OCR Interpretation

The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, December 05, 1901, SUPPLEMENT, Image 9

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

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e (
SIDNEY SUGG8, Propriety..
How It t.ookn Wlicii7ii l.ofiintIV In,
lltouit (l .
"I am oii'p of t luxury fowp?r.ons
whq over saw u. lojwuoljvojilow up,"
remarked nn old nillioitil luun l 11 )v-
porter (ho oilier dily.- "nenernlly- th-
men who wJUicb the fxiiloHion or 11
steam c'ngltte nro"sirileiid wl,l' t1"'
smoke 'ins cleared' nwny thnt tlicy are
never able (0 give nn account-of the
disaster. " " " '
"Lfkorinany oUtcr accidents.- tin one
I saw wnfj tho result of ciirelessncs".
low wiiter'til f,hvtlhr for tho engine
bad Just conio ff-ont tli wv nnd was
In complete repair.. ItWnt mithe Hal-
tliuore nml Ohio rilllrond in est Vlr-
glnlii n number of Veurs ago. 1 was oh
n locomotive some distance behind the
ono which c.M-lddod nnd W4tf looMhg
nueau oui 01,1111; niu ,w,.u.,, m iuuH
1110 111 muni eiiirme was iiiimeui.iieij
l.nnHit hi-nJ Otiilflniil t I. 1 HIV. tllii
nmchlnu rlsu Hi the 1
ulr. U'inrtoili
7to bof about 11s hluh us tho telegraph
, poles bpflhjo tll0trnck; which, ifs ymt
doubtless know, pre not so high H tel
egraph poles'lu tiio city. Then eatno a
cloud of denso black smoke and dust.
.which hid tho engine from viewnnd
filmost BlmultnneouHly I heard the roar
of tho'exploslon. , '. --" ''
ii "Uoth the engineer nnd tho nrtinuni
were killed, mm the locomotive wns lit
for nothing much but tho scrap-heap
jyhen It fell to the ground. Thp.rown
' sheet, over th lirebox hnd blown out.
i "The strange 'tiling .about tho, explo
Blo'n was that'iio whltostoam was seen,
Ton know that perfectly dry steam Is
Invisible, beliig like the ulr, and b'-forc
It had time to condense ft WnprAhnJ
bly smothered by tiio cloud ot
nnd dust
lust raised by thjajflirjathigof, tho
llaltlmoi'o Sun.',
t- U
,j PUTNAM 1-wnHLHSS DYRS nro tho
'brightest, Jfastcst and easiest to use.
., sold ,rV n. mppnw
4: " ' .,' ,.' " y
Vf1iM riiXfc'VJl I'WJUi" ."jr.WL-l nUMIUUbAJK
JriVT?r"iyY!y Tlrf?.
'Brain Bread'
is superior iu Quality nnd tH8t(
to nnv other bread wo huvc
ever linked, nud- tbnt'a sayinj:
a crent deal. Purinu "Brain
Brend" cowlnine nil the ele-
ments of Gluttrean wheat
tho best crowu. which iusur
es moner nourishiuent for ey
ory nnrt of your body: unlik
most health bread, it's deli
cious to the taBlo. Our irn h
is rapidly incrensiup because
wo bake Puriua "Brnin Bread"
fresh every day A trial loaf
will convince von of the truth,
$100 Reward
Will bo paid by tuo ChlckaBkW'
Stockmen's Association for tho
arrest and conviction of anyone
stealing stock of nuy kind from
any member of this Association.
DP.. T. P. Howeli,, Tecs.
0. V. IUlkv, Beoi
The Arclmoreite
Official Journal of
the Chickasaw
Stockmen's Association.
Dyspepsia Cure
Dinests what you eat.
