North Dakota’s
Oldest Newspaper
Bismarck Sets Building Record
State Campaign Ends With Flood of Oratory
Control of Legislature Will Be
Determined by Outcome
in Seven Districts
Proposed Four-Year Term for
State Officers Meets
Strong Opposition
(By The Associated Press)
A final flood of oratory spread
over North Dakota today as the
state’s political campaign, which
gained momentum in the final stage,
neared an end, and voters prepared
to cast their ballots for state, county,
congressional and legislative nomi
nees Tuesday.
Legislative contests in seven dis
tricts held chief interest, with the
control of the legislature expected to
be determined by the outcome of
these contests. Independent and
Nonpartisan campaigners will con
clude an intensive campaign in these
districts tonight and then will re
turn home to await the verdict of the
Second District Doabtfnl
In the congressional contests, the
second district held the greatest in
terest with a hot contest being waged
between Thomas Hall, Republican
candidate for reelectlon, and P. W.
Lanier, Democratic candidate. Both
will speak over the radio here tonight.
United States Senator Gerald -P.
Nye entered the list of campaigners
during the week-end, with talks in
behalf of the Nonpartisan candidates
at Beulah and Killdeer Sunday. He
is scheduled to speak at Scranton
and Rhame today.
Attorney General James Morris
will speak in eastern Foster county
tonight to end an intensive speak
ing tour in legislative districts where
contests'asw being waged. Iver Ack
er, state tax commissioner, Lieuten
ant Governor John Carr, and other
speakers have also made numerous
speeches in behalf of Independent
A constitutional amendment to ex
tend the terms of state and county
officers was before the electorate.
While Independents have urged adop
tion of the amendment, Nonpartisans
were waging a campaign against it.
Get Out the Vote Is Plea
Speakers in their final appeals to
day stressed the necessity of “get
ting out the vote.” They warned
against indifference.
On the state ticket Republican
nominees for reelection were gener
ally conceded their election, and prac
tically no campaign has been made
(Continued on page nine)
Trio Arrested by Local Police
Two Hours After Robbery
in Emmons County
Three men who confessed, accord
ing to Police Chief Chris J. Martine
son, that they held up and robbed a
pool hall at Kintyre two hours before,
were arrested by Bismarck police
shortly before 1 o’clock this morning.
The trio turned over a total of
$84.77, which Martineson said they
admitted they had taken in the rob
The men are Jack Hudd, 24, who is
said to have illegally crossed the Ca
nadian border into Montana recently;
Jack Gilbert, 19, Creighton, Neb.; and
Bernhardt Eichhorst, 20, Falkirk.
They were taken to the Emmons
county jail at Linton this morning by
Sheriff A. H. Fischer.
According to the local police head,
the men admitted planning the rob
bery while in Bismarck Sunday and
drove to Kintyre in Eichhorst's auto
mobile, taking a shotgun with them.
Arriving there they entered the E.
E. Lesher pool hall, where they or
dered a lunch. About 10:30 o’clock
they produced their shotgun and
lined up the seven patrons of the
place and robbed them, according to
the police -report. Mr. Lesher. the
proprietor, had S2OO in cash in an
inner pocket which they failed to get.
When they fled in an automobile,
Linton police communicated with the
Bismarck force. The arrest was made
near the state penitentiary.
■ ■■■ 1 ■ v
Embarassing Moment
Had by Campaigner
Mohall, N. D., Nov. 3.—<#)—C- E.
Colcord, veteran auditor of Renville
county, knows what is meant by “my
most embarrassing moment.”
/ campaigning for reelectlon, he pre
sented his card to a woman near
Colcord tells it:
“She looked at me after examining
the card and said cordially she
would most certainly vote for me as
the man who now held the office had
been there long enough.”
Concord left promptly and without
Carrington Youth Killed in Shotgun Duel
Above is a' picture showing the wild oil well, which threatened Oklahoma City with destruction in the event of
a fire, before it was curbed by the use of a huge mechanical device.
