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The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, September 13, 1905, Image 5

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Ardmore, Wetlneiday. tent '?. "05.
t. o. ct-PTtn
CARTER eg CANNON, agents
ntPKEsttNTiNa tmc follow na nmuAOLi CifAMltp
Commercial Union Amuranrp r.mrn.r ot Loa.ion. BuiMaad
I'hiatlne Innursnro CotuiMor of Jjoirloa. BofJuJO
Ouvin Insurance Company uf New York
NlB:r Klro f New York
I'hoenlx Insurance f'oniiMny of IJsrtford, Cons. . '
Orient Insurance, Company, uf Hartford. Qona '
Flreman'o Fuml of San Kraticlco
Norwich Union fnstirauce Society f'f?orwlh, Bnslwil
dermaii Alllnnre InMiranee UompRny of New Tort - ,
Ocean Acclilent anil (luarnnteo Corporation
Prudential Life Insurance Company.
New Jersey Plate (lln Compunv
Phenlxof llreoklyn, Philadelphia Underwrite r ut FMitfelVkla. 9prHn:flelu
of MnMachusctto, Liverpool, Lundon & Ulolie of Liverpool
opfico iNCflrn-nDOKtu hldo. oven p. o.
is tho fireman business. My!
though, how lie and his hone
spoil tilings, while lie's at U.
The houso and things inskh'
aren't worth tnucli when he
gets through.
Quit taking your own tire risk!
Transfer it to us in on of Hip
"solid as a bank'' companies. I
you have a tire then we pay tin'
bill. Try it and you'll sht p
better and have better health
The Statehood Puzzles.
Jn accordance of the plan of the
Comma clal chili to ralte funds to
send an exhibit and delegate to tho
Portland exposition on the 28th of this
month cash prizes will be given. Tho
club wants bright girls to sell state
hood puzzles and offers tho following'
prizes In citah to the one that sells tile
greatest number. 1st prize to the girl
that iells the greatest number will be
$5. in sold, 2nd prize, $2 and the next
three will receive $1. each.
The puzzles will be. furnished by It.
Ii. Sanders, t-eei'etary of the Commer
cial club. The price of the ptiz.le are
li cents each and all must be sold
V. J. Woi'-ham of Dallas is here.
Uev. .1. 11. Askew of Stockton. Cal..
ii former rcMdent of this city Is In
It. K. Phillips of nalueavllle Is In
the city.
1'. L. McLaughlin of Dnlton is In
tho city.
J. D. DlcUonun returned to Davis
last night.
Judge Nick Wolf of Tishomingo was
In tho city today.
A. D. Gray of Oklahoma City was
In town last night.
Jno. W. Walker of Shawnee was In
the city last night.
W. 1 Anderson of Marietta was In
tho city this morning.
Dr. Howell, a representatives citi
zen of Davis was hero yoatorday.
Miss Hva Houndlreo Is visiting relit
ttves and friends in Kansas City.
W W. Wlilteman, a former resident
if Ardmore. but now residing at Chick
u-h:i Is In the city.
1.. M. Fitzgerald of Denlson is In the
cliv on business. He represents til
Sin i-mnn Cotton Oil Co.
Dr. D. M. Hallev and Jos. l rJlllntt
two well known citizens of llulley-
villo. aro la the city.
I.. It. Williams of Wynose, 111., U
hi r.' prospecting. Mr. Williams Is an
old time friend of .1. W. Yocum, of
J. one Clrove.
Mr. end Mrs. Charley Kerner are In
the city from Madlll vistlng friends.
They formerly lived here and In all
probability will return here and mako
this their homo voon.
Will Probably Hang.
I'nlces the President of tho United
States Interfers with tho sentence lm
pored upon Hufus Hluyon, colored, the
flri-t legal execution In tho Southern
district will take place on Sept. 22. It
Is understood that the district attor
torney's olllco has refused to recom
mend clemency in the Dlnyou caso.
Tho attorneys of Dlnyou have ap
pealed to tho president. and have ask
ed that the sentence be changed to
(liar pf life Imprisonment.
Preparations for carrying out the
pentence will commence Immediately.
As the time npproanhes Dlnyou ap
pears self-eomposul. - He Is Inclined
to bo lellglous, and is said to he a
Come nnd help In a good cause noxt
Friday night at the home of Mrs. J. H.
