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lr "i ;u* >ur TO, * Ing >od iat set he a to to i&t ild SOCIETY NEVS Luther League Has Halloween Frolic More than 70 young people of the Luther League First Lutheran church were entertained at a Halloween par ty last evening in the church par lors. Contests and games arranged by the entertainment committee made up of Miss Geneva Sjobeck, Harold Carlson and Harold Barth, took up the earlier part of the evening. Later ghost stories were told by H. A. Swen son and others. Fortune telling was also a feature. Mrs. Emil Benzon, Miss Mabel Ol fon and Howard Hughes comprised the committee in charge of refresh ments. * * * Local People Attend Minn. Homecoming Homecoming at the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota-North- western football game drew a large number of Bismarck people to Min neapolis this week-end. In a party which left Bismarck last evening were Dr. and Mrs. Richard Krause, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dick man. the Misses Mary Cayou, Ruth Pollard. Dorothy Moses and George Moses and John Capllce. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Cole left by motor yesterday, as did Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Copelin. Dr. C E Stackhouse, who also went down last evening, was joined at Fargo by his son Robert and the two will attend the game and visit Miss Jane Stackhouse, a student at the university * * * Mrs. Roy Logan, 205 First street, entertained 16 girls at a costume party and Halloween frolic for her daughter Irma Fern. Various games, contests and stunts appropriate to Halloween were enjoyed during the evening, with prises going to Virginia Cayou. Janice Hagg, and Marjorie Kafer. Mary Louis Nuessle and Eliz abeth Ann Laßose were awarded prizes for the best costumes. Jack-o ianterns, witches, spooks, and black cats were used in the decorations of the rooms and the orange and black motif was carried out in the table ap pointments. * * * Mrs. C. W. Peterson and Mrs. A. C. Brainerd were joint hostesses at a Halloween bridge party Tuesday eve ning at the home Of Mrs. Peterson, 923 Seventh street. Black and orange candles were used on the tables, which were further ornamented with favors suggestive of Halloween. Mrs. C. E. Pickles, Mrs. Val Yeager and Mrs. E. P. O’Brien were awarded score prizes. * * * Yellow pompons and tapers in pastel shades were used in the decor ations for the bridge party which Mrs. Val Yeager gave last evening at her home. 931 Eighth street. Guests for four tables were invited. Score honors for the evening were held by Mrs. C. A. Shuck, Mrs. J. M. Shlrek, and Mrs. C. W. Peterson. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Carl Nelson. * * * Witches on broomsticks centered the tables, and Halloween favors were used for the dinner party which Mrs. Della Fox. 423 Fifth street, gave for her son Jackie last evening. Quests were 14 boys, who came in costumes to represent ghosts, brownies, goblins and others. Outdoor games were en joyed after dinner. 4c 4c 4c For her daughter Beverly Ann, who was 5 years old yesterday, Mrs. J. E. Beaudoin, 925 Eighth street, enter tained 10 small girls at a birthday party yesterday afternoon. Follow ing an hour spent in playing games, refreshments were served at a table centered with a lighted birthday cake and decorated in pink and white. 4i 4c 4i Mr. and Mrs. R. Q. Goddard, 511 Fourth street, accompanied by Mrs. Elmer Brown. 10i6 Fourth street, mo tored to Fargo yesterday for the foot ball game between the Bismarck and Fargo high schools. 4c 4c 4« Harold Irvine and Ed Hickson, who have been attending an aircraft school in Kansas City. Kan., arrived in Bismarck yesterday to spend about two weeks visiting with friends. * * * Miss Virginia Rohrer, 411 Avenue E. left yesterday for Grand Forks to spend the week-end with her sister. Miss Audrey Rohrer, a student at the University of North Dakota. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Joos, accom panied by Mrs. P. M. Byrne, 118 West Thayer avenue, will motor to James town tomorrow to spend the day with relatives. * * * Grant Knowles, sor of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Knowles, 316 Avenue A West, left yesterday for Duluth, Minn., where he will be employed by a jewelry firm. * * * W. J. Targart and daughter Helen motored to Fargo yesterday to at tend the Bismarck-Fargo football game and spend a few days visiting relatives. Downies Sanitary Pads || (12 to the package) I Friday and Saturday | Special 29c 4 for $1.05 * I F*&SBsr t JSX Eat Your Sunday Dinner t G. P. Eat Shop -ss Girls Club Holds Halloween Parties Members of girls clubs at the Rich holt and Wachter schools enjoyed Halloween parties at their respective schools last evening. The affairs at tended by 70 girls, were sponsored by the Girls’ Council, under whose su pervision the clubs were formed. Both were costume parties, with a grand march as an opening feature. Berchel Crawford directed the witch and fortune telling at the Wachter school in which 13 girls took part. Eight members of the Richholt group participated in an exercise ex plaining Halloween customs in other lands. Prizes for the best costumes at the Richholt school were given to Gail North and