received by the state board of administration at Fargo on May 11, the board an nounced today. Several Indians installed in Pitts burgh county parks for “atmosphere” are going home. They are homesick. Do the plans look good? Then talk with us at once about the insurance you will. need for investment. It may be that we can suggest changes in the plans that will materially reduce the fire hazards in the proposed building, thus giving you the lowest pos sible insurance rate. In any case, you want ade quate insurance for your prop erty. and the time to inquire about it is now. The advice of this agency has saved many a property owner from loss. Why not let us help you, too? MURPHY “The Man Who Knows Insurance" 218 Broadway Phone 577 BISMARCK. N. D. MANDAN LIONS JOIN IN BISMARCK PLANS Good Representation From Neighboring City to Back Strauss Candidacy Mandan Lions are entering heartily into the plans made by the Bismarck den for the trip to the district con vention at Minot. May 22-24. They are supporting the candidacy of Dr. F. B. Strauss for district governor. Dr. Dursema and Joseph Spies vis ited the Mandan luncheon today and spoke on the plans for the trip and also presented a copy of the Bismarck song sheet for the convention, a col lection of parodies on well-known old songs, compiled by Henry Halverson, song leader, and other club musicians. It has been arranged with the In terstate Transportation company to have a special bus run to Minot May 22, to take Lions not going in their own cars. If ten members arc sup plied there will be a special rate. It is possible that 20 may make the trip by bus. In all a delegation of 50 is expected to be at Minot from here including the ladles who will accom pany their Lion husbands. AFTER AIMEE'S CROWN Glasgow.—The only woman in Scot land who is in sole charge of a cluuch is a recent graduate of Glas gow University. She is 24. and has been appointed minister of a Scot tish church with 500 members. 7 HATS rn FIT YOUR PERSONALITY Smart lines with the swing of youth . . . superb quality ... a moderate price GORDON HATS S. E. BERGESON & SON New Clothing Store on Broadway Opposite Postoffice Why Pay Rent? The Bismarck Building and Loan association has funds on’hand at all times for loans on Bismarck city property. Low rates of interest—monthly payments— advances made for building new homes. Bismarck Building and Loan Association Room 11 First National Bank Block The speed, style and comfort of a Champion. Studebaker’s Erskine Sjx SB6O mt A* factory Tre Ebsexwb Six Rotal Cabriolet for your— sue wire wkethsmd trunk ruck % mndardequipment, %995. EasmraSnc Cabriolet for two, me*iwktrls—st7S. 1 Prices Mi the factory, Bumpers and spare tires extra Think what the record ofStudebaker’s Erskine Six means. A thousand miles in 984 consecutive minutes! made by a meek Erskine Six sedan, fully equipped. Think of such speed and staying power, smartly styled* and presid ing such comfort assurances as hydraulic shock absorbers. Studebaker*s Erskine Six is Champion of aU stock cars under Drive it—today 1 ✓ .e- ' Bismarck 514 Main Aw. Chris Berta*. Mfr. Mi» »> Ch—. Oaf fey, SMeMo, R. D. PooMo Siia. Bomlwuo, XL kmu bm. liukh, r. ». o. a. S. O. Wmar. Itawwa, N. O. S»>bMb Motor Oo» WwMUPtLjk SK . • , fo > ; l; * . ■ ■■, ./,, v:*- Henry TttlejrßlMM From Hollywood wf , June Trip to Norwaj ! Henry Tatley has ratoaMlipl i| winter sojourn tlnoa Wo*a*flig«-« Hollywood. Calif., sad Is month at the Orand PaetfM, 'SRIM time he will mtagto with '4M'wpiS and give hia fine farm city his observation. This pNgM] is thriving with two fInoJSHHfI white-face beef stock and MPM dairy purebreds. By June 1. Mr. Tatley eonteaqflaMg a trip to Oslo. Norway, whafO JBg class of a seminary he attended Wg have a reunion in which ha It tiwH| Mrs. Tatley and daughter. fitM arc remaining at Hollywood. .fjj POP GOES THE OAVBjb . -1 Cleveland. April SO. Bailiff CHg Hanna is still looking for tMjN|M| or persons who succeeded In bopMl the order of the court presided otwj by Judge George P. Bam*. CHNt VMM h'- ceremony. But the other day wtjfl his gavel came down at the-end oflM "Hear ye! Hear ye!” there enanad •( explosion which all but routed OMS dignity. Someone had placed djgg pistol cap where it would do tho MM good under the bailiff’s lusty fWMI swing. NO SMOKE FOB PABI9 Paris.—Beautiful Paris will be MM beautiful if the plan of the PlSftM ij Police is carried out. He hae taMSf a decree forbidding Industrial, OflM* mcrcial or administrative butldllldl from polluting the air with MMfcd Foot and gases. Priced at *5 to *lO