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The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, November 06, 1893, Image 1

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'" f U .f. C- x
EveningPaper &Sunday Morning.
D. P. Cloyd, Editor.
Charles KesSi-jler
D. P. Cloyd.
" TIMETABLE. .' , ,..W
. -Ja
No. 1, Express, 4:43 a.
No. 9. Passenger, 6:18 p
No. 13 Local Freight 2 20 p
No. 2. Express, 2:10 a. m
No. 10. Passenger, J.0:'-J0 a. m
No. 1 Local Freight, 1. p. m.
outh hound mail closes 5:45 p. m.
South bouua mail arrives 6:13 p. m.
Jorth bound mail eioses 10 a. m
North bound mail arrives 10:'J0 a. in.
Night mails are closed at 8.30 p. m.
iionev order department is opeu
at 8 a. m. and closed at 5 p. ui.
Office hours frc.m 8 a. ni to 6 p. in
Sundays from 2:30 p. in., to 3:30 p. m.
I .... L " IT... 1 9
Sv'MMeers Hakdy, Deputy.
... I
Judge Syme., ex. U. S. Con
gressman suicided at Denver
Association, conducted on the . "y get our a license, if the.
same manner of those of the state,, i c,,ukl e,and t, e Poacher off Th,j
enjoyed fighting life's battles to
i he u. ueeas more jnaivifii;
ilism and fewer partis tn and creed
Many hading Divines are in
dicting the second coming of
.Vhrist in the near future.
The Cherokee bonds have at lust
con sold. This will juit 7,00VjclJ-v
00 in circulation in the Cherokee
A..f me wui.u . uu .from Gainesville (his moving.
rent in jursuit ot hajpiness.
Vy think it consists in having Cotton took and upward tendency
d getting, and in being served j to-day, advancing about seven points
; other?. It consists in giving! Russell Williams went to Davison
d serving other.-.
THE President has np
painted Major Kidd of
1-diana, Mcssers. Daws of Massa-
; usetts and McKinnou of Arkan
t a commission ti treat with the
F;ve' Tribes.
A CiiANK from Idaho is threat-t:-.'.ng
President Cleveland. Some
I crnk may kill our president im-
-i Vining that he is sohdy responsi-
3 for the results of the silvea
ruE Pope never exercissd su-
-.r imacy in England before the re-
mation. He only exercised
- ; ritual jurisdiction with the con-
of the crown.'Catholicism like
deavor -
.vthiTior fluf is now fil
y to estao.'isn it stronsest
:rks in America.
ioc will do the greatest service
Ardmore and the Chickasaw
:ion if you raise, not the roofs
:he houses, but the souls of the
c. ple, for it is better that great
i. v.Is should dwell in small houses
;-,n mean souls lurk in great
h-s6cs. You do not have to own
& I :gal title in fee simple to the
Iv.r.ds of Ardmore or this Territory
f chgage in strengthing these edi-
ces and upbuilding this kind of
structure. You can do so by pat
resizing the Ardmoreitk.
You can buy a dollar white shirt
tz-r T9 cents at II. II. Russell's this
.ek. tf.
Have you seen llussell's line of
cv-'reoats they are daisies and very
C'.3:i;. ' if.
There is a movement at New
York to encourage marriage. Mar
rjages have fallen off at a fr ghtful
rate in the last 25 year?. Espe
cially have they declined in the
east, A marriace insuianco com
pany ha. been formed in Arkansas
with headquarters at Hoye. It is
conducted somcthing-on the order
of a life insurance company, par-.
ties marrying getting insurance
money as in the case of deatn.
Lending thir.kvrs of the east ciaim
that wealth detracts from marriage
and preven's-rr. -They prove their
position by statistics. The poor
girl ia always looking out for a
J home and is ready to marry any
ons who can furnish her with one.
The American rich girl always pur
chases a foreign husband witb a
title of some kind. Where she is
exceedingly wealthy sdis ia not
particular, according to the New
York New?, about marriage at all.
It is estimated that if marriage
continues to dec-ease as it has
:n .u . . u. m
in connecti m
witu the decrease
. Gf marriaffes
I ' (
is the alarming in-
crease of divorces. The Arkansas
I movement claims to hae estab
lished an institution which will
increase marriage among the poor,
j It u-ed to be common for a man and
. 1 .K
getner, ::nd wculu in alter year.
Lnast if this conflict with poverty.
St?tS"n hats at Russell?. tf.
Judge O. Love, of Marietta, is the
Engraving of a'l kinds
T. II. Parkers, the jeweler.
done at
.To Ptillliritic 'li!of rl n rl- fnmt lir.
'Sunday morning's train.
Joe Cuuningham went to Davis
Sunday morning.
The churches were all well attend,
ed last eveniug.