Pennlugton. 12-2
within thi' iihvI five ilnvs.
Tim girl selling the greatest Humbert KOoa- m-honer.
of puzzles In Indian Territory and Ok- -
lnhoina will be x'.ven a free trip to I . Notice.
Portland on the statehood special Any one caught bathing, llsl'ilng oi
which leaves Oklahoma City. Sept. 2S. hunting In the rallnmd lake will ue
This' will boa great opportunity for punished according to law.
some young lady. Kacn town in tno js.d
territory will bo furnished an equal.
number of puzzles. The puzzlea arc1
very Interesting, livery citizen or Aril
Atkins hats and
more should purchase as many as pos
sible. It will enable (he club to send si
fine exhibit to Portland and also a
Polo and Tommy
baker's caps at
11-3 Miss Collins Millinery Parlors.
The grocery linn of Klutt & Daven-
delfigate. In addition to tlila Ardmore port Is showing a proper appreciation
will be given a great write-up In the' 0f their liberal patronage' by an In-
Journal of Commerce. creased capacity to -properly hapdle
In deciding to send a delegnto and
exhibit to Portland the- directors of till
Commercial club havd. made n wise
move. Nearly every Important town In
both territories will bo represented
and thero will bo ICO delegates on
Jihu trip. Tho.Commerelal club.belioves
lhat Ardmbro will be vastly benefited
by the plan mentioned. ,
Tho American Mutual Building andl
Savings Association of Chattanooga,1
Tenn., loans its money to build houses,
to buy houses and to tnko up existing
liens on houses. See H. Fred Snider, i
local agent 718 West Main St. 13-IJ
the trade. Some of their extra specials
in fresh groceries for today are:
Alackerel, Mango's pickles, raisins.
Prompt delivery to tiny part of the
city. 11-3
For fresh groceries and prompt ile
livery go to A. H. Hooper's. J. N. liar
rail's old stand. Phono lS'J. Satlsfac
tlon guaranlt-ed. 11-5
Tho Orlo Club will meet with Mrs
B. O. Hudson, corner 2nd Ave., aim
11 st.. N. W. Friday afternoon at 2: SO.
1 For Good Groceries
J' And
S Good Prices
IC Feed of all Kinds
Fresh Meats; Celery S
" Fish And Oysters I
Near Union Depot I
T i
Send us your silk dress and wo wih
do the rest.
on way to postofflce. , 1.1
It will pay you to see Trcadwell's-
window display of. llawes and Stetson
fall hats. 10-4
Tho remains of Phil Barrett whe
recently died at South McAlester wcro
taken to El Reno for Interment. 'I lie
body was tlrst burled nt South MeAle.
ier, but a brother of the deceased had
i iioiii removed to ui Heno where otli
n- members of the family are btnUd.
Mrc. llarrett waa jiresent nt the funer
They Cure not Simply relieve
All diseases and blood impuri
ties which are directly or indi
rectly caused be deranged action
of the kidneys.
Price, 50 cents
See that you get the oriainal.
W. n. FRAME, Proprietor
Tailored hats In new and exclusive
styles and shapes at attractive prices.
11 -:i .Miss Collins' .Millinery Parlors
Fresh oysters and celery dally at
City Fit.li Market. :Mm
School Shoes,
We have lieen exceedingly careful
In the selection of this very Important
part of our stock. 10
"Pastures Green."
Alfalfa and ryo seed for sale bv M.
II. Pugh. Winter Turf Oats. lOdw lm
Fair Attracts Attention.
The Anlmore Fair is attracting ' in-
Fldernble atU'itllon In the territory,
nald u wi-ll Vnown traveling; man. "and
believe there will be en Immense
trowt b"m fur tiv oceu-U'ti. The fair
liropotltlon U one of lhe best silver
il.eme:it mediums in lhe country and1
with the proper effort At dm tiro tmoula
deprive a great deal of benefit from
the first exposition."
It 1.4 learned Utnt the railroads will
maintain excursion rnte durliii? the fair
and that the lines In the southwest
will make peclul ratn for the event.
The dircctoia this morning secured
the service of H. J. Candors ns press
representative of tho fair. Ho will fur
nish tothe presot the Italian Territory
adveriUlug mner and will glvo Ard-
more- Hindi publicity for tho next, fow
weeks. Every section of tho territory
will oo Hooded with advertising matter
and the dltectors state that this sys
tematic advertising will no doubt
brlug liuiul'i-ds to Ardiiioro.
