Newspaper Page Text
BISMARCK SCHOOL PUBLICATION WINS GRAND FORKS PRIZE Prairie Breezes Is Adjudged Best Annual at Meeting of Young Editors Grand .Forks, N. D., Nov. I.—(VP) Carrington high school was awarded the Northern Interscholastic Press as sociation sweepstakes cup at the an nual convention dinner last night lor the best all-around publication in the association. The school was giv en a score of 99.7 points on its news paper, the Carrington High Sentinel. Second place went to St. James Academy. Grand Forks, which scored 95.4 on its magazine, the Wild Rose, while the Yellow Jacket Journal, Mo hall, N. D., high school newspaper, took third place with a score of 91.8, for all-around publications. From four states, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Mon tana, 150 delegates came to the tenth annual convention of the association, and entered 70 publications, which in clude 53 newspapers, 15 annuals and two magazines. Other awards made at the banquet, in the order of their placing, are: Best newspapers—Carrington High Sentinel, Carrington, N. D. t 99.7; Yellow Jacket Journal, Mohall, N. D., 91.8 and Station V. H. S., Volin, S. D., 91.3. Best annuals or yearbooks—Prairie Breezes, Bismarck, N. D., 89.8; Cyno sure, Fargo, N. D., 85.9, and Kyote, Billings, Mont., 85.6. Best magazine—The Wild Rose, St. James Academy, Grand Forks, N. D., 95.4. Give Editorial Awards Best editorials (Mary Hethering ton cup >—Wadena High News, Wa dena, Minn.; Pelican, Pelican Rapids, Minn., and Kyote, Billings, Mont. Best newspaper from a Minnesota high school— Wadena High News, Wadena, 83.3. Best newspaper from a Montana high school —Gallatin High News, Bozeman, 89.3. Best newspaper from a North Da kota high school—Carrington High Sentinel, 99.7. Best newspaper from a South Da kota high school—Station V. H. S., Volin, 91.3. Best mimeographed papers—Shy- Hi-Cry, Sheyenne, N. D., 83.1; the Atom, University high school, Grand Forks, 74.7, and Orange and Black, Northwood. N. D., 68.1. Best sections of townpapers (Sigma Delta Chi cup)—Yellow Jacket Jour nal, Mohall, 91.8; Station V. H. S., Volin, S. D.. 91.3 and Station W. H. S., Warren, Minn., 63.9. Newspaper divisional and class con tests: Division 1 (schools having less than 200 students—Thomas Hether ington cup)—Carrington High Senti nel. Yellow Jacket Journal and Sta tion V. H. S. Division 2 (schools having 200 or more students) —Gallatin Bozeman, Mont., 89.3; Orjffralian, Grand Forks. 86.8 and Wtjjl&na High News, Wadena, Minn., 89w. First places in classes: Division, weeklies and bi-weeklies—Yellow Jacket Journa., Monthlies and papers published every three weeks Carrington High Sentinel. Division 2, weeklies and bi-weeklies —Gallatin Htgh News. Monthlies and papers published every three weeks, Wadena High News. Sharon School Wins Annual or yearbook divisional and class contests: Division 1 (schools having 100 or fewer students)—Sou venir, Sharon, N. D., 85.2; Flickertail, University high school, Grand Forks, 83.3 and Keystone, Monango, N. D., 77.2. Division 2 (schools having 101 to 200 students)— Yellow Jacket, Mo hall. N. D., 677.6 and The Prairie, Faith, S. D., 66.0. Division 3 (schools having more than 200 students)—Prairie Breezes, Bismarck, 89.8; Cynosure. Fargo. 85.9, and Kyote. Billings, Mont., 85.6. First place in classes (class A des ignates annuals financed without sale of advertising space and class B an nuals partly financed by sale of ad evrtising space); Division I—Class A —Flickertail, University high school, Grand Forks, 83.3. Class B—The Souvenir. Shar on. N. D., 85.2. Division 2—Class A—No award made. Class B—Yellow Jacket, Mo hall, 67.6. Division 3—Class A — No award made. Class B—Prairie Breezes, Bis marck. 