Difficulties Encountered in ‘lm
porting* Business Held
Cause of Change
Detroit, Nov. 3.—<£>)—The theory
that down-river rum runners have
turned to kidnaping because of un
favorable conditions in the “import
ing” business was investigated today
by detectives of the Detroit police
blackhand squad in their search for
Charles Kaler, reputed wealthy re
tired real estate dealer, held since last
Thursday night by kidnapers.
Inspector John Hoffman, head of
the blackhand squad, said that with
the passage of the Canadian law for
bidding export of liquor to the United
States, rum runners have turned to
“shaking down” wealthy persons who
for various reasons would not appeal
to the law for protection. Up to the
past few days, however, threats rath
er than acts have been used to obtain
Kaier was taken from his home
Thursday night by four men who
posed as federal prohibition agents.
One of them showed a badge and said
they were taking Kaier to the United
States district attorney’s office.
Shortly after her husband left with
the men, Mrs. Kaier received by tele
phone a demand for SIO,OOO ransom.
She did not communicate with police
but managed to Induce the kidnapers
to accept $2,000.
Detectives learnd of the kidnaping
through unannounced sources and
trailed Mrs. Kaier to a hotel where
she went to deliver the ransom
money. She waited several horns
Saturday afternoon and night, but
the kidnapers’ agent failed to appear.
Two detectives sat in the lobby near
the woman and others were waiting
in the street. Mrs. Kaier went home
in an hysterical condition and neigh
bors called police.
Inspector Hoffman said Joseph
“Peajacket” Woznlak, alleged rum
runner Indicted two years ago in con
nection with the bribing of two-score
border customs patrolmen, called at
the Kaier home several times and fi
nally was taken into custody for
questioning. Entrance of Woznlak
into the case led Hoffman to believe
Kaier was acquainted with rum run
ners and is held by them for ransom.
Death Takes Noted
Methodist Editor
Flint, Mich., Nov. 3.—(/P)—Dr.
George Elliott, one of the most prom
inent figures of the Methodist Epis
copal church in the United States and
editor of the Methodist Review of
New York city, died Sunday at the
home of a nephew, Arthur C. Elliott,
Flint attorney.
Mary Garden to Exercise Privilege
Of Ending Argument With Editor
Amarillo, Tex., Nov. 3.—(JF)—Mo
mentarily casting aside the role of
singer, Mary Garden intends to ex
ercise the proverbial privilege of end
ing an argument here tonight as part
of her concert program.
The singer who was described last
year by Gene Howe, Amarillo editor,
as being “so old she teetered,” an
nounced she would preface her con
cert with a brief discussion of Howe
and his knowledge of opera.
Miss Garden and Howe had tea
together yesterday and as an occa
sion for passing the calumet, the
event was a success. But Miss Gar
den said afterward Howe was “the
queerest person I have ever encount
Wild Oil Gusher Before It Was Curbed
* Will Scatter Ashes
Of Father on Ocean
♦ : »
Sydney, Nov. 3— (/P) —Charles Kings
ford-Smith is to scatter his father’s
ashes over the Pacific in accordance
with an ante-mortem request. Wil
liam Kingsford - Smith died a few
days after his son returned from
aerial conquests at the Atlantic and
Pacific oceans.
Wood Says Public Building Pro
gram Now Means Econ
omy; Aid for Jobless
Washington, Nov. 3.—Of)—-Figures
compiled to show the economic ad
vantages of immediate public con
struction were issued today by Chair
man Woods of the president’s em
ployment committee to support his
appeal for Increased federal, state and
municipal building.
Because of present cost levels it was
estimated a saving of nine to 20 per
cent would be gained by building now,
in addition to the beneficial effect on
At the same time. Woods announced
the appointment of two more men to
the directing staff of his organization
for the relief of suffering among the
Frank Bane, of Richmond, Va.,
state commissioner of public welfare,
was named regional director for the
nine southeastern states.
James C. Lawrence, dean of admin
istration of the University of Minne
sota, was appointed to act in Wash
ington as “a clearing house for re
gional directors.” Dean Lawrence
arrived in Washington today.
