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The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, December 24, 1905, Image 1

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TTiifnripil'ftnpfnfy r
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VOLUME Xn. "?2K,Sffir !
IIV ' I im I 1 " I L ft 1UI III I L ' I Iktf V i i.m ILl hi w
Calls Republican Executive Commit
tee of Chicka&aw Nation Dad
Names, "Rotten Ring Rule,
You Pat Me and I'll Pat Yo."
Tho Paul Valley Sentinel says:
Wo nre not in the political deal,
nnil If. the notion of the Republican
cxecutlvo committee of the Chicka
saw Nation Is n fnlr Sample of poli
tics ns nilmlnlBterod down lwre, wo
fool suro It Is a good thing wu tiro
On tho night of the 5th instant the
executive commlttco consisting of fivo
members. Commissioner Pnyiu ot
Chlckasha, l!ol Cummins of Ada,
Hon Colboit of Tishomingo, .Oscnr
Wells and John Hlnklo of Ardmoro,
(by tho way nil of thorn Federal of
ficeholders) mot In Ardmoro, tho
homo of tho big machine, and pii
dorsod tho candidacy of Colbert for
marshal and Humphrey for United
States nttorncy. each of them Federal
omcoholdors. This was done, not
withstanding tho fact some twenty
Republican cluba In tho Chlcknsaw
Nation had not as yet mado endorse
ments upon tho claims of all tho can
didates. Tho clalnffc of our townsman, H. M.
Carr. woro wholly Ignored notwith
standing tho fact that ho has tho ma
jority of the peoplo favoring him for
district nttornoy, and had been sol
omnly promised by a prominent mem
ber of tho committee that no endorse
ment -would ho mado until all tho
cluhi; had been heard from.
Mr. Carr was In Oklahoma City
when tho meeting was held. All can
didates woro present savo himself.
Tho action of tho committee Is un
precedented and unheard of and Is a
dirty political deal that will causo
trouble In tho Republican ranks. It
wns a snap judgment nnd should not
stand, as wo boliovo It will not, bo
foro tho president whoso motto Is
"a bquaro deal." When five omco
holdors meet as a commlttco nnd on.
dorso no ono but officeholders, It bo
glns to smack ti an outsider of rot
ton ring rule, nnd tho policy of "you
pat mo mnd I'll pat you." It may bo
that politics like this will elovato
and ennoble the general public, but
wo can hardly sco now such can be
hoped for from II.
Clod speed tho day when statehood
with It blessing will como to us,
and the Federal carpo.t bagger nnd
government pot will hnvo to glvo
place to servants chosen by tho sov
ereign peoplo.
Killing at Maud.
Maud. Okla.. Drc. 23. City Mnrahal
T. A. Dancer today killed David
Johnson, a 'colored section omployo,
with a bowlo knife, whllo tho lattor
was holding tho marshal's gun, in
nttemptlng to resist arrest. A coro
enr's Jury o.xonorated the officer from
all blame In connection wiih tho kill
Ing. It Is said, however, that tho mat
ter will bo carried to tho grand jury.
His Defeat In New York County Has
Not Discouraged Him and He and
. His Friends Will Fight Wads- .
worth's Election.
New York. Doe. 22. The mooting
of Republican assemblymen nt the
Hotel Cadlalllc today is expected to
dovolop tho showing of strength for
mer fiovornor O'.oll nnd Ms friends
will have In their fight to prevent the
election of James W. Wndsworth,
Jr., to tho speakership of tho assem
bly. Tho election of Herbert Parsons
to tho chairmanship or tho county
Ropubllcan commlttco last night be
ing nccopted as a defeat for Mr.
Odell, has added much Interest to tho
meeting of assemblymen and thn
politicians aro eager to know how
much support tho nnti-Wadsworth
men will bo nhlo to rally around
Doth Edwin Merritt. Jr, who is
supported by Odoll nnd Mr. Wnds
worth, who has ITio backing of Gov.
Hlgglns, aro In tho city today.
Tho assemblymen began to sathcr
Stato Senator Ooodscll said today
ho hnd talked with Mr. Odell nnd the
former govornor said ho had no in
tention of giving up tho fight. Tho
mooting was called to order nt 11
Tho best Xmns gift, a scholarship
Sclvldgo Duslnefls College. 20-10
BURTON-PEEL DRY GOODS CO. and its efficient corps of salespeople extend to their
meny friends and customers and every man, woman and child within the Great and
Beautiful Indian Territory.
