OCR Interpretation

The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, June 25, 1901, Image 6

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042303/1901-06-25/ed-1/seq-6/

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of n WU
,! I
.11. nt:
I do not
Brnnlor Know, torn
llraqrllir III. lilral
Aa la MM liar to matKmoay. e-
rmtftair r, 5- - ' irrir"wr M. D-m-
nit in i' , I- . an- :i ' '" r1C
s i . ' tl." i r Ui a r
rwrltt u' ' Yo. k. Journal, "whfn
ty it to mm to
M rbat I w.i-
iCnmiw. f kr
vrlw art whto 'm i
tm "red an f t.i- in.
I3tm that trw- want n;r.
"Vor years my friftnJ hare
iMirring it,, '.ff ,. m..n?.
I got wo In tic lulm 'I r 1 I. ,'i i.-.ara
lltft off -Miiiif lat. . r. !i,r ,'i'.jv
oatpaviar .in' I fU ili.it'"ttnl if ii
rtamirr dkl not appear on t1m to aik
tint r' 'J woman
"In ftmr inataiv-n bit pitor baa
ln -r!ntMl. In each caa I have admin-:
:'i- f.id.- my frtcajtfs. Taa
omlf Muil'- a that it wrurrtad Um
inatiu omtn ro-fii.-rHl. TbJ Ubm
fa woman la a i.l..w and to loatad
In Enr., it 'i'U Hi.' i harm of mya
tcty. Yon don't kn"w wUetbtr aba la
tMll. abort, old. young or liar."
"Wrtl. wnator." aald tiw reporter.
"Will yon kindly outline the Meal yon
wooM Ilk tlist widow to ber
"Wbrn It cornea to wk-ctlm? a wife."
lie aald. "1: la different front picking a
winner at a borse race. Tbera to no
form book to atudy. You bare to go
Into tbe paddock and look tben orer.
J to, aerioaaly. In l hi caw. bela a pob
Ikr anas, abe would bare ffrat to be
iandaonie. Tben abe won Id hart to bv
attractive, for abe wooM bare to repce
Hent tne at tbe bead of my table. I
iroulri alao want her to be a woman
who could win tbe men I could not
rravb. Mrs. Logan waa each a woman.
Btw did mocb to make John A. tagan.
"ileaidee tbla, I abooM Ilk b bare
3m tie fond of dreaaws; gown bad allp
jt and apeod ber evenings at borne.
Am to her age. abe can be anywhere
from 23 t 78. Yon aee. 1 am liberal
aa to age. Youth la not alwnya tbe
iMoat Mcceaacy npantelte In a brkle.
Malrlmony to largely a matter of pro
ibMolty. A man area a woman and
nays be cook I be happy If be bad ber.
If be aeta bar. be nana II y to. If nlie re
Jma blm. be does not try again Boon,
but alta back am! retkcU.
"Yoo aee. Juatlce Itrewer. who was n
?laatnate of mine at Yate, rnnrrWHl re
cently, ami It baa set all of us alngle
follows thinking,"
Until Por it Wrllrr of llo Ilnnlca ta
,r in n Cruliliii: lliiiiarlinul.
The tdccuNt dorr In the world lias
Jimt bi'un couiiltel at Prorlncctown
Xlnw myH tlte Nuw Y'ork Sun. Most
IMtile know the dory n a small boat
In common tine by llsliortnen nil nlon
thu Atlantic ci)nt mid nn uncommonly
llslit. Iinndy and afu boat In any nort
of wentliur.
'Itii lilk' dory Ih a much more am
IdtloHx craft, built on the mime linen.
It Ih Intoinkil for Colonel Cliarlw Ll-
yard Norton, veturnn of the civil war
and author of n number of hoy' books.
l'Ulionmm who hare Inapcctwl It trny
that It could Null nil n round the world
oulto wifely If the owner thoroughly
imderatood handling It.