89.8. APPEAL TO VOTERS ISSUED BY SHAFER Asks Support for Legislators Friendly to Administra tion Policies From his bed. where lie is recover ing from a surgical operation. Gover nor George F. Shafer today issued an appeal to voters to support legislative candidates who are friendly to his administration. The governor called attention to measures defeated in the last legis lature. declaring that responsibility for rejecting legislation recommended by him was caused by a Nonpartisan controlled senate. Regret was expressed by Governor Shafer that his confinement In the hospital upset his plans to speak in various sections of the state, and he addressed his message particularly to voters in those districts where con tests prevail for legislative seats* “The handsome majority which I received for renomination at the June primary election was not only a very gratifying endorsement of my admin istration o f state affairs. ’ the gover nor said, "but it seems to have in sured my reelection on November 4 "I am sure that you are as anxious as I am that my administration shall be as successful and beneficial to the state as it is possible to make it. It will not, however, be as successful in all respects as It should be. unless t have the support of a friendly legis- DANCE t a h t e DOME TONIGHT lature. In the legislative session of 1929 several Important measures rec ommended by me were defeated by the senate which was controlled by a Nonpartisan League majority. Among the measures so defeated were: “(1) A bill creating a commission of three to operate the state mill and elevator. “(2) A concurrent resolution in creasing the terms of county and state officers from two to four years. “(3) A bill providing for a survey c' our state and local governments, which was designed to promote greater efficiency and economy in the administration of our governmental agencies. » “(4) A bill which provided for a banking code commission, to formu late legislation calculated to strength en our state banking system. “Notwithstanding the emphatic en dorsement which the people have given to my record and recommenda tions as goverror, certain persons in the Nonpartisan League are seeking to elect a legislature which will be opposed to my administration and which will defeat my recommenda tions for needed changes In the laws of the state. They are now actively engaged in such a campaign In some legislative districts. “I am sure that you want me to have the cooperation of a friendly legislature, rather than the opposi tion of a hostile one; so I am taking this means of appealing to you to vote for and support those candidates for the house and senate who are politically friendly to my administra tion. “Every recommendation which I shall make to the next legislature will be in the interest of sound, efficient and economical government and con sistent with an intelligent develop ment of agriculture and industry- in North Dakota." CHEVROLET DEALERS TO MEET IN FARGO Company Plans Series of Fifty Meetings Throughout Coun try in Near Future A significant sign of the aggressive policies to be adopted by the automo bile industry toward making 1931 rank with past years in volume is seen here in the announcement that Chevrolet's annual dealer meetings are to get under way next week, two months in advance of the customary date. The meeting for dealers in this dis trict will be held In Fargo Nov. 12. it is announced by F. M. Davis, Bis marck dealer. Four groups of sales officials from the home office, each group accom panied by a full carload ol theatrical equipment, stage hands, and electri cians, are scheduled to hold 50 meet ings at os many central points during the next five weeks, which will be attended by upwards of 20,000 Chev rolet dealers and associated bankers located in every section of the coun try. H. J. Klinger, vice president and general sales manager of Chevrolet, remained noncommital on the sub ject of a new car, other than to state that a part of the star chamber ses sions with his dealers would be on this subject. He explained the hold ing of the meetings earlier this year by stating that normally November and December are dull months in the industry, and dealers are better able to leave their places of business dur ing these months than in January or February. The first meeting is scheduled at Cleveland Nov. 3 and the