IturtiOclally dlKcsts ibo food aud aids
Nature In strcnRtbnlng nnd tccou
etructlni; tliu oxhaustcd dlsestlvo or
. pans. IUstholatcsCdlscovcn'd digest
. antanditonlo; L'O'oUij'rpronaratlon
: ' can 'approach It Hi f-IHclcncy. It In-
EtaritlyjeUcvwpnil lruianenuy cure
'Dy&ncplihi, lnditjealif rii dlo;n-tburn,
viatnlenfo. Sour Hiomiich, 4altsc!t,
sinVTionrineho-Onatrnlala. Cramps an
all otberresultsoflmpprXcctdlt'Cstlon
pilm.rA? iindfi.- firj:nsJiocontaln8 2Kt rues
Vpared by E, C. rieV;iTTv.CO Cbleaao
OJty rufr orofjV.,.IB!!'I'rnm, Hfop
Novelist Makes. His Debut In
'the Isle- of Man. '
W..11 Knnirii A ti I It 11 TaIIm llmv
f fl.iti,ar.'r!lVl.l' llfm a Mitmli.r of
I'nrilBtiirnl Sn lie W Won
Over lir n Ilolit Drvlcr Humor of
tli Conlf'l,, s r
Hall Cnlne, tho novelist, writing from
drcoba castle, lslo of Mnn, nt the re
quest of tho London Mali, to relate his
experiences and Impressions of the con
test Which resulted In his election to
the houBc of keys (Manx parliament),
says: '
''My propaganda wnS Intended first
to re-establish tho credit of tho Island
'Ro ns to make- tho Kiulish public rent-
ho that', (hough tho lslo of Man hud'
uoeu badly Oiiauecd ond was suffering
tbo penalty of bad financing, Its cam
)ng power Wjs nj) B00(1 n9 orornay,
...,., ,,,f ,f ,i,lf i,
I. - " .
ua was intended 10 prevent n recur-
reucd of tho great disaster which had
0es6luted our llttld laud by tho nation
alization of the Industry which hud
boenfthn chief cause of our calamity
and' by the establishment of a princi
ple of co-operation among -some' other
tusular Industrie!! In order to build up
and 'secure the gcbernl prosperity. Fi
nally my propaganda was Intended to
float .our Island on that great wave of
,socaf jlnd economic reform which Is
passing over the free nnd enlightened
poopjM of the world. v
"Thus I proposed to unite the steam
ship, the railway nml the electric train
wny scrvlcus. 10 promote stito aid for
the ftf me&yti ii system similar to that
which has lately been proiwsed m it-
nljvuud.reutl.v.establUheil Iri Irelnnd
njid to lioJivtbu llshlng Industry to n
better market tlinri It enn now com-
maud. TIiuk. tpo, I proposed a certain
reform our legislative machinery so
i'SSS mr
M "Wc.flmvo nu'.uppcr house 'in our
legislature, consisting of tho Island's
otllclals ,lts deemsters, law ofllcera.
etc.. all abpolntcdMiy the English gov;
eminent, but supported by tlfe Manx
,peoule, yet,,'npnblo of controlling our
representative chamber, ( I proposed
that thls 'upi)cr house should Iks re-
cdus,tmctcd on -nu elective basis ; or
perhaps even nbollshed altogether.
Wo have u g(v.ornorJwho rbpresents
the,crowp and yet, exercises thp pre
rogatl'vo' of Initiating" our sohemes of
nnnncc. 1. loosed thnt. tho cdntrol
'slnud should bo vested entirely In the
Manx .people, pr, ir mis mignc not ue,
thnt the governor who exercised such
extraordinary powers jihould be, one of
Bucbi- then,' broadly nnd generally,
wus.thef iH-ogrammo I sot boforo' the
Isle of Man. Hut the effect of my llttlo
propaganda vns.suillclcntly surprising.
island is conservative, ano ono-
half of It was seriously alarmed. 1 fear
this half was only ablo to discover In
my schemes the sulphurous vnpors of
Koclnllsm. I was aiming at n Utopia
nnd the sotting up of n socialist state.
Nnturally the church stood nloof from
inc. Only ono courageous clergyman, n
primitive Methodist minister of Inde
pendent Bplrlt. took his place by my
side. Hut. to my great astonishment
nnd delight, the other hnlf of the Islnnd
responded with burning enthusiasm. 'I
was amazed at the strength ot liberal
feeling which I had aroused. Whllo I
had been occupied with my books nnd
llvlnc much In foreign countries a
young generation of Mnnxmen had
been growing up under tho Inllucuco of
tho gfent modern Ideas. Iteaders of
Karl Marx, of Mazzlnl, of Tolstoi and
of Ruskln gathered round mo on overy
side. What 1 had said they had long
been thinking, and tho ouly merit lu
my programme wns thnt It gathered up
their thoughts nnd feelings Into ono
practical system.
Then enmo tho coutest. Tho lionors
of It Vcre. I suppose, second cousins of
all such things lu greater communities.