It Ih 15 feut orer nil, 1 1 feet 1mm hi nnd
17 feet ileup from cunwale to floor. Kor
fJiu roat It Iwa the conventional flaring
i.tera and tomuatone, built of kooiI onk.
and tin; bottom of two Inch and the
(ildbis of Inch and a half hard nluo
nlankliiR nro fnMcned to uawed knea
of lmckmntnck. A aimclotm cabin houoo
oxtcudlUK from stem to atern. except
Tor a link- well-like cockpit nft. In to
lie placed III the IhioI. the roof lilshtwt
ninlilgliliM and Nloplug fore and uft to
tho lluu of tlio atcui and Htern. This
cnblu will bo coolly fumlHheil for Ions
'J'ho boat will Ih ateered with a tlllor
and will carry n Jib and two leu of
mutton sails on fore and main mailt.
Tho ownur cnllH tho craft n liousu dory
It Ih to In; rlKKl and filled with the
ltcl;lioiiK( at Haudwk'h, and then the
ownrr will beep the Itoat In tbe uelt;h
horhooil of Uur.xanU buy for the sum
mar. crulHlliK iiIoiir the New KiiKland
const. Next winter he will take the
bout down to Florida waters.
Kevi'nil large Ikwih of the dory type
linve Ihhui built Itcfore, au New VMM
IhikI boat bulldvra any, but tbla la the
Mggeat ami moat nmbltloua yet. and
wIihii Ita value Na a crulalng craft ban
limui deutonatratcd. aa they are aure It
will be. they predict that a demand will
tit-fee for many auoh Iraata.
Special Correspondence.
Dixie, I T., JaaeSI. Tbe weatber
lid yaod hat. Farmers are need
ing rain bsdl.
MiMt all tbe farmers re tsn wltb
Ih'lr wcrk.
II' alti. of comaannlty It Rood.
Mr. N lie Benson and family of
Texts r- rutting relaUre at Dixie.
Mr i Cearl Robber ?on and babe
are n:uig bome folks In Oreer.
tr ( rnfleld from Mar Utowit
in town I riday.
Tbe men of tbe oommenltr and
moat of tbe boasds are chasing
wolros today.
Prof. Taylor bas pone to Marww.
Mrt. Bennett from Grer coaaty Is
bere Tialttnz ber diBKbter, Mrs.
Tbe Dixie people are making creat
preparation for tbe normal whlen
boglas next month.
Tbe Dixie eboir will go to Dixie
next Snnday to sing. I'm euro
tber'll be molc In tbe air.
3Atn. Or. Hnon and Mrs. Ida
Moody are gone to Loco shopping
bis morning.
It your right is blurred with speaks
and spots ttoatlng before your eyes,
or yen bare pains on tbe right side
aadur I be rib, then yoer lirer Is
deranged, and you noed a lew doass
of Heroine to regcUle It. Price H
eta. W. B. Frame, 01 ty Drug Store.
It doesn't take an Incubator to
batob a plot.
If tou
were to bump your head against a,
iirick wall yon could not feel worse
than anyone wbo flutters from
tomacb troubles. We have a posi
tive care In Dr. Oaldwell's Syrup
Pepin. W. B. Frame. City Drug
The pbctog a.jber takes tllign ts
thoy comi'.
'Tho tfuuturs lulu me my cough
wa Incurable. One Minute Cough
Cure msda me a well man." Norrla
Silver, Xorth Stratford, N. H. Be-
causH you've not found relief from
a mubbtirn cough, do not despair.
One Minute Oougb Oure has cured
thousands and it will ouro you. Safe
and sure. Otty Drug Storo, W. li.
Frame, prnprlftor.
