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V THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN INDIAN TERRITORY ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS. VOLUMH XIJ1 ARDMORI?, I. T., FRIDAY KV1CNIXG, SM'TKMHKR 28, lK)(. NlM P.KR 114 . i i i mam SEVERE LOSS OVER SOUTH YESTERDAY'S HURRICANE GREAT DAMAGE ALONG GULF Communication With Gulf Points Is Still Cut Off Anxiety at New Or leans Where Members of Fam ilies are Absent on Coast. -jy Associated Prcsj. Now Oilcans, Sept. 2S. New Or lean today Is still cut off from gulf points cast of here. There Is much .anxiety regardln gthe situation In the direction of Mobile. Tho gulf towns are summer rehortu for Now Orleans and many families have boon separated by tho storm. Reports from Interior Mississippi towns Indicate that the less will reach bund;', t. of thousands of dollars. Few towns escaped damage. Heavy Loss at Pcnsacola. Pensacola, Fla.. Sept. 27. Tho worst sea sterni and hurricane that the ( ul f coast baa experienced since the village or Pensacola, on Santa Rosa Island, whs swept away 170 years ago, began last night, nnd Is still raging. Every house In the city has siinered damage, nn i many roots are blown off. Telegraph and telo plume and electric light wnes are In a tangitt. the water front is strewn with wreckage for miles on either sldo of the city, anu vessels are piled on the wharves, or where the wharves were, in utter ruin. UIg iron steamers and many larger sailing ships are now lying high up in lh(. city where tho tide never lias been o readi before, and every wharf for miles around has been swept awny or dam aged beyond repair. It Is reported that many lives between tho city and tho navy yard have been lost, but no delinit,. details can be obtained. Many of the houses In that section are un der 5 to 10 feet of water and many women have been tuken from the sec ond story windows and carried to safety in boats. The electric prwr was shut off at 1 o'clock this morn ing. The Western Union has men hard at work trying to clear wli.-s, and this dispatch, with other t !' graphic matter. Is being carried n Flomntnn, Ala., by the Western Union manager, who makes the trip by trul l to ascertain tho exact extent of darn age done. It Is feared that great havoc and loss of lit will be s'.iowi when reports from the entire section along tho coast can bo gathered. Estimated damagL. $3,0110.000. Steamer Stranded In River. New Orleans, La., Sept. 28. R ports cf tho havoc of tho hurricane In Its progress northward through Mississippi were received hero today. At Vlckshurg the stenme Modoc was blown from Its fastenings In the .Mississippi and stranded, and a dry dock was reported to hao broken from its moorings. At McConib City the loss of two lives from the blowing down of n lranie hotel was reported by Illinois Central passengers arriving In this city. Track Walker Killed. .New Orleans. Ui.. Sept. 2S. Tho Hist N.ew Orleans and Northeastern train came Into tho city lrom the north last night and reports scores of cabins blown down hotweon Matties hurg, Miss., nnd Pearl River and about 10 per cent of the timber along tho road blown down. A track-walker was kPcd by tho train miring tho storm. About dark last night tho water of like Pontchartraln receded apprecia bly and began to drain off from the wibmerged portion of the city, becauso of a change In tho wind, which, veer ing to the northwest, began to drlvo the high wnter toward tho Gulf of i.icxlco. Mobile Is Cut Off. Uy Associated Press. Kansas C'ltv. Sept. 2S. Mobile. Ala., Is still cut oft from tho outsldo nnd ' nothing dins heen heard lrom tho ' city for forty hours. Tho damago there Is not known. Y. M. C. A. Saturday Market. The Fourth ward carries tho ban ner for Saturday market results' and thev will lw on hand at tho Noblo hulldlng 'next Saturday with an at MINING DISTRICTS SAFE. Presley B. Cole Sayj Miners Will Vote for Democracy. Presley II. Colo of McAlester, talk lug at some length to an Ardmoreltc I leprcsentatlvo today, said among oth QID cr thing:, that his district, which em braces an entire township nnd in cludes tho old towns of McAlester and South McAlehler. now known as McAlester. a voting district heretofore conceded to ho Republican, Is now un doubtedly Democratic ns n result of tho Itryan- demonstration Wednesday evening. He described that deinonstri tlon as the greatest event in