Sinkiller Griffin, is stiring up things
generally within the ranks of the col
ored population.
Mr. S. A. Brown, formerly a ci 3
zeu of Ardmore, but now of Norman,
O. T., is in town attending cour'.
Mesrs. Pena Art-Lard and Sam Mc
Kuzie, two prominent citizens of Leb
anon aie in the ciiv on legal business.
Ben Stuart a prominent Chicka
saw citizen and cattleman is in at
teudacce upou the U. S. Court.
Judge Hardy continues to improve
slowly but is yet far from being his
jf0rmer8clf -
The old Advertiser quarters are
being renovated and fitted p-p prepar
atory to the opening of a restaurant.
Judge Scott has returned from his
trip of recreation and is again presid
ing with his usual dignity over the
Commissioners Court.
Mr. J. S. Dillingham and Dick
Choate, good friends of the aimore
itk, as all Texians are, called on us
Jack frost has got in his work for
the last two nights and now the
green foliage has taken ou a somber
G. W. Holder came up from his !
farm yesterday. He reports every- J
thing in his locality as moving along remarked very signithcantiy tnis
satisfactorily. Cotton nearly all morning that his collapse demonstra
picked. j ted most forcibly to his mind the fal-
I lacy of the credit system so largely
wuuge vuax. i. oman resumea
court this forenoon with a full atteud-
anoe of litigants. The civii docket
was taken up And will be pushed to
a tini.sh.
Coi. Craveus a noted lawyer of Fort
C A 1 ! il A.
oiiiilu, Ar. is in uie cuy.
w rT tt c t i
Dr. W. H. Lrserv. of Lebanon w&
. .
John Criner, a prominent ranch
man is in town.
unver naiey or the Lanusav House
bar is in town with quarters at the
city Boarding house.
O. B. Kone, of Wynnewood, is in
town telling the court what he knows
that it desires to know.
Miss Daisy LaFlore of Limestone
Gap, Choctaw Nation is in the city
visitihg her sisterMrs.Geo.il. Webb,
.T.m.. n.. 4l
Barnett .house. Marietta, was up
Hon. c. c. "Potter, of Gainesville is
attendiusr court, He has a . number
of important cases on the civil docket.
Mrs. F- Fitch and Miss Murphy of
Gainesville, are in the city, guests of
the city boarding house.
The streets presented a lively ap-
"While attending conrt go to the
Cottage Home Hotel for a square
meal. tf.
S. S. Evauts, Jerrv Washington and
Judge Overton Love, all prominent
residents ol Marietta, are in town
attending court.
The Iron Store will sell 5011 dress
roods, from 25cts up per yard and
ill furnish the latest style of trim
n;ngs free of charge,
R. W. Fleming one of- Ardmore 's
leading carpenters and contractors,
will make and have lettered a large
ign board for the Ardmoreite.
The rickety old stairway leading up
to this otlice has been replaced by one
safe and substantial. Dout be atraid
to come to see us.
The Central hotel is the place
to get your dinner today. Tur
key and Cranoerry sauce.
In the V. y. court the day was
taken up iu making and arguing
motions. Regular proceed'ugs will
commence to-morrow.
W. M. Savage, a leading business
man of Lebanon, is in the city making
his headquarters around the court
The Ardmorite has amoig its crew
1 vocalist whoe abilities we do not
wish to be discovered, lest he should
he induced to take up with some
troupe of singers.
Sinkiller Griffin, cur brother in
black, is stiriug up the natives, in
Ardmore. Over 50 come forward for
prayer Jast night. There was not
staudiag room in the house.
Jeff Gilstrap was called upon to-day
to answer to the charge of hog theft.
The evideuce being insufficient to
make out a case the defendant was
Commissioner Thompson, for the
Ardmore court at Purceli and- Pauls
Valley came dowu Saturday evening,
remaining over Sunday the guest of
Yesterday morning three youug
gentlemen were out on Main street
with their wheels and were moving
along smoothly, until two of them
came iu collision. Aside from two
falls no injuries were sustained.
Peter O. Berge had a hearing be
fore commissioner Scott today upon
a charge ot disposing of mortgaged
property. He was disehargeH
The defendant hails from the
vicinity of Wynnewood.
A prominent merchant of this city.
who for twenty years has kuown D,
- M - Lawrence, mention or whose tau-
ure at Wynnewood appears elsewhere,
pursued 111 this country. Mr. L&w
rencp hud weathered the Storm8 for
MrlT . nllAPtP of K ceturv success-
ful!y but m;sfortutle OVCrtooK him in j
his dediuing years.