8omp p-oi.lH get tired watching
other paoplo work.
surgical uperatiuu is not necca
ary to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch
Hazel balve saves all that expense
and nev r falls. Beware of counter
feits. City Drug Store, . B. Frnme,
GohhIo Is tho nuuu fu thu sugar of
to Cure Chilli, ur Malaria In Pour Day
l ake Qulnorla. All druggiHta are
authorized to refund tho money In
nv oaso of ohllls, fever or malaria
it fatla to euro. Price 26c por pack
'3V r
Una small bottle of Hall's Great
Discovery cures all kidney and blad
der troubles, removes gravel, curei
dl&hfttM mmlntl cmliilflni. vrelk
icd lame book. rbeomaUsm aad si' 1
!7ie78larlties or the kidneys and
bladder in buib men and women ;
RogalUes bladder trouble in chil
dren. If no: sold by yoer druggist,
will bo sent by mail on receipt of 11.
One small bot'te Is two rooatb '
treatment ani will aure any can"
above mentioned.
Dr. B. W. Hall.
Sole manufacturer, St. Louis, Mo.,
formerly Waco, Texas.
Hold by all drasrglsts and W. B.
Frame, Ardraore, I. T.
Cisco, Texss, Feb. Stb. E. W.
Hall: Dear sir I have used your
Great Discovery for kidney and blad
der troubles and have been very
greatly benefitted by it, and I oan
folly recommend It to any one suffer
ing In 'be same manner.
President First National Bank.
It Is one of tbe unsolved mysteries
bow two men can exchange umbrel
las aad each invariably get tbe worst
of It.
Aside from the eerlous Inconven
ience caused by piles, tbere is a
tendency to flstuU and cancer In tbe
rectal regions. Piles should not be
allowed to run on unchecked. Tab-
ler's Buckeye Pile Ointment Is an
Inlallable remedy. Price M cents a
bottle. Tubes 76 cools. W. B.
Framt . City Drug More.
A woman may Iov Witt wry and yet
deeplse an awkward flatterer.
Ira O. Beckard, Dunootube, la.,
writes: "My little boy scalded bis
leg from the knee to the ankle. I
used Banner Salve immediately and
in three week's time It was almost
entirely healed. I want to recom
mend it to every family and advise
them to keep Banner Salve nn
band, as it is a aure remedy for
soalds or any sores." Bonner &
D Wot Suld to llav Told Ilia Fol-
litver tnttrprniletip Was Certain.
A man of Urttlvb Mrth. but an ex
bwrber of tbe Oranre Free Slate, wbo
bas t?a flsbtln; wltb tbe Boors, has
given a a account ef bl experiences,
writes tbe Ixrjreoco Marque corre
tfmtHtwt of tiw New York Times. One
of bis stntiumts may htp ta explain
tbe qiH'ti:i nbir-h Is belojc rmiMantly
krd- namely. "Why do ih Boers
nervtat In fighting when tbry '-an bop
for nothing but failure. dVsth or cap-tnrrr
He states that De Wet not tone ao
mad a speeeb In wbicb be Informed
hi followers that b was skid to tali
tbem that tbey were no loaser llffbt In
fer their lndpeBdeace. That was as
sured tbera. but tbey were now strug
gling for compenimtlon which Great
Britain bad refnd to era at when she.
wa formri to roorade tBdpendene.
They mat flbt a little looser, and
tfay would go Itack to tbelr farms rich
as well a famous. As for those who
bad no farm, be won hi promise them
tbe farm of those wbo bad baaeiy sur
rendered without lighting or who had
iMMrayed tbelr country to tbe British.
Tbe Hoer. notwithstanding the dire
straits to which tbey bare now bean
reduced, believe every word De Wet
says, the narrator added.
Ory tomurrow If. you must,
laugh toilv.
A sallow, aupdiued skin is a sym
utmi of disordered nvor, ns u
springs trom biliary poisons rotalned
in the blood, which destroy energy,
cheerfulness, strength, vigor, happl
nuii and lite, lierbino will restoro
the muurul funotlona of tho liver.
Prlci; 80 cts. W. B. Framo, Uity
Drug Store.