the his tnry of that part of Indian Terrlory. Tho hour of llryan's address was ar ranged for early nightfall and tho miners marched from their work with torch caps lighted and gathered tin mediately beneath the speaker's stand, back of whom tho populace In general stood for hundreds of feet In every direction. Owing to tho vmtness of the gathering, there was a noticeable strain In the efforts of the preliminary speakers but when Ilryan rose and began his address It wns nil easy tone which reached every spectator's hearing and without apparent effort on the part of the speaker. Thine who have heretofore been Inclined to class Mr. Ilryan ns a mediocre, now pronounce him a giant, and district number 00 will give Its majority In auctioning volco for the belief of the Giant. "It Is now conceded by all." Ode added, "that the mining districts of McAlester will go for Democracy In the Constitutional delegate elec tion." BRYAN AT OKLAHOMA CITY. Great Reception There Last Night. Last Day in Territory. Ardmoreltc Special. Oklahoma City, Okla., Sept. 28. William Jennings Ilryan, who arrived here last night, left early this morn ing for a trip through Western Okla homa. Brief stops will be mado at Kl Reno Alva, and other points tl Alva the special train which has carried Mr. Ilryan through Oklahoma will he abandoned and the party will travel by automobile to Phillips, where a train will he taken for Enid The No- iiraskau will leave Enid tomorrow morning for Kansas City, whero he will speak In Convention hall tomor row evening. The meeting here was the most en thusiastic and largely attonded of any yet '"eld In the territory and attract ed large crowds from all over south ern Oklahoma and the Chickasaw na tion. WABASH STRIKE ENDED. Bciler-Makcrs and Machinists Resume Work at Increased Salary. Uy Associated Press. St.. Louis, Sept. 27. Tho strike of tho Wabasli boiler-makers nnd ma tho WabiiBh boiler-makers, machinist.-! and blacksmiths was ended today by tho granting of an lncreaso In wage.'. The terms have not been made pub lie beyond this statement Is mid by General Manager Miller: "The wtjo question has been sntisfnciotli ad question has ben adjusted by making an Increase that Is mutually satlsfac tory." ' Tho men returned to work immcdl ately. TROUBLE IN MEXICO. Raiders Capture Town and Place Offi clals In Jail, uy Associated Press. Eagle Pass, Texas, Sept. 27. A tal ephrne message from .Jlmlnes, Moxi- co, stntes that forty armed men raid ed the town last night, placed tho mayor nnd other olllelals In jail an .1 aro now In control. Government trops ,havo hastened to tho scene and a battle Is expected any hour. Electrical Engineers Meet. , Ardmorelte Special. New York, Sept. 28. Tho Amcrl can Institute of Electrical Engineers opened Its annual convention hero to day wltn delegates present from nil parts of tho country. Tho report of Secretary R. W. Popo shows a con siderable Increase In membership over last year. Graham Indorsed. Ardmorelto Special. Provence, 1. T.. SopL 82. At n meeting of tho Democratic club hold hero last night J. C. Graham of Ma rietta was unanimously Indorsed ns a delegate to tho Constitutional convention. ALLOT TH OSAGE LANDS COMMISSION DECINS WORK IN EARNEST IN OSAGE NATION. Distribution of Lands and Contests Occupy Year's Time Each Indian Will Receive Approximately 780 Acres of Good, Rich Land. Ardmorclto Special. ' Pawhuska. Okla., Supt. 2S. With the expiration today of the time allow ed to tho Osago Indians for making the 111 st selection of lands, the work if tho Osago nllottlng commission will bpgln In earnest. The commis sion, which Is composed of Col. (!. O. Shepherd and Col. C. E. Medio ney of the Interior department and former Governor lllack Dog. a full blood Osage, will Imcdlntely begin checking up and surveying the se lections of land made. The distribu tion of lauds and the hearing of eon tests will probably occupy fully a year and It will probably be at least three years before the work of the commission Is fully completed. When the allotment provided for by a bill passed by the last congress has been finally completed each Osage will be In possession of ap proximately 780 acres of as good hind as there In In tho new state. Each redskin of tho tribe will get a first second nnd third selection of lfiO acres each, as well as a surplus of. about 300 acres each. Many quarrels fiver allotments have