last ones at Wichita and Davenport Dec. 5. Mr. Klingler, under whose general direction the meets are being held, plans to attend meetings at various points, while the next four ranking sales officials will have charge of the four groups. D. E. Ralstron, assistant general sales manager, directs the western meetings, which start at Chicago on Nov. 4 and wind up at Wichita, in termediate extreme points being at Minneapolis, Seattle, Los Angeles and El Paso. Meetings in each town last for two days. The first day’s sessions are held in a leading theater or hall in each city, and every phase of car mer chandising is presented on the stage in the form of talks and playlets, with the home office officials in the role of speakers and actors. By this means such subjects as accounting, service, advertising new and used car selling and others are dramatized for more effective presentation. During the second day star cham ber sessions are held with the field sales organization, and open house is observed to afford dealers an op portunity to discuss with the central office executives problems and con ditions peculiar to their locality. Wildcats Leading Minnesota Squad 14 to 0 in Third (Continued from page one) waited for his interference to catch up and take out that man, then out raced four Gopher players across the goal line. Engebritsen placed-kicked the extra point, and the score was Northwestern 14, Minnesota 0. Engebritsen. kicked over the Min nesota goal line and Riebeth returned it to his own eight-yard streak. Munn's kick was returned by Griffin to Minnesota's 42. and on the next play Rentner went through guard for four yards. Minnesota’s line was be ginning to weaken under the con sistent pounding. A 15-yard penalty for holding forced Northwestern to kick. A few plays later Baker broke through and blocked Munn’s kick, the ball going out of bounds on Min nesota’s 22-yard line, nvhere North western was given the oval. The period ended a moment later with Minnesota in possssion of the ball. Score: North western 14, Minnesota 0. TWO DIE IN WRECK Martinsburg. W. Va.. Nov. I. The engineer was killed and the fire man scalded fatally today when a westbound express of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad was wrecked about 4:30 a.- m., today, near Kearneysville. Elect Alta B. Herman for county auditor. (Pol. Adv.) THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1930 BIG CONTRACTS FOR HIGHWAYS AWARDED AT FRIDAY MEETING Jobs Totaling $227,517.56 Are Scheduled for Construc tion by Department Contracts totaling $227,517.56 for construction work on North Dakota highway systems were awarded by the state highway commission yes terday: Of this, $170,046.81 was let for grading work; $11,294.29 for graveling; $20,529.07 for structural work; $13,- 899.91 for corrugated metal pipe cul verts and $11,747.48 for concrete pipe culvert construction. Projects in various counties and successful bidders follow: McHenry—9.s7B miles from Towner to Milroy: grading, Schultz Brothers. Bowbells, $33,694; structural. Dakota Concrete company, Minot. $4,339; metal culverts. North Dakota Metal Culvert company, Fargo. $2,090; con crete culverts, North Dakota Concrete Products company. Mandan, $1,342. La Moure and Dickey—l 2 35 miles on State No. 56 from Kulm north and south: grading. Haas Contracting company, Minot. $29,536; metal cul verts, Klauer Mfg. company, Dubuque, lowa, $1,382; concrete culverts. Con crete Sectional Culvert company. Far go, $2,321. Nelson—lo.l49 miles from Pekin west: grading, William Collins, La kota. $20,143; structural. Carl Llnd berg, Jamestown, $5,311. Nelson and Wells—on State No. 30. metal cul verts. North Dakota Mctai Culvert company. Fargo. $4,451. Williams—B.66s miles on U. S. No. 85. beginning about 20 miles north of Williston: grading. Hall and Booth. Stanley. $24,762: structural. Schultz Brothers. Bowbells. $4,745. Also 3.257 miles on U. S. No. 2, Ray. north: grading. Steig and Olson, Esmond, $9,989; metal culverts, North Dakota Metal Culvert company. Fargo, $1,096; concrete