Hot cnktiH and caturpillarH make
tho butturlly.
A liuaii Cuuiin Medicine.
It speaks well (or Oharnborlain's
Cough Remedy when druggists
use it in tuoir own lamiiiOH in pre
ference to any other. "I havo Bold
Chamberlain's Cough Homody for
tho psBt five years with complote
satisfaction to tnyeolf and custom-
Hrs, ' says Druggist J. uoiusnmn,
Van Ktton, N. V. "I havo always
uhbiI it in my own family both (or
ordinary coughs and colds and for
the oougb following la grippe, and
find it very Hilloaolous." For sulo
by City Drug Storo nnd F. J. Uam
seldom i
An abnormal hobo
soenter of attraction.
HrlKliI (.'lillilrnn to ! Ilrnuuht Hera
to lirara ill (So rriniK'iil'ii IJiprim'.
Twenty-fire native Porto Illcau chll
ilren nru to be aunt here noxt mouth to
lie educated at the exKna of the gov
urntuent. wtya tbe New York Sun. Tho
lirlghdnt clilhlrun are to be chosan. and
they ore to be nolectwl by comjiutltivo
They must be lift ecu the agea of 13
mill 1M, and tholr purvntH must bo will'
lug to tut thuin go, aa they probably
,vlll b. Potltlotw to tnko inirt Inthoox
iiiultintlon nru now bolng received lu
tlio towtiH of Allioulto, Agunilllla, May'
iiguez, Ponce, Guaymn, Hutnncao aud
Hun Jtmu, whnro tho examinations aro
to bo huld iu tho first week of July, y
A I'nator'a Novrl Hchrmr,
Home day ngo tho Itev. Dr. IIar
court, pastor of tho Pcoplo's church at
ending, Ph., publicly announced that
to en ch child brought to lilui on Juno U
for baptism ho would present a dollnr,
to be plnccd In bank at compound Inter
cut until tlio child arrived at tho ago of
lil yenrs. Ills church wns crowded,
hud to inch of 15 children whom ho
bopUzed ho gavo a dollar. - .
For relief and oomfort in Asthma
Hallarda Horahouud Syrup has no
nual. Prlco 30 and 50 uta. W. B.
Frnmo, City Drug Storo.
Thuro will bu a unuid celebra
tion ut Ouiiieavillo, Tox., on July
I nnd 5. to wmoli overyltody is
welcome- Col. J. W. Ownby is
roci8lerel to be present uutl tie-
liver an oration on this occasion
Tho baggage smasher now begins
to got in his 11 li i) work.
Hczoma, Baltrhuum, tuttor, chaf
ing, Ivy polHonlng and all akin tor
tures aro quickly cured by DeWItt'a
Witch llazol Halvo. Tho cortaln
pilo euro. City Drug btoro, w . B.
brame, proprlotor.
Tho wolf at tho door is always ro-
gardod ns a rank outsldor.
Tho lack of onurgy you fool, tho
backache and a run down condition
gonorally, all inonn kldnoy dlsoador.
Ooloy's Kldnoy Ouro will rostoro
your strongth and vigor by making
the kidneys well. Toko no substi
tute Bonner & Iionuor.
If some people had to live by their
wits they would starve to death.
A. O. Blancbard, West Bangor, N
Y., aaye: "I have been troubled with
kidney disease for tbe last five years.
Have doctored with seeral pbysi
clans and got no relief until I used
two bottles of Foley's Kldnoy Ouro
Bonner & Bonner.
It's a good thing to love your eno
mios. but it's a bettor thing not to
have any.
,Now U the I Ime
to purify your blood and get your
system in a perfect condition for tbe
approaching summer. Rex Tea Is
tbo one thing that will do it. It
cures constipation, regulates tbo
kidneys and liver, purities the blood
and beautifies the compk a. All
druggists are authorized, .o refund
tho money in any case whore Kox
Tea fails to do what is claimed for'it
25 centH por package.