Woods’ office issued an appeal and
warning from Miss Grace Abbott,
chief of the children’s bureau, that
relief must be accelerated to prevent
suffering among the children of the
unemployed. '
Colonel Woods said he had obtained
his figures to indicate substantial
savings to taxpayers on public works
projects at this time from a survey
made at his request by the commerce
department’s division of public con
He reported that present bids on
construction at points east of the
Mississippi averaged between 14 and
15 per cent below estimates for 1929,
with the decrease greater on smaller
buildings than on projects of major
Howe, however, capitulated com
pletely and declared he was her “de
voted admirer for life.”
Tea was served at the Howe home
to 50 invited guests, while several
hundred uninvited guests surged
around outside.
“I think I was the only one there
who really had tea,” Miss Garden said
afterward. “I learned that a Texas
tea party is really a coffee party ”
The traditional Texas Vaquero cos
tume of boots, chaps, six shooter and
ten gallon sombrero were left at
home for the occasion and Howe
wore a frock coat, while Mayor Ern
est O Thompson appeared in a din
ner jacket.
Two Men Give Lives in Futile
Attempt to Save Woman;
Third Man Escapes
Havana, Nov. 3.— (JPh- Bodies of two
American vice consuls in Cuba and
of the wife of one were sought today
in Matanzas bay aft’r a drowning
tragedy in which the two men died in
a futile attempt to save the woman.
The three drowned were John Til
lotson Wainwright, 32, of New York.
American vice consul at Matanzas,
and Mr. and Mrs. William I. Jack
son of Madison, 111. Mr. Jackson, who
was 36, was vice consul at Havana.
A third vice consul, Sydney Gest of
Havana, barely escaped with his life
in a futile attempt to rescue the trio
when his wife found a long pole snd
pulled him to shore.
The three vice consuls were spend
ing Sunday with their wives at
Matanzas. Mrs. Jackson climbed to
the top of a high cliff overlooking
the bay. A sudden swirl of wind
caught her and blew her over the
cliff into the bay.
Her husband, hearing her screams,
jumped in after her, but in a moment
it appeared certain to those on the
shore his attempt would be futile iu
the rcugh water. Wainwright then
dove into the bay, and for a moment
all three could be seen on the crest
of a wave.
A moment later Gest went into the
water also but was soon exhausted
without seeing the trio again and
tried to get back to shore. He prob
ably would have drowned too had not
his wife pulled him out with the pole.
Rescue parties were got together by
the Gests, but the waves were run
ning high and attempts to find the
bodies finally had to be abandoned
until today.
Shafer Improves
Enough to Sit Up
Governor George F. Shafer, recov
ering from an operation for appen
dicitis, showed continued improve
ment today. He was able to sit up in
a chair Sunday, and planned on sit
ting up for short periods today.
Archbishop Dowling
Is Reported Better
St. Paul, Nov. 3.—(/P) —lmprovement
in the condition of Archbishop Aus
tin Dowling, 62, head of the St. Paul
diocese of the Roman Catholic church,
was reported by his physicians today.
The archbishop, suffering from com
plications arising from a heart ail
ment, has been hovering between life
and death for a week, his physicians
several times abandoning hope for his
Jamestown Boy Is
Accidentally Shot
Jamestown, N. D., Nov. 3.— Of) —
Bert Lanning, 14-y|ar old son of Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Lanning of James
town, was accidentally shot Saturday
afternoon, when he and a companion
were target shooting.
The bullet entered his right side,
puncturing the intestines. He was
operated on and his condition was
reported critical.
Ellendale, N. D., Nov. 3.—(^Pj—ln
the closing game of the season the
Valley City Vikings defeated the El
lendale Normal and Industrial school
football team here Saturday 26 to 0.
Fight Followed Automobile Acci-
dent Sunday Evening; Ter
minated Argument
Nine Shots Said to Have Been
Exchanged; Victim Was
Shot in Head
New Rockford, N. D., Nov. 3.— (JF) —
David Vote, 23, Carrington, is dead and
four Jamestown men are in jail here as
the results of a gunfight which fol
lowed an automobile accident last
night. Eddy county authorities are
investigating the case.
