J f y y - k TRIBUNE'S PAGE OF COMIC STRIPSAND FEATURES w ■ J SIDE GLANCES - - - By George Clark jj ® 19318Y SMVICt IMC. "But, my dca»-. these young men you're Inviting to your wedding— are jou sure you're not still engaged to any of them?” - j NOW YOU TELL ONE | GET THE JOKE? | SAVING THE CANDY * “.Tack. dear, why are some women' called Amazons?” | sKC “Well, my dear. I rpmpmber learn-[ C U > ing that the Amazon river has the | V argest mouth—" ML And then the door slammed—Tit* USE FOR A SLEUTH UJ—l Second: You'll be all right soon. old Gent: Why are you putting a Fred —we've sent for a detective for m U zzi e on your little brother? • ver - Tommy: ’Cause I'm sending him Boxer: Wot for. to the store for some candy.—Path- Second: To 'elp you to find the finder. bloke you're supposed to be hit tin'.— Passing Show. ONE OF MANY 7 "Do . vou P la v golf?” ; SURPRISING -N 0 but i' m hanged if I can give! Elderly Hostess —So you are the i up •• daughter of my old friend Margaret i Brown. I was at your christening' .. . r cnnM , . . . . . , „„ t,,,. | It does seem harsh to make Europe ; hai ' * d ’ pay War dabtS When she s SO POOr that how you hate changed! j she has only thirty million dollars to her name. It isn’t necessary to effect any economies in the navy. The next in- FNTFRPRmr tern&tlonal conference will do that. , Tm afrald 100 ,„ t [or tho Two can live a» cheaply as one at {° b .F ve alrfad s' had 25 000 ld P llc >-I the home of the brides parents. j ..^ eU whal abdut employlng me . . , .. classify the applications?"—Glasgow Call money down to 1 per cent! I riti _ ' Isn't that fine! And yet. eggs at 1 I ’ cent a dozen don’t help much If the man won't sell you any. I The objection to jailing people for I debt, as England does. Is that it would But why compare conditions with require more jails and thus more 1929. A sober man ran t gauge his ; taxes and thus more debt. health by comparing his present feel- j ings to the wav he felt when he was! This generation, says a dancing stewed i master, can t, bow from the waist. It Observation will teach you almost > spanking. everything except who wears the No. ! 2 slippers shown in the window. • THE OLD DAYS i There was a time when, if a man Aren't the Russians wicked! They sewed on his own buttons and drew teach boys to be useful servants of the hole in his sock together, it the state instead of gangsters. meant he was a bachelor. The Spaniard seems determined to ! Feeling rich while living on credit; teach Rome a lesson If it takes the , feeline noor while keeping out of debt, last orphan asylum. '—Americanism. i Daily Cross-word Puzzle — —— ACROSS Solution of Yesterday’s Puzzle * On the ocean l. Genus of bl- 5- Relied vaHe mol- . , . . __ .——.— 6. Grow old tusks fAR C’sßS P AIRiEHAIWIEIS 7. Pertaininr to 5. Drop the bait U ■ ■ . . . .81.. . , 1 , or fixed by lightly on M 0 ,° ~ W T | l L E | P M g £ Y.IU weight . liVrmb IfT OiL I IoMEILoTpIeME R Tin g. Scheme v essel S! E 9 - Inclined to re -32. Beers MMM c C Q dHfTo'sHI cene 33. Pelf If. Unify 14. Siberian river iM () B|BP F M|O;V ! AiLMBS ,E A it. Strife 35. Tropical fruit o'o ' r M E lYi A' R D 19 - Beverage 37. Genus of the TTcTifT?mp M I■£ E - 3 - Bard maple tree |g. L t Tfc Kgr l 25. High, pointed !IS. Quantity per R E DiN ES T L ESISA D hill unit of time 20. Finished ADSBOWE DM flowers 122. South Amen- ' MMI li Bl IN E D -8- Affirmative i 2t. Go™ mer I lo!nIA|MC R o R|E 23. Went'V -126. Lift with a JR E tßu TT E RIEA S E Hesitating •e'er M M oi. Feminine '23. Huge mythical 5 E S A R name bird 33. Before 2'° rs , hi j» G Formal pro- 67. tn*rt gas of 42 - Hebrew pro- IV 1 cessions the air .. _ Pbet 3r Measure , j_tke 58. Transmit 4 2- 'J?I*’ 1 *’, 8 34. Age ' 4.,. Float of logs 35. City of the 5". Small ru-3 p r i oj l,,, 46. State posi leaning 62. Hail and fare- stones lively tower well . 