The nsHoclittlon vclll utwi siarl tigents j
out next week to advertise the pro-
Ject. The advertising matter received
Uere Is very ahtiwy and attractive. .
Secretary Stuart of the association .
la Hooded with applications for con-1
cesxlon and he stales that every avail
able Inch of room will be occupied
Carnival companies, having good at-
tl-HCtioiw vstil to come here I lie Uor
ottes, which attracted much attention
at the World's Fair, will be one of i
Uie big attractions and the palace ot I
arts will be another splendid one. The j
directors will conduct the fair on an
oxtenslve scale. President Wall 4aled!
thai no expuise would be spared lo;
make the exposition a success. Hew-,
ever, the funds will lie expended In a
Judicious manner and good return,
wll be had according to the wisdom
It I gratifying to. learn that a large
number of horsemen vnnt to come'
here fur tho rac s. Indications are mat
the races will be a big feature. There
will be no less than HuO horses on the
groundf. ami the work of building ad
ditional slnlls will commence at once.
The people of Ardmora are taking
a deep Interest In tho fair. Tho rail
roads have assured tho directors that
they will make cheap rates. Tho roads
will also advertise the fair.
"Hard-Wear School Shoes"
a a o a 3 a f sd a
And you will find them as solid as a rock. They are the
dressiest shoes and The Best Values for the Money wo have
ever seen.
Prices From $1.50 to $2.50
LYNN TllShoc Ma
127 E. Main
Repairing a Specialty
rj-u.,rw. m. 1
The sport of Kings
At the
The cotton crop In the South In 0110
year is worth more tnan uie gout out
put or the world In two years, we aro
In the heart of the cotton producing
region. Are yon equipped to got j'oitr
haro of Hip trade. Iet the Wookiy
Ardmotilte talk to 5,01)0 farmers for
you In ono day.
Benevolent Society.
The Hencvolent Society will meet
with -Mrs. .1. C. Thompson tomonow
afternoon from 4 to .1 o'clock. A fun
ittendance Is desired.
MltS. A. C. CHUCK, Sec.
Turf Exchan
!n the WUtUr.jton H tl Building
RECtog Results Received Daily by Special Wire.
Commissions Placed
A, uenrceois f. Uourieoli
.Ilnrle the baker on Caddo street
.wiints you to know that his bread and
barbecue are of the very best quality.
I2lf IMUI1J, The Uaker.
Fire at Cement.
Oklahoma City. Sept. 13. Uxploslon
of an oil lamp In roof of lodge room
In Cement last night caused a fire
.which resulted in the destruction ot
the entire oast side of tho main bin-
Iness street.
f SI'') j".
. . . . 1 t M
AKUnUnt. IND. I UK. '
The Inrcert. tjic t..-nt riiiiP't. tin- iimt n. jil. Uie most troi:rci)vi ond itm
Di -t j-i vti t.uFlneKK cllck-cln Indli.ti Ti rrlten Pny nnd nltlit xc tioel tho imllre.
i r' ,. ".v t't'" Mifiwl Diifht sche.il wllti. ml t-Tt'.i . h.ir(;i. Tuition tio mr month ur Mr
tor unllinitr.l i helar-lilp. limro 10 in II. iut iTu.ntU. No vaoHtlon. l'liplli m.ij miln
hi nny tn,n.. Bit'i I'lipll I- Mure. , n ,.. u.vrltn r nmy mtranru an raiildlv ai lili nljiUtt
Mil permit TlmrmiKh triilnltiK In ii -:,M lime ..n-lnU'iit with otllrlcncy llpfernni O'f
Anv i.htiK i r I'-jMiif"- lirM. Hi rdin.n l i.r i-Hlue.Ktie JdilreiH
e )!cnt. Ardmore Indian Terrttorj
, !
O. P. SEIA'IDT.B A M. M.. ACCTS . i:
Money to loan on Improved city
property at lowest rates. Inter-Stnto
Mortgage Trust Co. Thos. J. Sanfbrd,
Agt, S07, W. Main st. 28-tf
Statehood Meeting.
All citizens aiul business men of Ard
moro aro requested to meet at the
court house at 8 o'clock p. m ThurS'
There will be a music null elocution
recital given by Misses Marlln and
Parks at nrgrovu Coelleg on Monday
'veiling Sept. 25th. So adnilsslqii will
be charged.
tf J. M. (iROSS.