The Jamestown men held In con
nection with the shooting are Emil
Kerner, Ray Aggla, G. A. Ness and
J. V. Walsh.
Ness and Walsh were wounded dur
ing the shooting affray.
Following a hunting trip, Vote and
his companion, Eldar O’Leary, accord
ing to authorities, were driving south
from New Rockford. About four miles
south of town they decided to turn
around at an intersection and return.
During the turn their truck was
struck by an automobile owned by
Ness, whose machine went into the
ditch and was disabled. No one was
Injured, however.
An argument ensued over damage
settlement and, according to Sheriff
Carl Thompson, Vote and O’Leary
apparently were willing to make some
sort of a settlement. No agreement
was reached, however, and Vote and
O’Leary drove westward Into a field
.about half a mile.. . They -wera fol
lowed on foot by the Jamestown men,
Sheriff Thomson said.
Vote and O’Leary had two shot
guns in their truck and during the
renewed argument Vote came into
possession of one gun and one of the
four Jamestown men got the other,
Sheriff Thompson said. About nine
shots are said to have been exchanged
and a good part of Vote’s head was
blown away. O’Leary made his escape
by running away into the darkness
during the shooting, which occurred
about 9 p. m.
Ness and Walsh came to New
Rockford and reported the affair
while Kerner and Aggla remained in
the field, Sheriff Thompson said.
When the sheriff arrived at the scene,
he found Vote’s body but Kerner and
Aggla had left. Later they were en
countered on the street in New Rock
ford, where they said they were look
ing for officials.
Sheriff Thompson and State’s At
torney N. J. Bothne said they had
not completed an investigation of the
affair and had no announcement to
make concerning what steps would
be taken. Sheriff Thompson said an
Inquest probably will be held Tuesday
or Wednesday.
Await Information
Of Freighter’s Fate
San Francisco, Nov. 3.—(/P) —Word
was awaited here today of the fate of
the Japanese freighter Seiyo Maru,
reported helpless and in a sinking
condition in the North Pacific early
Although the steamer California
had the stricken ship's position, and
at last reports, was battling rough
weather in attempting to reach the
scene and rescue the 40 men aboard
the disabled vessel, no word had
reached here early today of the Cal
ifornia's progress.
Duluth, Minn., Nov. 3.—<£>)—Walter
Drew, about 50, Bemidjl salesman,
was shot and killed by a farm hand
whom he had discharged. Rudolph
Mardli, 35, was taken into custody
and brought to the St. Louis county
jail here.
Most for the Money
The Bismarck Tribune, Burleigh county’s home-owned, home
operated, home-managed newspaper, is a candidate for election as
official newspaper at the election November 4.
It asks the support of its friends and readers in Burleigh county
on the basis of its record as an Institution of public service.
We believe that the voters and taxpayers will best serve their own
interests by voting for The Tribune. It will be a vote for public
economy to do so.
The duty of the official newspaper is to publish legal notices of
vital interest to the community. Obviously, it is to the public in
terest that these notices be printed in the newspaper of the largest
circulation so that they may be read by the largest number of people.
Designation of The Tribune as official newspaper costs the
taxpayers the least possible amount of money because, under the
law, certain legal notices must be published in a daily newspaper,
if one is printed in the county, regardless of whether it is the official
newspaper. Election of The Tribune will prevent a duplication of
expense since, in such cases, the official newspaper would print the
same notices.
The Tribune, in its editorial and business policy, feels Itself
directly responsible to the people of Burleigh county. It supports
their best Interests. It seeks to wield no political or other selfish
It does strive, every day, to publish a newspaper which brings
to Burleigh county citizens the news of the werld cleanly and fairly
told, without bias or partisanship.
On this basis The Tribune asks your consideration and will ap
preciate your support.
