O Tf
Sn r.i
JOHN W. BUENTING, Proprietor.
Court Street, 3 Doors South of Wisnor Hotel. :: :: :: :: Ardmore, Ind. Ter.
IMA N l' FA ( T I K EltS O F
WELL TUBING, "a,-'1,
Flues. Tin, Mate, A
ami Metal Shingle Rooting. alvanized Iron Cistern
Shutters. Smoke Slacks, Etc, .lob Work a Specialty.
.-r m j.i r ,jj ox
127 North UaddO bt. -
Ask for
new 5 yezr cremation option policy; no restriction as to travel or residence.
' . y?.;4T.i'.-1 -if '
J -
W -Cf---- ' e- '.: il I
Mutual Reserve Building, 305,
E. E. HARPER. Fnnder.
See Our Rates per Thousand After First Payment.
Age 2." $13.98. Age 3 $14.32. Age 35 $16.32. Age 40 $10.44.
Age 45 $23.52. Afire 50 $30.90.
Should a poliey holder at auy
time become total and per
manently disabled through in
jury or otherwi.se, one-half
the face of the poliev will be
laid in CASH.
Competent Men Can Secure Liberal Contracts.
B. HARRELL, Manager Oklahoma and Indian Territory.;01
Masonic Temple, Oklahoma City, O. T.
Meals at Regular Hours, 25 Cents.
Short Orders Served.
Day Board at Modern Prices.
Cornice am)
-pi::; It i ravel
. I1:-- 'Voof
a i t -r-
- ArdmOre Ind. Ter.
307, 309 Broadway, New York. !
P. A. BURNUAM, President.
o o o o
Malonry'a Weadlaa '
Moloney's Wedding seems to be.
: II one reads or hears about of late ;
:.nd it really is amusing to listen to ,
f ie funny stories that are tohl at
Dan's expense. The latest is that a
few evenings aio Moloney made his !
ffnal visit to the home of the bride'
elect to again endeavor to obtain
her parents consent to a peaceful ;
union ; but the old couple were as j
obdurate as ever, when pressed to 1
state their objection fully the old !
, gentlemen said, that in the first j
1 place his daughter was too young, i
' second that he could not see where!
it came in for BlaU to act in the'
; capacity of best man, and further if
. that dutebman attempted to kiss bis !
"laughter after the formalities were
ever there would be trouble sure:
'"lt Malonev informs us however !
that the event will take place, at
opera house Monday March lfilh.
The W. M. Nix Grocer Company I
is the only place in the city to get h
first class smoke at popular prices, i
Try the Salmon P. Chase, the best
I hasp,
: live cent cigar ever sold, or if you
want a Belmont, thev have llicm
p.lso. It it
A Man Lost.
Last Saturday night at 9:30, on the
I dimly lighted "streets of Ardmore,
! there was a a poor, pitiful looking
' man wandering his weary way along
the south side of Main street", look
j ing as though he had been dono an
j injustice by some one. Tbe bystand
i ers on the street watched him for
1 several minutes and at last there was
one sympathizer among the lookers j
I on who had a tender heart, he np
1 proacbed tbe poor old man and said,
triend what can I do for you? von
j look as though you are in trouble,
'the poor man looked up and said,
I Fir 1 am, 1 feci as though I have
j paid too much money for this pair of I
shoes. I was directed to J. B. Wall's
1 told me that I could buv good shoe's I
i :t a very low prce, but I went to the !
wrong store. ou are right my
j Mend, that is the place logo, KJ
take back tliose shoes vou have and
I I will show vou the way" to J. B. Wall.
' t:i low price shoe dealer. 10 lmo
1 Will lie Allowed Sis Deletfatrs.
":ipt. Whi'.-iii.;'."., secretary ii
. 'i.e T. riit irv iH-.iioerutic c-xecuti'.
e-rmmittec, is in receipt of a comuva
c;eati-n from
tnan Robert
L. Owen, in
I gentleman encloses u certified "cpy
of the resolutions adopted by tl;v
' I)enio.T:it:c National committee it
! list meeting held in the City of
! Washington, January 1G, this year,
which provided that Oklahoma and
Indian Territory be allowed six dele
; s?ates each in the National Democrat
ic convention to nominate candi
' dates for president and vice presi
'. nt.
This sets at rest all speculation an
j to the number of delegates to be
, chosen at tbe territory convention,
i to be held in June at Vinits. Tbe
j Democrats should go to work and or
I i:;inize for the campaign just as
though they would be entitled to
: vote.