Bertha Bredy. Un der the direction of Miss Lois Howard, physical education Instructor, a group of high school girls gave ghost dances at each of the parties. Mesdames A. M. Christianson, F. H. Waldo, A. H. Barrett, and O. B. Lund comprised the committee at the Richholt school, with Mesdames Eric Thorberg, W. L. Nuessle, Bert Drennen and Miss Mary Cashel in charge at the Wachter school. This is the first of a number of en tertainments planned for the girls during the winter months. * * * Mrs. Alfred Zuger, 501 West Thayer avenue, was hostess at an informal aftemon party yesterday com plimentary to Mrs. Sharon D. Mote, wife of the new superintend ent at the Indian school. The time was passed socially. Yellow chrysan themums and tapers were used to form a yellow and white color note for the refreshment table. Guests from out of the city were Mrs. D. C. Scothorn and Mrs. R. W. Shinners, Mandan; and Miss Millie S. Ander son, Dolce, New Mexico. * * * Mrs. H. L. Reade, 412 Rosser ave nue, has left for Minneapolis where she will visit for a time before going to Mason City and Cresco, .lowa, to spend several weeks with relatives. She will be joined at Minneapolis next week by Mr. Reade. who will stop there for a few days on his way to visit relatives at Montreal and Quebec. He will also visit, at several points in Vermont. * * * Mrs. H. C. Frahm, 705 Fourth street, entertained 12 girls at a Hal loween costume party Thursday eve ning. for her daughter Frances. The time was spent with typical Hal loween games and stunts, fortune tell ing and ghost stories. Judging of costumes was a feature of the eve ning, with the prize for best costume going to Joan Hughes. , * •* * I. J. Moe, member of the state highway commission, and Mrs. Moe left this morning for their home in Valley City, after a brief visit here with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Overbee, 614 Sec ond street. Mr. Moe came here for a meeting of the highway commis? sion. * * * Wallace Lundquist, son of Mrs. O. Lundquist, who was summoned here by the death of his father, Postmas ter Lundquist, has left for Los An geles, Calif., where he is employed. 4 4c 4c Mrs. George Pocarney, who has been visiting her sister. Miss Fay Ritchie, 423 Fifth street, and her father, Thomas Ritchie, at Steele, left yesterday for her home at Great Falls, Mont 4c 4c 4c Elmer Klipstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Klipstein, Menoken, and AmAATf** Mot, Daily 2:30 10c and eATKw w LAST TIMES TODAY—." \ i REX BEACH’S \ \ "THE SPOILERS” \ \ A Paramount Picture \ \ with \ l Gary Cooper Kay Johnson \ 1 Betty Compson Wm. Boyd Harry Green \ COMING MONDAY Life Is Love! And Love Is a Game Played by More A' Hrartaelies: there V. /7 too many '4o* gmm M nines of ‘‘soli ff talre” for the A j VQ § younjr wife whose \ B husband has ar- 1 *A # V rayed her merely fm ff with wealth. ff Then a recklSss. young aMT I iM J jf offers her tempting; f n U ff CARROLL I enacts her greatest dramatic role \ Fredric March If& vfeS ‘ 'tf&lv* \ FRANK MORGAN \ A Paramount Picture it Also Paramount Sound News Tom Patricola in “Si Si Senior” THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1930 Ben Jacobson, son of Mrs. Selma Jacobson, Bismarck, students at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, are members of the Nodak football squad, which is on an eastern tour and will play the Army team this afternoon. •> — Meetings of Clubs And Social Groups The Bismarck W. C. T. U. will meet at three o'clock Monday afternoon with Mrs. R. E. Kennedy, 518 Sixth street. Mrs. E. A. Wilson is program leader. Included in the program are musical numbers by Abigail Roan, Cleome Englund, Mrs. Opie S. Rln dahl and Mrs. Iver Acker. * * * Members of Chapter N, P. E. 0., will meet at 7:30 o'clock Monday evening at the home of Mrs. R. E. Thompson, 821 Tenth street. * * * Chapter F of the P. E. O. Sister hood will hold its meeting at three o'clock Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. R. Smyth. 218 Third street, instead of with Mrs. John French as scheduled on the program. * * m Mrs. H. L. Wheeler, 314 Avenue D, will be hostess to the members of the Woman's club at their meeting Mon day evening at eight o’clock. • I City-County Briefs l Frank Eernissee, small son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Eernissee, 222% Main avenue, is home from the Bismarck hospital where he spent a week re r ceiving treatment for a severe case of tonsilitis. Dr. C. Lundquist, Leola, S. D., is in the city today on a short business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bohlen, Brad dock. are parents of a daughter born Wednesday at the St. Alexius hospi tal. A daughter was born at the St. Alexius hospital Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stecher, 519 Sixteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kirby. Bis marck, announce the birth of a .daughter Tuesday at the Bismarck hospital. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Hanson, Wilton, at the Bis marck hospital on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Leslie. Wis hek, are parents of a son born Thurs day at the Bismarck hospital. | Mandan Shorts | I. T. Larson is back from Fargo where he attended a meeting of the board of directors of the A. O. U. W. lodge. * * * Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Miller and small child left Thursday for lowa where they were summoned by the death of Mr. Miller's father. mm* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrnak of near Mandan are parents of a daughter born Thursday at the Deaconess hos pital. * * * Mandan people who are attending the Minnesota-Northwestern football game, and homecoming at the Uni versity of Minnesota, are Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Spielman, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rauch, Mr. and Mrs. J. P Sullivan. Howard Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Griffin. Mrs. William Ordway and S. M. Culbertson. Vpte for Alta B. Herman for county auditor. (Pol. Adv.) Foster Daughter Is Left $35,000 in Will Of Mrs. S. Kendrick St. Paul, Nov. I.— (fP) —Mrs. Isabelle Kutill, Chicago, today was named heir to $35,000 of the $370,000 estate of her foster mother, Mrs. Sarah K. S. Kendrick. Mrs. Kutill, according to the peti tion for probate filed today, was the daughter of a North Dakota couple and was left with the Kendricks when she was five years old, after her father had died and the mother no longer was able to care for her. Mrs. Kendrick was the wife of Dr. F. D. Kendrick, who lived in Bismarck shortly before his marriage. Dr. Kendrick visits Bismarck often, ac cording to J. L. Bell, one of his friends. CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to thank the Elk lodge and our many friends and neighbors for their kind assistance and sym pathy during the illness and bereave ment of our beloved husband and father. We also wish to express our gratitude for the many beautiful floral, offerings. Mrs. Andrew Person Vera Person. Carl Person. Waldemar Person. •umorbs.'Vlwei.rv Buy Your Christmas Gifts Now We will gladly lay aside any article you would want to give as a gift—and you may make payments on it till Christmas. Make comparison of prices other places, then come here.*We know you will be pleased. Christmas time is Diamond time—and no woman lives whose heart doesn't quicken at the thought of a Diamond Christ mas. Here you will find .the largest selections, lowest prices, and quality always. F. A. KNOWLES Jeweler 119 Fourth Street “Bismarck’s Diamond Store" Methodist Episcopal Church Corner of Thayer and Fifth Street November 2,1930 Morning Worship, 10:30 Evening Worship, 7:30 Sermon: “THE CERTAIN- Sermon: “A TRANSFORM TY OF FAITH” ING FRIENDSHIP” Special Music at Both Services “A Welcome Awaits You” irs HERE I CSa/Uorlfyu The first compact radio with every big radio feature —including Tone Controll $63.30 complete with tubes Come in end put Clarion Jr. through its paces. Our small-payment plan enables you to begin enjoying Clarion Jr. in your own home tonight. Corwin-Churchill Motors, he. Phone 700 Lions Expect Many Guests at Big Dinne Bismarck Lions are expecting to have a lot of guests Monday. Hebron and Steele club members are coming here to attend the Halloween dinner being given at 7:30 in the evening at the Patterson Terrace Gardens, with a dance after that in Patterson hall. Members who prefer bridge will put on several parties. District officers from west of Bis marck also will arrive here from the annual fall conference, which this year was held at St. Paul. Friday. These all have been invited to be guests of the Bismarck and Mandan clubs. Owing to the evening events, the club will not hold the usual Monday noon luncheon. These will be re sumed Monday November 10. Vote for Alta B. Herman for county auditor. (Pol. Adv.) ACCORDIONS Made lo Order Write for Catalog MOD Kit \ ACCORDION CO. ;tI4M W. (13rd St.. Chicago, 111. ACQUIRE THE HABIT of saving and you’ll be sur prised to see how quickly the dollars accumulate. There is no satisfaction equal to that of knowing that you have several hun dred dollars on hand for any emergency. ' The First National Bank The Pioneer Bank Over Half a Century In Bismarck Bismarck, N. Dak. QUITS POST AT HAMI.INE at. Paul, jnov. i — W) — u. c. wmcxien, | athletic director and head football coach at Hamline university, an nounced today he had severed his connections with that institution. Elect Alta B. Herman for county auditor. (Pol. Adv.) Read tk Letter! Jrom Montgomery Ward aCo. I RESULTS!., \ c co* , \ *,•»***,,. o**' \ **° *' \ ttW''**'*' 4 \ \ a »tea* \ # »tat* Aa«'* . t>«? -»a 1 A e* m °\*> c^ d £e v, df A ?ot * V «* ** °^« nf £* teX S£- V W* V \ &&&&* m t" r v BISMARCK TRIBUNE Advertising Does the Job! MAKE THE FUTURE SAFE BY SAVING is This worth saving for? jCour Home Are you protecting them against possible misfortunes in the future? / Make the future safe by saving. The Investment Savings Plan of the Northwestern Public Service Company makes it easy for S/<f , you. Send this coupon foe complete information TODAY. . V f Northwestern Public Service Company S'JvSS > Huron, South Dakota __ J /y s* sy / ASK ANY BMPLOYBI /*° V* // North Dakota Power & Light Co. and the happiness of those who depend on you .... NOTICE TO GAS USERS Get your farbage and waste paper hauled once a weak far SI.OO per month. Ashes and Garbage, hauled from basement, |LM Have done this work for yean. Phono 1112-W. T. M. BURCH 223 Twelfth Street of the