J The court, attorneys and jurors all
' A . .
pre sen i a raucn more pleasing- appear-
ancft thi morniuff, due to much need-
-- e
,ea recreation during the recess of
tholaot fa ut 4 a -n
The cass against Arnold alias John
son charged with fraud, is lu progress
eiurts iuinnsinuer ncoii. inis is
,tbe man c,aiming to have been the
jrepreseniaue oi casey as swassey
;otort worth, ty means of which be
jdid lan(l ffi ,,,. Jn fha
jritory j?
r, , tm.x.h- ,
jtally s,b-1iis father in the arm yes-
jterday with a Winchester. The
j wound is painful but not necessarily
i requiring amputation of the wounded
Mamma, said au Ardmo?e small
jbov, is it any harm to say cofferdam?
j o my son. It is no more h-irm
L. . . , .
;tnau to say mill dam. Why do you
sk such silly questions?
j Cause I saw an old old cow down
'in front of the Chieftain office and I
thought she would coff-her-dam old
head off.
Deputv Marshal. W. B. Freeman,
arrested near BurneyvHle two men
Sunday giving their names as AVard
and Eastman, having in their posses
sion nine quarts of the forbidden
juice and two ugly revolvers. They
plead guilty before commissioner
Scott and were held in bonds of $100
and $300 respectively, which they
The beautiful and accomplished
Miss Cora I add, of the Central hotel,
accompanied by Mrs Kitty Kim
brough and James M. Boatright,
called at the AuoMoKEiTESunoav, and
brought with them a most elegant
dinner. The dinner was enjoyed
heartily by the AHnMoRriTE force.
This hotel is becoming quite popular
with the public,
Capt. John L. Gait who is consid
ered authority on cotton receipts,
present and prospective, gives the
reporter the following estimates on
this season in Ardmore: Receipts
from wagons to date 14.000 bales
which he calculates about two thirds
of the crop. Ou this oasis there will
be 21,000 bales marketed during (he
yar which will be a little above the
receipts 01 last year.
The Baptist people have struck on
a new scheme for contributions. It
is plain and simple and doubtlessly
will prove effectual. Here it is; strall
printed envelopes with directions like
a doctors prescription, with blanks
for name of contributors the amount
contributed enclosed and . provisions
for ;he publication periodically of
names and amounts. The vital part
ot the directions arc "return prompt
ly." D.I. Lawrence & Co. of Wynne
wood tiled papers ot assignment to
day. J. M. Buchanan is named as
signee. Creditors to the amount of
$17194.00 are preferred w bile others
whose claims aggregate $16,275 are
included in a general way. Tbe assets
are given as follows: Stock of goods
$12,000, notes and accounts $25,000
and store house no value placed.
This firm did a very extensive busi
ness and was considered perfectly sol
vent. Failing to collect caused the col
lapse. I
Judge Stewart handed down his
decision th!s morning in the case of 1
Williams and Christie the two con
demned Cherokees who sought rellei
through the United States court by
habeas corpus proceedings. He
held that (he men were illegally in
dicted and as a natural consequence
illegally tried, convicted an ' con
demned to death and should be restor
ed thei1 liberties. A stay of execu
tion was ordered pending appeal, no
tice of which was given by Col. Cra-
vins representing the Cherokee nation.
The cases were ordered aocKetea ana
time giveu in which to file bill of ex
ceptions. The decision was volumi
nous citing many authorities and in
terpreting the Cherokee laws under
which these meni were indicted. It
was pronounced by alias an able doc
ument sound in conclusion' ami just
in scutiincnt.
One advantage Ardmore possess
es over all other places in the territo
ry is its banking institution, the City
National Bank of Ardmore. The
gentlemen of this bank are safe and
reliable and save many dollars to Ard
more and its tributaries, through
its just and reasonable rates. It is
sate and reliable and of great Impor
tance in carrying ou the extensive
commerces of Ardmore. See its ad
vertisement in another column. It
you have anything of a banking na
ture to do it might be of interest to
you to become acquainted with some
of its managers.
Go to Harshaw's for your meals
onlv 25cenU.
Harshaw sets the best table for
the least money of any man iu
town. t-f
The Ardmorkitb Intends to jrive the p.oplc
of Ardmore ii first class paper in etery ibape
in th e near future.
We call the special attention of the public to
our job office. We are prepared to do job work
at 3 low figures, and as nicely as any office iu
The Central Hotel always has a
rush but is ever ready to serve its
Ladd of the central knows how to
please his guests and as a consequence
his tables are always crowded.
The best, line of dress goods ever
shown will bo sold from 25cts up and I
furnished with the latest stvle of i
trimmings free of charge at the Iron
Store. lw
C. B. Ladd's new cook has re
turned and the rush to tho Central
hotel is something wonderful to
behold. 2t
Call at W. B. Frame's, at the city
drug store for Dr. Stegall's Sioax
Indian Tonic and Indian Oil during
his absence. t-f
'' O. S. Baily can be . found at Hall
fc Ityan's drng store. South Main
street. Mr. Baily is city sanitarian
It may prove cheaper to employ Mr
Baily than a doctor. n3 t
Go to the Cottage Home Hotel for
a gocd square meal. tf.