I j. o.irHii lias utu lut nuio '!,.,,,,
j anv fi:t n tity desirel, at the lowest I . t'Ofih! I feel my tiair slipping out;
cash prices. 11. P. Evetta In charge. : I t-'ness I !1 gj to Jim Shurp' barb, i
! 12 )Wi i Rlop and get a bottle of Quinine Hair
.Niviiu i i mlu ii.ivi- cmldren
j visits
my all moon dancing classes,
: day and I rtday afternoon's
i 9 lwk Grant Matti.vclev.
vnick has returnee
Cbicfiiro here she purchased the lar -
oUt n.'i , ,.&i ..i-rt !r,H- nf m i 1 i.
. . , , .,
nary ever brought to Ardmore. Hav-
ing a tboruUKO knowledge ot toe
millinery business and understand -
ing the wants of her trade, she will
r-Vir1? tS.V.S
novelties, in the latest styles of shade
! and fabric, ever brought to this mar
i ket. Head her announcements else-
j where-
i Twlce-a-Wcek Republic.
! To be kept thoroughly well posted
j on the news of such an eventful year
as 1896 promises to be, a person
' should read the columns of a live.
wide-awake metropolitan paper be
sides the country or local newspaper.
Now is the proper time to begin a
yearly subscription, which will cover
the presidential campaign, tbe great
I speeches, the November electfon and
tlie Outcome OI kU lue wars uiivi
troubles abroad. If intending sub
scribers will heed a word of advice
they will send fl to the Twice-a-Week
Republic. They will receive
in return twice every week for a
year a copy of the spiciest, newsiest
and most entertaining newspaper in
the country. Tbe Twice-a-V eek Re
iiublic will make a specialty of giv
ing all tbe political news and speeches
both sides ana at me same time
nartment it has always contained.
i A big inducement is offered to
!U '?".YirTi
I ""V - j
I llieir wants. 1 ne aan.v nn-j ouu..a
i lcoublic has been r
i .iah trt nn i'
' S3 a vear or S3 for six months.
A Morntnf Btaae. I
About 10 o'clock this morning tLe .
dwelling of Wm. J. Bowden, of 1H
Wine street in East Gainesville, was
discovered on fire and beforo tbc i
fire company could get there, the'
building with roost of its contents
succumbed to the fiery flames. Tbe j
fire caught from a flue in the kitchen, j
and the building being situated such '
a long distance from the beadquar-i
ters of the fire department the toee '
companies were unable to subdue;
the flames upon their arrlTal. Aj
few household goods were saved. '
The Register has bee n unable to ,
learn whether there was any Insur-
ance on tbe property. Gainesville i
Register. j
For Kent.
A tLree room bouse in north part
of cit
good wen. nice lot for eir-
! den. -I i':e. chicken bouse and cel
, lar. Apj-'y at Arumokkjtk office.
. F.y r;. bod-- come and get a sailor
fof 1 P..:,t "'''nll,i Sailors
"a,e v-' ' vcimnue turougn next week.
12 Iwk
Vou will lind at T. Y. Morgan's!
new strained honey, only 12$ cents
per pound. 12 4t
Krlna on our Wood.
The AlcOMi jrkitr will accept In
payment of subscriptions to tbe;
weekly, !) cords if stove wood,'
givin;: o:i'- year's subscription for n
poo I i:vt-r.!ie two horse load of sound i
.vocd. luing on your wood and gt'
; ' est j ::per in the Indian Terri--toi.
Uoulln Trie to Etc ape. !
Glthrik, O. T., March 10. A jail
delivery was prevented tonight by
the discovery of an underground '
tunnel in the I'uited States jai!,;
where one hundred and twelve!
prisoners are incarcerated
k.ader8 were Bm 100in, Bin
Tbe j
and Bob Montgomery, three mcm-j
bers of the famous Daltongang. The !
; outlaws had revolvers and knivea
, their possession to protect them-
; , ' ,.
I e,v.0"- J"'1" ? W,U rcvt r
! w.a,lt n: .lrl 11 "ut w,u cpe,
ilid in thA aM..iout
Large consignments of fr. ih veg
tables reeeiM-d lp:!y by ti.e W. i:
' ' ix tlrooer Cou.par.y. II-..