LOST A red rubber folding tobacco
pouch. Finder keep pouch and u
turn tobacco to this olllco.
Attention Presbyterians.
. Wo begin tonight., at prayer moot
inir. tho study of tho book of Oalo-
dny, to consider and take such action. Hans. Bring ,your lllhlos, tablets and
as they may think best In regard to ncnclls. will ucuin promptly ni
statehood. A. KDDLE.MAN,
Member Joint Statehood Executive
ominltteo for 21st Recording District.!
Wo mako a specialty of ladles silk
13 Ardmore Tailoring Co.
Tho three tarpons that wero caught
it Hockport and which aro mounted
and on exhibition in Spraglns and . '
company's show windows daily attract' The best yet. Aetna Life and Acd
the nttentlon of hundreds. Many never! dent Insurance company,
saw a tarpon and think tho big fish I UEDFIICI.O & HAYNIH, Agents,
arllflclnl. Tho tarpons appear life llko.' io-G
Tho mounting la done so cleverly its .
o leavo no trace of tho artlBt's worhj All little "feet will turn toward our
and to ono devoid of the art of mount- store when in need of good shoe3. 10
lug this work It would seem a hope
less task. Of the three tarpons tho one
caught by W. H. Johnson Is the larg--st.
Back from Germany.
Emil Weiss, one of Ardmore's pro
gresMve merchants, has returned from
an extended trip through Germany.
This was Mr. Welsh's first trip In some
time and his visit to his former home
was indeed a pleasant one. Ho stated
today that he was very glad to get
bsok to Ardmore. He thinks lhat there
1 no town anywhero that he would
rather live tuon Ardmore.
Hawes $3 fall hats of latost vogue at
1). J. Treadwell & Co.'s. 10-1
"Pastures Green."
Alfalfa and rye sged for sale bv E.
R. Pugh. Winter Turf Oats. lOdw lm
fou can make the terms when you
ut a buggy from ub. NOBLE BROS
A Woman's Friend
j For cleaning' and polishing Brass, Copper, q
$ NicKel, Tin, Silver and Gold, brass beds and Q
$ all household articles. Call and see what a $
X fine Metal Polish I have for sale.
f . T. N. COLEMAN- f
(S The Leading Druggist .h 4
Wa have 110 plain shop but huve a
llrst-dnss cleaning and dyeing shop.
13 Ardmuro Talhiiing Co.
Humpty Dumpty.
Httmpty Dumpty has arrived In
own nnd hundreds aro clamoring for
.1 slsht of him'. His pictures will soon
in seeu In tho show windows uboul
Humpty Dunvpty Is a great puzzle,
In fact tho greatest of all ages. A deep
mystery surrounds him, although ho
is older thau Methusalem, his secret
lias never been fathomed by mortal
man. Ancient as ho Is, ho has made
his appearanco in several towns of the
territories. Ho camo this morning.
Humpty only makes his appearance In
II vo up-to-date places. That explains
I1I3 appearanco in Ardmore.
Everybody Is qulto anxious to make
tho acquaintance of this romarkauie
character and ho Is a' most approach-
ablo fellow. In fact ho courts ucqualn-,
tanco. ' ' j
Humpty Dtinipty is going to tad
Portland Exnosltion with tho stnte.l
hood upeclal which will leave Oklaho
ma City, Sept. 28. Ho Is going to take
with him two carloads of products 01
tho two territories and a wide-awake
representative of each town and he Is
going to pay tho oxpeiides of tho trip
Tho Ftatchood special Is a plan to ad
vortlse tho matchless products of tho
territories. Tho Ardmoro Commercial
club Is co-oporatlng with tho progres
sive towns of tho territories.
Humpty Dumpty, tho puzzle, will be
on salo'thls week anil It Is hoped that
every body will buy ono or moro ot
tho puzzles'. Tho money Is to bo used
In advertising Ardmore and sending
a dejogato to tho exposition.
Tho secretary of tho Commercial
club states that the club will giro $10.
In prizes to persons selling the lar
gest number. If you want to' make
romo extra monoy and also compoto
for tho privilege of going to Portlan
see tho secrotary of tho club at once.