My opponent was a worthy man, bet
ter equipped than myself for tho paro
chialism of much Insular political busi
ness nnd In other ways moro likely to
be- In. ids right place ns ft member of
our.houso of keys. And, then, my own
party was lighting with tho-worst can
didate that over took tho Held, a can
didate who didn't want to tight and,
public interests apart, won't want. 10
They couquered my reluctance at
last by a bold device. Seven of them
set out from Itnmaey for Grceba at 11
p. m. 011 tho night boforo tho nomina
tion, llko so many electioneering high
wqyinen. and passed pvqr the dark
hills In tho dead of night and in me
midst of n blinding thunderstorm to
capture their candidate. It was not In
iidmnn nature to resist' enthusiasm llko
that I yielded to their generous Im
portunities, t accepted,. tho leadership
lhe"nn'oVnil itnn nnrt'fliV Wfr tllRSlo tlC-
gau: I suppose it, had all the character;
'Utlcs'oflblsger lights In bigger places. '
"Helng sufllcleutly outsldo tho circle
of burning emotion which Inspired my
peoe.jI "Avae( able tojieosdmo'of tho'4
Jun' thatwasj m jdo Jn mynamo with
ent being too tnSch Unit by tho hard
things that0cro(sal(Iof "me. )Myre-J
cent booK had suggested .vaguo'suspl
clous of anarchism, Theso bad linked
themselves to,Jnde3nlto doubts ot my
religious bellefwMltpcopIo wero.heardi
-.to eaai vut,n,voe tor inui hiuvih
Lopcuod Oj.Cathor
ult aomo stalwart Protestant cried:
0i ry'Afiirt-rr
Vot for llnll Cfllnp. th Ilomnn OatlH
allcl Not I. Indeed!' A forthcoming
trial nt law m lslng out of the stopping
of. tho publication (if ono ot my novele
In n mnciizlne served'nit nuothcr weap
on of attack where nil was fair In lov
and war. 'They're telling mr ho .to
writing things thnt arc not tit for
lady to read,' said one good spinster la
this Isle of Man, which Is the Isle of
Woman also In so fnr'ns It admits both
sexes to the' exercise of tho franchise.
My profession ns u novelist wn
gainst mo. In certain fiuarters.'nnd
good Manxman protested, 'Don't nsk
mo to vote for n man who makes Ida
living by telling lies.' It was not for
1 . n
gotten that when Homo years ago It b-
cniiio' known In tho lslo ot Man that I
had produced n play n Manx bard la
tho mountains had written - n poem
which was Intended its n varnlng to
me nnd to nil such backsliders viz:
"Oh, ilnnef, let jotir datif crou tttti
AnJ think ol litll crt 'til toa'Iilf.
Whtn or)Jljr crf woulJ'Jtown ch thoufht.
l'tijr, nil to mlml that lull u boi; '
Ilfincmlxr in J (oigtt It net!
"Tho election Is pvernnd I nm glad
and proud to be n member of tho Manx
parliament, ami, being In It, I Intend to
do my best for my country and ray
people. For the present It Is little I cun
do." "
IlrnirnlluiiK Ml
C.olliiiiii llua(plr)-.
Tho Waldorf-Astoria hotel, in Now
York, honors tho horso show with the
most elaborate Moral decorations of Its
history. Proprietor George C. lloldt
deputed Florist .1. II- Small, who cre
ated tho llowcry fantnsjes of the ltock
cfcller Wedding, the Mackny and Itrad
lcy-Mnrtln balls and the Inauguration
at Washington, to transmogrify the
big hotel Into a bower where beauty
and the horse will divide tho honors.
Tho equlrio 'symphony's flrst move
ment will begin In the pillars and trel
Us work of tho .Thirty-fourth street
portico, which will bo twined "with a
medley of Florida sinllax nnd lncaii
descent lamps, nays the Now York
.tournal. At nlght..ths lamps will nes
tie llko flrotlles lu tho ropes of green.