culverts. North Dakota Con crete Products, Mandan. $2,719. Parshall Gets Road McLean—7 miles beginning eight miles south of Parshall on Route No. 8: grading. William Schultz, Fergus Falls, Minn., $20,430; metal culverts. North Dakota Metal Culvert com pany, Fargo, $511; concrete culverts, North Dakota Concrete Products com pany. Mandan. $1,991. Wells—6 miles on State Route No. 30, Cathay north: grading, W. H. Noel. Jamestown, $10,293. Grand Forks—ll miles on State No. 33 east and west of Gilby: grading, W. H. Noel, Jamestown, $21,196. Grand Forks and Walsh—On State Routes Nos. 33 and 44: concrete cul verts. Concrete Sectional Culvert com pany, Fargo, $3,371; on State Routes Nos. 33. 44 and 35, metal culverts, North Dakota Metal Culvert company. Fargo, $4,276. Grand Forks—on State No. 33, Gil by east and west: structural, J. A. Jardine. Fargo, $6,132. Stutsman—l2.349 miles State No. 9. Kensal northwest and southwest: graveling. Interstate Construction company, Aberdeen, S. D., $11,294. Elect Alta B. Herman for county auditor. (Pol. Adv.) ABOUT 500 ATTEND ' HASTINGS FUNERAL Many Floral Tributes Sent; Cor oner Thinks Inquest Is Not Necessary About 500 persons attended the funeral sendees of Floyd Hastings, held at St. Mary's procathedral at 8 o'clock this morning. The casket was banked high with flowers from the friends and fellow railroad workers of the victim of Sun day evening's car crash on highway No. 10. at the entrance to the state prison. Father John A. H. Slag and Father Wacker conducted the religious rites. Father Slag giving the sermon Fort Lincoln was represented at the services by a firing squad and bugler, the squad firing the tradition al volleys over the grave of the for mer service man and the bugler sounding “taps.” Coroner E. J. Gobel has held no in quest in the tragedy and does not in tend to do so. as, he said, there is no question of the cause of death. He holds that if any action is thought required, it falls within the province of the county attorney to act. Was Fourth in Row For Emmons County wnen Emmons county won tne state corn show' cup at the exposition here last week, it was the fourth time that the county won this honor. A previ ous news story erroneously stated Em mons county won tne cup tor tne umo consecutive year, but this honor was achieved last year when the county received permanent possession of the cup. Elect Alta B. Herman for county auditor. (Pol. Adv.) Alleged Robber Is Captured in Fargo Fargo, N. D., Nov. I.—</P>— Captured after a chase during whirl; several shots were fired, Herbert Lund, who gives his home as Detroit. Mich., is held here on a charge of grand lar ceny for stealing clothes from a Fargo home. Lund, taken following a fist fight with an officer near a shack were the loot was recovered, refuses to give the name of a partner. He waived examination and was held to district court under $2,000 oond. sjC||j^i FIRST MTHKUA.V j Avenue L> and Seventh street. K. Benson, pastor. English service at 10.45 a. in. Sunday school and Bible class at 12 o'clock. ‘ English service at 7:30. Dr. C. J. Fylling of Mandan will speak on the subject, "Inner Missions." SEION EVANGELICAL Lt.THEItAN (Missouri synod.* Fourth street at Avenue A. .). Y. Richert, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a. in., all classes. , Miss Ella Brolje, superintendent. Morning worship (German), 10:30. At 2:30 p. in. the pastor will preach at Baldwin. Bible hour. 6:45 p. in., in charge of the Walther league. Evening services (English), 7:30. TRINITY LI''THERAN Avenue O at Seventh street. Opie S. Rindahl, pastor. Sunday school. 