47. Contradict Sfi. Impassive 53. To a point DOWN Minute par -38. Foliage inside 1. Boy tide 40. Flowed £5. American 2. Guido's high- 43. Male children 41. Regret Indian cst note 51. 2000 pound* »2 Exist 56. Moor 3. Slanderer 54. Born INCE ANDY OF* *250,0 00. 00 - ON TOM CARR 9 STOCK- ALU THAT IS NtARD AROUND THE GUMP HOUSE HOLb w IS ToM CARR- Tow, CA.RR- Tom clrr- VVIbOW MAGE MALE A MILLION on tom Carr's ADVICE- IT IS OUST TOO MUCH FOR UNCLE BIM IT HAS BURNED HIM UP- mnacip. , rAn rsr time "'W t/ BUT rv,e GOt A LITTLE JT WALT OEAR, NOU'RE WORKING * „.°.i° UR .? 6 .-!' C y.g T J". M6 M I LMO 6S ASJD t MAS BE ABLE | ! TOO '*»***> OP BRING.Mg\ LAKB LARVA BUT REPAIRS I I "l j' '\ || £ ' J NW y zx»3 s^J — — , —■—■— ■ ** FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Steele Gets » Surprise! By Blosser vou’re cebta\nlv \ too D\Dn'T A Slm MAM\hiCi A BAO Run or \ HOLD A / PARTNER . » rJ: LUCK, LADY'S. LOSING DECENT HAND vaEU. BEAT ■ OCrrtutW tur / FRlDtfcr' AND AGAIN “foDAv; J ALL J THEM NE%T B V7*S2 MOM’N POP The Second Session! By Cowan Hetze, H&zes Cf/AtA/ sTone. amd waa/T(ed De- Ltve/zeo c. 0.0 t SALESMAN SAM She OnfhU Know! By Small Uj wen !mo yptfi V. look * r>t jf Zr 7 1 | out; OW« BOOTS AND HER buddies n*i jot Too Bad! By Martin THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE TUESDAY. JUNE 9 1931 YH<\ tom CARR AND HIS WILD CAT CUANfcb OF \ *250,000™ l ONIONS OP ! ) oh. Thai J f Mq/vr 7S. Pf err a b. .ay.tir.vrr y »»Mn|u #f ;: GASOLINE ALLEY—IT’S HARD TO KEEP SUCH A SECRET ’ UN HT WCW\ M/VU . wear. rr err omcg f western THE GUMPS—OLD ALSO RAN HE and HiE profit sharing schemes PROFIT SHEARING- IS WHAT I'D CALL IT- AND YOU’LL FIND THAT OUT TOO t WHY- HE'S NOTHING BUT A LITTLST > OP START - ft MPS. CULLER'S BOY TOLD g ME HOW YOU SAVED H\S v $! DAD* •• • you CERTAIN LY 3 OID A BRAVE DEED P* # tHsk 1 <$ GOING OVER *D ) )>* / %; REPORT TO MR HECTOR \ d 4&TMAT WE* VE LOST TRACE 7 ®OF HIS ROBY# - .—JtA r You'R.e. Got mg- To c AMY "\Yfes' ('Ft Got mg- To * Sone. KtMO OF- M&Ft&N 7& J PUT A LOOK Of* F>Y ~ (~r A A A/ ' \ I HATED TO TAKE \ AMD WHEN YOT uo CUufes/A GOOD SPOPT «HEM ILOStWffi Brn (SlMtlS VWAS HER OVNN l AMD \NE TbOly ABOUT LOSINQ-l'K IN A JAM-S 13.33. OUT.'* VNWKT A. FAULT. If SHE HAD \ THE LEAD /SURE SHE COULDN’T FLUFF-DOME l WAS TOD GO'NG.£ finessed wed JackX /. Af food it-you back for more ...i simply vk? L ?vS/ > —r\ knowhow people can't tell chick that Tmev jV , G&MBLtP ti^OEMV N 1 TKQO6HT HE WA6 TOO MOCK * 6EKST T SUP OP EEWNND ME iikM UPSTART- OR. wv ! IVI YT Ih'cOOUT ! *mKT SVJRB \S HKVWY WVTH S SVttfeO , c^ WEU.- YOU KNOW - I STARTED LIFE AS A BARE POPT SOY > _ aayself- r NNHV, l HAVE MIS RUBY, MV STARS? I CAM , OIOKT HERE WE HARDLY BELIEVE * (SOT IT FROM MY EYES / WHO WAS ON THAT V/ / vEMI VS) W l^I Ü BY NMgcwhaCHg vpca /S -OA/S / *«■*« wmi SHE OOESN’T KNOW MOW CLOSE SHE CAME TO r so«Ayo's 577 l V> <5 WELL - | WASN'T )V< esj f Know — vef ix V / Bilk ■ u »<