As tho visitor swings lu his hansom
into tho driveway ho will bo confront
cd with a stntuellko hansom banked
In cbrysnnthomums nnd ,pnlms. nnd
yoked to n steed, blue ribboned,, rnsii
ioncd out of "250,000 -leucothea leaves
from tho forests of South Carolina
This horse was not made In .a day
took throo months to'bulld biro oi)t of
noiiiiug uui lenvuN. no ia uin.it
on the lines of oiiu'pf last y.cnrls rljw
From the ptlliir capitals In tho main
lobby wU depend facsimiles ln pw--.
ers of tho heads of cqulno" wonders of
fonner' shows. cncW with his approprl-1
nto rlliuon. Passing fftm tiq otHco tp(
tiic'ln'dies' reception room, tho oyo will
bo challcigcd by thejcountcrfelj; IffA.
sentmout of n horso Ufa slro done In
Pennsylvania moss. Palms aud flow
ers will llnnk the bases of tho support
ing columns of tho lobby, nnd frn
granco will bo heavy everywhere.
Profuse decorations ,wll delight ,thc
senses In tlie dining r.ooms, pnim Bur
dens, billiard room rind cafes.- Tho
chr.VH- uthciiium lu yellow, whlto nnd
bluo will furiilsh tho dominant note,
relieved by colls and wreaths of south
ern smllax anil asparagus vines. There
will bo 00,000 chrysanthemums in evi
dence, inchidlng several hundred Tim
othy Kntons, which rotnll at a dollar
Fresh flowers will garnish tho dining
rooms overy morn lug, nnd tho menus
.will ho decidedly horsy in gctup.
Jnlra Vcrno Noir Pliiialilnar Ilia
Mnrtr-nliilli Novel..
Jules Verne, who was nt flrst report
ed to havo becomo totally blind, says
that IiIh trouble Is cataract, on which
his doctor hopes soon to operate sue
cessfully. In tho meantime tho veteran
novelist of seventy-three Is us cheerful
and buoyant ns u boy of twenty, writes
tho London coiTespondent of tho Phlln
dolphin Press. Ho says that ho can see
a llttlo aud. that ho 1b just finishing ,hts
nluety-nlnth novel, working .steadily
from 8 to 12 overy morning.
"I still hopo to write my hundredth
boforo I leave off working," ho added,
"I usually write two books a year. I
take notes of everything which I think
may bo useful, nnd when I hnvo com
posed my central plot I, select, points
froul my notes BUltnblo ror tno story.
Then I set to work nud never lenyo my
book until I have finished It." ,
. ;if
Doyen at tlie Diplomat.
Minister Conger will soon be the
only foreign minister In Peking who
passed through tho slcgo nud will then
become tho doyen of tho diplomatic
corns. All tho other ministers hnvo
been relieved or expect to leave Pe
A nallad of l.o Dellhti.
Tin pumpkin crop l tllurt. lleport la Ui
Dnr rpr.i
p.it word 1 Ihll thlt halts our ltt
Wlut portcr.1 liurm tbt ikyt
TbauVjglilnir lurUjra fop tlitlr itrut
An) coclr a watchful ej-e.
We ilgli lull uJ and catch our breath,
Our thoughts race (ir and ntfht
Wild vhtipcri float tdowii tha Iud,
, "And what pi pjmpkln plf" f - f I ,
Oh, glovrlngf gcltlen, bulging fruit, ..
" lrcat iitm c! ttcmlng'earth! t 1
V-. little heed th rich, ripe gleam ,
Or leel tliy paulng worth
Until fell demom of the air
fnatchjNiee and leave us dearth!
JUd'tlicn nhen served with cunnltg hm, '
r AU imol.liig, crlip amj. brown, ;
la'pla tlut' bears tlilne honored name, '
T Still tvearett thou tny crown,
While (11 about rings Joj-ful shout
from c?untryld and town I .
Met clouds the face when lorroTe faltl .
I, True Jove we cannot buy)" i
The tun aeems lost from slihtTH nea"
When cloud racks tell the skr,
fbt barren. land lice atill luilalli f Jt
Wheo-wTitrr coursesdry,1 V "
stlllioul Its puinpsm pier
II. S. UIJs iu Kochriter fbsMYpraea.
Would Not Keep Up Guerrilla
Struggle After Appomattox.
Chnrlm l'rnpl Ail 11 ma Dram n l'r-
nllrl llFt-cit Sllunllon In Souili
Africa nml llic Clulnic ot the
Cotif rdrrnoj l'nprr llonil llrfnre
Aiiiprlonu Antliiiinrlnii SiicIpI)'.
