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What Others Say: LANIER for Congress United States Senator Lynn J. Frazier Says: Vote for Lanier for Congress United States Senator, Lynn J. Frazier, true and tried friend of the small business man, farmer and lab orer. Lynn J. Frazier, the only dirt farmer in the United States Senate. The United States Senator who intro duced a resolution abolishing war and who advocated spending the eighty six cents of the tax dollar now spent for war, spent on agriculture and for home development purposes. At a public meeting attended by some six hundred citizens from Griggs, Eddy and Foster Counties, Senator Frazier made the following statement: “Let there be no misun derstanding; let there be no mistake about this. lam unalterably opposed to the sending of Thomas Hall to Con gress. His record is that of an abject tool to Big Business. Although a member of the powerful Agriculture Committee, he has used his position to hurt the farmer and not to help him. The ‘Old Gang’ in Washington counts upon him every time they are in a tight place and he never fails them. The farmers, laborers and small business men are making a seri ous mistake if they vote for Hall. P. W. Lanier of Jamestown, is for the debenture and in favor of the repeal of the National Origins Act and would give his solid backing to the Progres sive Bloc in Congress. “I cannot make my appeal to the voters of the Second Congressional District too strong. Be sure and vote yourself and get your neighbors to vote, no matter how busy they may be, for P. W. LANIER for Congress.” FOOLING THE FARMERS McHenry County Rips Mask of Hypocrisy From Face of Tom Hall We, Republicans of McHenry Coun ty, North Dakota, for the first time in the history of this County favor voting for a Democrat for Congress. Two years ago when Hall cam paigned, he said he should be re elected because he was a member of the powerful agricultural committee. We find now that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. For six years this so - called representative has “skinned the farmers.” Instead of working for and with the farmers, he has consistently worked the other way. The only way to increase the value of land is by letting the Germans, Scandinavians and Russians come into this country and take up the land and give us a good population, but Hall voted to bar them—to keep them out. We need cheap money with a low rate of interest. Hall voted that France could pay her war debt of bil lions of dollars over a period of sixty two years with interest at one and one-half per cent. Frazier and Nye voted the other way. Hall gave an interview in the Fargo Forum prais ing the President for vetoing the deb enture. Frazier and Nye voted the other way. We KNOW our friends, and we know our enemy. Hall skinned us and let us skin him at the polls on November 4th and nail his hide to the wall, as a warning to political traitors in the future by voting for Lanier for Congress. COUNTY CHAIRMEN, who prefer being right to regular, E. R. Cline Minnewaukan S. S. McDonald Bismarck Dave Larin Bottineau C, J. Olson Valley City Marie Durey Ellendale H. P. Halvorsen New Rockford Anton Larson Temvik H. A. Rinde Carrington N. J. Thune Binford John Hinkle Tuttle Dan Slick Fredonia Hans Wuerth Kulm John Weber Wishek W. Tinker Anamoose Fred Fleck Selz John Benson Rolette Peter Zappas Jamestown W. A, Peter McClusky W. E. Matthaei Fessenden time, action was taken immediately. Among the names on the list you will find Republicans, Democrats, Nonpartisans and I.V.A. s, so with the united effort of each voter Lanier should be elected. It all depends upon the individual voter though, but we think when they know that Lanier has been endorsed by such men as compose this * committee that they will vote right on November 4th. . success of this ten day campaign depends upon every indi vidual m the Second Congressional District; they should take it upon them- Se^ V if S See *'k. e i r neighbors are informed of the committee’s.action a ?v ve wa ys of getting to the polls on election day; no money is avail able for this humane obligation to our loved ones; no blood need be spilled n y°nr duty, such as is necessary in wars with bullets rather than ballots, but we must all vote and vote right this election. Splendid resolutions from several counties were passed and we ao P e y° u get to see some of them but without the vote of all inter ested, Hall will continue to misrepresent the district by voting against our interests. a v ?ters guide and see that the name of Lanier is on it; that all the voters m your precinct has one and then vote for Lanier on November 4th. (Paid Political Advertisement) LANIER FOR CONGRESS Read What the German Patriotic Society Has to Say of Thomas Hall At a meeting of the executive com mittee of the Steuben Society, the following resolution was passed: Baron Von Steuben left the old country and came to America to as sist George Washington, in his glori ous fight for liberty. He came when prospects for success were the dark est. He joined Washington at Valley Forge. With his money he bought shoes and clothing for Washington’s brave men. While Lafayette was en couraging the soldiers by appealing to their love for gayety, Von Steuben was drilling them in the expert man ner that only a former general in the German army could teach them. The last official act that President George Washington as President of the United States did, was to once more write a letter to Von Steuben thanking him for having saved this country. The German people of North Dakota, have been proud in past years to join their copatriots in every state in the Union, in honoring this wonderful