LIND9AY. nnrrnannndoncC. I.lndBny. I. T.. Oct. 16. The weath er now in a verltnlile Indian summpr. IJndnny Is booming now more tlmn vcr Tho hlahost wages are being yahl but workmen to All nil tiemanrts cannot be ownineti. Ariimr llct-vpn of Ulmore is LTtillil hut n roinnmilmis home here. Ijrf ovi'-.mept of Chlekflslin 1ms fcegim work on n large tone building (for OviMMttpet Hros. Mndnnv now has n good weekly ewijmpiT with a growing tilbtcrlp Hon llHt Thin nr- twontjr business houses in iDnrw of construction nnd any nirubrr of residences. TMh in tod n y tlis bent location nny when- tor a first-class eolleie. V( wed no other. The Hock Inland Is building lu thl lirpctinn at a lively ra nnd c vx- tu-t lln arn by the flrwt of the ear Mr It A Dies and Mrs. O. J. alwli I. nr- 8iM-ndlnK ii fow days in rnn,i. wlili relatives Hud friend Mrs lam. - Davis Is visiting In "JBlneih lll' A Typical South Afrlenn Store. ). It Irndii of liar Villa, Sunday rlvor. i'iut' Colnny. conducts a store typical nt South Africa at which can nur Imsed anything fror- '.he prov- -rbial "needle t j an nuchor. ' j hli store in "Ituated In a valley nine miles from the- nearest railway ntntlou and about rwonty-flve miles from the nearest 'own. Mr. Lnrrou snys: "I am fn vured with tho custom nt fanner -within n mdlus of thirty miles, r many of whom I have supp'led Chair tV rlaln's remedies. All tof.Ify to their thIiip hi a household where n doctor's .mvire Is nlmost out of the question. .Vfthln one mile of my stoic the pop ulation Is perhaps sixty. Of theso ultbln the past twolve moi:thi nolesi iian fourteen hnvo been absolutely vrod by Chamborlaln's CMigh rome--Jy. This must surely be a record." Vr sale by City Drue Stc-t and F. J. Kamsey. ROBBERSON. Special Correspondence. Kobberson, I. T.. Oct. IB The ishliiB part of cotton picking is about over. Quite n numbur of Hobberson peo pie will take In tho Gainesville fnlr. Ftonnt Trlmmor wont to Addlnglon -Saturday. Mr. Drown made n business trip to rdmoro tho last of tho week. J. 11. Ilntdiu. tho Modern 1'rnotor inn orgnnlxor who has been hero for some time, loft yesterday mornliiK for Oklahoma City whore ho will work n tlio Intorost of tho ordor. Ilr. Cunningham reports Noah But--r's baby greatly Improved. An oyster supper will be given nt She school hougu Saturday night for Jii benefit of the Sunday school. Koine unknown traveler built a fire n 'he school house yesterday morning ind went off nnd left It. The pipe neks a little or meeting at the rain "of mid before the lire was dlscov xvl about $10 damage hnd bean done Natural . Anxiety. Mothers 'regard nppronculng winter with uneasiness, children take cold o i-aslly. No disease costs more llttli :tves than croup. It's attack Ib so mid len that tho sufferer Is often beyond Km man aid before tho doctor arrlvos. Such easoB ylold roadlly to Onr Mia tite Cough Cure. Liquifies tho tmi cons, nllnya Innnmmntlon, romovos lnnKer. AbBOlntoly safe Acta Imme oflatvly. Cures coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, all thront and lung trou bles. R S. McMnhon, Hnmpton, Qa.: Abad cold rendered mo volcoloss Just ueioro an oratorlcnl contos'. I intnni! 