J. H Harshaw, the desnvedly
popular rcstauranter, comes out
in an advertisement this morning,
those who seek your trade will
often be found treating you more
courteous than those who do not.
By mistake of the Western Union Publishing
Company, we have a cast up for a page aeven
column paper. This page is filled with choice
n-a lint; matter and illustrated. We can use it
only as a tupplimnt to the Apdmoreitb. We
wili sell the opposite page to it for cost of labor
to any Ardmore firm and run it as a auppli
ment, the firm using it for an advertisement.
The page may be seen at this office.
See our buainrss manager or call at the office
fjr terms for page adverUsement.
Consult the city sanitarian, O. S,
Daily, at Hall & Ryan's drug store
South Main street, in regard to any
work in his line you may need. tf
B&'O&ce over City Nationl Bank
Ardmore, I. T.
r. s. DESSEK,
Offi-!e over First National
Bank, Ardmore, 1. T.
ardjiore, I. T.
jgj-Office up stairs near the court
ggrrOfSce up stairs just across the
street hi front of court house,
Aidtnort, 1. T,
A Genefkl Summary 0 News'
Condensed and Clipped Front"
Our Daily Exchanges
A horrible exploeion of dyna
mite occurred fn Madrid ye4tsr(&tf.
Over iiv hundred lives were lost.
Mirgled bodies filled the air and
covered the waters.' Shit e fbttered
I and craft's were hurried in tb
ocean and people driven mad.
In financial Circles the enthusi
astic look for a revival and re-'
'stowal of confidence at one-v The
more conservative think .that the
change back will come gradually
The currency question is reported
out of the way as a disturbing
factor. , .
Six men were killed at j&eno'
Cal. in a railroad accident.
Attacks continue to be made on
The saloons are re-opened in
There was a. wreck on the Illi
nois Central in which two unfortu
nate men, called by some people
tramps, were killed while steal
ing 'a ride. The fireman was
killed. It ; occurred at Cairo," 111
Misplaced switch the cause.
A tragedy in Dallas, CKaflid
Rodgers kills his fiance and then
himself. She would not marry
CP. Huntirgton has Bold the'
Che ajieakeand'South western Ohf
railroad to the Louisville and,
Nashville and Illinois Central
companies for $6,000,000.
A man must hare a very bad opinion'
of himself not to be willing to appear
what he really is.
Ee, feeHng- his way An honorable
man should marry only for lore. She''
Certainly; oh, certainly if be eaa
aSord It.
JUder Haggard Is said to hare
trained a rat so that the ani vial haa'
become companionable, intelligent
. and affectionate.
Edward Perry and Robert MeLel-'
lan, both of San Jose, Cal., recently
waltzed, it is claimed, for nineteen
consecutive honra.
Swearing in conversation indicates'
perpetual distrust of a person'a own
reputation; and is acknowledgement
that he thinks hia bare word not'
worthy of credit.
Horses have different ways of sleep-.
ing. Some lie down, some sleep'
standing-, others compromise on partly'
lying: down. One is told of who aits'
down on his haunches like a circus'
trick pony.
Leo Tolstoi, the Ens-Ian novelist,
usually wears the costume of a peas-'
ant. When not engaged in wrlt'ia-f he"
makes boots; but his boot-making ia'
said not to be aa successful .a hi
A Dridajrroom fainted at the' altar'
while the marriajra ceremony was be
in? performed, in Salem, Mass.. re-'
eeratly. He was Anally restored to'
onaeioeaiMS, aad the elerjrmaajtme'
eeeded la eomplertDg tbe tytaf of tb
knot without furtaer'-inteiTOp'tloa.
"You quite derated yourself to th'
frifhtful looking Va fitiak on tW
train the other day, Edith. What ot.
earth made yon do that?" "Well,
it was' absolutely aeeeaeary to pay
some attention to aim. Yon don't
appose I wanted people to think be'
waa toy hasbandl"
Kbeaeaar Bnrgeas Ball, of Waahinff-'
ton, who claim to be the nearest lir
mr relatiTe to Oeorfe WaabJafioa,
and who looks like the latter per-'
trait, haa had bis claims in that re
spect confirmed by the Sobs of tho .
American revolutiom. He keeps sT
little cigar store is tbe rotunda of tbs
pension otSeo.
The Rocky mountaiu raag-sa 31-e KM
nilea wide.
American soldiers are tbe hm'
marksmen in the world. -. . . '
The population of Italy ie S70 per
sqnare die. of Germany (to, of
France 19a . .

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