Hoping that each and every one of the Holidays will be .one continuous day of sun
shine and pleasure, that not a cloud will appear on the elements of pleasure.
ThanKing one and all again and again for their most liberal support, we are yours
ever ready to serve.
SaH to bi I lgn,,ance That Hla
Action Wf ' In O'.'i Defiance o
Law Senators Declare Pres
ident is not Congress.
Washington. Doc. 23. J. R. Rlshop,
formerly "$ 10.000 press agont" of tho
Panama Canal Commission, quite un
consciously lllui'tratod today the
point which is being made against tho
administration in its conduct ot tho
affairs of tha Panama canal by sen
ators and rcprosentntlvoe.
It has been assorted by many sen
ators, as well as by loaders of tho
house of roprestntatlvos, Uint tho
president nnd the canal commission
havo acted as If they doomed them
selves abovo tho power of congros3
nnd entirely outcldo of tho law which
governs ordlnnry ofllceholdlng undor
statutes o ftho United States.
Mr. Bishop announced today that
he had assumed tho duties of Pana
ma canal comtnif-sloner nnd profess
ed to 1k In blissful Ignoranco that
his net was In cpon doflnnco of tho
law and In open contempt of tho sen
ate, which had declined to confirm
his nomination.
Sonators think It will not ho long
before Mr. Rlshop understands that
tho prosldont Is not congress; that tho
sennto has n voice in tho filling ot
the offlccs of tho government, and
Uiat It takes something moro than
tho moro presidential say-so to mako
a canal commissioner. They seem al
so to think that It may bo necessary
to mako this understood In tho white
Iioubo as well as In tho commission!
Spend Christmas nt tho opera
I diouVe. Mal'neo and night. 24
. Agent for the Osages.
I Washington. Dec. "23. It wna. an
nounced at the Interior dopartmcn'
that Row Millard has been appointed
1 agont for tho Osngo Indians of Ok
lahoma. Tills was tho lilnco held by
Capt. Frank Frantz lip.lo tho MmoJiQ-L
I was appointed governor or Oklahoma.
Millard has been n clerk nt the ugon
cy. Ho was recommended for promo
tion by Cnpt. Frantz.
Many of the Faithful Are Slow to Be
lieve the Story That the National
Committeeman Has Lost Out
With the Powers That De.
TUo nnnouncomont In the Ard
morello Friday to tho effect that Na
tional Committeeman Sofier had boon
piratically forcod to leave Washing
ton, croaled nothing less than a son
ant Ion In Republican ranks. Tho
Wnshlngton story wns widely dlscuss
ed Among represuitntive citizens nt
Ardniore. Whllo It wns siiBpocted
that Mr. Sopor's standing nt the
Whllo House was somewhat nffoei
od hv his Htronuous efforts In bohnlt
of candidates, the public genornllv
did not think that tho situation would
reuch tho tingp where Mr. Soper
would ho porgpim mm gratia with
President Ilo&ovoll nnd tho depart
ments. Tho exact trouble is not
known. It In alleged that he hns
been Insincere In his actions toward
territorial candidates. Those who
know Sopor host would bo unwilling
to bellevo that ho would do anything
that would discredit him In tho least
with tho torrltorlal organization. It
Is doubted that Sopor hns grafted in
connection with his olllco, nnd until
tho proof is nbsolute, said a loading
Republican, wo will discredit the re
port Continuing, the mnn said: "Sopor
has had amplo opportunity to graft
and I nm of tho honest opinion that
ho Is not Hint kind of n man. It may
bo that ho 1-ns fallen out with ih
prosldont and quit Washington. Ho
Is n great fighter, and when ho learn
ed that ho could not land his men he
probably would not ntand for outsldo
appointments. Rut tho fact that he
hnd no standing, If tho report Is trup,
compels us to look out for our Inter
ests. I would suggest that Uto ter
ritorial organization meet nt nn early
date nnd select somo ono to go to
Washington In our bohalj, -JVc can't
."ffor;1 . iw without n hc.id in tho
matter of appointments, as wo must
protect our homo candidates. Tho
situation looks grave for somo of tho
homo rulo men, and It Is not nt nil
Christmas !