Wins $55,000 for Loss of Beauty
A jury in a New York court has awarded Clara Joel, above, former actress,
$55,000 damages against a taxicab company for injuries to her face and vocal
chords suffered when a taxi in which she was riding crashed into a pole of
an elevated railroad. She is the wife of William Boyd, film star. Testifying
that she had been unable to pursue her career since the accident due to
the loss of her voice, she originally asked a Judgment of SIOO,OOO.
y— —V
Too Much Luxury
Is Fatal to Toads
Oklahoma City, Nov. 3.— <;P)—Such
are the perils of civilization. Two
toads that were found in an Indian
mound where some scientists hold
they had been alive 300 years or so,
are dead. Evidently they ate too
many flies in luxury since coming
to light.
Blast Showers Part of Kansas
City With Burning Oil;
Cause Not Determined
Kansas City, Nov. 3.—(£”) —A gaso
line storage tank exploded at the
White Eagle Oil corporation plant
here today, showering flames over a
business building, several garagss and
shattering windows of a northbound
Mlssourl-Kansas-Texas pass eng e r
Firemen and workers at tne plant
attempted to prevent the flames
from spreading to five other tanks
containing more than 15,000 gallons
of oil and gasoline.
Passengers on the train were
thrown from their seats but none was
injured dangerously.
Witnesses said a truck backed up
to the tank. It was believed a spark
resulting from contact of the metal
truck with the tank igUted the gaso
line. The driver of the truck was not
found immediately.
San Francisco, Nov. 3.—(/P)—The
Bank of America National Trust and
Savings association and its affiliated
State bank, the Bank of America,
opened hundreds of branches
throughout California today as suc
cessors to the Bank of Italy and the
Bank of America of California.
Flood of Gas and Oil Constituted
Real Peril to Oklahoma
Oklahoma City, Okla., Nov. 3. —(/T)—
The outlaw gusher, its volcanic fury
curbed by a giant iron die nipple, the
device which conquered the famous
“Wild Mary” Sudik, surged in vain
against restraining connections today
while Oklahoma City breathed its
Described as the greatest peril in
the history of this 011-beleagured mu
nicipality, the number 1 C. E. Stout
gusher of the Morgan Petroleum
company shot 300 feet into the air
its amazing volume of gas and oil,
estimated at 100,000,000 cubic feet and
75,000 barrels daily, for nearly four
As a spectacular climax, waste oil
on the north Canadian river, on the
south bank of which the well is lo
cated, became ignited about seven
miles downstream from the well a few
minutes before the army of workmen
succeeded in harnessing the gusher
yesterday afternoon.
The vast clouds of rolling black
smoke, spreading the rumor “oil fire,”
attracted thousands of Sunday motor
ists to • the scene —or as near the
scene as traffic congestion would per
mit. The swift current of the river,
feeding fresh fuel to the flames, also
prevented the blaze from gaining
headway upstream. The inferno, ex
hausting its fuel supply after the well
was shut in, burned itself out late
last night.
No effort was made to check the
fire which did little damage despite
the ominous smoke column which
billowed skyward, visible 80 miles
The river fire came just 24 hours
after another spectacular but virtual
ly harmless blaze, a grass fire north
east of the wild gusher which precipi
tated rumors that the wild well itself
was ablaze and throwing the city into
a fever of excitement.
Warnings of the hazards of gas
saturated atmosphere and oil covered
roofs were issued by E. M. Fry, city
manager, who pointed serious danger
still existed despite the shut-in.
Exclusive Lincoln terrace residences
were sprayed by the oil mist, which
was carried by wind as far north as
the governor’s mansion, much farther
than the heart of the city.
Owners of the well today faced
the prospect of a half a hundred
or more damage suits because of the
far-reaching activities of their wild
geyer of oil. Several suits already
have been filed.
Minnesota Legion
May Help Jobless
Duluth, Nov. 3.— (JP) —Minnesota’s
500 American Legion posts today were
called upon to immediately organize
in helping relieve unemployment con
dition during the coming winter.
In a statement issued here today.
A. B. Kapplln, department command
er, urged the 30,000 members of the
Minnesota Legion to respond to the
nation-wide appeal of Ralph T.
O’Neil, national Legion cammander, to
end unemployment. Po6t command
ers of Minnesota are asked to form
special employment committees in an
effort to find jobs for World war
The Weather
Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday
Colder Tuesday.