Clinrles Francis Adams In nn nddress
before the Amerlcnn Antiquarian so
ciety at Sprluglleld, Mass., reviewed
tho history ot Leu's surrender nud com
pared tho struggle of tho south with
tho present war lu South Africa. What
he said was now and Included 11 hither
to unpublished chapter of American
history. He said lu part:
Tho present seems to mo a sulllclent-
ly proper occasion, nud this a good
place, to call nttciulon to n matter not
otherwise than germane to tho purpose"
of this society. Historical In Its charac
ter, It couveys a lessou of grnvo Im
port. One ot the molt unhappy nnd,
to those concerned lu It, disastrous
wars of tho century U thnt now In
South Africa dragging Itself out to a
conclusion uppnrenlly still reiuoto aud,
In overy way, unsatisfactory. Thero Is
good reason to think that tho conflict
was unnecessary In Its Inception; that
by judicious action It might long sluce
have, been brought to n close,, nud,
llnnllv. that It Is now continued simply
.because, tho parties to It cmitiot bo
brought together to discuss nnd nrrlvo
at a sensible basis or adjustment-a
basis, upon which both nro in reality
ready to agree. Nevertheless, ns tho
cable dispatches dally show, tho con
test dragB w earily along to "the probn-
blc destruction of ono of tho combat
ants toi tho great loss of tho other
and, so hu as can be seen, In utter dis
regard of the best Interests of both.
My purpose, however, Is to draw at
tention to tho hairbreadth escapo wo
ourselves had from n similar experi
ence now thlrty-flvo years ago and to
assign to whom it belong. tho credit
01 uiai oenpe. iiiiunu uuiu.vu iuu
Strdng light of passing events I think
it now opportuno to set forth tho debt
of gratitude this reunited country of
ouri Union anil Confederate north
und south owes to Itobert 1-3. 1.ce.
Tho decision vested In tho hands of
oho, piau-tho commander of tho Army
of TJortheru Virginia. Fairly rcllablo
olid very graphic accounts of what
took placoint General Lee's headquar
ters In tho early morning hours of that
dayhavo either .nppcarod In, print or
peon, told In conversation, and to two
of tlicite nccounW I propose to calf at
tention. Apparently tho second of tho
Interviews described followed closo on
tho first, not moro than h couple of
hours Intervening between them. Of
tho flrst I Und. tills nccoootju n book
,-,iii tiniiilsiieil bv Johni 8iiruont
.... !..... i ...... 7 . ,r...
H 180, rcnulieu - XIIO iiliu uieuii cni.
John' Sargent Wlso is tho son or Hen
ry A. Wine, onco prominent In our na
tional politics, (lovernor of Virginia
In lho later littles, he W" subse
picntly 11 brigadier general In the Con-
federate service. Though In 18C. but
a youth of nineteen, John S. Wlso was
hot Confederate and hail nlrcnuy
been wounded n, battle. At tho tlmo
now lu question ho chauced to havo
been sent by Jefferson Davis, then on
his way to nichmond, to Danvillo with
dispatches iff I;oe, und, whllo seeking
Lee's headquarters, no camo in too
early morning of April 0 across his
father, Governor nud General Wlso, In
bivouac with his brigade Tho father
was then nearly sixty years of age.
but tho sou found him lying on tho
ground asleep among his menT A typical
southern "lire enter" of the extremo
tvne. Henry A. Wlso was an out nnd
out secessionist nna uonreuernto.
Aroused by his son from his unensy
slumber, nlmost the first wish ho ex
pressed Wns to sco General Leo, nuu
h inquired Impetuously of his where
nboutsii Tho two started to go to uen-.
era) Leo's headquarters.
"Wo found General Leo on n rear
portico of tho house ho occupiq'd," says
Mr. Wise. "Ho hod washed his face
In n tin basin nnd stood drying his
beardiwlth a coarse towel as wo ap
proached. 'General Lee,' exchKmed my
father, 'my tfoor, brave men nro lying,
on yonder hill moro dead than alive.,
For moro than a week they have been,
fl'g'litlng day and, night without food,
nnd, sir. they shall not move nnother
step until .somebody gtves them 801110-'
thing to, eat'
""'Come In, general,' said General
Leo sool)ilngy. 'They, deservp some
thing to eat and shall huvo It. and
meanwhile you shnll sharo my break-
last.' He disarmed everything llkq de
fiance by his frankness.
