Juratory. Vm-koO? Mt- i. 'Mrit The LINGBtn CLUB HtT t-u; j7 'Tnl-l sat '- r ' t aat r taa. re a iadfisaat 7 tow aub in a i vp I ntt i uucb g .-.-r Jk m JU-mJjlratsi .. a. -tftte; rf -at mnim ? j : r-un :hwa at -! in- TW frugair mod 10. satta. u w - At jOiK. Tte?sar- oh. ax v (-? " x-umU -- FATAL CLIMAX rr rzi U-MTt fSilOKMi -,.,. j. tnrjb? that is u-a, . U5i. tek'i (. A laxaaot tc at A- MOM U-Mtt Jfci.'iffl a. m - JW k war rv w .S2SE?T "-- - ru - mini, w simt """ aaamar art T , tMMR M "Wi - " " wrxm wz. -IH'Ci . , . JMrU 4k pt3M- utuxt ,ZJii?T?'m" ttt aWataaB Mte 4m aatr , ' wtt s 1mm . LgjiLt it ter B1 i iffwi T m fcrj tlwmMiwMK t mill nCt usiijM i mi- I -1 tei. &9r :r4 ar , t.- m - a" iMgHf iwii nil tar m mm,. mc .-r is maarrMt.mmtm: aanlu. xUUar JJgtLZTMSSi ar o wiwttf ajw w wawat a k . . i ' THE 0jd 4ZJ-Gi M aaMT tk M4MOM Irf ' t mi Wi taw f atm law a Mitatie Mat aMtf )7T aH atwcuiMM t tnjort iuy aMaiat .fit b amagal U t kvrW tkM. la atfltleU M M ma atlalra. MuMtta la & arna wnftliil t Mas aT tOk U ao Wk faal. kat ar lti kt koaat Tkff u7 ulfc kJMat hhm at in laaaa. omt via ml Thr r .arautfzatfcM, ka taw i atilaj( -. to aa. A ff tae arw rt Mjawfcaa s WMrtzl anar. k a it'- teat euturiin r4tiatiM. "UI A mmmi; a atta eta Hti ovUtlat of 7 .ftf a4 U k y& dUin. bat wll x, ataa raa not frM'MfiM tar k"- i4. Mm mar rt ar ofnali- Tfcatu U in In "M W AowaW U at kit tfi vatf Hatrat aaHHt Maft'j Mr. llzwcuoU Mr. Kft'A a wratflt(1 ((MMUtr vH Ui kp kA4K oil tk mat fit tk fi eonatltvtloa- CoUter'a Watklr waa caocbl with fat JKKMla that mlftiit bara alfoetod fi pnin. It U ttm for CaAIXt' i . quit mnekrablnK. In mat ftmru tbt folia lax will r m4 It way InUi tb bt bMdlloa of Ilia Ohtotuma nowantKr at itiuciUtn Uaw: "As tbr wkm no optxwltlon 10 tat lipnutrmtU: nthUi tlckat tba Kh k " larat." HOOiCVGUT AMD MHGR0G8 111 prraldant't action In dlamlaaitttf ah oatlra b4llln of tba twaty-A(tb lataMlrr rf lro troop waa h bra at a of hit Maat northern uoopMi h wrn boat bafora lb war or wcr oung dtifinK lb war, or tbo rooMt ruction irtod, wre rwatwl with tha lia tbni H ftoicro bill (Kit Im traatMl mt wkRa paraon, but ltn iMJtu leeway U Iht mUr of crlmo. Tlioim ikx.i.i tttll Lnlnk that tlio iHinltlJiRMnt or a angni l a wrfmK Ui IiIh xcm. Mr. Koovli wbh raarod with this liloa, M1 It wat nut till afUrr ho liwjnrno Khai)Hil that tia tMtormoil liU lia. ft baa Waa Hlrwo h iMoarnn pmtildtmt that Uh hKiin U lrn lht u nt ant ran Mtowlt crlrno hi wull mm the vrblta man and buM Iki pimlKh'.0 for erlma )lk otbr crtraliMilit. iinn a fnlr Mian, Mr. ItKwvelt hN Httnllod Ibo (iiiHatkmH InvolvfKl In the raro ajn (lltlrHiH. and ban reformed hln Idoan. Hint )in thonld dltmlta trom the nniiy tNtopt which wre lncnpnldt of HndaraUndInK Hint murder mutt ho IMinMiHl Thi aoldl'irM rHfuatd to Biro 'it or to Identify thp miirdiirore, H& In that wnv hcMtni cflmltiala UiniwIVYfU'Vll' jhowa( tlmt tioy ootild not ho tniKtod. Of roiirHo qulfj u nunihcr of III" coldlrrH of' tht h( ItJIoil ore Itlnocwii it nti off -nv'tr", mm feMl IB JC ' , . i TUC r 1 1 1 T ar Ann teak tare la Sa- ft Martu irawaww at ta vw, aa 1 at7 at tat aw'f rf ar rviear i aiiB lr Owomt Kr K ta CtC&crt tMnaaC tat 'r,M nJ Ck tn x aat1 'Mat H a OcatW jkai ta riavai fct mm aat jnaacanas aui aaw --i-aM Hmh r ta atmn il i ta faato7 vm k (at X Twt kvrtka- M hi kaavm. at date OoaW atctr part te tat Mr yovfc dMt taMaat of CtOfcvr's (a taat far ! feat anirajaiwik iBi Pr. It mate tkaa M UAtx trtt Jfew. m rya ka, 4t5't 't b'Ml MHiriillH U K i- tMfrkt imv avm or kaat vt It kas uataat IU ipm fe4a etiariMtAlr It kat foaa4 atwrtor jMivta la maataalr aart aaato aaf aoMoa aoratai la pat tat Mb " lav. ifkttaa; faaal teak a Vt'.r wal btratataatly, tt h aot arrprutavc that at laat tommtm kat artata t flat (AaMttklt. II K m aawt that CoOior't Warklr 4ayi praeUeal fAltic to ta tjt of vrlthboMIoa; tk nymn of h tobauso traat baoiat'i tat t-ipoawf tjn4 atv lartah'M Ktwtl a ptum ivrntlr vfth Lh Hmfrm ramoalaa aatf. ttrfor, bate t4tm6M to l dltadTaotaip of Hock, tkt imptMiloa -UI Mfewty bt MUbHakiH IkAt fTa la tk ut&v of f)ll'f' tb 4y tj xaa of fditfec iHb a atrataxy that b trtittpk of tkttr oa -a-takoa raiatr Uua tb rletory of tat rtxkv Tatro ol4 bt aotklai; amatlai; a 'ksit,1tkr. It la ataiplr lpeilb you karw. to imata a pabllcailoa -'kvM baaiiMHM U cos4H!4 on iif k lAfMty 14'ihU aa COb'i-AMvM u oaradlnK jry llttl wMlo Oathrt r ARM EnS UMIOM MEET IMC. Larg Atltftdarvee Eaect4 furnbr of Mtttr to Be Cntld;rcd. Tat fiatrwt raraHrra Ualoa -wklrh It to Moat bar Friday will b oao of lb lareaat attad4 of any hlo wi;fc la tb naat tral Montkt. It la an ticipated that at It 200 dlKatfc will bo proaent from lb tweaty-clKbt inlona In tba Olatrict. Tb onUot will not only be largely attended but atrvtral matur of conl4rable Iro pcrUort will Im dealt with, flpadal atUmtlon will I jrlvfn tb cIvarluK boo plan Inatltutad by tb union, whereby the farmtra will endeavor to arrant tB4ttr ao aa to b able to hold tbtr cottw ttntll lh prlc- aot by tbo nnloa can b aeard. Soni arranKmota will b pr fctt4 for tb erection of a war hoaa, and In all probability tbe Crmmerdal Club will b aakfd to mako itood tb offi-r ncrofitiii vrrral wiyk ao, that of fwrnlfthlna th tltt and tbo donation of 11.000 Charlti 0. Manf&rd. Tbwo U h viKoroux orttortcal tv)nn In tb part of "Marc Antony" In "JhIIui ('aoaar,' which maV.rm It an p(datly auiublo rol tor an actor pOMrfHtnlnc th Kracfut of pirnnaHty and declamatory powr which have Alwayt ht'-n W)mmntM on nr. din HnRulthlnK charactorlttlca of Charlon II. Hantord. It It ( remnrkaldn thlnit tlMt Mr. If.'tnford ahould. Hlrnot at tho otiU-t of hit caroor, have atopped Into the roll; with which he haH nl wayn boon moat hrlllantly Idontlflwl AHhouKh It hat lcn n hitiK tlmn a'neo Mr flnnfnrd wm ncrn In "Marc Antony" tho ttudcmtH of tho daRO ttlll rcfor to him ah tho boau Idoal of that cbaractor. UIh Hppoaranco In thlt city nt the Itohlfton ojxira liouo on Mondav, Novomhor 19, will ho iwaliud with ovon nioro than tho i;roat ItftttroHt which tlii ,nnounco rpcqt of a HanforJ onBagomnt nl wnya. nronton. Cyrtala hop tin nt ajata ao. j Tat wmB? tcaMaa wrrkir ut-HHwii. vummet aat ar nar at tat mm&mbb ate tam Tat wtKkm 10 au at at Mrt ! rtn--4 wat ae TW ftjaf caatt to or4r ky W. K likaiaa vko atataf (aat tat aV Jet of tat aMtiMt wi tor tat mt ot aayatotmr k ifltlitrr W tat ataaiajlal iiiiiwHih meat t iavaausat BoaallliiiM H tat la tat M'Mlata. for th ?.