Faith may move mountains, but
tho owner of a moving van demands
spot oasb.
Quick Kellct tor Asthma.
Miss Maude Dickens, Parsons,
Kans., writes: "I suffered eight
years with asthma in its worst form.
I had several attacks during the last
year and was not expected to live
through thorn. 1 began using Foloy'a
Honey and Tar and it has never fail
ed to give immediate relief." Bon
ner & Honno?.
When civilization really under
stands itself it will have homey for
exonerated babies.
You nssumo no risk when you buy
Ohamberlaln'a Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Olty Drug
Storo or F. J. Kamsoy will refund
your money If you aro not satisfied
aftor using it. It is everywhere ad
mitted to bo tho most successful
roniody in use for bowel complaints
and the only one that never (nils.
It is ploasant, sa(o nnd reliable,
Boarding houses arc probably so
oalleU becauso a man is expected to
plank down in advance.
Moore's Pilules are a guaranteed
ouro for all forms of Malaria, Ague,
Ohllls nnd fever, Swamp Fovor, Ma-
larlnl Fovor, Bilious Fever, Jaundlco,
BIllouBuoss, feUdbroath aud a tlrod,
listlosu fooling, Thoy euro Khouma
tlsm and tho lnesltudo following blood
poison produced from malarial pots
onlng. No Quinine, No Arsonlc,
Acids or Iron Do not ruin etomaoh
or toeth. Kntiroly tantelosa. Price
60c nor box. Dr. O. 0. Mooro Co
No. 310 North Main Street, Bt. Louis,
Mo. Hold by W. B. Framo, Olty
Drug Htoro.
What a cbango a vife ofton makes
In a man'a life- and what n lot of
ohange she requires while making It
A woman In Idaho got a dlvorco
from her husband becauso ho would
not take her to tho ParlB Exposition.
Ho testltled In court that ho was
afraid of wator and that he was
nfrnld to got into a bath tub oven.
ho got so seasick. That mau bad
Indigestion just ns a good many
others wo know nnd should tnko Dr.
Oaldwell'o Syrup Pepsin. Got It at
W, B. Frnme, Olty Drug Storo.
7.lnn nTlr Kl.r. Ilia Vi'lfr llrforr
Flte Thousand I'roplr.
'Dr." John Alexander Dowie kissed
bis wife In tbe presence of 5.000 per
sons in tbe Auditorium theater at Chi
cago th other afternoon. asrtlng: that
witb ber by bla side he feared neither
the law. tbe preaa nor tbe devil. Tb
occasion was tbe ordination of Mrs.
Jane Dowie aa overseer in general of
woman's work in Zkn, says the Phila
delphia Irea. After tbe usual opening
hymn "Dr." Dowie made a brief allu
sion to what be termed tbe "thieves
anil tbugs of tbe Chicago press" and
wtkl that he proposed to fight the news
papers with one of bis own.
In the midst of his talk he led Mrx
Dowie from ber place with tbe other
overseers aud. heldlns; ber by the hand
wild: "I present to this vast congrega
tion my beloved wife, who this day will
Ix'gin active work In conducting worn
an's work in the church. For 23 years
she bas been my helfier, and to her wis
dom and self sacrifice 1 owe whatever
of succesf.es I have had. My enemies
cannot prevail while she Is by my
hide." Then be drew her toward him
and kissed her.
rnlrlotUm In Ten Cnllllri".
Another ten farm Is hoon to be start
ed In South Cnrollnn. says tho Chicago
Itecord-Herald. Colonel Augustus C.
Tyler of New Iuidou camped at Sum'
mervllle during the war with a rcgl-
tnent of Couuectliut volunteers, nf
which he was commander, and took
great Interest Itt tbe ten farm of Dr.