arisen among the member:! of tho tribe and It Is expected that ex-Governor lllack Dog will bo of great as sistance to tho other members of, the commission In settling these contests to tho satisfaction, of all partlci con cerned. niaclr-DfiS nra typical full blood and was selected for tho posi tion ho holds by the members of his tribe. He Is unable to speak Enn' and carries on his enuvcisatlou with the Interior department representa tives through an Interpreter. All Saloons Closed, Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 28. Tho situa tion still remains extremely ipilet and (hero does not seem at thl:i time to be eon a remote possibility of any recurrence of tho raco rots of the eaily part of the week. All saloons lu the city arc closed and will not be opened until Oct. 1. Even at that time all men who operated low groggorloh in sections of tho city In which negroes predominate will ho refused permis sion to open up their places of bus ness again During the night there was no dis turbance of any kind and Col. Ander son, commanding tin: State troops now on duty hero, said ho did not believe thoro wns any actual neces sity for keeping the soldiers on duty any longer. "For the last two ulghlt," said the Colonel, "there has not been the slightest Indication of any outbreak nnd I do not think there will ho any more. We aro keeping tho troops bore now more as a precautionary measure than becauso they aro ac tually needed. As soon ns I ho riots bocomo a little moro of ancient his tory and tho feeling has died out somi what moro I think they will bu with drawn." Mayor Woodward expressed similar views and said ho did not look for anj ienew.ll of tho troubles. Big Crowds Bryar. Uy Associated Press. Clinton, Okla., Sop.. -Hrvm made a speech from nl-t car here this nicrnlng. He later spil" n1 .:im and Alva. Great crowds he.irl 1:;m everywhere. For Sale Good four rooip house, lot ion by 223. North Washington, be tween 0th and 10th avonues. Half cash. Seo me at onco for bargain. G. M. Henley at Madden S Companj's wasting on E CUBAN AMERICAN CObHJ-: IN MtiA TO BE DETERMINED TODAY. Results of Today's Session of Cuban Congress Being Anxiously Await ed Funston Says He Is Pre pared and Awaiting Orders. By Associated Press. Havana. Sept. 28. The leading Moderates and Liberals, after an ad night conference, decided to yield any thing and everything to stave off In tervention. Ity Associated Press. Havana, Sept. 28. -General Fun ton this morning bearded the llagshlp Louisiana and conferred slth Captal . Coiidcn, commander of the naval fc rces, and other naval olllcers. Kti lu tein said ho was ready for whatever might occur, and ,wiih simply awi t I lit; orders. Awaiting Today's Developments, Uy Associated I'rcus. Havana, Sept. 28. The Moderate party last night deel led tr make r. 11 ii ii I effort to perpetuate the authority of the Palma administration by turmluliiK to reject the resUin'oti Tt the piiMldont when preaenled to con gress today. When this decision reach ed Secretary of War Taft and Assist ant Secretary of State llacon, t'te American commissioners hnd alread concluded to Intervene, bill they de cided to await today's development as they are anxious to afford the C-i bans every opportunity to work out their own salvation. President Palma steadfastly refuses every solicitation of his friends to withdraw his resignation. Typlc.i1 ol this was the cablegram :c .cut to Piesldeut Rrosevelt In respins" to the final urgent muss u" from the American president that ho lemalu at his helm, lu this President Palma ex pressed his warmest appreciation ol President Roosevelt's efforts to se cure pence for Cuba and the friend ship he has always shown tho Cuban people, lie referred to his own ro vlous sacrifices for Cuba, which he said had not been mnde In vain, but lu the present situation and In view of all that had transpired ho felt tint further sacrifice on his part would he useless nnd that It was not consistent with bis dignity and prcstlge to rc tnnln In olllco. Wero It possible to Induce Pro-I dent Palma to withdraw his rcslgiu tlon, tho situation still woull ho most dllllcult and luterveiiiloi, would con tlnuc to ho the most prooabl' out' come. If Palmn's rodgia.'xiu were ac cepted 't would then heounio nccis- sary for engross to tA'.rl a provision al president. Sucn an election would bo a new sort of contention, not only between the original parties, but prob ably between the opposing forces within these parties. Th Amrleau commission will hrool th establishment of .