-. ire orrkv$mat f tat atav Otakiac of tat object a! tat jtwu.r Mr Mtmaem aaM: It ( ear JaM to a4 a 4catkva to aatt tat bos 'roo new of oar stale aai d;r tau- .1 atsUsif rtttoa. aat who eta oaalat tkAW lih ooadtieaA at- witatmt our atramai caia. Tb eon nrittat ap(oia(d by ta CoajreU crah t ato4 ky tat efett of craft era maa It hkww tat rtswMtaan to xaatt tkoa wattwm -tth a coo altt of mn vko wfll Maenaist theta vttfe eoadhloat aa ay an-. U tbooM BMt oar ipaMtt at Boark Mr Altr or coat otatr iilst o tb .04 aa tail: vttk thai aaf tpUJt tbf eoaMuoai aai ads for tb r& ritory. Tb ooatmittat, "bnavt! aaoat of ntpaktteaaa wfll al&d to BMtt wltk a eotamiu79 of u,psw.ni--tl rraab''aa aad wAtt ;tuw- thaa at t Ju&s. Mr JobtiHoa vaa coa.r-lld to lv to atttad tk ?9r ux and II W MfOill waa called to tb" caalr. Aft-.- a ooaaif rfrabl-duaaaia tb biwao Hw.i"Ar to 4-ct x atl:saUn of ooawlKlai; of W. It. JokoKMi. C W. UwKaaaok, U 8. D4lma. T. X KoHt, aad fhua Wfka to -; t the cociMlUfe at tfoath McAltior m1 -nt-;lala tbem MI fcr. Afu-r tkia vm don, Sam Week tb defeated candldat for dlat the ronttlta'loaal contention, - ?it-n the floor aad made a few re mark alone tbeto Una. Mr. W-kt Bid In part: "Vr botn bfcatra. bu' I ra not whipped, we pot up a aord fltbl and cut down the Democratic majority from K to 2S7 ot-. The Ropibllran won 317 tot'-a and thr tjrmocrata lost that many. We must Vl together aad frame up for a flfht In tho nut municipal election. I be flore that K6 per cent Of tbo citizen of Ardmoro ar dtaaatlaflod with th' preaent admlniatratlon and the Kcpub lleana can vioct a fall city UckH aest prime. "If we got aa earnott aa tbo Demo crat we would have a botu-r show ing, but we alept during tho !at cam paiga. We had no republican oratora. Then who rtr Heard of a party win ning in any political fight without newkpaper. We have aa offer from a man In tbo houao who will make a hutlnoa proioilllon to ua nM. tal'v (bat lint onterpriat w ho fcWf-wit talalnK frrm the ttart, and tayfi that he can coo rind you that it will Ik a paying mroatateal. He wanu you to boy Htock anxl tho ntocV will bo worth 100 cont on tho dollar. Wo can't win unltta.,! have a paper. I want to mention th name of It. M. O'Dell ' Mr 0'Ill wantod a commlttoo ai tainted U m-el with him to dltvctma the proftltlon. On motion a commit o, contlttlnK of V. II. Johnaon, Hum WvoM. nuy I. Cohb. Ham Noble. H A. Doiijcltt, Jake llrodowllz. J .V Harrold and C. W. Ilatimharh. wa appointed to confer with Mr. 0'Dcdl. U. H. Cornmlttlnnor T. . Ilohnott fltkod for tho prlvllpcu of the flrxjr nd made a nhort (tprfch. Mr. Itoh uott knld fli part at folio wh: "Wc mutt Kt our hoailH toitethor and. en deavor to make eomv nrranBomentt for tho flsht thht aprlng. Tho Demo crntH daro not put nit thev proniUJ hi tho conetlfjjtlon. and tho won't to-C - 5A iaaaaat tat i tuSc iec i io. r?.-. i.-,; Pr. sti- tj tscM9aMl tat MO. Tat TteJtar tia .