To th.- Public
The undersigned having
the bankrupt block of C M. .viti:.
bankrupt block of C
will continue the business at tiie o'.t
I stand. 1 r.nt pole prop. ietor ard wi'.i
j continue the I usiness on busine
principle. A:l uccoints due th.
I'.rmof C. M. .SlK-igle-nle my proper
ty and no one bul myself is autbor
i.ed to collect thcru."
12 lwk V. lioLLAM.
Ladies, wait and eeo the dlf-pl.ty c!
New York and Pari partem hats", a.
Miss Wavnick's next week. 12 Ink
i Go to T. V. Morgan's for yorr
fresh vegulables. 12 :
I Ladies! if you want to see nie?
, embroideries and laces in latest
designs, call at Mrs. Kiouki'a.
For sale, at once, and at a bargai:.,
1 a well paying business. Wil reeuirt
j about IJ'Ni to make purchase. Applv
i at this oflice. ll4t
A new line of dress goods for evening
near, iu all colors, and the ve
latest designs, just arrived at Mrs.
Kloski's. n -n
Strawberries, fresh, daily, at T. V.
Morgan's. 12 i
. rr
rrcc or ca uuinpuiioa.
i Now that tbe Beretarv of agricul-
tare nas restricted me tree seeu
distribution in tbe southwest the
I Twice-a-Week Times, with its usual
enternrise and Iiberaltiv. will, for
i the benetii of its old and new sub-
i seribers, make an
extensive seed
distribution throughout this
tjf ,ho countrv -fbe offer i8
a ma.-
, t illcent one and you should take
' advantage of it. The Twice-a-Week
! im' hoth eyes open for
tllU liuvr5l9 Jl llr BUUIUWCBI.
Read full particulars of tbe free
seed distribution in the Twice-a-Week
Times. Sample copies free.
.Vrite for one. Address Thk Twicb-a-Week
Timfs, Kansas City, Mo.
For Woman and Home.
Womankind appeals to the tates
of th great mass of ieople; it
editors aim to fill it with buch
bright Ktories, clever poems, in
teresting sketches, helpful hiuta
ami suggestions that un woman
fan afford to W without it. "Sen
sible Wear," Motherhood." "The
Uright Homes," "Woruau'a Pro
gress." "Child Life," "Floral,"
"Women of the Day," etc., are a
few of its interesting departments.
It is sensible and practical iu al!
things. "Able, IJright and Cleau"
l is its motto, and that's the reason
t it Id t tin T.l A ffMii.kM fit av a-.i n a I
lui puukhuti p.iui;uiir jrr
: in advance for the EEKLT AKD-
l.wo monlIJS au'
vanee lor the uaily ARDmortite.
... .1
run MTiiir vjiiiii ii m. i iid tiui' vmr
! for
i eent.
Thos. J.
Office in First
Is the Acknowledged Leader
In his line, nnd s.iti.sfacti .i always jjnaran
teed. Nothing: but the Wst era
handltnl. Repairing a sint-ialty.
Bring Me
r. i-i. i
.Visnor Billiard and Pool
Look. Read Ao4 Understand. 1
J. M. Bass Co., of Gainesville,'
Texas, have just opened with tb
largest stock of furniture, carpets,
1 ( . 1 . I ,. i: '
mailing, uii cioium biiu iinroiiuii. ,
Uso shades, curtains, curtain poles
. nd trimmings in North Texas; 2jo
. o'U carpets to select from. Freights
aid to Ardmore. See as when
furnishing your bouse.
M. Bass & Co.
Blooded Stock.
Parties desiring the service of a
:horoughbred Jersey bull, can find
'nine at Central wagon yard, on Cad
lo street. Call and examine stock.
I mo Joux Baflky.
Evaataot too Coaila tear.
The coming year will be a period.
memorable in the history of tbe world,
,-LVuJ.JAI,,t",I W fJS!::
tn nations U carried out. in the
t'nited States, there will be tbe live
'iest presidential campaign ever beld,
md the Fifty-foorta congress, now
n session, will furnish exceeilingly
interesting debates on the tariff and
financial questions until Jane. There'
will be several exciting state
elections and many great political j
speeches. Every one will watch i
.Titb interest ibe progress of tbe Yen-,
etuelan commission's inquiry, tbe re
'Gits of the wars in Cuba, In South .
Africa, in Turkey, and tbe outcome i
of other complications now arising!
in the Old World.