Improbable (hat unless Immediate
action Is taken outside candidates
will fill tho olllccs. The question of
hacking Mr. Soper up should not he
considered. If it has reached the
stage whore ho has no volco In af
fairs then It Is host to elect omo rep
resentative mnn to look out for us."
In fact, mnny Hopuhllcnns woro
deeply concerned over tho turn of
affairs and thev discussed tho situa
tion freely yesterday.
News was awaited with great anxi
ety yosterdav and development wero
expected, but nothing enmo to c.v
lighten tho ranks and tile. In fact tho
sllenco was ominous. Probably In
tho next day or so the tolltlrnl nt
mosphero will be cleared. Kvorybodv
Is nnxlous to hear what Mr. Soper
will have to tay concerning tho mat
ter. One Republican slntoil yesterdpy
that Soper ought to be untlsllod; tnat
he hnd landed evety inun mi far irl
Mint his wIbIios had been followed.
Ho Is no greater tliHii the entlro jw
ty nnd If ho can't b" requostod to dr
things without rett'ilinr it is boit tur
him to resign or ol-jt ,i new ninii."
Such was the epi'ii'i of tho romarkJ
nitido by one o tin) U'iuiIhj; polltlclpni
of this section nnd he w frlond'v to
tho nnttonnl coininlttermnn.
It Is learned that United Stntos
Commissioner Itcbnett hns gone to
Washington to press his candidacy
for tho marshalshlp of the Southorn
district. Hobnett is kcoplng tho fight
hot nnd snys ho expects to lnnd. If
reports tiro true llioro will be no more
appointments until after tho holidays.
This will glvo torrltory Ropubllcnts
a good opportunity to got togother
nnd straighten- out matters.
Suicide at Davis.
Dr. 0, J. Wilson of Davis was In
tho city yostorday. IIo tells tho story
of tho suicide of A. M. Fauth of that
plaeo Friday morning. MV. Fauth
about seven o'clock wnllwd to his
barn nnd phclug tho muzzlo of his
pistol In bis mouth pulled tho trigger.
Tho discharge rosulotod. In Instant
denth. No causo can bo assigned for
the net.
Mr. Fauth was a merchant nnd in
good circumstances. Ills death wns
a shock to his friends. IIo was about
10 years of ago nnd leaves n widow.
St. Petersburg. Dec. 23. Eleven
men woro killed nnd eighty wounded
by volIoyB fired by troops at Ui3
workmen defending tho "barricade on
Tverskla street, Moscow, today.
Tho total casualties nt Moscow yes
terday aro estimated nt one hundred
and fifty.
The Strike Still .Extending Covers
Russia Clashes Continue Every,
where Between Workmen and
Troops Russia In Siege.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 23. At a ses
sion or the cabinet presided ovor by
MSmpewor Nichols, it -was ilecldod
that universal suffrage should not he
granted. A final docinlon wns reaahert
regarding the electoral law:
Paris, Dec 2.1. A dispatch rroin
St. Petersburg to tho Temps say:
The strike now covers the wnolo
of Russia. The Novoe Vromya ad
mits flint with unprecedented rapid
ity nil communication with provinces
and abroad has boon stopped. It Is
expected hourly Hint tho ministry wt..
bo rendered ontltoly helpless.
Umdon, Dec. 23. A dispatch to a
news ngoncy from St. Petersburg
says: "Barricades hnvo boon oroctod
on Tverskla street, tho chlof thor
oughfare of Moscow, that revolution
ists are holding thorn bravely and
making ropaated nttacks on police,
cossncks and dragoons, whonovcr tho
lattor nttempt to convoy prisoners to
Jail. Patrols ot troops aro accompanied
by mnchluo guns which nro unheal
tutltiKly used against revolutionists.
Moscow, Dec. 23. Troops surround
ed a school house whoro workmon
woro mooting hero last night, and
summoned tho men to surrender.
Rlnnk shots woro fired to Intlmtdnto
tho workmen, who replied wlt'i re
volver shots nnd bombs. ArttUory was
then brought up and tho school houso
bombarded until survivors of the
workmen surrendered.
Paris, Dec. 23. A dispatch (sctnl
official) to Temps from St. Petors-
i burg, sayn tho profecturo of police
at Moscow has been domollshod by
Uio explosion of bombs. Several pir-
I sons woro killed. Affrays havo op
curred nt neighboring barricades In
which soldiers woro victorious. Fifteen
I revolutionists wore wounded

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