-iftf.tr Cia &ti PW. aaas A fcaaw a! rii io asat a; Ps-r Vnti- T&t . nan 'iaat rkkJ faAac. t-vialt ' 1 1 ; Pr!tt- j kiM v yuaat ixz tot X-aaortTf twrttocy aat vi I Uojm bi-t tj .aat tas f froac tat AHaact 9tl. to taia. tat orr at tat loxaotl ! I AT' Sai- Hard. aaar biays t ky kotk aa. TV aw ta ttartf: x faatartr. aat -ffi ja aaa a! a rteorJ krkr ta footkti: ktatory la tat arc atax. At tkrat o clock fa tat aftcratqa tat o fcra. kaatfad bj Maaact; iu of ik Ardaaor uaxa tarf Maaager Waadarach of tat 8!?fcsr team, saarcatd dova Mate atratt to tb football Aeid. Tottering wrt a ' wtU bhrw. eattas tat auae. wltk kaack of rooters, watteg tk toaajth ball aUU ta Ardawre'd Vtrrttory colors aad harraaiag for their teams ad te tae laa .jMoa oc tk Tiattors. Bveryvatre tb black aad gold. wkteh kaoptaed U b the of th teaats, -raa iatndeaee. To tae A.-daor eotorv. to dteUagateft thes f;om thoto of tk Ttsttts? taua. aad ba ad44 tat bHe ribioc. aad bra tf nAA Aad bUc'iC Saueted from tk ltael cf casta, eadrcl Ou aau of eatkattaatic ;oo(r of both tx. aaf --re iv.J froc tb whip atxrVc of assy Tb!ctes. H U sat to say th&t aTr Wore bad tack &t&itiAa bm skOTs orer a fx ball aax ta tkU dty. Tae xam m a clean, ck cce aai more tkaa oaco Loch gotta ec tkratsd. The f-o teams are about evealy matched la -sretbt. galpkar'a Mae is probably lighter tkaa Ard more't out uoir ba'f& are aocb hear ier, nrhile the t-o falloicVj are about tho sib weieat. The Hilpbar Utrt VO-- a great dl more practico tb&a tbe Ardmore busc. Ari sncre boyk ptayi (rood ball bat lack team worfc blch come only from prat tle;. Individually several Ardmore playerf played a tur game. Tho two halfbacks. Tram aad l'rict. were ta the game at all times and did tome star work. Tlc Frame broke through the Sulphur line and- also mad? teveral good ULCkl. I'rice made n-t to the I .ureal run of the same, the loagest being made by a Sulphur player. Other player on tbe Ardmore team did good work. Wal lace, fullback for Ardmore, and Hail ey, fullback for Sulphur, both played good ball. liailcy prcbaoly played the oest game put up by any Sulphur man. filmore and Hinckley, half backs for Sulphur, both made koqi runt. The IIjo of both teams snow a med of praties at they play his.! aad repeated gains were made wh l either team bucked tbe line. iiulllns of Ardmore and Masters of Sulphur &rred as referee, white Rick m un of Ardmcre and White ol Sulphur kept time. The game was two fifteen minute half with an in terrelation of ten minute. The game ia second of a serie-i d three same to bo played botuvo?" the two team, 'the flrat game was played laat Sunday on tho Hulphcr itrldiron and rexultel n a victory for thi Holphur boya. The third of rioill lie playwl at Bulphur Hun day next, the ISth. at which tlma the cbamplrunhlp will be decldod. Promptly at 3:30 o'clock the newly Innate) plK nkln waa punted Into the Held and the Ramo wan culleJ. The raptAlnx of the teaniK fllpd for the kick oft, Ardmore winning. Ardmore chote to protect tho wetit Boal. At the blow of the referees' whittle the plK kln wnt hooted far lnu the Sulphur boyV torrltoo' and the game wan on. The kick placed tho ball within V) feet of the viHltlnc tearn'H coal. A hutky RiiaM caucht the hall hut was downed In hU trackH. Sulphur hammered the Ardmoro lino for two down, and punted. Ardmoro nccurcd the had and nenl n man for a gall), on an end run. The name play rih, Mitlted In unolhcr aln. Ardmoro wah tMrr '-at Imu .Crtaort mk t uoiae wf a lar & cUi. Aaototr Hr of tat mm llorf -t-w mm$ aat tat Selakar tck tat aUl tHoata? to 3wt?aa.