It is a remarkable coincidence that I
at tbe beginning of a year of auch
rich promise of stirring news the great I
est metropolitan newspaper in the
t'nited States The St. Louis Repub
lic, should reduce its price to 6 a
year, or to less than two cents a day.
rbis low price now places tbe Re
public within the reach of everyone
Those who wish to keep posted
politics, trade, national and interna
tional affairs, during lsvtJ. should at
once subscribe for ikon these terms,
in addition to taking their own local
- u . J V. tkl.L I
they cannot afford to take a metro
politan daily paper, should at once
subscribe for tbe "Twice a Week"
Republic 104 papers a year, for only
II a year. It contains tbe best of
everything that appears in tbe daily.
Batty'a Orgaas aa4 Ptaaoa.
Hon. Dajiei Beatiy, oT Washing
ton, Net? e eyt tbe great Organ
and Piano mrnuiactarer, is bui'ding
more Organs and Pianos tbra ever.
In 1870 Mr. Beatty left home a pen
niless nlow boy, and by bis indomit
able will be baa worked his wit dp
bo as to sell so far, nearly lOO.Ouo of
Beatty's Organs and PUaos since
1970. Nothing seems to dishearten
him: obstacles laid in bis way, that,
would have wrecked an ordinary roan
forever, he tarns u an advertisement
and comes out of U brighter tbs-i
ever. His Instruments, as is wed
irnnn irv tMjnnlar and are to
be found In all parU of the world.
We are informed that daring tbe 1
next ten years be intends to seU 300,-1
000 more of Ms make; that means a
business of 120,000,000, if wa average .
them at fioo each. It is already the
, , largest business of the kind In exut -
nce. Writo or call upon Daniel r.
Beattv. w aa-cgion, new jrrarj, iui
- -
ARDMOKEiTKfor Hank niortKage.
National Bank.
l llf glMhls I l
Repair Wcrk.
fr k: e: fr.
Best of Tertitory Drinks anj Firut Cigars.
Court'ni! Treatment to Customers'. Next door
to Wisnor llot.-l
J. V. EDWARDS & CO., Prop's.
txii rep ;
St. Lcms as.d City
St. Paul
and Minneapolis.
, h.umi m W
Yisiihnlsd Trains with SIiiser. ChU
I Can Gr) a:d Diclsj can.
Kansas City to Castofrt CM ;
la ChJcajroor Peeria.
L. W. Wakeley, C F. AU.
T. LOUIS, ato.
Howard Elliott, Con. Mgr..
- 4. Brtckor, T. . :
local raoctcca a.aaar.
C-rrwto4 aaJlr br Brxlr Bros.)
Sprloc rblrkvaa. por oos - 1 1 SS
iin.m a kaaa. pr I at
Inrka. .. .. . I M
(Hr dul , i . ., i. So
Trli,pr do 4 at to
I ra 1I'I. tr ba.bal L M
I atca. por bu.hwl
j tiaiklaa. fr d" .
Irt.fe tx.i.t.M... pr tB.al
rbbc. pr Moaa
Battr. fr. coaairjr.por puaaJ
T -S
ICurrra aally tf
flood BlldOilBC
StHrt BilUJllac
wnn tow ail da lias .
Low ilddllaa . ....... .
8d mtiua
ftoaaol t.
? -a
1 1-
. T
aai mif.
Whaat. tr toahal.
.fl as
nia. pr
hal .
for, par baaaal
Pni. par MS poaad
H AJ. par loo
Calf , Cotorseo oa4 &aata fe laBatr.
aocTH Bocxa . .
0lT..tc a aad Cblraa-o liprau - ) a. Bi.
CkvbarM aad KumCltr Eipraaa p. aw
OaUaatno a ad Chlraco poaa ItOSa.aa.
Cloboraa aad Kuu Cur kiaraw 11 MS La
t. a. af ABOK. Tlcaa Axt.
W. S.KXKAJI.Ooa.raaa. At. aa,
Arrival mm4 Orpai-taro V. S. Malta.
South bound mail closes 4:45 p. am.
South bound mall arrives :34 p.m.
North boandmail closes 11:14 a. cs.
North bound mail arrives 12:00 ta.
Night mails are closed at 1:30 p. sa.
Money order department la open
j Et 8 B. and cloaod at ft p. am
office hours from 8 a, m.. io p.m.
i Knndavs from 8 a. tn.. toa.si. .
Jnmi H. KivilII P. U.
T.Tok Rapij-. Deoutv.
t - -