1 to withdraw but took Ono Mlnuto on& uuro. It restored iry volco In tlmo to win tho modal." City Drug it Hiilsos a good woman to wonder mw ii fhorus girl nt 20 a wook can Jirford to wear $20,000 worth of Jow els. Never Ask Advice. wncn you bnvo n cough or cold ion t ask What la enm! fnr If mo modlclno with llttlo or no merit Jim pernnps lUngorous, Ask for Fo- pys iionoy and Tor, the groatost Jiiroiil und lung romody, It euros fusils ami coins qulcklv. Sold by 'onner &. Donnor. fJCTICF IN BANKRUPTCY. " the District Court of the United StntM. for the SoiiUiwn District ft Ardmore. In the mattr of J. C n. bankrupt. In bankruptcy: Tn the creditors uf .1. C. Cox In the .-i'.uthern district, m the Indutn Ter ntry. at Ardmore, a bankrupt: No la hereby given that on the Hth dny of October, 1U02, Uie snld J C Oox was duly adjudged bankrupt, and that tho first mealing of his creditors will bo hold nt my olllco at the court house In the city of Ardmoro. cm tho iSth day of Octobor. 1002, at to o'clock In the forenoon, nt which time the said creditors may attend, provo their vlnlms. appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other Imslnoss as may come bororo said nicctlng, JOHN HINKI.H, Itefereo In Bankruptcy. First published Oct. 17. 1002. The man who can govern himself can bo govorned by bin wife. BOXING THE COMPASS. "2 TJie Teat netirecn n Snllor anl a Lnnttlnlilier, Hoys who live In seaport towns nro sometimes asiel to "box tlie compass." If they can do It quickly and accurate ly, they are lino sailors and may grow up 10 lie me cnpiam or n rour immicr. If they miss a iolnt or enn only do It slowly, they are landlubbers nnd will never bco bltin untrr. Tn box the com. pan ineniiN to immo all the points In oruor jtiHi as nisi as you can spcax Thlx 18 tliA wnv mi dill ilntvn ist nkln per will rattle It off: North, nor by enst, nor'-nor't-ast, norVnst by north, northeHHt, nor'HDHt by east, cast-nor enst, east by ni tli, cest, oust by Kouth, onst-sou'east sou'Mist by enst, sou'otiBt, eou'east by south. ou'-souVnt, sou' by nut. Routb. sou' bv west. Miu'-aou'woAt. sou'west by south, nou'west, sou'west oy west, wcst-sou'west, west by south, west, west by north, west-nor'wost. noi-'west by west, norwest, nor'west by north, norMior'west, nor by west, north. Can iti do It? If a noodle Is drawn a few Union over the ends of a horseshoe magnet, It be comes magnet led. l'nsli such a mag uetlced needle through a small cork. l'laee the cork In n bowl of watrr. In It. Ing pains to see that the cork When It uoais on me water will carry the nee dle In a horlsouUl iMjsltlon or "on on even keel." Another wav lu fn nut about three Inches from n hollow straw (such as Is used to sack lemonade) and to push the needle Inside tliu straw. The straw will float and carry the neo die. Now observe what linimcnm. Tim floating needle will slowly swing round tin it iioints north nnd south. Tho Straw Will hclllivo In (lie niinif. wnv Tush It In any othpr (1lrctlon, and tho KinMim.l If I. , . I .. I . .. 1 . ,.. Hiiiiitriii in ikw il niYiiiga iiiciv (iKlllll, I We do not know who first observed tliPfHPf i:..t iln.lln, n,,.oll.1 , . die will point to tho north. Nor do wo know precisely when or where somn unknown Inventur imnl thla lilrn in make n compass. All wo know Is that mo (Jiiinese made nnd used compasses more man "-'.ooo years ago, When men beznn. nurlmns lflOnfl years ago, to sail upon the water, they tiseu marKs upon the shore to guide thorn on their wnv. Lone vwirs nfter they observed that n ccrtnln star kept ni an nine me same place In the sky, and they upd this h1o star as a guide in aiccruiR ineir snips. Today n steam ship starting down tho Hudson river " uiil.