-. Tat timum uuaiataf to nk tat e kat -rirr kkL Taty utasotal ck. bat Lcaia aa Arteor max at lA.ty&sk tat Mat aai oersted ,tat fallback before tat Uek oatU be i and. Ardatore atc-zred tat kJl aad ikaatairrf tat Salaaar tatat tor i Arteor west tkromgh tat Use I tor gam- Ardatort as a ama ' tkroaajk eestar kat rambled the ban. 9lpkr fdl apoa tat bail .'aat aa tat 1 Tk hte-aj i amiltiwr i 'Wail, K. . vaa a lothr: Ardmore Mia. R- E. Bottlax. R- T Wyoat, R. o. Raadot. C .Sarrf. I G Prht. I. T. Pric. U K IsueriOc. Q. B Harris, R. H. B Fraae. L. H. B .Valla. r .B Keel, JC T. 5la, R. C McBiraik, C Bare. I G. L. T, McUarsiia. U il Giacoaliii. Q. B. Gimor-, R. H. B. Hlaclckfy. U IL B. Btty. T. 3. Ardaore wbs Gray, O -oa tobby, Aadrs2. Jotns. May Eshett cf the Garr.e. Ardmore it just awa:ala; to t&e tact that football is a cto4 Mosd to tb aatiOGal ;se of bueball. The si'oric of Fraae is the klcd of or wUci 11I make Ardmore rtc- toriouA on tb eriJJroa. lilac): aad sold toot well oa a Tic- torioas fiold. I tie 02tbs&iaa oa the football field Taeaday aftoraaoa is -srhat Ik 1 eoJd to oaccarage a teen. ' x !OOd football or baseball team it tae beat advertisement a town can put on the road. All th boys come ia for tbe glory of winning tbe game. Tb ulpbur bora played cleaa xood ball and are ready to ccatat th decisive game Sunday. Ardmore It practicing. MANY IMQUIRIES RECEIVED. Commercial Club Receives tetter Daily from Eastern Capitalists. A number of Inquiries have been received by tbe Commercial club with In tb pM few daya making Inquirior as to whether the city had any bond to offer on th market. Tbe letter wast received from an oat tern flnan der who stated that be was anxionr to Invest In Ardmore municipal bonds Manufacturers' Record, one of tho leading periodicals of its kind In the country, hat written to the Commer cial club for a statistical statement ct tbo Industrie hero, and all tbe In fonoAilon possible concerning thin city a an Investment Hold. Ardmore In rapidly forging to the front and by the citizen pulling to gether Lnd casting atide partisan poli tics tho city will double IU population within the next five years. WORK ON STORM SEWERS. Ground Will Be Broken Thursday Morning. Work will bo commenced on the con Btrtictlon of the storm towers Thurs day mornliiR. to stated II. K. Mc Collum of the McQuattjrs I'lumblnr and Machine company WwlnodT morning. A larpe forco of hauds will ho Ftntted out tomortow mornlnR to hcRln excavation on Cftddo street and from then on, labor on the new .work will ho rushed iih rapidly as ns-l. hip. After having flni'hiil Cadd street work will he enruux need i Mnin street so as to Wfntt cf the wjiy of tho paving work 9j At.'BMIi P;44. Kaatr. Ki, Kck 11.' 0 Kmr taanr at Catkal Statai Sutw aaaMi tkt oaMtau of U- caJtart rroltr U L D. Hat trtoa. v0 kMr trcatal iit:tr. tab OB aiajott iaroftU; SU akou -r Strut at Uornr t HujuHmam. kat moat of tka u. ocrv74 at tat x by aaaj pnoca w tatir rr Maary tmj4 fana a pnrsi sor ryaac aft ;t rkootrttT; aad trorr t-rfT afV '. 'Vrcrc.f. --kf b- WTtadart t to cari Oarrett. kc Us&s-i klai ap paa1st; the retts tary bt&rtac. -Mck -tJt be citl Stcsrday. Tkoe catiated -sitk tk trvskfe -Kaael ai i-e; Xzmts. u extat t tk ases My tau dirsiee ot-sc s. hd dJ prectpttat ti fhcxi? today. Tko who kao? both atec vere aot fsrprised at tk' fata! 4TrrkB&at of affair to-ia xkn they am for tk ftrs. Urn U. Eye -irttawaM say both bbb start.' thootiag about tat am time. Moaey -ras at tat depot vaithtt; for the east koaad traia. Header wo approached aad th dad started, tbe fin, shot beisg at lot ranee, bat tt- '.'