man. From Von Steubens time on the German people have been among the very best citizens of America. In North Dakota they comprise ap proximately forty per cent of the population and pay approximately one-half of the taxes. They have been among the best citizens of the state. They feel that they have earned and merited by their example the support of the Congressmen of North Dakota. When the National Origins Act was therefore before the Congress, they felt confidently certain of the sup port of the three congressmen from North Dakota. The Germans were joined in their belief by the Scandi navians of this state, who are also being discriminated against by said legislation. Shoulder to shoulder the German people fought with the Scan dinavian people for what they had so well earned in this state. Congress man Burtness of the first District and Congressman Sinclair from the third District voted for the Germans and Scandinavians. Thomas Hall voted against them and in favor of Italians. We cannot find words sufficiently harsh to condemn Thomas Hall. He has voted against the racial interests of every German and Scandinavian in North Dakota. There is just one way to punish him, and that is to see that he does not get back to Washington. Therefore the Steuben Society of North Dakota, announces its whole hearted support for P. W. LANIER of Jamestown, North Dakota, for Congress, confident in the belief that when the National Origins Act comes up for amendment that P. W. Lanier will join Congressmen Burtness and Sinclair from this state in seeing that that act is so amended that our rela tives and friends can come from the German and Scandinavian countries into the “land of the free and the home of the brave.” Dear Friends: One hundred or more voters of the Second Congressional District met in Fes senden, the evening of October 23rd and there decided that for the best interests of the State of North Dakota, Thomas Hall should be separated from the public trough; that he has not worked for his constitu- ents , but worked and voted against them and their senators, Frazier and Nye, on every important issue dealing with their wel fare . The list of voters contained in this letter, were elected as a committee to see that Hall was left at home and P. W. Lanier elected in his stead. Not all of these parties were present but there were representative citizens from every county in .the district and because of scarcity of Thanking you in advance, we are, Very truly yours, THE COMMITTEE. The above advertiaement was inserted and paid for by a group of Norwegians, Swedes and Germans of the Second Congressional District of North Dakota. THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE. Read What the Officers of the Sons of Norway in Hall's Home Town Have to Say About Him To Our Fellow Countrymen: Believing that you are interested in the Scandinavian race from the time of Leif Erickson down to the present time, we respectfully ask that you vote against Thomas Hall, now a can didate for Congress. This man well knew that the rec ord of the Scandinavians and Ger mans of this state and of the United States has been splendid. This man well knew that they were and are among the best citizens of North Da kota and of the United States of America. He well knew too that the Scandinavian people and the German people have helped as much as any people to make North Dakota and the United States, what they are today. Nevertheless, this man, as a Con gressman, elected to represent these' very people, voted for the National Origins Act, so bitterly fought against by such men as Senator Shipstead of Minnesota, and the Scandinavian aiid German Congressmen from the Northwest, which included not only Congressman Burtness of Grand Forks, but also Senators Frazier and Nye of this state. This bill prac tically makes it impossible for any, except a very few of our countrymen, to come to the United States. We have to wait for years before our relatives or dear friends can come over here. • Under the terms of this bill, for which Hall voted, England can send in nearly as many immigrants as Germany, Norway, Sweden, and Rus sia combined, and Italians and other races from Southern Europe can also pour in. We are descriminated against. P. W. Lanier of Jamestown, who is running against Mr. Hall on the Democratic ticket, has promised to do all that he can to amend this in iquitous measure that the percentage of our friends may be as great as from other countries. We ask you now for the sake of our loved ones in the Old Countries, to vote for P. W. Lanier, for Congress man of the Second District. STUTSMAN COUNTY At a regular meeting of the Execu tive Committee of Stutsman County Democrats, the following resolution was passed: The Democrats of Stutsman Coun ty, North Dakota, in Convention as sembled, take great pleasure in pre senting to the people of North Dakota, P. W. Lanier for Congress of the Sec ond District and Pierce Blewett for the Governorship. These two men are the two most outstanding men in this county. They are known all over the central part of North Dakota for their uprightness, honesty and un swerving loyalty to the Democratic principles of this Republican form of government. We earnestly urge their election, confident in the knowledge that Pierce Blewett’s administration will reflect tremendous credit to the State of North Dakota, and that P. W. Lanier if elected to Congress will un falteringly take his stand among the Progressives in Congress and work for the welfare of agriculture. At a meeting of the Progressive Voters of Griggs County, the follow ing resolution was passed: We point with pride to the fact that this County is overwhelmingly