9:43 a. m. Morning worship at 11. Rev. Dralle will preach. Luther league, 7:30 p. in. Topic, “The Augsburg Confession." Leader, Waldo Elleekson. Special music. Junior choir Wednesday, 4 p. in. Senior choir Thursday, 7:30 p. in. Confirmands Saturday, 10 a. in. FIRST CHi nCH OF CHRIST (Scientist) j Fourth street and Avenue C. Sunday service at 11 a. in. Subject, “Everladting Punishment." Surtday school at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting al S o’clock. A reading room maintained at lU’i Fourth street is open daily, except legal holidays, from 12 to 5 p. in.; ! Sunday, 3 to 5 p. to. < j All are welcome to nttond these ! services and to visit the reading room. Fin ST EVANGELICAL I Seventh street and Rosser avenue. < Ira K. Herxberg, minister. Sunday church school, 10 a. in., for all departments. U. <l. Schwantes, su- i perintendent. Morning worship service at It. Theme, "A Personal Question.” Special selection by the choir. Evening worship service at 7:<>. - Thome. "What Wilt Thou Have Me , Do'.’” Special selection by the choir, j Christian Endeavor, S:3O p. in. Topic, “Why the Eighteenth Amendment, ami , How Support It'."' Tuesday and Thursday at S o’clock, prayer meetings in five different groups. Places of meetings will he I announced at both Sunday services, j Saturday. 9:30 a. m„ junior cate chism; 10:15 a. m., advanced catechism class. M’CAHE METHODIST EPISCOPAL Walter K. Valor, pastor. Morning worship at 10:30. Organ prelude, "Andante con Moto" i (Beethoven) —Miss Ruth Rowley, l organist. Anthem, "Jn Perfect Peace” (Wll- 1 son). Organ offertory, “llcrbstnacht" (Frysinger). Solo, “The Gales of Pearl"—Mrs. John Graham. Sermon, “The Certainty of Faith" — Walter E. Vater. Organ post hide, "March” (Smart). Sunday school at 12 noon. Classes for all ages. Mpworth league, 6:30 p. m. Leader, J Miss Luella Altringer. ! Evening worship at 7:30. | Organ prelude. "Pastorale” ( Beethoven). | Anthem. "Soft as th" Voice” (Scott). i Organ offertory, "Moonlight” (Fry singer j. Solo, selected Miss Marian Knanff. Sermon, "A Transforming Friend ship”— Walter E. Vater. Organ postlude, "March'' (Petralil. Prayer service Wednesday evening FIItST BAPTIST Fourth street and Avenue Ft. Ellis L. Jackson, pastor, church service at the penitentiary, S a. m. church school, 10 a. nt. Mrs. Howard ■ M-Nutt, superintendent. Morning worship at 11. Pianist, Miss Esther Wilson, rrelude, "Love and Dcvotion" (Drinnhiller). j Children’s talk, “Lessons From a Fountain Pen"—Mr. Jackson. Offertory, “Tone Poem" (Agnes Quinlan). | 'Violin solo—Adolph Engolhardt. Bermon, "The Baptist Road: A Sur i vey of Baptist Principles”—Ellis L. Jackson. Intermediate B. Y. P. U., 6:45 p. in. "What .Shall We Do About Drinking’.’" Leader, Catherine Mason. Evening service at 7:30. The friend ! ly hour, with music in charge of the 1 church orchestra, directed by E. L. Gilbert. Sermon, "The Choice of a Life Work”—Mr. Jackson. Monday. 7 p. in.. Royal Ambassador chapter at the church; Intermediate World-Wide guild. Wednesday, 7:30 p. in., monthly busi ness meeting and midweek service at I the parsonage. Thursday, 6 p. in., supper meeting for the men of the church. Address and conference on men’s work, led by Albert F. Williams of Freeport, 111., field worker for the Council of Bap tist Laymen. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN * Floyd E. Logee, minister. | Kindergarten, primary, junior, in termediate and senior departments of j the Sunday church school, 9:30 a. in. ! Morning service of worship at 10.30, ’ broadcast over KFYR. | Organ prelude, “Lento Expressive" ; (Ketelbey)—Grace Duryee Morris. I . Quartet, “Lord, Remember Me” (Romm) —Mrs. Wingreene, Mrs. ■I Bavendick, Mr. Halverson, Mr. , I Humphreys, i Offertory, “Chanson Martinale" (Lange). Quartet, “Song Praises to God.” Sermon, “Simple Discipleship”— Floyd E. Logee. Organ postlude, "Ave Marie Stella” (Grieg). : Young people’s and adult depart -1 incuts of Sunday church school, 12 noon. J Meeting of senior department cabi ■ . net, 5:30 p. m. intermediate society, 6:30 p. m. : Leader, Phyllis Olson. Senior society. 6:30 p. ni. Leaders, Mary Cowan and Neva Vettel. Alfh., Top. find K. Kf Rwf. (an. r«c, Rnr, Company Illinois Out. R. IS. Co. I.oulk. A *n»h. Rn.r. Co. V. V. On trill If. R. Co. Ponn», R. R, Company .