- provls'onnl gov eminent by tne Cubans sinp'v as a means of gaining Hire. The hold thu If a provisional ",ovt mniop' o -.ieated It must bo by tho Uncoil .tafo tec relarles Taft and Uae-.i, wno would not ho proper' discharging (heir fuil duties If su ' governtii'jj.t weio r:e atcd lu any j"ui nuiiumi The Ann -icnn e'lii.mlbfcionors have Ilttlo ner- In the scrlniitmeM of t lie Intentions of the politicians who liavo been vaccllatlng nnd Inula cere throughout those nine days of fu tile negotiations. This bolug the sltun tlon, nobrdy Is Inclined to doubt that within twenty-four lionis sjoerclfiiy Taft, by authority of Prosldont Roose volt, will proclaim himself provisional gvernor of, Cuba. Such a gvernmotit however, would bo made Cuban as far as It was po.islblo to do so by con tinning tho various departments undor tho Immediate coat oi of the p e. heads tho'ecf. Rebels Resume Operations. Uy Associated Press. Havana Sept. 28. It Is roportoil that rebels fired uon tho government forco .near Toledo plantation, south of Marlanno, and that thoy attacked the Marlanao electric Prcoa'rcd' for mantling. Uy the Associated' Press. Havana, Sept. 28. --Viartennasti Guptnln Roosevelt of thtl, marines has itm-u ordered to.staaJ.bjviu'r.wndlti.' hi . n I nun 2 o'cli.-l, l nh nntt.iiil. Inn not !) mo d ri d i do si . -mod - - oi Mill! Expect Peacifid Intervention. . It Associated Press, WaMilngton. Sept. 2S. A peaceful lutcrx tuition Is bijleved by .Vetlng Secretary Oliver and many olllelals f the war department to ho tho prob able outcome of die Cuban trouble. Intervention Is regarded by theme olll elals today as being almost Inevitable. Storm Interferes .With Plans. Ity Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 28. Plans tor sending marines ft mi the Southern states to Cuba have lies l seriously lntcrfctcd with by th" strui along; the Gulf of Mexico. N-utlior tho army nor unvy hontn,unrli-ri are able to get reports from tlu Gulf points. It Is feared that much damage his bion done tl u gove iimeiu piop'-ty. RANGERS PATROL BORDER. Governor Lanham Orders Troops to Mexican Frontier. Eagle Pass, Tex., Sept. 28. .Ilmllu'z, l village of 1,000 people, thlrt miles up tho Rio Grande from C. P. Diaz, wns cupliired by armed men and the mayor of the town nnd treiiHiirer taken prisoners. The marauders left fur Victoria, a small hacienda on Gniualcs Trevlno's ranch. Colonel Agullnr arrived from Men terey on tho evening train and at the head of forty-live federal soldiers and twenty slate ranger, left for Victoria At 2 o'clock this morning they met the bandits and shots wero exchanged. One state ranger and one bandit lay dead on the Hold. The bandits diapered, it bunch of llflccu going toward tho Rio Grande, presumably to cross over to American soil, with Mildicrs and ofllccrs lu hot pursuit. - special train left Saltillo last night with 120 moil of tho Seventh cavalry under Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Ro Jo, and will arrive lu Din, this evening where they will he stationed awaiting devclnpmonlH. That thoru Is a revolutionary move ment Is denied by the authorities. It Is it ract that no organization exists and no one seemed to be nt the head of the hunch of fifty men. No uneasiness Is felt by the people of Dlr.z. Rumors nre wild on this side, but nil i: quiet across the river. At the request of tho Mexican au thorities Judge Winchester Kelso, heie on business wired Governor Lan ham Hie true stnte of affairs, ami ask ed him to soud rangers to patrol tho river and prevent tho bandits from crowing to this side nnd depredating on Texas citizens. He has ordered a captain and two rangers to patrol tho river .opposite SEVERE GAS EXPLOSION. Smelter Near Cheryvale Demolished. Two Persons Killed. Cherryvale, Ens., Sept. '18. An ex plosion of natural hero ',uo yea tcrlay demolished the Edr sine smelter, killing two workman ur..l In juring four others, two of w'rur v-ili die. The deal aro Itobeit Smith and Ilostetter. Fatally hurt: Georgo Meehen, Luther Hampton am' Joo Is Hard. Sr-rlnusly Injured: Melvln Rums nnd Ityslnger. Last Work Before Opening. Law-ton, Ok., Sept. 27. Tho two orewi of allotting and surveying en gluenrs under John P. Illackmou Kiowa Indian Agent at Auadarko, con eluded their labors of allotting laud to more than 100 Infant Indians bo- longing to the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache tribes today. Each Indian re ceived 100 acres of land. This Is the Inht work to bo completed in the pas tare reservo hoforo tho ono-half mil Hon ncros of Comanche County land Is thrown open to settlement till: fall FEDERAL COURT ADJOURNED. All the Lawyers Wanted to Hear Dry an's Speech. Pauls .Valley, I. T., Sept. 28.