- IB KUIUttl UJ' IIIU IMKH, IIIIU he USCS the buovs. lien cons ntnl ntlinr .,l,l . , ,1 1. , ,, uny. uu Miiuiy nook be gives up the ship to the captain, who Instructs the helmsman to steer northeast by cast, cast by north or whatever course ho selects, nnu tlie Helmsman, wntchltig tlie compass, keeps the ship headed U mni uirccuon. uniins kcws. COOKING HINTS. Chocolate Is crontlv Imnrorpd lit adding a tenspoonful of stromr coffco just uotoro serving. In nddlim Hour to cravlos. nhvnva use n Hour dredger and tbcro will bo no lumps in tlie gravy. borne housokoeners vnrv tho ilnvor of lioiato salad by boiling the potatoes for it in hock. or. ir it is moro convenlunt. in tlie soup kettle. In using sour milk tho proportion for gingerbread, biscuits, cake or nny dough or batter Is ono teugpoon of unuing soda to two cups or bour mi k. If Ulllktllir n irelnlln doMSnrt mi n lint- or a wet nay, add a little moro gclntln tlinn tho recipe requires, hnlf ns much again if you wish to mold fruit Into tut jelly. Kkks a In ranlirote Is inndo br boil. Ing eggs threo and n half minutes, roll lu beaten can nnd lino lireiul cruniliH. fry In deep fat; when brown, drain on paper, garnish with parsley nnd servo wun ratugotc sauce. To make n small Klinrfenkn tnlcn n pint of pastry flour, rub In lard the slzo or an egg, lenspoonrul cream ot turtur, half teaspoonful boilu, salt, aud mix with sweet milk. Bake lu quick oven, eput and butler nnd add fruit. 3fornl Miinalfin nti.l n Rimn "Sho seems to have abandoned her moral suasion Idcaa rclntlvo to the training of children." "Ilowdldltboimonr "Well, I was Inrgoly Instrumental In brluglng nbout the change. You sec, sno has no children of her own, nnd I grew weary of her constant preaching ana luconziiig. so I loaned her our WIl ne. "Loaned her your boy?" "Precisely. Sho was to hnvo him week on bur solemn promlso to confine uerseir onureiy to moral suasion." "Did she keen her nromlsoi" "She did, but nt the expiration of tho weeK sue came to me with tears In bor eyes and pleaded for permission to whale him Just onee." New York Mall ntm uxpre.sM. For lilt- tine of (lie lllirht linn.!. The bullous on couts. etc.. nro placed on tho right side nnd the shed of the hnlr In boys to tho left evidently tn milt manipulation by the right hand. Tho great philosopher Newton records that ni nrsi no coillined his nRtronnm observations to bis rlrrht eve. hut offer. wnrd he muuaged to trnlu his left Hut mero are persons who could not do this OWlng to the lllicnunl strength nf their ivt-.-tjuamoers- Journal. Rnlertnlnuil Her. "Did SIIss Caddy cntcrtnln your nro- posair asktxl tho close friend. nan uie sau answer. It 1 seemed to work just the other way."