♦'•'•.ithorii Pncifir Company I'nton Pacific R. R. < o. Royal Dutch Company IVh Vnrk XhuroiO Mnnd. Oil I n. of C alif. Stand. Oil Co. tV J.l Stand. Oil Co. of N. V. Texan Corporation Am. Rod. it Std. Sr.n. C'orp. Amor. Toll. Co. tClnon Rl du Pont <E. I.» dc Acironn. Cant man Kodak Co. of A. «l. Conoral Electrlt* Co. Initrcrncll-lland Co. lAintlonnl Dincnit Co. Otin Eletutor Co. I lilted Fruit Co. 1. k. Stool Corp. \A ontiniehNo El. A Alfjr. Co, AA nolttorth CE. AV.t Co. Amor. Tel. A Tot. Co. C'onnolid'd f.nn Co. of A'. AA'entern Colon Tel. Co. Investors Mortgage Security Company Distributors of North American and Universal Trust Shares F. A. LAHR Ph&ne 1660 E. V. LAHK First Floor Dakota National Bank & Trust Company Bldg. Bismarck, North Dakota Evening service of worship nt 7.30. Organ prehide, "Andante Religloeo" (Smith)—Grace Duryee Morris. Anthem, "The Shadows of the Eve ning Hour" (Stoughton)—Presby terian evening choir. Offertory, “Cantilene” (Faulkes). Anthem, “We (Jive Thanks" (Ad ams)—Presbyterian evening choir. Sermon. "What Does God Mean to You?”—Floyd E. Logee. Organ postlude. "Largo e Spiceato" (Bach). Young people's fellowship hour, 8:30 p. m. Merrill Kitchen in charge. A musical evening. Tuesday, 7:30 p. in.. Girl Scouts. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., church school workers' conference. Thursday, 7 p. m., Boy Scout meet ing. DEMOCRATIC FEUD IS LEFT UNDECIDED Judge Berry Declines to Issue Restraining Order on Bertsch as Chairman Judge H. L. Berry declined to grant a temporary restraining order on Christ Bertsch, to prevent him from exercising authority as chairman of the Burleigh county Democratic com mittee, when hearing on the action of Julius Meyers, rival claimant, was re sumed in district court this morning. The remainder of the case was left pending for future action by the judges of the local court, possibly to be taken up at the December term. Judge Berry held that the time was too short to go adequately into the merits of the matter, anyhow, the Burleigh county election judges al ready having been appointed, and, as the chief object at this time, was to head Bertsch off from naming the Democratic appointees, nothing could be gained by a temporary restraining order now. Judge Berry sat in the case in spite of the affidavit of prejudice filed against him Friday by H. F. O’Hara, of counsel for Bertsch. The judge ruled that the affidavit was inef fective under the circumstances, which were mainly that speedy action was demanded with the election so near. After taking that attitude Friday afternoon, he adjourned the case until 10 o'clock this morning. Judge Berry commented that the case was an interesting one and, as county chairmen are not public of ficials in the sense that those trans acting the public business are. it seemed to him that quo warranto pro ceedings would be the proper pro cedure to take. The attitude of the contestant Mey ers. as stated by his counsel, F. O. Hellstrom, this morning, was that Bertsch was not chairman because the committee meeting held by six mem bers September 13 had declared the chairmanship vacant and then had elected Meyers. This, the plaintiff held, was the decisive factor of the matter. Judge Berry, however, wanted to know whether the meeting of the six was held under legal conditions. He asked as to the method of calling the session and questioned Mr. Hell st-rom as to the uncertainty of the six members constituting a legal quorum. Gordon Cox. counsel for Bertsch, also questioned the validity of the special meeting rail, which was issued by the six members who attended the meet ing. The plaintiffs contention was that six constituted a quorum, on the ground that of the 16 precinct com mitteemen elected and presenting cer tificates at the July 16 meeting of the Democratic county committee only nine were actual Democrats, the oth ers being Republicans. Carl Kositzky was cited as an» example of Republi cans so chosen. Though elected as a Democratic precinct committeeman, he did not attend, but sent a proxy. Naughton School Has Halloween Program Pupils of Naughton school No. 1. north of the city, entertained their parents with a Halloween program last evening at the