Re publican. Six years ago this county had the honor of presenting as an. opponent to Thomas “Hall, Gerald P. Nye. At that time Senator Nye was unknown and the present Congress man Thomas Hall had servel twelve years as Secretary of State. During the last six years, our son, Senator Nye, has made a nation-wide reputa tion favorably and well known to all of the Republicans in the State. During all of those six years he has had the active continuous opposition of Thomas Hall. Thq Republican party of Griggs County is of the accomplishments of their son, and we cannot too emphatically condemn the tricky, adroit and questionable maneuvering of Congressman Hall, in seeking to belittle, annoy and hinder our Senator Nye, in his magnificent work. Hall has never worked with the Progressives in Con gress. He has done nothing merito rious for the Republican party while in Congress. Our investigation con vinces us that P. W. Lanier of James town, candidate for Congress, will vote with the debenture. With wheat, the basis of the wealth of 50% of the people in this county, at sixty cents a bushel, Hall still fights the deben ture, when men like Senator Borah, Vice President Dawes, “Keynes, the leading economist of Great Britain,” and two-thirds of the members of the house and senate supported it. Hall is not offering any substitute but is lined up with the Old Gang, in oppos ing a measure that he ought to have intelligence enough to know will aid the farmer and business men of this country. Hall has allied himself with those who live off the sweat of the working man’s brow of this country. He is a disgrace to the Republican party and an enemy to the best inter ests of the Common People, striking at Senator Nye in an effort to discredit him and to cause his defeat two years hence. Now, therefore, we recom mend the election of P. W. LANIER for Congress and urge the Repub licans to give him their vote. Nonpartisan People In Halls Home County Endorse Lanier The following resolution was passed at a meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the Nonpartisan League of Burleigh County, Being fully convinced that Thomas Hall has not worked for the best in terests of the people of the Second District, during the time that he was in Congress, but that he has consist ently voted with the “big boys” of the east, and his records and inter views in the newspapers showing that he has consistently fought Senators Frazier and Nye. BE IT RESOLVED that we urge all members of our organization to work and work hard for P. W. Lanier for Congress. EMMONS COUNTY At ft meeting of the Executive Committee of the Republicans of Emmons County, North Dakota, the following resolution was passed: A country’s success is measured by its prosperity. The Republican party believes in the people being prosperous and nappy. In order to have a happy and prosperous community the Republican party works thrqugh its representatives and from the time of Abraham Lincoln, the founder of this party down to the present time, the Republican party has always prided itself on getting rid of men like Hall, Denby, and Dougherty and others who have betrayed it, and in ridding itself of all traitors to Progressive thought. The bridge over the Missouri river promised to us has been delayed for nearly two years because of the lack of Federal appropriation, which bridge was promised us two years ago by Thomas Hall. All we have had from Hall has been promises and words and words and promises. What we have wanted for two years has been action. While Mr. Hall has been wined and dined by the bankers and millionaires in Washington, our people have been getting poorer and poorer. The bridge, had we had it would have saved us thousands of gallons of gasoline, and the cost thereof; it would have helped us in transport ing and selling our produce and in bringing more business into our part of the country, and in a great many ways it would have aided the common people, the farmers and business men. Therefore in accordance with the life long tradi tion, of the Republican party, we repudiate this so called representative and contend that Thomas Hall is not a Republican. That the Republicans owe him no allegiance and are not under the slightest duty or obligation to him in any manner whatsoever or for any reason, as he has done nothing for us. We therefore urge, that every Republican in this county work earnestly and steadfastly for the elec tion of P. W. LANIER of Jamestown, North Dakota, for Congress, he can do not less for the farmers than Congressman Hall has done and we honestly believe that we will do more. . Hear Lanier’s Radio Speech Over KFYR, Bismarck 9:30 to 10 p. m. Saturday and Monday evenings, Nov. 1 and 3 Harry Lashkowitz, candidate for Attor ney General, is one of the best attorneys in the state. Vote for him Nov. 4. GRIGGS COUNTY Give Lanier a Chance to Do for the Farmers What Hall Would Not Do, Say Republicans of Dickey County At a regular meeting of the Non partisan Executive Committee of the Republican Central Committee of the County of Dickey, the following reso lution was passed: We point with pride to the fact that this county is overwhelmingly Repub lican. For the past six years, Thomas Hall has been congressman from the second district in North Dakota. He has always represented to us that he was for the interest of the farmers. We are fully convinced that he is not for the interests of the farmers, in that he voted for the iniquitous tariff bill which increased the tariff from the sum of twenty-five per cent to forty per cent, on all manufactured articles, leaving the farmers in the same relative position as they were under the old tariff law. We are