.ben t time, when Money sad He&dersct wer not twtaty feet a"prt Money kild Lcfiore Harr.t nar her ten years aco aad was acotiitt-x He as1std J. K. Vardamaa. then ed itor of a Greenwood paper, now rot ernor of tke sut. -bea tbe diSeelt arof-j with tie Stoddard brother, rv salUsR ia oae of the brother's de&tt The best lec-1 coaas4 baa bts ea pa?ed. aad tbere will be a bitter Scat ia tie court? over the killing. Read B'.tscs, Corha c Fresiley" aJrertiaetaeat ia this paper aad 7 ok. ill cot weader why they hare socb crowdfi every day. XI-t The Ecieatiftc construction of th' smithsoian truss laseres the warer omfort and safety. This truss hold '-erfectlr but with seatle pressure II M to 13 0v. U F. J. RAM5KT. DrtitBtiet. A NAVAL REBUKE. T-mo Admiral, a raptaln and a Foul In Mnnlla liar. When Dewey" SVet was at Manila the late Admiral Chichester was thou a captain. On one occasion Admiral DieUriibs, the (Itjrtr.au. cnt out tbe Ir?ne on aa a::rvvealsl errand sad without tbe ift'imary notlfloatisn t tbe i-ouiui.iml.-r of the blockading Ut-et Admiral lwy had suffer 1. lie tboucht. sutii-lcni:y from that sort of thins, aud sj th? ndmiral sent a v.e'. acro tho I-o-o's hows and notified her tstta!n h it she would not be per mitted to depart without a statement :s to her dwtinatlon. It was not Ad miril rMelriohV mission to ouarrH with both the Amerk-an ami the Eng lish Ce?tn on this critical occasion, so be Mriyht to find out Captain Chlchcs tor's puri In preo of a eallUloo. Go 'ng ou imf Chichester's ship, he an trrily oxclalmel. "Did you see what Dewey did to my blpV "Yes." r.-p!iel Chichester. "Whr.t wxild you have done If It had been au UnglNb shlpr Well." said ('hlche-iter, convenient ly assumliiR that the Irene's captalu bad sailel without orders from DIo drldm. ' Td have put my captain In nr rcst. and then I'd huvo cone on board the Olympla ami n;Hibslal to Admiral Dewey f jr havini; such n fool In com- maud of oho of my ships." Harper's wooKiy. A J'lict' llomrlj- Fucc. The jijet RoKors was atlllcted with u notably unpleasant, cadaverous coun tenance, which, with nil hi Intellectual Iower, was a mortification to him. To hide his auuoyaiue. he Joked about his usline.s inccsouiitly and deceived his friends Into suppeduR him Indlffereut to It. He once turned to Sydney Smith, who, with Byron and Moore, was dining with him, and said: "Chautrey wants to perpetuate this ralsornble f.ieo of mine. What pose would you su:set that 1 should take?" "If you really u Ish to spare the world ns much possible." said the wit, "I would. If 1 were you. he taken nt my prayers, my face hurled In my bauds." ItORcrs hmchtil vtlih the other pr ions present. lut he hlbt u mallsuant Blance at the Jester and. it Is said, nev er fully forgave hltu for tho bonmot. Out of Twenty Kinds the Oest. "Ship onoiRross Dr. .dondenhall'fl Chill and Fever Cilro. It Rives tho best satisfaction of about 2il brands I carry." J. 7t. HafTord. Drtipitlst. Rector, Ark. Children like l Sold on a signed Ruaranty by W B, Frame.