Ho can bo found at tho. ofllco Df the
Miss Campbell, for somo tlmo con
nected with the local telephone ex
change, has resigned her position here
and departed feir Dallas whuro she
has accepted u position with the
-?outhv'esierr. Telephone company.
Mips Campbell was ono of the most
Mllclent young ladles connected with
the company hero and her host ot
friends will regret her departure.
5 The
Standard Enamel Ware i
b(s.t made, ireludir ft .". D 1-2 nnd 0 foot bath tulw,
Gne-j.ieuc was-h stands oi different pattQms and prices',
and one find tvo-pkee kitcht u sinks, from-f-Jto $35. A
complete line of bath rdoiii nickel plated furnishinijrf,
such as tumbler and bnioh holders, bath seats, towel roi
fcap arjd srongc holders Mi g showers-, etc.
Try pur Monarch Massage Bath Spray.
In fact wo can supply your vnr.ts in anything in pluinb
ing matt rial or fi.xtures. Our past work stf-nds as living
testimony to the high class plumbing wdrk wo do. Wo
are convinced that we c&n and will mako-it to yxiur in
terest to figure with us VUn in the market for anything
in the plumbing line. Try us ant judge for yoursolf. .
Practical Tinners and Plumbers
209 West Main Street Telephone 79
Frank .lutleii. a nephew of Judge i
C. M. Campboll and II. Stewart ofj
Foster am In the city today nnd lmtn
bring pleasing stories of crop condl-i
Hons in their section. Mr. Juden states I
that tho cotton was looking splendid 1
and that the yield would equal almost '
that of last year. Ho was Inclined
to think that crops were better In his,
vicinity than In the Ardmore section
Though th- wisdom of tho nncb-nt--may
have been superior to ourft. v.
are still alive.
and durability of our lambnrarothCHtuDK
feints upon which we prido ourolv. Tho
I fellow pine planks nhown Inour jardi hnvo ho
jstreniith of an elephant. It Is of wcll-m'xencd
I wherever It has been unud has nicce!iilT
! weathered many a uttirm, and'Hai never know
t k'lve unvatlHfactory rcHuItx. with siifh nu
establlHbed reputntlop for the eicollinco u
3 our material, wo have built up a i.-ocd buiilnom
..ud It 1h our iiuriioxe to Veep tbM api. Whj
don't you purehani) jour lumbtr heteT Wo 1
make the price rlcbt. Vllt cijryiuil)i ami in.. So
Three Boys Poisoned.
Oklahoma City, O. T.. Sept. 12.
Word come from Merrick. Mncoln
county, of the poisoning or three boys
lllllll UUUUf. an:tmi-iwiir.. , i.t....-.
of tho. boys are not given, nor Is that
j of tbt) ' owner of tho patch, but it is
I said that tho melons contained .poison
! in order to catch the person or pel--I
sons wl it was thought had been
stealing lliolons. Two of tho boys died
and the' third Is In a very serious con
dition. This Is taking stringent meas-;
ures to detect a'lhlof, nnd It may lie.j
that ho owner of the watorinolons wih
bo proseputed
JP JC&East Side Lmmber Co.
Itoom and board for man. nnd wife,
or two younij ladlo. Apply -lit North
Washington S'troet. , , ,' 1G-C
There Is a vast difference botwoen
getting ahead In th world and getting
ahead lr a saloon.
The Old Established Insurance .Com
pany in the Limelight.
Now ' York. Sopt. 13. Frederick
Shipmnn, nsslstnnt troasurer of the
Now York I.to Inmiraneb company
for tho past threo years was tho first
witness In the Investigation- today. He
was examined '6n s'yndlcato accounts.
Hughes, coiinsol for tho legislative
committee asked. "Is It fair to say
that the New York Life enter Into an
ngreoment with othors and provides
monoy for the Turchaso of bonds, then
glvos members of the -syndicate the
profits of sale?" "Yes." was lhe reply
"Doe's, It m".n that Ne,w York Life
pays oneMialf the profit? to hankers,
to get thorn to handle the yndleate?
"Yes, I think If has sometime bean
advlrab'. - n oir ! r to g'i bu.-dncs?."
Everybody Everywhere
Is interested in good, pure, healthful, grocer
ies. Then it follows that everybody in and
around Ardmore is interested in doing their
grocery buying at
He lleej . he freshest stocK in the city aud
has everything good , to eat ander one roof.

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