school. Mrs. My ron Thistlethwaite is the teacher. Dialogs, recitations, songs and readings comprised the program. Tak ing part were Allene Small, Leßoy Johnson, Norman Solberg, Nobel Carlson, Helen Solberg, Helen and Florence Solberg, Grace Johnson, Edna Solberg, Harvey Solberg, Jun ior Johnson and Ruth Johnson. WANTED RAW FURS All legally ruuffht. Nark a* Skunk. Bnditer. Mink. Weiiifl, Raccoon, Coyote find Fox. Get our price* before you Nell. Nave money by Ktltlnic yonr THAI’S here, we carry a full line of nationally advertlaed TRAPS. Hrlnir In yonr fura now and net top market price*. “Northern” Hide & Fur Co. Corner Dtb and Front St. ItiKinnrrk. No. Dak. Taking the Speculation Out of Investment The purchase of even the finest individual security is a speculation, according to modern investment counsellors. A high degree of diversification is absolutely essential to safety. Each North American Trust Share rep resents 1-2000th part ownership in twenty eight of the soundest, seasoned stocks in North America. HALLOWEEN FROUCS ARE LARGELY SOCIAL Parties and Dances Take Place of Former Rough-House Outdoor Antics Halloween was just a frolic in Bis marck. Pranks went hardly beyond annoyance The police blotter was clear of arrests or complaints and Police Magistrate Allen had no cases. Up to noon no damage had been re ported by merchants or householders. This may have been largely due to the tendency to turn the eery eve into a round of social festivities. Parties more and more are taking the place of the old-time mischief which used to mount farm wagons on barn roofs and move small outbuildings to prem ises where they didn't belong. Even the old tick-tack of a pin. a nail and a long string to irritate householders with its tapping on windows is going into the discard. So last evening there were a lot of children’s costume parties in settings of grinning carved pumpkins, paper witches riding brooms and other ghostly decorations. Also a lot of bridge parties among the adult folks. As far as dances went, that of the Bismarck lodge of Elks at the Dome was the big event. Several hundred persons attended. Members from throughout the county, from Dickin son and Miles City were among those present. Some of the Halloween social events will be belated. The Lions club, for instance, will hold its celebration on its weekly meeting date, which is Monday. The event, a dinner ,and dance, will be held at the Patterson Terrace Gardens in the evening. The Mandan Lions will join in the affair, which will be ladies night also. SHOOTING OF BOY HALLOWEEN MYSTERY Howard, S. D.. Nov. 1. —</P> —The death of Milo Wilson. 14-year-old Howard high school bqy. by a rifle shot at Vilas, last night, puzzled offi cers today. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Wilson, farmers living near Vitas, ac companied a truck load of Howard Young people to Vilas to attend a Halloween dance. The shooting occurred about 11 o’clock in the roar of a blacksmith shop. John Benesch. arrested pend ing an inquiry, denied shooting the boy. The principal clue is the bullet which entered the back of the boy’s head. THREE FATALITIES FOR EVE IN NEW ENGLAND Boston. Nov. -Three fatal ities were on record today—the toil of Halloween in New England. Two of the deaths occurred at Fall H. W. VOIGT for Justice of the Peace Your voir "KJ'pnrt will he ni»l»i’ccla Jrtl. (Pol. Aflv. > First Class Shoe Repairing Bismarck Shoe Hospital HENKY BLKMAN I top BltmarclL N. IJak Indian Head -SavesMoney PRICE PKR TON Delivered Bin l,n*p end 6 In. $4.00 13.50 Fill roar bln early I'bone It d'JtIDBtiT ELEVATOR CO. TIS Front 91. Blamarck River, where 12-year-old Irene Le vesque was fatally burned when a draft sucked her party dress into an other child’s jack o’lantern, and Miss Lena Paquette, 40. suffered burns which resulted in her death when she went to the child’s aid. At Westford, Vt.. 81dney Peckham, 13. was fatally wounded by his 16- year-old brother, Ellsworth, who play fully pointed a gun at Sidney and pulled the trigger. TWO SEEM FATALLY HURT IN HALLOWEEN TRAGEDIES Seattle, Nov. I.