- torm of (ho district court convened hera today with Judgo DIckerson pre siding. The term whb sot to convene yesterday but so many of the attor neys wanted to hear Urynn speak at Oklahoma Cjty that-tho judgo adjourn ed court until todav. R.. A. Howard of tho district atta.'- ney's ofllce waa hero from Ardmore estorday. NEW LINE OF RAILROAD KANSAS CITY LAWTON & PACIFIC BUILDING SOUTHWEST. Ardmore Commercial Club Should Take Hold of Matter With View to Bringing It to Ardmore Direct Route Through This City. Indian Territory Is to have another line of road. Ardmore has a good opportunity of securing this new line The new lino Is the Kansas City, Ijiw ton &. Pacific which Ih a continuation of the old line known us the Muskogee Union. It has been built ami Is now In operation from Wagoner to Dunlin, a distance of about seventy-tlvo miles. The road will be built toward the north through Jopllu ami on to St. I.o Coming this way It Is proposed to hiii'd through Ada, Pauls Valley, Law tn i ,i..d on to El i. I'l !'ao Ih th-i objective point. An Ardmore man who Iiiih recently been over this lino nnd conferred with the olllelals or tho road makes tho slntcmcnt that thki line can easily be brought to Ardmore. From Ada the road could be built to Sulphur on to this place and to Howie. Texas, via. Lawtoti. Nocona and Mon tugue. There would be no competing lines Hint would be encountered cm this route nud the lino would he nine shorter. It Is the opinion that tin Ardmore Commercial Club should take up the matter at once nnd seo what can be done toward Inducing tho road to build to this town. Some Pauls Valloy people have made u survey running southward from that town and a ileal Is now on to bilng about a community of Inter ests between tho companies or ti transfer the survey to the now CQinp.t ny. Ardmore should have this lino of road nnd should also have the Frisco from hero via tho oil fields to Okla homa City. Whether --'o get thum or not may depend upjii tho Intrcsr manifested In tho matter by tho clt Ir.cns of tho town. GRAND JURY INDICTMENTS. Former St. Louis Assemblyman In dicted and Arrested for Perjury. Jy Associated Press. St. Louis. Sept. 28. Tho grand Jury today returned Indictments against Robert M. Snyder, tho KaiiBas City capitalist, charging bribery In connec tion wdth tho passage of tho Central Traction franchise bill by the munici pal assembly In 1898, nnd for former Councilman Frederick Ulthoff, now ot Denver on a chargo of having given perjured testimony on tho name mat ter before the grand Jury l.i 1002. Utthoff was hoforo tho grand Jury f two hours today, and tho liidictnicuta followed. He arrived last night f x Denver mid expressed a willingness to testify. Utthoff was arrested anil re leased on a bond of $3,000. Racing at Blnghampton. Ardmorelto Speclm. UIiiKhainpton, N. Y., Sopt. 28. Tho racing meet wiilcli,hns been held in. connection wltn tho lllughampton :n diistrlal exposition will close this af ternoon wth u 2:20 pace for a purso of $1,000. The exposition and races have uttracted largo crwds of pcoplo from all over tho Food is Condemned, Chicago, III., Sopt. 27. Two cars of cold storago chicken and over ten car loads of moat woro condemned yes torday by Chief rood Inspector Mur ray and his assistants, to say nothing of i. ..eon carcasses of discaed cattla and four calves. Tho condemnation' of tho chickens was due to private advices recolved by Murray from Can ada. When ho learned that tho lot had escaped him nnd was on tho way to Now York ho notified tho aiithorltle-s there bo that they can catch tho ship ments at Its destination. K.-LING NEAR WICHITA. Dead Man's Attentions to Slayer's Wife Cause of Trouble. Uy Associated Press. Wichita, SopL 2S. At Leon today, Lewis Uloomlleld shot and killed Jessa Stosser, aged, twonty-soven, becauso of tho lntter's attentions to Mrs Uloonifleld, firing live shots at him. Uloonifleld escaped with a posse la-pursuit. tractive showing.