Shepherd nt that place. Colonel Tyler
was so Impressed with the possibilities
of tea culture iu tills region that after
the cloe of the war lie organized n
Kyndlcme of New Knghtnd capitalists
and nought 5.000 acres near Summer
ville. on the Savnnnnh railroad, which
' now being prepared for planting.
year .'WO or -100 acres of ten plants
will Ik- M't out. and the area will be in
crcaM-d mutually and as rapidly ns the
plants can be obtained. Mr. Wilson,
the secretary of agriculture, has al
ways argued that there are both patri
otism nnd money In tea culture and Is
lending the aid of the government to
Colonel Tyler iu his enterprise.
1 8 EGGS
" !nllirntion, dyvpntMiaamt bdioutnen ouick
ly yield to the clcanaing and purifying qualities
comamea in jonnmon artapariua. yuan
To Cure Chllla or Malaria In Hour Days
Take Qulnorin AH druggists nro
authorized to refund tbe money In
any enso of chills, lover or malaria
it fails to cure. Price 25c per pack
age. Greon and red go well together.
Give a man plenty of greenbacks
and ho can paint the town a deop
'A few months ngo, food which I
nte for breakfast would not remain
on my stomach for half an hour. I
used one bottle of your Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure and can now eat my
brenkfast and other meals with a
relish and mv food ii thoroughly di
gestod. Nothing equals Kodol Dys
pepsia Oure for stomach troubles "
II. S. Pitts, Arlington, Texas. Kodol
Dyspepsin Cure ditnsts what you eat.
Oity Drug Htoro, W B. Framo, Prop.
"Keel Cross Bag Blue is the best
in tho world. Lurue puckase costs
5 cents."
Stockmen's Association.
A special session of the Chicu
asnw Stockmen's Association will
convene at Sulphur on July 4. All
meiabcra of the association are re
quested to be present and brine
their friends along-. There will be
roping- aud riding- coutests and
arioii8 other entertaining features.
Sulphur has promised all a gala
time. 0. P. IIamjy, Sec
Allen Halvorson of West Prairio,
Wis., says: "people como ton mllos
to buy Foloy'a Kldnoy Cure," while
J. A Sporo of Holmor, Ind., says: "It
la tho medical wondor of tho ago."
Bonnor & Bonner.
MAX oi
All Blood Disorders
Skin Affections, Scrofula,
V gene
run down or nerv
ous or don't sleep,
Sores, Rheumatism, eeling or aches, or -u
Women's Troubles, constipated, or no ppt;ic
Hi-inno snrl ifc generally debilitated, don
I l y - uiiu I KsJ
till these threatening aymr
run into a dangerous dr.lf.
Cleanse, purify, vitalize your b:-:
Positive at once wjti, tnis ojd, tried mcJini...-
Testimnnial5 . ...
ScCtiOtl. ... . , , . r- r- vtr it'll I rf Til rvft r- f r '
Y suffering, write us freely. You can be well and
;,k .(,s Mani facti f.;ng Co.. Chicago. All dealers ; sell it.
The Damage to Small Grain
Enhances the Value of Hay.
JL 4
t We Want to Sell You
The World Renowned McCormlck
Mowers and Rakes
When You are in the Market lor BUGGIES
Renumber that We Sell the
The White Elephant
The Hardware Men.
Don't purchase a freezer or n re
fricerator before seeiuc mine.
24tf T.'K. Keahnkv.
J s.
Wy n n e wood
We arejust receiving
a car of the celebrat
ed Blees-McVicker
Buggies, Surries
Stanhopes and Road
Take life easy by riding in
in one of our new, up to
date rubber tired vehicles.
Lateet styles, lowest prices.
New Process Hay Ties
Best on earth. Buy now
nud save money.
Odorless Refrigertor
Entirely free from odor or
foul air.
Lightning Free,zer
Freezes Cream in 5 minutes
Fruit Jars and Jelly
Glasses, all sizes.
Shelf and Heavy
Full lino always on hnnd.
Machinery, Mill I Gin Supplies
High Grade Belting a Specialty.
"Write for what you want.

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