- o I Tbo longest ncndulum was 377 feet In length and was swung iium me second platform of the Eiffel wwer. A TEXAS WONDER. HALL'S GREAT DISCOVEnY. One small bottle of Hall's Great Discovery cures all kidney and blad nor troubles, romoves gravel, cursa diabetes, seminal emlsrlon. wsak and lamo back, rheumatism and all Irregularities of the kidneys and oiauaer in uow women and nitn Ilegulatos bladder trouble In children If not sold by your drugglnt, will be sent by mill on receipt of 11. Ono tmnll bottlo Is two month's treatment and will cure any cause above men tloned. DH. B. W. HALL Sole manufacturer, St. Louis, Mo., for- moily of Waco, Texas. Hold by all druggltt and W. B iVurae, Ardmore, I. T. MEAD THIS. flcburne. Texas. Oct. 10. mni This Is to certify that I havo used tho Texas Wondor, Hall's Great Discov ery, for kldnev trotlbls. 11. mv nntlro satisfaction nnd enn r......rr-r ,ni it n any one suffering , from tho same. ours truly, a. C. LONG. If It 'a a Garland, thafs all von need ) know about vour stnvo. SnmriiK. bells them. To makp your home complete and your l.ll'h'n neat and coinrortRhle you need only a Garland ntnvo J. n .SPKAOINS & CO. We are willing to risk our reputa tion as merchants on the wear of the Moon Uros'. buggies. None better, few, If nny, ns good. NOBLE BROS. HITQT DflQQCyfSCO QK&Vik ' u"wt 1 KUUU,U'-1' UfafBa no Tnouaic to answer qucstiono. RllDCDD Dill IMAM Wr o-r n n i r n "" 1 UfcUHHIl tO I I JU(.bU ' HANDSOME RECLINING CHAIR GARC (seats free) ' LL THROUGH TRAINS. E WITH fast momlnir arrt trains to St. Louis and tn? E WITH Pullman Sloopci-3 b back Scarrltt sout Coaobec - (without chnntro) to How J. dally. iNE WITH imndsoino new Chair 4-. til v v nuui, uiitwiir; iimu, to St. Louio, Mo in p til a nnd Kl Paso. ONLY LINE WITH a savlnff of 12 Uoura ONLY LINK WITH Tourist Slooptaj viira, BHuii-woouiy, tnrougn iwitsout clmntro) to Sun Francisco. . bk pert ncusruLrr- or oun INCOMPARABLE TRAINS, CCT A Pi. I ld R.I IK il B as AND C. P. VUHNER, i . I v..i 1n,RST Autllt. LS TEX. O.'. ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS Are opor&ted by tho Dotwoon TEXAS And the North and East Detween BIRAUNGHAAl, MEMPHIS Ami (hA North and West Uotwoert OKLAHOMA , . ni mo iMOrtrl and East Observation cafo cars, under tho ( niAnaeraent of Fred Harvey. Equlp- . ni ,.'t ct tho latest and best design. HACK LINE Davis TO Sulphur. Ma a 4- o oil ffninn r 1 t-o l. cuiio. uuuu --"-"'''-',-"-'-''o aiiu prompt SGTVice. Wire nf e l- H f tr A Ul kDICJIIUIIO J. R. BLYTHE, TEXAS. 4 IMPORTANT GATEWAYS 4 Davis. Ind. Ter. L. D. MASON, iiRjir.Kn tv Nev M Goods Bought, Sold, North WashitiKloii FRANK BERRYHILL, the: Tiisir er. 4 I ; - , ja. CO CO CO CO CO CO SOUTH OF liLUCTRIC LIGHT Watch for ik It's time for them to miiVe i heir uuuuul visit louth, and that, menns it's ah. .nr. time thnt you have a Rood new stove in your iom, nnd be prepared for the cold weather. 'Cool tijorninns mid cveuinRS without a llttlo flro are dim rerous to health. Wo have a ear of i atovea. AmortR thorn you can find nnjthuK ; tt wnut. We have cut the price to the fjnick to mru ivitb, and invito you to vis,it our store. I WILLIAMS, CORHN 2 The Hardware Men. t NO TALKING REQUIRED, I i ! I It doesn't require yinpf-vnii Ihnr tlii- venr. Thoan nnol morniugn reniind you of hut. Neither dons it rpqnirft mi v argu- ment from us to convince you Hint we brII tin best stnypfl on thf mnrket. The very minpf , THE LEADER and THE GARLAND stnnd for stove perfection. If yon have ever studied stovpology, or evnn compared the hinder nnd the Ourlnnd with other stoves, you know their Miperior points. Come in nnd let, uk show you what we have. mm eh HARDWARE uouses nt Ardmore. Uainesville. Wvnnewood. Mm-iotin Second Haod Furniture aod Stoyes. Renied and Exchanged. Street, AhIhuit, I T. Geese, $ J 4 J.I nny talking to con- is the stove timn of t m DEALERS. ' PLANT, AKOnOKI:, IND. TIJR. CO i X X t (0.J IX RAILROAD EXCUR0ION RATpV - . Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe. GAINESVILLE, TEXAS Street Fair, Oct. 14 to 18, Inclusive Tho O. C. & S. F. railway win sell round trip tickets to Gaines ville for $1.30, limited ono day from dnto of sale. On Oct. lr, $i for special train only, leaving I'urcoll at 0 6'clock a. in. MILWAUKEE. Annual convontlon of tho National Croamory Uuttormakors Assocla. Hon nt Mllwaukoo Oct. 20-24, 1052 On O ct.10 tho O. C, & s. F. Wj sell round trip tlokots to Mil waukee for ono faro, limited Oct 27. t'HICACIO. Intornntlonnl Livestock Expos', tlon. On Novombor 20 and to tho Gulf, Colorado nnd SanU will sell round trip ticket to CliJr,.. for $27.40, llmltd Der.wnber n KANSAS CITY. Amorlcan Hoyal Cntt'e and Swlan Show and Kansas City Horso Show ht Kansas City, Mo., Octo ber 20-26. On October 10 and 26 the Gulf, Colorado ar.J Santa Fe will nell round trip tickets for $13.60, limited October 27. NEW OIILEANS, LA. Annual meotlng Amorlcan Bank ers' association, New Orleans. La.. Nov. 11 to 13. On Nov. 7, 8, and 0 the O. C. & S. K. railway will soli tickets to Now Orleans, La. and return for $10.06, limited tea, days from date of sals. W. A. DASIIIELL. C. O. & Q. Special Rate. MILWAUKEE. Annual convention of tho National Creamery Huttormnkors Aaaocla tlon nt Mllwaukoo Oct. 20-24, 1902. The C. 6. & a. will soli round trip tickots to Mlhvnukoe for one fare. Datos of sale Oct. 19, limited Oct. 27. On Wednesdays and Saturdavs-fh- C. O. & G. will soil round trip tick ets for ono faro plus J2.00 to summer tourist points in Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and vir. glnla. Limited sixty davs. Spoclal summer excursion rates to northern and eastern resorts. One faro plus $2 for tho round trip. W. A. DASIIIELL. Ticket Agent. WARNING ORDER. In the United States court In tho In dian Territory. Southom district: C.has. Flemlnir. nlalntlfr Kleming, dofondnnt. No. C.3CB. Tho defendant Dottlo Fleminir Is warnod to nppoar In this court In thir. ty days and answer tho complaint of Plaintiff Chas. Flemlne. Witness Hon. Hosea Tnvnumi Judge of said court and tho seal there- ot this 10th day of Octobor, 1902. l&oai.) c. M. CAMPrtRi.T Plarlr H. C. POTTEnP, Attornoy. S. H .I1UTLER. Atty for Non-fios. First published Oct. 10, 1902. Foley's Honey and Tar Cures r.nhtt r , forums pneumonia. Tho blggost stovos in tho city nt WILLIAMS, CORHN & CO'S. DGNTISTS. UBHTIHT. Tho Latejt Improyomont for Grown nd Bridge Work. tlmm, "u"r",eea' Pr" o omo over JUnaoi-i ,0r,. Aramor.. I. T OR. WILLIAM S. PENNELL, DENTIST. Office Moved from over Bonner & Uonner to the Noblo Bros. B'ld'g. Opposite Depot Rates, $2 per Day Special attention to tho traveling public. ., Newly renovated. Double Bamplo room. Hnthin connection, free to tranaient guests. $25 REWARD ;; WE will pay 25 roward for the '. ', arrest and conviction of any party or parties netting " wlttiln a radius of 26 miles of Ardmore. n B.P PREN8LBY, Pres. Rod and Gun Olub. " .1 v .. , 41. klU