"It wns but a few moments, how
ever, beforo my father launched forth
la a. fresh denunciation of tho conduct
ot General nushrod Johnson In the en
gagement of tho Cth. I am satisfied
that General Leo felt ns ho did, but;
assuming an air of mock severity, ho
.said, 'qeneral, are yo'u',awaro' that you
ore liable to court martial and execut
tlou,for,lnsubordlnatlon und disrespect
toward 'your commanding ofllcdr?
"My father looked at him with urtea
eyebrow nnd llnsblug eyes and ex
claimed: 'Shot! You cau't afford to
loot thp wen who tight for cursing
ibsii 'WlW.rnu away;-ShotIM3w)sb
you would shoot roe. If you don t,
omo Yankeo probably will -within the
sext twenty-four hours.'
.'GrovrJcg moro serious General I,e
Inquired what be thought ot tho situation.-
" 'Hltuatlonf said the bold old maa.
rTMru M bo situation Nothing,
,uils,-Ujeral .p;b;uttfc tvApm
poor men on your poor muievanu seuu
tbtta home In tlmo for spring plowing.
TliU nHny I hopelessly whipped and In
fast I I'ctinilng deniornllz"d. Theie men
have nl.vndy: emlured 'more ihali 1 be
llevod lli'sli nml blood could stand, and
I say to you, sir, emphatically, that to
prolong the, struggle, Is, numlfr, and
the Mood of every man who Is killed
ft out thlti time forth Is on jour head,
General Lee.'
"This last expression seemed U
cause Oieueral I.eo great pain. With n
gesture of iVnionstrnnco unit cven of
Impatience, ho protested: 'Oh, general,
do not tallc so wildly. My burdens m u
heavy enough. Whnt would tllo coun
try think of iuu If "i did what you sug
gestV '"There Is no country.' lw replied.
'Thero has been no country for n
year or moro. ou nro the country ot
theso men. Thoy-.havo fought for you.
They havo shlvereil through u long
winter for you.. Without pay or
clothes or euro, ot.uny sort, their devo
tion to you nud fa fill In you have been
tiio only things which have hold this
army together.'
"Jencral I.eo stood for somo tlmo nt
nn open window, 'looking out at tho
throng now surging upon the roads
nnd In tho Ileitis and made no re
Mr. Adams then went on to say that
CJeneral H. P. Alexnnder corroborates
Mr. Wise's story. Alexander nt nbout
tho same time laid before General I.eo
n plan for mnlntnlnlng a guerrilla war
faro Indellnltely. Ia;o replied;
"No, General Alexander, that will
not do. You must remember wo nro a
Christian people. Wo have fought this
fight as long nnd ns well ns wo knew
how. Wo hnvo been defeated. For us
ns u Chrlstlnjj people tuere Is now but
ono course to pursue w must accept
tho situation. iThese ir on muBt go
homo nud plant n'crop, nnd wo must
,uoc(.0,i o build ui our country on 11
m,w .n8s yvo cuunot lmve recourse
to tho methods you suggest."
I remember lelng deeply Impressed
with Alexander's comment ns ho re
pented theso words of I,ee. They had
evidently burned themselves Into his
memory. Ho wild: "I had nothing
more to snjv lt felt that thp man had
soared way up abovo me ho domluat
ed me completely. 1 roso from besldo
him. silently 'mounted my horse, rode
(.j. 0 my' command1 nnd wnlted for
jthiorder to-Surrcndcr-!' " ' -
Then nnd, thero Heo- decided Its
courso for tho Confederacy. And I
tnko It thero Is not one solitary mnn In
tho United States today, north or
"bouIIi. who does riot feel tliaV ho decid
ed fight.
Objects' to
the Promotion
of -tlvr
l'nlae I. over.
The war department nt 'vV'nshlngton
has befpfo It, for consideration an: ex
tremely curious case that of Miss He-
Iwca Douglass,' nrpretly girl of the"
Palmetto Btate, who protests against
the Issuance of a commission In tho
United States army to a former Ilancc
who, she claims, has Jilted her.