also against Thomas Hall on account of the fact that he has appointed as postmasters, Alec Wright of Oakes, North Dakota, and W. L. Saunders of Ellendale, North Dakota, because they have always been against anything that was for the benefit of the farmers. We believe and feel that P. W. Lanier, the Democratic candidate for Congress, will vote for the Debenture and will also vote for the McNary- Haugen bill in case the same is brought up again. At the present time it is impossible for a farmer to make a living for that is the reason we highly endorse P. W. Lanier, the Democratic candidate for congress and recommend that everyone vote for him and urge each and every one of you to get out and work for him on election day. At a meeting of the Executive Com- mittee of the Progressive Republi v cans of Logan Couny, North Dakota, the following resolution was passed. Having just read the splendid reso lution passed in Mclntosh County, North Dakota, and in all things con curring in the sentiment therein ex pressed and realizing that Thomas Hall has always been seeking the votes of the German people of this county, by claiming that he has Ger man relatives and is therefore friend ly to the Germans, and knowing that we must judge a man by wnat he does and not by what he is, and Tom Hall having shown his disregard for the race by voting for the National Origins Bill which is keeping thou sands of our friends and relatives in Germany, Sweden, Norway and Russia out of this country, when we need them so badly, and by so doing has caused intense suffering and grief among the common people who wish to be reunited with their loved ones, and whereas he was devoid of all sincerety in voting to keep these friends and rel- atives of ours out of this country and voted to admit the Italians. NOW, therefore, Be It Resolved that we call upon the Italians in this county to give him their vote if they choose to do so, but we urge each and every German, Scandi navian and Russian in this County to remain steadfast and to tote against Tom Hall,- our common enemy, and to vote for P. W. Lanier ,of Jamestown, who is a friend of Lynn J. Frazier who has proven himself to be our friend. VOTERS GUIDE Name of Office Representative in Congress Governor Lieutenant Governor Secretary of State State Auditor State Treasurer Attorney General Commissioner of Insurance Commissioner of Agriculture ft Labor Railroad Commissioner State Senator —— District Representatives - District On the no-party ballots vote for A. E. Thompson for Superintendent of public in structions. Be sure to vote NO on the CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Two years of a Bad Administration is plenty and the good ones can always be re-elected THANK YOU. LOGAN COUNTY Take this to the polls with you and vote for these candidates REPUBLICAN DEMOCRAT Name of Candidate < ROBERT BYRNE |X | BERTA E. BAKER Q<"| S. A. OLSNESS |~^l c. w. McDonnell 0 Vote for the PROGRESSIVE candidate for the legislature McINTOSH COUNTY At a meeting in Mclntosh County, the following resolution was passed: During the war, this county led all others in the purchase of Liberty Bonds. Not a single conviction was had for disloyalty, although this county is 95 % Germans. A few fanatics devoid of all sense of right, justice and reason wrongfully ac cused all of us of being enemies of America and dangerous to the peace and prosperity of this country. Ad joining us in South Dakota, these fanatics because of the support of some officials were in control. The prosecutions were legion. The Ger man language was barred from the pulpits, from the telephone and even from a marriage service. To whisper in the German language was a felony. In North Dakota, Lynn J. Frazier, then Governor, stood like a Rock of Gibraltar between the German peo ple and these so-called one hundred percenters. All the while that Frazier was fighting their fight and seeing that they got justice he had the con stant, active opposition of Thomas Hall, now Congressman of the second district. We are confident that P. W. Lanier is more of a German than Thomas Hall and that he will give Senator Frazier active support in seeing that the National Origins Bill is changed so that we can have our relatives come into this country from Germany and Russia and the Scandi navian countries. Hall continued to be our enemy by voting for this bill to keep our relatives and friends in Ger many and Russia. "Lynn J. Frazier was one of the leaders in the fight to get our friends and relatives into this country if they wished to come. We say, reward him by leaving his enemy Tom Hall at home and sending P. W. LANIER to Congress in his stead. Committee Asks People to Support Democrat for Congress At a special meeting of the Repub lican Central Committee of Kidder County, North Dakota, the candidacy of Thomas Hall for relection was un animously condemned as follows: Thomas Hall is unfit to be our rep resentative in CongreM. For six years he has been a member of the Agricultural Committee, one of the most powerful committees in the house. When he ran for re-election the last time he stated that he should be re-elected because he was a mem ber of that Committee. Red durum wheat today (Septem ber 29th, 1930) is 44c. Hall voted for a tariff of 42c. So six years was spent in giving the farmers two cents a bushel for their wheat. If wheat drops three cents more, Tom Hall will be owing us money. Although we are Republicans, we are voting for Lanier for Congress, and we urge the farm ers and business men of this county to do likewise. Name of Candidate P. W. LANIER | X | PIERCE BLEWETT jX | L. A. SWANSON | X [ A. C. PAGENKOPF [x | HARRY LASHKOWITZ | X | W, E. COOKE 0