—«'/P) —One youth was shot and seriously wounded, two persons were hurt probably fatally and four youngsters were nursing in juries. today, as the cost of Hal loween gaiety in Seattle and Tacoma. BIG CELEBRATION IS HELD AT DEVILS LAKE Devils Lake. N. D., Nov. I.—(jpi— Over 3,000 persons in Devils Lake last night participated in the biggest hal loween celebration ever held here. A mammoth parade 13 blocks long was held, together with programs conduct ed for children. Vote for Alta B. Herman for county auditor. (Pol. Adv.) jj m ■ ::r'\ ' I I. "Mother says there is no better cough medicine for children than Foleys Honey and Tar, and we too find it so Mrs c "ce*lvu. Quickly effective. No opiates, no in gredient that a careful mother hesitates to give her child Ask for Foley'a. Family size, a real thrift buy. NOTICE TO GAS USERS Get your garbage and waste paper hauled once a week for 61.00 per month. Ashes and Garbage, hauled from basement, 51.50 Have done this work for years. Phone 1132-W. T. M. BURCII 223 Twelfth Street American Metal Weather Strip Co. All-Metal Weather Strip Equipment for All Kinds of Windows and Doors Oaves Fuel—Keeps out dust, wind and water, keeps windows from rattling, makes heating problem easy and economical. The saving in fuel alone will pay for ihe Installation and makes our equipment a paying investment and not an expense. Why no! let us furnish you free estimates before pine* ingr your order? SALES AND SERVICE OFFICE W. K. LAPAUGH 101 Seventh Ave. NW. Mandan, N. D. Phone 128-M H. R. BONNY Candidate for JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Election Nov. 4, 1930 Pol. Adv. CHRYSLER SIX j^ $ 745 and up, f o. b. factory Record Low Prices Made STILL LOVER! A Chrysler Six at present reduced prices marks an altogether new record in six-cylinder automobile value. Think of Chrysler performance, Chrysler smartness and Chrysler quality being offered at such low prices—in a Chrysler Six that has the advantages of all the newer developments of Chrysler progress over the first famous Chrysler Six that six years ago sold for more than twice today’s prices. Today’s Chrysler Six has a 62 - horsepower high - compression Chrysler engine mounted on rubber; Iso*therm pistons; low swung perfectly-balanced chassis; self-adjusting spring shackles; hydraulic shock absorbers; quiet all-steel bodies of dreadnought strength; safe, sure, internal hydraulic brakes. Here is value never before obtainable even in a Chrysler. CHRYSLER SIX PRICES: Coupe $74 5/ Touring $785; Roadstet $785; Royal Coupe $783; 4-Door, $-Window Royal Sedan $795. All prices f, o. b. factory {wire wheel equipment extra). Cor win-Churchill Motors, Inc. Phone 700 BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA Believe Paralysis Epidemic Checked Northfield, Minn., Nov. I.—(/P)—-In fantile paralysis at Carleton college today was believed checked and the situation was called “very satisfac tory,” by Dr. Neil S. Dungay, direc tor of the college health service. Five students are under treatment for the disease, one at his home In Minne apolis. All are making satisfactory progress, Dr. Dungay said. TOO LATE TOiCLASSIFY FOR RENT—-Furnished room in modern home with or without board, right downtown. Call at 311 Fourth street or phone 627-M. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished sleep ing rooms in modern home. Close to bath. Hot wafcer heat. Private entrance. Close in. Comer Fifth street and Rosser. 402 Fifth. Phone 246-M. FOR -RENT—Strictly modern five room bungalow, newly decorated, immediate possession. Inquire at 502 Seventh street. (I ivTiTiT® v| I Vt I I PmR Mm Worn-oat spark pings cause hard starling, slow pick-up, poor idlini, loss of power. A new set of AC's will insure easy starting, fast pick-up, brilliant performance. P Spark AC PlugV w r- - • Music by Trondson and his S, S. President Jefferson orchestra. They are on their way to the west coast from Minneapolis. Next Saturday night th? famous Royal Knight colored orchestra will entertain you,