There Is on fllo.-ut tho war dcpnrt
mcnt nn oppllcidlon for a commission
1 1.. nM.n.. e.,,.. . w r
P. Crnwfordlof
1 iu
Chester? R. ( bearing nMong string of
Indorsements from prominent southern
ers. Thero was a strong probability
that the ambition of the young man
would shortly bo gratified. Now that
ambition has received a sudden check
nud n halt has been called lu tho mnt
ter. A few days ago a petition was re
celvcd'by Assistant Secretary of War
Sanger signed by a number or protni
nent citizens of Chester, 8. C. It wns
sent on behalf of Miss Douglass, who
claimed thnt Mr. Crawford, who ot
ono tlmo lu tho very near past had
been urn-need to her. hnd ncted in a
verv shabby manner In fact, hnd Jilt
ed her. nnd that by his actions ho had
proved himself unfit to wear tho uni
form of n commissioned olllcer or
Uncle Ham's soldier boys.
Whllo tho otUchils ot tho war depart
ment will not discuss the matter fur
ther than to acknowledge tho receipt
of tho protest, It Is known from a high
source that It will recelvo tho attention
It merits.
Cnllrtitlou Coiniileled After fileven
Vrlira' Work.
After eleven yours ot work It. 0. L.
Perkins, the EiikIIsd' ''nVturallstl- has
lust completed tho' collection (Jf y U16
fauna of Hawaii, says n cablegram
from Honolulu, no has made two
practically complete collections, ono
for the Hrltlsh museum and the other
for tho lilshop museum of Honolulu
His work covers everything that tiles,
walks or creeps, and It also comprises
coucholocy us applied to land BlicUs,
Among the curious facts disclosed by
his collection oro that Hawaii bus tho
only species of dragon files that do uot
start In life from tho water or or wuicn
tho liirvm are nonaauntlc. Tho land
shells nrq numerous nud very bcautl
ful In color and markings. On tho va
rlous Islands tho birds differ In a mark
cd way,
Tho lilshop museum Is now publish
lug tho results of Mr. Perkins' labor
lu several hirgo volumes.
hiy' Sail..'
1 Winn rrujicucu
; Woodruff and Frederick Unlseyot
Elizabeth, K.'J., li'ave built-a sulPwag
tn that they have christened Colum
bia. Its ffeht saw'lO by'.15'feet, take
tho full strength of tho wind and bowls
Ulonu nt great speed. The gpecd of
Rboat Is lessened on tUo,U ij r-but
WllC'll n mncaunui iur uniiinik
reached the speed is marvelous.
FobbM Over. Thirty Cents,
Knm Golddust. and Jim. Yan..Drk
qunrrclcd'ln .Atlantic Oltyy '.N. J..,.tht
other evening over SO. cents. Vim Dyks
toss ot blood. Van Dyko es.-uped. 1 , W. D. FRAME, Druxgtst "OH
Dr. Cnlrtwsll'H Svrun I'cpsln to core
any case or Constipation. Itidltrcotloii.
Kick lloaiinelio or Htomocli Troubl
whon tnlccu nccoruiiiR to Ulroctlous.
If, after tnkintr two-tblrds .?a ttfty
cent' or ono dollar bottle. It lalU to
do m kcprxYtcntod, wo ivlll refund ttia
pnrcliaco prlco.
Through Service
Fifty CENTS-
"jTf tmUe U tareer
r. St Louis, Chicago
Ana the Last..
iBDMatB m ana oui m-t im
oixt un Kunros tuoumi oumh
aid tuvni wmouz ounnr
OUlr Out (iMtt Tim) VeJayU'
ST.LtUIS, MElim llEtPAtl.
t , OTMBM, tni. hmmM IfMl, ft VsMa, K
al tee lift, ta'lIas'rsattlaMftl
OM.LM. rax,' '2
has rmJtntors some dealers
will substitute if ycu uont(
watch out. De cure you get
Cote, the orsinal4;imraniecl
euro for uandruif, tailing nair,tf
Iscalucxdma. .etc,, ,A ad.if-SS
h ch tiiVhafr aftep bathlnR prTJ
vents colds. Awarded meflalftV
.ind4Unorsnati? F Mv
- tsitionv'ovcr llcdmp1torvf
thf, .
Sold Cvciywlirrc, uooi; acui 11 jrcm,..j
. . . T T . . . . M
Ctill" (i
Coke. Shmti 'tM
A Ai
1 -Jn
Vo Vnndntft nure t- iuiiTerur.
Ufti'itl-yiiuimir-'M fi ". . V-M
I, 1
1 1
. 1

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