City Auditor’s Books Show Ag-
gregate Only $120,000
Short of Million
Courthouse and Memorial Build*
ing Give Appreciable Aid
In Swelling Figures
Bismarck’s building year so far in
10 months has aggregated in value of
structures erected the total of a year
and a half of its previous best build
ing season. The year of depression
all over the world paradoxically has
seen this city roll up its greatest to
tal of new building investment. Com
pilation of the permit records kept by
City Auditor M. H. Atkinson shows
this total to fall only $120,125 short of
sl,ooo,ooo—that is the total is $879,-
The two big public structures, the
war memorial community building—
which is rated at $200,000 on the per
mit—and the new Burleigh county
courthouse, rated at s2so,ooo—have
helped to swell the unusual figures
by their $450,000 aggregate.
Residences and dwellings furnish
the second item of the $879,875. Their
total is $151,200.
$100,425 For Business Buildings
Business buildings and stores ag
gregate $100,425. Additions to busi
ness buildings and residences total
$74,800. Alterations of business build
ings stores and residences total $47,-
825. Private garages total $8,575. One
public garage is listed at $2,000. If
the items for new business buildings
and alterations of others are added
together as business building invest
ment, their total is $172,280.
The new Trinity Lutheran church
adds $45,000 to the total.
The smallest item is SSO, for A
chlckea house.
Some of the largest items in the
list classify In the minor designations
of alterations or additions. The new
Wachter warehouse built for the use
of the Winston-Newell company,
while in fact a major structure coat
ing $50,000, classifies a 6 an addition
to the new storage plant of the pre
ceding summer. The addition to the
Wachter school also runs into major
figures at SIB,OOO.
Big Alteration Items
Large building operations included
in the alterations classification are
the alterations to the City National
bank building by W. H. Webb for oc
cupancy by Tittle Brothers and the
L of the Woodworth store, which are
listed as costing $12,000, the Wool
worth alterations at 402 Main avenue,
costing $6,000 and the George D.
(Continued on page six)
Man Arrested at New Rockford
Said to Be Implicated in
Two Mail Robberies
Minot, N. D., Nov. 3.—OP)—Facing a
charge of mail theft in Minot, Henry
Kenneth Larry, 24, is to be returned
here today from New Rockford where
he was apprehended Saturday.
Larry has confessed to being im
plicated In stolen mall crimes at
Minot and Wenatchee, Wash., ac
cording to J. J. Doherty of Minot
postoffice inspector, upon whose com
plaint a warrant charging mail theft
was issued today by United States
Commissioner Thomas B. Murphy,
Larry is said to have denied actual
theft of a mail sack In Minot last
week, but said it was handed to him
by another man and he opened it and
joined in investigating its contents.
When arrested at New Rockford,
Larry had $1,485 on his person, most
of which was loot obtained from the
mail sack stolen here. The loot con
sisted principally of money orders
and checks, most of which were
negotiable. It included two certi
iicaies or deposit totaling about
both of which had been indorsed.
Larry told the inspector that be had
served three years in a reformatory
in Michigan. He has the marks of
two bullet wounds on his body which
he says he received while attonpting
to flee from police at Detroit, Mich.
Larry came here .rom Glasgow,
Mont., where he was arrested on a
vagrnacy charge and given a 30-day
sentence, but was released after serv
ing a few days.
A <'
Find Ancient Worms
Preserved in Rock
A -4
Chicago, Nov. 3.—(flV-Worms, es
timated by scientists to be 390,000,000
years old, are on display here.
They were found, preserved as cor
bonaceous matter, near Blue Island*
111., by Brian Patterson, of the de
partment of geology of the field
museum, where they were placed on
“Worms” said Patterson, “being
soft-bodied creatures, are compara
tively rare as fossils and usually the
only traces of them are their burrows
cr tracks.
“To find them in abundance, press
ed flat between layers of a shaly rock
and preserved as a thin sheet of
carbonaceous matter, as was the case
in this nearby Chicago locality, Is in
deed a rare thing.” n _